You can fool K-Lo all of the time
Oh Jesus, she’s at it again:
Deja Vu [Kathryn Jean Lopez]
This makes me primary mad all over again:
Prominent evangelical leaders are warning Sen. John McCain against picking former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney as his running mate, saying their troops will abandon the Republican ticket on Election Day if that happens.
They say Mr. Romney lacks trust on issues such as outlawing abortion and opposing same-sex marriage and because he is a Mormon. Opposition is particularly powerful among those who supported former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee in the Republican presidential primaries earlier this year.
“McCain and Romney would be like oil and water,” said evangelical novelist Tim LaHaye, who supported Mr. Huckabee. “We aren’t against Mormonism, but Romney is not a thoroughgoing evangelical and his flip-flopping on issues is understandable in a liberal state like Massachusetts, but our people won’t understand that.”
I started to get intense anti-Romney e-mail again a few weeks ago, when I wrote this anti-Huckabee column. When it comes to Romney, there is almost a religious fervor opposing him, despite a record of helping social conservatism in recent years.
“Almost” a religious fervor? Uh, no, K-Lo. It is literally a religious fervor.
See, right-wing Evangelicals maybe cuckoo for Coco Puffs, but they aren’t nearly as stupid as you are. They know that Bush and the GOP have used them for money and votes while not lifting a damn finger to seriously help their causes. Consider the GOP’s track record on law-breaking: they’ve been perfectly willing to break laws against torture and warrantless wiretapping, but they didn’t lift a damn finger to send in the National Guard to replace Terri Schiavo’s feeding tube. Priorities, people!
So yes: for all their craziness, the Christian Right will only eat so many platefuls of shit. And in Mitt Romney, they correctly see a dung heap the size of a large walrus.
I honestly don’t know why someone so successful would feel the need to continue play-acting, faking his way through conservatism just to be John McCain’s vice president (I find it hard to believe conservatives will ever get enthused in 2012 by someone who was a part of the McCain administration) or, worse, John McCain’s running mate on a losing ticket.
I mean, right? Why indeed would Romney want to deceive people about his true nature just to up his chances of getting a piddling, dead-end job like the vice president of the United States? After all, look at how unhappy Dick Cheney seems to be — when he’s not spending all his time cooped up in his undisclosed location, the poor guy is reduced to getting wasted and shooting his friends in the face with birdshot. Not to mention the poor guy’s pet project of invading Iran seems to be going nowhere. Who on Earth would want such a tedious and thankless job?
Mitt Romney — is an example of someone who came to the wisdom of conservatism through practical experience. He saw its reasonableness in the face of liberal overreach. We should want to embrace such conversions. We should want to encourage people to get Right.
Or we can fervently close the door to them and their contributions and fresh blood. What a good move for a movement that needs re-energization and recruits.
Mitt Romney is an example of someone who is stunningly and embarrassingly full of shit, even by the standards of modern politicians. The fact that he has failed to pass the smell test of notoriously gullible crackpots such as Tim Lahaye shows that his hangers-on are the very dimmest of bulbs. K-Lo, congratulations.
Oh yeah, I understand that burqa pic now. That face needs to go.
yeah, vice president of the United States for a guy in his 70’s whose just been diagnosed with his 4th recurrence of malignant melanoma. What’s the future in that, eh?
Will those fundies will be much happier with some Florida grapefruit?
Consider: Charlie Crist is getting engaged again. Whenever he risks girl cooties like that, he’s running for something.
I find it hard to believe conservatives will ever get enthused in 2012 by someone who was a part of the McCain administration
I find it interesting that K-Lo seems to assume McCain would be a one-term president, if he were to actually win this time out.
It should be legal to slap anyone this transparently, willfully STOOOOOPID. K-Lo, you are an embarrassment to your gender!
I wonder if the fundies will ever figure out that it might–just might–be better to work with a genuine Christian like Obama, who might differ in his beliefs (i.e., have a measure of tolerance for other human beings who do not think exactly like himself)–rather than be constantly pandered to, deceived, and mocked by faux-religious personality cultists like CheneyBushRove&Co. for the most cynical short term political gain. It’s unlikely but it could happen…couldn’t it?
I guess that would require fundies to adopt some of that same tolerance, and to believe in separation of church and state.
It would also require that the fundies themselves are Christian, and not just faux-religious personality cultists (I must say that joel osteen is so charismatic, though…where’s my checkbook)
Never mind. I just answered my own question.
K-Lo should really just fluff Romney and be done with it – her breathless prose in praise of her mancrush is pathetically juvenile to read. Just. EEEWWWW.
Thanks, Brad, for “dung heap the size of a large walrus”. It’s hard to make me laugh before 9:00 am.
First quoted sentence: Man, Awareness sees her coming and just runs in the opposite direction, doesn’t it?
Second quoted sentence: fervently close the door??? “I used an adverb! Yay, me!”
God, she’s awful. Just awful !
Mitt Romney is an example of someone who is stunningly and embarrassingly full of shit, even by the standards of modern politicians. The fact that he has failed to pass the smell test of notoriously gullible crackpots such as Tim Lahaye shows that his hangers-on are the very dimmest of bulbs. K-Lo, congratulations.
Golden. My hat off to you, sir.
It occurs to me that if stupidity caused actual physical pain, every right-wing pundit and blogger in the country would go silent.
All things considered, I was fairly proud of wingnut voters for straight up rejecting frauds like Romney and Ghouliani. Proud of little else they do, but there you go.
It occurs to me that if stupidity caused actual physical pain, every right-wing pundit and blogger in the country would go silent.
No, they’re not the sort to suffer in silence. And keeping quiet doesn’t make the stupid go away. In fact, now that I think of it, I’m glad stupidity doesn’t cause actual pain, because if it did, nobody who lives within ten miles of a wingnut pundit would ever get any sleep for all the yowling and crying.
Could K Lo be under attack perhaps by the surly troops of Huck’s Army? I can’t stand Romney, but the thought that he’s not enough of a theocrat for these freaks frightens me.
JC–yeah, great future, eh? But then most mentions of the year 2012 bring on discussions of “no future” it seems…..LOL….damn those Mayans.
McCain must pick Brownback as his mate. It is the only way to save the movement from schism.
I wonder if the fundies will ever figure out that it might–just might–be better to work with a genuine Christian like Obama
Dear God, think of the blastocysts! Won’t somebody please think of the blastocysts?
The fact is, Williard Mitt Romney is a sublimely talented politician and heartfelt conservative who would have brought this country to greater futures beyond the hill of our future had Juan McVain, who I now think is also a sublimely talented politician and heartfelt conservative but didn’t then, not stolen the nomination from Romney, who was going to win had he not been forced out by liberals who don’t understand the Heartland values that Romney promotes. If only you idiots would read Hugh Hewitt’s book about Romney, then you’d understand what makes him such a sublimely talented politician and heartfelt conservative.
God, she’s awful. Just awful !
And an awful editor to boot.
Will those fundies will be much happier with some Florida grapefruit?
Consider: Charlie Crist is getting engaged again. Whenever he risks girl cooties like that, he’s running for something.
Grapefruit, green iguanas. We love our flora and fauna down here. We just don’t know if people outside the state with love them as well.
Who could have foressen that McCain – and Huckabee and Thompson and … anybody else who still identifies with the Republican Party – would be just as bad? It seemed statistically impossible.
Fred Thompson for vice president!
Most disgusting crush: KLo and Romney or Richard Cohen and McCain? Discuss (or vomit if you prefer.)
Oh, javafascist, you think too small: can you say “foursome”?
I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: “O Lord make my enemies ridiculous.” And God granted it.
To continue a well-established internet tradition of going OT in K-Lo threads — I am now asking for suggestions for brew-pubs in Portland. Though I am confident that I will find some even without the suggestions.
I spent last night at the Elysium, trying pumpkin ales and jasmin-enhanced IPAs, but this afternoon the Clyde family will shake the dust of Seattle from our feet and move on to Portland.
Have I mentioned lately that tigrismus has a sick, twisted mind?
Just think – all Der Mittster would have to do is to dramatically “convert” to being a Southern Baptist, then proclaim that “I have seen the error of my ways” on TeeVee, & the flaming God-Nazis like La Haye would be lining up to toss his salad, damn near unanimously, without so much as a blink … Bush taught them nothing – these people just never tire of being played for total chumps by cynical power-whores in the GOP, EVER, & it just so happens their Good Book is thick with lavish praise of foolishness & ignorance, alongside disdain or outright contempt for any & all forms of intellectualism … methinks those two bits of trivia may be related in some remote fashion.
When I ran this pungent mound of mush through the StupidFilter, I got the result “text is not likely to be stupid” – so plainly, this software needs further refinement in terms of detecting catastrophically faulty semiotic content.
jim: “Just think – all Der Mittster would have to do is to dramatically “convert” to being a Southern Baptist, then…”
…the rumors would surface about Der Mittster’s “secret second wife” (or third, or fourth, or the underaged fifth..), and he wouldn’t even have an excuse any more!.
No, McSame may want McMittens for his McMoney, but he’ll have to keep his McMormonism under the McRug.
Nice hair though. Wonder how much he pays for haircuts.
The best summary of Mittens I’ve ever read:
“But I do not think I have ever seen a candidate who has moved so far, so quickly, so shamelessly and so cynically across the political spectrum as Mitt Romney. I say “cynically” because that’s what it is; it should be painfully obvious to anyone with clear political vision that Romney’s political conversion was borne out of nothing so much as pure calculation. He thought he could win as a conservative, so he became one. If he thought he could win as a pirate, he would have become a pirate.”
Gee, that sounds kinda familiar.
I have to say, I probably would vote for a guy running as a pirate.
If those bible thumpers would pony up some Romney-like cash then McAdulterer could afford to put Huckleberry on the ticket.
If he thought he could win as a pirate, he would have become a pirate.”
When he was running for governor in 2006 he famously participated in the gay pride parade through signs and flyers. Less remembered is the “flesh-pressing” he did afterward. You know, there is just no way of making “Mitt Romney is a bottom” surprising or interesting.
And yet, fail. Believe it or not, Mittens- Hooters Hewitt and K-Lo don’t represent a huge voting bloc.
He failed it by being a member of a heathen cult that isn’t the Moonies. LaHaye is one of those fundegelicals who’s skeptical of Catholicism, for goodness’ sake. Merely coming off as a completely unprincipled greedy fuck wouldn’t have caused LaHaye to bat an eyelash, if it weren’t for Moroni.
Sure he would. IOKIYAR. I mean, he’d be sharing the ticket with an adulterous wife-abandoning horndog whose second wife stole medicine from orphans. And Senator Vitter is still riding high (or whichever position he prefers at the whorehouse).
Brownback? Sheeeeeesh….a friend was on a plane with that guy about a month ago and the noble Senator actually said that the biggest threat we face as a country is “gay marriage”. It’s bad enough having that twat represent my part-time state but as veep? Yowsers.
Gary, Romney’s too robotic for my taste. Methinks he’s a fembot still.
“We should want to embrace such conversions. We should want to encourage people to get Right.”
And K-Lo should want to write in coherent English.
a movement that needs re-energization and recruits.
Srsly, I don’t want to know about K-Lo’s movement “re-energization” or any other information about her movements for that matter. Sometimes I start gagging and I just can’t stop.
Romney is a political Shmoo; he’ll be whatever you want.
BTW – Please refrain from posting that damn picture again! I visit during my lunch and it completely ruins it for me…
Besides just how wrong she is on her own movement – her writing just hurts my head. I mean it is so BAD. Junior high school bad.
Fervently? Fervently close the door? To them, their contributions and their fresh blood?
Like I said, crazy. Saturday. Have a good one.
This is the kind of writing that makes a person wish for illiteracy or even an early death. Someday, there will be a pill that purges such phrases from the brain. For now, all we can do is support bio-medical research, sponsor telethons, hold each other and pray.
K-Lo does have at least one use: I just found out by reading the Corner that Senator Ted “Bridge to Nowhere” Stevens has been indicted. Apparently she can post a link without fucking it up too badly. I think that’s about the limit of her capabilities, though.
Good fun. I had been told about a month ago that the Obama campaign seriously thought it could contend in Alaska and that they thought the Democrats could even take Stevens’ Senate seat. They sent a whole bunch of organizers up there. And now this.
My grill!
Are they any closer to indicting him for porking the nation for that stupid fucking bridge?
It is difficult to tell to what extent the rejection of Romney by the religious right is due to recognition of his insincerity or due to religious intolerance between one wacky sect and another. I would like to think it is the former. But no doubt there is some element of the latter.
It is bizarre how fundamentalists can look at the idiosyncrasies of the Mormon faith (e.g., its alternate pre-Columbian history of the Americas, its shifting policies based on revelatory dreams) and regard it as a cult, and yet accept all manner of equally crazy, arbitrary doctrine from their own church. When the doctrine is authorized by their church they have to put it into a special mental compartment isolated from reason. Yet they can look at another faith and recognize its absurdity. There must be so much denial and suppression going on for them to function without their heads exploding.
And here, via McClatchy, is the indictment (pdf).
They know that Bush and the GOP have used them for money and votes while not lifting a damn finger to seriously help their causes.
well, he did provide oodles of funding for sexual abstinence programs and supported their efforts to remove the teaching of evolution in public schools.
Smut, you might give Kell’s a try. Nice selection of beers and an excellent variety of single malts if you’re into that sort of thing. And I’m only a little hurt that you visited western Washington without stopping by for dinner.
If this is unedited, then Ted Stevens has the dubious honor of being a worse speaker than George W. Bush.
spencer: I find it interesting that K-Lo seems to assume McCain would be a one-term president, if he were to actually win this time out.
Indeed. I can envision several possible explanations:
1) She is too stupid to add 2008 and 8;
2) She is too stupid to check her work to ensure that she’s added properly;
3) She has, in her usual fashion, utterly committed herself to her colleagues’ proposal that McCain should pledge to serve only one term and is simply acting as though that is what will happen.
Please make the pain stop. It’s worse the being water-boarded. Read more.
jim: When I ran this pungent mound of mush through the StupidFilter, I got the result “text is not likely to be stupid”
The concept of the stupid filter intrigues me, and I would like to subscribe to its newsletter. The most recent stupid thing I read in blog comments (excluding the stuff that you guys make fun of over here) was a comment on a post about a rumor of a new mobile phone:
The verdict:Text is likely to be stupid.
It is difficult to tell to what extent the rejection of Romney by the religious right is due to recognition of his insincerity or due to religious intolerance between one wacky sect and another. I would like to think it is the former. But no doubt there is some element of the latter.
Agreed. These people don’t think that *McCain* is a sincere conservative, so it seems hard to believe that they’d ditch Mittens for him. From what I’ve heard, the dislike of Romney arose from some combination of three reasons:
1) He thinks he’s a Christian; they don’t think he’s a Christian. [Insert long discussion of finer points of faith here.]
2) He’s not reliably conservative.
3) He’s just…meh.
In fact, K-Lo is the only person I’ve ever encountered who really rejects (2). Most other Romney supporters tacitly acknowledged the issue by saying, in effect, “Yeah, we had to buy him, but we’re pretty sure he’ll stay bought.”
On the McCain for one term thing: What may be going on is that Lopez has internalized the silly discussion that has been going on at The Corner for a few weeks about how McCain should make a pledge to serve only one term. For some reason some Corner posters think this will help convince voters that he isn’t running because of personal ambition but rather commitment to the nation (Country first!) and also, somehow, sway hard-core conservatives to support him fully. I guess the thinking would be, “Oh, okay. McCain for four years, and then we run a real kook in 2012.”
In any event, they’ve been talking about this quite a bit at The Corner, regardless of the existence of evidence pro or con that McCain would entertain such a proposal.
Sorry, Trilateral Chairman. I didn’t see your 3.
Smut Clyde said:
To continue a well-established internet tradition of going OT in K-Lo threads — I am now asking for suggestions for brew-pubs in Portland.
Can’t help you in Portland, but if you make it to Bend, the Deschutes is a must.
How was the Moore Hotel? I was looking for a place to stay in Seattle next week; after you mentioned it I looked into it and booked two nights.
My Mom is proved right. IIRC she said that Romney would be a liability because of the evangelicals.
I will also pass along that my sister says Romney reminds her of the Lindbergh character in The Plot Against America.
This is the kind of writing that makes a person wish for illiteracy or even an early death.
I just got home from taking my son to a doctor’s appt. The receptionist was listening to country music. I was forced to hear Toby Fucking Keith “perform” a song. Did the Tobester leave any wingnut war-fellatin’ cliche unturned? No, no he did not! I was thankful I didn’t have an ice pick with me, or I would surely have punctured my eardrums.
Toby Keith is the musical equivalent of K-Lo.
K-Lo, you are an embarrassment to your gender!
Heck, she’s an embarassment to her species. Whatever it is.
Please, Senator McCain, please please PLEASE pick Mitt Romney as your running mate. Pretty please.
Once I fervently closed the door to some fresh blood and it didn’t work: it just seeped underneath. In my expert technical opinion you need submarine-type doors to keep fresh blood out. It still helps to close them fervently, but not as much as the sealing.
Just think – all Der Mittster would have to do is to dramatically “convert” to being a Southern Baptist, then proclaim that “I have seen the error of my ways” on TeeVee, & the flaming God-Nazis like La Haye would be lining up to toss his salad, damn near unanimously, without so much as a blink …
Nah Gah Happn. Willard’s much-(self)-vaunted Bidniz Acumen is founded on the tithes funneled from earnest Midwestern worker-bee Mormons through Willard’s fellow bishops into Bain (Vulture) Capital’s ponzi schemes. Romney’s “heartland-based capitalism” is the evil twin of Obama’s “grassroots politics” — without all those millions of small ‘love offerings’ looking for a place to aggregate, Mitt would be just another failed car salesman. Not that he wouldn’t dump the Deseret suckers in a heartbeat if he thought he could get away with it, but between failing to turn his Olympics “success” into a viable call for his
coronationnomination, and the Epic LOLZ of his latest efforts, it’s clear even to the no-Mensa-candidate Willard “Mitt” Romney that no group of Americans outside the Temple Garment Set is going to offer him any love, i.e., munney & power. Without such a marker, how could the NR editiorial board be sure she wouldn’t be mistaken for, you know, somebody important?As for K-Lo, she is the National Review version of Clarence Thomas. Because fReichtards are not subtle in their sense of humor, it is not enough that the Token House Girl be stupid, ugly, and even-more-marginally qualified for her position than such luminaries as the Doughy Pantload. She must also display a thoroughly risible and embarrassing sexual perversion — a pubic-hair-on-the-Coke-can, Mrs. Willard Romney phantasy — that will brand her lack of seriousness the way a red rubber nose brands the clown at a kiddy party.
In my expert technical opinion you need submarine-type doors to keep fresh blood out.
In a pinch, weather-stripping will keep it out, if your door is fitted properly.
For best results, use plastic sheeting and Ductape™.
I realize it’s a completely juvenile, petty comment, but K Lo’s little flag pin makes her head look unusually big.
And I’m only a little hurt that you visited western Washington without stopping by for dinner.
I was angling for an invitation a few threads ago, forgetting that K-Lo threads are not the best place to go off-topic, because the discussion of sammich-related activities tends to drown out everything else.
How was the Moore Hotel?
Nothing special, but comfortable enough, with helpful staff. I’d recommend it.