It really can’t get any stupider, can it?

Oh K-Lo. K-Lo, K-Lo, K-Lo. You can’t really be this dumb can you?

Just Curious [Kathryn Jean Lopez]

If Obama could go to Germany and give a speech in English and be not only understood but well-received, why does he say we all need to learn another language?

Similarly, why should kids ever learn to do addition, subtraction, multiplication and division if they have calculators to do it all for them? Hell, why should we bother teaching kids to read when they can just listen to books on tape? Game, set, match, LIE-beral scum! That’ll learn ya to try to teach our kids yer elitist “knowledge!”

At this rate, I expect the Republican Party’s platform will soon degenerate into a collection of grunting sounds and vaguely menacing snorts. Anything more than that will be too much for their intellects to handle.


Comments: 116


K-Lo’s string of posts has been just plain stupid…only stopped for a moment so Kathleen “Photoshopped” Parker could get in a few expected words o’whine about cliches and the like.


If a baby can cry and get held, fed and have it’s diaper changed, why should it learn to speak at all?


The dogpile of humorless snark that NRO generated over Obama’s speech almost makes me think that they had made up their minds BEFORE they heard what he had to say.

That couldn’t be, could it?

And could the motherfuckers PLEASE hire a real editor?


Please, you give them too much credit.


For responses from here on out, you no longer need shorters, or fiskings, or long, 3500 word tangents: you just need this.


I’ve said this, and then I of what it mean that, for years now I have vowed not to English.


She’s right. If our next President has the time to go to speak in a foreign country, he should at least have the decency to gain full fluency in that language before speaking publicly.


I often muse about the moniker of ‘Editor’ for K-Lo.

It’s a joke, right?

She is one of the dumbest wingnut bloggers, EvAr!!!1!.

I smell nepotism.


Or is that yesterdays festering taco salad?

Either way it stinks.


She’s right. She is just… curious.


I swear, if a pissed-off Zombie Bill Buckley returns to eat her brains, he’ll fucking starve…


That’s right, K-Lo! We’re special! Those other-countryers can learn our language just fine! No need for us to learn theirs! Hell, let’s make them BEG to learn English!

Hey, Germany? France? Where are you guys? We’ve got another war to start and we’re a little strapped right now …


If he had previously said Americans have no need to learn a foriegn language, then the Germans wouldn’t have recieved him so well, in any language.


Woah, Woah, K-Lo… English? That’s a foreign country isn’t it? Don’t you speak proper American like everyone should?


Be fair. She’s not that dumb for a conservative commentator.

I give her 5 IQ points over Thomas Sowell.

And she hasn’t been involved in any hit-and-run accidents lately.

Whiny Gramm American

I went over to the Crazed Nutjob® website at NRO via the link from this particular overstuffed Crazed Nutjob®. Boy Howdy! Just look at those blogs and their subjects (see below). EVERY SINGLE ONE is completely senseless! EVERY SINGLE ONE is mega-snark-worthy.

So many Crazed Nutjobs®, so little time!

THOMAS F. MADDEN: How will Berlin play in Peoria? “Old-World Embrace” 07/24 6:00 AM
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: We’ve grown accustomed to elites railing about America from the comfort of their own privilege. “The Sixties Won’t Go Away” 07/24 1:00 AM
ANDREW C. MCCARTHY: Hamdan did a lot more than mindlessly drive bin Laden from place to place. “Missing the Point on Hamdan” 07/24 7:30 AM
CLIFFORD D. MAY: Neville Chamberlain was a hawk compared with America’s antiwar Left. “Beyond Complacency” 07/24 12:00 AM
MCCARTHY: What to make of this week’s theater in Iraq? “Who Are the Iraqis?” 07/23 11:40 AM


Fortunately, the Indians already speak English (and 17 other languages). So the only other languages we need are Mandarin and Cantonese.


Did someone call for a Simple Answer to a Stupid Question?

You can’t really be this dumb can you?



Hey, even WE’RE smarter than K-Lo…


Shorter K-Lo – A crowd of Germans appeared to react to a speech, which should prompt the end of all foreign language education in the US.


We shouldn’t make cars, since the Japanese have that covered. We shouldn’t make movies, since they can do that in France. The Philipines can train nurses, China can handle our banking, Iran could print our currency, Israel could make our guns, and Canada could make our television programs. Our farmers should all quit, since Mexico can grow plenty of crops. Why do anything when foreigners can do it, too?

I love the occasional reduction of things to absurdity, but sheesh!


“norbizness said,

July 24, 2008 at 21:10

For responses from here on out, you no longer need shorters, or fiskings, or long, 3500 word tangents: you just need this.”

At first I thought this a somewhat superficial, glib attempt at crafting a Universal Rejoinder. Then I saw the woman holding the dead fish.

It’s perfect.


Since people who live in cities with names like San Francisco and Los Angeles and Sacramento and Santa Fe and El Paso and Boca Raton obviously understand Spanish, why should Mexicans who come to such cities learn English?


Don’t worry K-Lo, Obama won’t force you to learn English


The whine-fest that Obama’s speech has generated at NRO suggests to me that deep down, they’re worried, they’re really worried. Still, I’d like to get one of these idiots on a one-on-one live interview situation and challenge them on certain points.

One of them–in fact, it might have been K-LO–said “this speech could have been given ANYWHERE!” Right. That’s why Obama talked specifically about the BERLIN AIRLIFT. Another said it was all about him. False. It’s about America and Europe working together. And then, finally, there’s the idiocy about Reagan. Reagan had to BUS IN SUPPORTERS.
Boy, I’m looking forward to President Obama.


Whiny Gramm American said,

July 24, 2008 at 21:20

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: We’ve grown accustomed to elites railing about America from the comfort of their own privilege. “The Sixties Won’t Go Away” 07/24 1:00 AM

Shorter Victor D. Hanson: While I’m constantly making 60’s analogies to political opponents who have very little resemblance to 60’s politics, I hate the 60’s so much. Woe is me! Why won’t the 60’s just go away?!


You left out my favorite part:

I say that as a big proponent of Latin learning. But I’m guessing Obama had other languages in mind …

Obama is stupid to urge American children to learn Spanish, French, German, Mandarin, when they could be spending that time learning a dead language!

True, mastering Latin won’t help you to better compete in a global economy, but it’ll make it easier for the Pope to roll back Vatican II and reinstate the old Mass.


I like this one by Andy Holmes.

Pretty thin, not the stuff of history books. And so far the American public agrees. All of the hoopla leading up to this moment has been in the press — not in the polling. Obama has yet to see a Berlin bounce. Maybe the visuals will help. The text was forgettable.

It was posted at 2:29.

I don’t know, guys. This looks bad. One hour and 9 minutes after Obama began speaking and we still don’t see any results in the tracking polls.


No, K-Lo, you aren’t curious. Curious implies a desire to learn. Your only desire is to bray like a jackass about someone imploring you to better yourself. You sound like a spoiled teenager, you halfwit.


Lemmie see if I get this:

Germans demonstrating bi-lingualness by listening in their non-native tongue means Americans shouldn’t have to learn a second language. Because all Europeans know 2 languages. This proves that people should only know one language.

My head fucking hurts from this, bastards.


I always figured the point of Latin Mass was that the audience didn’t understand what was being said, or something like that. If I had found a Latin Mass, and the homily/sermon were also in Latin, I would probably still be a churchgoer. Seriously, dude in a robe, what are you on about?

Typical Republican

My first instinct is to assume that conservative commentators who have been wrong about everything else are right about Obama even when the things they say about Obama are contradictory.

Liberals. Hmf.

Typical Republican

Germans demonstrating bi-lingualness by listening in their non-native tongue means Americans shouldn’t have to learn a second language. Because all Europeans know 2 languages. This proves that people should only know one language.


Liberals. Hmf.


K-Lo seems to be quite fluent in Artichoke and several other vegetable languages.


I’m not learning English, since I have no plans to ever go to England.


Having lived in Germany for a spell, I assure K-lo that although most Germans are very nice people who will happily oblige you with ‘Merican, some don’t know a lick of it. Being in their hood, have you, can be difficult without it.

I am sure Kath gets muy pissed off if some illegal demon speaks “the language which should never be printed on a bus sign” around her.


sagra said,

July 24, 2008 at 21:47

I like this one by Andy Holmes.

Pretty thin, not the stuff of history books. And so far the American public agrees. All of the hoopla leading up to this moment has been in the press — not in the polling. Obama has yet to see a Berlin bounce. Maybe the visuals will help. The text was forgettable.

It was posted at 2:29.

I don’t know, guys. This looks bad. One hour and 9 minutes after Obama began speaking and we still don’t see any results in the tracking polls.

LMAO. Apparently, in Andy Holmes’s world, everyone is equipped with one of those dial controls that marketers use to test a product on an audience before it gets sold to the public.


<iThe whine-fest that Obama’s speech has generated at NRO suggests to me that deep down, they’re worried, they’re really worried.

There has been a gradual rise in the volume of howling and cage rattling over the last few weeks. They sense at some deep level that something very bad is coming – almost like the way wild animals can instinctively anticipate an earthquake.


Don’t you just want to pinch her cute little pink cheeks?

Found this right below K-Lo’s craziness.

I’m going 3-1 on them not knowing that the Onion is satirical.


There has been a gradual rise in the volume of howling and cage rattling over the last few weeks.

Don’t forget the poo-flinging. The poo-flinging is out of control!!


I think she’s right. Hell, we’ve had a president for seven years who can’t communicate in English, and we’ve turned out OK.

Oh, wait…


If Obama could go to Germany and give a speech in English and be not only understood but well-received, why does he say we all need to learn another language?

If there are already political websites, not only understandable but well-written ones, why does she think she needs to be part of another website? Because to be honest hers kind of sucks.


“I always figured the point of Latin Mass was that the audience didn’t understand what was being said, or something like that. ”

Well, Doctorb, as a former altar boy (one of several who were not seriously molested–I worry about what that says about young me), I can say that the main point of Latin mass was that we and the priest could go faster than hell, and only a couple of really old ladies would know if we missed anything. Particularly valuable at very early weekday masses.


At this rate, I expect the Republican Party’s platform will soon degenerate into a collection of grunting sounds and vaguely menacing snorts. Anything more than that will be too much for their intellects to handle.


Where have you been?


I will say this- I neither mind nor care if Obama can’t wrap up the all-important quasi-literate Romney worshipping pundit moron demographic; even if pathetic shills like K-Lo had anything to bring to the table, their ad hoc fu is so strong that Obama would never stand a chance in their pea brains. Look at that slate of stupid and try to tell me that they didn’t already have their minds 6000% made up.

I think it’s worth noting that Kathleen Parker went out of her way to defend George Allen’s macaca moment, but thinks that Obama’s speech today was teh suxxors. There’s you some interesting priorities.


Althouse in the house:

I guess we’re not supposed to think about how Obama wanted and still wants to give up on the Iraq war. Surely, if he’d been there in 1948, he would have said the Berlin airlift is hopeless. He thought the surge was hopeless.

I won’t excerpt the rest of the speech. You can read it, but I’ll summarize: Come on, people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together, try to love one another, right now.


How do you even reply to that?

Shorter Wingnutosphere

Obama would have abandoned __________________________ just like he wants to abandon Iraq! Woo! Everything must be shoehorned into simplistic analogies cuz that’s how I likes it!


“Similarly, why should kids ever learn to do addition, subtraction, multiplication and division if they have calculators to do it all for them?”

No, no, no. The question is, why should American kids ever learn to do addition, subtraction, multiplication and division if they have Europeans to do it all for them? I think that’s a more accurate logical analogue, in any event.


God that is one ugly bitch! Please post a picture of J-lo went referencing K-load of shit!


I guess we’re not supposed to think

And she’s been doing a damn fine job of it, too.


But at least they’ll be grunting in sounds that once were English!


God that is one ugly bitch!

You can always tell a stealth wingnut. This is the way they actually think, but they have to pretend to be liberals to actually voice it. Pathetic.


She isn’t at all attractive.

But I thought that before I ever saw her picture.


With a month until the convention and almost four months to the election, I cringe at what we’ve yet to see.


Thinking to much gives you wrinkles. Who wants some strawberry ice cream?


Realist said,

July 24, 2008 at 21:24

Did someone call for a Simple Answer to a Stupid Question?

You can’t really be this dumb can you?


No, I was looking for a Snappy Answer to a Stupid Question.
Whither Al Jaffee?


They will get dumber.

I don’t know how, but they will.


“They will get dumber.

I don’t know how, but they will.”

Stupider than “Obama is the black Hitler?” That would be…impressive.


Stupider than “Obama is the black Hitler?” That would be…impressive.

That will be impressive, you mean. Hoosier X is right. I don’t know how they’ll do it either, but they’ll do it.


I won’t excerpt the rest of the speech. You can read it, but I’ll summarize: Come on, people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together, try to love one another, right now. — Ann Althouse

Any other geezers in the house remember when that song was semi-seriously considered to become the new national anthem?

As for Ms. Althouse, the number of ways in which she is invited to, what’s that internet tradition? — “tonguejack my shitbox”? — is googleplex times infinity plus one.


Shorter (well, not really) K. Lopez by way of P. Ruffini:

If Obama could go to Germany and give a speech in English and be not only understood but well-received, why did he have to print his posters in another language?

She may not be that stupid — though all signs point to “yes,” and the ghosts of Strunk and White wail at her title of “editor” — but non-sequiter dumbassery is all they have left.

Bring on November!


Any other geezers in the house remember when that song was semi-seriously considered to become the new national anthem?

I wish I could. I went to college in the 80s, which were depressingly similar to the present day (or at least a couple years ago) in terms of wingnut triumphalism. Somewhat less batshit crazy but more nukey.

Even if Althouse were right and that was an accurate shorter Obama, what’s her problem with it? That it’s allegedly vapid, or just that it’s non-bloodthirsty?


I guess we’re not supposed to think about how Obama wanted and still wants to give up on the Iraq war. Surely, if he’d been there in 1948, he would have said the Berlin airlift is hopeless. He thought the surge was hopeless.

Sweet suffering FSM, was Althouse stoned over the last week since Maliki endorsed Obama’s plan for withdrawal, and even Bush agreed to a “time horizon”?!?! Did she miss the memo?

In Vino Veritas

Doesn’t the post make Obama’s point? Ze Germans, presumably, have learned a language other than their native tongue, which allows the, to appreciate a speech in English.


Doesn’t the post make Obama’s point?

I think you’re right, but I think the wingnuts believe that nothing said in non-English is worth hearing.


I guess we’re not supposed to think about how Obama wanted and still wants to give up on the Iraq war. Surely, if he’d been there in 1948, he would have said the Berlin airlift is hopeless. He thought the surge was hopeless.

Yes, because airlifting badly needed food and supplies to our starving allies is exactly like occupying a foreign nation against the wishes of that nation’s leaders and people. It’s pretty much identical, really. In fact, future historians won’t be calling it the “Iraq War,” they’ll call it “Berlin Airlift II: Totally Rad.”

It’s obvious we can’t trust Obama’s judgment. Can you imagine that he thinks the surge was a failure? Why, we’ve slightly reduced violence in a single city by facilitating ethnic and religious stratification if not outright ethnic cleansing and then bribing the various factions with cold hard cash to stop killing each other for awhile. In other words, victory, but not like victory where the troops come home or anything silly like that. Why, any man who sees a problem with all of that is clearly not fit to be President.

Oh, and next some Obots will claim that just because a majority of American citizens want to “give up” and pull out of Iraq, that Obama’s plan to pull out of Iraq somehow represents the will of the American people. Again, this just shows how unserious Obama is. If the American people truly wanted to leave Iraq, wouldn’t Cokie Roberts tell us so? What should a true President believe, some silly polls or our highly paid and attractive media personalities?


If the American people truly wanted to leave Iraq, wouldn’t Cokie Roberts tell us so? What should a true President believe, some silly polls or our highly paid and attractive media personalities?


a concerned citizen

If Obama can just go around and ask people to send him money and not only be understood but well-received, why does he say we all need to get jobs?


This woman is a mindless idiot.


Oh, it must definitely can get stupider, and it will. Wait until after the conventions, when Obama opens up his polling lead. So much stupid will rain down from the right-wing blogs, the National Hurricane Center will have to assign to the deluge one of this year’s storm names.


At this rate, I expect the Republican Party’s platform will soon degenerate into a collection of grunting sounds and vaguely menacing snorts.

I thought it already had.


We should all be required to speak the native language of this great land . . . . Apache!
Steve Martin


..okay, I’m convinced.
The whole point of that blog is to have something for the people who voted for Bush to feel superior to.


Jesus Christ on a bed of risotto. K-Load dares to ask why Germans can’t learn English when her writing skills could charitably be compared to something you get if the cat jumped on the keyboard?

The mind boggles.


great wisdom from the uni-brow.


I’m pretty sure KLo has her job because it makes all the boys of the corner feel much smarter than they really are.


It is quite obvious that K-Lo has never learned any of those things and has done quite well off of wingnut welfare. Therefor everybody should be as mind numbingly pig ignorant as she is.


She’s wearing an ‘Murican flag pin– therefore she cannot be stupid!

But I wonder when she’s gonna Anglicize/ Englishify that last name, “Lopez”– that sounds suspiciously Mex’can to me. May I recommend: Loopies? Sounds like a breakfast cereal, far more wholesome than the language of those brown people who we employ to trim our lawns and smuggle our recreational drugs.


They’ve really got Obama in a bind now.

K.J. Lopez at 7:55 PM:


I read that Obama had 200,000 people at his rally today. The pope has him beat — my friends at The National Catholic Register tell me “nearly 300,000” went to see B16 last weekend in Australia. It’s not that my faith would have been tested had Obama managed more. But I can’t speak for stricter numbers watchers, so I like the safety in bigger papal numbers.

Ha! Nice try, Obama, but you can’t cut it against the Infallible One. Maybe McCain will pick him as his running mate. Then he could have really big rallies, too.

M. Hemingway at 8:23 PM:

Who’s Time Is It, Anyway?

Barack Obama in Minnesota on June 3, on winning the Democratic nomination:

“America, this is our moment. This is our time”

Barack Obama in Berlin today:

“People of Berlin — people of the world — this is our moment. This is our time”

The jig is up, Obama! The Corner has totally burned you! Totally!


Is K-Lo an illegal? Did NRO hire her as an editor because they didn’t want to pay the whole minimum wage? She may claim to be an American, but until we have our experts check the kerning on her birth certificate we can’t be certain.


Nah, she married this itinerant farm worker who was DESPERATE to stay in the US. It was a perfect deal. He got citizenship, she got an hour and a half of dick, and she was proud enough of that she kept the name.

Even though it was false…



The whole point of that blog is to have something for the people who voted for Bush to feel superior to.

Is it working?


…… It really can’t get any stupider, can it? ……

Oh, come on. Haven’t you learned anything?


Is it working?

Hard to be sure. We’d have to find somebody who doesn’t blog there and will admit to voting for Bush to ask about it.


This plan might not work out for her when the Germans start learning Chinese as their second language rather than English. Not that she would probably pick up on it. By the way, did you really have to put the picture of her there. It isn’t very nice when that pops up on the damn screen.


Mark Hemingway @ NRO: Who’s Time Is It, Anyway?

Good grief.

I wonder if Buckley dies again each and every time this sort of illiteracy is posted over there.


She may claim to be an American, but until we have our experts check the kerning on her birth certificate we can’t be certain.

Alert techdude, Stat!


ooga booga, urgh *cough* snortch pphhht! *fart*

take that, K-lo!


I wonder if Buckley dies again each and every time this sort of illiteracy is posted over there.

If there’s a Hell, for Buckley it’s being chained to a cheapass Walmart desk in a trailer in Kansas, being made to read the screeds emitted by his successors.


Anything is possible with that slippery one. If it serves her purpose in her moment, she will baptize it as legit. She’s well oiled. She’s old enough to have crafted the style to its shiny surface.


Learning another language is an excellent way to expand one’s mind while also improving one’s marketability to employers – which sums up perfectly why it mystifies or frightens those folks who either get their “jobs” via nepotism/cronyism, or are too well off from birth to give a damn about petty matters like their resume. Or those who’ve mastered the Wingnut Welfare gravy-train to perfection, endlessly puking out one ill-conceived mound of steaming poot after the next via their PC, too smug to spell-check let alone re-read what they’ve just excreted.

One of my few regrets in life is having never learned another language … but unlike Ms. Lopez, I have at least obtained nominal competence in my own.


Anything is possible with that slippery one. If it serves her purpose in her moment, she will baptize it as legit. She’s well oiled. She’s old enough to have crafted the style to its shiny surface.

I think I just threw up a little.


oops…don’t follow that URL, all that enter there are damned…stupid.


One of my few regrets in life is having never learned another language …

It’s never too late, though it is a lot of work when you’re an adult. I’ve never learned another language to fluency, but I can get by in Spanish, sort of. That made traveling in Mexico much more fun – my conversations with the locals weren’t very deep, but I could tell that they appreciated an American making the effort instead of just assuming they’d understand me if I yelled at them.


Obama would have abandoned __________________________ just like he wants to abandon Iraq!

Oooh! I know that one! The answer is, “his wife, in the hospital!”

Oh, wait. That was Newt Gingrich.

How about, “his wife, who’d stuck by him the whole time he was a prisoner of war, but who had the poor taste to get into a bad car accident?”

Oh. That was McCain?

Have to keep thinking about this…


Can someone please explain to me how I can get a job being a complete fool?

I’m not sure I could do it, but FSM knows I’d like to try.

K. Lo. is one serious bad hire. And keeping her around is just plain embarrassing, not just to what’s left of the conservative movement, but to higher primates everywhere.


I think you’re right, but I think the wingnuts believe that nothing said in non-English is worth hearing.

Tap, tap …

They like to hear that.


“I guess we’re not supposed to think about how Obama wanted and still wants to give up on the Iraq war. Surely, if he’d been there in 1948, he would have said the Berlin airlift is hopeless”

If she had her way, the fucking Berlin airlift would still be going on.


Nah, she married this itinerant farm worker who was DESPERATE to stay in the US. It was a perfect deal. He got citizenship, she got an hour and a half of dick, and she was proud enough of that she kept the name.

Mikey, the picture that formed in my mind when I read that will take a long time to dissipate. And I’m back out of the drug zone now too.

Shorter Glenn Reynolds on Obama's speech/trip

Heh. (sobs, attempts to find links from pathetic douchebags)


I want to slap that woman’s pancake face!

Shorter Shakesville aka LadyInstapundit posters

The carnage

That K-Lo. She’s onto something.


Shorter Shakesville aka LadyInstapundit posters said,
July 25, 2008 at 5:57 (kill)

God the LadyInstapundit thing is tiresome. Go have your issues over there please.


I can’t believe we have two parties that can be broken down to “please learn what you can” and “don’t you dare learn nothin’.” And that its still a competitive race between the two!

On the other hand, I suspect its a good thing for democrats that the the GOP is doing all they can to make sure the ranks of their future generations will be the most illiterate, uneducated, and overall stupidest Americans of all time. Eventually they should get too dumb to even understand the concept of an election.


In vino veritas saith,

Doesn’t the post make Obama’s point? Ze Germans, presumably, have learned a language other than their native tongue, which allows the, to appreciate a speech in English.

Au contraire, this is central to my point. They learned a foreign language, and all they got was a speech by Black Hitler. We learn a foreign language, and what do we get?– maybe we can hear a speech by some Uro-peon.


[…] K-LO and PaTrick RUFFin1 has hAv h4d it eZackly right. BaRr4k HoozEin OBAMA aRe trieying to Make us TOCK FORR1N J1BBER J4BB3R! Andd IT iS wUrs th4n U thank! […]


I’m convinced that K-Lo has been channeling Jack Handy.


Just how low could a k-lo go if a k-lo could go low(er)?


Hey K-Lo: Fat, ugly, stupid, and unpenetrated is no way to go through life.


There’s a solution for all, even the K-Lo. Recognize “speaking in tongues” as an official language, and the righteous are all set. The rest of us are doomed to a life of esperanto and box turtle hijinx.


“…I suspect its a good thing for democrats that the the GOP is doing all they can to make sure the ranks of their future generations will be the most illiterate, uneducated, and overall stupidest Americans of all time.”

Oh it’s even more mendacious than that. The leadership’s kids go to private schools and get all kinds of help and enrichment. It’s the sheep, like K-Lo and Debbie and Tom “Jesus whispers to me while I’m sitting on the pot” Kovacs who have been convinced to accept their trailer trash lot.

You don’t need no book larnin’ if your only ambition is to drool admiringly at the latest authoritarian.

Puzzled World Language Conspiracist

What other language did Obama have in mind… (The three dots of very seriousness).
Curses our plan to teach the world to sing in Perfect Harmony is exposed!!!


Then what about Esperanto!

At least nine British MP’s have had the courage to nominate this new global language for the Nobel Peace Prize 2008.

Detail can be seen at


[…] economically illiterate. But remember, we do live in a country where presidential candidates are roundly criticized for suggesting that our children learn foreign languages, so you’ve gotta expect […]


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