Der Shocker

Patrick Ruffini, another one of those puzzlingly well-placed Republican blogger-consultant-columnist-Webmaster-operatives, as well as a general all-around cigar cutter and Kool-Aid drug mule, thinks he’s found a good one:

Obama Campaign Prints German-language Flyers for Berlin Rally
by Patrick Ruffini | July 22, 2008 at 10:36 PM

This is pretty extraordinary. A candidate for the American Presidency is using flyers printed in German to turn people out for his campaign rally in Berlin on Thursday. This flyer can be found on a bilingual page on advertising the event:

The German flyers bear Obama’s campaign logo and say “Paid for by Obama for America.”

Get that? …For America! For America! But it’s in German!!!

I’m surprised at this lapse in judgment in an otherwise well-oiled and professional Obama campaign. The last time they printed up campaign paraphenalia in a foreign language, it didn’t work out so hot for them.

Here he’s referring to the tongue spoken in Lata, and also in its former colonies in Latin America. This attempt to pander to the Latts was widely derided by fellows such as Patrick Ruffini (whose name means “Patrick, the Little Ruff” in his native dialect of Miscegenated Catholic Immigrant). When English is declared as the official language of the United States, there’ll be no more of this ‘Novus Ordo Seclorum’ and ‘Semper Fidelis,’ not to mention ‘Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc’ or what’s that other one? Oh yeah, ‘E Pluribus Unum.’ It’s a veritable Tower of Babel; it’s tearing this country apart.

So, this isn’t just some sober, high-minded foreign policy speech, part of a foreign trip occurring under the auspices of his official Senate office. It is a campaign rally occuring on foreign soil. They are using the same tactics to turn out Germans to an event as they would to any rally right here in America.

Tactics like telling people where the event will be, and at what time.

This after Obama’s campaign said this:

“It is not going to be a political speech,” said a senior foreign policy adviser, who spoke to reporters on background. “When the president of the United States goes and gives a speech, it is not a political speech or a political rally.

“But he is not president of the United States,” a reporter reminded the adviser.

And he therefore has no right to travel overseas and speak to foreigners. Has he forgotten that there are foreigners who want to kill us? This unconditional meeting-with-foreigners sends a dangerous message, emboldening those who have rejected America by choosing to back foreign regimes, etc.

The sea of Germans drummed up by the Obama campaign…

Are we alone in picturing the following?

Above: Screee-eee-eee!

…will be used as props to tell us Americans how to vote, and the campaign isn’t trying to pretend otherwise.

…As is demonstrated by the campaign saying otherwise without declaring it to be Backwards Day — because if it is Backwards Day, they must backwardsly not declare it to be; and you can see how their little scheme falls apart from there. Also noted: Whenever Germans do something, Americans are helpless not to follow. Cases in point: Klaus Nomi, Zungenwurst, der Urin-Therapie.

But the campaign is clearly attempting to make it seem as if Obama can attract an audience, using the crowds that attend Obama events as pawns in their crooked game. These cynical attempts to make the candidate look good, and thus to tell us how to vote, are beyond the bounds of acceptable discourse.

On the other hand [heh heh], do you know who else used to drum up a sea of Germans to be used as props, and who did not try to pretend otherwise? [heh heh] I’m not going to say, but he sure did cause quite a “furor.” [heh heh]

That’s breathtakingly arrogant, and par for the course for Barack Obama.

So to sum up: The sea of Germans drummed up will be used as props, and while this is breathtaking, it is par for the course. That would be a geographic metaphor, a music or sales metaphor, a stage or film metaphor, a metaphor based on a bodily sensation, and then a golf metaphor, all smashed together like the cars of a wrecked circus train.

Yes, we’ll go for the cheap shot. ‘Arrogance’ is writing a broadside like Ruffini’s, and doing it in such crappy English.

Update: Ruffini responds via Twitter:

Anyone who thinks that the issue is a German flyer in Germany is a nitwit. The issue is electioneering on foreign soil and personality cult

Anyone who thinks we’ve been making fun of Patrick Ruffini’s political utterings is a nitwit. The issue is shiny suits and ‘the wet look’:

[Hanx! Dragon-King Wangchuck]


Comments: 111



Oops…sorry, wrong blog.


What frackin’ language does he want them to print them in?

All of this begs the question: Is this guy for reals, or a clever fake?


CA, you’re always pulling the Firepup.


“Breathtakingly arrogant” = “uppity nigger.”

You know, this “Obama is Black Hitler” meme is really getting a lot of play these days. I predict it will come up at every public appearance of Obama’s that draws a crowd of more than 100 people from now until the election. Really, it’s just about all they’ve got.


I heard that Obama plans on saying, “Hello, Berlin!” at this event. In German. Which is not English. I also heard that Obama will not play “Free Bird” no matter how many people yell it out – in German or otherwise.


DId Ruffini say Obama is just like Hitler just before (or after) saying that he wasn’t saying that Obama is just like Hitler?

I get all goose-pimply when they do that.


If I am elected president, the use of foreign languages will be forbidden, both in America and in not-yet-America.


It has a certain logic. It is a well-known fact that if Hitler had won WWII we would all be speaking German. Since we won the war, Germans should be expected to speak English.


I’d gloat about this, but the Germans don’t have a word for “schadenfreude”.


That’s breathtakingly arrogant,for a negro to run for President, and par for the course for Barack Obama.



“It is a campaign rally occuring on foreign soil.”

So what. How many thousands of American service people and families along with ex-pats live in Germany? Apparently their votes are not worth being courted and/or counted?

One would tend to think it is a pretty sharp move to try and appeal to them. Those votes could make the difference in a close election.

Greatest Generation Guy

What’s this we stuff, youngster?

Innocent Bystander

Because, obviously, Germans should have no interest in which President is elected. I’m sure they perceive no difference between Barack or John McCain…who seems ready to jumpstart that Cold War with Russia again. I’m also sure that the Iraqi’s also have no interest in who wins this election, just like they didn’t care in 2004.

While the rest of the world can’t vote in our election, our choice might impact their lives. I suspect that the Germans will be sending the American electorate a message by the number of people who’ll be showing up to cheer Obama on.

Shorter Wingnutosphere

Obama being popular is a hideous, evil thing. Central to our point, etc.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

In his comment thread, here’s his walkback:

The issue isn’t a German flyer in Germany.

It’s electioneering on foreign soil.

So he’s not really complaining that the flyer is in German (that just makes a good jumping off point) by that there is any flyer at all.

The comment thread is quite enlightening as he appears to have a good mix of ditto-heads and non-mouth-breathers, including the one who replied to the above comment with:

Isn’t this exactly what McCain just did in Canada and Colombia a few weeks ago? He gave speeches there, too. I think this is a general rite of passage for presidential party nominees: going on a foreign trip sometime before the convention, so as to “look presidential.”

(links mine)


just to be clear Ruffini is an idiot.

When I lived in Berlin in the 80’s I had a very hard time learning German as all my German friends refused to speak German with me because they wanted to practice their English. The neighbor kid was discussing the role of women in Faulkner in her high school english class and couldn’t graduate without speaking english fluently. So. in my experience one hell of a lot of Germans speak English better than many Americans.
But to print the flyer in English would been a stupid mistake even considering the many thousands of Americans that vote who live in Berlin and that’s not even counting the many thousands of American military stationed there.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Well one of the links mine. Here’s the Canada one:

WordPress sucks.


In my neck of the woods, McCain’s latest campaign ad blames high gas prices on Obama. Has anyone else seen this?


i have a klaus nomi song from “Urgh, A Music War” which is well worth picking up as a DVD for the fine XTC stuff and various and sundry assorted others (999’s only good song, “Homicide”, for instance, and a very good Wall of Voodoo track.)


The question remains, is Barak Obama a jelly donut?

Typical Republican

Isn’t this exactly what McCain just did in Canada and Colombia a few weeks ago?

It’s OK for John McCain because he is a Republican.

(Trumped them with that one. There’ll be no response to that, heh heh.)

Liberals. Hmf.


In my neck of the woods, McCain’s latest campaign ad blames high gas prices on Obama. Has anyone else seen this?

He is also to blame for rap lyrics, male pattern baldness, and the empty milk gallon that somebody put back in the refrigerator.

Flappy McScrotum

With a title like “Der Shocker” I was hoping to see the offical shocker image photoshoped into something. I feel so let down.


Robert, is there an official DVD of Urgh! out? There’s a decent laserdisk copied onto DVD version floating around, but I didn’t think they could release the thing officially on DVD due to rights issues. Which sucks, because there are 3 songs from every band in the original film – rather than the 1-song 120 minute VHS/Laser version or the 88 minute TV version – which would make a hell of a two-disc set.


To call this fatuous would be a compliment.


“In my neck of the woods, McCain’s latest campaign ad blames high gas prices on Obama. Has anyone else seen this?”

I’ve seen it too. In one instance it came on when I was at the gym, and Iooked around to read the reactions of other folks – a “huh?” expression was the most common reaction.

Re the German flyer. The wingtards are simply pissed that their concept of “the world” involves Americans, i.e. good people, and not-Americans, i.e. people who can shut the fuck up. Barack is the face of modernity, GOPers, hence, you know, talking to people other than Whitey von Whitey Pants. McCain can’t even work a fucking Google properly.


“Tactics like telling people where the event will be, and at what time.”

He’s fiendishly clever, that one. Definitely the Anti-Christ.

monkey knife fight

According to the right wing, you are allowed to this, and this only, when on foreign soil: linky.


Patrick Ruffini is a major tool. As evidenced by his tool name and his tool hairdo. (I don’t actually know what his hair looks like, but it would be irresponsible not to speculate.)

His and other wingnuts problem with Obama (who should perhaps be called “Bam-o!!”) is that he APPARENTLY IS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT. The NERVE!!


Big shots argue about what they’ve got
making the planet so hot, hot as a holocaust.
Blow up, everything’s gonna go up
even if you don’t show up in your Chemise Lacoste.

Total eclipse, it’s a total eclipse,
it’s a total eclipse of the sun.
Can’t come to grips with the total eclipse
Just a slip of the lips and you’re done.

Fall out, nobody left to crawl out
If someone calls, we’re all out, turning in to French fries
Last dance, let the entire cast dance, do the dismembered blast dance
as we get atomized!

Total eclipse, it’s a total eclipse,
it’s a total eclipse of the sun.
Can’t come to grips with the total eclipse
Just a slip of the lips and you’re done.


He is also to blame for rap lyrics, male pattern baldness, and the empty milk gallon that somebody put back in the refrigerator.

My cramps are worse and there are far more dandelions in the lawn this summer. Coincidence? I think not.


(I don’t actually know what his hair looks like, but it would be irresponsible not to speculate.)

You weren’t wrong about that.


I genuinely am beginning to fear for my tile grout…



Tactics like telling people where the event will be, and at what time.

As a card-carrying member of more than 12 German Expert associations (not to mention the fact that I’ve eaten several bratwursts in my lifetime), I can tell you with certainty this poster announces and islamonazifasco-terrorism rally.


Dragon-King Wangchuck

My cramps are worse and there are far more dandelions in the lawn this summer. Coincidence? I think not.

Well, at least there is a summer. If it weren’t for the surge of American troops in Baghdad, we’d all be living in perpetual winter.



What’s creepy is Ruffini has a Flickr page where he’s actually done screen caps of his myObama page. But it wait for it, folks!

On these pages he’s printed up the DNC Voter Contact lists of all his neighbors and has fuzzed them out so you can’t read them.

WTF is he doing? Stalking? Taking names in his little volksbook?

Here’s his Flickr page:


Rally organizers estimate they will release up to 99 Luftballons. Note that Obama is also “Big in Japan.”


Bitte benutzen Sie die öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel



Somethings out there…

Hemlock for Gadflies

Nothing chaps my buns more than an effete, latte-sipping, passport-holding, Harvard-educated not-in-touch-with-the-common-redneck elitist going to a foreign country and having the unmitigated gall to engage the ferners there in their own heathen tongue. I read the Bible. If English was good enough fer Our Lordensayvyer, it’s good enough for some Kraut-Hun-Nazzy-Gemermans.


So, the talk about learning Spanish a few weeks ago was a ruse. He really is going to make us learn German because he is the muslim Hitler. I assume the caliphate will still be administered in Arabic.

I’m beginning to understand.

Hemlock for Gadflies

BREAKING! Ruffini learns from “highly placed inside sources” that arrogant Obama camp will arrogantly play original versions of “Der Kommissar” and “99 Luftballons” at Berlin event (arrogantly) instead of playing far superior, not-at-all-cheesy MTV Americanese versions.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

re: Ruffini’s walkback
Here’s his statement on it:

Anyone who thinks that the issue is a German flyer in Germany is a nitwit. The issue is electioneering on foreign soil and personality cult


A candidate for the American Presidency is using flyers printed in German to turn people out for his campaign rally in Berlin on Thursday. This flyer can be found on a bilingual page on advertising the event


I’m surprised at this lapse in judgment in an otherwise well-oiled and professional Obama campaign. The last time they printed up campaign paraphenalia in a foreign language, it didn’t work out so hot for them.

I guess it is our faults for assuming he meant what he was saying.


Patrick Ruffini is an online political strategist, blogger, and wearer of many hats

Many Hats? I smell Photoshop Contest!!


Vote for Obama you silly Americans or I’ll eat Amadeus’ brains!!!


So has McCain himself made any comments about Obama’s trip to Prussia yet?


I’ve been waiting for someone to flip out over this.

I’m also pleased to see that this whole Berlin thing take[s his] breath away.

As to this being Foreignia: German media (in German, if you can believe it) notes the presence of 20,000 or so USAmericans in Berlin. I’m sure there are thousands more in the other, non-Berlin parts of Foreignia (there’s one in my room, in fact). So it wouldn’t be absurd for Barry X to campaign here.


Clearly, Gavin, you, like all the rest of the LIE-bral blogonazisphere, are happily ignoring the impact that Obama’s ‘Nuremberg’ speech will have on Germany’s Eleventy Billion Gazillion electoral votes. Probably because you’re too busy hating American and shipping more 7.62 rounds to your friends in Afghanistan and New America (or the new state of Bush. I don’t think they’ve finalized the name yet.)

I’ve said before how a lot of the bullshit we’re dealing with now from the wingnuts stems directly from how mind-bendingly pissed off they are at their parents for actually having done some good, and fought a real war that was heroic and successful and glorious (as much as war can be, anyways). I mean, seriously? He goes to hold a speech in a foreign country, and immediately he’s doing the EXACT SAME THINGS THE NAZIS DID! Maybe THIS war will be the one that let us finally tell our stupid parents to go fuck themselves!

By that logic, how come they aren’t screaming over anytime Obama goes on a late night show? Wasn’t one British Invasion enough for America, what with all the moptops and screaming girls and that raucous music?


[added an update and pic]

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Awesome! I hear die looken wetski is the new onion belt.

I reversed the name and comment fields, sorry. Ruffini is another idiot.

The Wet Look Is Dead


Hey! Is that Pantload in the background?


Many Hats? I smell Photoshop Contest!!

Oops! That’s my cue!

The Wet Look Is Dead

The only unexpected thing on this jackass’ flicker page is the “Hawaii” thread.

I’ve heard it’s a very exotic destination.


Meet the Next Right. They’re a lot like the current Right.


“will be used as props to tell us Americans how to vote, and the campaign isn’t trying to pretend otherwise”

Because George W. Bush never used people as props before.


Or turkeys.


Well, her definitely has never used a gander. Could you imagine—a prop gander? That would be unthinkable.


Electioneering on foreign soil is bad, mmmmkay?

On an entirely unrelated subject, I wonder how much rugs cost in Baghdad these days.


Ich bin ein berliner schwartzmensch.


So it is unpatriotic and somehow sinister for an American to give a public speech to foreigners in their own country. That must be why Bush so rarely goes out in public (much less gives a speech) during his foreign trips. Silly me. I was under the mistaken impression that it was because he is despised throughout the world and would produce angry protests anywhere he went.


J @ 23:14 — did you say proper gander?


eidos, Bush doesn’t go out in public on his overseas trips because he usually can’t open the doors….


I guess it is our faults for assuming he meant what he was saying.

Oh no, he meant what he said, he’s just a nitwit.


Yeah, when the article is entitled Obama Campaign Prints German-language Flyers for Berlin Rally you can’t go jumping to conclusions that the author means it’s an issue or something.


Obama should tour foreign countries. While he’s running for president. But he should not campaign while he is out of the US. Politics stops at the water line, remember.

Besides, the Obama campaign is kicking our ass. We think they should stop for a while and give us a chance to catch up. That would be an American thing to do. Fair play and all that.

I’d rather Obama lose an election than lose a war…


Ich bin zu trinken eine Schwarzbier.


How coastal elite is James Thurber? He’s so coastal elite, he worked for the New Yorker in the pre-neo-Copernican days before that infamous map cover the preceded that even more infamous Obama cover.


Ich bin zu trinken eine Schwarzbier.

That looks good. There’s a local microbrewed stout that drinks like somewhat chocolatey tar oil and I love that stuff. I imagine Schwarzbier is similar.


Uh oh.
I’m a baaaaaaaad boy.
Guilty as charged: after going to a repost of this mucilage on Pirate’s Cove, I’m the nitwit that called Ruffini on his trying to make the flyer into an issue, you know, right after he tried to make the flyer an issue … but you just know if that angle had gone over with the mouth-breathers as appearing viable to score damage-points with, he’d be flaying it for all he could … yeah, that nasty foreign electioneering (see JRod @ 23:16, above) … how shameful, given the huge number of Americans living in or stationed in Germany. Yet another cheap-shot from the insidious Obama.

But damned if I’m going in for that Urin-Therapie … something about the name just smells funny to me.


Ich bin ein purloiner.


I’m on the fly here so I haven’t read the comments, but don’t you guys still have lots of trroops in Germany? Isn’t there a military hospital there and stuff? Don’t the troops get a vote, or did the Goppies decide to cancel that this time around?

Maybe I’m out of date…


[Looks at Operabase] Hey, Barack, they’re doing Porgy and Bess at the Deutsche Oper on Thursday, not far from where your speech is taking place. You might like it, it has colored folks in it, you should go!



The flier is in German because Germans in Germany usually read in German. You cater to your audience. If Obama wanted to attract wingnuts to his speech he would have written the flier in crayon with misspellings and bad grammar and perhaps a racy photo of Ann Coulter with her penis hanging out.


Anyone who thinks that the issue is a German flyer in Germany is a nitwit.

Uh, Little Ruff? Nitwit here.

You know, I can see how you might be all honked off because you took all that time thinking of an idea for a blog post that makes fun of Mr. Obama and then a whole lot of people (like me) came along and misunderstood what you were trying to say and all, but maybe it’s not all our fault. Think about that.

I mean, you say that the main point of what you were saying is that Mr. Obama is making a speech in Germany and not here in America and you think that’s kinda, you know, messed up, but when I read your post, I didn’t see that in your first paragraph or even the second paragraph for that matter. No, you started off by talking about how the flyer was in German and how that was a big mistake by the extra oily Obama campaign and how they usually don’t make dumbass mistakes like that anstuff.

As a matter of fact, Mr. Little Ruff, you didn’t even bring up the whole “Hey he’s campaigning in Germany, that’s not cool” subject until way down in the fourth paragraph, after you had talked about all kinds of other stuff. Over at the community college, I took this business writing class, you know, because even though I like driving a forklift, my cousin Jamey said I can make a lot more money if I learn how to write and become a famous conservative blogger for like, the American Enterprise Company or something, and our instructor, Mrs. Prakash told us that if you really want people to understand what you’re saying you have to get to the point right away, not way down in the fourth paragraph because they’ll get tired of looking for your main point and get the wrong idea.

So who’s the nitwit now, huh?


ruffini kann meinen hahn saugen.


Ruffini soll mir den Arsch fein recht schön sauber lecken.


Der Shocker

Ein im rosa, zwei im gestank.


In der sehn sucht nach einer hoheren Europaischen einheit klingt haute der ruf der dichter ..


What’s all this Old European blather doing on an American website? Sheesh.

Manfred von Richtofen

How soon they all forget. Now if I can just eliminated the nitwits, the skies will be mine again!


Curse you, Red Baron!


My knowledge of german is limited to about 5 phrases my swiss friend taught me in highschool, and yet I know that you people are saying uncivil things about Lil’ Ruff of the shiny hair. good thing no republicans speak german or else we might get in trouble.




Gee, I would think Ruffini would want Obama to spend as much time as possible electioneering on foreign soil… where the audiences are ineligible to vote for him.

The righties are bringing the whine and cheese over Obama’s world tour…


I don’t know what my phrase at 2:36 means. It’s from the Katzenjammer Kids parody in the MAD comic book of the early 1950s.


Hey, Hoosier, I hardly ever know what I’m saying.

It’s part of the fun. And I do it (or don’t) in ENGLISH.

But here’s the cool part. People decide THEY know what you mean, so they tell you what you said. And you just pick the versions you like.

Voila! It’s all good. Or something….



Hey, mikey:

Der Staatsmanner und ihrer volker zusamen!

Das besorgte, ungeduldige drangen der Jugend begleitet die Politischen gesprache …


Since we’re having language day at Sadly, No, here’s the cafeteria scene from Animal House in Italian.


Der Staatsmanner und ihrer volker zusamen!

Das besorgte, ungeduldige drangen der Jugend begleitet die Politischen gesprache …

See, near as I can tell you’re saying your drove your volkswagen with your girlfriend in it into the fountain at you’re uncles Manor.

Then she threw up, but you had for some reason installed a bilge pump in your dumb little car, but you had to believe in a particular political party before you’d actually pump the puke out of the car.

I’ve been there, dude…



Hey, mikey:

I think everything in German means … what you said.

The paper I worked for just hired a German girl named Daisy Ratzlaff, and I think that means “I apologize for urinating in your flowerbed.”


a German girl named Daisy Ratzlaff

See, this is frightening. I have learned to deal with imaginary monkeys laughing at me while wearing business casual attire, but if the Rats are gonna laugh, I’m fucked.

Just fucked…



His Flick page is interesting. Fast forward through the more recent pictures, and some from what looks like the 2004 GoP nomination conference, there is a lot of pretty photos of tropical beaches and what looks like the Grand Canyon. There is some real evidence of budding arty workmanship there, including the ubiquitous ‘sunset over a beach’ pictures, as well as an attempt at storm after a rainbow picture. Although the composition on some of the photos is a bit messy, I can’t imagine many other commentators of Ruffini’s politics taking the time to take such pretty pictures.

However, what the hell is it with the various screenshots?


I’m usually in favor of dubbing anything into Italian, but I need to say that what they did to Beavis & Butthead was disappointing. It had too much of that European “see how flagrantly we display our depravity!” type of tone.


Alles klar, Herr Kommissar.


My favorite faux-German is this:

Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! … Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput.


If it had nothing to do with simply having a flier in another language, then why did he dedicate so much space to talking about how dumb it was to have campaign materials in another language?

Ignoring that, where was Ruffini when McCain was holding a $100-a-plate luncheon in Ottawa (which likely illegally violated the Hatch Act)? Or what about McCain’s recent trip to Mexico and Colombia (who just happened to release some hostages while he was there) No politicking on foreign soil there, right? How about about McCain’s illegal fundraiser in England that cost $1-2,000 per person to attend?

Something tells me little Ruffy sees nothing wrong with McCain going around gathering money from foreigners to support his presidential bid. But would throw a serious fit if Obama ran around Canada and Europe stuffing his coffers with foreign money.

Then again, its not like Lil’ Ruffy is known for his intellectual honesty.


The issue is electioneering on foreign soil and personality cult.

I’m assuming the Riffruff is upset at McCain travelling in Canada as the presidential candidate. Oh, didn’t he pen a post about that? Why not?

It certainly bothered Canadians who couldn’t figure out what he was doing here mostly because he’s an asshole who supports GWB and Canadians – even conservative ones – dislike Bush. Obama would be a welcome visitor.


Ruffini really is a very petite guy, isn’t he? I mean minuscule. Diminutive. Teensy weensy. I’m saying he’s small. Do you suppose they make that suit in adult sizes? That glass looks like a washtub in his hand. I’m saying he’s lacking in stature. Bitsy. Wee. Short-changed by the Good Lord when the inches were being distributed. Slight.


I wonder what Ruffini would say if Obama visited the Falcostiege in a Volvo plastered in Obama stickers. I cannot think of anything more breathtakingly arrogant.


In my neck of the woods, McCain’s latest campaign ad blames high gas prices on Obama. Has anyone else seen this?

McCain’s not paying for airtime in my bluest-of-blue state (MA), but the national nitwit newsmedia were eager to run the ‘Who is responsible?!?–headshot of Obama’ screenshot over and over and over. Yay, lie-brul MSM!

How many thousands of American service people and families along with ex-pats live in Germany? Apparently their votes are not worth being courted and/or counted?

One would tend to think it is a pretty sharp move to try and appeal to them. Those votes could make the difference in a close election.

And if you listen to Greg Palast, those votes would have made a difference in the 2004 election, if so many of the APO-addressed votes against the Party in Power hadn’t mysteriously been delayed past the electoral deadline. Because it’s not cheating if you’re not caught — or at least, if when you *are* caught, you can’t be penalized.


“The German flyers bear Obama’s campaign logo and say “Paid for by Obama for America.””

Ruffini is full of shit. In fact, the flyer says no such thing. What it says (in German) is the following (after stating when and where the event will take place):

“No tickets neccessary. This event is free and open to the public. Please use public transportation. Please limit the amount of personal belongings you carry on you. Posters and banners are not allowed.”

Then it says which subway lines can be used to get there.

Evil stuff indeed. I bet next thing Ruffini will rant about is the public transportation stuff…”it’s an incredible arrogance Obama is trying to tell the Germans which means of transportation to take. Subways instead of cars? That just proves what an evil eco-activist he is! Scandal”

Just Alison, without Qetesh

Eidos, the reason Bush doesn’t give a lot of speeches when he’s oh-stroke-ess is that the sight of tens of thousands of furriners laughing themselves sick (and correcting his mangled syntax) would be too much for the administration to bear. American pride would be crushed, and they’d have to bomb all of Europe before they got over the insult.


Voila! It’s all good.

mikey: I believe the correct word is “wah-lah.” Talk Amurkin, boy.


…so naturally, Larry Johnson took Ruffini one step further in the “dumber than dogshit” sweepstakes and actually compared the poster to Nazi posters. And then he denied making the connection.


Ruffini really is a very petite guy, isn’t he? I mean minuscule. Diminutive. Teensy weensy.

Mini-Me with spray-on hair.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

There’s nothing wrong with McRuff that a little Urine-Therapy can’t cure… and by the way, that Zungenwurst is delicious, and Klaus Nomi’s “Total Eclipse” was only surpassed by Skafish’s “Sign of the Cross” in the concert movie “Urgh! A Music War”.

I think I was the only straight guy in the theater when “The Nomi Song” premiered.


[…] mind the gorgeous contours of Ruffini’s prose (more here, though). A “sea of Germans,” you say? A rally in Berlin? Does that remind you of […]

Hensley Family Beer Gangsters

On top of everything else Obama has done right in this campaign, his graphic design & web UI programming work for is slamming! (Yes, I know that the strong diagonals & even the whole composition may well have been cadged from the Steinberg Bros. – but what of it?)


Patrick Ruffini means Patrick little ruffs.

Actually, it probably means that his paternal ancestors arrived at Ellis Island called “Ruffiani” that is ruffians (also means people cheesily trying to be lovable rogues).

Speaking of foreigners it seems that after seeing Obama, Israelis want him to be President.

So in what country is McCain leading in the polls ? His ancestral Ireland ?

must be somewhere.


[…] and PaTrick RUFFin1 has hAv h4d it eZackly right. BaRr4k HoozEin OBAMA aRe trieying to Make us TOCK FORR1N J1BBER […]


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