Here We Go Again

Kyle-Anne Shiver, one of the calm voices of reason at The American Thinker, wants you to know that if the Negroes get the keys to the White House…
America as we now know it could completely cease to exist within a very short time. …
The reason: because the New Yorker cover is completely true!
Well, to be honest, some of what scares me about Barry and Michelle Obama in the White House does, in fact, have a little to do with the grains of truth in that now infamous New Yorker cover, showing Obama in Muslim garb and Michelle as a black militant with a machine gun, and the American flag burning in a fireplace.
Michelle’s fist bump, also shown on the cover, is of particular concern to Karl-Linda, er, Kyle-Anne. (“Oh, no,” you groan, “not the fist bump again! We thought that had been put to rest when even Faux News had to concede that the whole issue was cow-puckey.”)
So let’s now avail ourselves of this golden opportunity to take a short stroll down Wingnut Semiotics Lane with Duane-Britney, to see the vast layers of sinister meaning that she unearths in the fist bump:
The fist bump itself seems to be an adaptation of the Black Panther power salute, so prominent in the 60s and 70s.
I suppose it is an adaptation in the same sense that the handshake is an adaptation of the universal “stop-jerking-me-off” or “you’re-a-wanker” gesture, both of which involve pumping the hand up and down while holding the palm in a partly-closed semi-circle:
The rest of the world knew the fist-in-the-air salute simply as the Black Power salute, not the Black Panther salute, but, of course, that’s not scary enough for Rufus-Beth:
It might appear completely innocuous to some, but to others, it is a memorable remnant of a very explosive and, for many, frightening period of American history. There are probably not too many Americans over the age of 50, who do not remember the black power moment at the Olympics of 1968 and the fear those raised fists could evoke in the shadow of American cities inflamed by riots and uncontrolled violence
You and I may remember the civil rights era as one in which Black Americans sought to gain equal access to buses, lunch counters, swimming pools, and movie theatres; Jimbob-Cassandra remembers it as a time in which massively-schlonged black bucks streamed out of the ghetto to burn down white peoples’ houses, violate white women in their front yards, and dance around naked to the strains of jungle music by the light of the flames shooting from burning buildings.
Our friend Scott, at World O’Crap, has more, lots more, on Luke-Linda’s nonsense.
I don’t know about the crazy white lady, but that video had me in tears.
I’m sure my co-workers think I’m a raving lunatic, sitting down the hall barely able to stifle fits of hilarity.
Dude, in just a few short months the wingnut-o-universe has come dangerously close to simply admitting that black people – all black people – scare the ever loving piss outa them. By the time the election actually rolls around they will be openly calling Obama and Michelle the n-word. Mark my words.
The GOP campaign slogan this year is “Black people – only slightly less scary than brown ones!!!”
Just wait and see the run on Depends when Scary Negro Ob’mohammed puts Chuck D in for SecState, Professor Griff as the Minister of Defense, and the entire Lench Mob as his Secret Service.
Pure Cracker Apoplexy
We can dream, Doofy, we can dream!
a time in which massively-schlonged black bucks streamed out of the ghetto to burn down white peoples’ houses, violate white women in their front yards, and dance around naked to the strains of jungle music by the light of the flames shooting from burning buildings.
Stop! Stop already! You’re giving her multiple orgasms.
Wow, you guys are rockin’ this week!
Doofus – naw, Chuck D is up for Secretary of Kill Whitey.
Hey, now. That was some FINE jungle music.
There are probably not too many Americans over the age of 50, who do not remember the black power moment at the Olympics of 1968 and the fear those raised fists could evoke in the shadow of American cities inflamed by riots and uncontrolled violence
How true, how true!! My small suburban Ohio village was terrified that maurading gold medal track and field stars would sprint through our town, leaving mayhem in their wake!
By the time the election actually rolls around they will be openly calling Obama and Michelle the n-word. Mark my words.
Shorter Dr. Krauthammer: Can’t you people see he’s an uppity
xxxxxxNegro?Try reading the comments over there if you dare. Really sad.
I wouldn’t be so sure Chuck would accept the post. I can picture it…
I got a letter from the government the other day
I opened, and read it, it said they was suckaz
They wanted me for Secretary of whatever
Picture me givin’ a damn? I said never!
Meanwhile, what the hell is up with Larry-Cordelia’s mouth in that picture?
If Barack Obama has never been seen burning an American flag, he clearly doesn’t hold it against any of his companions, who most certainly have burned our flag and done just about everything else they could to destroy this Country.
That diabolical Bill Ayers! First he tried to make bombs back in the ’70s, but then he went even further with his attempts to destroy this country, serving on academic committees, writing papers, and hosting Block Watch picnic! Will he stop at nothing?
Lock up your Tile Grout!!
November will be here sooner than you think!!!
Wow, you guys are rockin’ this week!
Heh. Indeed.
But they’ve had a lot to work with. Hard to get excited about Abe Simpson but wingnuts can get good and worked about about da negroes. Going to be a long summer of crazy.
I second Jake’s inquiry.
Bill Ayers ate the other half of my sammich.
Bill Ayers spilled lemonade on the kitchen floor and didn’t wipe it up.
Bill Ayers short sheeted my bed.
Bill Ayers put itching powder in my underpants.
Bill Ayers stole my mom’s green stamps…
the fear those raised fists could evoke in the shadow of American cities inflamed by riots and uncontrolled violence – g
And why might those riots have occurred? It’s a testimony to the forebearance of African-Americans that there wasn’t some serious pay-back for white America in revenge for slavery and Jim Crow. I know if you were to oppress Gingers like me to that degree, after some point you’d see every city burning and wholesale slaughter of you non-Gingers for the sheer vengeance of it.
Conservatives aren’t ignorant of America’s racist history — at some level they know who did what to whom and they are in constant fear of the other shoe dropping.
It might appear completely innocuous to some, but to others, it is a memorable remnant of a very explosive and, for many, frightening period of American history.
When FDR gave the first recorded fist-bump in history. To whom? Stalin at Yalta..
These are literally the dumbest people in the world.
America as we now know it could completely cease to exist within a very short time. …
And the problem with that is….?
Once I saw that fear of death and fear of losing one’s iPod are seemingly equal in her trembling mess of misfiring neurons, I couldn’t read much further. I am glad I read just a bit firther to find that her litany of fears is one of those self-fulfilling prophecy type things.
There are probably not too many Americans over the age of 50, who do not remember the black power moment at the Olympics of 1968 and the fear those raised fists could evoke
Huh. That’s not the way I remember it. I remember feeling thrilled when I saw those raised black fists — it was a powerful indication that this Southern white cracker-ass teenage girl’s lifelong cognitive dissonance was coming to an end. My parents’ horrified gasps only served as confirmation.
I remember seeing on TV the the black power moment at the Olympics of 1968 and the athletes raising their fists and distinctly remember making nothing at all of it. The next day, I say a headline in the paper about scandal at the Olympics and still had no idea until I read the article and discovered I was supposed to be shocked. 40 years later, still not. (I was 19 at the time.)
the fear those raised fists could evoke in the shadow of American cities inflamed by riots and uncontrolled violence – g
Hey, DAS, what does the little g at the end of your quote mean? This seems to be an internet tradition with which I am not completely familiar. I’ve seen it around a lot, also in quotes like “g”.
Since that’s my screen name, I’m curious (and also wondering whether I should change my screen name.)
No it isn’t.
You are a moron if you believe this.
Well, certainly America is already lost. Since George Bush himself has been seen fist-bumping.
Bill Ayers snuck into the good seats during the 9th inning of a blowout ball game!
Bill Ayers turned into the farther lane during a left-hand turn!
Bill Ayers tasted the grapes at Whole Foods before he paid for them!
Bill Ayers has a doormat that was not approved by the HOA before he used it!
Bill Ayers has been to Canada!
Bill Ayers entered Safeway through the exit door!
Bill Ayers is totally into Creed!
Bill Ayers does not recycle all his junk mail!
Conservatives aren’t ignorant of America’s racist history — at some level they know who did what to whom and they are in constant fear of the other shoe dropping.
The oppressor always fears the oppressed.
America as we now know it could completely cease to exist within a very short time
It already has. As usual, these dumbshits are the last ones to know.
The GOP campaign slogan this year is “Black people – only slightly less scary than brown ones!!!”
Actually, I think all the “SAVE US FROM TEH BROWN PEEPLE!!!” schtick is really “Save us from the {insert politically accepatable surrogate for black people}!” The last few years it’s been “Mooslims” and “terrists”; before that it was “Unlegal imigrunts”, and before that “gay homosex” and “crackheads”…
This year, they are actually going up againt a black person, and they can’t maintain the facade anymore.
gbear said,
July 18, 2008 at 19:42
“America as we now know it could completely cease to exist within a very short time. …”
And the problem with that is….?
It’s the end of America as we know it
And I feel fine
Sorry, g, I was on autopilot and attributed the quote to you as opposed to leaving it un-attributed (as the attribution would be to SWMNBN). If I were to have actually quoted you, the g would have indicated I quoted you.
Shorter Michael Gerson: If you dirty hippies don’t stop being mean to my pollution-loving tycoon friends, they’ll be forced to kill
this childall the polar bears.AND (*sniff*) IT WILL BE ALL YOUR FAULT!1one!1!
(*Gerson proceeds to bursts out in 2 year old tantrum tears*)
The GOP campaign slogan this year is “Black people – only slightly less scary than brown ones!!!”
Jennifer, spot on.
I am constantly amazed at the things you guys find to post here. Constantly amazed. This….just wow. Dang.
Bill Ayers is totally into Creed!
That does it. The bastard deserves to die.
That video’s the funniest thing I’ve seen all week.
Kyle-Ann Shiver’s Worst Fantasy just became my Favorite Fantasy. That guy is smokin’ hot.
From the commentary: One of the ironic things about the current campaign season is that so many people who quickly and constantly dismiss America as a mean and racist nation – black people especially so- are the ones so eager to vote for a black man as the next President -black people especially so, at a 90% rate
They keep using that word (ironic). I do not think it means what they think it means.
Low blow!
I’m still waiting for the righties to bring up that one Barry X speech:
I couldn’t find a vid of that speech, but I did find him outlining a 10 point plan
You don’t see the irony in black people voting for the first black candidate?
What are you, part of the Creative Class?
The Republican Dream is to make America into a Nation of Bed Wetters!
If you vote for Obama, Ann Coulter will call you a faggot!
It seems that the entire Republican Party has been emasculated by Ann Coulter, following in lockstep, repeating her talking points for fear of being called a faggot.
Where are the real men in the Republican Party?
Thank God for real men like Al Gore and Dennis Kucinich who aren’t cowering under their beds, askeert of the Mexicans, the Islamofascists, the coloreds and Ann Coulter – a double threat because she might call them faggots! We need real men who aren’t afraid of what a loud-mouthed, dim-witted harpy might say about them, and the Republicans just aren’t doing the job.
Vote Obama and save America from the Bed Wetters.
Barack Obama must denounce Creed!
And reject them.
And renounce them. (Just to be safe.)
That guy is smokin’ hot.
It’s twue, it’s twue. Who is it?
I don’t know, but that chain is the biggest Dookie Rope I have ever seen.
Of course, Barry-Claudia would be even more scared if she was aware of the real origins of the fist-bump, or as it is more commonly referred to, the Dap:
Dap is a form of handshake, originating among African Americans, that became popularized in white mainstream society in the United States in the 1960s. The term dap may have originated as an acronym for Dignity and Pride…and was popularly used by African-American soldiers during the Vietnam War even though as a tradition it has existed in the African-American community for centuries. Though it can refer to many kinds of greeting involving hand contact, dap is best known as a complicated routine of shakes, slaps, snaps, and other contact that must be known completely by both parties involved, otherwise, an awkward but friendly improvisation occurs as the participants essentially mirror the jazz culture with creative forms of ordering the various moves of the hands with snaps, slaps, mutual knuckle bumps and finger waves (jazz hands).
Jazz Hands! Oh noes!!!! Teh ghey!!!!!!!!!!!
That guy is smokin’ hot.
It’s twue, it’s twue. Who is it?
I hereby second (third?) the sentiment and the query.
Hey! One a yew S,N hep-cats! Tell a ol’ geezerette who the smokin’ hot black dude is in that there picture!
I can’t wait until Barry Hussein X (who is black) forces the Nation (which is white) to celebrate to Eazy-E’s birthday as a national holiday. We will all have to listen to old N.W.A. on a loop, and wear black sunglasses and Raiders caps, whilst crossing our arms over our chests in a “bad” manner. Awesome.
They keep using that word (ironic). I do not think it means what they think it means. – PeeJ
Isn’t it ironic? Don’tcha think?
Like rain on your wedding day …
Re: GOP = bedwetters … it all fits together now … isn’t bed-wetting part of the MacDonald Triad?
You don’t know what’s on her ipod…
I can’t wait until Barry Hussein X (who is black) forces the Nation (which is white) to celebrate to Eazy-E’s birthday as a national holiday. We will all have to listen to old N.W.A. on a loop, and wear black sunglasses and Raiders caps, whilst crossing our arms over our chests in a “bad” manner. Awesome.
You joke, but I have an advance copy of his inauguration speech! It begins with the words “OE 800 cuz that’s my brand, I drink it in a bottle, 40, quart or can, drink it like a madman, yes I do, fuck the police and the 5-0 too.” Friends, that’s not change we can believe in!
The fist bump itself seems to be an adaptation of the Black Panther power salute, so prominent in the 60s and 70s.
It might appear completely innocuous to some, but to others, it is a memorable remnant of a very explosive and, for many, frightening period of American history. There are probably not too many Americans over the age of 50, who do not remember the black power moment at the Olympics of 1968 and the fear those raised fists could evoke in the shadow of American cities inflamed by riots and uncontrolled violence
Shorter Kyle-Anne Shiver, entire rightwing blogosphere, entire GOP and McCain campaign: “But what about those dirty fucking liberal hippies in the 60’s, huh? WHAT ABOUT THEM??!!??”
As I said months ago, with Obama as nominee the GOP and the national press is hobbled. For the past 40 years, the GOP has never had to figure out how to run a campaign that wasn’t all about the 60’s – and members of the press working today are too young to have ever covered any campaign that wasn’t substantially viewed through this frame.
Hey, bitchez – there’s no one left under the age of 50 who was even a teenager before the 60’s were over. That means, most of us voters.
Though it’s not at all unsurprising that this comes as a surprise to them. If there’s one thing baby boomers have no experience with at all, it’s the concept that they would not always be the most important group ever.
I never could dap. Being from california and all, I didn’t have any trouble getting along with the brothers, hell, I pretty much hated white people too, but I never could learn a dap. I’d get confused or forget a part and kind of clumsily fade out. Didn’t take long ’til it was a running joke.
I’m the same with dance steps. My brain just can’t record and repeat the movements. It doesn’t have that function enabled…
[…] July 18, 2008 at 20:01 […]
Just wait until “Fear of a Black Planet” becomes national policy – you won’t be laughing then!
Ah, this election is so wondrous if for no other reason than to see the wingnutteria trying desperately to hide their racism. It’s like one of those old cartoons where the guy suddenly finds himself naked and holds his hat over his bits while he tries to sidle offstage.
commie atheist, if that is the correct definition of “Dap” then the MSM is using the wrong word to describe the “fist bump”. I know that that is surprising. What Wikipedia is defining is also known as a “jive handshake”. What the Obamas did was tap fists. I first came across this greeting in Jamaica in the late ’90’s. All Jamaican guys did this in lieu of a handshake. A few years later it was common in the U.S. I don’t know if this is the official origin but it rings true. Who knew that the Rasta’s were secret Muslim Jihadists.
Just when you thought you’d seen everything….
The more I talk to my conservative friends (it is possible to have them, you know), the more fear I see. They wear it like a comfortable overcoat. Fear of Mooslims, terra-ists, re-conquistas, and the various and sundry Rovian talking points.
The fear that many conservatives carry with them also makes them comfortable with their complete and utter contempt of those less fortunate. I fear the poor, therefore I will do everything in my power to keep them away from me and my family. I fear blacks, therefore I will do everything to keep them away from power. I fear liebruls, therefore I will do everything in my power to smear and defame them.
There has always been fear mongering from the politicos (communist threat and welfare queens to name just 2), but now I’m seeing it in the suburbs of Cleveland. I approached a good friend (also a rabid Bush supporter) at a party the other night and, as we’d both been into the Scotch that our host had foolishly not hidden well enough, began talking politics. he was still convinced that the terrorists are right around the corner.
His fear allows him to support an administration that has essentially ruined the middle and lower-middle class in America and decimated the working poor.
He can turn a blind eye to the real problems at home, because of the fear he carries like a badge.
Sad, although I still love the guy.
In the case of Karl-Alan Shiver, she wields her fear like a trophy, so proud of her ability to hate. Sad.
I’m the same with dance steps. My brain just can’t record and repeat the movements. It doesn’t have that function enabled… – mikey
Ditto me … even though I love to dance. My wife is always complaining about my lack of dance skills, but that didn’t stop her from (or perhaps it motivated her to or made her feel comfortable with) “pimping me out” to all of her single friends at our shul’s last formal dance.
OTOH, I once dated a nice young lady from Africa. Compared to her, I’m a regular Bill “Bojangles” Robinson. But she thought that since she’s black and I’m white, she should be the one teaching me to dance … that always proved interesting.
It might appear completely innocuous to some, but to others, it is a memorable remnant of a very explosive and, for many, frightening period of American history.
I assume then that she has the same attitude towards the Confederate flag controversy…
I don’t want to give the Republicans reason to invade Jamaica, but if coffee prices continue to rise, who knows.
The entire Republican Party has morphed into Pat Buchanan’s keynote address at the 1992 GOP convention.
Hey! One a yew S,N hep-cats! Tell a ol’ geezerette who the smokin’ hot black dude is in that there picture!
That’s the rapper known as T.I. He’s from the A-T-L.
Scott, the ’08 Rep convention convention should be extra fun.
Thanks Lawnguylander. You truly are a hep-cat.
celebrate to Eazy-E’s birthday as a national holiday
Alas, I’m 99% sure that Eazy-E was a Republican.
I thought it was a Wonder Twin thing…
Those comments over there…wow.
Try to imagine the “American Thinker” who typed this, presumably with a straight face:
“Obama, being the marxist community disrupter that he is, seeks to get us pissed off at our system to the point of getting us to change our system – eliminate the limits, checks, and balances, eventually. Dictatorship is his solution to issues. All those limits, checks, and balances just get in the way of marxist centralized control, his goal.”
The commenter, “James”, he’s worried about OBAMA eliminating checks and balances to create centralized control??!?!??
Yep. Wonder Twins
If there’s one thing baby boomers have no experience with at all, it’s the concept that they would not always be the most important group ever.
Jennifer, just wait until you’re old enough to wind up on AARP’s mailing list. You’ll find out why we all feel this way. It’s an old world, after all.
…the ‘08 Rep convention convention should be extra fun.
You want it in your city? PLEASE come get it. I’ll give you the number of St. Paul’s mayor, Chris Coleman (he’s not related to Norm).
Wonder Twins. Here.
“Fill the bag, homeboy, don`t lag
I want money, beer, and a pack of zig-zags”
–George ‘Easy-E’ Bush 2001 State of the Union Address
Ya know, for a site that calls itself ‘American Thinker’, you’d assume there would be a lot more ‘thinkin’ goin on over there.
The Black Power Salute is a fist bump with the MC 900 Ft. Invisible Negro.
Given that the America as I now know it is run by a bunch of piss-panted criminals, I say bring it on.
Man… the comments section over there is ever freakier than the post. What a collection of bedwetters.
I got a letter from the government the other day
When I think that the criminals who took over my country in the 2000 coup d’état never learned anything from the Vietnam era, I have to remember the fear that this struck in the hearts of young (very very young; teenagers, many of ’em) American men at the time. This is perhaps the one and only thing these fuckers knew they’d never get away with: A military draft. Food for thought.
There are probably not too many Americans over the age of 50, who do not remember the black power moment at the Olympics of 1968
That’s weird. I don’t remember that, and I’m approaching fifty. Help, professor Wiki!
“On the morning of October 16, 1968, American athlete Tommie Smith won the 200 metre race race in a then-world-record time of 19.83 seconds, with Australia’s Peter Norman second and American John Carlos in third place. After the race was completed, the three went to collect their medals at the podium. The two American athletes received their medals shoeless, but wearing black socks, to represent black poverty. Smith wore a black scarf around his neck to represent black pride. Carlos wore beads which he described ‘were for those individuals that were lynched, or killed that no-one said a prayer for, that were hung and tarred. It was for those thrown off the side of the boats in the middle passage.’ All three athletes wore Olympic Project for Human Rights badges, after Norman expressed sympathy with their ideals.”
That is beautiful. A small, symbolic gesture that nevertheless makes such a powerful, emotional statement. it’s so cool that the Aussie said, “Right on, brothers. I’ll wear a badge, too.” Wow… Why are we talking about it, again? Oh, yeah, Kyle-Anne Shiver still trembles at the memory. There’s one “American Thinker” for ya.
Kyle-Anne Shiver, one of the calm voices of reason at The American Thinker, wants you to know that if the Negroes get the keys to the White House…
The reason: because the New Yorker cover is completely true!
Jeebus… Kyle-Anne’s dumb as a sack of hammers…
I don’t usually slow down to gawk at car wrecks, but I couldn’t help reading all of the comments over at American Stinker. This is the one that I thought was the most sadly hilarious:
“Community organizer BHO already has a Civilian Corps in the hood. All those heavily armed crack addled droopy drawered gang bangers are a ready made army with Calypso Louie Farrakhan’s ‘Fruit of Islam’ security thugs as hard-ass drill instructors and an SS elite. They can finance their new black socialist nation with Jesse Jackson as Minister of Extortion, exciting bank heists out of Grand Theft Auto, Rezko HUD scams, George Soros’ off shore laundered drug money from FARC, and a 90% tax rate…if you want ‘protection’ you better pay up sucka. If you’re white with a job…you’re rich.
In decrepit Allentown, Pa. a rich white guy with a job driving a garbage truck, was murdered in cold blood by ghetto gang bangers, while shielding his wife, in a brazen home invasion at 3AM Wednesday morning. So as not to appear racist and insensitive, the hard hitting liberal journalists in the local paper did not even mention the color of the killers…who are still at large. I say they were probably Chinese medical students or WASP accountants. Ya think?
Remember ‘Kristallnacht’? ‘Juden Tot’ graffiti? The masterstroke of the NAZI’s SA Brown Shirt army, who were massacred during a drunken gay orgy by SS commandos in Hitler’s consolidation of power called ‘The Night of the Long Knives’.
The radical black left will persuasively install their agenda by ‘any means necessary’. Their words. Its all about payback…their concept of ‘justice’. Don’t be bamboozled by this silver tongued phony and his sleazy ‘black guys are cool’ persona. Cool died with Miles Davis. Listen to the vile words of his anarchistic Chicago Machine puppetmasters…Rev. Wright and Bill Ayres. NO subtle, hidden meanings there! Correctamundo Kyle-Anne! Let’s roll!
Posted by: Ranger Joe | July 17, 2008 05:31 PM”
Amazing, vman. That is a pretty good spew of hatred disguised as fear, if you ask me. With most people it’s the other way around, but not this one.
And… “let’s roll”? What’s that a call for? This guy is seriously scary his ownself.
Now, Seamus, let’s not insult sacks of hammers.