A Good Idea [Updated: ‘A Bad Idea’]

My new plan is to start doing titles like those in the old Tatler, the Addison/Steele coffeehouse joint of the early 1700s. The crux of the plan is that, since all of my zany retro ideas end up failing, I might as well trim down the project specs.

Ok wait, here’s one now.

She Is Not Just Whistling Dixie

McCain Gets My Vote
Marie Jon’
July 16, 2008

While some might be undecided on who to vote for this coming Election Day, for others it’s a no-brainer.

Update: I realized just now that I was thinking of The Spectator, Addison and Steele’s second periodical. Then I looked through some of its archived numbers and found no such titles, meaning that I’d have to wade into all this sort of thing to make sure I hadn’t, you know, just made the whole thing up.

So once again, one of my zany retro-publication projects goes down. I’m sure I’ll soon be back with another.


Comments: 111


Wow, with that huge overdose of pharmaceutical grade irony one would think that her head would collapse. Goes to show what I know…

A Different Jake H.

America needs a Republican president who will appoint judges to the Supreme Court without a litmus test. Only then can liberalism’s hold of our federal benches be defeated. Our country might then be spared from the dictates of a black -robed oligarchy President.


A Different Jake H.

Presumptive Republican US presidential nominee Sen. John McCain and his wife Cindy take the stage. From a celebrated Navy family, Senator McCain is the son and grandson of four-star admirals. He followed in their footsteps by attending the US Naval Academy where he graduated fifth from the bottom of his class (894 of .

I’m sure Marie Jon’ forgot to mention that part in her photo caption.

A Different Jake H.

That should have been (894 out of 899).


“Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it; and this I know, my lords, that where laws end, tyranny begins” — William Pitt

How can these people sleep at night? How can a cheerleader for Mr. “unitary executive”, Mr. “signing statements are not limited by reason, jurisprudence or the laws of physics”, Mr. “thumbscrews aren’t torture because they aren’t equivalent to organ failure” — how can that person use that quote without a little bit of their soul shriveling up and falling off?

I despair for our species, I really do.


I tried to read through her column but the cliches got in the way.


We’re planning to do a left-wing tabloid, the University of Nevada Henderson (gooo Nutty Nazis!) Unlawful Combatant, when I get up to Portland.


You keep saying “no-brainer”, Marie. I do not think those words mean what you think they mean.

However, your implication is literally correct.


A no brainer. No shit Marie JonO. since you have no brain what else can we expect. OK. andre said it first.


Holy shit.

I don’t know where to begin.

Please tell me that Marie is, like Ed Anger, just so much vaguely amusing satire penned by some aging hippie in the hills. Surely it is impossible for any creature with a full complement of forty-six chromosomes to be that utterly and perfectly ass-backward on every observation. By all rights such a being would have to starve or suffocate in infancy.

Do they really just look at themselves, write the truth, and then change the names around? That would seem to be the easy way to come up with this crap. Yow.

Ze projection, she iz blinding, no?


Surely it is impossible for any creature with a full complement of forty-six chromosomes to be that utterly and perfectly ass-backward on every observation. By all rights such a being would have to starve or suffocate in infancy.

That’s the miracle of wingnut welfare. Freaks of nature that would ordinarily be killed off by competition with normal humans are preserved within the hothouse atmosphere of the VRWC.


This is why they hate Darwin.


While some might be undecided on who to vote for this coming Election Day, for others it’s a no-brainer.

Back in the glory days of alt.flame, that was called an autoflame. I haven’t seen such a perfect specimen of the genre in years. Nice work, Marie.


It is a first class propaganda demonstration . Presented without irony or that self conscious nature which informs the ordinary pedestrian that the ground has left their feet . Classic concern from the kindergarten patrol .


With his gifted, articulate tongue,

Why do I get the feeling that she had to take a few moments (5-10 and a new set of batteries?) before continuing with that sentence.

Shorter every Marie Jon’ column (fill in the blank):
_____ will save us from teh ghey and the negroes but I’m not allowed to say that anymore.


Everything will change to satisfy the progressives’ mind-set. Nothing would be sacrosanct, from the war against terror to the right to bear arms, late-term abortion and the varied definitions of marriage.

Nobody’s gonna take my guns from me. Or my varied definitions of marriage and my late-term abortions.


They’ll get my varied definitions of marriage when they pry them from my cold, dead fingers.


Oh, and…



I think we should demand that all right-wingers (both male and female) be as hot as Marie Jon. For some reason listening to the crazy is much more tolerable from a pretty face.



Back in the glory days of alt.tateless, Marie would be approaching what was referred to as a Fucktard. Not in the sense that it’s used now, but rather a deliberately conceived subclass of underhumans bred to be physically attractive and dumb as a box of hair, hence “fuck”+”tard”. Unfortunately, we seem to be seeing more and more specimens of this abomination, from news anchors to bare-twatted celebrities and heiresses, though the “fuck” part of the equation varies wildly. IIRC, even a.t. decided in the end that these were a Bad Idea and would think poorly of any mad scientist embarking on any sort of program to develop them.

Ah, for the days when usenet wasn’t complete shit.

Trilateral Chairman

Sorry America

Apology not accepted, you damned insane bitch.

Trilateral Chairman

Though if she’d ended her column there, it would’ve been much better. What the fuck, for instance, does this mean:

“He is so com se comsa.”

Is this a misspelling (and, I think, misuse) of comme ci, comme ca? A nickel says that her wankers readers get a little shiver at her use of a foreign language and don’t give a good goddamn that it’s not French or Spanish or Italian but Confabulation.


… the United States would be held under the sway of a very unjust, destructive force. Our citizenry would have to deal with the extreme rulings of a Supreme Court gone wild. There would be no more checks and balances.

Yeah. That would be awful. Glad it’s not like that, say, NOW.


I think we should demand that all right-wingers (both male and female) be as hot as Marie Jon.

I agree. For example, why can’t Confederate Wankee look like George Clooney? For that matter, why can’t all men look like George Clooney? I demand that it be so.


McCain will be a good steward of our recourses.

Marie snuck that one right past spell check (I know, assumes use of spell check not in evidence).




Just to clarify, the a.t. concept of fucktard encompassed both genders. At least.


It’s like she stuffed her mouth with little slips of paper containing sayings from the malfunctioning Glenn Reynolds Robot and then sneezed all over the page and published the result.


I agree. For example, why can’t Confederate Wankee look like George Clooney?

That was why God invented the hate fuck.

Shorter Glenn Reynolds

Heh indeedy!

McCain forgetting that Czechoslovakia isn’t a country anymore isn’t a big deal, but when a guy who isn’t going to be Obama’s VP and is actually liked by the GOP more than Democrats does it, WHAT A MORON!!! Heh indooozily ding dong diddily!


Gas prices will begin to tumble to meet the needs of the consumers’ pocketbooks as soon as the word is heard that we are taking care of business.

Quite a vision of how the invisible hand works. The marketplace will accomodate to our means if we look competent? Then we certainly need the Democrats in office.


I love the picture at the end of Old Man McCain yanking Cindy’s arm up in the air. Was she on a bunch of downers that day or did her wet lunch go long?


My magical happy thoughts will magically heal the world.



I love the picture at the end of Old Man McCain yanking Cindy’s arm up in the air.

John: “Say goodnight, Cindy.”
Cindy: “Gooniiight……Cindy.”



Legalize said,

July 17, 2008 at 15:15

I love the picture at the end of Old Man McCain yanking Cindy’s arm up in the air. Was she on a bunch of downers that day or did her wet lunch go long?

My impression is quite the opposite. I think Johnny boy is just hanging on for effect. Do remember, he’s not so big on the whole arms-above-the-head thing after his stay in the Hanoi Hilton. I seem to remember Bush getting a perverse pleasure out of dragging McCain’s paw airborn at some big to-do, one of the conventions, I think.

My guess is that Cindy’s getting back for all the cunt comments.


It’s “whom to vote for”

Nice grammar, beeyotch.


Marie Jon’ is dumber’n soil.


“He is so com se comsa.”

Is this a misspelling (and, I think, misuse) of comme ci, comme ca?

I scared the dog laughing when I read that in her column!


McCain will be a good steward of our recourses.

Quick! Is there an editor in the house?


There would be no more checks and balances.

Like Marie Jon’ cared about that anyway.


The fact is, if Obama is elected, it will be 100% liberals and left, so there will be no balance. Not even a token represetnation of conservative in the media. Private property outlawed. White men will be hunted down and destroyed by black power racists. Abortions will be forced. gay marriage will be forced. we will surrender to terror and disband our military. Tort reform will fail. Businesses will be overtaxed and forced lay off the lazy demanding unskilled masses and hire them elsewhere, as well as invest in more profitable enterprises. America will go down the toilet.


Is it just me, or does every one of her columns have that cadence of “What I Did On My Summer Vacation”? And, like most of the other WW recipients and hangers-on, her bio is almost as long as the damned column.

“Celebrate my numerous accomplishments, many of which are simply descriptions of my personal philosophies and have no inherent or relevant value in writing online columns!”


McCain gets my vote

Whew! I’m glad that’s finally settled. By no means a foregone conclusion.


Surely it is impossible for any creature with a full complement of forty-six chromosomes to be that utterly and perfectly ass-backward on every observation. By all rights such a being would have to starve or suffocate in infancy.

That’s the miracle of wingnut welfare. Freaks of nature that would ordinarily be killed off by competition with normal humans are preserved within the hothouse atmosphere of the VRWC.

This is why they hate Darwin.

::wiping away tears of joy::
I love you guys.


Fear the apostrophe. Fear it.


What do you think Jon’ is short for?





Not that a semi-literate wack-a-doodle like Ms.’ Jon’ needs any fisking, but:

McCain is a promise-keeper whose presidency will ensure that America will win in Iraq. The new democracy will become a rich Arab nation, free from radical Islamic rule.

Iraq was free from radical Islamic rule before we got there, Jon’-Girl. Now? Not so much.

Contrary to the propaganda of our own press, we are a humane people who want to help uphold Iraqi sovereignty.

Thank goodness we’ll be leaving now that they’ve asked us to.

Our troops have given their lives to save people who once lived in fear of a hideous despot named Saddam Hussein. As a result, we have reaped many as yet-unquantified dividends. Every day that we spend in Iraq, we are protecting our homeland as well as bringing stability to the Middle East. We’ve won many hearts and minds in Iraq. Our troops have been both protectors and ambassadors of goodwill and freedom.

Freedom marching, We’re Winning(TM)!, and so on.

Know what? For the next 1000 days, I’m going to get up in the morning, run to the subway, and scream Pod people from Jupiter are coming to kill us!. Me saying it over and over and over and over will surely make it true.

We will need another strategic plan for Afghanistan. America can put their faith in a war hero who has served in the military.

Oh really? So what’s McCain’s plan, then? Or, should I ask…what’s McCain’s plan this week?

Gas prices will begin to tumble to meet the needs of the consumers’ pocketbooks as soon as the word is heard that we are taking care of business.

When I’m done shouting about pod people from Jupiter, I’m going to run to Exxon and scream We’re taking care of business!. I will expect a greaser to then run out to the price board and lower the cost of gas. I’ll do the same thing at Publix and await 5-cent milk.

There will be no years of waiting to see fuel prices come down.

I like how she doesn’t give any proof for this assumption. I know we all know that Jon’ is a hack, but sheeet…what a hack.


“On all levels — whether environmental, social or political — he is able to weigh in.”

Ripley correctly notices that this is the writing of a child. She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes and squinches up her face and writes as hard as she can.

Good job!


When one refers to Marie Jon’ in the third person possessive, one is required to include two apostrophes.

As in, “Marie Jon”s article about the McCain no-brainer perfectly illustrated her lack of a brain.”


What do you think Jon’ is short for?



Hmm, let’s see.

The professional students and boomer retreads at S,N! are pretending they don’t know what “no-brainer” means, and are pathetically trying to have some fun with that. Ugh.

Look, I missed the New Yorker magazine discussion due to some work pressures. Want to talk about that instead? I can guarantee it will be more fun than this weak mess you’ve started.

Grand Moff Texan

Only slightly OT, but Nedra Pickler is at it again.


I e-mailed this to the SN editors, but I figure I can link this here since it’s semi-on-topic. Public shouldn’t fall for Obama’s rhetoric. It only gets better from here. The first three sentences for flavur:
The political correctness thought police won’t tolerate what you’re about to read.

I’m throwing the “bogus” flag upon the presidential bid of Marxist-Socialist turned Democrat Senator from Illinois, Barack Hussein Obama.

Somewhere around 75 or so years ago, from out of nowhere a stealth politician arose.

I figure the SadlyNaughts would appreciate a little right-wing Godwin hilarity this morn.


Faux Gary.

They’re just not trying as hard these days.

See, you have to be absolute in things that have no proven absolute. You included a perfect example of this: “Tort reform will fail. Businesses will be overtaxed and forced lay off the lazy demanding unskilled masses and hire them elsewhere, as well as invest in more profitable enterprises. America will go down the toilet.” Classic Gary. Made me think twice.

What you cannot be is absolute about things that can be proven: “The fact is, if Obama is elected, it will be 100% liberals and left, so there will be no balance. Not even a token represetnation of conservative in the media. Private property outlawed. White men will be hunted down and destroyed by black power racists. Abortions will be forced. gay marriage will be forced. we will surrender to terror and disband our military.” Even Gary doesn’t write about shit that stupid.

Be more stream-of-consciousness, more free-associative throughout the rant, like you were in second part. “Democrats will kill all business” is Gary’s thing. I’d continue on with that.


I didn’t read the the article all the way through (somehow, I can’t get past Marie’s smoky eyes and pouty . . . excuse me for a moment) ahem, anyway, I didn’t read the whole thing, so I was stunned to learn that she had described Obama as “com se comsa”. WTF? I clicked over again, and damned if I didn’t see it, about halfway down the page.

I knew from past, painful experience that Marie was a little light in the cerebellum, but that construction is something I’d expect from a high school sophomore trying to impress the teacher with a half-remembered Francais witticism. Then again, Marie’s operating on about a high-school sophomore level, so I guess it makes sense.

Bitter Scribe, who brings a refreshing and spirited point of view,

My favorite part of Marie’s column:

“He is so com se comsa.”

Was she trying to say comme ci, comme ça? Or is this some sort of Wingnut dialect that ordinary mortals can’t comprehend?


Shorter Fake Gary:

“Riots in the streets, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!”

Johnny Coelacanth

“It’s like she stuffed her mouth with little slips of paper”

I find that mental image to be stimulating and unsettling, simultaneously…

Bitter Scribe, who brings a refreshing and spirited point of view,

Oops, Trilateral Chairman got there first. One of these days I’ll remember what Crtl + F is for.


The joke is that she unwittingly referred to McCain voters as brainless.

In case you didn’t read the previous 49 posts pointing this out.


And yeah, not only does she spell comme ci, comme ca incorrectly, her usage is off too. Comme ci, comme ca means “eh, pretty OK,” “fair to middlin’,” and so on. It doesn’t remotely mean “flip-flopper!!!!” or “hard-to-nail-down” or whatever the hell else she thinks it means.


The fact is, you issuing a blistering takedown of a drooling wingnut makes me sad.

Johnny Coelacanth

professional students and boomer retreads

Hey, I’m neither of those. Slacker bookworms with drug habits demand representation!


I thought “Even she’s not that stupid. Com se comsa has to be something else. Like Gaelic or Esperanto.”

So I put into teh Google and the tubes came back with nothing.

She really meant “comme ci, comme ca.”


That’s like bottomless stupid.


This is parody, right? I mean, you go through and change Obama to Bush and you get a reasonable….

wait…..you mean she’s serious?

Jesus god. Maybe she was having a seizure or somethin’

Trilateral Chairman

comsympinko: I thought “Even she’s not that stupid. Com se comsa has to be something else. Like Gaelic or Esperanto.”

So I put into teh Google and the tubes came back with nothing.

That’s what I did. I was sitting there going “Can’t be…what is that, Catalan? Sicilian? Romanian? Gotta be something…maybe if I figure out what language it is, it’d help explain the whole superfluous apostrophe thingummy.” But no–she just really is that dumb.

D.N. Nation: And yeah, not only does she spell comme ci, comme ca incorrectly, her usage is off too. Comme ci, comme ca means “eh, pretty OK,” “fair to middlin’,” and so on. It doesn’t remotely mean “flip-flopper!!!!” or “hard-to-nail-down” or whatever the hell else she thinks it means.

Good–my knowledge of French hasn’t entirely abandoned me yet.

You know what? I have a hypothesis about this. All of my French teachers made the same hand gesture when they said “comme ci, comme ca.” It’s a hand gesture that means “so-so; some good, some bad,” but could also plausibly mean “waverer,” “flip-flopper,” or whatever. My guess is that she remembered the hand gesture but not the actual meaning, and misinterpreted it entirely.

Why am I spending so much time on this? Gad….


Her authorship is about as stale and inane as those manuscripts penned by a 3rd grader describing his jonesin for a PB&J sammich.

Seriously, it reads like a schoolyard philippic about an ex-boyfriend. Only with extra banality.


Why am I spending so much time on this?

All pedants off the intertubes NOW.


Businesses will be overtaxed and forced lay off the lazy demanding unskilled masses and hire them elsewhere, as well as invest in more profitable enterprises.

Why don’t they just invest in more profitable enterprises to begin with? Then maybe they can afford skilled workers.

Trilateral Chairman

Righteous Bubba said: All pedants off the intertubes NOW.

It’d be a very quiet Internet without us, you know.


Why am I spending so much time on this?

How else can we stay aware of all internet traditions? Keeping up takes time. It’s hard work. We thank you for your service.


I think this new tradition requires a mutant version: Coma se, coma du.


It’s been said above (hi, javafascist!), but I can’t help suspecting that Marie thinks long and often about Big O’s gifted, articulate, tongue.

It would explain the rest of her inarticulate mess.


Me am serial comma abuser, please forgive.


Oye como va?


I think this new tradition requires a mutant version: Coma se, coma du.

Knowing me, knowing you
Uh huuuuuuuh
There ain’t nothing we can’t do
Knowing me, knowing you

What, you can’t tell me Marie didn’t have Abba running through her head when she tried to pass of that “I’m cultured! and smart!” bit of pig-French in her column. That’s unpossible!


Marie Jon”s main problem is that she doesn’t have a vast army of wingnut researchers to do her work for her like Herr Dough of Pantloadia. Much easier to type a column without taking those extra 30 seconds to Google your ideas and foreign phrases. To her credit, she can be pretty certain nobody that reads her in earnest would have any idea that anything was wrong with “com se comsa”. All foreign words look the same to them.


You liberals are children who can do nothing constructive but can only poke fun at a great conserative thinker like Marie Jon’.

Go ahead and tell yourselves that she is silly and shallow and barely literate. But I have been using this exact same approach on people that I meet who are truly onjective and are not rigid doctrinaire liberals like yourself, and they all agree. This line of approach works and you will be very surprised – very, very surprised – when McCain wins in November because your echo chamber has just been repeating that real Americans will vote for a secret Muslim, domestic terrorist-loving, radical Christian separatist, orange-juice drinking elitist like Barack HUSSEIN Obama and his America-hating wife.

You youngsters go ahead and play while the grown-ups concentrate on winning the War on Terror. Victory is just around the corner and you want to throw it all away on a man who is nothing more than an empty suit who can pack them in for his rock concert/Nuremburg rallies with Michale Moore as your Leni Riefenstahl.

Hif efteemed thinking-man and politic-scholar Gary Ruppert, for the Spectator

The fact if, liberalf feek to deftroy the very nat-ure of our civil-ization by virtue of nominating an enflaved-fervant for the Prefidency of our illuftriouf Union, an act of Treafon that will certainly not be suceff-ful in the Heart-land of the Tenneffee Valley and beyond Environf. Alfo, I muft remark that Lady Marie Jon’ caufes a great preffure in my loin-region; I would be honored to take a gander under her frock.


Gavin … if you are subjecting us to the inane words of Marie Jon’, even just a few of them, can you at least give us a picture of her to balance things out — at least us straight men and lesbians will have happiness from seeing the picture even after the sadness of reading her words. For the gay guys and the straight ladies, you can put a picture of some random hunk on the other side of the screen for balance I guess.


For the gay guys and the straight ladies, you can put a picture of some random hunk on the other side of the screen for balance I guess.

Like Gavin himself.


MzNicky said,

For example, why can’t Confederate Wankee look like George Clooney? For that matter, why can’t all men look like George Clooney? I demand that it be so.

Aren’t you glad that George Clooney isn’t one of them no-brainers?


In the spirit of ruthlessly debunking wingnut fucktardery with wit and wisdom, I give you Glenn annihilating Little Tommy Friedman.


Suck. On. That.


So once again, one of my zany retro-publication projects goes down. I’m sure I’ll soon be back with another.

I can’t find any decent scans of it but have you ever seen the layout of Rupert Bear?


Somewhere around 75 or so years ago, from out of nowhere a stealth politician arose.

Oh, wow!! Did he have a submarine?


My guess is that she remembered the hand gesture

Somehow I doubt Marie Jon’ is well enough acquainted with real French people to have experienced the vernacular use of “comme ci, comme ca” in person.

I’m betting that she first heard that expression from some college or high school chum (male) who went to Europe on a group tour, brought home some Gauloises and a beret, and tried to get Marie Jon’ in bed with him.


Gavin, you were on the right track about The Spectator… it’s just that the titles you’re remembering were added later, in collected editions. Samuel Johnson’s periodical essays have pseudo titles like that too.

I think by “com se comsa” (gak!) she means “wishy-washy,” and, like Trilateral said, it’s probably mostly to do with the French teacher wrist-twist gesture.


a secret Muslim, domestic terrorist-loving, radical Christian separatist, orange-juice drinking elitist

Pentalty flag on the call! fake Da Troof! Excessive obviousness!


In prose that is at once sharply, dewy-fresh original and deeply thoughtful, Jon’ proclaims, “Senator John McCain is not trying to run as a Ronald Reagan conservative. He is a maverick.”

And yet, barely a year ago, Ms. Jon’ was all about the Reaganesque-ness, pledging her support for Fred Thompson, of all people, in a piece entitled Factoring in Fred Thompson: Reaganesque, Appealing:

I will personally vote for the Republican presidential candidate. Fred Thompson has Reaganesque appeal. Let’s put him in the White House, the ‘shining city on a hill.’

Rather comesy-comesa of her, I’d say.


The hand gesture makes its appearance in BBC language lessons for kids.


Percy ‘Mad Dog’ Plumflute

The Democratic Party has moved well to the left of liberalism, and Barack Obama is — by his record — as far left as one can get in the party.

Ms. Jon’ and I have the same fevered dream – odd that.

Love that Gumby-headed, Vulcan-eared Cindy McCain pic!


Homo say what?


Homo say what?



Totally calling fake Troof.


P.S. My French pals use the comme ci, comme ça phrase in the sense of “like this; like that”, or “so-so”. And in Spanish, we say asi, asi (literally: like this, like this) and in Italian, mezzo-mezzo or cosí-mezzo (literally: half-half or like-half). All to mean, roughly, that something is so-so. You wouldn’t really call a person “so-so”–it’s more of an adjective to describe a an experience, a way to describe an afternoon or a movie.

In none of these Romance languages does the phrase indicate flip-flopping.


What do you think Jon’ is short for?



Marie Jon””””’ is a sweet committed little missionary, all morning prayers and good deeds, her brain light and airy like candy floss. I almost feel guilty for wanting to shoot her in the head.

Sorry, Marie, but your vacuous cliche-ridden stupidity is too much for me in the morning, especially before I’ve had my coffee.


The fact is, if Obama is elected, it will be 100% liberals and left, so there will be no balance…

Remember to good old days when ‘Liberals’ and ‘Left’ were different and actually competed against each other.

And with that thought, I’m off to get stoned.


I am authentic.

But you liberals can’t handle The Troof!

Now, get off my lawn, you liberal scamps. The grown-ups have work to do. These talking points won’t repeat themselves!



The Truth said,

July 17, 2008 at 16:57

Hmm, let’s see.

The professional students and boomer retreads at S,N! are pretending they don’t know what “no-brainer” means, and are pathetically trying to have some fun with that. Ugh.

Look, I missed the New Yorker magazine discussion due to some work pressures. Want to talk about that instead? I can guarantee it will be more fun than this weak mess you’ve started.

No – it’ll be “more fun” around here if you forget what all the little buttons with letters on them are there on your computer for, because every time you use them, you’re just being a sad little Attention Whore. We’re not “pretending” anything, you slack-jawed yut. We’re noticing that folks voting for Czechlosovakia-Boy are ideal candidates for an alternate reading of the poorly chosen term “no-brainer” … if you knew your history, you’d know there was an actual political group called the Know-Nothings — a name which increasingly suits the GOP to a tee, judging by their aptitude for ruining economies & foreign relations every time they’re in power … & there’s already a thread below for the “New Yorker” cover – go hence & feel free to make a royal ass of yourself about it to your heart’s content. The “weak mess” is the post’s subject – MJ’s boilerplate faux-Volkischer-Beobachter drivel – it’s plain that most of us here could write cirlces around the daft little neocon twit one-handed, even after putting the hurts on a 40 of Tequila WITH the worm for dessert. The truly Orwellian quotation of Pitt merely bespeaks the woman’s total estrangement from political reality, & as already stated above, she’s warning her readers of a theoretical Democratic Party horror-show that Bush,Inc., has already inflicted on America, with a price that will be paid for many years to come. Those of us who’re neither “professional students” (a class of bastard far more likely to favor the GOP while living it up on Da & Ma’s money, by the by) nor “boomer retreads” are getting very very very bored with you. Masturbation: Google it.

Our troops have given their lives to save people who once lived in fear of a hideous despot named Saddam Hussein. As a result, we have reaped many as yet-unquantified dividends. Every day that we spend in Iraq, we are protecting our homeland as well as bringing stability to the Middle East. We’ve won many hearts and minds in Iraq.

Yeah, Marie, I see your point – if by “save” you mean “maim & “kill” … & by “we” you mean SAIC, Halliburton & Exxon … & by “dividends” you mean “future conflicts” … & by “stability” you mean “a ticking time-bomb” … & by “hearts and minds” you mean “lucrative reconstruction no-bid contracts for Bush/Cheney cronies” … & I didn’t even have to get out my “Wingnut-English” Dictionary once!


These talking points won’t repeat themselves!

I probably could have phrased this a little better.


Is this a misspelling (and, I think, misuse) of comme ci, comme ca?

Probably. The one that really gets me is “wallah!” (instead of voila!) Just goes to show that people who can’t even speak English should not attempt French.


So is this “The Truth” bozo related to those idiots who do the lame anti-tobacco TV commercials? Those assholes really bug me – makes me want to start smoking again just to piss them off.


The one that really gets me is “wallah!”

Good god. It actually happens and everything.


What do you think Jon’ is short for?



Marie snuck that one [recourses] right past spell check

Funny thing is, recourse is an actual word and was spelled correctly– which are the misuses most likely to slip through a spell checker.

Judging from that mangling of “comme ci, comme ça”, though, she doesn’t bother.


pedestrian said,

July 17, 2008 at 22:32

What do you think Jon’ is short for?

In the words of the wingnut damsel herself, “It’s French”.

And she should no, I mean know!


Please, how is to be pronouncing that woman’s surname? Is use of “‘” similar to soft sign ‘?’ in Russian?


That’s the point’ I was tryin’ to make’, Brandi.


Viktor, again I quote:

My names Not Marie John

Marie Jon’ is pronounced “Not Marie John”.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Man, I picked the wrong week to gice up the intertrons. After the crazypalooza on the 16th, I checked out for a few days, and one of the first things I miss is Marie Jon’ explaining her cravings for JiSM3.

Well, let’s see what else is up.


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