The Pam Lies Down On Broadway

Continuing with this odd Tuesday Cavalcade of Crazier-Than-Usual, it looks like ol’ Pam Atlas has gone all Frère-Jacques Neville-Chamberlain housebreaking-oui-oui-pad surrender-monkey on Afghanistan — meaning that she’s suddenly no longer in favor of the war there, since a certain Mr. Obama has suggested increasing the number of troops:
Obama: A Strategy of Crackpottery
Obama wants a full scale invasion of Afghanistan? I say give Karzai the guns. Obama wants to redeploy the troops from Iraq into Afghanistan. You want to talk quagmire? You want a bloody mess? Ask the Soviets. And there’s no oil there!
The last thing we should be doing is patching up the splits in Islam. We should be formenting the intercine hatreds because we don’t have the attention span and the wherewithal to eradicate Islamic supremacism.
Wow, how swiftly new positions can evolve when, you know, nothing you say ever has to make sense compared to anything else you’ve ever said.
This is a woman whose last big idea was to nuke the entire world in order to keep Iran from, um, potentially engaging in nuclear blackmail or something. Any gesture toward non-belligerence is by definition a positive one, even if it’s fueled by spite against our Maenad’s own Orpheus, Barry X. Pammy gets cookie!
But then wrenchingly, just as promised, she provides a strategy of crackpottery. For oh dear God, who is it that she cites at length but the wingnut Muslim-haters’ own Bob and Ray, Jamie (né Yakov) “Smirnov” Glazov and Abul “Coast-to-Coast” Kasem, with a new ding-fwee, yar-yar phony interview on how Islam is founded on human cannibalism:
[Glazov: Islam sounds] very much like communism. It starts off extinguishing the “class enemy” and then when there are no more external “enemies” to slaughter, the killing machine turns on itself. Terror takes on a life of its own and the killing machine devours its own children and then ultimately engages in suicide. This totalitarian impulse ultimately stems from a death wish.
Kasem: Precisely. And so the demise of Islam is inherent in the very seed of Islamic cannibalism. And so to understand why Islam, eventually, will self-destruct we must first learn a few lessons from the annals of Islamic history. Let me briefly paint the picture:
During the last few decades we have witnessed Islamic cannibalism right, front and center. The most recent event was the Iran-Iraq war, in which millions of Muslims were killed, not by the infidels (kafirs) but by Muslims. Undoubtedly, in not-too-distant a future, we are bound to witness many such events of Islamic cannibalism.
[Glazov]: Is Islamic cannibalism theologically rooted?
Kasem: Absolutely. The earliest example of Islamic cannibalism, after all, is found in the Qur’an itself — in verses 9:108-110. These verses refer to the gutting of a rival mosque on the instruction of Muhammad, when he was returning after his expedition to Tabuk, a resourceful town in the Syrian-Byzantine territory. This Islamic incursion story goes like this:
Proceeding further from Tabuk on his way to Medina, Muhammad halted at…
Their last sketch comedy appearance was here, with the premise that Islam regards non-Muslims as ‘worse than animals,’ fit only to be slaughtered in non-Halal abbatoir fashion. They seem to be rolling each one out as soon as they can formulate a new, uniquely awful blood libel.
Glazov: Is Islam based on the worship and consumption of excrement?
Kasem: Why, certainly. And therein lies the berserk rage experienced by Muslims when physical exhaustion forces them to stop sodomizing animals. As we see in the Hadith, sexuality is a means not only toward the killing of infants, but also toward the production of Satanic and Nazi paraphernalia which can be smeared with…
No, parody is useless. What can you say against them that bloodthirsty howlers like Pam Atlas won’t just say in their praise? It’s too depressing; I quit.
Okay yeah, fine; it’s me again. I’m back. Speaking of ritualized cannibalism, PZ Myers is still battling an angry Internet mob for insulting a communion wafer.
The irony.
She’s really working hard for that editorship at NRO, aint she? Now as soon as I figure out what “intercine hatreds” is…. Maybe bad blood between the movie moguls?
We should be formenting the intercine hatreds
You do this by getting all up inter their cines.
SweetMotherMary, it’s been a day of double-down stupid. I’m exhausted.
Great post title, haven’t even read it yet but I had to say that.
They really have sucked the funny out of this country by leaps and bounds.
Oh God, wish I had stopped at the title. Selling Islam by the pound?
I’m sorry, but I’m not seeing any indications of anthropophagy here. Am I missing something?
Wind & Muttering?
You do this by getting all up inter their cines.
For a second there I thought we were supposed to be fermenting the intercines. But only God can forment stuff like crystal spheres and what not.
There must be something in the water.
Brit Hume resigned.
All the wingnutsophere awaits the cloudy puffs.
Not to beat this forment thing too much – who am I kidding, look at all these dead horses – but I guess we’re expected to know what she means because that’s the way she’d pro-NAHNS it.
Hey Pammy – you can speed things up by skipping the formenting and just staying out of everybody’s way.
Pam, please just get over it. Yes, they called you a an ugly fat pig in high school. It’s sad that you never had any friends but maybe, just maybe, it was partly because of you? But seriously, you’ll never have telekinetic powers and just baying on the Internet about killing everyone won’t make you feel any better.
Consider professional help. Let me recommend a Dr. – Jack Kevorkian could help you, really he could.
Good Lord, have these people ever heard of the 30 Years War?
Yikes blurble greeach … sounds of head imploding … speaking as one who demonstrated against the attack on Afghanistan on the day the bombing started (yes, a certifiable one-per-center), I renounce, denounce, abnounce, pronounce, contranounce and utterly reject any support offered for my position by Pammycakes … if I had a bus handy, I’d toss her under it with scarcely a thought … but there still ain’t no military solution there … ask the Soviets, indeed; ask the Brits …
I was in Afghanistan in the 1970s, several times, and I loved the place and the people (and the hash and the apple pie) — act with respect and you’ll get respected; diss ’em and you’ll be lucky if you die quickly rather than lingering. Pretty please Mr Obama, back off this “good war” nonsense.
This Non-Casey Kasem guy says that Kurds are one of the major sects in Islam and the non-Muslim Druze and Yazidis make up two more major muslim sects.
I really hate to say this but for once in her life she is actually talking sense. The best thing anyone can do is get the fuck out of Afghanistan, if you don’t do it now you will certainly do it within a few years but with a lot more dead soldiers and Afghan civilians. Just ask the Ruskies. Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were too fucking dumb to realize what they were signing on for. The greatest irony is that if Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan had kept their grubby little noses out Afghanistan and let the Russians get on with modernization, Afghanistan might be a reasonable country to live in by now.
BTW, if you want a moonbat crazy quote for today, check the HJC for Jerry Nadler describing “the stupidest fucking guy on the planet” as an expert on the Middle East. No wonder the US is almost completely fucked in the ME.
Does this make her a “Formentera Lady”?
We should be formenting the intercine hatreds because we don’t have the attention span and the wherewithal to eradicate Islamic supremacism.
It’s nice of her to at least admit she’s just a shallow cunt baying for blood because she’s a vicious racist.
“foment”, not “forment”
…good word – carry on fomenting…
And speaking of Little-Dougie-I-Want-To-Slap-The-Fuck-Out-Of, blowback, you should see what dribbled out of his pie-hole while he was talking to Congress today.
Pam isn’t a racist! She’s a bold TRUTHTELLER and she’s not afraid to “tell it how it is” (after a few slugs of Popov) no matter how racist it is!
Obama wants a full scale invasion of Afghanistan?… Obama wants to redeploy the troops from Iraq into Afghanistan.
McCain today: “Our commanders on the ground in Afghanistan say that they need at least three additional brigades. Thanks to the success of the surge, these forces are becoming available, and our commanders in Afghanistan must get them. But sending more forces, by itself, that by itself is not enough.”
Nobody’s ever got it right. Lots of people have tried, but nobody ever learned anything.
First. You can’t militarily dominate Afghanistan. How many huge armies have to be bled dry to get that?
Second. If you let regional warlords take political power, you will have a great deal of opium cultivation, a great deal of smuggling, and eternal insurgencies.
Third. Is there a positive role for the US military or NATO forces? Maybe. If there was some kind of legitimate government, there might be some place for an international force to help it gain traction. Certainly, there’s an opportunity for economic development, micro loans, agricultural development, education, health care, clean water, electrification. But only if you can figure out how to do it within the actual extant cultural context. I mean, how many times are you going to use Hellfire missiles and Marines to try to drive a square peg into a round hole?
Honest net? It’s a fools errand. Develop intel and law enforcement relationships, bribe the ones you can’t kill, and walk away…
Oh, forgot one:
You can’t use air power to try to do counterinsurgency in Afghanistan on the cheap. You’ll kill many civilians, and create more fighters (Hint: they ain’t terrorists if you’re foreign military in THEIR country) and generally lose more than you win with a few “enemy” KIAs.
Even the russians understood that air was a terror weapon, used to keep people in fear, and anything you actually accomplished you accomplished at near zero range over the sights of a rifle…
I mean, how many times are you going to use Hellfire missiles and Marines to try to drive a square peg into a round hole?
Wow, the first time in a while I’ve been back at S,N!, and
* Wingnuttia hit “Double Your WTF + ONE SPIN” on Press Your Luck.
* We’ve lost Brad to teh crazy.
* Pam the Atlas is…making … sense…?!
The full moon’s in 3 days, so that can’t be it. I can’t see any other astro(nomical || logical) bases for this…yet.
There’s only one thing that can heal Brad now:
Oh, and we had a half a chance in Afghanistan back in the beginning. When we fucked it up by doing a half assed job so we could start moving on Iraq before anybody knew was when it turned to shit. If we had strung 50,000 American soldiers across the country with de-mining equipment, and made a concerted effort to let the Afghanis re-appropriate that land that has been unusable for decades, we could have made some inroads. As it stands, kids are still losing limbs to 70’s-vintage Russian ordnance.
Instead, we burn their poppy crops in the fields. Way to get them on our side, guys. Yeah, that “War on Drugs” thing that has worked so very well here at home and in places like Columbia? I know, let’s force it on everybody!
Yeah, we had half a chance. Even the locals were willing to give us a whirl. But no. The Assclown in Chief and his idiot cabinet turned the whole thing into a poison ivy and pigshit milkshake and poured it all over anyone that wouldn’t gargle with it on the asking.
Thanks guys.
…good word – carry on fomenting…
So’s internecine. Now I’ll follow RB to the next thread and pile on whatever bon mot he jots down until we’ve wrung ever last ounce of humor out of it.
It is going to be hard for the US to “win” in Afghanistan when Americans are hated even more than the Russians.
But it turned out they hated the Americans more than the British – and even more than the Russians who had brutalised their country 20 years earlier.
The Russians fought man to man,’ Abdullah said, ‘but when one American soldier gets hit, a whole village gets razed by bombs in response. Their bombs are too big. It was easier to respect the Russians.’
BTW, for those that don’t know, the Daily Mail is almost as moonbat crazy as dear Pammycakes.
Let me emphasize again how fucking crazy she is to go apeshit on Obama for this:
Obama: “As president, I would pursue a new strategy and begin by providing at least two additional combat brigades to support our effort in Afghanistan. We need more troops, more helicopters, better intelligence-gathering and more non-military assistance to accomplish our mission there.”
McCain: “Our commanders on the ground in Afghanistan say that they need at least three additional brigades. Thanks to the success of the surge, these forces are becoming available, and our commanders in Afghanistan must get them.”
Will she change her opinion when she finds out about McCain’s response?
Mark my words. She’ll say McCain isn’t going far enough. She’s nothing if not consistent in her inconsistency.
Just thought I’d point out that Pam is, you know, completely batshit insane.
BTW, does anyone know how her alimony is holding up after her ex’s little run in with the law.
Fuck – what is she going to do now. Get all medieval on Bush’s ass?
Official: US envoy to meet Iranian nuke negotiator
US diplomat to meet Iranian nuclear negotiator this weekend
Umm… what exactly the fuck is going on in those pictures?
I hate to think what her male fans are up to after seeing them…
Haven’t looked at any comments. Had to say that you f*cked with one of my favorite Genesis songs. Now, I’ll go lurk again.
Fucking Genesis fans find their way into everything.
Oh, and sorry Yankee fans, Paps is not overrated. And Terry Cheesesteak won the All Star game for the second time in his career. Yeah, Boston sucks. Yeah, yeah.
Fucking Genesis fans find their way into everything.
What sucks is when they take up all the space at Genesis concerts.
Hundreds of years ago anti-Jewish plays were put on. One of the libels acted out was the abuse of communion wafers. Nailed to the wall, they would bleed.
I forget where I picked this up, but it was probably Howard Fast’s _The Jews: A History Of A People_.
Obama is truly a limp-wristed elitist appeaser power-mad warmonger! We need an iron-fisted strongman compassionate diplomat like John McCain in the White House to ensure that Islam is eradicated dies out on its own without neo-imperialist Western intervention!
Agh! The Intertubes ate my cleverly devised strikethroughs!
I hate to think what her male fans are up to after seeing them…
It’s ok, otherwise they would be lurking around the frozen food section of the supermarket, leering through the glass doors every time a woman tries to reach in for a box of fish sticks.
Huh? Can someone tell me how the hell we can invade a country we’re already occupying?
“No, parody is useless.”
No, sir, no, I say. Those lines about excrement were hilarious. Buck UP, man.
Re: Pam & Co., with their talk of ‘Islamic cannibalism,’ another cut off the album suggests itself — “The Lame-ia.”
Not since Duke, really. People there merely to squeal like pigs over “I Can’t Dance” shouldn’t really qualify as fans.
One suspects that if Obama came out in favor of extraordinary rendition & torture tomorrow morning, Ms. Atlas would be a member in good standing with Amnesty International by noon. While still advocating global nuclear hell-fire as an antidote to possible Iranian nuclear power, of course … which all makes perfect sense, if your webpage includes creepy encomiums to a Grand Priestess of Inconsistency like Ayn Rand.
I was in Afghanistan in the 1970s, several times, and I loved the place and the people (and the hash and the apple pie) — act with respect and you’ll get respected; diss ‘em and you’ll be lucky if you die quickly rather than lingering.
Have you changed since the seventies? Still wearing those bell-bottomed jeans and those platform saddle shoes? Of course not, these days you’re as ironically hip as the next guy, which is me.
Well, the Afghanis have changed, too. Abandoning their ancient culture of mutual respect, now they sit around hating freedom, and they know what to do about it!
I would say they’re not smoking enough hash, but I usually stay out of these cultural disputes. It’s too easy to be misunderstood.
Or for that matter, misunderestimated.
A Trick of the FAIL
I always like when the wingnuts talk about things like Islamic cannibalism and the inherent violence of muslims, they sort of miss the fact that several largely white european traditionally christian peoples killed over 100 million of each other just a little over 50 years ago. Only 20 years after they had done it before. Nothing even remotely comparable on the scale of death and destruction has ever happened in muslim society.