Could Mitt Romney be St. BBQ’s ambassador to Crazy Land?

Mitt Romney was a lousy governor, but he never, ever sounded this crazy until he started running for president:

Just last week the onetime Republican presidential hopeful said Obama “looks toward Europe for a lot of his inspiration” after the Illinois senator suggested Americans would benefit from knowing more languages.

“I think John McCain is going to make sure that America stays America,” Romney said in an interview on Fox News.

Romney doesn’t believe this stuff, you understand, but he’s definitely angling really hard to be St. BBQ’s official Crazy Land ambassador. It’s rather a sad way to go about your life, but that’s what extreme amounts of ambition mixed with precisely zero moral or ethical convictions can do to a man.


Comments: 23


And the funny thing is- America still hates/is indifferent to Romney, no matter what he says.


That’s the one sensible thing America has done in the last 7 1/2 years.


Was this the same Mitt Romney who served out the war as a Mormon missionary in France and who speaks French?


America stays America? WTF does that mean? Is he implying that America could somehow mutate into, oh, say, France? Or Botswanaland?


Yes, it’s my consitutional duty to remain ignorant. Speaking another lingwidge is un American.


“I think John McCain is going to make sure that America stays America,”

The Jesse Helms plan.


tigrismus beat me to it. Looking towards Europe is only permitted if one is looking for something to do during a war, I reckon.


I think Mitt would be an excellent choice for McCain’s veep.

First, next to Romney, McCain would look like a man of constant principles. That, or we could power a dynamo with their combined flip-flopping and achieve energy independence.

Second, Mitt’s fortune would make Cindy appear to be just-folks in comparison. And he could pay off her credit cards to boot.


Now it’s 159 days and counting. Read more.


I think Mittens meant “Fat, Lazy, and Ignorant. Truly it is J. Sidney’s only chance.

Trilateral Chairman

I may be wrong, but I don’t think that Mittens can talk to Crazy Land as effectively as, say, W can. He can fake a lot of things, but not that.


“I think John McCain is going to make sure that America stays America,” Romney said in an interview on Fox News.

Well, teh plates were found in Murka, you know.


Where’s Troof to tell us that Romney is absolutely right and that it’s very clear that Obama was – mumble mumble mumble (I never did get Troof’s point) – and there’s no way we can deny that real American hate Barack Obama because he suggests we might be more useful as world leaders if we weren’t such a pack of braying dumbasses?

(I’m paraphrasing a bit.)


Romney says: “McCain will make sure the only way Americans perceive foreign tongues is through magical peepers, as it should be.”


Am pretty sure that Romney knows from his Vietnam years spent bicycling over France’s hills for Salt Lake


Which America will we “stay?” The Italian one, the Irish one, the French one (all those Cajuns), the Hispanic one (New “Mexico”), the Vietnamese one (all those math/science whiz kids) or the Danish one (salutatorian at my daugher’s high school).

What a bunch of nimrods (is that English?)

Nuff Ced McGreavey

I disagree. He was a lousy Governor and crazy.

Not to mention that because of him I have to look at that idiotic steeple at the top of the Rte. 2 hill everyday.


Was this the same Mitt Romney who served out the war as a Mormon missionary in France and who speaks French?

Yes, and he has hated them ever since. In fact, I sometimes wonder if it was his entire reason for running for president. This is the man who coined the campaign slogan “First, not France” and had to make something up about France having 7-year renewable marriages when they didn’t provide him with any scary anecdotes that had anything even imaginarily to do with gay marriage.


English? Who needs that? I’m never going to England!

Principal Blackman

Is he implying that America could somehow mutate into, oh, say, France? Or Botswanaland?

Well, Obama will certainly turn America into Russia, only with at least 50 percent more communism.


…definitely angling really hard to be St. BBQ’s official Crazy Land ambassador. It’s rather a sad way to go about your life, but that’s what extreme amounts of ambition mixed with precisely zero moral or ethical convictions can do to a man.

Carly (spit out the bottom of the CEO industry) Fiorina fits squarely into that category as well.


Which America will we “stay?”

The one with the clapped out economy, -911 credibility or respect in the rest of the world and a Constitution that’s been used to clean up many a pResidential constitutional, of course!


No, you don’t want anything to do with Europe. We all have universal health care and very few morons.

Whoops, sorry, that should have read Mormons.


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