Grab the Johnny Walker and the aspirins

Why? Because Kerry L. Marsala is back, that’s why! Kerry’s new adventures are titled Grab Your Keyboards and Pajama’s. Frankly, if the thought of Kerry in her pajamas doesn’t get you excited, there really is no hope for you. Kerry writes:

When you sign up today with the P J Club (pajama club) you’ll get full rights to espouse your ideals, opinions and investigations via the World Wide Web. The P J Club is open to all that love the free flow of information and value what our founding fathers valued and that is- freedom of speech.

Hey everybody — Kerry is writing a blogger in pajamas column, and it only took her two more weeks than everyone else. Frankly, we hate to be the ones to tell Kerry this but one can’t become the internet’s hottest young conservative writer on the web by recycling jokes that were only marginally funny in the first place.

It would seem bloggers, ezine journalist, and editorialist via the net are causing a wave of elitist fit throwers to spin their large craniums of, how dare anyone else have an opinion who hasn?t attended the school of stuck up journalism, into a bit of a quagmire.

ok, so Kerry says her poor spelling is meant to annoy us (among others.) Who is supposed to be annoyed by her total fucking lack of any coherence and sense?

Now personally as a card-carrying member of the P J Club, and most others like me, subscribe to several newspapers worldwide.

In Kerry’s world, does “several newspapers worldwide” mean all the regional editions of USA Today?

Those who belong to the P J Club don?t pretend to have all the answers. We can’t and we never will. So who is it that makes up the P J Club? Well, many of us have master’s degrees in a wide range of subjects. Most of us hold down regular jobs and drive a compact car. Many of us have families and are happily married.

Gee, we hate love to be rude but who the fuck died and made Kerry Captain Blogger? Most bloggers have M.A. degrees? Drive compact cars? Isn’t it easy to write when you can just make up shit as you go along?

There will be times those of us in the P J Club will be wrong, but when we are wrong it will not crush us and cause us to run, hide and lie our way out.

Yeah, it really was nasty of that Dan Rather man to lie and refuse to apologize for that 60 Minutes story.

The union of elitist journalism is dead, the P J Club is here to break the bonds of tyranny the elitist journalist have tried to ink blot this world into believing. Our pens, typewriters, and computer keyboards have become the tools needed to expose the biased skewed print of the media.

Sign on today, the P J Club is open to all that love free speech and the freedom to exchange ideas, investigate, and espouse truths.

And if that isn’t enough, remember that the P J Club will mow your lawn, do your laundry, educate your kids and cuckold your husband for you (and no, we don’t mean subliminally.)


Comments: 34


Hold on, how can they spout truths if they are not always right?


I wish Kerry would do more of her blogging with her pen and her typewriter and leave her computer keyboard out of it.


Call me crazy but I like the whole Journalist go to J-school thing I mean its not perfect, and I’m sure there are some very good journalist who never took a course in it, but the whole ethics of Journalism thing really pays off when you can’t just erase your archives.


Youn know beside the PJ thing she doesn’t mention the rather thing at all, maybe she’s refering to Judith Miller or Jack Kelley, or even and this isa truly astonishing parallel all of those apochryphal quotes that proved how Al Gore was a liar, maybe but Sadly, No!
(always wantted to use the catch phrase)


by recycling jokes that were only marginally funny in the first place

That’s what makes our blogs stand out, Seb. Our jokes weren’t even marginally funny in the first place!


There will be times those of us in the P J Club will be wrong, but when we are wrong it will not crush us and cause us to run, hide and lie our way out.

Well, being wrong hasn’t made Kerry run and hide (alas), but I’m still not convinced she was telling the truth when she claimed that she used “antithesis” humorously in that column about Bill Clinton’s biography.


Well, Kelly obviously knows that there are nasty elitist bloggers making fun of her when she says:

Back stabbers is what spins the world of elitist snobs and their world is blood letting itself quicker than imagined.

It seems that the more Kelly gets lathered up, the more tenuous her already unsteady grasp on the English language becomes.


So, any bets on who will be the first banned from the free exchange of ideas at the PJ club? I bet it’s SadlyNo. Or maybe Pete M., because you’re both such snarky bastards. And I mean that in the best sense of the word.


Right in the middle of her gibberish she attributes a Molly Ivins quote to Laura Ingraham, although it is mangled a la Bush.

Also, I think someone should tell her that if they’re made of canvas and the sleeves fasten at the back they’re not PJs….


Not to diss on anyone with a Master’s Degree, but if you have to brag about having one, wouldn’t that push you closer towards the whole “elitist” thing? What she really needs is blue-collar bloggers for her little club.


Hey everybody — Kerry is writing a blogger in pajamas column, and it only took her two more weeks than everyone else.

Well, first she wrote the column with her pen. Then she wrote it with her typewriter …


Does anyone even know why the right whingers are all making these Pajama references? Seriously, what’s the joke?


“…many of us have master’s degrees in a wide range of subjects.” Yes, but only Mr. Science has the Master’s Degree that proves he knows more than you do! In science!


i read the article but i didn’t see a url to sign up for the pj club, so i wrote her asking about it

if she replies i’ll put it here


coolness! I want to joing the pj party, too. but are pj’s mandatory? what if i prefer to write in the nude?


Hey Yosef,

I love the Master’s smear. Favorite quote from “Zero Effect”- “Like almost all ivy leauge graduates he drops the name of his alma matter with virtually no prompting whatsoever”


B.S., M.S.


Wait, isn’t the problem that journalism is not elitist, i.e. there is no official gating mechanism for saying who and who is not a journalist? Doctors and lawyers are subject to the regulations of their profession: they have a codified set of rules that, should they violate them, would be grounds for them to cease being a doctor or lawyer.

There is no equivalent in the world of journalism. The only thing that makes/breaks a journalist is the credibility of the media outlet he/she is affiliated with. Obviously, this has no real meaning for journalistic standards, even for the so-called elites. See: The New York Post, any other number of tabloids. Or any of the high-profile plagiarism scandals.

So how is it a good thing that the Some-Guy-With-a-Website Revolution is further lowering the entrance requirements to “real” journalism?

Put another way, would you let me remove remove your appendix, if my only medical accreditation came from Dr. Nick’s School of Medicinology? (I have also done post-doc work at Dr. Zoidberg’s Surgeritorium)

I eagerly await the inception Kerry’s PJ Doctor’s Club.


When you sign up today with the P J Club (pajama club) you’ll get full rights to espouse your ideals. . . The P J Club is open to all that love the free flow of information.

I dunno, did she really say espouse my ideals in my pajamas? Sounds rather xxx rated to me. These republicans just cannot get away from sexual metaphors. espouse my ideals indeed.


There are those of us who are Christian, agnostic, atheists, Muslim, Buddhist and a gamut of other followings too numerous to name.

Yeah, I’m a gamut of other things as well. Of course, I’m too fucking lazy to run them.

…Bitch, you be trippin’!


Most bloggers have M.A. degrees?

Sadly, she says it’s “many” not “most”


what if i prefer to write in the nude?

Uh…Wanna come blog at the Dark Window?


Bloggers in pajamas are coming down the stairs,
Bloggers in pajamas are coming down in pairs,
Bloggers in pajamas are chasing teddy bears,
‘Cause on Tuesdays they all try to catch them unawares!


Not sense much Kerry make’s.


Blogger’s offen ha’s graduate degree’s — Atrios and Josh Marshall Ph.D., and Kos and that BeatBushBlog guy J.D. Dont know no blogger’s with masster’s degree’s, but noe dout their is sum of themm two.


In Kerry’s world, does “several newspapers worldwide” mean all the regional editions of USA Today?

No silly! She means The Weekly World News, The Globe, and The National Enquirer! Although she did say worldwide, so maybe she gets one of those papers about the Royals in Britain?


I’d like to know where you can get an M.A. without learning the most rudimentary elements of grammar. I’d start looking in different brands of cereal boxes for those neat prizes, except I’m lactose-intolerant…


Alert, there’s another upcoming star in the republican party, Mr. T.D. Ponder from

Apparently, his direct line to the president isn’t working. for. some. reason.

Sadly, si.



Truth is, I’m bitter because I didn’t finish my master’s degree.


I’d like to know where you can get an M.A. without learning the most rudimentary elements of grammar.

Easy: Harvard Business School.


Shrill bloggers in pajamas. Where do I sign up?


“Are you thinking what I’m thinking, Blogger1?”
“I think so, Blogger2!”


FlipyrWhig beat me to it. If Kerry *has* an M.A., about which I remain in doubt, I bet you it’s a business degree.

And what’s with the compact car comment? Does she think that wins her points somewhere? “Look at me, I’m so non-elitist, I actually drive a *small* *car*.”

This woman has the sense of a minature dachshund I once knew. You put that dog in a corner, I swear, he couldn’t find his way out again.


Oh, yeah, Mr. smarty-pants Chaucer-quoting effete Massachusetts non-infinitive-splitting thinks he’s so much brighter than good American pajama wearers?
Kerry Marsala went to a better school than any of you Birkenstock-wearing tofu-eating NPR-listening Volvo-driving … poopyheads.
Kerry learned to write from Dave Barry:

Dear Mister Language Person: What is the purpose of the apostrophe?

Answer: The apostrophe is used mainly in hand-lettered small business
signs to alert the reader than an “S” is coming up at the end of a
ANY ITEM’S. Another important grammar concept to bear in mind when
creating hand- lettered small-business signs is that you should put
quotation marks around random words for decoration, as in “TRY” OUR HOT
DOG’S, or even TRY “OUR” HOT DOG’S.
— Dave Barry, “Tips for Writer’s”


I am grateful to Dave Barry and jre for explaining the proper use of the apostrophe. It seem’s I’ve “been” misusing it for all these year’s.


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