New Wingnut of the Week: GayPatriotWest (UPDATED)

now-defunct Chickens for Col. Sanders
[Post updated below the fold with an official acceptance speech from this week’s NWOTW]
Meet B. Daniel Blatt, a.k.a. GayPatriotWest, one of the co-bloggers (along with Bruce Carroll, a.k.a. GayPatriot) over at the riotously delusional PJ Media site, Gay Patriot — so-named by this gay duo in order to distinguish themselves from all other gays, who are terrorist-supporting, America-hating, baby-killing, disease-bearing traitors. Dan is winning this week’s NWOTW not for any particular post, but for a cavalcade of unrestrained idiocy that spans hundreds of posts. These posts, as a body of work, demonstrate that there is apparently nothing that the right wing can do, or propose to do, to gays that is appalling enough for him to step back and say “enough is enough.” If the GOP platform proposed the criminalization of gay sex, Dan would, no doubt, defend that by saying that gay sex isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be.
Dan’s bio is not burdened by many accomplishments. He has apparently been unemployed (or at least underemployed) since graduating in 1994 from the University of Virginia Law School. Instead of becoming a lawyer, Dan decided to move to Los Angeles where he currently writes screenplays that no one wants to produce. (We’ll see why later in this post.) He’s also tried his hand as a reviewer at Amazon under the handle, frodoblatt. His one review, a high-schoolish exercise in the “I really liked it” genre of book criticism, would have prompted me to say, “Dan, don’t quit your day job,” if Dan in fact had a day job.
Actually you have to admire Dan, in some sense, for his ability to contort himself into unusual and painful positions in order to defend even the most odious right-wing calumny against gays. Take this post where he defends the decision of New York prison authorities to stop segregating openly gay inmates from the general prison population where, of course, their butts would get more than just kicked:
But, before breaking the law, these [gay] inmates should have considered that their behavior would likely deprive them of that option [of separate quarters].

And you know, that drag queen really should have considered that she might get a shiv in the back before she wrote that bad check. Not only is that argument just asinine on its face, but sadly, the population that was to be segregated consisted of pre-trial detainees who hadn’t yet been convicted of anything.
Dan also has a big old gay crush on Peggy Noonan, whom — I shit you not — he literally worships and calls the “Goddess Athena.” He got particularly starry-eyed over a column of Peggy’s where she argued that people who were too stupid to leave New Orleans before Katrina struck pretty much got what they deserved.
I doubt that this will provoke a chorus of incredulous gasps from any of you SadlyNauts, but Dan is also opposed to the California Supreme Court decision on gay marriage, likening gay marriage to incestuous marriages. Really:
Marriage has long been more than just a loving relationship. Such a definition would suggest that two friends — or even siblings — could marry.
And you could marry a box turtle or a dead wildebeest for that matter, I suppose.
Another big surprise is that Dan has his nose so far up John McCain’s butt that his eyelashes are permanently imprinted on McCain’s cheeks. Just a few days ago, he responded to the idea that McCain might use gay wedge issues to bring out the conservative vote, Dan-no was unfazed:
Given the stakes in this campaign, particularly Obama’s inconstancy, especially on matters of national security and his preference for federal profligacy, I would pinch my nose and vote for John McCain (as I voted for W four years ago) if he took [this] advice.
Whaddya wanna bet that one of Dan’s screenplays has this line: “He may beat me senseless, but I still love him, because he’s my man and he puts food on the table.”
Speaking of screenplays, here’s a post where Dan shares the story of one his screenplay projects. It starts off with a young gay man living with a rich sugar daddy:
Well, the young man’s life changes when his partner’s next door neighbor, a successful Hollywood agent, lets one of his charity clients, a writer who barely scrapes by, …
Gee, I wonder who that might be?
… stay at his desert home for a few weeks. Attracted by this man not all that much older than he, the young man reevaluates his life, wondering if he could give up his lifestyle with the rich old man to share a different life with a (relatively) impoverished artist whom he loves. Those who know me can figure out how it ends (in my imagination).
Anyone out there willing to pay $10 to see a film made from Dan’s personal choke-the-chicken fantasy? I didn’t think so. Which is why Dan’s most famous contribution to the arts, at least for the forseeable future, will be: “Hi, I’m Dan Blatt and I’ll be your waiter tonight.”
UPDATE: Mr. Blatt, by email, graciously accepts his award:
First, obviously you know who I am, so this seems some kind of personal vendetta.
That said, that I could inspire such bile and vitriol makes me think I must be doing something right. But, would it be too much to expect for you to accurately represent my ideas? I guess not.
Such is life.
Amazing how wrong you (and most of those commenting to your post) are about me.
For the record, I have never met Mr. Blatt. It is interesting, however, that he thinks that only someone who knows him personally could have written this post. I take this as a concession by Mr. Blatt that he believes that he is, in person, even more ridiculous than his blog postings might otherwise suggest.
The comments section of that link on the Riker’s thing is just….wow.
Prisoners known to be gay are at a greater risk for rape. That is not acceptable.
Wrong. What is unacceptable is that they committed crimes. If you don’t want to be raped in prison, obey the law.
Is that gay guy wearing a t-shirt that says “I Love Bush”?
So wrong, on so many levels.
[Clif adds: I plead guilty to Photoshopping that picture.]
“I <3 Dick”, with a picture of Cheney, would obviously be better.
Only a fellow ghey could have mocked those idiots just properly. Thanks.
That Brady kids haircut is pretty wrong too.
The only reason that I can see for a gay man to think the way he does is that he’s got the Authoritarian Daddy man-crush from hell or else he’s just incredibly shallow and stupid. He’s really dying for that approving pat on the head from the powers-that-be. If Obama gets elected, he’ll feel like he’s been suddenly orphaned without ever having gotten the reward he deserves for being such a good boy.
As Dylan would say: How does it feel….
Dan looks like the gay Albert Brooks. But minus the creativity that would get his scripts and acting services bought.
And you could marry a box turtle
As indeed Mrs. Phil Gramm already did.
If you don’t want to be raped in prison, obey the law.
The real crime is that more prisoners aren’t being raped. Rape is the implied deterrent that is meted out with every prison sentence. Otherwise prison would just be free food and color TV. I know that most liberals will think that is “cruel and unusual” but let me ask you this: If it is unusual, then why does it happen so frequently?
Peter P. If you think that prison (minus the rape threat) is just ‘free food and color TV’, you are a total and absolute moron. No if ands or buts.
You know I think you got this guy all wrong. He’s not stupid, he’s just REALLY into self-abuse.
It’s a Fetish!
Gotta be….
I have no personal problem with Dan Blatt’s S&M fetish; however, I very firmly believe that his perversions have no place in politics. Someone has to think of the children.*
*includes gay children, children raised by gay parents, children who are at risk of being drafted into the Eternal War Against Evil Others, children who are projected to need employment, and children with lungs.
I could point out that Peter happily drops the word “cruel” from the Constitution’s language. I could remark that there’s a lot more to prison than “food and color tv,” like, for instance, being confined to a cell and smacked down for getting even slightly out of line. I could appeal to his sense of empathy and decency, were one in evidence. instead, I’ll try some logic-fu:
So, Peter P., your idea of deterring crime is…facilitating crime? Because the guy doing the raping is a convict too. Your idea of prison is a place in which certain criminals get to freely prey on other criminals? I guess for the rapists, prison is colot TV and food and free sex and assault.
Peter P is just trying out for the Supreme Court.
Peter wins. That was hilarious
/and clearly a joke, i mean cmon.
It’s amazing the lengths these self-hating gays go to to win the approval of the great Daddy party! I’m really surprised he hasn’t been able to pray away the gay through one of their stellar behavior modification programs, marry an ex-lesbian, and produce of few really f-ed up kids. That’s the standard boilerplate of these masochists. I guess he just can’t give up the man goodies….
‘I know that most liberals will think that is “cruel and unusual” but let me ask you this: If it is unusual, then why does it happen so frequently?’
In the same way that Terrence and Philip or Itchy and Scratchy are even more cartoony than the SP and Simpson kids who watch them, so is this “argument” a straw man as created by a straw man. This “argument” is a man consisting of a single straw with a little dust bunny stuck on top as a “head.”
“And if it’s supposedly so ‘cruel,’ how come the person inflicting it enjoys it so much?”
Yes indeedy! It’s an annual tax break, survivorship rights, increased access to medical care and life insurance, defacto power of attorney for medical issues… the list goes on and on!
Seriously, if one is gay and Republican, how does one reconcile “no marriage for gays” with “tax cut for being married”? That’s got to cause some serious cognitive dissonance. I mean, above and beyond the whole ‘my party thinks I’m an abomination to society’ thing…
Such a definition would suggest that two friends…could marry.
Hmm. Isn’t that pretty much a description of a closet case’s first marriage?
Such a definition would suggest that two friends…could marry.
I don’t see what the problem with this is, frankly. Most of the best marriages I know of – here in the Classic City, anyway – come off as a pair of really good friends who like to have hot monkey sex together. Personally, that sounds like an ideal relationship to me, and the only thing that makes it different from “marriage” is words from a judge and a willingness to put up with each other’s parents.
‘Course, growing up, I didn’t see that a’tall. I don’t know if any of the couples I knew as a kid liked each other. But that was in Mississippi, and it’s a state hobby there to make other people miserable, so I dunno.
Note to Daniel Blatt. No matter how much you suck up to the Republicans, they still hate you and think you should burn in hell for all eternity. They really do.
You know, that phrase is actually an excellent pocket description of contemporary American politics.
You know, when a straight guy wears a I heart Bush t-shirt it could have several meanings.
Just thought I would mention that…
“Marriage has long been more than just a loving relationship. Such a definition would suggest that two friends — or even siblings — could marry.”
Incest, beastiality, my God what kind of freaks do these people hang out with?
I don’t know anyone who wants to marry a farm animal or a sibling, but then again I’m not a republican.
Pfft! Like he would know.
Because we all know civilization will crumble if people who actually like each other get hitched.
Wow. Nice demonstration of the fact that what binds the fReichtards together is the inability to understand feelings and basic social interactions.
It just goes to prove what someone commented here yesterday, that there’s only one homosexual urge—to bang other dudes.
Beyond that, we’ve got our share of douchebags.
this guy can’t be real, and maybe he doesn’t even know it, like some weird MKULTRA project for gays.
I’d be willing to bet that guy isn’t really gay at all, but just pretending so he gets a piece o’ sweet sweet wingnut welfare.
In Mr. Blatt’s e-mail, did he give examples of exactly how you you misrepresented his ideas? It seems to me that the direct quotes from his website were damning enough.
Somehow, it seems to be common for wingnuts to claim that quoting them verbatim is “misrepresenting” their ideas. The recent example of “Dr.” Phil Gramm comes immediately to mind.
This is the fReichtard trifecta.
1. Get your anti-gay hate on.
2. Get extra attention because you’re gay and you hate gays.
3. Become the authority for other fReichtards who’ll hold you up as an example of why it is OK to hate teh gey. (My gay friend says ….)
Of course this also works for any non-str8, Caucasian male fReichtard.
FWIW, Dan-o started out as a serious Rudy-phile, and accepted McSame only after the Guiliani juggernaut crashed headlong into the wall of irrelevance.
But, would it be too much to expect for you to accurately represent my ideas? I guess not.
Which means, I guess, that clif got it right?
“Such a definition would suggest that two friends … could marry.”
I’m going to go ahead here and guess that there was quite a bit of yelling and throwing things and resentment/anger in the Blatt household when young B was a child. People who like each other getting married? Preposterous! Marriage is all about the seething bitterness and intense disgust you have for each other, just as God intended!
“Attracted by this man not all that much older than he, the young man reevaluates his life, wondering if he could give up his lifestyle with the rich old man to share a different life with a (relatively) impoverished artist whom he loves.”
But he’s so…. lower middle class! Ugh! I feel I need a hot shower in my marble tub!
These are the kinds of life problems you WANT to have,
“That said, that I could inspire such bile and vitriol makes me think I must be doing something right. ”
The same thought process goes into evaluating his relationships. See above.
Dan also has a big old gay crush on Peggy Noonan, whom — I shit you not — he literally worships and calls the “Goddess Athena.”
Isn’t this the sort of shit that causes Nemesis to come and turn you into a rock or a tree or a bug or something? Hopefully she’ll do both Gay Patriot *and* Peggy Noonan.
Dear fReichtards:
Thank you.
He’s kinda fascinating in one way. He thinks we’re angry, enraged even, venting “bile and vitriol” on him when what we’re doing is pointing and laughing.
Jim Holt, a writer who’s just published a book on the history and philosophy of jokes, told this story in an LA Times Op-Ed. Recently Bill Clinton went on a diet, and somebody came up with a joke: “Bill Clinton’s lost so much weight, now he can see his intern!” Holt told the joke to some of his Republican friends, thinking they’d enjoy a chance to have a little laugh at the expense of their bete noire.
Universal result: They didn’t get it!!
It’s been getting pretty obvious that righties have no sense of humor, even about their enemies. Mr. Blatt supplies yet another data point.
Oh my god, the republicans want to holocaust the gays!
Yeah, ha. ha. ha.
Get a clue loser. Republicanism is gay. Your argument is false and zionist. You provide disassociation for zionist memes. You are as zionist as any Littlegreenfootballer and you have no sense of humor.
Liberals and Neocons are one in the same.
Self-hate is just part of the baggage of growing up gay in our society. But you’re supposed to overcome it, not let it overwhelm you, man!
There can’t be any other explanation for the tokenism among the wingnuts. Their prejudices create the hate, and then the ones who internalize it the most come around and suck up to them.
Quite a self-selection process the wingnuts have.
I dropped by the gay patriots blog and I must say (since my comment doesn’t seem to have appeared there), that GayPatriot’s blog is neither gay nor conservative enough.
Where are the gun graphics? Where are the mushroom clouds and the bombs with lit fuses that are sitting under a cartoon Muslim’s turbin? In wingnut world, simply putting a photo of a large eagle at the top of one’s blog is pretty weak.
And, since openly gay wingnuts are so rare, I think it would do his cause enormous good to create graphics combining conservative gay icons and military weaponry. For example, he could have a gay Republican Hall of Fame (talk about an embarrassment of riches!) and photoshop them so that they are all in various states of undress, holding M-60s, RPGs, and generally looking like fabulous – and hot! – advocates of an endless war they aren’t allowed to fight in. Or perhaps he could photoshop some famous gay conservatives going at each other with assault weapons in a Ted Nugent-inspired gun fetish display?
All in all, I thought his blog was a lame disappointment. I just didn’t feel the gayness. It was plenty stoopid though. Now I know that ‘gay’ wingnuts are just as illiterate and just as impervious to logic as straight wingnuts.
He really should link up with the g0ys.
can this guy get some kind of special award for his comment over at “gay patriot” regarding possible repeal of don’t-ask-don’t-tell?:
Personally, I’ve always thought that having an all-gay platoon would be the logical solution. Not to mention the plot for the next Kristen Bjorn video. But I digress.
And wouldn’t it be poetic justice if they were the ones who either (a) captured OBL or (b) took out the Islamofascists who executed summary justice on gays in the Middle East? Roll on, boys!
Along the same lines, I also advocate having all-female platoons, 12 in all. Why twelve? Because when women live together, they start their cycles at the same time. Send ‘em out when they’re all on the same time of month; we could call them the All-Amazon-Brigade.
Just my $0.02, girls.
Peter H.
Comment by Peter Hughes — July 10, 2008 @ 3:45 pm – July 10, 2008
jesuschristonacracker. the comment thread to the don’taskdon’ttell post at gay patriot is comedy gold! maybe you guys are all jaded from frequent exposure but i’m new to the game. you simply cannot make this shit up:
[this first paragraph is a clip from an earlier comment that “Henry” is directing his coment at] “Given that gay Democrats and liberals like Jason not only tolerate, but endorse and support with tens of millions of dollars and chants of “pro-gay” and “gay-supportive…”
NDT, I swear you have that comment on speed dial.
Comment by Henry — July 9, 2008 @ 12:58 pm – July 9, 2008
OK, I was gonna so not respond to thism but he’s calling us out.
I might have missed it, but there seems to be a lot of unacknowledged self-hate.
Good luck with that.
I get the gay conservative thing. You’re white, male, doing reasonably well or better financially, want to keep your money, fuck everyone else. The rest of your politics flow naturally from this.
Denied a genuine hetero married life with all the kiddies and trappings, you regard it with the reverence of the ignorant. Gay couplings, at best a mere shadow of the real thing, seem degenerate somehow. Gay adoption, regrettable for both the parents and the children.
But for the man-sex, you would have complete re-entry into the supercool American mainstream of your childhood memory, and as a privileged white male, no less!
Bad man-sex.
I get all of it. It’s twisted and destructive and pathetic.
What pisses me off to no end, however, is the fact that these guys never actually live in Heartland of their wet dreams. They’re safely ensconced in liberal enclaves where they bitch about how awful it all is.
Or to put it briefly:
Move to rural Alabama as a out gay conservative, and then I’ll take you seriously.
Otherwise, you’re just a poseur.
B Daniel Blatt = Bad Latent Lib
Except for, you know, the resultant projectile vomiting.
all other gays, who are terrorist-supporting, America-hating, baby-killing, disease-bearing traitors
Could someone break it to Danny that gay couples probably won’t be having many abortions? Thanks.
Ahh, to be a young trophy spouse, hidden away in a house without any real voice in the world.
Wait. That’s me. Bah. Time to hand out resumes again. x-x Don’t want to turn into a Blatt.
Who’s the most self-loathing-a gay wingnut, a female wingnut, or an African-American wingnut?
I honestly can’t decide whether this guy is a complete moron or a complete asshole. Maybe he’s both.
And that passage you quoted about his screenplay is possibly one of the most sad, pathetic things I’ve ever read.
Wait, didn’t you say that he lives in Los “Yeah, the ground does that sometimes” Angeles?
Is this inevitable, that GayPatriot got pounded up the arsehole so many times, the shit just comes out his mouth?
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