Dirty Fairies
Cassy Fiano — America’s favorite double-wide-trailer-park blogger — has fired up her dial-up connection, cracked open a can of Old Milwaukee, lit up another Newport, and posted, at the CheezWhizBang blog, a dire warning to all straight white people of the dastardly trepidations of teh gays:
What happens if you don’t agree with the homosexual agenda?
Uh, I dunno. I suppose teh gay stormtroopers invade your trailer and force you to wear a spaghetti-strap get-up that is probably not the right fashion choice for you? No, worse:
They’ll do everything they can to defame you, shut down your business, and make sure you are never heard from in public again.
That’s right. There are roving bands of Pinochet-inspired gays who are kidnapping teh straights by the thousands from public places and “disappearing” them. Sadly, this has apparently not happened to Cassy because we are, obviously, still hearing way too much from, and seeing way too much of, her.
The latest offender is Doug Manchester, owner of the Manchester Hyatt Hotel, is [sic] going to be the victim of a gay rights protest. His “crime”? He doesn’t support gay marriage!
Poor Doug Manchester. There he was, minding his own business, when teh adherents of the homosexual agenda used their secret reverse gaydar mind rays to discover that he thinks that guys getting married to each other is icky. Well, not really. Manchester has given $125,000 to the California campaign for a ballot proposition designed to overturn gay marriage in California. Manchester’s contribution is one of the largest individual contributions to the anti-gay campaign and more than Cassy has so far made in her lifetime as (I would surmise) a part-time cashier at Kroger’s. Saying that Manchester simply “doesn’t like gay marriage” is rather like saying that General Sherman simply preferred New York to Atlanta.
From these people’s perspective, you aren’t allowed to have a different opinion than the one they hold.
At this point, of course, I want to grab Cassy by the spaghetti-straps (metaphorically speaking only) and shake some sense into her. Teh gays aren’t pissed off simply because Manchester has a different opinion. Manchester could sit in his hotel and stew about gay marriage to his heart’s content for all anyone cares; the call for boycotting his hotel got started when he wrote a big fat check for Proposition 8.
And yet somehow, we’re the ones painted as intolerant and close-minded.
Next thing you know we’ll be hearing that gay marriage is a hate crime.
And yet somehow, we’re the ones painted as intolerant and close-minded.
Add, “and less honest than a three dollar bill” to that, and you’re getting close.
And yet somehow, we’re the ones painted as intolerant and close-minded.
Yes, that’s how I’ve always defined “intolerant and close-minded” – as anyone who doesn’t hand their money to me while I’m trying to oppress them.
After eight years of living under George W Bush I’ve become accustomed to rightards making these kinds of leaps in logic. It’s become second nature to them.
The only real upside is you can generally spot them coming, because they’re wearing their underwear over their heads and shrieking about muslims wanting to make us all get gay abortions.
Manchester has the right to give wads of cash to those trying to shape law, but nobody has the right to say they disagree with him or to stay in a different hotel. Invisible hand, bitches!
The fact is, not patronizing a business for political reasons distorts the free market (exception: if it’s done to protest Al Qaeda chic). By applying chaos theory (butterfly –> hurricane) we are forced to conclude that even one boycott call can (hence, will) lead to a recession, mental or real. Teh Gays are ruining the economy!!!!11!!!
Manchester must have given Cassy ten bucks to write her column. That’ll get her 2 pcks of cigs or 2 gallons of gas. Or a case of beer.
“And yet somehow, we’re the ones painted as intolerant and close-minded.”
Cassy’s been taking wingnut victim lessons from Miss Malkin. Not quite ready for primetime though.
Next thing you know we’ll be hearing that gay marriage is a hate crime.
Actually, people have gotten awful close. Go sort back through the wingnutosphere and you’ll find claims that gay marriage “denies children a mother and a father”, or that gay men are anti-female, etc.
So in short, I think they will eventually.
Reading comments like this remind me why me and my fiancee of the last two years are not marrying until the pissy closet cases like this have the same rights we do.
I mean, you’d be a wound-up hick idiot too if you were terrified that all that was keeping your horrifyingly insatiable hunger for pussy and your neighborly respectability at Ownership Society Acres Trailer Park apart was the thin, thin shell of California law. (Bonus points if she doesn’t actually live in California.)
The truth will set you free – and your ass will follow.
One also gets the feeling that Doug spent his $125,000 to fight…off…the…cock…urges. I can’t imagine why else an alleged capitalist who runs a hotel would hate teh gheyz so much that he would out himself as anti-ghey.
People simply need to stop disagreeing with people who disagree with them.
Well, it appears that homosexuals choose not to do business with you. Shocking that.
Yeah! That’s a horrible attitude to have! Imagine the nerve! What’s next? Death threats?
I have no idea why anyone would think opposition to gay rights would be seen as intolerant or close-minded
Shorter Cassie:
Hey, your entitled to my opinion….
The fact is, the homsexuals should be put in their place and made to SHUT UP. The fact that they’re trying to damage this good Christian man’s business just shows how comunistic theyr.
Cassy’s been taking wingnut victim lessons from Miss Malkin. Not quite ready for primetime though.
Oh, I dunno. I think she was pretty solidly victimized by whomever sold her the spaghetti strap top in the picture that Clif linked to.
Methinks Lady Gary protests too much.
When Malkin asked “Is [Rachel] Ray’s blunder worth boycotting [Dunkin Donuts] over?”, Fiano said “I guess the only way to know for sure is to wait and see what the reaction from Dunkin Donuts is.” When Absolut published the so-called “Reconquista” ad, she wrote “[f]rom now on, whenever I have any drink with vodka in it, I’ll make sure it’s SKYY. You should do the same.” I guess she was for boycotts before she was against them.
Also, girlfriend needs some face powder… MY EYES AIIIIEEEE!
So the Filipino farm workers were wrong to organize the grape boycott because the fruit company had the God-given right to pay them however little they pleased? And the Montgomery bus boycott was immoral because the bus drivers had the right to tell the coloreds to sit in the back?
Next thing you know we’ll be hearing that gay marriage is a hate crime.
I’m one of those fags that has never really cared about marriage. Honestly, why we would want to become a part of a “tradition” that shuns, excludes and kills us is beyond me.
The only reason the Ho and I would consider getting gaymarried is that so many people hate the very idea. In that sense, I might be open to committing a hate crime. If it really really got to them, I would do it.
Methinks Cassy would be served pretty well by boycotting McDonalds, frankly.
I love a good hate crime with a tasteful gift registry. Oooh! And cake!
Someone needs to educate our fair Cassy in the fine art of wearing a bra.
Actually, I believe that Ms. Fiano carries the clout of a Rothschild in the vodka and donut industries, so that was probably an act of self-preservation by Dunkin Donuts.
That’s it Fiona, … eh? It’s Fiana? Yeah whatever. Anyway, you’ve stepped over the line this time.
We’re going to tell you what happens when you don’t support gay marriage. Guess who won’t be able to get her hair done or redo her living room. Guess who who will never ever get any fashion advice [Ed.: that may be an empty threat judging by the pic]
Yep, that’s right, we’re boycotting (we love that word – it sounds so … so … sssexay!) you. More like an excommunicaiton actually. You’re not aloud to talk to us anymore. Suck on that beotch!
The latest offender is Doug Manchester, owner of the Manchester Hyatt Hotel, is [sic] going to be the victim of a gay rights protest. His “crime”? He doesn’t support gay marriage!
Manchester? The home of The Smiths?
Can. Not. Be.
Someone needs to educate our fair Cassy in the fine art of wearing a bra.
Good heavens NO!
There’s just too damn much of that pesky bra-wearin going on these days.
These kids not only play on my lawn, they wear far too many foundation garments.
Why, in my day it was hard to find a woman in a bra. And that, my friends, was a GOOD thing…
I will say she does have a nice rack.
Dumb as a box of rocks, but a nice rack.
Manchester has given $125,000 to the California campaign for a ballot proposition designed to overturn gay marriage in California.
I don’t know what Cassie’s lifetime earnings potential is, but that sum is nearly three times what I make in a year. So the question occurs to me: What is up with someone who has that much money to GIVE AWAY doing so in a negative way — i.e., to deter, defeat, or otherwise thwart something that is as non-bothersome on a holistic universal scale of any imagining as gay marriage? I mean, think of the actual good $125,000 could do. Why oh why do fucking asshole jerkoff shitheads get to have money? To put it more succinctly, why don’t I? Things’d be sure different if I did, lemme tell ya.
I can’t even laugh at this Cassy person. I grew up around people like her. They’re so low down on the great graph of life that they have to find people they consider beneath them to kick. When Cassy was a kid, she felt secure in her social milieu that blacks and gays were beneath even her dumb trashy ass, because this was reinforced by her family and friends. When society started to openly say that it was okay to be black or gay, and successful – which the Cassies of the world hear as “those gay or black (or gay and black-ha!) folks are better than you!” – they freak out. It fucks up what precarious false self-esteem they have. This is why TV shows such as Will & Grace drive the Cassies of the world nuts. Will is successful. Even Jack lives in New York and hangs around with the kind of rich slut Cassy would like to be if only she could just win the lottery. This is why the Obamas drive the Cassies crazy. Cassy is bitter. It’s as simple as that. She grew up calling other kids she was fighting with names like “fag” and “nigger” because those were the only insults she could hurl, since she could hardly call the other kids “white trash” and “skank” without the other kid screaming back “Look who’s talkin’!” Now those same gay/black folks she considered her inferiors are, obviously even to the dimwitted Cassy, her superiors.
I hope it hurts her. I hope it hurts her a LOT!
There’s just too damn much of that pesky bra-wearin going on these days.
Except for us bra-burning femi-nazis and we all know that Miss (saggy boobies) Cassy isn’t one of those!
There’s just too damn much of that pesky bra-wearin going on these days.
My motto is “Just say no to bras.” Torture devices, they are. I hates them.
So the question occurs to me: What is up with someone who has that much money to GIVE AWAY doing so in a negative way — i.e., to deter, defeat, or otherwise thwart something that is as non-bothersome on a holistic universal scale of any imagining as gay marriage?
Excellent answer to that question up-thread; it’s to fight the guy’s urges away. And for a self-hating closet case, that’s worth whatever money you can throw at it.
The thing about “nice racks” is that they aren’t forever. Generally, they’re for a decade – 15 years at most. The older I get, the more thankful I am that I was relatively rack-less in my youth (and still am comparatively speaking).
Less for gravity to work on, dontchaknow.
After eight years of living under George W Bush I’ve become accustomed to rightards making these kinds of leaps in logic.
One thing that’s occurred to me lately is how low the level of discourse, logical argumentation, intellectual engagement, verbal expression, uh…thought processing…uh…all that stuff, you know, that’s like smart or whatever, has fallen during the Bushy Reign of Error. So far down that it looks like up to me. Woe is us.
Manchester has given $125,000 to the California campaign for a ballot proposition designed to overturn gay marriage in California.
Man, that’s one of the most depressing things I’ve heard in a week of depressing goddamn things to hear. That’s just sad. Think of the good you could do with that money, even if it was to help some poor dumb sonofabitch get his dumbass out of credit card debt. I know a lot of those guys. But no, this guy’s got to be the world’s biggest choad for some reason or another. It just boggles the mind and someone should kick this jackass SQUARE in the nuts. I don’t often advocate violence against my fellow man, but some folks just need an ass-whippin’ from time to time. I mean, really. You can’t defend it. You just can’t.
I feel bad about that, but what are you gonna do. Hey, another stroke. The normalization of gay marriage will give sitcom and movie script writers a whole new world of nonsense to craft their – hell, I’m stoned, so why not – “art”. Think about it.
If The Homosexual Agenda really wants to prove it too is open-minded, tolerant, and committed to equality, it can match Mr. Manchester’s generous contribution. It is the only way.
And that’s Papa Doug Manchester to you hippies.
Aren’t the Xians boycotting Hyatt because of the porn, most of which I assume is straight? Not that there’s anything wrong with gay porn but I suppose that would call for a double boycott.
Your thoughts, Cassy?
Know what? I’m hammered. I mean, fuckdiddly fucke d up. Fuck to the fuck fucking drunk.
And even I know bowing s a shitloa d of motherfuckin dollaaaaaa is stupid as fuck if as long as oun caccount of it just being gay marriage, shit, least eee be gu spendin that dolla cash on beer toe the beer and all
Manchester got beat out by another San Diego-area developer, Terry Caster, who gave the campaign $162,500.
Oh, and Senator McCain has given the proposition his blessing.
I wonder if we might condemn Cassy’s fucked-up political “thinking” without dragging into the equation her socioeconomic status, educational deficiency (which, c’mon people, is outright admitting an unlevel playing field), or physical attributes or predictive future state thereof. Jeez.
D.N. Nation: You may be excused.
I wonder if we might condemn Cassy’s fucked-up political “thinking” without dragging into the equation her socioeconomic status, educational deficiency (which, c’mon people, is outright admitting an unlevel playing field), or physical attributes or predictive future state thereof. Jeez.
Aw, can’t we do both?!! Party pooper!
nicky fuck it she sucks sucsks whatever to the ends and ends and forever and eever adn beyond, well, whatever method, it be the only mehtond you know, then waht, ehant then what
I wonder if Phil Gramm’s a mental homosexual ?
MzNicky, it’s like the sammich thing. At least in my opinion.
Besides, I’m probably more economically disadvataged than she is. I’m a high school dropout single parent and I’ve never made more than $34,000 a year and that was way way way more money than my normal income, whcih hovered around $24,000/annually for a corporate drone job at places like Wells Fargo, Principal, and Wellmark Blue Cross & Blue Shield. I don’t feel sorry for mean and hateful people who attack other people on the basis of race or sexual orientation. I don’t give a fuck about being fair to her.
As to her education, there are things she could choose to do about that, as have I and other socioeconomically disadvantaged people. She can get t a Pell Grant, some loans and sign up at her local community college. It might open her eyes to a few ground truths.
Manchester. So much to answer for.
adiitionally, hit it yeah, sure yeah would, so/?a
“Bashing The French Before French Bashing Was Cool” is the site motto.
So I guess they go back about 100 years.
Didn’t know the t00bz were around then.
What the hell have you been drinking, D.N.?
Way too many people have learned how easy it is to Just Make Shit Up. Tossing out a big steaming load of overheated bullshit works much better for these clowns than taking the trouble to develop a cogent argument. Here gays organizing a perfectly justified boycott are trying to “defame you, shut down your business, and make sure you are never heard from in public again” – it’s flagrant nonsense, but her fans eat it up. Logic would bore them.
Dawn Eden, author of The Thrill of the Chaste: Finding Fulfillment While Keeping Your Clothes On:
“So, I walked downstairs and you know at the Met, it’s so beautiful, velvety carpet..and I look at the ground and there are white paper towels with red blood on them on the ground. He had actually left a trail of blood.
Then finally, I got to the men’s room and found out he was hiding out there until his nosebleed had let up. By the time I got there, it had stopped bleeding, but he was so distressed because, I guess, it’s frightening having a nosebleed, especially when you’re out on a date, and it’s just really uncomfortable I guess…”
Even their dates result in pain and bloodshed.
They sure were. 200 years, in fact.
Even their dates result in pain and bloodshed.
And a trail of litter, apparently.
The Thrill of the Chaste: Finding Fulfillment While Keeping Your Clothes On.
really thin book…….
What happens if you don’t agree with the homosexual agenda? His “crime”? He doesn’t support gay marriage! If he thinks Barack Obama would be a great President, I think, gee, how bright could this guy be? They don’t have the manners that conservatives do. And yet somehow, we’re the ones painted as intolerant and close-minded. What happens if you don’t agree with the homosexual agenda? His “crime”? He doesn’t support gay marriage! If he thinks Barack Obama would be a great President, I think, gee, how bright could this guy be? They don’t have the manners that conservatives do. And yet somehow, we’re the ones painted as intolerant and close-minded. What happens if you don’t agree with the homosexual agenda? His “crime”? He doesn’t support gay marriage! If he thinks Barack Obama would be a great President, I think, gee, how bright could this guy be? They don’t have the manners that conservatives do. And yet somehow, we’re the ones painted as intolerant and close-minded. What happens if you don’t agree with the homosexual agenda? His “crime”? He doesn’t support gay marriage! If he thinks Barack Obama would be a great President, I think, gee, how bright could this guy be? They don’t have the manners that conservatives do. And yet somehow, we’re the ones painted as intolerant and close-minded. What happens if you don’t agree with the homosexual agenda? His “crime”? He doesn’t support gay marriage! If he thinks Barack Obama would be a great President, I think, gee, how bright could this guy be? They don’t have the manners that conservatives do. And yet somehow, we’re the ones painted as intolerant and close-minded. What happens if you don’t agree with the homosexual agenda? His “crime”? He doesn’t support gay marriage! If he thinks Barack Obama would be a great President, I think, gee, how bright could this guy be? They don’t have the manners that conservatives do. And yet somehow, we’re the ones painted as intolerant and close-minded. What happens if you don’t agree with the homosexual agenda? His “crime”? He doesn’t support gay marriage! If he thinks Barack Obama would be a great President, I think, gee, how bright could this guy be? They don’t have the manners that conservatives do. And yet somehow, we’re the ones painted as intolerant and close-minded. What happens if you don’t agree with the homosexual agenda? His “crime”? He doesn’t support gay marriage! If he thinks Barack Obama would be a great President, I think, gee, how bright could this guy be? They don’t have the manners that conservatives do. And yet somehow, we’re the ones painted as intolerant and close-minded. What happens if you don’t agree with the homosexual agenda? His “crime”? He doesn’t support gay marriage! If he thinks Barack Obama would be a great President, I think, gee, how bright could this guy be? They don’t have the manners that conservatives do. And yet somehow, we’re the ones painted as intolerant and close-minded. What happens if you don’t agree with the homosexual agenda? His “crime”? He doesn’t support gay marriage! If he thinks Barack Obama would be a great President, I think, gee, how bright could this guy be? They don’t have the manners that conservatives do. And yet somehow, we’re the ones painted as intolerant and close-minded. What happens if you don’t agree with the homosexual agenda? His “crime”? He doesn’t support gay marriage! If he thinks Barack Obama would be a great President, I think, gee, how bright could this guy be? They don’t have the manners that conservatives do. And yet somehow, we’re the ones painted as intolerant and close-minded. What happens if you don’t agree with the homosexual agenda? His “crime”? He doesn’t support gay marriage! If he thinks Barack Obama would be a great President, I think, gee, how bright could this guy be? They don’t have the manners that conservatives do. And yet somehow, we’re the ones painted as intolerant and close-minded.
So that’s how these here internets thingamajigs work. Ted Stevens was right after all!
Dawn Eden, author of The Thrill of the Chaste: Finding Fulfillment While Keeping Your Clothes On:
Fun Fact: Gavin is actually in Ms. Eden’s book. Go ahead. Search for him.
Such a heartbreaker.
Personally, I’m not much for keeping my clothes on.
But then, puritanical frightened bullshit has never resulted in fun….
Good thing I popped a vessel that day or d00d might be getting hands-off instruction in the Thrill Of The Chaste.
adiitionally, hit it yeah, sure yeah would, so/?a
A) What??
B) Can I have some of what you’re having? I’m not nearly drunk enough for a friday evening!
Can I have some of what you’re having? I’m not nearly drunk enough for a friday evening!
I was gonna ask him to pass the bottle ’round but was afraid it might be rubbing alcohol or formaldehyde.
I call fake drunk D.N. Nation.
I call fake drunk D.N. Nation.
Perhaps. Usually when one (meaning me) is drunk enough to be that incoherent “one” is usually too drunk to attempt coherence.
Was that incoherent? I’m a little tipsy myself.
“I grew up around people like her.”
Yep, me too. When I was a younger lad, going to the Iowa State Fair was like going to a Cassy Converntion. Probably still is.
I’m a high school dropout single parent
Candy: Get the fuck outa town. No way.
I don’t feel sorry for mean and hateful people who attack other people on the basis of race or sexual orientation. I don’t give a fuck about being fair to her.
I don’t feel sorry for mean hateful people either. I do care about being fair though.
As to her education, there are things she could choose to do about that, as have I and other socioeconomically disadvantaged people. She can get a Pell Grant, some loans and sign up at her local community college. It might open her eyes to a few ground truths.
True, there are funds available to those who are aware enough to realize that self-improvement is an option. Having lived my entire life in the upper East Tennessee area of the Appalachian Bible Belt, I’m aware of how purposeful and self-righteous ignorance can be. It’s almost a badge of honor for some because the Bible tells them so.
Fun Fact: Gavin is actually in Ms. Eden’s book. Go ahead. Search for him.
Gavin is a Cheez Doodle?
Was that incoherent? I’m a little tipsy myself.
Well, I’m two margaritas and two glasses of white wine into the Friday evening, so it made sense to me.
MileHi: I assume so. I’ve never willingly gone to the Iowa state fair. The few times I was dragged there it sucked mickey kaus’s goat’s balls and was indeed full of Cassies, most of whom thought it was just way cool to hang around the Bud tent. I’m not partial to hot weather, $5 Bud draws and sweaty crowds of Cassies.
The Puyallup Fair in Washington is a lot more fun. It’s kind of weird, though. People showing sheep appeared to be moving the sheep around the ring by sticking a hand up said sheep’s cootchie like it was a handle or something and lifting. But I have terrible eyesight and could be wrong.
It’s almost a badge of honor for some because the Bible tells them so.
True that.
The Thrill Of The Chaste and…Gavin:
“… my mom let me go on a weekend teen retreat at a Unitarian church. It was there that I met Gavin. Gavin was hip, …”
“… kissed a couple of boys before, and those were boys who didn’t know what they were doing. From the way Gavin kissed, I could tell that he did know what he was doing, …”
“… Ever since Gavin had dumped me, I’d felt as though I couldn’t get arrested. Looking at photos of myself from that time, I …”
Y’know, it’s barely five freakin o’clock out here on the west coast.
But I’m trying to catch up…
That’s certainly one way to get a sheep’s attention. Probably feels like an UGG boot…
Being boys, we went to smoke pot all day, eat fried foods and hassle people. Like Duane/Floppy. Good times, good times.
It’s always five o’clock somewhere. When I’m drinking at 11:00AM or noon, I often point out that it’s five o’clock in Europe.
Hey, ladies, have you heard the news? Little Gavin’s back in town.
From the way Gavin kissed, I could tell that he did know what he was doing, …
He’s sooooo dreamy.
(He may also kill me for pointing out that he’s in that book.)
Catch up! (catch up),
Cats and kittens (cats and kittens),
Don’t get left behind (get left behind)…
[Monkberry Moon Delight]
“Y’know, it’s barely five freakin o’clock out here on the west coast.
But I’m trying to catch up…”
Ditto, but Vin Scully’s voice is helping the wine work it’s magic.
Oh and J,
If you’re still around, re: that amp discussion from last week and my AMHIK comment, well FWIW and YMMV:
sorry for the OT bandwhich
That blowing sensation isn’t the wind. It’s George Bush punching the air. Or it’s the sound of a vacuum of logic coming from that aspiring airhead.
WAY OT, many apologies, life history, feel free to skip!
I’m a high school dropout single parent
Candy: Get the fuck outa town. No way.
’tis true. I come from what could best be called a family of brilliant underachievers who believed in getting a good job with the mail service and spending all their free time in the time-honored Irish hobbies of drinking, reading, arguing, and politics. My grades in high school were fine, I was an honors English student, but I loathed the conformity and used to actually get to the doors of the school, turn around, and leave. Frequently I would go home and read. Also, I really liked going to bars and playing foosball.
I picked up my GED a year after dropping out, moved to teh big city, Des Moines, from SE Iowa dirt poor Ottumwa, then in the early 80s went to community college, planning to go on to a four year and get a degree in journalism. My goal was to do PR in the record industry and work my way up to A & R rep. Well, I got to meet some famous music industry types, and decided I didn’t have a forceful enough personality to tell rock stars what to do as a career path.
Although I had almost a 4.0 GPA and pretty much a full-ride scholarship set up to go to Boston University once I got my AA, I dropped out. Two things happened: I met a guitarist and I met drugs, and had a toxic relationship with both.
Fast forward a few years and a few relationships later. I got pregnant, my mom died when I was five months pregnant, and I was totally on my own with a baby before I knew what hit me. once I found out I was pregnant I just quit doing drugs. I was lucky. I worked at various corporate jobs, bought a house, sold the house, moved to the Seattle area, the economy tanked and I couldn’t support us, came back to Iowa in 2003, and just last year I couldn’t take the corporate hell anymore and decided to go back to school and become a paralegal, perhaps even go to law school. Here I am, full time student and full time pauper, but I have nearly a 4.0 GPA again and I find the law fascinating. So we’ll see.
Again, I apologize for this. True Confessions. Jeezy.
Thanks a lot, Tim. I appreciate it. I was afraid that amp question might get lost in the pile of subsequent posts. Thanks again.
I’m sorry, but I would so do her.
Hey, you’re the son of Coaling A’s famous daughter!
I have used this board as a place to say the things and tell the stories there wasn’t a place in the rest of my world to do so.
I’ve never apologized, despite frequently being off topic,off color and off my nut. These people get it, and while you might get just a TAD more honesty in the responses than maybe you were hoping for, it’s a chance, with a little bonding and a little anonymity, to try to find a place between just isolating and doing something stupid.
I’d encourage you to reach out whereever you’re comfortable, and don’t worry too much about apologizing unless some asshole braces you for misusing the resources.
And then, consider kicking said asshole in the nutz instead…
Just my $0.02….
“Hey, you’re the son of Coaling A’s famous daughter!”
Thanks, mikey.
The fact is that there is a homosexual urge to spread their mental illness to as many people as possible.
Many of them do not know the depths of their obsession. Lots of it is guided via mind control from Satan. Satan’s hold makes them do awful things, such as pedophilia. 90% of all pedophiles are homosexual in one way or another.
The leaders of the homosexual movement know what their lifestyle choice brings. And they spread it, like the seed-givers spread AIDS.
The homosexual agenda has rotted our children’s minds, it has contributed to a feeling that leads to more divorces and more shattered homes.
“The Colors Of Coalinga”
When I came to this city, the highway lined with colors
Red, white and blue, with green and purple food wrappers
You can come and see, or live here with me
Mary Poppins played here; it was not the premiere
But we were there, Faxed Head, high on glue
Pregnant with desire, to see her on our proud screen
A Christian runs the BP, a man of peace, he helped me
He brought a flower to my bed
At the hardware store, good cheer
As I buy some epoxy cement
I love what I see, thank you glue.
In spring, at Burger King, they put up orange banners
In December, they put up red
In their parking lot, I shot myself
As I bled into my can of glue
I felt a communion with my hometown.
Mikey and Candy, do you two not realize that every single comment you post goes to to thousands of machines throughout the entire civilized world, costing the Internet hundreds if not thousands of dollars?
Okay not really.
Nothing more than Feelings
Gary Rupert’s Feelings in my Loins
Ah hell, I don’t remember the damn song….
Candy: Wow. I’m sincerely in awe. You and I could get together and swap horror stories sometime I think.
Actually Gary as far as I can tell there’s pretty much one homosexual urge, which is to bang other dudes (assuming you’re a dude yourself). All the other stuff, such as enjoying drinks that end in “-tini” but don’t start with “mar-“, listening to Cher, growing a moustache, or dressing like you’re in Judas Priest, those are just individual preferences. Of course the whole not-wanting-to-excluded-from-society thing is pretty common, but it’s common among heterosexuals too.
We’re always in our cups. It’s a lifestyle.
Foosball,eh? OK, we so have to have a Heartland Sadly!Naut Hoe-Down…
Doctorb, I’m a professional drain on society! It’s both vocation and avocation.
“The Colors Of Coalinga”
Jesus !
You’re just supposed to stop there and refuel !!
Oh Dr. B you’re so not clued in.
It’s only the young gays (about whom we older gays have no idea how hard it is) that eschew the prefix ‘mar’ and postfix ‘tini.’ The reall hoary, well aged queerzez know very well that one can not make a martini without gin, that Cosmos are for women and metrosexuals only, that one wet suit is more than enough, Cher sux, Judy is the ONLY idol EVAH. Und so weiter.
Ooh! Ooh! I hear the Ho making another batch. I can *almost* hear him mumbling “vermouth” as he pours the ice cold gin. Is this a great country or waht?
Also, to D. N., I’m jealous.
Lots of it is guided via mind control from Satan. Satan’s hold makes them do awful things, such as pedophilia. 90% of all pedophiles are homosexual in one way or another.
So, inquiring minds and all, is that you on the sex offender registry?
Tho, it seems I’ rapidly catrhing u. *urp*
ZOMG! I love your mom!
MileHi, I’m not sure my wrists are up to the old standards, but I’d love to give it a go! Thing is, good foosball tables are hard to find these days. They’re usually without banks, have a couple of extraneous goalies, and are poorly maintained, when you can find them at all.
Damn I loved foosball. Pool was okay on a rainy afternoon hanging around a bar drinking cheap beer and Bloody Marys, but in a club with a band playing I’d always get bored waiting for it to be my turn to shoot and wander into the bathroom for a bump or off to the dance floor. Short attention span.
Foosball was a foray into feminism for me. My friend and I were good. We were both tiny little girls, but all the players soon knew we were fully competitive. What was great was when someone unfamiliar with our bar would come in. We’d lay a quarter on the table, and they’d snicker and make comments about how the little girls were going to “try” to play foosball. Then we’d kick ass.
Good times. Good times.
You and I could get together and swap horror stories sometime I think.
That’d be fun! Some stuff I can actually remember. 🙂
Oh for the days of Real Gary. Trotting out the 90% lie is so yesterday.
Come back when you’ve gotten more practice kid.
” ZOMG! I love your mom! ”
Me too !
wow. I last visited this post there were 22 comments. What the hell?
I think DN has passed out about now. I’m trying to catch up, though.
I’m convinced this woman (and others liker her) is CERTAIN that if it weren’t for teh gheyness she’d be married and living in a nice McMansion somewhere. But the icky gheys stole her dream man and made him into one of THEM.
For extra irony: That stale tart wouldn’t be allowed in any Hyatt I’ve ever stayed in.
I loved playing pool in bars.
For hours until the hours became days and the days became weeks.
Tweaking and tripping, chasing the eight was the background activity that filled in the dull spots and informed the hot moments.
And when things went sideways, that pool cue in your hands could get you past just about any three doods, even if they had weapons, and get you the hell out into the parking lot where you could level the playing field and hurt some people badly.
No other game includes as serious an offensive weapon as pool.
That makes it the winner…
I’m a shitty pool player. But I love it anyway.
“Oh for the days of Real Gary. Trotting out the 90% lie is so yesterday.”
I so want Real Gary to be back and know it’s him.
Maybe the site monitors can email him a code word or something.
“MileHi, I’m not sure my wrists are up to the old standards…”
Making excuses already! Sadly, none of joints are what they used to be, but I too still enjoy a game. Not that I’m any good mind you. The fact is, I suck bad.
There’s a DFH bar near my house that two decent tables. Laid bad folks, strong! drinks and decent music. Just right for a match…
Yeah, a pool cue can be a great equalizer, I’ll give it that. A well aimed pool ball ain’t a bad weapon, either.
Me too !
Well, fair enough. But you know what I mean. 🙂
sounds like my kind of place, MileHi.
I so want Real Gary to be back and know it’s him.
Maybe the site monitors can email him a code word or something.
Yes! Please!
In the mid ’80s in Sacramento there was this place on Auburn Blvd. called Ciscos that I always called “Criscos”. Biker place, had a card room, Thursday thru Sunday they went to 24 hours, but no booze between 2 and 6 am.
Total tweaker place, there’d be fifty bikes parked outside, you could (and were encouraged to) check your gun with the bouncers and get it back when you left.
Sac Sheriffs wouldn’t come in past the bouncer, they’d just say who they wanted and the bouncers would go get you. Deal was, you had to go, but you had a chance to empty your pockets first. And if you were paying attention, you could go out the back and run, but the cops figured that shit out pretty fast.
They’d also set up in the parking lot and wait for folks to leave. That’s why I didn’t. Leave, that is. Go in Thursday night, leave Sunday afternoon. No problems.
That place was fun, shooting pool and sipping coffee (who needed a beer when you’d been up for nine days?) and just losing all track of reality…
Are you perhaps referring to this?
Or, as the British press tell us:
“The American leader, who has been condemned throughout his presidency for failing to tackle climate change, ended a private meeting with the words: “Goodbye from the world’s biggest polluter.”
He then punched the air while grinning widely, as the rest of those present including Gordon Brown and Nicolas Sarkozy looked on in shock.
Geez Mikey,
This makes the exploits of the PDX Drinking Sadlyly seem so… lame…
MileHi, did you ever hang out at Inspiration Point, on SE 14th?
At this point, Dr. Missus, would we really want anything OTHER than lame? I rarely stay up ’til mid anymore, and the last time I swung on a dood I hurt my hand.
Nope. I’m fully prepared to go gently into that goodnight.
Unless some wingnut fuck is pushing me with a bayonet, then, well, then we’ll see what we have left…
Have you not heard of the Newport Croquet Massacre of 1896?
Hey, Tim, if you don’t mind (and if you do, please ignore this), what are the guitars on “Accufunkture” and “The Halls of Ahita Deena”? Thanks.
Let’s just say that I am a Southside boy…
Actually Gary as far as I can tell there’s pretty much one homosexual urge, which is to bang other dudes (assuming you’re a dude yourself).
Well, there’s also sleeping and eating – at least once you turn 20.
Let’s just say that I am a Southside boy…
Really? For some reason I thought you were a Roosevelt neighborhood guy.
I lived on the Southside many years.
Ah, Inspiration Point and the Peter Lorre band. Good times. Mikey, you would have felt right at home at Teh Point.
I remember one Halloween going out dressed up as Stevie Nicks and some a-hole stole my glittery shawls while I was playing foosball. I had a rabbit chubby ripped off at that bar once, too. Other than that, it was a fun, fun place, if you didn’t take a stray bullet in the parking lot.
No fuckin’ way I’m a SOG! Well, I am, but way, way South. The Dahl’s on Fleur was about 1/2 mile from both places we lived. One East of Fleur and one West. I was an original employee of the Hy-Vee at SouthRidge.
Not that I don’t know every dive bar on Ingersoll, Grand, Forest…
The Gay Mafia said,
July 12, 2008 at 1:18
Don’t forget, Gay Mafia, that you make up a % of the traveling population way out of proportion to your numbers in society as a whole. And you are “higher yielding” passengers/guests than straight people too which is why every major airline and other types of travel companies have dedicated staff to sell and market to you. Doug Manchester must know that if he owns hotels. What a stupid dick. Not only that, you control the travel business from the inside. Tour company owners and executives, marketing people at airlines, corporate travel managers, etc. These people have a lot of influence over where people stay and so many have teh gay. So many are also my friends and I’m going to email a link to this post to all of them and then I’m sure they’ll spread the word. Bwaaaaaaahhhhhhaaaaaahhhhhaaaaaaa!!!!
Yes, I’ve been drinking too. And I’ve got a mint foosball table in my basement but nobody to play with. Come on over everybody and get yer asses kicked!! $5 a game. Whaddya say?
Hey youse guys! If the inside shit doesn’t make sense to us, well then cut that shit out! WTF ARE you talking about? East side of what? Is that soime heartland thing?
Aah, never mind. It doesn’t matter.
Waiter! More gin!
We can have our own inside shit, PeeJ. We know what Toby got up to in PDX. And we even have an abandoned camera with lots of pictures of… you know… on it.
Not to mention that we tip well, eh?
As for mint foosball, can we do mocha? That’d be nice.
Speaking of abandoned cameras, it’s *still* sitting on my shelf here.
“Is that soime heartland thing?”
The fact is, very much so.
Wow. The Gay Mafia has outed himself.
And speaking of Toby….where the fuck has he been lately? C’mon back t4! We won’t tell, really we won’t! We….*sniiff*…miss you.
I should also mention that Hyatt was one of the industry leaders in marketing directly to the gay community so they must be mighty pissed off at this Manchester guy right now.
Dunno where Toby is. His blog seems current enough. Maybe he just had… y’know… something to do on a Friday night?
And as for the other PDX Toby, it’s been quite a while since we’ve heard from him.
Yes, I’ve been drinking too. And I’ve got a mint foosball table in my basement but nobody to play with. Come on over everybody and get yer asses kicked!! $5 a game. Whaddya say?
I would so love to take you up on that but . . . see pauper, above.
The Dahl’s on Fleur was about 1/2 mile from both places we lived. One East of Fleur and one West. I was an original employee of the Hy-Vee at SouthRidge.
I lived on Stanton for about six years. Let’s see, on the South Side I worked at the following bars: Grapes & Grain, Barry’s (used to fill in for one of the regular waitstaff), City Limits, and Party Town. I worked at Denny’s briefly. Very briefly. I also did costumed balloon deliveries for the Theatrical Shop for a while. (Although that’s Valley Junction, not Teh Southside.)
“Hey, Tim, if you don’t mind (and if you do, please ignore this), what are the guitars on “Accufunkture” and “The Halls of Ahita Deena”?”
Sorry, I was watching my TIVO’d News Hour.
They’re both Strats, but different ones with different “innards”, 10 years apart.
Also, on “Accu”, it’s a tweaked Super Reverb (God I want that amp back)
On “Halls” it’s the solid state Pearce I mentioned.
pardon the OT geek-out everyone.
Stanton South or North of Watrous? Was Grapes and Grains the place near McKinley and Fleur? I certainly know Berry’s all too well.
I certainly hope I never dined and dashed on you at Denny’s. My apologies if so!
The latest offender is Doug Manchester, owner of the Manchester Hyatt Hotel, is [sic] going to be the victim of a gay rights protest. His “crime”? He doesn’t support gay marriage!
Man’s got an entire “Mitt Romney For President” page on his website. This does not inspire a tsunami of sympathy from anyone with a functioning brain.
And yet somehow, we’re the ones painted as intolerant and close-minded.
Yeah, what an enigma, wrapped in a mystery, hidden behind a puzzle that is … you know, when you’ve got folks like the KKK & Aryan Nations going “AMEN!” to what you say, maybe it’s time to give one’s wee head a shake & STFU already.
Oh, & isn’t it funny how that evil ol’ Homosexual Agenda doesn’t lead to murderous straight-bashings or hetero teenagers committing suicide though, huh? Guess they’re just not bringing their A-Game yet.
Stanton between Watrous and McKinley, right off of Fleur. I could take the back roads between Barry’s and home. It was a damned good thing.
I loved Barry. He was a funny guy. I remember him telling me he didn’t care if I drank with the customers as long as I didn’t get naked and dance on the tables. One night, I came in to work. He was wearing a red apron. Suddenly he raised it up and over his pants – thank God! – he was wearing a HUGE strap on dildo. My eyes practically fell out onto the bar.
Grapes and Grain was on Army Post near Pizza Hut.
I didn’t have any dine and dashers at Denny’s, but then, I only lasted a week.
So, did you know the Runkles? They lived in a big old house on Stanton–one of those large treed lots–with lots of old Checker cabs parked about?
[…] Greg wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptIf he thinks Barack Obama would be a great President, I think, gee, how bright could this guy be? They don’t have the manners that conservatives do. And yet somehow, we’re the ones painted as intolerant and close-minded. … […]
So who, exactly, was Gavin defending the Unitarians from?
Thanks for the info, Tim.
No, that doesn’t ring any bells. I don’t remember any Checker cabs. I remember going to a fourth of July party way down toward the end of the road at the home of some friends of friends. They had one of those big above ground pools. I floated in it in an innertube all that afternoon, drinking beer. it was a big blue house. I think the owner was an auto parts dealer or something, but I may be wrong about that. This would have been 1987.
I lived in the big apartment complex with the inner courtyard which contained a very nice, big pool. I loved it because there were no hours when it was closed, and the apartments had a back door which led to the courtyard. I used to go out on hot, humid summer nights, dance and drink and get all sweaty, then come home, slip into my bikini, and go down and swim at 3:00 AM, all alone. One night – I swear I am not making this up – I was back floating and I must have passed out because next thing I knew I was floundering around in the water, choking and sneezing. I’m amazed I lived through the 80s.
I’m gonna have to crash soon. I … am … getting …very …sleepy.
Ah, by ’87 I’d already moved to the “Big City”. And the family was out in Seattle by then too. Sleep well…
Ah, by ‘87 I’d already moved to the “Big City”.
I was starting to imagine that you might have been the guy who called me about my phone.
I had one of those princess phones, and it quit working. I gave it to my boyfriend to fix, which he did . . . but he was really stoned, and while I was out picking up food, he spray painted it with purple and silver stripes, and a red base. It was perfectly hideous but it worked fine. I took it home.
Well, one night we were at my place and got in a big fight. He took the phone and hurled it off the balcony. It must have gone clear to the parking by Stanton. When I went out to look for it the next morning, it was gone.
Almost a year later, the phone rang. It was a guy who lived in the neighborhood. He said he’d found the phone and taken it home. The number was on the little piece of paper under the plastic plate. His curiosity had finally gotten the better of him, and he had to know to whom the weird phone belonged, and how it had come to be on the curb. I told him, we laughed and said goodbye, and that was that.
He seemed a very nice guy.
‘night, MileHI
I was listening to Jay Thomas on Sirius this morning and he was interviewing Ben Stein. The resident fucktard conservative (Madison) opined that conservatives really were the openminded ones and it was the liberals who were trying shove their beliefs down everyone’s throat.
This was offered immediately after Stein offered a screeching attack on abortion rights, academic freedom and the first amendment while defending James Dobson, the ten commandments in public places and religious fascism in general.
Not that anyone should be offended by this if course – expect those damn sensitive liberals.
Thread’s dyin.’
Whatsamatta EC libruls?
Turn into a pumpkin at midnight?
We never abandon threads like this in the Heartland.
Gay people are no damned good at anything except fucking up traditional marriages.
Mine’s been under extreme duress since that 17-year-old Slovenian exchange student moved in down the block…
“and that was that.”
Wait–so, he kept the phone?
Turn into a pumpkin at midnight?
Drunk by midnight!
Charles Barkley’s Pinot Noir Punch
1 jigger stallion stool water
4 teaspoons Pinot Noir, strained
1 pint nosy sherry vinegar
Stir all ingredients jocularly with ice, strain contents imperfectly into a cheery pail and serve.
Righteous Bubba–
I’ve got everything else working, but I can’t figure out how to make the pail cheery.
I think that’s important because right now this stuff tastes like shit.
There you have it: Whoo.
Candy said,
July 12, 2008 at 1:26
My motto is “Just say no to bras.” Torture devices, they are. I hates them.
I wanna be Candy’s boy.
That chick is totally not fat, tho she is obviously daft. Full-figured gals in skimpy gear are welcome anytime, just don’t try and convince me the gays are screwing up yr pathetic life, ya hot little empenada, you.
nicky fuck it she sucks sucsks whatever to the ends and ends and forever and eever adn beyond, well, whatever method, it be the only mehtond you know, then waht, ehant then what
I secod that emotion.
Or second. Whatever.
People simply need to stop disagreeing with people who disagree with them.
“What, and leave show business?”
Candy, of course, is correct — Oor Cassie doesn’t have much in her life to be proud of, but she grew up believing that at least she’d always have the f*gs and the n****rs to look down on. Now there’s a Knee-grow running for President, and the (literally, in Cassie’s world) God-damned f*gs are lining up for big fat sexy romantic WEDDINGS and HONEYMOONS and GIFT REGISTRIES, exciting events of which I suspect Cassie feels she has not received her due entitlement. Of course, if she were a
rationalbetter person, she would take the amazing unpredicted sucess of (fellow) Outgroup members as an inspiration / incentive, but that would involve hard work and dedication, whereas sucking the Wingnut Welfare teat is as easy as eating Cheetos…Oh, and Mikey? Since you seem to be a California guy, you were not properly exposed to the People-with-Anger-Management-Issues all-purpose buffet that is HOCKEY. Every player gets issued a big club and a couple of edged weapons! I was never a knowledgeable fan, much less a player, but if you’ve seen the hockey scenes in “Rescue Me” — the fictional part is, not enough missing teeth & fistfights in the stands, the locker rooms, the parking lot…
Anne Laurie–
Oh my god yes.
And no.
Hockey rules and teeth do go missing, but the whole fighting culture is really a relic of the past.
Fighting has to happen in hockey because it greatly reduces the likelihood of stick fouls.
I know because I played in a North Philly rec league for four years and have seen the consequences of stick fouls vs. fighting. It’s no contest.
I actually believe that fighting in hockey is brutal and stupid, but stick fouls cannot be allowed to go unpunished.
FTR, I haven’t seen a fight in the stands since the Flyers left the Spectrum and I’ve never seen a fight in the locker room or parking lot.
There’s so much more to hockey than fighting…watch the real thing instead of Rescue Me and you’ll see what I mean.
Fast forward a few years and a few relationships later. I got pregnant, my mom died when I was five months pregnant, and I was totally on my own with a baby before I knew what hit me. once I found out I was pregnant I just quit doing drugs. I was lucky. I worked at various corporate jobs, bought a house, sold the house, moved to the Seattle area, the economy tanked and I couldn’t support us, came back to Iowa in 2003, and just last year I couldn’t take the corporate hell anymore and decided to go back to school and become a paralegal, perhaps even go to law school. Here I am, full time student and full time pauper, but I have nearly a 4.0 GPA again and I find the law fascinating. So we’ll see.
Small world, Candy. I just got my paralegal certificate. Now I have to screw up the courage to go get a new job, after 13 years in corporate hell. God, I hate having to convince people that I’m worth hiring.
That chick is totally not fat,
When your back has rolls like the Bering Sea, it’s time to cut back on the cheetos.
Wow. This is hard. Sometimes when you have bad news it’s just really hard to get to the facts. Here goes.
Cassy is a Sawks fan.
comsymp: A fucking men.
I’d rather see this than this cheap shot. Really.
When I read this post and got to the “Next thing you know we’ll be hearing that gay marriage is a hate crime” I seriously expected to scroll down another line and see a blockquote of just that. Turns out all that laid below was the comments link.
As is often said here, its getting to the point where it is hard to parody reality – punchlines become too believable – you can reasonably imagine a wingnut blogger honestly holding a position like ‘gay marriage = hate crime”… And yet Sadly, No! marches on, bringing the funneh in spite of the challenge of one-upping our increasinly fuckcrazy reality. So thanks for that.
“What happens if you don’t agree with the homosexual agenda?”
The way I see it, you’ve got three options:
1. Find yourself a different agenda.
2. Turn gay and go to hell
3. Write a hate piece condemning the most persecuted minority on the planet.
Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!
Cassy chose #3. Good on you, babe. Stay classy.
I got really pissed when reading Cassy’s blog about ten hours ago, so I whipped up a bit of a rant about the conservative loathing of gays and posted it.
When I checked back later, it was gone. Pretty goddamn rich for someone who gripes about her opinions not being respected by others.
Anyhow, I reposted my screed at her site, having been astute enough to save it. And since she’ll probably purge it again, I’m going to post it here, because it attempts — clumsily, I admit — to answer a question that I’d love to hear asked of someone like James Dobson… or Cassy, for that matter.
Thanks for indulging me.
When I read complaints of this ilk, the same question leaps to mind every time: what do conservatives want from gays in America? Hell, what does Cassy want?
For gays to simply stop being gay?
For gays to force themselves into a heterosexual lifestyle, desperately hoping that it will somehow “take?”
No. If homosexuality vanished from the public eye, folks like Cassy would no longer have the soul-satisfying pleasure of beating their moral outrage stiff over those disgusting queers. Imagine the mud-slinging delight that right-wingers would be denied if there were no more Gay Pride parades!
What conservative homophobes want is for gays to SHUT UP and simply learn to live with the cold, hard fact that they are, in this great Christian nation, second-class citizens. Third-class, even. And isn’t that as it should be, being that homosexuality is an abomination before God and disgusting in the bargain, right?
Shut up and take it. That’s the message of the right, for those of you sick enough to love those of your own gender.
Fired from your job for having a same-sex lover? Tough – should have thought of the outcome when you chose your odious lifestyle.
Evicted from your apartment because your landlord doesn’t approve of two women living together in sin? Sucks to be you, ladies – but it is his building, and he’s only exercising his religious freedom, after all.
Thrown out of a restaurant for touching your lover’s hand, while all around you “normal” couples share kisses? Too damn bad – actions have consequences, and your actions make decent people want to puke.
Shut up and take it. Right-wingers don’t want homosexuality to cease to exist. What fun is that? No, they want queers to be cowering and servile, yet grateful for whatever crumbs of tolerance or pity are thrown their way. Of course, the Falwells, Dobsons, and yes, Cassys of the world much prefer to dole out kicks, rather than crumbs. Take that, faggot!
Shut up and take it. We don’t want to know about your vile gayness – unless we want to make an example of you for your degeneracy, that is – so keep it to yourself. It’s enough that we know who you are, and the horrible things you do behind closed doors. And rest assured, if you even attempt to fight for equality with your loathsome “gay agenda,” we will move heaven and earth to crush you like the vermin you are.
“It’s not that we hate you, understand – it’s God that hates you. Too bad if you can’t deal with that.” I actually heard those words spoken to a gay student during my days at an Alabama university.
Sigh. And these are the same people who claim with a straight face that Christians are the most oppressed and persecuted of Americans. Truly, irony is dead.
“What happens if you don’t agree with the homosexual agenda?”
The way I see it, you’ve got three options:
sorry, I think there are four (at least) options.
#4 – live your life and leave other people alone.
Oh man. I am the mom of an almost grownup. He is a pretty good kid. He has a girlfriend. She is a pretty good kid, too.
They were here at our house, and they were (legally) drinking. buncha friends over, barbecue, party. Designated drivers, etc.
Girlfriend got a little too drunk. S’okay, she’s staying here.
Sad, but how sweet, my kid is taking care of her. i went into the room to help, she was embarrassed, (of course, her boyrfriends mom????) but I helped because he was a little freaked, and now I think he will put her to bed and it will be OK.
Sweet kids.
“What happens if you don’t agree with the homosexual agenda?”
We don’t have “gays” in Montana. At least that’s what the bikers in the Blood Clot Bar said after they had their way with me. The way they explained it, it has something to do with prison life (or something), but it’s definitely not gay, not here in The Heartland of the USA of America. I learned something important and profound that night: never drink tequila with a man who wears a leather vest instead of a shirt.
As a person from Seattle, I must complain that your PDX people choose to have conventions when I am not in town for immoral purposes.Talk about exasperating existing angst.
I bet Cassy is a Dixie Chicks fan.
I further bet she has no idea why I just said that.
You might want to check this out….http://www.tagg-lines.com/2008/07/top-ten-reasons-your-son-may-be-gay.html
The fact is, OK who is doing the Gary over on Cassy’s JizBangBlog post?
Tony Snow is no longer a going concern.
I just have to say, the comments over on Sassy Cassy’s post are one of the reasons I love coming back here. You guys do it right.
Also, thanks to whichever Gary posted over there. The fact is, as soon as Illinois permits gay marriages, I’m going to ditch my wife and kids and demand to marry the Sears Tower.
Whatsamatta EC libruls?
Friday night in the SC heartland consists of performing gay abortions, drinking of high strength Belgian beer and smoking copious amounts of drugs. We dont have no time for bloggin on a Friday night…….
Well, it’s pretty obvious from her photos that Cassis is NOT associated with any gay people. Whether or not she is associated with any people at all is anybody’s guess – I mean people whose IQs run a bit higher than room temperature.
I know a guy, bit of a reclusive chip-on-the-shoulder type, who actually believed that gays were actively recruiting young adults and kids in order to ‘convert’ them to gaydom. He was worried about his grandchildren’s safety in the Babylonian nest of libertines, dissolutes and degenerates usually known as small-town Ontario. Ever been here? LOLOL!
I gave him something to think about by mentioning that most pedophiles are straight and are usually family members, friends, neighbours or people in positions of authority over children.
Heh. Sweat that, buddy.
MzNicky: Why yes, yes I was.
Small world, Candy. I just got my paralegal certificate. Now I have to screw up the courage to go get a new job, after 13 years in corporate hell. God, I hate having to convince people that I’m worth hiring.
Me too. One of the reasons I’m thinking about going on to law school and enduring penury for a few more years is that being a professional student is a lot less stressful than competing for jobs in teh Really Real World. Dread.
Wait–so, he kept the phone?
Yeah, but it was cool. He said the phone no longer worked. I believed him. The phone went a long way before crashing to earth.
Fighting has to happen in hockey because it greatly reduces the likelihood of stick fouls.
True dat. Men will be brats.
But for truly hair-raising levels of ultra-violence, hockey is hackeysack in comparison to lacrosse – Canada’s REAL official national sport. Back when the Natives played it, the field was 20 or more MILES, end to end … & it hasn’t gotten a whole lot more friendly via shrinkage since, from what I’ve seen. Not a sport for the squeamish. I’m not sure if there even IS such a thing as a stick foul in lacrosse. Think Rugby with teeny-tiny nets, a smaller ball & clubs, er, um, sticks – & no big pile of bodies to hide from them in.
The thing about “nice racks” is that they aren’t forever.
‘Specially not if you don’t wear a bra.
You can say what you like about her politics, but leave those tops alone! It’s good to see her letting her breasts ride low for conservatism. I’m considering voting for McCain, you know . . .
For crying out loud, stick on a warning label on links like that “spaghetti-strap” photo! I was eating, dammit!
She’s just pissed off because they get more and better action than she does and all the really cute boys are gay.
I played crease attack in garbage time for a D-1 school my freshman year before my grades made me choose between lacrosse and staying in school.
I also played rugby my junior and senior year after I got my act together.
There’s no comparison: rugby is way more physically demanding than lacrosse.
You run almost as much and are making significant contact the whole match. Lacrosse sometimes has long periods where you’re stuck standing at the restraining line watching play at the other end.
They’re both great sports. Rugby’s just tougher.
“What happens if you don’t agree with the homosexual agenda?”
This is what gets me about morons like this– what the hell is there to agree or disagree with?? Either sexual orientation *matters* or it does not. The whole point of “The Evil Homosexual Agenda” is that sexual orientation ought not to matter one way or the other.
In other words, who cares whether you’re straight or gay or whatever? It doesn’t BOTHER me. And yet it BOTHERS these insecure morons who are only capable of seeing everything in terms of black & white. Chickenshit bastards.
In other words, who cares whether you’re straight or gay or whatever? It doesn’t BOTHER me. And yet it BOTHERS these insecure morons who are only capable of seeing everything in terms of black & white. Chickenshit bastards.
My very wise mother always says, “It’s not important who you love, as long as you know how to love.”
Of course, I doubt that conservatards would listen to my mother.
When I discussed gay marriage with my wife she admitted that she, too, wished she ahd married a man. It just keeps getting tougher every day.
This is not an important point, but since you mention it in the post, I feel like I need to disagree with you — Fiano’s apparel is actually flattering to her pleasing appearance. I don’t much like discussing the appearance of people who aren’t my girlfriend, but I don’t really think the attacks on Fiano’s appearance are warranted or respectful. Her arguments are dumb enough. It feels like the “pantsuit” thing with Sen. Clinton, I guess. I don’t really want to have to think of people in a sexual manner when those people aren’t specifically relevant to sex (e.g. my girlfriend, or porn stars, or a sex icon of some sort) unless it’s for a clear rhetorical purpose (Giuliani having sex with 9/11).
[Clif adds: Jeebus, Mauro, can you read? I was attacking her wardrobe choices, not her appearance. She can’t really control how she looks but she can, ferchrissakes, decide on what outfit to pull from the dirty laundry before having her picture taken.]
Dammit, it’s so annoying when I arrive to late and there’s over a hundred comments posted. I mean, even if I HAD something interesting to say, who’d read it at this point.
Oh well.
I can’t believe she’s stupid enough to drag out the old “If you were really tolerant, you’d be tolerant of the intolerant” cliche. I mean, how does this make sense?
This asshole expresses his “disagreement” by shelling out $125,000 to further the cause of denying rights to gay couples that Cassy takes for granted, and this leads gays to organize a boycott in response, which makes them the intolerant ones. So I guess that makes Manchester the truly tolerant one? Tolerant of whom-anyone who, um, supports him?
I mean, fuck, nobody with $125,000 to piss away can possibly be described as oppressed or victimized.But Ja-Cassy feels sorry for him?
Looking for a picture of this Fiano person, I stumbled upon this catty gem.
Misdirected hostility never looked so good.
… sherman simply perferred …
sadly, yes, you rule