God bless you, Phil Gramm
Oh, Phil Gramm. Whatever will Ma’n’Pa America think when they turn on their teevee at night and find out that you’ve just called them “whiners”:
McCain adviser talks of ‘mental recession’
With the economy on the top of voters’ minds, Republican presidential candidate John McCain’s top economic adviser said the Arizona senator will lay down a detailed program to revive dynamic growth with dramatic tax and spending reforms.
In an interview with the Washington Times, Phil Gramm, a former Texas senator who is now vice chairman of UBS, the giant Swiss bank, said he expects Mr. McCain to inherit a sluggish economy if he wins the presidency, weighed down above all by the conviction of many Americans that economic conditions are the worst in two or three decades and that America is in decline.
“You’ve heard of mental depression; this is a mental recession,” he said, noting that growth has held up at about 1 percent despite all the publicity over losing jobs to India, China, illegal immigration, housing and credit problems and record oil prices. “We may have a recession; we haven’t had one yet.”
“We have sort of become a nation of whiners,” he said. “You just hear this constant whining, complaining about a loss of competitiveness, America in decline” despite a major export boom that is the primary reason that growth continues in the economy, he said.
Yessir, this is gold. And when I say “gold,” I mean, “SWEEEEEET, SWEEEEEET GOLD IN THEM THAR HILLS!!!!!”
See, as much as a lot of us correctly complain about the Democrats, we’re still going to vote for them if only to avoid the insane “Let them eat cake” wingnuttery of richy-rich scumbags like Phil Gramm. Obama campaign, if you aren’t a-screamin’ to the high hills about this quote within the next 30 seconds, then y’all has already failed big-time.
Yeah, but Obama said Americans were bitter, so that cancels this out, and also adds infinity plus four to how bad Obama is, so Obama loses.
Got it? Heh. Indiddily ding dong doodily.
If I could have some of the money Phil Gramm made off of housing loan deregulation etc., I’d be less mentally recessed.
This is such a weird and unnecessary gaffe. It would have been easy to make a point about how the American economy is actually stronger than it’s perceived to be (whatever the merits of that argument) without insulting the voting public.
In general, I am anti – “pretend you’re really upset about some offhand remark from the other campaign” so I’m actually not looking forward to the upcoming round of demands from Obama surrogates that Phil Gramm be excommunicated from public life (not that I would mind if he was) and that McCain “denounce” his comments (fast becoming my least favorite word in the English language). It’s nice that someone from the McCain campaign said something stupid which feeds into the notion that he doesn’t know or care much about the economy or the plight of working-class Americans–I just don’t like the form that these stories tend to take. It’s so tiresome and I kind of feel like it’s destroying our national psyche.
Yes, I blogged about this today too. I find it interesting that telling Americans their economic troubles are all in their heads is never, ever elitist. Calling them whiners because they struggle to make ends meet is never, ever elitist. Blaming the media because things are just fine in the rarefied air YOU breath is never, ever elitist.
But there’s some scary black guy running for office who might be a secret Muslim with a creepy Christian pastor.
Okie dokie.
Somebody in the press needs to ask McCain whether he stands by those remarks, and if not, whether he will denounce them.
Wow, could this be some of that thar “malaise” ol’ Jimmy Carter was talkin’ ’bout back in Teh Seventies? Why does the McCain campaign hate America?
““You just hear this constant whining, complaining about a loss of competitiveness, America in decline” despite a major export boom that is the primary reason that growth continues in the economy, he said”
Gee, do you think the rise in exports could have anything to do with this? Clearly a vote of confidence in the US economy.
Boy, there’s nothing like a fat white man who’s never worried about money, bills, or health insurance telling me to buck up. Now I know that unemployment, debt, and those loose fillings are all in my head!*
Scumbag republicans.
*Though, literally speaking, my teeth are in my head. Mostly.
Don’t worry–the Media won’t touch this story. Why should they? The media CEOs and their million-dollar celebrity newsreaders agree with Gramm: the economy has been great for them and their increase. What’s everybody else’s problem?
I can see the headline: McCain adviser worries about nation’s mental health.
And a more in depth look at the pit that is the Right. From the comments section, penned by the billiantly named “deportemall”:
In fact 3 of the five comments on that article are about how McCain is just part of the Reconquista. Perhaps Phil Gramm is right about there being a mental recession.
You’re assuming that the media will report this. And they wont. Cuz it’s insulting McCane’s POW integrity. So just like……like shut up.
“We have sort of become a nation of whiners,” he said. “You just hear this constant whining”
Let’s hear from a better class of whiners-
My husband just lost his job Monday. After 15 yrs. Because shareholders were,ahem,whining about costs interfering with their profits. Nevermind the literal millions my husband saved these people cutting wasteful spending,ripoffs from utilities and subcontractors,etc.
I’d LOVE for Gramm to tell my husband he’s a whiner. Hopefully Mr. Gramm has a good dental plan,he’d need it if he actually had to say that to the man’s face.
God I hate these fucking rich assholes.
“Somebody in the press needs to ask McCain whether he stands by those remarks, and if not, whether he will denounce them.”
Unbelievable. Question McCain’s integrity?!
Jake Tapper is on it.
Phil Gramm truly is the gift that keeps on giving. Please please please keep him on.
Boy, there’s nothing like a fat white man who’s never worried about money, bills, or health insurance telling me to buck up. Now I know that unemployment, debt, and those loose fillings are all in my head!
Gramm couldn’t try harder to personify the Montgomery Burns stereotype. It is just breathtakingly callous and politically inept. Will it get any traction in the media? I doubt it.
Since the beginning of time man has yearned to destroy the sun.
The Phil Gramm comments. The sound of dying dinosaurs.
Once again, liberals show their disdain for wealth and productivity, and their deficient understanding of the laws of economics. You are whining if you think we are in a recession. The foundations are solid. America’s economy is awesome and if you don’t think so, time to start working harder or smarter.
I thought the Republican pitch might have to sink to this – “you’re imagining your troubles. We’ve made your life wonderful. Vote for us again.”
I think they call it the “These aren’t the droids you’re looking for” campaign strategy.
there’s nothing like a fat white man who’s never worried about money, bills, or health insurance telling me to buck up.
and who, as detailed in “Rush Limbaugh is a big fat Idiot” has been sucking at the government tea the great majority of his life.
The total amount of outstanding home mortgage balance has DOUBLED from: $5.3 trillion in 2001 to ~$10.6T today while wages have remained flat.
Are our homes twice as good now as the were in 2001?
I’m taking up the TPM Election Central challenge in this forum.
OT, in a shocking development, Robert Novak still doesn’t plan to vote for Barack Obama, and thinks you should be unenthusiastic, too!
SowellFan said,
July 10, 2008 at 17:20
Once again, liberals show their disdain for wealth and productivity, and their deficient understanding of the laws of economics. You are whining if you think we are in a recession. The foundations are solid. America’s economy is awesome and if you don’t think so, time to start working harder or smarter.
That was a good imitation of know-nothing Republicans. You’ve got their selfishness and assholism down pat. And the ability to discount the reality they see with their own eyes, which is how they deal with global climate change.
To quote Groucho Marx, “Who are you going to believe? Me, or your own lying eyes?”
That the US is in a recession and it’s getting worse is obvious and the signs are slapping you in the face. But the GOP has rigged the numbers and lies about other numbers to make the ludicrous claim that there is nothing wrong with America’s economy.
Just like climate change. The North Pole has less ice this summer than any other time in the last MILLION years, but the GOP says that climate change doesn’t exist. So which should we believe? The Republican party that revels in death and misery of others, or the direct observable evidence on your own experience?
Myself, I can see very plainly that the weather hasn’t been the same since the summer of 1980. The old farmers I’ve talked to all confirm that was the first year when usual weather patterns became unreliable. And the other group that knows climate change is happening are the rural hunters. They spend days outdoors, and they, too, have noticed the obvious.
It’s as plain as the nose on your face, the climate is changing and the US is deep in recession. And it’s no wonder after 8 years of fiscal irresponsibility at the hands of the GOP. One can only conclude that the GOP has intended to destroy the US economy from the very start.
If those in government don’t show some fiscal responsibility soon, then the US will never recover from the disaster we are in now.
That’s a pretty decent SowellFan, really.
It’s going to be difficult to top the AP’s brain-shattering spin on the McCain joke about killing Iranians–they made it a story about his wife giving him a good-natured poke for saying something incorrigible.
If you’re going to do that, why even report that it happened? Why not just fully give in and do a Kim Jong Il-type story about how McCain beat Tiger Woods in a friendly game of golf this morning before curing cancer over his lunch hour?
Are our homes twice as good now as the were in 2001?
MINE sure as hell is! But that might have something to do with the fact that I was in college living with 3 other guys in total squalor. Now I own a vaccuum! Progress!
MSNBC’s First Read.
This one’s easy. You just put “Nation of Whiners” in the headline. Our gossip media likes these kind of “Did you hear what so-and-so said about so-and-so? Damn!” stories, especially if the person insulted is the vaunted American People.
God, how clear can it be?
A sliver of people at the top making an assload of cash does NOT make it a great economy!
This alleged booming economy has only been benefiting the rich, even at it’s least terrible, for the past 7 years ago. The top sliver were making megabucks under Clinton before that – but the middle and lower class were improving their lot also.
It’s the same goddamn wilful blindness when it comes to health care. “We have the best healthcare system in the world!” the conservatives say. “Why else would millionaires fly here for heart surgery?”
The question of “How can it be great if every other 1st world country covers more people for less money, and they usually live longer?” just doesn’t fit into their ears.
Are our homes twice as good now as the were in 2001?
Um, well, I put in a nice rock garden and I have a new tool shed in the back for my mower…And the azailias are doing well……
This one’s easy. You just put “Nation of Whiners” in the headline.
Wow. I’m psyched they didn’t just mistranscribe it as “nation of winners”.
Our major export to China seems to be garbage. Is that booming?
I ask because the other day I saw my garbageman driving a new Lamborghini.
“NATION OF WINNERS! WINNERS IS WHAT I SAID!!!eleven!!randomampersand!!!
Not to mention, I was taken out of context, that’s not what I said, that’s not what I meant, and BUY MORE DUCT TAPE AND PLASTIC AND FETUSES!!
Are our homes twice as good now as the were in 2001?
Under the glorious Bush economy, I have moved from a pit I dug in the ground, into a cave in the woods, with all the amenities…a roof, a home security system (bear), a free pet (bear), and heat included (snuggled up with bear).
As long as I don’t get killed by some wild animal, like a bear, I’m living the high life, baby.
ot: from John Sidney’s ‘detailed economic plan‘
That oughta make the whiners happy.
A sliver of people at the top making an assload of cash does NOT make it a great economy!
That’s exactly where the ‘nuts and the normals differ – as far as the wingnuts are concerned, the sliver of people at the top are the only people who matter.
And you’re right about the rich doing just fine under Clinton. It just chapped their asses that the poor weren’t getting poorer (or in the cases of those who were, they weren’t getting poorer fast enough).
Our major export to China seems to be garbage. Is that booming?
I ask because the other day I saw my garbageman driving a new Lamborghini.
Do you live on Long Island? My friend in Ronkonkama says the mafia controls garbage collection, much like in Naples.
And you’re right about the rich doing just fine under Clinton. It just chapped their asses that the poor weren’t getting poorer (or in the cases of those who were, they weren’t getting poorer fast enough).
Harder to find good help, you know.
Sorry, that last Phil Gramm was me. He expropriated both my body and my Long Island friend for a moment. He seems to have moved on now.
Harder to find good help, you know.
Good point, especially when the criterion for “good help” is “will kiss your ass for breadcrumbs.”
In case the meme needs to get out, not that our major news producers would fail to connect these dots:
Heckuva job, Grammie!
You damn whiners. Stop insulting John McCain’s integritude.
McCain beat Tiger Woods in a friendly game of golf this morning before curing cancer over his lunch hour
Excellent! That means I won a friendly wager and may not have to shit into a bag.
Excellent! That means I won a friendly wager and may not have to shit into a bag.
You have a shit bag? You lucky bastard. How I’ve dreamed of having my very own bag to shit into whenever I happen to feel like it. All you richies make me sick.
Emancipate yourselves from mental recession, only McCain can free out minds!
Sometimes I wish I was the anti-american foreigner so many of my friends embody. I’d print Phil Gramm t-shirts; he puts Guievara to shame when it come to crushing the US.
To be read as if screeched in the highest possible register by a three-year-old watching their toys be destroyed one by one:
*sniff* *pule* We have a god given right to whine. And the ACLU can never take that away from us, let me tell you that. The fact is, whining is about the only thing we do. It costs me $150 to fill up our Hummers, T-bones are over $13 a pound, our country club fees keep going up. Why shouldn’t we whine? There’s nothing we can do about these things so we HAVE TO whine.
How about a new campaign theme song, Senator McCain.
To be read as if screeched in the highest possible register by a three-year-old watching their toys be destroyed one by one:
Hee hee!
Makes “The libruls will take away your SUV!” seem pretty ineffective, doesn’t it?
he puts Guevara to shame when it come to crushing the US.
Phil Gramm says, “Create two, three, many foreclosures.”
Sometimes I wish I was the anti-american foreigner so many of my friends embody.
I find that it comes most naturally to Americans who have never lived in other countries. Actual foreigners are usually not so much anti-American as baffled by America.
That’s right, we are POWERLESS to change anything. POWERLESS we say. No, don’t give me any of that liebrul nonsense about personal responsibility – wait a minute…..
Let’s try this again.
There’s NOTHING we can do about it. okay, so far so good. Now how do we blame it on someone else?…. I’ll get back to you on this….
I’ve dreamed of having my very own bag to shit into whenever I happen to feel like it.
Oh, it’s much better than that.
You don’t even have to feel like, or even think about, doing it – it’s all under the complete control of the natural peristaltic action of the intestinal tract.
And the poop bypasses the asshole, entering the bag through a hole in your abdomen – a model of efficiency.
There is a downside – a loud and uncontrolled wet fart emanating from beneath your shirt while making small talk with that sweet chick at a cocktail party.
Oh, and a lower life expectancy.
Sorry Sir! I’m doing my best!
Guevara crushed the US? I guess I was absent that day.
This is excellent news for McCain.
And the poop bypasses the asshole, entering the bag through a hole in your abdomen – a model of efficiency.
Awesome! Now if some meathead punches you in the gut, he’ll get a spray of shit in his face! You may very well die, but he’ll have shit in his face!
If by that you mean “waste” – scrap metals and other refined materials(and goods – old PCs and appliances) that can’t be landfilled or incinerated in the US, and for which it’s not considered “cost effective” to recycle and reuse them here, yes, that’s been the case for some time.
Unless you’re referring to T-bills … I didn’t think they were that bad yet.
Shorter Philly Gramm: “I got mine suckers! Bwahaha!”
Is this a recession I see before me, two quarters of negative growth?
Come let me plot thee,
I graph thee now, yet Phil denies thee still,
Art thou not, fatal economy, sensible
To shills and hacks, or art thou but
A recession of the mind, a false creation
Proceeding from the Nation of Whiners?
Hey, F. Jardim, I just wanted to say I liked your column on Helms.
Let me see:
US dollar drops 41% under Bush’s ‘leadership’.
Bush enters office with a historical record surplus, created by the Democratic Party, he has turned that into a record high deficit, by selling IOUs to the Communist Chinese.
GM’s stock is down to $10/share, a point it hasn’t seen since the 1950s because they refuse to stop making gas guzzling monsters. Ford also posts record losses.
Record numbers of well-paying jobs have been eliminated by greedy CEOs to justify their massive un-earned pay increases.
The jobs that are created are low-paying or minimum wage jobs that no one can afford to raise a family on.
Inflation is rising (even after the GOP took out food and gas back in the 1980s to fake the numbers), and when you put the huge increase in gas and food bak in, the true inflation number is over 15%.
Home ownership is backsliding, record numbers of homeless people had been comfortable middle class folks that had been living within their means, but now can’t even get a min wage job at WalMart.
Bush started two illegal wars of naked aggression (exactly what we hung the Nazi’s for) solely to hand trillions of dollars to war profiteers and then cut taxes specifically to drive up the deficit.
The GOP made unwarranted domestic spying (what we fought against the Commies about) and pointless torture (what we hung Japs for and what the VC did to McCain) the law of the land.
I see NOTHING about the last 7 years of GOP rule that makes our once-great nation any better, in fact our nation is perilously close to total ruin due exactly to the intentional destruction designed and implemented by the GOP, with the aid of the Democratic ‘leadership’.
So, you right wing know-nothings, just where is your evidence that the US is better then when a Democrat was president last?
Oh, bonus:
When Bush started two illegal wars of naked aggression to enrich the VP’s personal fortune, he also gets to murder thousands of US troops and tens of thousands of unarmed women and children, AND displace millions more, forcing them into starvation and poverty, in the process! A win – win for everybody!
Extra Bonus:
Gas was a scant $1.20 / gallon when Bush was installed, and now it’s a mere $4.10. Elitist oilmen from Texas certainly have no control over that now, do they?
Does Nation of Whiners have legs?
The blogger at the DNC thnks so.
The political reporter at the Bostom Globe says Bill Burton’s rung in.
Jonathon Weisman blogging at the WashPost thinks it might be a problem.
Karen Tumulty at TIME reminds us us Phil Gramm’s insight into America:
and then UPDATES us by telling us that JiSM3’s distancing himself.
Now’s the time people. The campaign’s are starting the spin machines. Remember, reporters (generally) are lazy, so they need the story to come to them – so Digg this sucker onto tonight’s evening news.
Here’s your funny song parody for today. Obama’s really stupid. Democrats are nerds. The mainstream media is wrong. Coal energy rules. Instapundit linked to me! Here’s your funny song parody for today. Obama’s really stupid. Democrats are nerds. The mainstream media is wrong. Coal energy rules. Instapundit linked to me! Here’s your funny song parody for today. Obama’s really stupid. Democrats are nerds. The mainstream media is wrong. Coal energy rules. Instapundit linked to me! Here’s your funny song parody for today. Obama’s really stupid. Democrats are nerds. The mainstream media is wrong. Coal energy rules. Instapundit linked to me! Here’s your funny song parody for today. Obama’s really stupid. Democrats are nerds. The mainstream media is wrong. Coal energy rules. Instapundit linked to me! Here’s your funny song parody for today. Obama’s really stupid. Democrats are nerds. The mainstream media is wrong. Coal energy rules. Instapundit linked to me! Here’s your funny song parody for today. Obama’s really stupid. Democrats are nerds. The mainstream media is wrong. Coal energy rules. Instapundit linked to me! Here’s your funny song parody for today. Obama’s really stupid. Democrats are nerds. The mainstream media is wrong. Coal energy rules. Instapundit linked to me! Here’s your funny song parody for today. Obama’s really stupid. Democrats are nerds. The mainstream media is wrong. Coal energy rules. Instapundit linked to me! Here’s your funny song parody for today. Obama’s really stupid. Democrats are nerds. The mainstream media is wrong. Coal energy rules. Instapundit linked to me! Here’s your funny song parody for today. Obama’s really stupid. Democrats are nerds. The mainstream media is wrong. Coal energy rules. Instapundit linked to me! Here’s your funny song parody for today. Obama’s really stupid. Democrats are nerds. The mainstream media is wrong. Coal energy rules. Instapundit linked to me! Here’s your funny song parody for today. Obama’s really stupid. Democrats are nerds. The mainstream media is wrong. Coal energy rules. Instapundit linked to me! Here’s your funny song parody for today. Obama’s really stupid. Democrats are nerds. The mainstream media is wrong. Coal energy rules. Instapundit linked to me! Here’s your funny song parody for today. Obama’s really stupid. Democrats are nerds. The mainstream media is wrong. Coal energy rules. Instapundit linked to me! Here’s your funny song parody for today. Obama’s really stupid. Democrats are nerds. The mainstream media is wrong. Coal energy rules. Instapundit linked to me! Here’s your funny song parody for today. Obama’s really stupid. Democrats are nerds. The mainstream media is wrong. Coal energy rules. Instapundit linked to me! Here’s your funny song parody for today. Obama’s really stupid. Democrats are nerds. The mainstream media is wrong. Coal energy rules. Instapundit linked to me! Here’s your funny song parody for today. Obama’s really stupid. Democrats are nerds. The mainstream media is wrong. Coal energy rules. Instapundit linked to me! Here’s your funny song parody for today. Obama’s really stupid. Democrats are nerds. The mainstream media is wrong. Coal energy rules. Instapundit linked to me! Here’s your funny song parody for today. Obama’s really stupid. Democrats are nerds. The mainstream media is wrong. Coal energy rules. Instapundit linked to me! Here’s your funny song parody for today. Obama’s really stupid. Democrats are nerds. The mainstream media is wrong. Coal energy rules. Instapundit linked to me! Here’s your funny song parody for today. Obama’s really stupid. Democrats are nerds. The mainstream media is wrong. Coal energy rules. Instapundit linked to me! Here’s your funny song parody for today. Obama’s really stupid. Democrats are nerds. The mainstream media is wrong. Coal energy rules. Instapundit linked to me! Here’s your funny song parody for today. Obama’s really stupid. Democrats are nerds. The mainstream media is wrong. Coal energy rules. Instapundit linked to me! Here’s your funny song parody for today. Obama’s really stupid. Democrats are nerds. The mainstream media is wrong. Coal energy rules. Instapundit linked to me! Here’s your funny song parody for today. Obama’s really stupid. Democrats are nerds. The mainstream media is wrong. Coal energy rules. Instapundit linked to me! Here’s your funny song parody for today. Obama’s really stupid. Democrats are nerds. The mainstream media is wrong. Coal energy rules. Instapundit linked to me!
OT – does anyone here know much about snapping turtles? Specifically, do they engage in oral sex?
I saw a pair this morning engaged in some kind of synchronized swimming routine/wrestling match.
I’m still trying to figure out if they were engaged in soixante-neuf, or trying to kill each other.
One of them had it’s head out of the water for a couple minutes, it looked kinda like the pic of Phil Gramm that’s up at TPM on the main page, so I guess this isn’t entirely off-topic.
“An investigation into the cause of the losses at UBS shows how repeated warnings were ignored throughout the company … Friday UBS warned of more write-offs to come on top of the $37bn already put aside to cover losses in the US sub-prime debacle and subsequent credit crisis…. no other major European bank has suffered from the credit crunch quite as much as UBS.”
Fucking whiners.
I will allow that it’s possible to convince people that they’re doing poorly when they’re actually doing fairly well. It’s not difficult to appeal to people’s greed and sense of entitlement, and to say “You’re not getting everything you deserve!”.
But convincing people who actually are doing poorly that they’re not that bad off is simply a losing proposition. It doesn’t work, it’s never worked, and it never will work. This is desperation time from the GOP.
Export boom?
What the fugg is this rtard talking about?
I used to respect UBS until today. Now I know they’re a bunch of worthless gonads like BoA or, well, any multiglobular bank/broker/dealer/investor/scum
SowellFan said,
July 10, 2008 at 17:20
Once again, liberals show their disdain for wealth and productivity, and their deficient understanding of the laws of economics. You are whining if you think we are in a recession. The foundations are solid. America’s economy is awesome and if you don’t think so, time to start working harder or smarter.
Oh yea… how’s FNM and FRE? They must be at record highs or at least treading water, right? Right, kid?
Once again, anti-liberals are the stupid jackasses that everyone knows them to be.
Comrade Rutherford said,
July 10, 2008 at 19:22
Extra Bonus:
Gas was a scant $1.20 / gallon when Bush was installed, and now it’s a mere $4.10. Elitist oilmen from Texas certainly have no control over that now, do they?
As much money as the elitist oilmen from Texas have made, no one has come out better than the people who funded the people who actually did attack us on 9/11:
Very, very carefully.
Oh – you didn’t ask “how” they do it, did you?
As usual, you have taken my remarks out of context.
In addition, class warfare does not play well in Peoria. Think about how much you want to use envy of the productive class as a vote getting tool. Most folks in the Heartland know that hard work has its rewards.
Something I’d love to see:
Obama comes out for a press conference. Says to the press, ‘Frankly, I’m glad Senator McCain continues to employ Phil Gramm. Firstly, he says what Bush and McCain really think about the economy, and second, if we know where he is, then my hubcaps are safe.’
That would make my day.
Oh Senator Phail – You’re paying off like a drunk meth-head at a Gold Spike slot-machine at 3 am. Keep up the good work.
A lovely summing up, Comrade Rutherford.
Ya know, if there really is a SowellFan, I can’t for the life of me figure out why s/he is hanging out on this blog.
If I knew the Law of Economics that well, I would be rolling in dough. I would have my hammock set up on my own private island, so if I swung it one way, I could grab another freshly made margarita, and if I swung it the other way, I could grab another bacon cheeseburger with dill mustard. My library would take up a wing of its own, all hardbacks. And I would endow millions of dollars for cat shelters worldwide with my name on them.
I wouldn’t have time to come here and teach silly liberals the errors of their ways!
SowellFan must be a truly selfless person.
And I would endow millions of dollars for cat shelters worldwide with my name on them.
God would bless you for saving them from prostitution.
“I’m still trying to figure out if they were engaged in soixante-neuf, or trying to kill each other.
One of them had it’s head out of the water for a couple minutes…”
You just beautifully illustrated the entire McCain campaign.
Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Mallard Fillmore AND Thomas Sowell all said so.
Next question.
Liberals. Hmf.
Whatsamatta Colonel Sanders? Chicken???
“Now, there’s another way you can tell you’re a Republican. You have faith in free enterprise, faith in the resourcefulness of the American people and faith in the U.S. economy. And to those critics who are so pessimistic about our economy, I say: Don’t be economic girlie-men.”
–Ahhhnuld Schwarzenegger, 2004 Republican National Convention
There’s nothing like a filthy rich person telling the average Joe who can’t afford gas, hasn’t got a job/just got laid off and/or is earning minimum wage, and has a mortgage he can’t afford that he’s a “whiner.” I hope the Rethugs keep up this line of PR. If anything it will drive more people over to the Democrats in the next election.
Reason is the enemy of faith, my friend
A head that’s filled with knowledge soon is too bloated with its own weight
To fit through Heaven’s gate
Yo, dawg, you just didn’t have it tonight.
You want to hear some REAL whining?
Get a fundie to start going on about how America’s Christians are the most persecuted group ever.
Listen to the Doughy Pantload bemoaning the current poor status of the white male (who is the Jew of Liberal Fascism).
Get some conservative dweeb to start going on about how the feminazis run the world and Real Men can’t get a woman because of political correctness.
Oh. Wait. Sorry. I forgot to check the approved Conservapedia definition of whining. Apparently it only counts as whining if there is a grain of truth involved.
Carry on!
Get a fundie to start going on about how America’s Christians are the most persecuted group ever.
Note The Great Cracker Theft.
Also, fallout.
Phil Gramm is right, but dont let that stop you from ranting like a bunch of delusional leftists over these comments.
The fact is that this economy was booming UNTIL the Democrats took power. The Democrats have SUNK the economy with their minimum wage hike (which is a tax on employers). The Democrats have blocked meaningful economic recovery programs, like making the tax cuts permanent.
We’re still doing pretty good, but the media doesn’t focus on when America wins because they want America to lose. They media has created a culture of whining in America and Phil Gramm did the right thing by pointing this out.
The fact is that the choice between McCain and Obama is a choice between the greatest economic boom in history (which McCain WILL cause) or the greatest economic depression in history (which Obama WILL cause)
Baaaaaa, obvious fake.
Glaring oversight.
Go back to troll school.
The fact is that the choice between McCain and Obama is a choice between the greatest economic boom in history (which McCain WILL cause) or the greatest economic depression in history (which Obama WILL cause)
Sounds like real Gary. Anyway one of the hallmarks of a nut is that the most important thing every in history is happening RIGHT NOW.
Or “ever” if you like.
Note The Great Cracker Theft.
That exceeded all of my wildest epectations.
Stop your WHINING!
America’s are WINNERS!
The fact is that every time the minimum wage has been raised, the economy goes down within 3 years.
The Democrats snuck in a minimum wage hike in an Iraq bill too.
McCain is on his way to a landslide victory, which is why the media is trying to gang up on him. Obama only leads 50/37 in Illinois, in a state that Kerry won by 17. Clearly McCain is on his way to a victory.
Democrats have blocked meaningful economic recovery programs
Umm, yeah, sorry about that.
We had too much on our plate. See, not even a maniac thug like bush could trash the constitution all by himself, so us Democrats had to help him eviscerate the fourth amendment.
‘Cause if not us, who? And if not now, when?
Maybe we can get around to your economic measures now. We’ll see what bush and cheney want us to do…
“Think about how much you want to use envy of the productive class as a vote getting tool.”
Deal. As long as you keep telling people who can’t afford health care, gasoline, food, their mortgages, etc. that they are a bunch of whiners.
I also think it’s cute that you scold the mean liberals about invoking class, where the mean liberals are not invoking class, while *gasp* siding with “the productive class” at the same time. Just how “productive” is a delivery boy for Papa John’s anyway?
Clearly, Gary.
I don’t know if this is real Gary or not, but he sure has captured Gary’s Mallard Fillmore-like cluelessness
My student loan people will not be happy to know that what I owe them is a figment of my imagination.
God I hate these fucking rich assholes.
You’re just not cooking them right, and you should throw out the asshole part.
Boy, there’s nothing like a fat white man
Yum, I’ll say! Eat the rich! (This calls for one of Righteous Bubba’s special recipes.)
In all seriousness, if Phil & Co. want an actual societal upheaval, complete with burning gated communities and overturned SUVs, they should just keep up with this “whining” meme. In fact, they should tell the people in my community college classes who are there trying to learn a new career because Maytag closed the plant and took their good jobs away with them that they’re just a bunch of whiny ass titty babies. Just let me get the popcorn first.
I hate these fucking rich assholes too.
We’re still doing pretty good, but the media doesn’t focus on when America wins because they want America to lose.
Gary, could you please explain this. Doesn’t the media want the economy to be doing well, so they can get more advertising dollars?
The fact is, the fact that I predicted a GOP landslide victory in the 2006 midterm elections and the exact opposite happened should not enter your mind when I tell you what the fact is now.
Not quite OT blog-whoring, ‘cuz it’s still about Mad Jack – I’m kind pleased with my most recent effort. Please gimme some traffic, and maybe some feedback.
Please don’t scare Gary away! I really want to know how this works.
Evil media barons sitting around a table plotting to destroy America? Great image, but I don’t understand how that’s going to help the media barons. With everyone poor, no one will be able to afford newspaper subscriptions or cable packages. With the economy in the gutter, companies will start by cutting back on advertising. Media does better when the economy is good – so why would the media want America to fail?
In what Golden Age was America at its best?
Because if the economy tanks, then bloggers go first and the media wants to get rid of conservative bloggers, who are the only guardians of freedom on most issues.
The only way to get most of the jobs that we’ve outsourced back is to eliminate the minimum wage. The only way to stop housing problems is a property tax freeze to stop people from going bankrupt due to high taxes
The fact is, John Kerry’s smearing of the troops by calling them stupid will lead to the downfall of the Democrat Party in the midterm elections. Hugh Hewitt and Karl Rove say so, and Kerry hates the troops, and the Heartland realizes this.
The only way to get most of the jobs that we’ve outsourced back is to eliminate the minimum wage.
Well, hell, Gary, why stop there? Why not bring back slavery? Instead of deporting immigrants, you guys could just enslave them.
I probably shouldn’t be putting ideas into morally bereft heads, should I?
“SowellFan said,
July 10, 2008 at 20:06
As usual, you have taken my remarks out of context.
In addition, class warfare does not play well in Peoria. Think about how much you want to use envy of the productive class as a vote getting tool. Most folks in the Heartland know that hard work has its rewards.”
You, SowellFan, are dumber than a bag of hammers! I QUOTED YOU IN FULL! How is that possibly taking you out of context? I took the ENTIRE context! And I thoroughly debunked your ‘You are whining if you think we are in a recession. The foundations are solid. America’s economy is awesome” fantasy (as it CLEARLY has NO basis in REALITY)
Just how is it that “America’s economic foundations are solid” when the US Dollar has lost 41% of it’s value??? Please, just answer that one item: how is our economic foundation solid, when the dollar has fallen farther and faster than ever before in history?
Even citizens of Peoria recognize that the only class warfare going on in America since 1980 is a war on the Middle Class perpetrated by the Ruling Class.
– The decline in numbers of the middle class as their jobs are taken away by the CEOs
– The huge increase in homelessness among the former middle class as they are turned out of their homes
– 200 people applying for ONE job at Home Depot.
And then you throw in “America’s economy is awesome and if you don’t think so, time to start working harder or smarter.”
Just how are the 199 people that didn’t get the only job in town supposed to ‘work harder’ when they HAVE NO WORK??? Have you any suggestions? What, shine shoes?
Horatio Alger wrote FICTION! There are NOT enough CEO jobs for every citizen, in fact, thanks to the class warfare perpetrated by the CEOs on the rest of the 90% of US citizens, there are not enough shit-paying jobs for every American. Any suggestions for the family of four that lost everything due to the CEO class intentionally screwing them over?
No, you refuse to even address one single FACT I laid out that PROVES America’s economy has been flushed down the crapper and is still falling even now! You live in some Sowell ivory tower with no windows and have no idea how the folks in Peoria are making a living.
I live in a town of 600, I live in rural America, I live in the ‘heartland’. I see every minute of every day how the Traditional American Family has NO options. No one has had a raise in years, yet food and gas have jumped drastically. They are one paycheck away from homelessness and starvation, because the ruling class refuses to pay a decent wage!
The local electric company issues 300 disconnect notices a month! And has to execute 60 of them every quarter! How are these families supposed to ‘work harder’ when there IS NO WORK?! Americans are losing their homes and starving in the streets as a result of the class war that the ruling class has inflicted on us all.
You ‘conservatives’ have NO clue what you are talking about! I hear pundits say in one breath, ‘work smarter’ and the next breath ‘Americans shouldn’t try to attain the American Dream’.
The only class war is the one the ruling class is waging on the heartland!
Okay Gary, let’s see if I understand:
The left-wing liberal media wants the economy to tank. This is because, with the harder economic times and lack of advertising dollars, this will forcibly squeeze conservative bloggers off the interwebs, leaving only left-wing voices to indoctrinate America.
Is that right?
Just as I suspected. The usual assortment of liberal talking points, all probably copied from variosu left-wing news sites.
As I’ve grown older, I’ve come to realize that the more people talk about solutions, the more these people are the ones creating problems that need solutions. You should look in the man in the mirror.
That’s correct.
Obama loves America like OJ loved Nicole
Actually, enslavin’ is already being done, and has been for some time:
Household workers virtually enslaved
Gulfcoast slaves
A brief Google search returned 105,000 hits for “immigrants being virtually enslaved by employers”. Welcome to hard times. Same as it ever was.
this will forcibly squeeze conservative bloggers
I like to imagine a very big machine for this purpose. In any case I think the real Gary was quickly followed by a fake Gary, though I could of course be wrong.
Shalom gentlemen.
SowellFan must be a truly
selflessshellfish person.Fixed.
That’s real convincing, SowellFan.
If I had been undecided before, your cop-out answer (so typical of whining conservative nitwits) would sway the balance for Obama.
Good job!
Keep on trawling for those uninformed voters. See how that works out for you.
if those illegal immigrants dislike their work conditions so much, they should leave.
How many people are playing Gary in this thread right now? I’m guessing four.
Question of the Day, I think at least one of them is really for reals Real Gary. I could be wrong, of course, but I recognize that tone.
Comrade Rutherford inquires:
There is evidence that Iraq will soon be observing Sharia law rather than existing as a godless, secular nation.
As George Washington said: “…reason and experience both forbid us to expect, that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle….”
More Sharia was what Iraq needed. Now we’ll get peace in the Middle East.
At least four.
I think we should have a competition to see who can be the dumbest but still sound genuine.
(Oh. Wait. How would that be any different from any other Gary Ruppert thread?)
I also always thought the horrid, detestable Phil Gramm resembles a snapping turtle. And there’s something about that looking-down-his-nose facial expression combined with his consistent, complete lack of empathy that has always made me want to, I dunno, beat him to a pulp with a sockful of quarter-filled horse manure. Just always.
“Gary Ruppert said,
July 10, 2008 at 21:17
Because if the economy tanks, then bloggers go first and the media wants to get rid of conservative bloggers, who are the only guardians of freedom on most issues.
The only way to get most of the jobs that we’ve outsourced back is to eliminate the minimum wage. The only way to stop housing problems is a property tax freeze to stop people from going bankrupt due to high taxes”
Jesus! Another moron that has no clue about reality!
Yeah, LOWER everyone’s wages and somehow the workers will have more money! Gary Ruppert is calling for a return to slavery here. Without a regulation to force CEOs to pay their workers, why would they even offer any salary? If Wal-Mart were to drop everyone’s wages to $1/hour, how is that possibly going to allow that worker to pay there bills?
You tell me, Gary Selflsh-Asshole Ruppert, how would pay YOUR bills on $240 a week??? Would you be able to afford food after you paid your rent? You obviously won’t be able to afford gas for your car, and you certainly won’t have health insurance.
And the next thing he says is that municipal governments should have their income frozen. So how is my town supposed to pay our firemen and policemen? How is my town supposed to pave the roads and repair the bridges?
In the fantasy land that Gary Ive-Got-Mine-So-Fuck-You Ruppert live in it’s property taxes causing bankruptcy! When is Reality that is very rare for people to be bankrupt from their taxes.
Mother-fucking elitist conservatives like Gary I’m-Spending-My-Kids-Inheritance Ruppert and SowellFan have NO CLUE how 90% of Americans live! They are rich and everyone who isn’t should starve to death.
Comrade, the fact is, your pitbull attacks on President Bush will influence no one other than to make them change their vote to John McCain, who has his ear to the Heartland.
always made me want to, I dunno, beat him to a pulp with a sockful of quarter-filled horse manure. Just always.
Someday I’m going to post as a “quarter-filled horse manure sock puppet.” I really like that image.
I’m actually SowellFan, masquerading as Gary Ruppert, masquerading as AngryRepublican, masquerading as a formless Sock Puppet.
I call fake me. Even I am not that delusional.
Well, I’m the real Typical Republican.
So there.
Liberals. Hmf.
Oh well. I kinda hoped that Whoop Whoop was serious about it being Real Gary. The idea of trolling the epitome of trolls was intoxicating. I’m gonna go on pretending that the first Ruppert response to me (about those brave conservative bloggers being guardians of freedom) was totally Real Gary.
Why would anyone want to play Gary? Playing Gary is even more aurally offensive than playing a banjo.
[w/ apologies to B. Fleck]
“SowellFan said,
July 10, 2008 at 21:26
Just as I suspected. The usual assortment of liberal talking points, all probably copied from variosu left-wing news sites.
As I’ve grown older, I’ve come to realize that the more people talk about solutions, the more these people are the ones creating problems that need solutions. You should look in the man in the mirror.”
So, in the Sowell fantasy land, the US dollar has NOT dropped 41% in the last 7 years, gas is still only about $1.50 a gallon, $240 a week is plenty of money for anyone, GM stock is NOT selling around $10 a share, food prices are the lowest ever.
There is no way to have any kind of conversation with know-nothings like Ruppert and SowellFan as they have nothing to go on but lies.
Ruppert (if that is your real name, Colonel Bat Guano) said some patently false lies about how the economy dropped under Clinton’s presidency and got better under GOP rule, when the Federal Government’s own statistics show exactly the opposite. Only now do I realize that there is no such person as Gary Ruppert. That user name is just someone pretending to be an anti-logic conservative.
In the fantasy land of conservatives, workers should not even get paid for their labor, only upper management deserves an income.
I’ve found that Teh Real Gary is far, far more bitter than his Borg surrogates. While the fake Garys cartoonishly laugh off Bush’s poll numbers, Goopers losing election after election even in The Heartland, and so on, the real Gary acts like he wants to claw his eyes out. So…
Fake Gary: The fact is, liberals continue to fail in The Heartland because they don’t respect the free market, and hate Bush.
Real Gary: You idiots keep making fun of working-class Americans while accusing Republicans of being elitist. The joke will be on you when McCain kicks Obama’s ass.
And so on.
As for SowellFan, just take Fake Gary and put some hokum about the Law Of Economics in front of it.
I’m waiting for Garyspeak one day past the election…after he’s lost and all his dreams have been trashed.
What do you think he’ll say? Will we see Garytears? Will we be dialing 911 to save Gary from jumping out of his bungalow window?
I like to play Gary. I even wrote a song about it which you might recognize; it has the unforgettable lric “while my Gary gently weeps.”
taking advantage of the rare pedantism op.: It was Major Bat Guano.
We here in The Heartland will be voting for President-For-Life George Willard Bush, the jet-pilot hero of the Iraq war. He knows that the enemy hates us because of our freedom, and as a way of protecting us, he’s decided to take those freedom’s away (if we don’t have ’em, they can’t hate us for them, right? Right?).
There’s been a lot of whining and mewling coming from you LIE-bruls over the loss of your fancy-pants “Constitution rights” and such, but that’s just because you side with the enemy, as always. President-For-Life Bush is gonna start a war with Iran for our own good, even if he has to nuke NYC to get you all to agree to it, so instead of learning to talk Spanish (like your precious Hitlery wants us to), you should be learning Iranian, ’cause that’s where you’re going, Mr. LIE-brul soldier-boy!
Well, it took longer than 30 seconds, but heeeeeeere’s Barry.
I’m waiting for Garyspeak one day past the election…after he’s lost and all his dreams have been trashed.
What do you think he’ll say? Will we see Garytears? Will we be dialing 911 to save Gary from jumping out of his bungalow window?
Naah, you can’t jump out of a basement.
I won’t be dialing 911 for RuggedinMontano after the election. I’m willing to give him a helping hand with his leap off the roof.
George Willard Bush
Real Gary was always around before the 2006 elections. After the thorough trouncing of his many sweeping predictions of Republican electoral glory, he vanished, and cannot be said to have ever properly returned to his trolling duties.
Perhaps someone in his family had him placed where he couldn’t harm himself or others. I imagine him there, in a clean, well-lighted place, and that now and then he is allowed to get on the dayroom computer and comment. He is watched closely by staff, and when he becomes agitated is quickly sedated.
There’s a pretty wide range of wuality in the Sadly, No! Troll Players, so the authors of the following Rupperts can mark me as falling for one their Gary’s:
20:52 Phil Gramm is right…
21:03 minimum wage hikes = recession
21:17 Conservative bloggers are the keyboard kommandos of liberal fascism.
Although I’ll admit that I just really want the 21:17 one to be Real Gary.
wuality? WTF’s that. Why’d they put the Q next to the W? We all know W hates dealing with Q’s.
20:52 Phil Gramm is right…
I’m with you on real Gary there.
Now with 100% less ODB.
The fact is, Phil Gramm’ knows more about market’s and economic’s than any of you liebrul’s. You can’t stand it when the truth is in your face. McCain will squash Obama like a cockroach.
20:52 Phil Gramm is right…
*Might* be Real Gary, but it could have also been an overachieving fake.
Well, “Gary” is a popular heartland name. It means “spear carrier.” Ruppert is a Germanic name meaning “of bright renown.”
Since there are only two species of conservative males, the Rich White Guy Who Knows He Got Here Through His Own Sweat After Daddy Staked Him, and the Poor White Guy Who Has Given Up on Lottery Tickets and Hopes Random Sucking Up Will Make Him Feel Important, I leave it up to the discerning reader how to interpret these clues.
Tune in next week for Young Blogger Detectives, where we will explore the topic, “Token Trolls, the Rarely Seen Species,” and our roundtable discussion will be, “Why do they never have a website?”
Umm, see, it’s hard for me to understand the point in always pointing this out.
It’s a FAKE GARY, fer crissakes.
It’s his JOB to be a moron with no clue. About reality or anything else.
It would be stupid to bother to do a fake gary post where you made rational, intelligent points. That would make even LESS sense than doing a fake gary post does.
So c’mon now, folks. When a fake gary makes a stupid, moronic statement that has no basis in reality, could we refrain from pointing out how stupid and unrealistic the comment is?
Or if you must, just say “Good Job, FG” and move on….
My dream is to one day find myself sitting next to the real Gary Ruppert on an airplane. It would be kind of like meeting Ellen James in person.
looking at McCain’s droopy neck skin and dreading old age.
Wuality ain’t nothin’ ta fuck with.
The fact is, I am large. I am multitudes.
Whiny Americans who think their having “economic trouble” would have their problems vanish if they just WORKED A LITTLE HARDER.
Phill Gramm kicks homeless people and tells them to get a job.
Yeah. Poor mutha was worried about his shit, so he gets himself a sweet bullet proof vest. Turns out, it’s a felony if a felon wears body armor. But it’s legal to get shot all to hell, right tupac?
Talk about whitey keeping the black man down.
Then ODB goes all Allanis on us and DIES ANYWAY!!!1!!
Now, that’s fucked up, son…
Now THAT has a whiff of Gary verite in the misuse of “their.” A few extraneous apostrophes and a spelling error would lend more credence.
Another day, another dollar.
A few extraneous apostrophes and a spelling error would lend more credence.
The fact is, thanks for the tip. It’s like trying to fake a Monet, and the tips come in handy.
The only really good quality products we “export” are from Apple, and I don’t think that company can support the whole USA. Tho I sure hope they come out with an Apple Digital Camera. I passed on their phone cause I hate talking on the phone, but I love taking picture, except the higher-end cameras are so… user UNFRIENDLY. Comeon Steve Jobs, bring out a User Friendly Digital Camera. Sigh.
As for Phill Graham, wasn’t he killed in a helicopter crash? Not him? Too bad.
Apple doesn’t build shit in the US.
Just sayin…
Woohoo – old man bitch fight!!!
Only McCain speaks for McCain so his chief economic advisor doesn’t have a clue about what McCain’s economic policies are.
Phil Gramm stands by his statements. Although he did want to clarify about the whole Whiners thing:
So leaders who say the economy’s tanking are whiners – and Phil’s looking at you Johnny JiSM3.
[…] Especially recommended: Sadly, No! […]
I know, Mikey. That’s why I put quotes around “exports”. Well, I just woke up an hour ago, still blurry headed.
Then ODB goes all Allanis on us and DIES ANYWAY!!!1!!
Hospitals are like totally irony factories because people are healthy and then BAM they’re sick or alive and then WHOOPS they’re dead.
Whoa, the multiple personalities in this thread are giving me a headache. Who wants to talk about how Brandon Phillips should be on the NL all star team?
Who wants to talk about how Brandon Phillips should be on the NL all star team?
I believe he is a dirty cheater so yes.
Whoa, the multiple personalities in this thread are giving me a headache.
Wanna talk about disconnects? ODB obit at The Economist.
I wish you could comment at the Economist.
[…] Leah wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptHere’s your funny song parody for today. Obama’s really stupid. Democrats are nerds. The mainstream media is wrong. Coal energy rules. Instapundit linked to me! Here’s your funny song parody for today. Obama’s really stupid. … […]
You should look in the man in the mirror.
This is SowellFan’s “solution”?
Home colonoscopy kits?
This is SowellFan’s “solution”? Home colonoscopy kits?
He has his head up his ass and thinks he’s all clever, so yes.
As I’ve grown older, I’ve come to realize that the more people talk about solutions, the more these people are the ones creating problems that need solutions. You should look in the man in the mirror.
That’s not a mirror Sowellfan is staring at, it’s Sowellfan’s own arsehole. And huffing those fumes is making it sound like something from a fReichtard poetry slam.
On topic, I think Old John McSame is keeping Phil Gramm around because the Grammstander makes OJM look sane and sociable by comparison. Although if Gramm keeps up this kind of anti-American spew, UBS is going to petition the Swiss legislature for the right to bomb Texas in self-defence.
“UBS is going to petition the Swiss legislature for the right to bomb Texas in self-defence.”
Do they need signatures for this petition?
The fact is, I hate it when I forget to change my name back.
“Think about how much you want to use envy of the productive class as a vote getting tool.”
Professional whiner Phil Gramm is productive? Looks like somebody hasn’t heard the UBS news. And is unaware of economic laws.
May I add I immensely look forward to seeing signs reading “WereBear Cat Shelter”.
If a socially isolated, filthy rich wingnut economic adviser calls the 99.9% of Americans who are not as well off as he is “a nation of whiners”, but there are no villagers around who will drone on about it hour after hour, day after day for a week or two, did it really happen?
Sadly, No! This slam against Americans will vanish down the memory hole within 24 hours.
Err, I meant socially insulated.
The fact is, aww fuck it.
Some S,N! threads fairly sing with seamless, synchronous mirth and wit. This is not one of them.
I blame Gary Ruppert, real and fake.
And Phil “Turtlehead” Gramm.
Itchy Brother said,
July 10, 2008 at 23:53
If a socially isolated, filthy rich wingnut economic adviser calls the 99.9% of Americans who are not as well off as he is “a nation of whiners”, but there are no villagers around who will drone on about it hour after hour, day after day for a week or two, did it really happen?
Sadly, No! This slam against Americans will vanish down the memory hole within 24 hours.
But of course.
Because the fact is, Barack Hussein Obama is both a scary Muslim Terrorist and a Effete Elitist Metrosexual.
Those hardworking, ink-stained reporter types such as Maureen Dowd, David Brooks, and Gwen Ifil have confirmed these facts for us.
Shorter Gramm: Yo Bitches! Stop mopin’ around and get to shoppin’. Pimp Gramm’s investment portfolio aint gonna grow if you hos sit on your lazy asses whinin’ about bein’ short money. I don’t give a shit how much you owe. Quit crying and sign up for some more credit cards. Don’t make me come over there!
This would be the perfect time for rioting in the streets and violent overthrow of a corrupt, hopelessly dangerous and inept governmental system, if there’s nothing good on TV tonight and stuff.
Thank you! That would actually make me happier than the margarita/bacon cheeseburger hammock setup.
I must say, the cable news shows seem to be all over this. I think it’s the lovely resonance of “Nation of Whiners.” Fits well on the graphics.
Beaky Buzzard was a Senator?
The fact is, I don’t think there is a real Gary anymore. Here in the heartland. And you liberals cant stand it, so you have to make Garys up, just like your false messiah, that Bareback Osama character, who is going to lead us all to ruination, except that John McCain is going to beat him in the heartland.
MzNicky @ 1:05:
“This would be the perfect time for rioting in the streets and violent overthrow of a corrupt, hopelessly dangerous and inept governmental system, if there’s nothing good on TV tonight and stuff.”
Wow. Gets it in one. I bow to your superior wit and snark.
This would be the perfect time for rioting in the streets and violent overthrow of a corrupt, hopelessly dangerous and inept governmental system, if there’s nothing good on TV tonight and stuff.
Are you kidding? The season premiere of “Burn Notice” is on in an hour!
As for Gramm’s comment, good. At least for once something is sticking to McCain besides barbecue sauce.
Don’t know if Doctor Missus Marita or any of the others who asked for updates are around, but as promised, the following is an update on the issue with my employer.
He agreed to accomodate all of my demands, and a new contract is being written.
He couldn’t help himself from trying to claim that the lawyer said he did have the right to dictate my hours in the office even if I was acting as a contractor. I thought, fuck it, I’m not going to argue this with you, because the lawyer obviously ALSO told you that you need to do whatever the fuck you can do to make this thing go away.
I got the call before I even made it out of Georgia as I was coming home Monday after my trip, quite frankly skeptical as to whether I would still have a job when I got home or not.
TOTAL PWNAGE!!!11!!1!!!ELEVENTY!!1! W00T!!
McCain’s response is CLASSIC.
I… erm… care… about…. mumble… and jobs… and…stuff…. *stiff smile*
Senator OBAMA wants another Holocaust! Why don’t you go pick on him?
Extra bonus: The smoldering vengeance in his voice when he jokes about Gramm’s future peeling potatoes in a cold cellar.
Hi everybody.
I’m the REAL Gary Ruppert.
TOTAL PWNAGE!!!11!!1!!!ELEVENTY!!1! W00T!!
Way to go, Jennifer!
I’m pretty sure the debates are gonna be hilarious.
And I’m kinda looking forward to mccain getting twisted up by pretty much not knowing shit.
How big will the electronic box under HIS coat have to be?
Jennifer: I was just thinking about you and your situation a day or two ago.
Awesomeness in the extreme, dudette! Way to kick his dumb ass into the next week!
Sorry, that links to Obama’s response – which is also worth watching. McCain can be found in the link at the lower right.
YAY Jennifer!! Can we get an Erin Brockavichy type movie about this? Norma Rae!!
pedestrian: Yeah, so what was that passive-aggressive thing McInsane said about Gramm — on NPR I heard a question along the lines of “So what role would Gramm have in a McCain administration,” and he said something nasty about making him ambassador to East Armpittia or something? See, this to me is when McSame’s inherent horribleness comes out: When he perceives he’s being attacked (i.e., questioned) in some way, and he appears to think he’s beyond questioning about anything, and the best he can do is bare his teeth at someone, anyone, even his own “economic adviser,” and snarl out something hateful and act like it’s a joke.
I’m with mikey — I’m kinda looking forward to the debates. Obama will peel that spiteful old man like the rotting onion he is.
The Real Gary Ruppert, to the extent that something like that exists, is small, bitter, angry, frustrated and joyless.
I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t say “Hi Everybody”…
Try again.
Yeah, so what was that passive-aggressive thing McInsane said about Gramm
What he actually said was that Phil Gramm would make a great ambassador to Belarus – if the people of Minsk wanted him. It could have come off as a mildly inappropriate joke, except that most people don’t grit their teeth when they are joking. I know that we had decided to retire this metaphor, but I am curious whether this qualifies as “throwing a supporter under the bus?” Judges?
Do you suppose that george bush has thoughts?
Do you think he ever wonders about the world?
Do you think he might watch “The Crow” or “Hamburger Hill” and think about his place in all these events? Rhetorical, metaphorical, actual?
Do you think there has been a moment when he felt the hot breath of history on his neck, when he had to look past the lies and recognize that which he must own, the things he has wrought?
I suppose, barring some large scale public meltdown, we as a people will never know the price he pays, the cost owed on a tab he ran up against his soul since the first frog he tortured, the first life he took in Texas, the millions of ruined lives clamoring not for succor, no, not that, that is not forthcoming, but merely for ownership, just accountability.
If I was an Iraqi, forced to leave everything I ever worked for and live in squalor in Syria without standing, I would wonder. When will you recognize me, bush? When will you help me? When will I matter?
Just as if I was an assembly worker in Michigan, or a textile worker in Alabama, or a furniture worker in North Carolina, or a homeowner in Indiana. When will we matter, bush? When will you be willing to spend some federal dollars on our needs? When do we count, Senator McCain? You want to know why we’re all voting for Obama?
It’s time for us. Time for us to have medicine, and hope, and help, and education, and for fucks sake, fire engines and policemen. Libraries and community centers. Roads that carry us, and hope that sustains us.
Our time. We are us. We are important. We matter. More than Iraq. More than Russia. Yes, more than Israel. More than India, more than al Quaeda, more than FARC, more than drug cartels and terrorists.
Our time…
Sorry, OT, but this is – what is the word for funny/sad?
Air Force One + High Life + Fleet Foxes
The fact is, interesting night, this.
You know, in that picture there’s something wrong with Phil’s face. Something . . . missing.
oh yeah, my FIST!
What an arrogant motherfucker. Phil, just take your money and Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Any pretense you may have given off that you know fuck-all about anything is gone.
Phil Gram talking reminds me of old people fucking.
Will the real Gary Ruppert please stand up?
Hell, I’d rather watch old people fuck than hear Phil Gramm talk.
Red said,
July 11, 2008 at 5:22
Hell, I’d rather watch old people fuck than hear Phil Gramm talk.
I am not Gary Ruppert.
I know a few statistics that Gramm’s big fat mouth is helping to manipulate, & they’re a lot more reliable than polling numbers.
There is no data to support any of this anywhere in the known universe.
Again, Sweet Fanny Adams in the real world to make anyone think you’re not just locked in a psych-ward somewhere, making it up as you go. Even your own Home Team disagrees with you half the time. The GOP itself sounds like a raving schizophrenic, caught between the desperate need to tell fairy-stories & the equally dire necessity to try & deal with the catastrophe they’ve spawned – with comical results.
jim, them’s parody trolls.
I don’t think we have any other kind here at the Haus of Sad.
[…] Leah wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptHere’s your funny song parody for today. Obama’s really stupid. Democrats are nerds. The mainstream media is wrong. Coal energy rules. Instapundit linked to me! Here’s your funny song parody for today. Obama’s really stupid. … Read the rest of this great post here […]
Definition of a shitstain; someone who uses the phrase “folks in the Heartland” in exactly that manner and means it.
How many Gary Rupperts does it take to take a bath?
I’m starting with the man in the mirror
I’m asking him to change his ways
And no message could have been any clearer
If you wanna make the world a better place
(If you wanna make the world a better place)
Take a look at yourself, and then make a change
(Take a look at yourself, and then make a change)
(Na na na, na na na, na na, na nah)
Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild
“This is a hard decision for me personally because, frankly, I don’t like him. I feel like he is an elitist. I feel like he has not given me reason to trust him.”
We should be able to prescribe something for mental recession. I don’t have your Photoshop skills, but I present … Stagflatin XL.
Yeah, much thanks to Phil Gramm. Now, if the McCain campaign could do us one more favor: please try to arrest at least one person a week for protesting at one of your events. If that person could be a 60-something librarian, you’d really be doing us a solid, and if that person can be described as “diminutive”, well dood……….totally a bonus.
Testing. Is this thing on?
Huh, yesterday the comments here decided I was a spammer. And just when I realized that there is no Gary Ruppert!
It’s nice that Lady Rothschild was able to get a day off from her waitressing job and find someone to watch the kids so that she could go on TV to speak for the non-elite of America.
The fact is, I am a Democrat and I don’t trust Obama. I kan hz Fox intervyewz?
I don’t understand this whole eighteen million talking point. That eighteen million people voted Hillary is supposed to be a reason to vote for JiSM3 makes no sense. It doesn’t even make sense as a reason to arbitrarily appoint Clinton the Dem candidate over Obama, since eighteen million people kinda like, voted Obama too.
Worst. Gary. Ever.
Thanks for the help, Phil! Every little bit hurts.
The ironic twist is that many people ARE “whiners”.
So the Functioning Glenn Reynolds Robot linked fawningly to Gramm’s nonsense. This is the same Instapundit who has devoted a truckload of Hehs and Indeedilydoos to conservatives running with the Bittergate storyling. But Gramm? He’s just telling the trooth!
Robotlvr then goes on to note that a McCain supporter thought that these comments were…how shall we say…not really politically smart? This marks the first time the “objective” Reynolds has criticized McCain since, shit, December?
I will also note that Reynolds has stopped posting creepy, inappropriate pictures of female students. We’re training him, folks. Slowly, but it’s happening. Heh indoozily doo.
[…] Phil Gramm says American minds, hairlines receding. (Don’t panic.) […]
Yes, its Gramm, Greenspan, and their tribe who are screwing America. Roll on the Jewish “migrations”.
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