Shorter D’Souzaphone

Frankenstein Endorses Obama

  • When I say Madeline Albright is like Frankenstein, I mean because she killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis in the wrong way, not that she is a gross ugly monster. Wink, wink.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 116


I noticed that you omitted the ‘quote’ marks around your ‘shorter’ citation. Isn’t it an internet tradition to enclose shorters in quotation marks, even though they are not technically direct quotes?

I await the decision of the internet tradition referee.


I await the decision of the internet tradition referee.



Yes, but is she the Karloff or Lugosi version?


Or a guy who sews together a gross ugly monster.

Although I suppose Igor had to do most of the sewing, really.

Five of Diamonds

“Certainly a President McCain has the experience and resolve to sit across the table with the bad guys and not fall for their deceptions or give in to their pressures.”

Good idea. Maybe McCain’s temper will result in the diplomatic exchange of “you ragheadded cunt!” Or maybe he will use his comedy stylings and threaten innocent Iranians’ lives to the tune of the latest Beach Boys song.


The ol’ “sanctions = genocide, therefore war is better by tons.”

Love that one.

To sum up: The right believes that 500,000 dead Iraqi children over 8 years of sanctions is a dead-on, iron clad fact, even if some remain skeptical and don’t even quote where the number was coming from (hint: Saddam).

But several peer-reviewed studies, including the Lancet put out estimates of a death toll for 3 to 4 years of war which dwarf that number and they are not only not believable, they are obviously in the bag for Saddam.


is she the Karloff or Lugosi version?

Neither. Christopher Lee.


She doesn’t remind me of BK at all so it must be the other one – who is he anyway?


I’m holding out to see who FrankenBerry endorses. Any man who has a steam whistle sticking out of the side of his head must know what he’s talking about.


How soon can we turn this new thread into a teardown of those absurd postmodernists? I’ll try to find something postmodern on circumcision; that ought to do the trick.


I was alive during the 1990s. There were people who were outraged that the U.S. sanctions were killing innocent Iraqis, particularly children — and they weren’t on the right. The right was busy being outraged that Bill Clinton got his weenie sucked. It’s two different subjects, though somehow in retrospect they apparently think them the same.


Who did his hair? We’re mad scientists, not hairdressers.


D’Souza should change his name to Elmo – he’s a master of projection. internet poll:

Do you personally know a young voter who has been sucked into Obamamania?

Yes, but I’m trying to save them.

Not with the wit and wisdom of Dinesh D’Souza, you won’t.


Not with the wit and wisdom of Dinesh D’Souza, you won’t.

But, by all means, we encourage them to try.


Do you personally know a young voter who has been sucked into Obamamania?

Yes, but I’m trying to save them.

Uh uh, the sex offender list is about to get longer. It’s always bad news when Republicans’ ‘reach out’ to young voters to ‘save’ them.


‘Specially when they’ve already been “sucked”….



Come to think about it, I’m pissed.

I was supporting Obama and I didn’t get sucked.

Am I like the only one?



So reading between the lines, is D’Souzaphone suggesting that the newspeople who got interviews with Bin Laden in the ’90s should have been waterboarded for his whereabouts?

That would have been a unique approach.


Count Chocula once called himself a conservative’s conservative but his sugary disposition has soured somewhat after the Bush years.

“I have to face those children every morning”, he declared, a faint trace of Transylvania still present in his speech.

“I think Mr. Obama deserves a shot.”

Youth of America

We’ve sucked a lot and been sucked a bit and occasionally even succored but we will never be suckered by Dnishnashy Dsoozywoozy.


The fact is, shut up with this stuff.


I think the monster is more Reagan’s creation than Albright’s.


Maybe McCain’s temper will result in the diplomatic exchange of “you ragheadded cunt!” Or maybe he will use his comedy stylings and threaten innocent Iranians’ lives to the tune of the latest Beach Boys song.

Or he’ll bring a carton of cigarettes with him.


There’s something vaguely sad about these guys trying to find acceptance among the very people who loathe them by out-ideologuing the ideologues.

Hey Dinesh. You really think if you’re all for endless war and occupation, that’s gonna somehow get the Goldbergs and the Krautahmmers to actually like and accept you?



Can you recall another secretary of state making a remark more shockingly callous than Albright’s?

Jeanne Kirkpatrick’s little “the dirty bitches were asking for it” remark about the raped, tortured & murdered nuns in El Salvador springs to mind – yes, I’m paraphrasing, but not by much. You wanna talk creepy? One look at her & Frankenstein’s famous monster would crap his ragged pants.

In other words, my problem is not with talking with folks like Mahmoud Ahmedinejad. The problem is: who is going to do the talking?

Both sides, one would hope – otherwise it’s not negotiations, it’s a lecture. The only lecture anyone wants to sit through is one that leads to a degree, & not too many are even very keen on those ones.

We are forced to conclude that Clinton simply wasn’t serious about going after the guy who not only declared war on us but engineered massive strikes against our embassies in Africa and against the U.S.S. Cole.

Unlike the Glorious Leader & his highly innovative “Golf War” strategy, as exemplified in 2001: “Counter-terrorism is the most important part of this Administation’s foreign-policy … now watch this swing.”

Oh, & that cute girl in the ad for the “Powered By Capitalism” tee-shirt looks suspiciously like someone who does porno for a living … & I’d say this is a real step down for her. Damn it – yet another innocent pr0n-vixen lured into the murky & degrading world of shilling for wingnut attire. It’s okay, ma’am, we understand – sometimes you lose the bar-bet.


Bush’s Iraq war has resulted in a steep reduction of Iraqi deaths…

No snark required for that quote – it makes fun of itself.


“Certainly a President McCain has the experience and resolve to sit across the table with the bad guys and not fall for their deceptions or give in to their pressures.”

So all we need to do is get the Iranians to agree to torture whoever is president. That’ll show that librul pussy, Obama Hussein.


One important point that he leaves out: during the sanctions, no American soldiers were dying.


“Certainly a President McCain has the experience and resolve to sit across the table with the bad guys and not fall for their deceptions or give in to their pressures.”

Hello John Hagee.


I love wingnut comments sections.

Aurorawatcher includes this as part of McCain’s foreign policy experience:
He’s been the chairman for the Indian Affairs Committee.

And then there’s this from Matt1234:
Sadly the federalists are long gone and voting rights for anyone are here to stay, to the demise of all.

Universal adult suffrage will result in the extinction of the human race. Only Alexander Hamilton can save us.


I don’t have a problem with talking to anyone, as long as you go into the meeting with a lot of loaded guns.

Translation: I’m a conservative hack who will now proceed to use some sterling ad hoc bullshit to support the idea that McCain has the best “loaded guns.” See also: Hooters Hewitt w/r/t Mittens Romney, Glenn Reynolds w/r/t Obama’s “Iraq pivot,” Bloody Bill Kristol w/r/t the Surge, etc.

Certainly a President McCain has the experience and resolve to sit across the table with the bad guys and not fall for their deceptions or give in to their pressures.

Ooh, good call whipping this one out the day that McCain jokes around about killing Iranians. Solid timing, this.

Still, I come back to Albright’s original dismissal of half a million deaths with the calm affirmation: it’s worth it. Can you recall another secretary of state making a remark more shockingly callous than Albright’s?

To recap:

Albright giving a logical reason for a policy decision: Shockingly callous
President Bush yuk yuk yuking it up about not finding WMDs: crickets

Like I said, ad hoc bullshit. Same as it. Ever. Was.

Many times I have thought how unfortunate it is that an unfeeling character like Albright became the first female secretary of state.

Thankfully we’ve got the biggest bunch of touchy-feely types in the White House ever.

Fuck off, D’Stoopid.


Can you recall another secretary of state making a remark more shockingly callous than Albright’s?

Birth pangs, anyone?


Can you recall another secretary of state making a remark more shockingly callous than Albright’s?

No, but I can recall two dozen or so by a President that were worse.

Now watch this drive.

Also and seriously: Sanctions, while imperfect, were in fact, successful in disarming Hussein. That he used them as an excuse (Iraqi children are dying because of the UN!!) shouldn’t be taken as gospel, considering the source.

And: Bad Sanctions may in fact be better than a Horrible War. Discuss.


just out of curiosity, what in the fuck does that slide behind dinesh in the photo say????

all i can read is:

no, Ann
no frenching today.



Jeane Kirkpatrick: “[Traditional autocrats] do not disturb the habitual rhythms of work and leisure, habitual places of residence, habitual patterns of family and personal relations. Because the miseries of traditional life are familiar, they are bearable to ordinary people who, growing up in the society, learn to cope . . . .”

In other words, suck it up.


There is no reason to defend Tweedledum if Tweedledee got caught screwing the pooch.


“Certainly a President McCain has the experience and resolve to sit across the table with the bad guys and not fall for their deceptions or give in to their pressures.”

hello bush administration over the last 8 years, social conservatives and assorted other wingnuts over the last 8 months.


“Certainly a President McCain has the experience and resolve to sit across the table with the bad guys and not fall for their deceptions or give in to their pressures.”



…Certainly a President McCain has the experience and resolve to sit across the table with the bad guys and not fall for their deceptions or give in to their pressures.

That’s as may be with A president McCain, but not this (would-be) President McCain.


Ha ha ha, that’s great. Wingnuts were screaming APPEASER at Obama, then over the next two weeks, “Israel Talks With Hamas”, “Israel Talks With Syria”, and now talking with the enemy is okey-dokey, just as long as a confused old white guy does it.


You all don’t understand. Senator McCain has been on a cruise down the Amazon and visited the Galapagos Islands. He’s ready to pull out his big six-shooter and slam it down on the table in front of mean old Hugo.


the latest Beach Boys song.

Um, we haven’t released a record in about 25 years. And Brian’s pretty bummed about the “bomb bomb bomb Iran” thing, so knock it off, fuckers. That goes double for you, Paul McCartney.


It’s hard not to love the comments from the Clowgnescenti. This particularly unfortunate signs himself ‘Chip’:

Subject: Just another clueless foreigner
Frankenstein? No, I saw that movie, and he liked kids. We’re just talking about another strange foreigner. In particular, it doesn’t seem like moral compasses are used that much outside of the United States. But foreign-born people here do tend to have big holes in their heads.

Dinesh D’Souza was born April 25, 1961 in Mumbai (Bombay), Maharashtra, India.


Thanks for pointing to the always-fun wingnut comments.

Check out this oldie-but-goodie (Gotta love the closing admonition).

Location: NJ
Reply # 5
Date: Jul 9, 2008 – 5:20 PM EST

I’m not young
and I won’t call you a pejorative, but in 1987, Oliver North warned about Osama bin Laden.



Oh. So there were only idiots and incompetents til america came along late in the eighteenth century?

Hell, it’s a wonder humans didn’t become extinct…



Senator McCain has… visited the Galapagos Islands.

Fuckin’ aye. America needs a leader who’s not afraid to go eyeball to eyeball with giant tortoises.


In particular, it doesn’t seem like moral compasses are used that much outside of the United States.

Astrolabes. It’s all moral astrolabes once you leave U.S. territory. They’re very difficult to master.


I’m not young and I won’t call you a pejorative, but in 1987, Oliver North warned about Osama bin Laden.

In 1987, Oliver North warned us not only about Osama bin Laden, but also about SARS, Mary Grabar, and shitty movies on the SciFi Channel. No one listened.


J— said,

July 10, 2008 at 2:14

In particular, it doesn’t seem like moral compasses are used that much outside of the United States.

Astrolabes. It’s all moral astrolabes once you leave U.S. territory. They’re very difficult to master.

…and they use metric.


Oliver North warned about Osama bin Laden in 1987?

And Reagan responded by doing jack shit.


Oliver North was a known liar.

If he’d have tried to warn us the poindexter was a crook, we wouldn’t have believed him…



“Subject: Just another clueless foreigner
Frankenstein? No, I saw that movie, and he liked kids. We’re just talking about another strange foreigner. In particular, it doesn’t seem like moral compasses are used that much outside of the United States. But foreign-born people here do tend to have big holes in their heads.”

Yet again I must ask: why do most conservatives write like they’re being poorly translated from Japanese?


Dinesh D’Ouchebag.



Re: Oliver North and Bin Laden

Here’s what the U.S. Senate has to say on the matter.

Is it true that . . . Oliver North said during the 1987 Iran-Contra hearings that Osama bin Laden had threatened his life?

The answer is no [PDF]. This Internet hoax says that under questioning from an unidentified senator, Col. Oliver North said he had a home security system installed because a terrorist had threatened him and his family. When asked who this terrorist was, Col. North said it was Osama bin Laden.

The facts: Oliver North testified about a home security system during a July 7, 1987 joint Senate-House hearing on the Iran-Contra investigation. The questioner was not a senator, but committee counsel John Nields. Col. North testified the security system was installed because threats were made on his life by terrorist Abu Nidal.

The pdf is an excerpt of North’s testimony on the home security system and Nidal.


“Do you personally know a young voter who has been sucked into Obamamania?

Yes, but I’m trying to save them.”

Uh uh, the sex offender list is about to get longer. It’s always bad news when Republicans’ ‘reach out’ to young voters to ’save’ them.

I’m beginning to think that all Republicans, not just the Talibangelicals, have confused the concepts sucking and suckering. Of course, the GOP/Greedy Old Perverts wing of the party enjoy their peak sexual climaxes from the latter, so maybe it’s deliberate.


I can’t be the only one who remembers Bush/Cheney running on a platform of ending the sanctions against Iraq, can I?


You all don’t understand. Senator McCain has been on a cruise down the Amazon and visited the Galapagos Islands.

The Darwinian Candidate.


I can’t be the only one who remembers Bush/Cheney running on a platform of ending the sanctions against Iraq, can I?

Yeah, and a foreign policy that consisted entirely of “Read my lips: No more nation-building”

Hey, maybe President McCain will turn out to be a pacifist!


Oliver North’s reaction to Osama bin Laden, if it hadn’t been a retrospective fiction, would have been to urge Reagan to give his allies more guns, cash, and diplomatic protection, since it was Ollie’s style to equip and arm terrorists of both Central American and Middle Eastern origin.


Are right wingers now retrospectively trying to portray Republicans as being against Osama bin Laden during the time he was helping run Reagan’s largest covert war ever? Really? Then who do they think were fighting the Russkies in Afghanistan? Angolan volunteers? Spare Contras?


This Dinesh guy looks really puny. And he wears glasses.

I’m pretty sure I could take him.


You can be sure that Oliver North had never heard of bin Laden in 1987 – no one in the US had. At that time, bin Laden was hanging out in Peshawar and was still a relatively minor figure even within the jihadi movement. Al Qaeda did not yet exist.

According to the 9/11 Commission, the name ‘Osama bin Laden’ did not begin showing up in US intelligence reports until the summer of 1993. For several years he was thought to be someone who was financing terrorists rather than a leading activist.


Can you recall another secretary of state making a remark more shockingly callous than Albright’s?

Oooh! Ooooh! I got a couple!

“We don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.”
Callous in its disregard for the truth.

“People may oppose you, but when they realize you can hurt them, they’ll join your side.”
OK, not technically when she was Secretary of State, but neither was Albright’s. Pretty callous, though!

“I’m a terrible long-term planner.”
Enh, I guess more disturbing, aside from the fact that she says that after three years as Secretary of State.

And from Shootin’ George Shultz:
“Nicaragua is a cancer in our backyard, and we must cut it out.”

So … whatta I win?


Oh, and from a glance at Dinesh’s column – can we impose a fucking moratorium on wingnuts and their ilk saying that Obama’s (or anyone’s) foreign policy experience is “a couple trips to International House of Pancakes”?

It hasn’t been funny for a while.

And the alternative is some dude wandering around a deserted Middle Eastern market while U.S. Army snipers aim at some poor women trying to sell fruit, and said dude puffing out his chest about how swell things are going.


El Cid, you misoverestimate the wingers: they’re not much on the history l’arnin’

Shorter wingnut strategery: who cares who he rapes/massacres, as long as he’s on our side, whatever that means. mumble mumble trains run on time mumble . . .

So bin Laden (of the wealthy and well-connected Saudi business empire [Condi Rice was scheduled to address several of them on the morning of 9/11]) was fighting the Soviets in the 80s, making him a good terrorist. After having his cause dropped like a hot rock when the Soviets withdrew and later imploded, he turned his attention to another meddling superpower . . . .


Snorghagen said,

July 10, 2008 at 3:23

According to the 9/11 Commission, the name ‘Osama bin Laden’ did not begin showing up in US intelligence reports until the summer of 1993. For several years he was thought to be someone who was financing terrorists rather than a leading activist.

Considering that his father made a gazillion dollars by pretty much building 90+% of Saudi Arabia’s infrastructure, it’s quite likely that all he did in the early 90’s was finance terrorists.


El Cid said,

July 10, 2008 at 3:15

Then who do they think were fighting the Russkies in Afghanistan? Angolan volunteers? Spare Contras?

Nepalese sherpas.


Via Atrios. Here’s Jonah Goldberg’s latest ultra-stupidity:

Wednesday, July 09, 2008
The Corner

My LA Times Readership [Jonah Goldberg]

If you want a sense of how popular I am with the LA Times community, check out the (354 and counting) comments to my Obama national service column.

One small point in response (I know, I know: Why bother?). The 13th amendment lists involuntary servitude and slavery as different things. If they were the same, the founders wouldn’t have wasted the ink repeating themselves.

07/09 07:04 PM

Ummm, yeah, the 13th Amendment, you know, being, like, against, um, slavery… Yeah, that kind of came later than the founders, after there was, like, this sort of war, a Civil one. Lots of states were involved & stuff.

Thank you, L.A. Times, for getting rid of Robert Scheer for this hack.


Karloff? Karloff isn’t fit to smell my shit! That Limey cocksucker can rot in Hell for all I care!


Bush’s Iraq war has resulted in a steep reduction of Iraqi deaths

We had to destroy the village in order to save it.


Bush’s Iraq war has resulted in a steep reduction of Iraqi deaths…

And once they manage to kill all the people in Iraq, the number of Iraqi deaths will thereafter be zero. Victory!



Considering that (bin Laden’s) father made a gazillion dollars by pretty much building 90+% of Saudi Arabia’s infrastructure, it’s quite likely that all he did in the early 90’s was finance terrorists.

He started out in the early 1980s as a provider of daddy’s money and other resources to the Afghans and non-Afghan jihadis fighting the Russians, but within a few years he became more hands-on. He began organizing jihadi training camps in Pakistan in 1986, saw combat in Afghanistan the next year, and evidently began forming al-Qaeda the year after that. By then, he was dreaming big dreams. As early as 1992, he was specifically calling for attacks on US troops, and that same year he bombed a couple hotels in Aden that some American troops had just left. So he was already much more than just a financier by the early 1990s.


My current favorite LA Times reader comment on Goldberg’s service=forced servitude piece.

293. Let’s settle this. Don’t volunteer; Don’t go to college. Sit on you a$$. One day you will be working for those who did step up, learned something positive, got assistance with college and put it all together in a rewarding career. I did 20 years of “forced solitude” in the military beginning with the Viet Nam war and what I leaned led to a post military six figure salary and a great second career and I still have ALL my rights. You can do the right wing cha cha or you can get to work on your future – gotta love freedom of choice.

Submitted by: BigAl
9:55 AM PDT, July 8, 2008

Now I have in my head Sam Cooke singing about the right-wing cha cha cha.


Actually, the Beach Boys didn’t write Barbara Ann. It was a Regents song. Fassert is the author of record, but Villari will go to his grave pissing and moaning about how it’s his tune and he never got the credit he deserved.

You may now return to your regularly scheduled snark.


Can you recall another secretary of state making a remark more shockingly callous than Albright’s?

The entirety of Colin Powell’s presentation to the U.N.? The one where they fucking covered up “Guernica” for fear somebody might actually think about what a horror war is?



I know, I know: Why bother?

Because you’re a goofy fuck who likes to say outlandish bullshit and would actually prove some of the manhood you profess to have if you backed it up every once in a while? Maybe?


“Certainly a President McCain has the experience and resolve to sit across the table with the bad guys…”

And do what? Say “Sure I’ll make propaganda films and radio braodcasts for you”?


Oh, El Cid, thanks for taking me to The Corner tonight. Elsewise, I wouldn’t have caught K-Lo’s latest gem:

My eyes are starting to glaze over at the sight and sound of the word “senator.” Senator McCain. Senator Obama. The senators running. Senator Webb takes himself out of the running. Senator Biden lobbies. Senator Brownback does something with “Catholic” on it. Senator Clinton works for her money. Senator. Senator. Senator. Senator.

I think pols should be assumed senator until proven innocent. No need for the word. Just leave the title out unless they’re something else.

I miss “Governor.” Something comforting about that one.

This is something we call a self-definition. This is Kathryn Jean Lopez to a mofo-in’ tee.

1) Complete comfort in her own ignorance.
2) Strange daddy issues with Mitt Romney.
3) Lather, rince, repeat, PROFIT.


Oh D’stort The Newsa, why are you such a douche? Never get laid?


Thanks for the Guernica info.

I remember the Guernica flap; it was a relatively minor but still creepy little thought-control thing when the whole world seemed to be a river of weird bombastic war-lust. Interesting article you linked, RB. Straight outta 2003, no doubt –

The continuing sensitivity to Guernica exemplified by the U.N. cover-up may remind us that modern art is poor in images glorifying just military action, though rich in images of the horrors and injustices of war. … Long gone, however, are the days when statesmen actually commissioned public works of art, history painting, or monumental sculpture for purposes of propaganda, self-glorification, and political justification. Except, of course, in Baghdad, where innumerable portraits of Saddam Hussein and Bamiyan-sized replicas of his arms adorn the fateful streets.

Am I misreading this, or is that a pouty wish that we had more large-scale pro-war propaganda coupled with the obligatory anti-Saddam dig?


With Albright too it is credibility that becomes an issue. After all she was a stalwart member of the Bush cabinet.

I had to read this a few times. Was it misplaced snark? A failed attempt at irony? Sadly, it appears to be just a huge brain fart.


What does goldberg call the Draft? Dummy.


Am I misreading this

I had read it as “Of course a horrible dick wants art glorifying his military conquests.” But I think there’s something to your reading as Baghdad is obviously not the only place where statesmen commission art about their greatness.

There’s a hilarious museum in The Citadel in Cairo about Egypt’s military might, including paintings of Egyptian victories over Israel, including one with a giant Hosni striding through the scene.



So how come all these journalists could find Bin Laden but not the Clinton administration? We are forced to conclude that Clinton simply wasn’t serious about going after the guy who not only declared war on us but engineered massive strikes against our embassies in Africa and against the U.S.S. Cole.

I gather that the clock is still ticking on the apprehension of that terrorist fellow. Bring it up all you like Mr. Coyote, Super Genius.


Also sentence of my day from the Townhall comments:

Obama is supposed to be very intelligent, yet I don’t believe he actually.


I thought “plants make people jump off buildings” was M. Night Shyamalan’s worst movie pitch ever, but he really is scraping the bottom of the barrel with this …


Since I’m talking to myself…

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™



…in 1987, Oliver North warned about Osama bin Laden.

“How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn’t make it a leg.”
– Abraham Lincoln


We know what he’s saying don’t we? He’s talking cojones here, people. He’s saying “Look at McCain, he can hardly fit his trousers he’s got such an endowment. Now look at the pant-waisted liberal elitist who has to wear a belt to keep his trousers up while McCain’s belt is more a safety device to avoid taking someone’s eye out”.
See, because what’s in trousers are what it’s all about, you liberals don’t see it cause you don’t fill yours out properly. When Mr Ahmedinijad can’t get his chair in at the table cause Johnnies nuts are bulging out of the side, well he’s gonna back off.
See, it’s not diplomats, it’s nuts.


Why do I keep seeing glimpses of Chris Muir’s Day by Day cartoons over in the ad margin? Please tell me I’m hallucinating.


Don’t you mean “glimpses of drawings done by the person that does Chris Muir’s “artwork” for Day by Day”? I thought Muir was just a Word-and-Photoshop-Tweak man.


Whatever. Why is it there?


Good morning, LittlePig. Didn’t mean to be so rude. Coffee, that’s the ticket.


Jeane Kirkpatrick: “[Traditional autocrats] do not disturb the habitual rhythms of work and leisure, habitual places of residence, habitual patterns of family and personal relations. Because the miseries of traditional life are familiar, they are bearable to ordinary people who, growing up in the society, learn to cope . . . .”

In other words, suck it up.

I see, it’s change that’s bad! No matter how awful one’s life is because all potential has been vampirically sucked from it by someone who already has more than too much, change itself is more frightening!

Which is wingnut in a nutshell.


Why do I keep seeing glimpses of Chris Muir’s Day by Day cartoons over in the ad margin? Please tell me I’m hallucinating.

I was noticing that crap too. What the heck is this, political pornos?


It can’t be Chris Muir. There are no visible panties, jutting pelvises, or sclerotic backs. Muir would demand that those women each lose thirty pounds before appearing in pixel.


Ya gotta admit though, the style looks really similar. And the advert has that kind of cheesecake/non-sequitur vibe that Muir specializes in.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Well it’s not insanely superhuman strength like Pat Robertson but Madeline Albright does have the legs of a monster.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Also, as Jim pointed out, trotting out that IHOP line is tired and old, and also astoundingly hypocritical from anyone who supported Bush in 2000.


I would imagine that the HotRants ad is a clip from Day by Day, or whatever the fuck it’s called – they have a Day by Day banner ad in the middle of their page. It’s an odd little site, advertising that it aggregates left AND right blogs, but with conservative ads outpacing liberal ads 4-1 (by my count).


See, it’s not diplomats, it’s nuts.

I will agree that McCain is nuts, and not a diplomat.

Also, nice work whoever photoshopped Dinesh’s slide presentation.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Hey, I killed the thread!

Well, while I’m at it – I’d like to point out how this D’Souza piece so very nicely fits the classic wingnut style. He doesn’t argue what Albright is saying, in fact he even agrees that there is a need to talk to the bad guys. But then he goes on to attack, attack, attack.
-With Albright too it is credibility that becomes an issue
-Now let’s focus specifically on Albright.
-Still, I come back to Albright’s original dismissal…

and ends with:

And it is this same person who would presume to lecture us on what we should now be doing with Iran. I don’t think we need more advice from Albright. Rather, what we need from her is an apology, followed by an overdue withdrawal from public life.

Even if he agrees with the advice. Fucking retard.

Grand Moff Texan

Shut up, token.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

I guess I didn’t kill the thread. Oh well.
more D’Souza:

Still, I come back to Albright’s original dismissal of half a million deaths with the calm affirmation: it’s worth it. Can you recall another secretary of state making a remark more shockingly callous than Albright’s? There is something simply inhuman about speaking in this way, and that’s why I use the Frankenstein analogy. Many times I have thought how unfortunate it is that an unfeeling character like Albright became the first female secretary of state.

So Dinesh thinks that trying to justify massive casualties is shockingly callous. Well to answer his question about callous behavior from Secretaries of State, the most recent egregious example I could think of was this one.


No, I don’t think you understand the subtext. It’s morally awful when people D’nesh D’Souza D’Angelo say callous things about innocents dying.

The offense isn’t what was said, but who said it.

It’s how you can tell the difference between when torture is right and when torture is wrong. When right wingers say that ‘our guys’ — their chosen Bush Jr-authorized agents or the Israelis — are doing the torture in situations they prefer, it’s good. When anyone else does it, say, Democrats or any hated fur’ners, it’s bad.

That’s it. D’Souza isn’t objecting to starving millions. He’s objecting to Democrats’ being involved in such.


Ooops — ‘when people D’nesh D’Souza D’Angelo DOES NOT LIKE say callous things about innocents dying…’


why do most conservatives write like they’re being poorly translated from Japanese?

They must be outsourcing the manufacture of outrage.

Bloody Bill Kristol, Pirate King

Yearrr! Dinesh, get back to swabbing me decks! Ye’ve embarrassed us fer the last time! I’ll see ye flogged if me poop deck isn’t fit fer eatin’ me tea offa!

Rum! Sodomy! The Lash! More Sodomy! Yearrr!


Why does Dinesh look so much like that John Oliver guy that does the Daily Show. You know, the one who does the lame-o …rightwing …excuses…
Y’know, we never have seen them in the same room.
Champagne comedy moment Johnny!!


El Cid said,
I was alive during the 1990s. There were people who were outraged that the U.S. sanctions were killing innocent Iraqis, particularly children — and they weren’t on the right.

Some were.

Google “cheney lift sanctions iraq”

The right was busy being outraged that Bill Clinton got his weenie sucked. It’s two different subjects, though somehow in retrospect they apparently think them the same.

Yup, President Clinton was launching dozens of cruise missile at Osama bin Ladin to kill him while the Republicans were fighting terror by subpoena-ing his peepee for the Rule-O-Law.


Jay B.

: But several peer-reviewed studies, including the Lancet put out estimates of a death toll for 3 to 4 years of war which dwarf that number and they are not only not believable, they are obviously in the bag for Saddam.
Do you think Saddam would let a little thing like being dead stop him? He’s like Paul Dorian Saveen, I tell ya!


I’d like to apologize for that previous comment. Clearly I need more coffee before attempting to blockquote anything. Now nobody will notice my witty Tom Strong reference. Curses!


Certainly a President McCain has the experience and resolve to sit across the table with the bad guys and not fall for their deceptions or give in to their pressures.

If you don’t count ratting out your comrades and making propaganda videos for the enemy.


Stop darkening Mr. D’Souza’s skin or we will sue the living daylights out of you!!!!!!!!


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