Shorter David Frum
Posted on August 11th, 2008 by HTML Mencken
Above: Andrew Sullivan overcooked his burger.
- Only one thing could motivate such outrageous accusations against blameless public servants like Doug Feith and Michael Ledeen, and that is anti-Semitism.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
It’s no surprise that the idiots at Commentary — the traditional font of bad faith accusations of anti-Semitism — have run with Frum’s frame-job. And yet the case against “the stupidest fucking guy on the planet” builds almost daily…
the stupidest fucking guy on the planet
Man, that phrase is proving tough to live down, ain’t it?
Does it make me an Anti-Semite if I didn’t even know that Doug Feith was Jewish but agreed that he was the stupidest motherfucker on the planet?
So … if Ladeen or Feith were behind this, will Frum denounce them for Chillul Hashem?
It’s amazing how today’s Jewish conservatives have completely forgotten about the very idea that one should avoid Chillul Hashem …
Also, the fact that documents have been forged and those same obvious forgeries have been enthusiastically pushed by administration insiders is in no way suspicious, and to think there’s anything possibly going on when administration insiders seeking a particular policy present ludicrous forged documents backing their goals — that is the definition of anti-Semitism.
Hey, I’ve got an idea!
Let’s ask Joe Klein!!
If Feith has been accused of “fabricating false documents,” doesn’t that mean that the documents are REAL?!
Doug Feith and Michael Ledeen
Two in three years does make a pattern. The third will be in 2011 when the Bush administration, um, never mind.
From last paragraph in American Conservative article:
This brings up the interesting point that it’s part of Feith’s job description to produce false documents for the sake of covert operations. Either he’s too stupid to realize what his job is, or he’s lying his ass off.
Well, he is the stupidest fucking guy on the planet, but I don’t know as that means he can’t be lying as well.
How come no one slaps down these pathetic arguments by claiming that the “Jewish Card” is being played?
Just asking, sauce, gander and all.
Two words: human crapsack. All of them.
Now that’s anti-stupidic.
Off on a tangent here: I just ROFL on my LOLlerskates whenever any MSM or neo-con idiot drops the “Anti-Semite” label on an Arab… especially when they use it to defend a Jew who is obviously not of Semitic decent (ie: blond hair, blue eyes).
For that matter, BB, how many times have I been accused of anti-semitism merely for my support for the palestinians?
Usually by people who aren’t really clear on the pre-’48 history of the region…
is david playing the anti-semite card — again.
It also cracks me the fuck up when these idiots say that “Palestinian ethnicity is illegitimate” because the word “Palestinian” was invented by the British in 1917. So I guess these people just sort of grew out of the ground in 1917 and never existed before then.
Sorry, Dave. Didn’t know Doug Feith was Jewish.
So let me re-phrase and say that Doug Feith is the “Dumbest Fuckin’ Jew on the Planet.”
Please accept my apologies.
One should not open bid the anti-Semitic Card unless you have 7-12 points in Clubs and only then when seated as the third player, in that hand, and the previous players have passed.
So is Cheney Jewish for being accused or is he an anti-Semite for causing other Jews to get accused?
I nominate David Frum for “stupidest guy on the planet,” just in the interests of fairness.
I guess these people just sort of grew out of the ground in 1917 and never existed before then.
Not only that, but they CERTAINLY didn’t live in the place we now call “Israel”. When the jews showed up to collect on their divine debt, it was just empty space.
Those houses and farms were provided by god…
The fact is, you need to stop any criticism of our ally Israel immediately. It is fashionable fior the left to hate Jews, as Hitler, an ardent leftists did. The liberals support islamic destruction of Isarael by trying to stop our support for Israel. If we do, the Islamists will come here and take over too.
The Cheney administration’s use of the “9-11 card” was inspired unscrupulous Zionists who have been playing the holocaust card for decades.
I’m gunna start a religion that says its members have a divine right to own.. Barbados? Hawaii? I dunno, somewhere nicer than Gaza anyway.
Off-topic, but thanks to posters and commenters on this site for reminding us outside US that you are not all a bunch of crazies.
Hmmm…do you suppose Feith is dumb enough to not realize that he’s being set up as the fall guy to protect Cheney?
Ok, that’s a really crappy Fake Gary.
Whoever’s responsible for that cheap travesty, I INSIST you do it again. Do it RIGHT this time.
That wasn’t even mailing it in. C’mon now, Fake Garys. If you can’t take pride in your fake work, why bother faking it in the first place?
Try again. Try HARDER….
Bad news.
I think I burned the brownies.
Well, the ones out of the middle will be pretty good…
The fact is, pretentious frauds still parade down the boulevards of Copenhagen and Washington, D.C., and only little kids notice their nakedness. Nobody dares to snicker, for fear of being called a bad name. (You know the bad name everybody is afraid of being called today.) But there’s no there there. Not a single, solitary rag of clothing. Barack Obama has the least amount of relevant experience of any major party candidate in the last hundred years. He just makes it up as he goes along, with sublime arrogance. If he wanted to be interviewed for President of General Electric they wouldn’t give him the time of day; but President of the United States? No problem! Obama is a total stage prop, a media fiction, a complete unknown, a rolling stone. The Emperor is seduced by his own grandiosity; whenever he blows another elementary fact about the world, his staff just gives him a quick heads-up to tell him what to say next. He’s like a bad actor who flubs his lines every single time, just expecting the others to give him his cues. And the ink-stained wretches of the media always give him a pass. Their editors would give them hell if they said anything bad.
What we know for certain is that a a forged letter flasely claiming that Saddam was training Atta and was buying yellowcake from Niger was delivered to the London Dayly Telegraph by CIA undercover agent Alawi. This is indisputable.
The notion that a U.S. government official (whether at CIA or DOD) ordered the forgery is an absurd, proposterous, anti-Semitic lie.
Copenhagen has boulevards?
Barry is scary ain’t he Gary?
“Ink stained wretches”?
The fact is, Barack Obama has odd ideas about average Americans, and has a tendency to sneer at the rest of us. Barack and Michelle seem to be totally obsessed with race, the greatest sin of our age according to liberals. In sum, the Obamas seem mentally boxed into a very narrow liberal faith on all those issues. Senator Joe Lieberman recently said, “I’d hesitate to say he’s a Marxist, but he’s got some positions that are far to the left of me and I think mainstream America.” Still, Obama could still win. Call it fifty-fifty right now. My biggest question therefore is this: Does Obama understand anything, anything at all, about the most important new defense technology since World War II? I refer to Ballistic Missile Defense, a historic achievement of this administration — based on decades of high-priority research going back to Ronald Reagan. Forget Iraq, forget everything else President Bush has tried to do. If BMD works, it will be far and away the greatest gift of the last eight years. Future generations will live in safety because George W. Bush insisted on pushing BMD as one of his top priorities.
In other news:
Joe Lieberman is a sack of shit.
That is all.
Waalllll, uh, see, Obama’s a Marxist commie racist, you see, and my good friend John Hagee is a true patriot, and the Democrat Party is a bunch of meanies who keep saying mean things about me, and…
Frummy said:
The fact is, if Obama wins, we here in the heartland will have no choice but to contest his ligumatitcy and stop him from being inogarated. We cannot allow our country to become far left socialist where the government controls everything, colored people are disprapotionaetly have power and health care and all uniiversities are free as long as they keep parroting ht efar left hard Marxist line, which Obama wants to mandate. H e will also try to outlaw all religions that disagree with him and mandate Islam as the nations religion, well, we won’t stand for it.
Thanks for the propaganda, Gary.
Anybody with a minimal understanding of the issue knows that for every billion you spend on ballistic missile defense, it takes less than a million to defeat it. You can put your Re-entry Vehicles in Mylar bubbles, fer crissakes. You know? Carnival balloons? You can do a simplified MIRV where there are two live warheads and fifty dummies. The dummies are emitting everything from guidance signatures to radioactivity to IR radiation. The warheads are in a mylar bubble, in a nitrogen cooled environment. They are closing at close to 50,000 kph. You have a window of a little under two minutes to select your targets.
Sorry. Try again. Try HARDER…
The fact is, you who criticism Joe Liberlam are anti-Seimites and racists, so is Obama for mandating black nationaislm when most of us are white and christian. This is biased.
Is this Gary’s way of saying Doug Feith is not the stupidest fuckin’ guy on the planet?
Okay then, maybe Feith is the second most stupid.
Well, no guys, it appears that Ron Suskind’s sources weren’t so solid after all. A case of a reporter rushing into print: happens all the time.
Doug Feith can’t give orders to CIA directors. The CIA is a state within a state, and takes orders from nobody. You Democrats don’t get this right now because the CIA has gulled you into believing that they are on Obama’s side.
When he gets elected, they’ll start leaking document embarrassing to Obama and the Democrats just like they do to Bush and the Administration today.
Sorry, folks, George Bush isn’t Caligula after all. He’s just slightly less clueless than you people.
BTW, Gary, where did you get the idea that the RNC and the McCain Campaign would contest the election of Obama? That would be political suicide for any Republican. Let the Dems have their fun; then, when they screw the up and ramp up the deficit, we’ll come back in ’10 and ’12. There’s a principle involved here: it’s THEIR turn to govern.
Trust me. As Republicans, we actually WANT Obama to get elected in 2008. It’s the only way to get liberals to take the threat from Islamic Fascism seriously. They won’t understand the threat until they have some skin in the game and one of their own is President- then they’ll finally realize that, no, George Bush is not a greater threat to the world than Bin Laden or Ahmadhi-Dinner Jacket.
These things work in cycles. If McCain gets elected, the liberals can still hide behind their hatred of All Things Bush until one of our cities gets nuked. They need to grow the hell up, and they won’t until they have power and realize that, yes, the U.S. isn’t always at fault in the world.
Of course, Obama could turn into the Second Coming of Jimmy Carter and really screw things up. We as Republicans are taking a calculated risk in lying down for this guy, but hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Remember, after Carter, we got Reagan.
We as Republicans are taking a calculated risk in lying down for this guy
If you really believe this is what’s going on, you’re so incredibly deluded that I see no reason to take anything else you say seriously.
A-hahahahahahahahahaha *snort* hahahahahahaha-hahahaha!
Nice try, but I stopped reading after that last sentence. And BTW, you must’ve entirely missed the point that the CIA wasn’t even involved in the incident because the White House/Cheney knew that the CIA would just tell them to fuck off.
when they screw the up and ramp up the deficit, we’ll come back in ‘10 and ‘12.
Compared to what? Compared to a zero deficit? Or compared to a bush/cheney defict. 460 Billion dollars next fiscal.
A budget that doesn’t even CONSIDER the iraq occupation?
You’re just stupid now.
At least assume we can read.
Now. Whaddaya got?
I love it!!
“He’ll win because Republicans have decided it is time for a Democrat to win.”
section9 you are a credit to Goppers everywhere!
The fact is that if Nancy Pelosi had taken the time from snuffling up chabli and brie in order to uphold her constitutional mandate to impeach Bush and Cheney , we Republicans would be sailing into November with a set of well-liked, bipartisan-approved incumbents like Hagel/Snowe.
Oh…oh ch-chrrist…maammaaaa!
The fact is, I’m calling shenanigans from Berkeley Springs, WV.
section9 gives us the old ‘heads we win, tails you lose’…
I hope you washed your hands after you pulled that out of your ass.
The fact is, I’m also calling shenanigans, from Silicon Valley, CA.
It’s pretty much universal at this point…..
The fact is, that’s some pretty nice fucking trolling there section9.
Well done.
Erm. How can Feith not be going to jail?
Even more to the point, how can an investigator not be sweating him right now, getting him to sell out Cheney in return for his liberty?
It was Feith’s office that produced the letter and then surfaced it to the media in Iraq. Unlike the [Central Intelligence] Agency, the Pentagon had no restrictions on it regarding the production of false information to mislead the public. Indeed, one might argue that Doug Feith’s office specialized in such activity.
Only a loathsome anti-Semite would stoop to accusing Feith of actually doing his regular job!
This “rumor” doesn’t strike me as either extreme or controversial, with a track-record like Feith’s. Frankly, compared to some of what he’s already implicated in, this is mighty tame stuff.
Context Galore:
Fired FBI translator & whistleblower Sibel Edmonds has Feith right beside his buddy Richard Perle at the top of her State Secrets Privilege “Rogue’s Gallery” – these people are ALL implicated in illegally selling top-secret plans &/or components of nuclear weapons to nice wholesome customers like Pakistan & North Korea – & possibly also to terrorists. This as part of a profoundly evil global cartel of government/corporate/organized-crime elements using political influence-peddling, weapons, secrets, & narcotics to get richer & more powerful, regardless of how many they kill in the process.
A few of the parties involved have denied it, but so far as I know nobody’s suing her for defamation, even though she’s openly accusing a large number of very well-connected & well-known people of crimes up to & including high treason. Early this year she was literally begging to give any major US network that wanted it The Scoop Of The Century by naming names & giving details, despite the draconian gag-order Ashcroft dropped on her in 2003; the “leaked” cover-story of her unknowingly discovering a “sting” operation was gladly swallowed by the press, despite its lack of either logic or substantiation. The London Times broke the major outline of the story on January 6th of this year – & the neutered lapdog that is the American media avoided it like the plague.
The Democrats’ Al Waxman promised her full hearings &/or an inquiry as soon as they got control of Congress, but he broke that promise. No shock there: the criminality is bipartisan, & the Dems are steadfastly avoiding any appearance of “vindictiveness” when it comes to attacking the Bush Junta.
This kind of thing (& there’s a LOT of it for them to whitewash) is why BOTH parties micromanage & choreograph their “town-hall meetings” so ferociously; if someone stands up & asks about this, live on prime-time TeeVee, they’re severely hooped.
Even more to the point, how can an investigator not be sweating him right now, getting him to sell out Cheney in return for his liberty?
Which branch of goobermint would this alleged ‘investigator’ be working for, Dr. Zen?
Surely not the D of J.
MoJo story about Feith and the Dirtbag Brigade:
It also cracks me the fuck up when these idiots say that “Palestinian ethnicity is illegitimate” because the word “Palestinian” was invented by the British in 1917.
In that case, Native Americans are all sorts of fraud. They weren’t given a common identity until colonization – and, besides that, Amerigo Vespucci didn’t really discover America – AND they weren’t even Native Americans until recently, they were called Indians – and to top it all off, they WEREN’T EVEN REALLY INDIANS.
This is all good shit, and that they are reaching for the anti semitic card so quickly shows that this has legs. If what Feith did is not criminal, then what is?
It will be interesting to see how the old ex marxist, Hitch manages to wriggle out of this one, as he was one of the main pushers of the Niger-Yellowcake line.
David Frum sucked my dick! And he owes me $20!
Now, to go back and read the article…
Oh, those poor little girls.
(This comment you just read was not meant to be anti-femetic but that probably just makes it worse.)
Dr Zen, haven’t you followed Greenwalds work? Jail is for small-time drug dealers, certainly not for people killing hundreds of thousands Iraqis and making millions refugees! That would be anti-semitic. Putting Feith in jail would be worse than Hitler.
(N.B.: B.B. – the argument that Arabs can’t be anti-semitic because they are semites is nonsense, as the racial category targeted by any form of racism is socially constructed. Anti-semitism just happens to be a poorly chosen term for anti-Jewish racism. To be clear, otherwise I agree with you completely.)
The fact is, Barack Obama has odd ideas about average Americans, and has a tendency to sneer at the rest of us.
Gary, just because he’s sneering at you you shouldn’t assume he’s doing it to the rest of us. And if you hadn’t noticed, we’re all sneering at you.
The school teacher down the street is worse than Hitler.
-Jonah Golberg
” then they’ll finally realize that, no, George Bush is not a greater threat to the world than Bin Laden or Ahmadhi-Dinner Jacket.”
Couldn’t agree more! Once Obama becomes a President the George Bush threat to the world will be greatly diminished. The five months remaining still give me the creeps, though…
” then they’ll finally realize that, no, George Bush is not a greater threat to the world than Bin Laden or Ahmadhi-Dinner Jacket.”
Bonus in that we get to decide that George Bush’s followers are a threat to national security and have the FBI follow them around and make their lives miserable for no real purpose whatsoever.
Jeezus christ’s tits in a mason jar, of COURSE george bush is a greater threat to the world than bin Laden or Amedinajad. Bush has a trillion dollar military and ten thousand nuclear weapons. bin Laden has some dudes in a cave. Amedinajad has eight rifle divisions with no power projection capacity.
I mean, if you’re in sweden or ethiopia or micronesia, who are you more scared of?
Stupid fuckers…
Jeezus christ’s tits in a mason jar,
Now that there is an ingredient.
“bin Laden has some dudes in a cave”
bin Laden controls GEICO?
Apparently, The Daily Show had a segment that mentioned the town of Rosamond, Calif. Something about a sign. Rosamond is in southern Kern Co., and it’s just north of the LA County line, which puts it in the territory of the newspaper I work for. Did anybody see this? I got a rambling phone call from one of our readers and couldn’t really get the sense of what he was talking about. I want to leave a note for the assignment editor before I leave.
Any help would be appreciated from the Sadlynauts.
bin Laden controls GEICO?
Yes. And if you fall for their little amphibian/reptile representative, the terrorists win!!!!!
I was under the impression that traditional font of bad faith accusations of anti-Semitism was actually Palatino Bold, but I am willing to be corrected.
“As Republicans, we actually WANT Obama to get elected in 2008. It’s the only way to get liberals to take the threat from Islamic Fascism seriously.”
This from the same folks who are no longer even pretending to be hunting for bin-Laden and al-Kayeedah.* Whatever.
*The real al-Kayeedah, of course. Not the fake Karl Roveian propaganda al-Kayeedah in Iraq.
But David, isn’t Ron Suskind, uhm …. Jewish?
But David, isn’t Ron Suskind, uhm ….Jewish?
The fact is, liberals are stupid.
Sorry, but those clowns can’t be Jewish. In order to secretly run the world, you have to be competent. We woupd never let a dumbass like feith screw up our plans. After all, everything is going swimminnly for us…
This quote always comes to mind when I think of David Frum and the neocons:
Ah, arrogance and stupidity all in the same package. How efficient of you. – Londo Mollari
I love how no matter what these people did, how heinous the acts, or who their connections are, that when they’re pinned against the wall with no other defense, “anti-Semiticsm” always, *ALWAYS* falls out as a last hope accusation.
It doesn’t matter if the issue relates to Jewish people, or Israel, or ANYTHING regarding national practices, but if someone who is caught breaking the laws is Jewish, then ANY attempt to punish them is “anti-Semitic”. Being Jewish seems to be the ultimate excuse to get out from any accusation to this administration.
“Your suspect robbed a bank, he killed 2 people”.
“You’re just prosecuting him because he’s Jewish!”
I’m damned sick of it.
Geckos = lizards = reptiles
Salamanders = amphibians
Know Your Terrorists!
It would be awesome if this actually bit Feith on the ass, and/or if he were actually incarcerated for this. I’m not holding my breath, though.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the President Of The United States!
(Thanks fior everything, rethugs.)
The bad news is that we gave up looking for bin Laden, so it’s likely that he’s still wandering around. The good news is that bin Laden can save you a buck or two on your car insurance.
it appears that Ron Suskind’s sources weren’t so solid after all.
Yeah, because the “OK, it’s true it’s a forgery, but Cheney did it, not Tenet!!” defense really makes Suskind look bad…
“bin Laden controls GEICO?”
That’s IT. Just to be safe, I’m driving without insurance from now on! If bin Laden has GEICO, just imagine who might control Travelers, or Alstate!
now that’s some Time Cube-quality nuttery, Lonny.
Well done.
Reading entries typed in all caps makes my corneas bleed. I also can never decide, is this person really angry? Or just lazy? Or really lazy but angry all the same?
Shift keys exist for a reason.
Anyone who doesn’t believe in Israel’s divine right to bomb Iran is an anti-Semite.
Now apologize for all those mean things you said about Ariel Sharon…or else you’re an anti-Semite.
Zeppo, the really nutty ones are probably actually holding down the shift key the whole time. And banging on the keys, too.
As I have been saying for awhile, David Frum is a Canadian liberal who masquerades as a “conservative.”
Check out: The Little Frummer Boy 🙂
That’s a hairy post
[…] comment on shorter david frum by charles goren ( – August 10, 2008one should not open bid the anti-semitic card unless you have 7-12 points in clubs and only then when seated as the third player, in that hand, and the previous players have passed. more Charles Goren blog posts … […]