We Blow Webelos, or, The Homosexual Agenda According To Rick Santorum
Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won
out over it.”
Let’s celebrate the Fourth of July in proper style. You know, with a little gay bestiality, a few Boy Scouts thrown in for fun, some gang-related rapes for a pinch of excitement, the ACLU, and, best of all, some pornography! And who better to preside over this orgiastic celebration of our favorite things at Sadly, No! than Ricky Santorum who has thrown all these things — and more — into an apocalyptic rant about the end of the Boy Scouts and the ensuing declaration of martial law on the streets of Philadelphia. According to Rick, former Boy Scouts will soon be running amok in Philadelphia, pushing little old ladies into the paths of oncoming vehicles, while gay activists are screwing a few pooches in the headquarters building of the Philadelphia-area Boy Scouts.
[T]he first step in addressing the horrific violence in Philadelphia is to understand that it is a symptom of a broader problem: pathologically antisocial young urban males. That’s why I just don’t understand Mayor Nutter’s jihad against the Boy Scouts. Rather than get bogged down in a dispute with the Boy Scouts, the city should be supporting more organizations like this.
You tell ’em, Rick. What every city needs is a few more organizations that discriminate against gays. It’s precisely because we don’t discriminate enough against gays that are cities are going to hell. Once you start letting Teh Gays have jobs, buy houses, and congregate together openly, the next thing you know they are roving the city in convoys of Jettas and Passats, buying expensive shoes, mocking ridiculous attire, adopting unwanted babies, and otherwise scaring the shit out of the general populace.
Liberals have largely run our great cities for the last half-century, but not many of them dare cross powerful special interests like the ACLU and the teachers unions, radical feminists or Hollywood and First Amendment absolutists (read pornographers).
That probably explains why there are pornographic book stores and dirty movie houses on every block here in DC (and in Philadelphia): both those city governments have been afraid of standing up to Hollywood pornographers.
Here in Philadelphia, the lethal threat to liberal orthodoxy and our young men is an organization whose aim is – don’t read this aloud to small children – to teach boys to be trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, reverent and (shudder) to be morally straight. This, of course, deeply offends … the radical gay activists.
I could be wrong, here, but I think the offense lies not in teaching boys to be morally straight but in telling boys, with taxpayer money, that being gay is immoral.
But now the city would like to evict them via the back door. It wants to change their current agreement and force them to pay $200,000 in rent, a sum that city officials know the scouts cannot afford. The reason: The scouts insist on holding true to their moral and faith-based principles that offend some powerful voices in the gay community. … The real issue is Philadelphia officialdom’s bowing to gay special interests over the interest of the safety of the city.
To listen to Ricky, you’d think that the city was about to disband the Boy Scouts and have each scout sodomized by a gay activist before being dismembered alive and thrown into the Schuylkill River, when, in fact, all the city is asking is that the Scouts either accept gay scouts or move their administrative staff out of city-financed digs to a private location. And it’s hard to see, except in the perfervid imagination of Rick Santorum, how a relocation of the local headquarters staff for the Boy Scouts will lead to a crime wave. But then again it was always hard to see how gay marriage would lead to my developing an irrepressible urge to schtup a pooch or two.
Radical feminists are a powerful special interest? Sweet!
Uh — How come no one told me?
But then again it was always hard to see how gay marriage would lead to my developing an irrepressible urge to schtup a pooch or two.
Box turtles, damnit!1!
I am a backdoor eviction man.
Well, the men don’t know, but the powerful special interests understand.
Poor Santorum, desperate to stay in the spotlight. He’s like the rock star whose last big hit was 10 years ago turning up on a reality show.
I dance on Jesse Helms grave and sing “Hallelujah”.
Liberals have largely run our great cities for the last half-century, but not many of them dare cross powerful special interests like the ACLU and the teachers unions, radical feminists or Hollywood and First Amendment absolutists (read pornographers)
So…he’s saying that liberals are scared to take on the “powerful special interests like blah blah blah”, right? Well, aren’t all those groups made up of liberals, anyway? We couldn’t just get together for some coffee and gay abortions and work this out?
Also: I love it when conservatives admit they think the First Amendment should have limits. Just makes my day.
I dance on Jesse Helms grave and sing “Hallelujah”.
Not me. I’m disappointed the old buzzard couldn’t wait until November to kick off.
Yeah. Sure.
No reason for a straight guy to have a problem with discrimination of gays.
No reason for a white guy to be concerned about unfair treatment of minorities.
No reason for a wealthy dude to worry about whether the poor have access to health care.
And there’s certainly no reason for you to worry about guantanamo bay unless you are a terrorist…
“Liberals have largely run our great cities for the last half-century…”
Like who? Frank Rizzo? Rudy Giuliani?
And calling the ACLU a “powerful special interest” is about as slimy as you can get and not actually transmogrify into a pool of green liquid.
Meanwhile, let’s all do that, i.e., just make stuff up. I’ll start:
Conservatives have been kidnapping African-American babies, broiling them, and eating them in (supposedly) “sanctified rituals” for decades. Isn’t it about time this practice ceased?
(It’s not as easy as it looks. What feels like parody when you write it looks like just another ho-hum bit of common knowledge once it’s out there.)
US violent crime rates dropped sharply in the 1990s. The crime rate is indeed much higher than it was fifty years ago, but the last ‘dramatic increases’ in the nationwide violent crime rate happened twenty years ago.
You’d think Santorum would’ve known this, but maybe the ACLU’s mind control rays fogged his brain.
Speaking of making stuff up...
In the most vivid example to date of media describing any criticism of McCain as criticism of his military service, MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell described a television ad that made not a single mention of McCain’s service as being a part of “an organized campaign against John McCain’s military service.”
I know this is slightly OT, but it is a damn good summary of the crap that’s gone on in the last week.
Ricky needs to be tied to a chair and have The Pretenders first lp played for him at high volume for many hours.
I am a backdoor eviction man, etc.
Only three comments into the thread, and the rest of us might as well just go home now.
Only three comments into the thread, and the rest of us might as well just go home now.
Or else, to Wild and Wonderful West Virginia!
Good weekend, people.
[…] Original post by Sadly, No! […]
You’re too kind, Mrs Tilton.
Incidentally, I myself was a Boy Scout a long, long, long time ago. I know of others who had different experiences, but from what I saw the purpose of Scouting was to bring teenaged boys together in a structured environment in order to give them the chance to beat the crap out of each other. We’d periodically go camping, so we could beat the crap out of each other in natural surroundings. Once a year there was an extended statewide camp-out, allowing hundreds of boys from a wide variety of backgrounds to beat the crap out of each other.
By the time I walked out of that mess, I had risen to Second Class, the highest rank I could attain by doing absolutely nothing to advance myself.
lawnguylander: Nooooo! Not that!
Santorum? You mean that frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes that byproduct of anal sex? That Santorum?
(Sometimes you just have to go with the classics….)
And engage in other, uh, homosocial bonding activities…
And I must also register my disappointment that this thread was effectively ended three comments in. Well done, sir; well done.
See, in addition to librarians, I also know teachers. Not that Rick would ever been seen in the company of the likes of *sniff* PUBLIC school teachers, or anything. “Powerful Teacher’s Unions” is the same kind of delusional paranoia one usually sees in Bill Murray characters in Caddy Shack movies regarding gophers.
“Here in Philadelphia, the lethal threat to liberal orthodoxy and our young men is an organization whose aim is – don’t read this aloud to small children – to teach boys to be trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, reverent and (shudder) to be morally straight.”
Because god knows the PARENTS don’t have time for that crap!
I was only in Scouts for a year or two, and mostly what it taught me was to not eat the cheese at camp. There was also something about how to shoot a bb gun.
“The reason: The scouts insist on holding true to their moral and faith-based principles that offend some powerful voices in the gay community.”
Well, so do Sharia states, but I don’t see Ricky advocating them.
Today is the FOUTH OF JULY and you keep whining about how unfair it all is, SHUT UP! AMERICA doesn’twanna HERE your complaints, work harder and smarter and stop trying to take my money to give to ghetto trash and fags. I LOVE USA, YOU LEFTIST’s don’t so be quiet, today of all sacred days, when we honor our troops and president for keeping us safe!
Rick Santoum is a GODLY man you liberals hate him because you are envious of his success and moral upstandingness well you got nothing. Gays do not deserve special rights, they need psychiatric treatments its a disease and dlusion and unatural, grow up
See what I’m saying?
What used to be a bit of novelty stupid has become the utter inevitability of stupid. It just has no value whatsoever and I don’t want to have to keep updating my pie script every fucking thread.
I dunno. Maybe they win.
I know it’s reducing the value of this community by sheer volume – like a landfill that eventually encroaches on the city limits.
It would be nice if we could just abandon this board to the idiots and sneak off and start a new one….
Shorter PUP: I like pie.
Better trolls, please.
When is congress going to pass a law requiring all right-wing zealot trolls to learn English as the primary language?
Maybe my grasp of the language is better than Rick’s, but if the problem is pathologically antisocial males, does Boy Scouts really help that? Shouldn’t they be getting, I dunno, treatment instead? “Pathological” doesn’t mean “persistent”, Mr Santorum. Words mean things, as I’m sure you’ve had the opportunity to learn over the last few years.
It taught me that it’s not a good idea to stuff a bunch of soaking wet clothing into a canvas duffel bag and leave it laying around for a week in a hot, humid climate. I also learned that if no rocks are available, chunks of watermelon rind make fairly good substitutes if thrown at close range.
“In Japan, George Washington is called ‘PATRIOTIC USA POWER KAWAII! and he lives on the moon.”
Did you also learn that Deep Woods OFF! ® makes for a good flamethrower?
There was also something about how to shoot a bb gun.
You’ll put your eye out kid!
OT, but this Michelle Malkin comment on Jesse Helms is amazing:
Or read a bloody history or civics textbook… PUP’s so confused:
*sigh* Honoring our troops occurs on Memorial Day, Veterans Day, Armed Forces Day and/or the individual service-related holidays. The President has, obviously, Presidents Day. And for pants-wetting hysterics such as yours, we have that DoD-sponsored Nuremburg Rally-lite wankathon. July 4th is Independence Day, wherein we hold such truths as “right-wing trolls are ignorant little pants-wetters” to be self-evident and we celebrate that
Jeez. And I’m a DFH. PUP is as bad as the conservatards down the street from me who always hang their (disrespectfully faded and ratty) flag from the side of their house with the union in the wrong corner.
For “And for pants-wetting hysterics such as yours,” please substitute “And for pants-wetting hysterics such as PUP’s,”.
Now it’s only the black who is prejudiced from what I see.
Who me? I ain’t no field hand. I’m up here in da house.
The only way to understand anything Ricky S. says is to take the infamous brown acid while being gang raped by the Aryan Nations.
BTW, the quality of our trolls seems to have dramatically declined. Do you think we can get a refund?
Rick Santoum is a GODLY man
Isn’t “Santoum” an A-rab name? You know, like “Khartoum”?
Ah, I see…so Ricky boy sees no problem with setting limits on the First Amendment. I bet good money he also thinks that anyone who supports limits on the Second Amendment you should be drawn and quartered.
Santorum won’t be satisfied until every aborted embryo is an active scout member.
July 5, 2008 at 0:51
Today is the FOUTH OF JULY and you keep whining about how unfair it all is, SHUT UP! AMERICA doesn’twanna HERE your complaints, work harder and smarter and stop trying to take my money to give to ghetto trash and fags. I LOVE USA, YOU LEFTIST’s don’t so be quiet, today of all sacred days, when we honor our troops and president for keeping us safe!
July 5, 2008 at 1:03
Rick Santoum is a GODLY man you liberals hate him because you are envious of his success and moral upstandingness well you got nothing. Gays do not deserve special rights, they need psychiatric treatments its a disease and dlusion and unatural, grow up
Needs moar cowbell.
L’il Ricky ‘Man on Dog’ Sanatorium can’t help using terms such as ‘back door’. It’s in his jeans.
Philly is the City of Brotherly Love, so what’s the big deal?
And the last time I looked, there weren’t bands of roving Boy Scouts patrolling the streets to thwart evildoers.
Shorter my comment: WTF is Santorum babbling about this time?
You LIE-brul sexualists are nothing more than perverts who have SEX with each other. As you should know from watching teen horror films, those who have sex die at the pumpkinhead’s hand! Are you people so stupid that you don’t get it? Any one who willingly releases their essense (and doesn’t collect and save it in a Mason jar) is offensive in the eyes of G*d!! Supposedly pelicans can detect the aroma of mastubation from over 5 miles away and will attack the offender relentlessly until expired to death. Those of us in the Heartland of the USA of America who are wise in the ways of wood lore, often seek the protection of badgers (an natural enemy of the pelican) during our teen years. You would do well to follow suit.
I don’t want to have to keep updating my pie script every fucking thread.
Use this script instead of the pie script. No editing required.
I know of others who had different experiences, but from what I saw the purpose of Scouting was to bring teenaged boys together in a structured environment in order to give them the chance to beat the crap out of each other. We’d periodically go camping, so we could beat the crap out of each other in natural surroundings. Once a year there was an extended statewide camp-out, allowing hundreds of boys from a wide variety of backgrounds to beat the crap out of each other.
From what I learned at second hand from my brothers’ experiences (many many many years ago), it also gave boys the chance to share inventive ways of torturing small woodland creatures. One of my formative teenage experiences was discovering that any two or more Y-chromosome carriers acting as a “pack” would rapidly deteriorate to a level of moral / intellectual behavior slightly lower than that of the meanest, dumbest member of said pack. Kids who under normal circumstances were reliable pet-owners and pretty good babysitters would ‘happily’ set fire to squirrels or give racoons razor-bladed apples for fear of being accused of insufficient insensitivity. Many young women have to join the military or fall in love with a Hells Angel before learning this always-useful information, so I suppose in some sense I should be grateful to the BSA…
those who have sex die at the pumpkinhead’s hand!
Russert? has he come back from the dead to walk among us and kill? Aiiieeee!
I think the Skoptsi have just the solution you need.
it also gave boys the chance to share inventive ways of torturing small woodland creatures…
Yep. Shoulda seen what the same campers would do when they were provided with small arms, heavy weapons, indirect fire, air support and an integrated methodology for delivering same to any given target for any given reason at any given time.
Gives a whole new meaning to “cranky”…
Skoptsi? My only exposure to them is via Alfred Bester’s fabulous The Stars My Destination. Is that what you ref? (I met him once. Bester. Oy.)
We heard you’ve got a pelican problem over here. Everybody all right?
Mayhap Santorum isn’t the Numero Uno choice for role models in the realm of morality? HMMM.
Yeah, those good wholesome Boy Scouts – they were such an inspiration to so many over the years … like, for one, that paragon of family values Adolf Hitler – he happily modelled the Hitlerjugend on the Boy Scouts & praised their focus on traditional morality & potential for maintaining Anglo-Saxon purity in the face of modern decadent culture. Which was in fact totally in tune with the original objectives of the organization from day one, not some deranged Nazi misreading of its nature – just take a gander at what the BSA’s founder, Robert Baden-Powell, had to say about the white race & imperialism some time, if you’re not afraid of nightmares.
You’d think maybe these “Traditional Family Values” wankers would take a look at what kind of historical company they’re keeping, because a lot of it’s outright bloody nasty.
The Little Corporal really had a lot of admiration for American culture overall, in fact – he had a mutual man-romance-thing with Henry Ford, his favorite movie-star was the great cowboy-hero Tom Mix, & his all-time #1 movie wasn’t a German one – it was KING KONG.
Andrea MitchellMrs. Alan Greenspan…Fixed
We need to see this Santorum statement for what it really is: a vicious attack on John McCain’s military service.
Those of us in the Heartland of the USA of America who are wise in the ways of wood lore
Hey, I got your heartland wood lore right here, buddy.
Hey Rugged, where do Racoons rate on a 1-10 scale if badgers are a 10? I found out last weekend that my neighbor has been feeding racoons so that they come up to his house every night. One of them just had babies and my neighbor told me about standing in the middle of this sea of little baby racoons. I was both horrified and thinking ‘Hey, I want to stand in the middle of a sea of baby racoons!’ They used to come over into my birdbaths until he started giving them water with their food. I hope they stay over there now. My neighbor is a bit off.
I wasn’t aware of that. Strangely, as a kid Hitler read a lot of German-language western adventure books by Karl May and played cowboys and Indians. During WWII he often referred to the Red Army as “the redskins”.
And in old age Stalin developed a taste for Westerns (movies, not books).
BTW, how is little Santorum Jr. these days? Has he guest starred on Dexter yet?
Over here in the Upper Heartland of the USA of America we call a wood lore a Rapula. Is that what you meant?
I found out last weekend that my neighbor has been feeding racoons so that they come up to his house every night. One of them just had babies and my neighbor told me about standing in the middle of this sea of little baby racoons. I was both horrified and thinking ‘Hey, I want to stand in the middle of a sea of baby racoons!’ They used to come over into my birdbaths until he started giving them water with their food. I hope they stay over there now. My neighbor is a bit off.
Don’t know about the Mpls stats, but the racoons in Michigan had a serious & ongoing problem with rabies. Depending on what them racoons ‘bit off’ your neighbor, I suppose…
I warned my neighbor about racoon bites. Rabies is an issue with Racoons everywhere. By ‘a bit off’, I meant my neighbor has some disabilities mentally. Sweet guy but processes stuff like a pre-teen. I hope he doesn’t get bit and the racoons don’t come to depend on him.
Boy Scouts, yay! Gays, boooo!
Uppity fetuses, flush!
BTW, how is little Santorum Jr. these days? Has he guest starred on Dexter yet?
Best. picture. ever. Gack, those cold, dead eyes. *shudder*
Evil teachers unions would do the unspeakable and fail the Santorum brood. Even those from Pittsburgh…umm…Virginia…ummm..public schools with standards and oversight…not good..inbred Duggar-types tend to not do well among the general populace…more educated. Better send the sacredSperms to private skool that hands out grades for KKKristian responses.
Just take a gander at what the BSA’s founder, Robert Baden-Powell, had to say about the white race & imperialism some time, if you’re not afraid of nightmares.
From a Wikipedia paged entiled Robert Baden-Powell’s Sexual Orientation:
At age fifty-five Baden-Powell married twenty-three-year-old Olave St Clair Soames. Olave “altered her appearance to suit him, flattening her breasts and shearing her hair.”[8] Shortly after the marriage Baden-Powell began to suffer from agonizing headaches: these left him abruptly two years after the birth of their third child when he began sleeping apart from his wife: “With every hint of sex removed from a relationship he could get on reasonably well with women.”[9]
Geoffrey W. Bateman remarks, “Jeal’s conclusion may or may not withstand scrutiny, but his discussion emphasizes an important undercurrent to Baden-Powell’s life. He intensely identified with and enjoyed all-male culture and the activities that accompanied it. Whether this interest was simply an extension of a Victorian sensibility toward male friendship or a latent indication of homosexuality, we may never know.”[8]
Oh, we know, we *know* alright. Dreary closet-cases…..
Hey Rugged, where do Racoons rate on a 1-10 scale if badgers are a 10?
Badgers a 10?? I HATE BADGERS! They are only slighly less despicable than pelicans. it’s only because of the eternal feud between them that I occasionally side with the badgers.
Racoons don’t even figure into this. I like ’em just fine, as long as vampire racoons haven’t bitten them, making them into fellow vampires. ‘Cause then, you just can’t trust them. They get to be a lot like pelicans when they’re in that condition.
Mr. Wonderful said,
July 5, 2008 at 4:12
Skoptsi? My only exposure to them is via Alfred Bester’s fabulous The Stars My Destination. Is that what you ref?
Bester’s Skoptsi got the idea from the real Skoptsi, a Russian sect of the 18th century that practiced castration.
Funny, according to Rick because churches do good, governments shouldn’t charge them rent for exclusive use of public facilities.
Gosh, that’s an awful lot like my tax dollars helping your youth (but not mine).
I’m morally straight. My girlfriend (partner for ten years this Jul 1) is a bit annoyed at it, but it does mean she has a designated driver.
Yeah, what OriGuy said.
(I met him once. Bester. Oy.)
Was it not what you hoped, then? It’d be a pity if he was a schmuck, but then good writing and pleasant personalities don’t necessarily go together (case in point, Harlan Ellison).
So, let’s see if I follow this: Urban violence is the result of kids who feel disconnected and excluded from the broader society. Therefore, to fix this, we should heavily promote organizations which arbitrarily exclude and stigmatize certain groups of children.
Fucking asshole bigot’s giving me a headache.
Incidentally I love the construction “first-amendment absolutist”. Asshole, you’re a Congressman. You and every other American should be a first-amendment absolutist because it is the highest damn law of the land. It trumps all others and is in force everywhere.
I mean, I might disagree with the NRA but it would never even occur to me to call them “second-amendment absolutists”. Everybody who believes in the law is a second-amendment absolutist.
Looks like Santorum’s worked himself into a “froth!”
Ahhh, Rick Santorum. It’s so superawesome to hear from him again, sort of like how great it is to hear about what Mr. T or Gary Coleman is doing.
Remember Rick Santorum’s concession speech after he was kicked out of Philly? Oh, that was so great. My favorite part was when someone in the audience cried out “NOOOOOOO!” or when his children started crying. I think I watched that video 20 times on YouTube. Santorum’s ignominious ousting was by far the most emotionally gratifying moment of the entire 2006 election.
As for the Boy Scouts…who was it that tried to smear them as slightly disreputable because Hitler liked them? All Godwinning aside, that’s almost as bad as Jonah Goldberg saying there’s somethig creepy about Vegetarianism because Hitler did it. All the same, there absolutely is a connection between self-repression and violence. See the great Italian movie, THE CONFORMIST.
Is Santorum a joke? Yes. But just like a lot of the jokes that Sadly, No! has introduced me to, the moron has an audience. So I’m going to deal with just the words, and ignore the fact that little Ricky is a pathetic asshole.
WTF is he talking about. The solution to pathologically antisocial young urban males is the fucking Boy Scouts of America? Yeah, I totally see that. Teenaged youths sitting around, questioning each other’s sexuality in order to provoke support for trying to knock over the liquor store. Then all of a sudden one of them says “but wait, if we join the scouts, we can earn merit badges!” and then they all do. Sure Rick, scouting – that’s the solution to crime.
But I do agree with him that the city should be supporting more organizations like this. It’s just that I don’t think the Boy Scouts are an organization like this – one that actually addresses the problem of young people, regardless of background, feeling discarded from society. I look forward to Santorum getting all his evangelicals to support urban outreach programs. Ones that provide resources, other than preaching, and provide them to anyone who needs them.
Hey Rugged, where do Racoons rate on a 1-10 scale if badgers are a 10?
Badgers? Badgers? We ain’t got no badgers. We don’t need no badgers. I don’t have to show you any stinking badgers!
lol. Teach boys to cheerful? Tell us how you really feel, Rick.
I’m sort of wondering if he’s trying to make the boyscouts sound so gay no one will join anymore? Or is that really how he thinks the boyscouts are?
Seriously – how come every time I see some GOP head talk about gay people, it’s a bit like a crack- addict not on drugs anymore talking about their pipe? It’s the elliptical code for “smoking”, the “reverent” and indirect references to it’s shape and the general feeling and excitement associated with it (it’s aggressive and awesome – that’s how they remember the feeling they don’t have any more) – but always the anger as well towards the lure of “the pipe”, or the bad crowd that used to make them want to smoke all day.
I mean, I’m just asking the question here – what kind of mind dreams up a glorified battle between boyish bonding fun and family values in the boyscouts – against rampant gay boy assault in the city..?
Happily, no, Visigoth. According to Wikipedia:
Meaning that in this universe, Spock has a beard.
I actually enjoyed Cub Scouts a lot. When I got to the age where you switch from a blue shirt to khaki, I went to a Boy Scouts meeting where they had us sit around for an hour tying knots. I never went back.
[T]he first step in addressing the horrific violence in Philadelphia is to understand that it is a symptom of a broader problem: pathologically antisocial young urban males.
Well, of course. The solution to young men getting jumped into the 18th Sreet Crips is merit badges.
“Was it not what you hoped, then? It’d be a pity if he was a schmuck, but then good writing and pleasant personalities don’t necessarily go together (case in point, Harlan Ellison).”
It wasn’t that bad. He was drunk and maudlin and sort of a little cream puff with a goatee–hardly the steely-eyed s.f.-meister of my fantasy. Not at all a schmuck, and quite sweet. Just not the hero I had in my 23-year old mind.
“pathologically antisocial young urban males”
Translation: black people.
Anyway, I learned to smoke dope in Boy Scouts. Be Prepared!
The thing about the Boy Scouts is that it’s a happy little haven for middle class white boys. If those naughty poor little black children would just join the Scouts, they could become middle class white kids too. Or something like that.
Also… ““Powerful Teacher’s Unions” is the same kind of delusional paranoia” For your amusement, check this out: http://www.cbc.ca/money/story/2008/07/04/bce-deal.html (nutshell: teachers’ union pension plan buys major telecom company).
I notice Rick didn’t offer to pay their rent.
As a resident of Philadelphia I believe the city is absolutely on the right side in this.
We don’t need to provide free rent to anyone who discriminates.
I was a Boy Scout for a couple of years in a couple of really oddball, outcast troops.
We never quite fit in with all the boys from the pretty suburbs and they made it known.
Be Prepared! That’s the Boy Scouts’ marching song!
Be Prepared! As through life you march along!
Be prepared to hold your liquor pretty well;
Don’t write naughty words on walls if you can’t spell.
Be Prepared! To hide that pack of cigarettes.
Don’t make book if you cannot cover bets.
Keep those reefers hidden where you’re sure that they will not be found,
And be sure never to smoke them when the Scoutmaster’s around
For he only will insist that they be shared:
Be Prepared!
Be Prepared! That’s the Boy Scouts’ solemn creed.
Be Prepared! And be clean in word and deed.
Don’t solicit for your sister, that’s not nice;
Unless you get a good percentage of her price.
Be Prepared! And be careful not to do
Your good deed when there’s no one watching you.
If you’re looking for adventure of a new and different kind
And you come across a Girl Scout who is similarly inclined:
Don’t be nervous, don’t be flustered, don’t be scared!
Be Prepared!
– Tom Lehrer
*scout’s salute*
“I could be wrong, here, but I think the offense lies not in teaching boys to be morally straight but in telling boys, with taxpayer money, that being gay is immoral”
You are wrong. I was a Boy Scout, both of my sons are Boy Scouts and never have I, or they heard that “being gay is immoral”. Nope. Not once. As a matter-of-fact gay sex or the homosexual lifestyle is never discussed. Instead there is a lot of talk about camping, service to the community, respecting elders, leaders, being a person of your word and kooky stuff like that.
One of the reasons why Boy Scouts don’t camp with Girl Scouts is because scouting is about a safe, fun and time-proven method to build character in scouts outside any presence of sexual tension or possibility of sexual activity. Neither parents, leaders or scouts desire a sexless world. It is simply that scouting isn’t the environment for sexual topics, it is an organization for the growth of many aspects of a boy (or girl’s) mind and body, but one of them is not for the teaching of sexual education or sexual politics.
Scouting isn’t about discriminating against gays, it is about discriminating against any sexual activity or tension. They don’t just exclude gays, they exclude co-ed camp-outs and overnight activities. Allowing boys and girls to camp together would then open up scouting events to the possibility of sexual tension and activity, as would the inclusion of gays to boys scouting. The exclusion of co-ed over-nights and campouts allows for a concentration on the purposes of scouting and off of sexual tension and the possibility of sexual activity. The same is true with the exclusion of gays in scouting. It only be natural for homosexual boys to be attracted to other boys and this would introduce the same tension that co-ed scouting would, neither are labled or judged as right or wrong. Both are simply unnecessary and counter–productive to the purposes of scouting. There is no “moral judgment” it is simply the healthy and sensible exclusion of anything that detracts from the purpose of scouting.
The very foundation of the scouting movement and organization today rests on it’s faith in God and adherence to this essential belief for the successful application of the scouting tenets. Asking scouting to remove any reliance or inclusion of God would be the same as asking the American legal system to exclude the law in it’s application of justice. The function of one is dependent on the inclusion of the other. A belief in God is considered fundamental to the growth of a scout’s moral foundation and character. Removing that would be tantamount to removing camping or merit badges, God is simply essential to scouting. There is no desire to discriminate against atheists, it is the fundamental belief that without the inclusion of God and His presence, character building and advancement of a scout to the rank of eagle would be senseless and impossible.
Atheists do not believe that God is essential to the character building of human beings, but theists do… the Boy Scouts do. So, atheists are not excluded out of bigotry or prejudice, but because the basic beliefs of atheists run counter to the fundamental principles, the very foundation of scouting. The two cannot be reconciled. Scouting without God is like riding a bike without wheels, it simply cannot be done and there is no need to even try.
By all means atheists are free and encouraged to create their own organizations for the growth and betterment of atheistic youth, and the Boy Scout organization wholeheartedly desires for the equal treatment of said organization with Scouting, that being any privileges and opportunities afforded to the Boy Scouts by the U.S. government. The same would be true of an organization for the growth and betterment of homosexual youth and leaders. Boy Scout leaders and youth would not insist or litigate for their inclusion in atheistic or homosexual youth organizations.
The next step … is litigation against churches and religious organzation’s tax exemp status. After that it will be litigation to include gays and lesbians in church functions and leadership. What next? The inclusion of atheists in religious leadership positions? I don’t hold with some of the positions or statements of Ricky Santorum, nor do I agree or hold with the positions of Tintin, gays and lesbians and atheists that desire to force the Boy Scouts to destroy their foundational beliefs and policies. It is easy to hold up the rantings of one exaggerating individual to assail an unrelated worthwhile, positively contributing organization such as the Boy Scouts. Mr. Santorum doesn’t represent the Boy Scouts nor do his views or characterizations of Boy Scout policy, and utilizing him to smear the Boy Scouts is both disingenuous and false, not to mention logically unsound and pure sophistry. The exclusion of gays and atheists from Boy Scouts does not injure the community or exclude gays and atheists from engaging in those activities in scouting they wish to pursue. It simply put the onus on gays and atheists to create their own organizations which would more suitably meet their needs. Both gays and atheists have a proud history of creating worthwhile organizations and activities to meet their own specific needs in the community.
Also, no “taxpayer money” is being used to teach boys in the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). The BSA is the recipient of no government monies, they are privately funded and corporately funded through those businesses that care to support the BSA. Government building are sometimes used for scouting functions, but any other non-profit organization is also free to use these facilities if they meet certain basic criteria. This is not tantamount to “government funding”. It is simply a privilege of any non-profit entity that requests the usage of off-hour space utilization. This includes non-profit atheist organizations, which could easily be mis-characterized as “promoting the rejection of God and the licentious exclusion of a moral code”.
Are the Girl Scouts necessary for this to happen?
Fags should be banned from society.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!