They’re Coming For Our Children!
Everybody?s all upset over at the Christian Broadcasting Network (the Pat Robertson Channel) because today?s school kids might be learning about Islam. And worse, they might be learning that it isn?t all evil. Fortunately, David Brody, CBN?s crack Congressional Correspondent, is on top of things with a piece entitled A Seat at the Table: Islam Makes Inroads in Education. ? WASHINGTON — If you look closely, what is inside your child’s textbooks may shock you. They are full of evolution theories, and many liberal historians are rewriting American history as well.
Good God, no! They?re learning biology and being exposed to the horrid idea that people lived in North America before Christopher Columbus arrived! No wonder CBN sent their Congressional Correspondent to cover this important story.
But there is even more.
That practically boggles the mind.
How Islam is portrayed in today’s textbooks is a subject of concern also.
I can only imagine.
The familiar images of Islam include praying at Mecca, and the prophet Muhammad, a man Muslims say is the messenger of God. But this is not the whole story.
No, ladies and gentlemen, there?s also the little fact that Islam is the religion of Satan.
Since the early 1990’s, teaching Islam to kids has taken on a new dimension. As our society moved into the era of political correctness where it became taboo to offend any one group, many educational analysts say that the controversial nature of Islam started to not only be downplayed, but to be totally ignored.
?Many educational analysts.? I love when ?reporters? use phrases like that.
Here?s an example (citing an American Textbook Council report) of what?s being ignored:
And the report says, when it comes to women, most textbooks do not mention how many men in the Islamic world look at women as just another possession. Many times, it just ignores that aspect altogether. One textbook says, “Although men had most of the power in Arab society, women had some freedom. For example, women could own and inherit property. Women contributed to the group through such activities as spinning and weaving.”
The nerve!
At this point, ace congressional reporter David Brody decides to provide some balance and asks Shabbir Mansuri from the Council on Islamic Education if students are getting a ?complete and true picture? of Islam.
Mansuri answered, “I think that is a valid point. I don’t think it’s a point we shouldn’t put on the table for us to discuss. I think it’s a valid point.”
But, Mansuri says, with just a few pages devoted to Islam in the textbooks, you can only include so much. And, he says, kids in grade school may not be ready to comprehend it all, anyway.
Mansuri added, “You can make an argument that we want them to know the good and bad of it. Valid argument. [But] are they equipped to understand the good and bad of it?”
One wonders how CBN would react if there were a clamor to discuss ?the good and bad? of Christianity in school textbooks.
Mansuri said that all his group is trying to do, is to make sure that what is written about Islam comforms to the textbook standards in each state. In California, the standards say, “When ethnic or cultural groups are portrayed, portrayals must not depict differences in customs or lifestyles as undesirable, and must not reflect adversely on such differences.”
So, Mansuri says that he strives to make that happen.
Sounds like an evil man to me.
But Historian David Barton says that all the facts must be put on the table. Barton remarked, “They [Muslims] may want to be presented well today, but historically there are some footprints that have to be looked at.”
And he says those footprints are not always so flattering. Barton said, “There was a Barbary Powers war that went on for 16 years in America, where America was dealing with Muslim terrorists for 16 years back, from 1790 through 1806. That is the reason we have the Marine Corps hymn. ‘From the Halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli’ was because the American Marines went inland in the same area where they are now, to release enslaved Americans [who] had been taken prisoner by Muslim terrorists. And for 16 years, for four presidents, we fought a war against Muslim terrorists.”
Having recently read Max Boot?s excellent book about small wars (like the Barbary Coast incidents) that greatly affected US history, I would agree that the story of Tripoli doesn?t get the attention it deserves. But Barton?s point is ridiculous. Because the Barbary pirates were Muslim, he?s saying that these stories should be included in textbooks when they?re discussing Islam. Does this mean that Barton would include the major wars of Europe when discussing Christianity because the participants were at least nominally Christian? Or how about the Crusades? Or the European pogroms? Are those ?footprints? that must be ?looked at? as representing Christianity?
But in today’s textbooks, Muhammad is not made to look bad at all.
Replace Mohammed with Christ and imagine how the Wing Nuts would howl.
He is mentioned numerous times in a positive light, but critics are curious as to why there is no mention of the controversy in which he supposedly had multiple wives, and one of them was a very young girl. Instead, you find role-playing exercises for students, like reading the Koran in class or dressing up as Muslim pilgrims on their way to Mecca.
Again with the unnamed ?critics.?
Just who is this Barton guy? CBN Congressional Correspondent David Brody and he made a special appearance at the Dark Window back in June in which they shared many of the same ideas we?re hearing from them today:
Political correctness seems to be the problem. In an effort to not offend any one group, especially when it comes to history, what happens is that the full story is not being told. Barton says key information is ignored or left out. Like with the Native American Indians.
Says Barton, “There were just some Native American tribes that were cannibalistic and that’s just the way they were, and you just can’t make them look good.”
Dave has an excellent point. If little Jeffy doesn?t learn these important facts, he?s in grave danger of becoming lunch for a tribe of hungry savages.
So how would Barton have our textbook writers frame history for the kids instead?
Barton says when writing history, those writing these textbooks might want to look at how the Bible does it.
Okay, so he?s a nut. A real live Wing Nut. But why devote so much space to him? It?s not like he has any influence.
Well, except that he does.
Barton is the founder of an organization called Wallbuilders, a group ?dedicated to the restoration of the constitutional, moral, and religious foundation on which America was built.?
WallBuilders? goal is to exert a direct and positive influence in government, education, and the family by (1) educating the nation concerning the Godly foundation of our country; (2) providing information to federal, state, and local officials as they develop public policies which reflect Biblical values; and (3) encouraging Christians to be involved in the civic arena.
And, you know, to talk about how the cannibalistic Commanches are just waiting for a chance to eat your kids. Don?t forget that one.
It would be easy to dismiss the WallBuilders as a fringe group but they seem to have some prominent fans:
?While watching [your] tape The Spirit of the American Revolution, I wept thinking how far our nation has moved away from the concepts of the Founding Fathers . . . . What can we do to get back to the founding concepts and blessings that our forefathers received???U. S. Senator Sam Brownback (Kansas)
Well, if we?ve learned one thing today, Sam, it?s that you won?t find that answer in your kids? textbooks so you?d probably better just ask Dave.
“in the same area they are now”? I didn’t know Libya was in Iraq. It’s like saying Mexico’s in the same area as Canada.
*gasp* Mohammed was a polygamist who married teenage girls!
Critics also mention Old Testament patriarchs who had concubines and whored out their own daughters.
Wallbuilders?! Jeez, some pink floyd songs are spinning in my head now.
“another brick in the Wall…”
I’m sure if they taught, in schools, that women are to be subject to their husbands, CBN would be delighted. That’s doctrine, and they support teaching doctrine in schools. They probably wouldn’t be delighted if the role of the various churches in supporting slavery were taught, or their participation in genocide internationally. That’s just history, and they don’t care much for that.
And that guy is probably teaching lies. I am certain that they don’t teach about Thomas Paine’s prominent role in shaping Amercian political thought. Paine was an atheist. They certainly will deny the truth, that Franklin, Jefferson, and Washington were all Deists, and not Christians in any way. There’s a lot of truth out there, but I would bet you that the Wallbuilders’ devotion to truth would go right out the window if you proposed, for instance, expunging the record of anything that shows how many of the FF were Deists and atheists. Why, that wouldn’t be good for the country.
My highschool English teacher who was a Christian fundamentalist with views mostly identical to Pat Robertson told us that during frontier days girls would be married before pubescence to farmers. For those times it was a normal thing. So should children’s textbooks in foreign countries always mention this when they talk about America?
Also anytime CBN is mentioned I think about how Robertson avoided fighting in Korea. He was the liquor officer for his base. He frequented prostitutes, acquiring a venereal disease and would sexually harass the Korean maid who cleaned his barracks.
(Note: None of the following is intended as support for Barton, who does indeed appear to be a bit of a lunatic.)
“When ethnic or cultural groups are portrayed, portrayals must not depict differences in customs or lifestyles as undesirable, and must not reflect adversely on such differences.”
I’m sorry, but this is complete bullshit. In a significant number of Muslim societies (today, at this very moment), under certain versions of Sharia law, amputation and execution as criminal sanctions are routine, and so is the subjugation of non-Muslims under dhimmitude and of women in general. This is not news. Yet we’re supposed not to reflect adversely on this?
Why are we not allowed to say this is not right? Why are we not allowed to say that our system of jurisprudence and punishment, our belief in freedom of religious expression, are, in fact, superior with regard to basic human rights? (Excluding the death penalty in the US, which is also barbaric.) Why do liberals (and I count myself as one) scream about women’s rights in our own societies, but apologise for and excuse misogyny in others?
Should textbooks in California not pass unfavourable judgement on the customs of Nazism? How about the slaughter of Muslims in the Crusades? How about Jeffrey Dahmer’s lifestyle? Do we really want our children growing up to believe that passing judgement on anything considered a “lifestyle” is unacceptable?
Whew! There, it’s out of my system now.
Great blog btw.
Some critics wonder why the controversy of Abraham knocking up his wife’s slave is not focused on.
“in the same area they are now”? I didn’t know Libya was in Iraq.
Our ace reporter is confusing the “Tripoli” that is in present-day Libya (if you’re looking for it on a map, it’s called “Tarabulus”) with the Crusader-state capital of the same name that is now in Lebanon. Granted, Lebanon is not in Iraq either, but it’s a little better fit for “in the same area”.
On the subject of marriage, I’m sure Sam Brownback (whose name always makes me think of some kind of coprophilic game gone wrong) and gang would like to get back to good ol’ Biblical traditions like giving 100 foreskins to ones future father-in-law as a dowry. (1 Samuel 18:25.)
I’m teaching the first half of American Lit right now, which requires reading about the Puritans — some of that fine heritage the Wallbuilders wants preserved. Hey, I’m all for it. Did you know the Puritans kept a four year old witch in chains for an entire year? Not to mention torturing her pregnant mother within her earshot, a mother that had been arrested partly on that four-year-old’s testimony?
Fine folk, these forefathers. Great moral conviction. They didn’t suffer that witch to live. I think we should definitely get that one in the history books we let our grade schoolers read.
So to go along with the Native Americans, are we going to teach school children about the fine Northern European practice of blood eagles? And that jolly Christian practice of hanging/drawing/quartering? I could go on, and on, and on, but out of courtesy for readers who may be eating, I won’t.
As a species, all of humanity lives in a glass house, and ain’t none of us ought to be throwing stones.
We ought to note Barton’s abuse of the word “terrorist” as well. Note the implication that Muslims can never be legal combatants.
I’m all for teaching more about the Barbary wars, including the Treaty of Tripoli (1796), unanimously adopted by the Senate:
“As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Mussulmen; and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.”
Barton says when writing history, those writing these textbooks might want to look at how the Bible does it.
Yes, more textbooks should have multiple contradictory versions of key events.
Umm, in case you missed it..David Barton has been Vice-Chairman of the Texas Republican Party for the past six years.
Oh, don’t get me started on the Puritans.
They seem to come down my street every weekend with their pamphlets and such. All dressed up and everything and you can’t get rid of them.
David Barton a “historian”?
He is famous for inventing quotes by the founding fathers that made them look like they were all devout christians.
Hes a totally discredited hack.
On the subject of Native American cannibalism –
How do you define ‘eat my flesh, drink my blood’ if not as cannibalism?
Ross Thomas: In what class are kids learning about Jeffrey Dahmer?
You would think just picking on atheists would be enough for them, but no! Christians are such great people, they have to think everyone is their enemy…
Except the Jews of course…
Uh, scratch that…
“Wallbuilders?” so I guess that means they are intent on building a wall between church and state, unless it means they’re building a wall back to the 12th century or something. I guess if irony really didn’t die on 9.11 they’re doing their best to kill it now
Wanted(dead):Pat Robertson,
US citizen,
Media Tycoon;
USD $ 30