Let’s Hope This Catches On

I think that we all have a God-given duty to spread awareness of this website to as many disaffected Republicans as humanly possible.

We know that George Bush was God’s Candidate in 2000. We know that George Bush was God’s candidate again in 2004. And George Bush has been God’s president for the last 8 years.

Trust in God and vote your faith. Keep America safe. Write-in George W. Bush for President in 2008.

Gavin adds: Wow, it’s like the satirical opposite of the Clinton bitter-enders. When Clinton went on national TV and specifically asked them to vote for Obama and not for McCain, it only made them dig their heels in harder.

It’s almost as though there’s something fishy going on.

[Hanx! Lawnguylander]


Comments: 33


Did you see the bumper sticker that reads ‘The Third Term’s The Charm” ?!!

It can’t be real.


Yeah, wish it were real, but you know what they say ’round these parts…


Aww, it doesn’t matter if it’s real or not!

Push it like it is.


From the connected blog:

…Reverend Dobson said that he would not vote for McCain or Obama, and would go to the polls and vote, but not vote for president. Here are some reasons why he should write in Bush:

1. To clearly show that he doesn’t approve of either Obama or McCain.

2. To trust in God and the US Supreme Court that if Bush gets the popular vote, term limits will be set assunder.

3. To give Bush one more chance, now that he’s just getting the hang of it.


I long to meet face to face any human being who would actually think this would be a good idea.


now that he’s just getting the hang of it.

This is parody, right?


Well, pretending for a moment that it’s real, Bush can’t hold a third term because of term limits, so I don’t get it? Maybe I’m just obtuse.


Southern Beale said,

June 28, 2008 at 20:24

Well, pretending for a moment that it’s real, Bush can’t hold a third term because of term limits, so I don’t get it? Maybe I’m just obtuse.

He got elected in 2000, even though he lost the election.

Come on, now, SB. Use your imagination.


Ha! I love that “Give Bush one more chance, now that he’s just getting the hang of it” line.

Oh, and check out the blog comments. The utter confusion, on both side, of people who aren’t getting the joke, is pure gold. As is this comment from someone who apparently does get the joke:

I’ve prayed a lot about this, and I’ve decided to write in George W. Bush during the next election.

I realized that neither of the candidates has the wherewithal to keep this country safe from the terrorists. All one has to do is to think back to the attack on the federal building in Oklahoma to realize how close terrorism can strike, and if we don’t stop them and theirs, then they will take over.

Already their plans to reproduce us out of existence have taken hold — I have it on good authority that some of them have twelve to eighteen children per household and are specifically making an effort to have dirty sex all the time so that they can have MORE warriors in their fight against God.

This is why we must nuke Brazil immediately. Thank you.



On the other hand, this site does go a long way towards explaining why us liberals and progressives will never do ratfuckery as well as the R’s:

We just can’t keep a straight face, or avoid going for the snark.



Awesome “Term limits: Man’s Law, not God’s.”

You know, cause voting for president is god’s law. yeah.


We don’t need to worry about the details, we just trust in God and vote our faith. When we step out in faith and leave the details to God, there’s no limit to what can be accomplished.



If it is real, then it’s probably the same guys who did this site.


Bush can’t hold a third term because of term limits, so I don’t get it? Maybe I’m just obtuse.

It’s not like these people believe in a Reality Based Community, so it makes perfect sense.

Our Dead Selves

What the hell, we should just skip the middle-man and write in God.


Rats. I just realised it was satirical. Ironically enough, it would have been a lot funnier if it was real.

Andrew A. Gill, SLS

We are trying to raise $100,000 by July 20 and WANT TO BE HALFWAY THERE BY JULY 4TH — INDEPENDENCE DAY. Please contribute today!


I do believe that’s around 3,000 in cheesecake terms.

Smiling Mortician

I long to meet face to face any human being who would actually think this would be a good idea.

Ah, I see what you’re doing. It’s the “human being” part that tripped me up.


Yeah its a parody site along the lines of that Brownback site that was up earlier this year. Man, I’d love if they actually suckered some fools into buying their bumper stickers.

The important thing to understand about so-called “term limits” is that they are man’s law, not God’s Law. The God who parted the Red Sea is surely not worried about so-called “term limits”. When you vote your faith you let Almighty God take care of the details.

Presidential term limits are not in the Bible. And they were not in our Constitution until added by an activist congress in 1951.

That’s comedy gold right there, folks.


Y’know, I wouldn’t doubt that some GOPer idiots would take this site seriously. Remember when our own Leonard Pierce went to the CPAC conference and people were chanting FOUR MORE YEARS when Bush showed up?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Now to be fair, W was really only elected to the office, maybe once.


Look, if Mr. Bush leaves the White House he’ll start drinking again.

Don’t you want to help keep Mr. Bush sober?


Rightwingsnarkle said,

June 29, 2008 at 1:37

Look, if Mr. Bush leaves the White House he’ll start drinking again.

Don’t you want to help keep Mr. Bush sober?

Of course, you assume that he’s actually been sober for the past seven and a half years.


I long to meet face to face any human being who would actually think this would be a good idea.

‘K. We’ll lock you in a room with John Tuchus Tomahawk*. Please have your checkbook handy, you’ll have to pay to get out again.

*(h/t to the genius who came up with that one)


Oh yes, do read the comments – & please, play along at home!

Be helpful – leave a comment pointing out that he was APPOINTED in 2000, not really elected, so those icky term-limit thingies are moot. Bet those bumper-stickers will proudly (& non-ironically) adorn more than a few SUVs betwixt now & E-Day.

As I happily pointed out on their blog, keeping him in the Whitey House will prevent him from deep-sixing America’s economy by becoming a CEO for another 4 years – plus you’ll more or less be able to keep track of what wacky hijinx he’s up to!

Bush in 2008: Hey, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?


I’m so confused. First, Bush was God’s Candidate for America (at least according to Pastor Hagee). Then Pastor Swank told me that God had put a divine curse on the White House because Bush put a Koran next to the Bible in the WH library. Now I’m being told that, despite this divine curse, God wants Bush for a third term?

Is this some sort of term-limit transubstantiation?


this is why I keep coming back to Sadly No!.


I’ve been trying to figure out the Repubs m.o. this year. then it dawned on me why. Read more here…http://www.tagg-lines.com/2008/06/i-figured-it-out.html

Comrade Rutherford

I think I get it.

Since the son of a major Nazi Financier wasn’t actually elected in 2000, but appointed by the Federalist Society (which HATES the Rule of Law), and since the 2004 election was fraudulent because Diebold and ES&S ‘counted’ 80% of the US vote, Bush never has been President.

So term limits don’t apply so far, since he hasn’t actually been elected to office yet! Not only will he stay on as Acting-President in 2009, but he’ll be re-appointed in 2012 and we’ll have Bush in (nominal) charge to 2016. And by then the 9 Federalist Society Justices on the SCOTUS will decree that despite a landslide victory for Anybody But Bush, they will overturn the election results and appoint Ned Bush to be President for the next 20 years.

The United States will never again have any President whose name is not Bush!

Comrade Rutherford

Actually George Walker Bush is the Grandson of Nazi financier Prescott Bush…

Prescott Bush was fined under the Trading With The Enemy Act of 1942 because his ‘bank’ was still in business to solely fund the Nazi war machine even after Germany declared war on the USA. The Bush family loves the Nazi Way of Life so much, they kept funding them after they were officially America’s enemy.

I don’t see the current Bush family is much different. They are actively enacting the Nazi program – Mass roundups and deportations, Illegal Wars of Naked Aggression to divert the Treasury from social society to their hand-picked war profiteers and as a bonus ordering the nation’s poor to go overseas to slaughter women and children for the Bush family’s amusement.

Please everyone, don’t forget, the FBI was sent out a letter that martial law in the US IS coming. The letter said WHEN, not IF….


It’s not as elaborate as the WhiteHouse.org website, but it still made me laugh out loud.

I’ve been planning for Halloween, and a t-shirt with that logo is hands-down the scariest thing yet…at least until someone creates a “Cheney 2008” design.


Write In Bush is not a joke. Neither is Blogs 4 Brownback. Both are pious websites, devoted to keeping secularism, Helioleftism, firebreathing, and any other imaginable sin out of our government AND our country. Some people, like me, feel that Brownback would be our best monarch. Others, such as these folks, feel that Bush should remain president. If you ask me, he’s a pansy, since he still hasn’t abolished the income tax and masturbation, but at least he won’t legalize bestiality, terrorism, and communism.


[…] wing of the rightmost party want as part of the mainstream platform. So, is this thing ripe for ratfuckery, or should we let them hang themselves with their own racist, sexist, authoritarian […]


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