Lucom to the Max
Nuke ‘Em Lucom was never our beat (ah, how we miss The Dark Window!), but someone has to cover these things:
In life, Wilson C. Lucom was not exactly child-friendly. The curmudgeon never had children himself, nor was he especially close to the offspring of his third wife, Hilda. When he opened his ample checkbook, friends say, it was more likely to finance a conservative political cause than to help underprivileged youth.
After doling out relatively small portions of his tens of millions of dollars to survivors, he left the rest to a foundation he had dreamed up in secrecy to aid the poor children of Panama, where he spent the final years of his life.
Bonus fun fact:
Other amounts went to former household employees and to friends, including Christopher Ruddy, founder of NewsMax Media, which published many of Lucom’s writings online. Ruddy, who owed Lucom more than $1 million at the time of his death, has hired lawyers to represent his interests.
That is all.
nor was he especially close to the offspring of his third wife, Hilda. When he opened his ample checkbook, it was more likely to finance a conservative political cause
Like, say, preserving the sanctity of traditional marriage?
But… But…
That would mean Christopher Ruddy, founder of NewsMax Media, didn’t believe in paying his own way and was vigorously stroking off an old rich man(‘s ego) for money!
What kind of conservative principles are they teaching nowadays, anyway?
Exactly how many of my neurons do I need to trash to become a wingnut? I ask because I’m getting penurious and want to snag me sum o’ dat welfare thang they gotz goin on.
I want to share what Bob Novak just put in my in-box.
I love Wednesdays – the ENPR always cheers me up.
Yup, those bitter old crackers are all about burning their power plants.
That would mean Christopher Ruddy, founder of NewsMax Media, didn’t believe in paying his own way and was vigorously stroking off an old rich man(’s ego) for money!
What kind of conservative principles are they teaching nowadays, anyway?
Sounds like one of their core values actually.
umm if I remember correctly, Obama likes teh coal plants too.
Obama likes teh coal plants too.
Bullshit. His angel wings would get all sooty.
Economic laws must be obeyed. Lucom knew that, liberals know that, but will never admit it. Thank God he helped fund some of the alternatives to the liberal media and other causes, liberals have their sugar daddy Soros but who is helping us, the good guys? Liberal media should all be defunded by the marketplace, nobody wants it anyway. Americans want truth.
You’ve got to admire a man whose business model includes borrowing over $1million from it’s employees/contractors. That’s some out of the box thinking. Or maybe he’s just a crook. I always get those confused.
liberals have their sugar daddy Soros but who is helping us, the good guys
Name one other liberal “sugar daddy”.
Just one.
Liberals are just envious that telling the truth and following economic laws makes success, they want to be well paid for making lies up about Bush and being gay.
“…liberals have their sugar daddy Soros but who is helping us, the good guys?”
Adly-say, o-nay. The good guys aren’t helping you because your fellow bad guys, lying guys, smear-merchant guys, hypocritical guys, and war-profiteer guys are fulfilling that role.
To create the trust, Lehman and Ruddy used the power of attorney that Lucom had issued to them in case he became incapacitated. But Lucom was still coherent at the time, according to some of those who saw him in the hospital, and the two men acted before they had obtained the necessary letters from doctors saying that Lucom could not make such decisions for himself
Post is from June 24th International Tribune. I think I maxed my linky account.
they want to be well paid for making lies up about Bush and being gay.
Where do I apply?
Economic laws depend on the system in place.
In the case of the “good guys:” Lucom, Ruddy, yourself, et. al. the system works perfectly.
More bullshit=more loot. Look at Newscraps, Clownhall, the World’s Shittiest Website–ain’t no one writing for those open sewers worrying about the rent.
As for Soros, that plutocratic douche gives approximately zero dollars to any blog with a truly progressive voice.
Now go crawl back under your rock. The light of truth must be blinding,
they want to be well paid for making lies up about Bush and being gay.
Where do I apply?
no, no, if you parse that you have to lie about “being gay”.
Name one other liberal “sugar daddy”.
The fact is, David Geffen. Who is teh ghheey.
Just days before Lucom died, on June 2, 2006, Lehman created a trust to administer the children’s charity fund. He created it in St. Kitts and Nevis, a Caribbean tax haven where Lucom had gained citizenship to avoid paying U.S. taxes.
Economic laws must be obeyed!
no, no, if you parse that you have to lie about “being gay”.
“no, no, if you parse that you have to lie about ‘being gay.'”
Come on, now!
“no, no, if you parse that you have to lie about ‘being gay.’”
Who, me?
“no, no, if you parse that you have to lie about ‘being gay.’”
Thank God I only like to visit prostitutes and have them clean up my shitty diapers!
Terribly sorry about this, but I can’t submit long comments and this is part of my troubleshooting.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nunc aliquam odio vel nisi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus luctus, nulla et volutpat tincidunt, mauris ipsum pharetra ipsum, sit amet fringilla enim dolor vel turpis. Morbi id diam. Nulla facilisi. Aenean accumsan. Donec hendrerit rutrum massa. Mauris hendrerit sem. Integer ipsum purus, tristique a, faucibus sit amet, varius et, nulla. Phasellus auctor, sem ac suscipit rhoncus, turpis elit gravida dui, a gravida justo sem vel orci. In vitae nisl vitae dolor dictum convallis. Curabitur pede neque, feugiat sed, dignissim consectetuer, blandit sed, nunc. Vestibulum non augue vel dui varius tristique. Vestibulum tortor. Donec at diam. In quam lorem, luctus id, bibendum quis, porta sed, justo. Suspendisse elit lacus, vulputate luctus, vehicula ac, consequat a, enim. Nulla facilisi.
Vivamus laoreet tristique diam. Vivamus bibendum nunc vitae erat. Cras justo est, elementum ornare, pretium ut, hendrerit sit amet, pede. Nunc tincidunt sapien et odio. Etiam porttitor, neque id malesuada bibendum, quam leo posuere enim, vitae dictum metus ipsum ut nisl. Aliquam hendrerit odio quis erat. Cras a lectus. Nullam volutpat convallis ligula. Fusce aliquet tempus tellus. Donec scelerisque varius metus. Nulla purus diam, tristique suscipit, lacinia vel, faucibus ac, ipsum. Pellentesque varius odio ut lorem. Ut aliquam lobortis risus. Donec mi nulla, gravida at, fringilla ut, sodales suscipit, ipsum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;
Sed eu nunc. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam metus augue, tempus vitae, condimentum in, rutrum nec, enim. Aliquam lobortis urna vitae mi. Phasellus gravida, libero in volutpat tincidunt, elit tortor laoreet orci, nec fringilla magna diam in nunc. Nullam lacus lacus, elementum varius, sodales sed, volutpat vitae, risus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi pellentesque, dolor tincidunt rhoncus condimentum, purus justo cursus sapien, vitae adipiscing pede nisi in ipsum. Sed in ante vitae magna hendrerit molestie. Fusce adipiscin
Thank you Red.
At long last somebody posted a comment around here that makes some damn sense.
Lorum ipsum indeed, MFer…
“Fusce adipiscin” indeed.
Another slap in the face from the Obamats.
Again, terribly sorry for all the lorem ipsum. Looks like it’s a problem with the ol’ router.
Venimus, vidimus, potimus, mfers!
The fact is, goddammit. I’m going to have to find an internet Latin translator.
You liberals.
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
Except when YOU say it, RB.
(Voice dripping with althousian condescension)
“no, no, if you parse that you have to lie about ‘being gay.’”
Are you sure? I thought I had to lie about Bush being gay.
Long comments in Latin and morse-code handles.
Two exciting new internet traditions in one thread!
The simple laws of supply and demand work through the market to produce the best possible outcome, as Lucom knew. That’s why he subsidized conservative media and other causes, because buying books by the crate and then giving them away as door prizes is what Adam Smith would do. There should be a law against Liberal media and nobody wants it anyway and if there were a law against it people could stop being forced to buy it. In conclusion, the free market.
Except when YOU say it, RB.
I can’t do anything about the asshole with the muted trombone who follows me around.
Is that more of a “wah wah wah” or a badum ching?
I miss Dark Window too. One of many sad turns over the history of the blogosphere.
how can you claim ‘the free market’ when ‘the jews,’ I TELL YA!!! “The Jews”!!!
The topic is Wilson Lucom and his huge gracious donation to the poor children of Panama. It’s amazing how such good intentions can become a nightmare. Mr. Lucom did leave a HUGE amount to his wife ($20,000 a month!)and step children – everyone should read the facts — here is a link to the 500 page legal Exhibit given to the jury in this case– Which includes his last Will and Testament.