Shorter Chris Adamo
Posted on June 22nd, 2008 by Gavin M.
- Frightening is the thought that this golden period of honesty and good government may soon be ruined by another presidency of deceit and scandal.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Well then. Thank god for McCain, who may be another Bob Dole.
(Creepiest Bob Dole moment? Crying at Nixon’s funeral. Can McCain top that?)
I would like to express my appreciation for Mr. Adamo’s prompt attention to the potentially dangerous spill on aisle 15 and for rapidly directing a cleaning crew to take care of it.
I love the little inadvertent nuggets of truth you can derive from their self-authored bios.
Growing up during the turbulent decades of the ‘60’s and ‘70’s, Christopher Adamo saw, to his dismay, the nation’s moral foundations being destroyed before his very eyes. But even then he was a staunch Conservative at heart, and rejected outright the tenets of America’s counterculture revolution.
Meaning, this pimply little putz watched while everyone but him got laid.
After a hitch in the Air Force, where he specialized in airborne electro-optical systems
Note his clever use of “airborne” to imply that he himself flew, even though he appears to have been a technician on the ground.
he pursued a career in the field of aerospace, working for major defense contractors in California, Florida, and Colorado. But his career plans abruptly changed during the industry-wide downsizing that followed the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster
If he “grew up” in the 70’s and then served in the Air Force, and then “pursued” a career working in 3 different states, several employers before being “downsized” (i.e.,”fired”) after the ’86 disaster, it doesn’t seem like he spent more that 2 years at a time in any one job. In a unionized industry where people tended to become long-term employees once they pass the probationery period.
Presently he is working in the field of industrial instrumentation in the state of Wyoming.
Meaning he runs his own electronics repair shop out of his garage in Caspar.
From 1993 to 1996, he edited and wrote for “The Wyoming Christian,” the state newsletter for Christian Coalition of Wyoming. During that period, he developed an acute awareness of the harm being done to Conservatism by liberal activists within the Republican Party as well as the Democrats. This remains a favorite theme of his articles , which now appear as a regular feature on GOPUSA.
Meaning he finally got kicked out of the Coalition for being too hide-bound conservative even for them! And he continues to rant obsessively about it.
Nicely done, g. This d00d is two wetsuits and a dildo from buying the farm.
P.S. Atheist, was that you on this thread?
Dammit! I was going to fisk this guy’s “resume'” but g beat me to it!
Damn. This is the first time I’ve seen a conservative try to turn a liberal talking point around back at us. For the first time in a long time, folks, we’re writing the narrative and all they can do is respond. Pathetically, in this case.
Equally “unforgettable” (excepting that Obama apparently “forgot” all of the pertinent facts) is the Illinois Senator’s spurious claim that his grandfather had participated in the liberation of Auschwitz, most likely while under a hail of Bosnian sniper fire.
I suppose there’s the potential that he was trying to make a funny there, but it looks as if he can’t remember what he’s writing about.
Scary! I iz scared!
#64 from Nortius Maximus at 6:52 pm on Jun 22, 2008
Way to do a drive-by, Thunder. You get one warning, and this is it.
Post substantive content related to the topic, great. Do what you just did again and face banning.
PS to all regular contributors: Please don’t feed the troll.
Blortimus Maximus is very concerned. On topic, dammit! Obama is a scary muslim. Or even worse, an even scarier not-Muslim. Discuss!
No, Bubba! Don’t you get it? It’s pure genius at work. He’s taking 2 pot-shots for the price of one: From the party that brought you John Kerry shooting his own foot to con himself into a Purple Heart comes Barry “Gotta Make People Think Gramps Was a WWII Hero” Obamamama and HIllary “ZOMG Heavy fire in Bosnia!!!–too bad I didn’t see it” Clinton.
I mean, isn’t that a knee slapper?
“electro-optical systems” TVs?
Why do I get the feeling that this guy was that coworker who just won’t shut up ranting about whatever his pet cause happens to be, regardless of whether or not his coworkers gave a damn or if they agreed or not.
I wasn’t aware until reading this piece that Hillary pandered to New Zealanders. Obviously we are a far greater voice in American electoral politics than I had assumed…
“electro-optical systems” TVs?
No, these.
Hillary pandered to New Zealanders
She did?
I demand a shrubbery!
I really really want to see these guys keep making dismissive references to Nazi death camps. Maybe they can actually alienate everyone but the twenty percenters.
poor guy
probably the only guy who DIDN’T get laid during Clinton’s term in office
Mr. Adamo looks a whole hell of a lot like my poor old Uncle Ernie.
Uncle Ernie is the family loser who can’t hang on to off-shift line cooking jobs at third-rate chains like Bickford’s and Denny’s.
He’s moved back home so often that his old room is never dismantled or put to other use during his ever-shorter attempts to live on his own.
He’s so pathetic, even the neighborhood middle-schoolers give him endless shit.
What’s he up to now? Living at home, cooking at Teh 99 (warning – midi file!), dodging insults from 6th-graders on souped up bicycles.
Living the dream.
Yes, who can forget the dark & terrifying days of a robust economy, government running in the black & no thousands of dead American soldiers? Only John Sidney McCain III can launch the new war with Iran necessary to prevent such major catastrophes from haunting your land once more, & he’s got the courage to do it! Do you really want to visit those sorts of unspeakable horrors on a defenceless America yet AGAIN?!?!?
This is the first time I’ve seen a conservative try to turn a liberal talking point around back at us. For the first time in a long time, folks, we’re writing the narrative and all they can do is respond.
Now write the part where the good guys take over the evil scientist’s laboratory & send him away in handcuffs to face the electric chair. Please? Do it … I’ll send you a nice box of chocolate-chip cookies!
“Hillary pandered to New Zealanders”
What? She plans to mate pandas with sheep? God, she is just so evil.
I believe I have found Chris Adamo’s long-lost twin brother.
After reading this, I couldn’t help but be reminded of the famous Onion headline when Bush was elected: “Our nation’s long nightmare of peace and prosperity is finally over.
Obama is just another Clinton….well, another Clinton or another Bush- which would you pick?
Adamo’s been kind of militant ever since he got caught squeezing the Charmin.