A Temporary Recess From Snark
ABOVE RIGHT: His twin brother
WARNING: This post has a bunch of legal stuff that may bore non-lawyers. And the snark content is low and the outrage content is high. But I’m mad as hell about the willingness of right-wing tools to lie about Boumediene v. Bush, and I’m not going to take it anymore.
Step aside, Doug Feith. Andrew McBride may be either the stupidest or the most disingenuous man on the face of the planet. Needless to say, that makes him perfect to write an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal on the recent Supreme Court decision in Boumediene v. Bush, dealing with the habeas corpus rights of Gitmo detainees.
The first whopper from Andy is let loose barely two sentences in:
For the first time in our history, the Supreme Court has rejected the considered judgment of both the Congress and the president on an issue of national security.
Andy looks like he’s got a few years on him — certainly more than I do — so he really ought to remember the Pentagon Papers case, where the Supreme Court rejected both the judgment of Congress and the President on an issue of national security. Congress had passed a law making it a crime to publish classified information, and the President had sued the Washington Post and the New York Times to restrain further publication of the classified information in the Pentagon Papers. And yet, the Supreme Court refused to prohibit the publication of the documents in question.
And the very next sentence is also a steaming pile of nonsense:
The writ of habeas corpus, a bulwark of domestic liberty, has been extended to foreign nationals whose only connection to the U.S. is their capture by our military.
Now either McBride is popping off about a decision he hasn’t either bothered to read, or he’s lying. Or both. The court extended the right not to all foreign nationals captured by the military, but only to foreign nationals held in a place over which the U.S. exercised de facto sovereignty. The U.S. exercises such control over Gitmo by virtue of a lease that gives the United States “complete jurisdiction and control” over that base. (Link to opinion page.) The Supreme Court did not say that a prisoner held on a battlefield has habeas corpus rights.
But wait, there’s even more bullshit:
The situation is entirely different when the nation faces an external threat. In fighting an enemy, there is no reason for the judicial branch to “check” the political branches. … But had Boumediene been decided in 1940, more than 400,000 Axis troops held in more than 500 military facilities in this country during World War II would have had a right to challenge their detention in federal court.
Sadly, no. The majority opinion takes care to point out that none of the Gitmo detainees is a citizen “of a nation now at war with the United States.” (Link to opinion page.) The POWs on U.S. soil in World War II were, of course, citizens of countries with which we were at war, and they were released when the war was over. Nothing in Boumediene would have given such prisoners habeas corpus rights had it been decided in 1940.
Of course where McBride is heading is to throw the courts out of all determinations of security threats, even with respect to U.S. citizens on U.S. soil:
The judiciary is not competent to make judgments about who is … a threat to the U.S.
And there you have it: a former U.S. prosecutor, in a prestigious national newspaper, arguing that if the U.S. thinks one of its own citizens is a threat to national security, it has the right to throw that person in the slammer and let the military decide in its own good time whether that’s true or not.
Now back to our regularly scheduled snark, juvenile humor, silly pictures, wingnut harassment and troll-baiting.
Gavin adds: As if on cue, here’s an email fresh from Townhall.com. Would you believe two wingnut former prosecutors named Andrew?
Dear Friends,
Last week was not a good week for national security. The Supreme Court decided to give captured terrorists more rights than American citizens have in American courts. In his dissenting opinion Justice Scalia said this decision “will almost certainly cause more Americans to be killed.” Barack Obama then lauded this “law enforcement” first approach to the war that Osama Bin Laden and his followers declared on us long before September 11.
For over a decade Osama Bin Laden and his followers were at war but the Clinton Administration saw individual criminal acts and brought lawyers to a gun-fight. It appears that an Obama Administration — with the Supreme Court’s support — would do the same. This is something our nation cannot afford.
To make sure you have the facts you need in the fight to preserve our nation, Townhall is offering you this must read edition of Willful Blindness: A Memoir of the Jihad. Rush Limbaugh describes terrorism expert, Andrew McCarthy’s book best:
“Finally, from the legal front line, a devastating account of the peril we put our country in when we treat terrorist atrocities as if they are mere crimes. Andy McCarthy was there when the jihad began. Read this book and you’ll understand why this war is a war, and why we have no choice but to fight it and win it.” — Rush Limbaugh
Oho yes indeed, it’s ‘terrorism expert Andrew McCarthy’ once again. Take it away, Clif…
Clif adds:
The Supreme Court decided to give captured terrorists more rights than American citizens have in American courts.
No, No, NO, NO, NO!
The Supreme Court gave foreign detainees at Gitmo the right to have a federal court decide whether they were properly detained, the same right that all Americans have. And, significantly, the decision did not indicate what additional rights, if any, the detainees would have at any military or other trial once a federal court made a preliminary determination that they were being properly held.
Next thing you know, the wingnuts are going to be claiming that the Supreme Court decided that Gitmo detainees have the right to bring shoulder-fired rocket launchers to their trials and to appear as contestants on “Dancing With the Stars.”
As usual, when you have no real argument make a completely false and nonsensical analogy with WW II. Bravo sir! A brilliantly Goldbergian gambit.
Hey now.
…that if the U.S. thinks one of its own citizens is a threat to national security, it has the right to throw that person in the slammer and let the military decide in its own good time whether that’s true or not.
Wait, wait, I’ve got an idea!
Yeah. Check it out!
See, with the new FISA legislation passed yesterday, all the government would have to do is tell the US citizen he has to kill himself. And he has to do it!
Problem solved forever…
I tend hate and therefore avoid generational statements such as, “so and so was true in my day”
Having said that, I’m 47 and it seems to me that for the last eight years, more than anytime in my life, I’ve had to the “stupid or lying” dichotomy before me more than any other time in my life.
And before you look for examples where this wasn’t the case let me add, in the nixon years, it was for the most part clear, they were just grabbing power. There was little presented to be accepted that matches the constant stream of nonsense this administration can generate. They were, for the large part, power hungry, quasi-criminals and they weren’t all that ashamed of it.
During reagan the disingenuous began to creep in (which is by no means a defense of a terrible administration) but it cannot compare to that which bush the younger has inspired.
It’s old and now very tired but it’s more true today and will likely be even more pungently true next month (and the following month and the following month…) that this is the worst president (and administration) ever.
It will be interesting, in a horrid fascination sense, to see how republicans try to repaint this administration in 20 years.
Lest we forget.
Dancin’ with the shoulder fired rocket launchers. Now there’s a tv show I would watch.
Now there’s a tv show I would watch.
Can they do it on skates? Please?
How about Firin’ Rockets at Dancin’ Stars?
Only there wouldn’t be any judges, ’cause The judiciary is not competent to make judgments
Wouldn’t be putting them on “Dancing with the Stars” be classified as torture? Or would that only be if we forced them to watch it?
Soy latte. Creative class. Appalachia blue dogs. Reagan Democrats. Misogyny. Obots. Soy latte. Creative class. Appalachia blue dogs. Reagan Democrats. Misogyny. Obots. Soy latte. Creative class. Appalachia blue dogs. Reagan Democrats. Misogyny. Obots. Soy latte. Creative class. Appalachia blue dogs. Reagan Democrats. Misogyny. Obots. Soy latte. Creative class. Appalachia blue dogs. Reagan Democrats. Misogyny. Obots. Soy latte. Creative class. Appalachia blue dogs. Reagan Democrats. Misogyny. Obots. Soy latte. Creative class. Appalachia blue dogs. Reagan Democrats. Misogyny. Obots. Soy latte. Creative class. Appalachia blue dogs. Reagan Democrats. Misogyny. Obots. Soy latte. Creative class. Appalachia blue dogs. Reagan Democrats. Misogyny. Obots. Soy latte. Creative class. Appalachia blue dogs. Reagan Democrats. Misogyny. Obots. Soy latte. Creative class. Appalachia blue dogs. Reagan Democrats. Misogyny. Obots. Soy latte. Creative class. Appalachia blue dogs. Reagan Democrats. Misogyny. Obots. Soy latte. Creative class. Appalachia blue dogs. Reagan Democrats. Misogyny. Obots. Soy latte. Creative class. Appalachia blue dogs. Reagan Democrats. Misogyny. Obots. Soy latte. Creative class. Appalachia blue dogs. Reagan Democrats. Misogyny. Obots. Soy latte. Creative class. Appalachia blue dogs. Reagan Democrats. Misogyny. Obots. Soy latte. Creative class. Appalachia blue dogs. Reagan Democrats. Misogyny. Obots. Soy latte. Creative class. Appalachia blue dogs. Reagan Democrats. Misogyny. Obots. Soy latte. Creative class. Appalachia blue dogs. Reagan Democrats. Misogyny. Obots. Soy latte. Creative class. Appalachia blue dogs. Reagan Democrats. Misogyny. Obots. Soy latte. Creative class. Appalachia blue dogs. Reagan Democrats. Misogyny. Obots. Soy latte. Creative class. Appalachia blue dogs. Reagan Democrats. Misogyny. Obots. Soy latte. Creative class. Appalachia blue dogs. Reagan Democrats. Misogyny. Obots. Soy latte. Creative class. Appalachia blue dogs. Reagan Democrats. Misogyny. Obots. Soy latte. Creative class. Appalachia blue dogs. Reagan Democrats. Misogyny. Obots. Soy latte. Creative class. Appalachia blue dogs. Reagan Democrats. Misogyny. Obots. Soy latte. Creative class. Appalachia blue dogs. Reagan Democrats. Misogyny. Obots. Soy latte. Creative class. Appalachia blue dogs. Reagan Democrats. Misogyny. Obots. Soy latte. Creative class. Appalachia blue dogs. Reagan Democrats. Misogyny. Obots. Soy latte. Creative class. Appalachia blue dogs. Reagan Democrats. Misogyny. Obots. Soy latte. Creative class. Appalachia blue dogs. Reagan Democrats. Misogyny. Obots. Soy latte. Creative class. Appalachia blue dogs. Reagan Democrats. Misogyny. Obots.
Just once I’d like to see a robot around here that worked RIGHT.
Don’t we have nerds and geeks in excess, fer crissakes?
You know. Ham radio? Home-made telescopes? Computers? Robotics?
Sheesh. What if R2D2 had malfunctioned so badly?
/feral monkey screaming
You know, Clif, I love this site. The regularly scheduled snark and juvenile jokes are awesome, and occasionally I see a glimmer of humanity that I really like. It’s great.
But dude. This really sucks. Hate to do it, but I must:
“Finally, from the legal front line, a devastating account of the peril we put our country in when we treat terrorist atrocities as if they are mere crimes. Andy McCarthy was there when the jihad began. Read this book and you’ll understand why this war is a war, and why we have no choice but to fight it and win it.” — Rush Limbaugh
No, Rush, no no no no no motherfucking no not at all just fucking no. We are not at war. Congress has not declared war. No nation has declared war on us. Osama bin Laden is not a nation, he is a terrorist criminal. It’s very easy to understand, if your brain is not full of shit and lies.
Christ Almighty, wingnuts, we have a FUCKING CONTINENTAL FORTRESS. 911 was piss in the pot compared to the savagery we’ve been inflicting on nations around the world since WWII. No one could ever invade the US, but the US has invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, Iraq, Grenada, Vietnam, etc. The list continues, but I can’t. People who love war the most are the farthest from it, and it sickens me, really (I just threw up in my mouth) that so many people in America talk so loud about how we need to fight (i.e. blow up) people ‘over there’ so we don’t need to do it ‘over here’. Draft rich white people who vote Republican!
good luck straightening it out. get ready for a really outrageous ad run in a third-largest Kentucky media market by some group that appears overnight and magically becomes The Most Important News Of August. Keywords: liberal judges, more rights, the American people, American president, safe, sue, attack, trust, soldiers, here, there.
possible tag line: “Liberals want to fight terror here at home- with lawyers.”
Yep. I’m certain that’s true.
And sadly, ultimately, it must be said that at last, if the American people fall for it again, they well and truly deserve their fate. If they are not willing, or capable, of making the most basic judgments about the veracity and validity of what they are being told, if they are unwilling or incapable of the most rudimentary of thought processes about the relative success of various tactical and strategic approaches to an asymmetrical threat, if they cannot be bothered to figure out where exactly the truth lies, then they will have to accept the consequences of their arrogant, bigoted, uninformed complicity.
Somebody once said that people always end up the government they deserve. A more fearful calculation I cannot make.
Ultimately, either enough Americans will learn a very simple history lesson, played out in real time over the last eight years, or they will truly “reap the whirlwind”…
i’m with ice weasel on this one 100%. it’s absolutely insane the amount of shameless bullshit promulgated by this administration, and people paid by them (with my money). and what’s even more insane is the passivity of the academic community and the 4th estate in the face of so much lying. frankly, i am angrier with the press than i am with the administration. the administration are a bunch of dicks, doing what comes natural to punked-out dicks. i expect better from the press.
Draft rich white people who vote Republican!
Not to be argumentative, but it’s also poor white people who vote Repub. I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard working class white folks (ie hillbillies/rednecks) say “If we don’t fight ’em over there, the war will be ON OUR SOIL!!!!” Oh, really? I don’t see Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea, the Taliban, or anyone else with troops poised to invade our ports.
They simply refuse to understand that the GOP has none of their interests in mind– they hear “tax cuts” and somehow they believe it applies to them, even though they have never and will never benefit. All it takes is money, folks, and you’ll have the undereducated/ignorant eating right out of your hands.
Okay, I just realized I grouped all working class white folks into the redneck category and that totally wasn’t my intention.
You know what I’m sayin’ though, right?
“If we don’t fight ‘em over there, the war will be ON OUR SOIL!!!!”
The way some of these people talk you would think that the Iranian navy had two carrier battle groups stationed off OUR coast.
Let’s not fall into the “working class” or “lower-middle-class” euphemistics. They’re poor people.
Did somebody say, “Lying or Stupid?”
Ladies, Gentleman, Distinguished Members of the Press Corpse, I give you:
Fred Hiatt.
A Better Surveillance Law
Congress shows it still knows how to reach a compromise in the national interest.
Did somebody say, “Lying or Stupid?”
I dunno, Thunder. For Fred, this IS a better surveillance law.
And it is in Fred’s national interest.
It supports the corporatist authoritarian power structure that keeps Fred in mansions and mercedes. It keeps his friends in wealth and power, and keeps the riff raff out of the neighborhood. It supports the “wartime economy” that enriches the large corporations whose board members are his constituency. And is helps ensure that Fred’s children and grandchildren will have the wealth, privilege and exclusivity that he enjoys.
Altogether, a very good law if you’re Fred Hiatt….
Man, it’s as though satire is dead, and Andy McCarthy (with the help of Jonathan Silverman) have to prop it up and carry it around and make it look as if it’s still alive for the entire weekend.
They don’t like twins to me. Looks like Lurch is the good looking, suave and debonair one. And he can play the harpsichord, I bet McBride can’t do that. Can ya McBride?
Given that our “soil” is mostly urea and pig shit, I doubt many Scary Scary Muslimoslamofascists are going to want to be on it.
911 was piss in the pot compared to the savagery we’ve been inflicting on nations around the world since WWII.
Ruh-roh…moral equivalence between teh enemy and teh awesomeness that is the US of A?!?
Does this mean we all now need to denounce and/or reject Heretic?
Look, you looney liberals, according to law professor Glenn Reynolds, law professor and legal expert John Yoo says that the leftist bleating over habeas corpes is just that- bleating. Maybe if you people read a little bit more, you’d realize that your rights aren’t being taken away unless you’ve done something wrong. Then again, given the leftist-terrorist combination, with you people, you never know.
And here I thought I kept my rights even if I did commit a crime. Silly me, I thought our rights were inalienable.
You and Jefferson, Franklin and the Adams family, noen.
So, next time you get a speeding ticket, SF, the cops can hold you indefinitely?
Correct. Those who have done nothing wrong have nothing to fear. Is that why liberals always freak out when they think someone will spy on them? Why, got something to hide? All kinds of perversion and filth, that when exposed, will make the masks of caring and sharing fall off. I am all for any law that protects USA and sticks it to leftist liberals. And the media is biased.
i think mcbridge looks more like Cousin It or Thing
and who ever said the right wingnut jobs ever told the truth about anything
Those who have done nothing wrong have nothing to fear. Is that why liberals always freak out when they think someone will spy on them?
I expect a massive change in 2009, when rethuglicans rediscover their concern for moral values and government oversight. You know, the things they cared about when Clinton was preznit.
Correct. Those who have done nothing wrong have nothing to fear.
Wow. I wasn’t expecting that response. Just wow.
And, wait. I thought I had a right to privacy, too. Silly me!
I met Lurch when I was a very little girl, at a fairgrounds. My mother said he was nice. Mr. McBride, you are no Lurch.
Why, got something to hide?
Everybody’s got something to hide. Except, of course, for me and my monkey.
When I hear that lame-ass “argument,” I always want to suggest this analogy: Take off all your clothes and walk around naked outside. Go on, do it. No? Why not? Got something to hide? Oh — you mean, that’s not the point?
Perhaps it should be pointed out once again that the worst terrorist attack on Americans during the Clinton administration was committed by right-wing Republicans.
The writ of habeas corpus, a bulwark of domestic liberty, has been extended to foreign nationals whose only connection to the U.S. is their capture by our military.
Jose Padilla was arrested by the FBI at an airport in Chicago. Maher Arar was detained by TSA at an airport in NYC. Ali Saleh Kahlah al-Marri was arrested in his home in Peoria by the FBI.
Trying to explain the principles behind habeas corpus to wingnut trolls is kind of like trying to explain “blue” to a blind person.
They just aren’t equipped to understand it.
Job 1
P.S. I’m declaring recess over. Back to class, kitties!
All Good Nothin’ To Hide Americans believe that the government gets to do whatever it wants in order to keep us safe. You can tell because of the lack of resentment in right-wing circles over Ruby Ridge and Waco!
Also, why exactly are these habeas rulings supposed to lead inevitably to American deaths? Is it some kind of multiple bank-shot from guilty terrorists to wussy judges letting them free on technicalities to blood-soaked carnage?
I am not worried about my rights. Liberals should be worried about their “so-called rights” to be biased, hate USA, and wage class war and outlaw the Bible going away, and I guess you are. We are in danger of terrorist attack, don’t you get it? THIS IS WAR. I actually hope there is a minor terrorist attack, hopefully on some liberal coastal enclave, that can be used to cancel the elections and stick it to the liberals good. And the media is biased.
The fact is, when lemon presses are outlawed, only outlaws will have lemon presses.
Fred, if you’re a parody troll, you’ve got the mindset but be funnier. If you’re sincere, fuck off.
The funny is in Fred’s name for god’s sake. Not to be taken seriously.
Lay off, Fred.
My favorite trolls are the ones where you’re not sure if they’re real or not.
Hoosier X: Agreed. Especially when they’re derivative.
Oops, that made no sense. I thought you said “least favorite.”
That is — oh hell nevermind. It’s margarita night at Casa de Nicky.
Fred: Just shut the fuck up.
The Supreme Court decided to give captured terrorists more rights than American citizens have in American courts.
They can have gay abortions? They can marry their IEDs? Clarify!
So, Mr. Fred I’ve-got-nothing-to-hide, just how many guns DO you have, and would you be willing to submit a list to the gummint with a sworn affidavit allowing them to inspect said arsenal whenever they deem necessary?
Um, NO!
The same provisions that they just violated preclude this behavior.
What, it’s all relative? If it’s guns or child porn or drugs or explosives or whatever your pet-peeve-on-a-leash is, then the constitution can just go blow?
Do you see when you make a statement like this you are just like THEM, encouraging violations of constitutional guarantees whenever you LIKE the outcome? Only concerned about the constitution when it’s convenient?
Ever notice that nobody ever had to go to court to protect speech about mom and puppies?
Feh. Some men just want to watch the world burn.
Sorry to be misinterpreted. My point is that if you trust the government implicitly when it comes to arresting or wiretapping someone (“If you haven’t done anything…”), why don’t you trust them when it comes to something you actually value, like, well, your guns? Personally, I don’t trust any of these gummint folx as far as I can throw them, and my throwin’ arm ain’t what it used to be. Neither did the founding fathers; that’s why they set up the constitution the way they did. If we just implement what they designed and did a little READING and THINKING before we second guess it, things would work a whole lot better.
Derivative trolls.
Fred has got to be one of the least creative trolls here at Sadly No.
Well, it’s 105 in the shade at my house. How is it at your place?
64% and mostly cloudy, here in OH. Storm just passed through.
104 Outside.
Not survivable conditions.
Inside, AC running, oscillating fan running, Giants game on the box, I’m a carbon NIGHTMARE but I’m not certain there’s a real option.
Couple of scotches and the world, while being unlivable, is otherwise not so awful. If you don’t think about it too hard.
Leftover carbonara and some fresh corn tortillas from the lady down the street for dinner, all microwaveable, so it won’t be unpleasant at all.
Wild blueberries in vanilla yogurt for desert. Maybe sprinkle ’em with sunflower nuts. Yum…
I actually hope there is a minor terrorist attack, hopefully on some liberal coastal enclave, that can be used to cancel the elections and stick it to the liberals good. And the media is biased.
I thought something like that happened a few years ago. Terrorist attack on a very liberal area of the country, got some press…
Oh, right! I remember now. Of course, asshole wingnuts tend to forget exactly whom it was that was attacked that day.
I have an honest question (which means it of course won’t be asked):
when Andrew McCarthy and ilk say “more rights than Americans,” ask them to enumerate which rights constitute “more.”
You can’t describe in detail the dogwhistle.
It’s code.
“The Supreme Court decided to give captured terrorists more rights than American citizens have in American courts.”
I want to see how fast he runs away if someone were to ask him, in detail, what exact rights Gitmo prisoners have that US citizens don’t.
Fred is a lazy troll. Not worthy of snark.
Mr McBride comes to tell me that the evil ones are here and I asked them in. the monkeys shriek at him and he will get no profiteroles. We sent the flying mice and they have not returned, what has happened to them? Mr McBride does not know, he is unhelpful. I have sore neck muscles which he will not massage. He is a hateful man and the monkeys chase him out. Will he reveal this to anyone, it is said that only those with fear will be punished, but I do nothing wrong and fear is always here.
I must have Apricots.
Apricots are good.
Actually, Mikey, not to substantively disagree with you, but someone had to go to court to protect speech about mom. But yeah.
Like a certain linguistician said, “Goebbels was in favor of free speech for views he liked. So was Stalin. If you’re really in favor of free speech, then you’re in favor of freedom of speech for precisely for views you despise.”
Apricot pie is better.
Apricot chicken bake with walnuts and herbs.
I find it interesting that wingnuts freaked out a LOT more than actual NYC residents did and have about terrorism.
After the Oklahoma City incident, what changed? Why, because it was a white man who had been in the military…
Traditional food
Traditional Faroese food: Dried mutton and whale meat and blubber.Traditional Faroese food is mainly based on meat and potatoes and uses few fresh vegetables. Mutton is the basis of many meals, and one of the most popular treats is skerpikjøt, well aged, wind-dried mutton which is quite chewy. The drying shed, known as a hjallur, is a standard feature in many Faroese homes, particularly in the small towns and villages. Other traditional foods are ræst kjøt (semi-dried mutton) and ræstur fiskur, matured fish. Another Faroese specialty is Grind og spik, pilot whale meat and blubber. (A parallel meat/fat dish made with offal is garnatálg). Well into the last century meat and blubber from the pilot whale meant food for a long time. Fresh fish also features strongly in the traditional local diet, as do seabirds, such as Faroese puffins, and their eggs.
Oh yeah.
Hook me up with a Grind og spik sammich.
With bacon and tomatoes.
Shaved hard sheeps milk cheese.
And here I thought the garnatálg would grab your eye, mikey.
Unless I’m REALLY hungry, I’m all about hold the offal….
Maybe that’s what would happen in your cowardly part of the country. But we NYers had a MAJOR terrorist attack and we still held our mayoral elections just 2 months later. When some people suggested that the elections be put off, we cowardly NY liberals said, “Fuck that! Americans have died so we can have free elections so there is no way that this is going stop us from voting.” What I say to you is, grow a set of balls, asshole. Terrorists are a bunch of chicken shits and they don’t scare me. I was on the 70th floor of the World Trade Center for the first attack and I would have been there for the second attack if I hadn’t been laid off from my job. No terrorist is going to scare liberals. We’re more frightened of the cowards who occupy the heartland of the US and are willing to throw away our freedom to get some phony security.
Tom – Those last few sentences (especially, the whole thing’s good) are the best sentences ever.
I actually hope there is a minor terrorist attack, hopefully on some liberal coastal enclave, that can be used to cancel the elections and stick it to the liberals good.
How many dead before it becomes non-minor?
Congratulations – you, sir, are a straight-up fucking sociopath. Please seek psychiatric help ASAP, as you ARE a danger to the rest of us. This is not a joke – you need to be helped before you hurt yourself or others.
Your POV makes pedophilia look like a respectable hobby. Anyone not as mentally ill as you who reads what you said can see that, & I hope for your sake that you’re using a pseudonym – some folks just don’t have any sense of “irony” when it comes to wishing death & disfigurement on innocent people. Stupidity is not an alibi.
The judiciary is not competent to make judgments about who is … a threat to the U.S.
Hmmm, kinda like “Kill them all and let God sort them out”, eh?
Why does it feel like the “war on terror” is being waged by the Bushies against the American people? I mean, isn’t it pretty clear that “Sharia Law” is the ideal for these guys? Virtually every peckerwood GOPer in Congress is green with envy at the notion of being able to force women in burkas to walk ten steps behind men (oh, and to divorce any of his multiple wives just by saying so, no alimony), to cut off the hands of thiefs (every capitalist’s dream) or stoning someone for apostasy (“Oh, so you don’t believe in my god, huh?”).
Dickhead Christians, Jews and Muslims have this one important thing in common: they’re all dickheads. They all want to punish those of us who don’t follow their asinine, wingnut notions, which is why the Right has been so amenable to shredding the Constitution as long as one of their fellow wingnut-Sharia Law lovin’ assholes is in charge. Watch them spin on a dime if and when Barry gets elected, they’ll suddenly start screaming about their beloved Constitution for the first time in the longest 8 years I’ve ever lived.
Are all conservatives a bunch of bed wetters, or is it just the ones who talk?
yvonnewittig wrote:
It is obvious most of the postings are done by left wing nuts. I am sure no one would listen in on my conversations, and for that matter I really don’t care if they do, if that is what it takes to stop another 9/11. Does anyone have brain power enough to realize their is a reason we have not been hit again in the US, and I am sure it is not an accident. Don’t the idiots know we are fighting an enemie that wants nothing else but to see us all dead. It only took months for the Dems to finally cave and do the right thing. The Dems knew what was going on all along, they were told, but only until it became public did they protest. That is weak and 2 face. I am proud we have a president who takes his responsibilties to protect the United States and it’t citizens. Clinton could have had Bin Laden handed to him on a platter, but he refused to step up to the plate,I am sure they took a pole before he made his decision. Wake up people this is going to be with us for a long time. If we pull out like they did in Vietnam, it won’t only be the Iraq people who will be killed, they will follow us home because they know the liberal Left have no guts, and think they can talk their way out of things, and than the fighting will be in our streets, here in America.
6/21/2008 10:55:27 PM
Recommend (0)
OK which one of youse Fake Garys registered at the WaPo?
I was on the 70th floor of the World Trade Center for the first attack and I would have been there for the second attack if I hadn’t been laid off from my job. No terrorist is going to scare liberals. We’re more frightened of the cowards who occupy the heartland of the US and are willing to throw away our freedom to get some phony security.
Fucking word. x googleplex.
mikey: As a Buddhist (well, “Buddhish”-) type person, I must implore you, my darling, to foreswear teh meat.
Sir Paul sums it up in a recent PETA ad (don’t judge):
“Many years ago I was fishing, and as I was reeling in the poor fish, I realized I am killing him, all for the passing pleasure it brings me. And something inside me clicked. I realized, as I watched him fight for breath, that his life was as important to him as mine is to me.”
Love the cuisine tips; hate the mindless slaughter.
The wingnuts apparently think that if given a hearing, all the
tortureesdetainees will be released. In other words, they are , with great outrage, declaring that the terr-rists are innocent , or at least that there’s insufficient evidence. Somebody should ask Shorter Newt ,Shorter Billo, and the rest why they are such terrorist sympathizers .Also, if keeping innocent people in prison makes us safer , shouldn’t we round up, imprison, and torture , everybody , except
the White Housecriminals? Then we’d be really,really safe!yvonnewittig wrote:
It is obvious most of the postings are done by left wing nuts. I am sure no one would listen in on my conversations, and for that matter I really don’t care ……
= ” I have nothing to hide ”
Me: ” Exactly! Then why should anybody be suspicious of you? Why should you be treated like a criminal on parole?”
In case you havent seen it , here’s Rep. Rush Holt, from Feb 13th . The pertinent part starts at about 50 sec. in .
I’m 47 and it seems to me that for the last eight years, more than anytime in my life, I’ve had to the “stupid or lying” dichotomy before me more than any other time in my life… in the nixon years, it was for the most part clear, they were just grabbing power. There was little presented to be accepted that matches the constant stream of nonsense this administration can generate. They were, for the large part, power hungry, quasi-criminals and they weren’t all that ashamed of it. During reagan the disingenuous began to creep in (which is by no means a defense of a terrible administration) but it cannot compare to that which bush the younger has inspired…
Remember, Darth Cheney & “Pencil” Dick Rumsfeld and a bunch of the other Architects of Evil were fourth-echelon henchmen and coatholders during the Watergate embarrassment. When it turned out that a clear majority of Americans were not in favor of shredding the Constitution to give a handful of greedy thugs Total Information Awareness, the takeway for Cheney and his partners in crime was not “We shouldn’t have abused the powers vested to the Administration by the voters”, it was “Next time, we need a whole lot better batch of LIES to disguise our thievery & general abuses.”
Unfortunately, Gerald “Too Much Football w/o His Helmet” Ford, genuinely nice & extremely average Republican placemarker, got away with “pardoning” Nixon, which meant that all the filthy little third- and fourth-rankers responsible for implementing Tricky Dick’s sweaty paranoid fantasies got off without so much as a public airing of all the evil petty crap they’d been so eager to implement.
So they scurried off and set up Ronald Reagan, second-rate movie actor & paid megacorporate spokemodel, to give them a second bite at the apple. Reagan’s “sunny personality”, aka incipient Alzheimers, was sooo much more popular with voters that only their own overreaching greed & incompetence kept the Cheneybots and their frontman ex-CIA-head Bush the Elder from turning the criminal clown circus now known as Iran-Contra into a permanent “Republican majority”, aka kleptocracy.
And then, because we Americans are an optimistic people who
ate too many lead paint chipsdon’t learn from our mistakes, we let Poppy “Laudanum” Bush flush the whole Michael-Ledeen-selling-arms-to-the-Iranians fiasco down the memory hole, again, which let the original bunch of malefactors and their second & third generation interns of evil, like Karl Rove, go scot-free to hide out under the baseboards at Halliburton and K Street where they could nibble away at the foundations of American democracy from the “private sector” branch of the Powers in Charge.So now we are all, every one of us, victims of the Cheney-oids’ THIRD Assault on the White House, and we can only strive to implement the hardcore three-strikes-no-parole laws these authoritarians are all in favor of when it comes to *other* criminals. As soon as he takes office, President Obama needs to implement a South-Africa-style Truth & Reconciliation Committee (suggested joint heads: Henry Waxman, Russ Feingold, and Hillary Clinton) to examine every damn fReichtard thug in the current administration, down to the Heritage Foundation interns compiling mailing lists for the swiftboaters. Truth, then reconciliation, because if we don’t shine the light on every mingy, pathetic, cheap trick and thimble-riggery and murder-by-memoranda committed during the last eight (or 38) years… I have no confidence in America surviving. Especially since failing to examine all the flaws of the Court of Our C-Plus Augustus will undoubtably devolve to a Jenna Bush / Mary Cheney “co-presidency” in another 8 or 12 years.
“If you’re really in favor of free speech, then you’re in favor of freedom of speech for precisely for views you despise.”
Well, that would explain this blog’s non-deletion policy. Lard knows they must have been tempted. Long may S,N reign.
I actually hope there is a minor terrorist attack, hopefully on some liberal coastal enclave, that can be used to cancel the elections and stick it to the liberals good.
In other words, this psycho muthafucka says “I really hope the enemy I fear kills people other than me, so that I can exploit it to suspend the Constitution and deprive US citizens of their rights.”
Well. You exposed yourself, asshole.
Went down-canyon to the coast. Temperature decreased 20 degrees in 5 miles. went to dinner, came back 3 hours later. Now it’s 80 degrees at home, instead of 105.
It’s still fucking hot.
Black men want the wite wimmin …
s’all you need to know right there …
I do not care for chewy sheep, some sheep can be very fierce. Apricots are never fierce and can be put into many dishes.
The Evil ones are very scary, we are lucky to have men of honour to protect us, I hope that they do not get hurt. If the good men are victorious they will favour us with manly smiles and good wishes. We must do as they ask.
Oh where are the fruit bonbons?
I’m in favor of truth then hanging, but maybe that’s just me.
Sadly, I’ve seen this from more than the parody trolls here. Many wingnuts seriously think this way. I have honestly lost track of how many times I’ve been the recipient of someone’s ill-wishing towards myself, my family and my friends in this fashion. This straight-up psychotic desire to see people they disagree with politically be humiliated, imprisoned, injured, maimed and killed is the major reason I’m not one of them anymore. They don’t believe in freedom, equality or liberty; they believe in supremacy. Themselves over everyone else that doesn’t think, believe or live like they do. It’s gotten substantially worse over the past ten years or so and I honestly have concerns about how long it’ll be before they decide that it’s time for them to start inflicting widespread harm on their fellow Americans over political differences.
I’m in favor of truth then hanging
If not hanging, then large tattoos on the forehead. Something pithy, like “I’ll never work in this town again.”
“Poor Impulse Control”
The thing is, hanging is too good for them. However, hanging Saddam is one of the very few things Bush succeeded at, and I’d really appreciate the irony. It’s a conundrum.
Well, actually, what Bush succeeded at was keeping Saddam Hussein alive until the end of the trial, after which he was unceremoniously handed to his political enemies and subjected to a public execution by death squad.
It seems to me the real reason they want to avoid due legal process for the so-called “terrorists” being held is quite simple: the basis of U.S. law is still that the accused is deemed innocent until proven guilty. If the government can avoid the constraints of US legal process they don’t have to “prove” anything in order to hold these people indefinitely. Look at the track record so far of terrorist prosecutions = epic fail. Even the men they have decided truly are innocent are still being held at Guantanamo. How the fuck does that work?
That justifies all the bullshit they’ve pulled so far – secrecy, rendition, torture, secret prisons etc. The U.S. government, using 9/11 for justification, simply changed the rules while we weren’t looking. I hate to break it to you, but your so-called inalienable rights are long gone. Now you are guilty until they say you are not – which may be never, since you won’t get any due process if you are considered an ‘enemy combatant’ (which they get to define). And it doesn’t matter if you are a U.S. citizen btw (Jose Padillia leaps to mind). Guilty or not, his treatment at the hands of his captors was outrageous.
Any frightwing bedwetter that doesn’t understand this – that anyone, ANYONE will be treated this way if they become ‘suspect’ – had better get it through their thick fucking skulls that their rights went right down the toilet with the so-called terrorists’ rights.
Supreme Court decision or no, the rule of law will continue to be flagrantly abused by BushCo. as long as they can get away with it. Getting an actual constitutional lawyer elected president would be a nice first step to turning the U.S. back to the rule of law our country was founded on.
Anne Laurie: But surely if we forgive the Cheneyites for a fourth giant scheme to subvert the Constitution and lawful government, they’ll finally stop trying to do it again, right?
By the way, I can’t wait until the right wing realizes that all the powers they’ve just granted to U.S. authorities to search & seize without probable cause, and to monitor & wiretap without warrant, applies to the IRS too.
But they didn’t think of that.
This is what I was getting at in this post: http://www.tagg-theangrygayguy.com
@ Our Dead Selves:
Exactly. I get what you’re saying. My point is that the people who benefit from the war should pay for it with their own lives, not any others. Poor white Republicans don’t make any money from the war. It’s a class thing, not a race thing. If you want to invade a foreign country, go do it. But don’t pull a Bill O’Reilly on me, and be a total chickenhawk. If you advocate taking over a foreign nation aggressively, put your ass on the line. Or run away.
Let’s review: this week, the liberals rejoiced over a decision that gave terrorists more rights than citizens. Now they wail because we can monitor their treasonous talk. Who is the enemy here? You guess it.
Y’know, Joe Buddha is onto something that could be quite useful.
Mind you, there would need to exist a Senator or three, and several Representatives for when the bills go to conference, for it to work.
But, if that Senator or three can insert language requiring lists of weapons from gun owners – or maybe be just gun owner/dealers even, and also requiring compliance with on-demand inspection by DHS/ATF, then this bill goes down in flames.
Just so long as the NRA gets incensed and publicly involved, it’s toast.
I mean, if you’re going to take a dump directly on the 4th Amendment, and splatter the 14th and maybe 9th, well, why not go for broke and hit #2, too?
It’s not like hundreds of Americans are killed every year by gunfire, and you never know when another DC-type sniper(speaking of inspecting gun dealer inventories) is going to crop up.
Quite clearly, it is the fear-driven fools and the useful idiots, who possess ignorance in abundance and live by the “let’s you and him fight” creed.
“poor impulse control” is a forehead tattoo for people for people who are both cooler and more dangerous than the sad losers who voted for and supported this issue. The forehead tattoo needed by these people would say something like “craven coward with criminally bad risk assesment skills”
Damn, is it just me, or am I getting longer every day?
>The judiciary is not competent to make judgments about who is … a threat to the U.S.
Annie Laurie, Obama already said he wouln’t try to hold anyone accountable. If he did he’d have to roll back the powers they gained, as Chris Floyd and Arthur Silber said. We know for a fact, now, that he wants those extralegal powers.
It’s a sad state of affairs, but at least we know the truth now.
The other day I stopped and listened a minute to the “Beltway Boneheads” on FOX. One said “This ruling means our soldiers will have to pick up every cartridge case for evidence when they’re fighting …”
I had to change channels when my head started to hurt too much.
Obama already said he wouln’t try to hold anyone accountable. If he did he’d have to roll back the powers they gained, as Chris Floyd and Arthur Silber said. We know for a fact, now, that he wants those extralegal powers.
It’s a sad state of affairs, but at least we know the truth now.
I thought it would be restful, just for once, to have a Democratic candidate for President that I didn’t really care about — a guy I just could pull the lever for, without caring about his personal priorities, because at least this time he was *bound* to be better than Old John McSame.
But no matter how cynical I think I am, our politicians can always find a nadir below my expectations.
(Of course I’ll still vote for the Democratic nominee, because if it’s Obama, he’s established that his convictions are for sale to the loudest voice, and there will be *lots* of voices calling for
hangingan examination of the Cheney/Bush interregnum come January 2009… )The problem with these idiots is that they have no grasp of the concept that some rights, like the right not to be arbitrarily detained without recourse, are HUMAN rights, not just American ones.
Of course, they feel like their Dear Leader should have the power to determine who is and who is not human, so it may be a moot point.
It should be entertaining when the current administration’s worshippers figure out all the Unitary Executive Superpowers they’ve been supporting will still be around for President Obama. Watch the backpedaling begin.
Oh, that’s OK. It’ll make it easier to present the *reparations bill* to every white person making over $50,000.