In Which Our Job Gets Easier

I think this catching-up-with-one’s-email thing is paying off. Look what just came in:

Dear Human Events Reader,

Wouldn’t it be great if you could have instant impact on the political issues you care about most?

Well, now you can. And it won’t cost you a dime — or an extra minute of your valuable time.

All you have to do is join RedState’s Action Items Email List.

Then, whenever we identify some liberal outrage that needs stopping, or some conservative cause or politician that needs your immediate support, we’ll shoot you an email explaining the situation and giving you everything you need — such as phone numbers or web addresses — to take immediate and effective action.

It’s hard to believe, but Human Events and are offering to help us make fun of them. I wonder if anyone else has gotten one of these emails? I think the Action Items will look something like this:

Above: Resembles Jeff Spicoli plus
Emmanuel Lewis

Hello, Actioneer!

Our own Jeff Emanuel has identified a liberal outrage in the passage of the Iraq War Bill. He says gleefully that liberals are being cynically manipulated by their leaders. For the sake of context, here are some links on how Emanuel personally helped stage the phony rescue of Pvt. Jessica Lynch.

Erick Erickson,,
a.k.a. Human Events,
a.k.a. Eagle Publishing,
a.k.a. Regnery Publishing,
a.k.a. Alfred S. Regnery,
a.k.a. William Regnery II,
a.k.a. Noted White Supremacist Publications,
a.k.a. White Supremacist Dating Service

This spells ‘more Mario Kart time’ with a capital whee!


Comments: 67


I signed up over at ClownHall a few months ago so I could troll Hooters Hewitt’s blog. The shit they e-mail me is comedy gold.


Gav, you should read the Human Events blasts regularly. They’re always entertaining, even the thrice-daily snake oil ads.

slippy hussein toad

Damn. I ended up on AFA’s action alerts mailing list. After sixty-five emails about the Horror uv Teh Ghey, it got boring. Well, actually after about three of them.

I’ll have to try these out for some fun.


And it won’t cost you a dime — or an extra minute of your valuable time.

… giving you everything you need — such as phone numbers or web addresses — to take immediate and effective action.

But… won’t making phone calls and visiting web sites take at least a minute of my valuable time? And how does visiting a web site constitute “immediate and effective action”?

“I read your web page. Take that, liberal fuckers!”

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Actioneer sounds great and all, but wouldn’t they be using something more dynamic sounding like Action Item Patriot or Rapid Response Ranger or something like that?


There was a boy in Arkansas
Who never listened to his Pa
When he told him that – hm?

Ohhhh… ACtioneer…. sorry….


To me, it’s just right already. Actioneer has that ’50’s tang to it that these folks can’t resist.

If they add in a decoder ring, they’re really rockin’!


I didn’t know that you can trace a big majority of wingnut welfare reading material back to friggin white supremacists.

Oh, wait. I did know.


I should add – I’m almost embarrassed that I remember that song, much less any of the lyrics.

You can take the boy out of the small town with a Country radio station but…


I used Actioneer a lot during my WoW days. It was great for figuring out the value of drops and keeping track of trends at the ActionHouse. Made a lot of virtual gold with it. And the related add-ons, like Enchantrix, were handy too.

Wait, what?


Oh God, WereBear, if they give out decoder rings I’m switching teams- “Don’t forget to… drink your Ovaltine?”


Why can’t liberals understand basic things like the Laws Of Economics?


Why can’t liberals understand basic things like the Laws Of Economics?

They’re too complimacated.

Malfunctioning Brent Bozell III Robot

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Thomas Sowell’s Law of Economics:

1) Tell your white conservative readers that slavery wasn’t bad
3) Profit.


Ok, let’s get some Wii numbers so I can play some of you chumps on Kart.


Yeah, those action alerts are great. Same SPAM taste in my inbox, but way less filling. It’s always a comfort to know that RedState will bane you from their blog at the drop of a fart, but they’ll keep emailing you bullshit till the end of time.


Dear SowellFan,

Wouldn’t it be great if you could have instant impact on the political issues you care about most?

Well, now you can. And it won’t cost you a dime — or an extra minute of your valuable time.

Trees are well known to be close associates and allies of stupid Liberals who like to hug them and who want you to believe that trees are more important than people. It is well known that trees need Carbon Dioxide to survive. It is also well known that every time you exhale, you are sending precious Carbon Dioxide into the air. This makes trees and Liberals very happy.

Therefore, the easiest way to defeat the Liberal Agenda that endangers every right-thinking American’s way of life is to stop exhaling. That’s right, you can breathe in all the oxygen you want. Just don’t exhale. This will help our cause in two ways. The Liberals will be deprived of some of the Oxygen they need to survive, and at the same time, the trees will be denied the CO2 they need. It’s a win-win situation, and YOU can contribute to our glorious victory without even getting up from your chair. Just stop exhaling.

Thank you for your generous contribution to this, the worthiest of all causes.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Maybe it’s like those GI Joes you got except instead of Kung-Fu Grip, you get Action Ears and Citizen Journal Ids.


Congrats to the courageous congressional Democrats who stuck to their guns and didn’t let that stupid FISA bill pass.


It’s nice that they’re offering innovative services to their clientele, but I have a better idea. What if they set up something like that Southwest Airlines thing that dings and tells you when there are low fares, except it’s a little orange icon that crunches and tells you when the Sev has a two-for-one deal on Spicy Hot Cheetohs.


Jeff explains the historical significance of his “rescue” of Jessica Lynch thusly:

“Can you tell me about the rescue mission for Jessica Lynch?” I ask.
“No ma’am,” Jeff says, smiling. “I can’t tell you any details. I can tell you she was in a hospital, and we went in and got her out safely. It was a heck of a morale booster. It was the first successful rescue of an American prisoner of war since World War II.”

Not, as we all know now, a genuine rescue. And, based on a exhaustive 5-second search of Google, also NOT the first since WWII. Well, of course, unless wingnut history has WWII occurring after Vietnam (certainly a possibility). Here’s the story of an ACTUAL rescue in 1967:

Why let facts get in the way of a good story?


unless wingnut history has WWII occurring after Vietnam



Wonder Twits Actioneer Powers activate!


Well RB, there you go again, siding on the part of lieberals and traitors against “patriotic private companies,” as Pete Hoekstra calls them, who “put their shareholders and employees at stake.”


Does Malkin do email alerts? I need to know when I should pretend to be outraged about someone wearing a scarf, and the names and addresses of injured children so I can harass their families.


Um, am I missing something here?


When the Government tells you to do something, I think you all recognize, uh, that that is something that you need to do.

–Sen. Kit Bond

Fucking fuckers.

I’m sending another hundred bucks to Greenwald’s PAC. This pisses me off more than pretty much anything they’ve done yet. Because none of it needed to happen. It was all so easily preventable. In fact, it could NOT have occurred without the Democratic congress’s active involvement.

Here’s an interesting thing:

16. Do you approve or disapprove of the job Congress is doing?

Approve Disapprove (DK)
17-18 Jun 08 19% 69 13
Democrats 18% 71 11
Republicans 23% 64 13
Independents 15% 74 11

The Democratic controlled congress is more popular with republicans than it is with democrats. Fueling that annoying meme that there really is no difference between ’em.

If we get REAL democrats in and these assclowns OUT, then there’ll be a difference…



Looks to me like there’s some neo-con outrage that needs stopp- whoops, too late!


Can the Senate still stop the FISA bill?

I emailed a bucket of so-called Democrats about this. I could not control myself and told Deborah Pryce how odd it was to have a War Criminal living in my neighborhood. Never thought I’d see that.


When the Government tells you to do something, I think you all recognize, uh, that that is something that you need to do.

What a lovely democratic notion from the party of limited government.


Here’s a link to the Greenwald/ActBlue PAC, btw.


Thankfully, my congressman voted Nay. What is striking, though, is that Paul abstained. I thought he was the guy with all the principles.


What is striking, though, is that Paul abstained. I thought he was the guy with all the principles.

Sure he is, but don’t forget that one of those principles is “corporations are teh hawtniss.” It must have been a very difficult internal struggle for him.


Snowwy said,

June 20, 2008 at 20:44

Um, am I missing something here?



Can the Senate still stop the FISA bill?

Maybe that’ll be a Friday vote too.

Duros Hussein 62

If they add in a decoder ring, they’re really rockin’!

Lessee, b 5….a 7…..q 9….j eleventy-2….

Hey, look, guys, it spells ni**er.


tigrismus said,

See how your congressman voted.

That’s the really nice thing about having Barbara Lee as my Rep. I already know how she voted.

ONE vote, in all of the House, against the authorization for war in 2002: Barbara Lee. Yes, Barbara Lee speaks for me!


The entire MA delegation voted against it. So that’s good.

Wish it helped.


Now’s the time for Hillary to jump up and say “No way!” and all the delegates switch sides for a good fucking reason. And then I wake up.


“I read your web page. Take that, liberal fuckers!”

Dibs on this for


Oh goddamn that dirty DINO Bush Dawg Leonard Boswell. I voted for his primary challenger and did my damndest to get rid of this old prick, but sadly it didn’t work. I’m not sure I can vote for Boswell in good conscience this fall. I don’t know what I’ll do. Write in Ed Fallon, maybe. Fuck.

At least the other two Iowa Dems, Loebsack and Braley, voted the right way. They are turning out to be damned good freshmen.

Of course, the two Iowa Rethugs voted wrong. That’s to be expected.


Emanuel is also with these critters. They seem to have ties to DeLay. Can’t get linky to work, but has a good article about them, “Patriots for Hire”.


Oh my, Emanuel is a busy little monkey . Scroll down to staff. He’s a managing editor.


The entire MA delegation voted against it. So that’s good.

If only we could get people to believe that’s the root of recent successes by local sports franchises.

Doctor Missus Marita

If only we could get people to believe that’s the root of recent successes by local sports franchises.

I think we all know that the sports success is due to gay marriage, kenga.

Spread the word!


I love this site, but it is really screwed up
the way it appears on firefox 3.0 Make
some effort to fix that please.


Huh, I have 3.0 and it looks fine to me.


Yeah, me too.


Fine too, Mac and PC. Check your add-ons.


I’m all for putting an end to liberal outrage. Erik the Red State can help by fucking off and that will be one less thing for us to be outraged about.

Duros Hussein 62

I’m on v. 2.0 (Mac) and I’ve never had a problem.

WordPress, OTOH…

Duros Hussein 62

RI delegation split. One up, one down.

But, you know, it’s Patrick Kennedy, so I had a pretty good idea which way he’d go.






I’ve been using the Firefox 3.0 alpha/betas on Linux for some time now. There are no issues.


The guy who would’ve been my congressman if DeLay hadn’t gerrymandered my city voted nay. The guy who actually is my congressman nowadays is an odious shitsucking Bush love-slave. I try not to acknowledge his existence, but I presume that he voted yes and that he’ll be well paid for it.


Yore webcight is breauken.

Teh his story thred taks 2 lawng too lode.


a.k.a. White Supremacist Dating Service

At last! A way for me to hook up with those sultry Klan babes of my dreams.


Did I even have to look to see how my congressperson voted? Sadly, no.

Firefox on an iBook G4 here reporting in with no problems whatsoever.


Firefox 3 on Vista – No Problems

Firefox 3 on Xanderos – No Problems

Konqueror on Xanderos – No Problems

Firefox 3 on Fedora 9 – No Problems

Firefox 2 on Ubuntu – No Problems

Whoops. Gotta upgrade that Ubuntu VM…



Snorg – Last I checked, there were some Prussian Blue chix in teh basement…



I think we all know that the sports success is due to gay marriage, kenga.

[forehead smack]
Duh! Wow. I’m so comfortable with it I must have been distracted by boobies and just forgot.
But, in my defense, certain elements of the Constitution of the Commonwealth reflect a broader philosophical culture(?) that can be seen manifested collectively in our legislative representatives. Indeed, that is central to my point.


I loved Jennifer Connelly in The Actioneer.


Hey Snorg, be careful what you wish for:


BTW, Firefox 3 on Kubuntu (KDE 3) is also fine.


“What, Me Outraged?” — Alfred E. Manuel


(comments are closed)