Free-Association Exterminationist Theatre With Pam Atlas
Ol’ Pam Atlas seems upset about something she read on the Internet. Is it another tentacle of the Global Muslim Octopus? Let’s look and see:
Iran’s got nuclear warheads.
Oh no, not again! Every time Iran obtains nuclear warheads, they get that much closer to having a nuclear weapon!
If things keep up at this rate, Iran will have the bomb as soon as five years ago, and we may be long dead by the time we even read about it in the paper.
And what are we going to do about this? Wait? The only thing that ever stopped Iran was America and Israel’s superior strength.*
She means this, by the way.
Click here and Pam will be able to say, “Hey! Youse got a Ferrari 288 GTO.” …Or, better, she’ll be able to say that Mahmoud Ahmadenijad has one, because for all anyone knows you might have given it to him.
Seriously though, as with the AP-shaking-down-bloggers story, one’s heart really has to be with the wingnuts on this one. It’s dangerous to have nuclear weapons fall into the wrong hands.
Consider, for instance, what might become of the world if Pam were to have access to nuclear technology:
I’d rather we blow up the whole world than surrender it to Islam.
Yes indeed, emphasis hers, and it’s certainly a boon to us all that such a brazenly evil madwoman as Pam is relegated to the margins of society, where she can do no harm.
* Except for the U.N. and Iraq, that is. Pff! Details, details.
[Hanx! CK]
Yes, if WE blow up the world instead of letting the Islahomofascists blow it up, we win!!!
I didn’t check out the link to Taylor Marsh because…well, someone has to make sure she never gets “back on the radio”. And also, because I’ve always thought she was worthless.
BTW, I’d like to send HTML an email, but see he doesn’t have an address listed…is he by any chance the blogger formerly known as Retardo?
I’d rather blow up the Eastern Seaboard than surrender to Pam Atlas.*
*not really, because I’m not totally out of my fucking mind.
Again, I must ask: WTF is wrong with that woman?
Jennifer – yep, HTML is the former Retardo Montalban.
I am sure that India bought their nuclear-warhead plans from Pakistan.
Next thing we know, Pakistan will buy nuclear-warhead plans from Pakistan, and then they will have no fear of US military superiority.
perhaps she’s not aware of certain internet traditions.
I should apologize here.
This is going to sound, at least to some people, perhaps a tad misogynist.
But y’know what pisses me off even more than some smelly, lumpy, bewhiskered, flatulent scumbag rooting and cheering lustfully for mass killings of some group of people he’s decided to hate?
Clean, well dressed women with soft hands and nice fingernails ranting for killing, bombing and destroying entire cities full of innocent human beings.
Somehow, it just seems an order of magnitude more obscene when someone who’s never had a bit of hardship in her life, who’s never had to make the hard choices, who’s never had to face herself after participating in an atrocity, still thinks that this is something she’d like all of us to do in her name.
Obscene on so many levels…
Wasn’t she recruited to become a member of a Muslim organization that communicates via a high-tech series of tubes, some of which may be aluminum?
mikey – even more obscene, this woman has children and blithely advocates the murder of other womens’ children.
I’m not a mother myself, but even so I can’t begin to wrap my head around that.
I sent HTML an email with my pic of a Pileated Woodpecker back in around Memorial day. Care of Gavin M.
June 20? I now know why the news here is so good: it’s from the future.
Yes, people of Tomorrow (i.e., all who currently reside east of the Greenwich Meridian), tell us: do all of you have flying cars and robot butlers?
If only we had some sort of intelligence operation to keep track of Iran’s nuclear ambitions.
Everytime Iran obtains nuclear warheads,
CheneyWolfowitzRumsfeldGod kills a kitten.No robot could ever replace my beloved monkey butler.
And then, depression set in.
God, what a nutcase.
The problem, though, is bigger. She probably gets a zillion more hits than most of us on the side of sanity.
We are in deep, deep trouble.
Personally, I don’t think we’re going to get out of the hole Bush has dug for us in my lifetime, and working in Corporate America where predicting the future is considered worthy of batrillions of dollars worth of analysis and paralysis, I am lost and hopeless and considering indifference as an escape. I’m in a bad place. I read and watch too much.
I’m not saying we won’t get our hair mussed! Fifteen..twenty million dead, tops.
The future is very important because that’s where we’re going to spend most of our time.
you’re plooving me too hard! too hard….
“Iran’s got nuclear warheads.”
The US’s got international respect.
Myanmar’s got stable government.
Sudan’s got domestic peace.
I’ve got an Audi R8.
Pam Atlas’s got a brain.
See how easy that is?
Just because you say doesn’t make it so, Pammy.
“It’s the year 2000. Where is my flying car? I was promised a flying car!”
And if having a schematic diagram is enough (or rather, the possibility of having bought a schematic diagram), then a lot of people would be having a lot more sex than they do.
On the other hand…
What (other than a lobotomy) does Pam need?
Really, does just need to get laid REALLY REALLY BAD?
Jesus H fucking Christ on a crutch, how does she manage to not spontaneously explode? I mean that literally.
do all of you have flying cars and robot butlers?
Yes. Yes, we do. But in a conspiratorial cover-up of almost mythic dimensions, your government-controlled media are keeping you in the dark about the backwardness of your country.
Jesus H fucking Christ on a crutch, how does she manage to not spontaneously explode? I mean that literally.
Who knows? Whatever it is, I hope she stops doing it. This is a psychotic and ignorant woman in dire need of therapy.
I have a big chunk of Hadrisaur pelvis with a petrified .375 H&H Magnum slug in it in my sock drawer.
Along with a couple of Magnetic Monopoles.
So Iran might very well have heat rays….
Well, she’s pre-empted all the destroy a village snark
Really, does just need to get laid REALLY REALLY BAD?
Personally I think she’s already got the drugs. Meth seems most likely. For sex, she has John Bolton Moustache Rides.
The therapy she needs so desparately? I don’t think she haz that.
But in a conspiratorial cover-up of almost mythic dimensions, your government-controlled media are keeping you in the dark about the backwardness of your country.
Well to be fair, SC, it is in the noble cause of preventing irreparable harm to their primitive culture.
Whups. That was in the original post. I guess my brain just melted as I made my way through the Pammy craziness.
Pam’s left implant tried to negotiate a peace agreement, but her right implant had already acquired a nuclear warhead from Saddam or maybe Nieman-Marcus.
Now there’s a mammoth silicone slick tying up traffic all over Nassau County.
Okay, then. Here’s my insightful observation. One of the tags on the Pammy post is: Islam 2008: Religion of Barbarism
Written back in 2007/a> and still good today:
Now, this is interesting, given that more people around the world consider the US than consider Iran the major threat to peace these days.
We are told that every person is equal. I suggest a Modest Proposal based on this – the Statistics Towards a Fairer Universe scale.
The US has about 10,000 nuclear warheads in total. It has a population of 300 million. Iran, as we understand it, has no nuclear warheads – yet. It has about 70 million people.
I propose that Iran be allowed to continue to research nuclear weapons, and the US not be allowed to bitch in public about it until Iran gets 2,334 warheads. This can be enforced simply by everyone in the UN walking out whenever the US starts moaning, by every newspaper refusing to print any of the US’s complaints on this matter, and by every government simply ignoring President Bush whining on this matter.
But I don’t want to be anti-American. Therefore, a large, prominent chart should be kept in the UN General Assembly and Security Council halls, displaying the rankings of each country on the STFU scale. We should not single out the US – any country on the list should be required to keep quiet about any country below it on the list, and should be reminded of this by people pointing out “STFU, dude, STFU.”
And the nifty thing about this is that when the US reduces its own nuclear arsenal, it automatically gets to whine about more and more other countries. Seems perfectly fair to me…
A scrimmage in a Comments Thread —
A sarcastic thrust at some dark racket —
Twenty minutes of hard-won snark —
Drops to a misplaced close bracket —
Mikey, you heartless fiend.
Do you know how many hours Pammy has had to spend on the elliptical trainer at the spa? How many rich desserts she’s had to refuse? How many surly saleswomen she’s had to block and tackle at Bloomingdales’ cosmetics counter? Do you have any fucking idea how much rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, dermabrasion, and Botox cost? DO YOU?!?!?!
You, sir, are no Christian.
No Soup For You!
/soup nazi who never, ever fcuked up his tags.
P.S. It was better in the olden days, when everybody else had their comments FUBARed, too.
It takes a village, I’ve heard.
Yes. We must have Strategic Rhetoric Limitations Talks now!
The very concept… of an elliptical trainer… cheers me up…
I don’t want to know what they really do.
If things keep up at this rate, Iran will have the bomb as soon as five years ago
The thing is, you think that’s funny, I think that’s funny, sentient beings everywhere think that’s funny. But any wingnut reading that is nodding his head solemnly in agreement.
Okay. This stupid bitch need to shut the FUCK up right fucking now. I just perused a few of these search hits and it’s readily apparent that she doesn’t give a shit about whether Iran has nukes or not.
Again, I must ask: WTF is wrong with that woman?
She is extremely stupid, she has severe mental issues, and she is so twisted with hate she’s sort of a living moebius (sp) strip with boobies.
mikey@ 1:38:
you haven’t been to long island, obviously. it’s got 2.8 million people, approximately half of whom are women, and approximately 97% of those are Just. Like. Pam.
She is extremely stupid, she has severe mental issues, and she is so twisted with hate she’s sort of a living moebius (sp) strip with boobies.
And she thinks she’s hot. Worse yet, legions of basement-dwelling Cheeto-eaters think she’s hot too. Ick.
I have NOT been to Long Island.
But I have had the Ice Tea.
I’ve been to Padre Island.
I’ve been to the Big Island.
No man is an island.
“Island Girl, what’chu wanting in ‘dis white man’s world”
I throw a helluva picnic every summer on Angel Island.
You oughta come….
Maybe she’s an ALIEN, the kind with acid for blood. That’s the only thing I can think of to explain it.
I’ve been to Long Island, plenty. And South Padre Island, too!
I love the salt water.
There’s also people at them there places, but that’s our planet.
I think they are truly stuck in a developmental stage wherein they think:
If other people suffer, I will not.
As though there is a finite amount of suffering, and seeing others get it means less for them. Hooray!
From their rhetoric, they honestly think torturing innocent people will ensure their safety. As though this effort expended will be comparable to an actual effort of undermining an actual enemy. It’s all kinda vague and cloudy to them. It’s vicariousness taken to a ridiculous extreme; a more twisted and loopy version of someone’s enjoyment of their team winning the playoffs.
Likewise, they have taken the religious dogma that does not elevate, but drags down actual spiritual growth. Their protestations of love for their way of life, and the willingness to see those with a different outlook murdered for non-agreement, is supposed to win points for them with the Guy Who Is Supposedly Keeping Score.
It’s no wonder they act like their souls are empty. They are.
Pamela has written one love letter after the next to John Bolton over the past several months. To say that she is not a serious or even stable person is a gross understatement.
Yeeesh. And here I thought she was the crazy aunt we all amused ourselves poking fun at. I had no idea she actually had White House connections! Now y’all are scaring me.
Actually, no. Long Island is quite large and extremely diverse, if rather segregated by ethnicity.
You’ll find 97% Pamminess in certain select communities, mostly in Nassau County. The “Five Towns” could be considered a kind of JAP Ground Zero.
I probably know people who bought a car from Michael Oshry. Hell, some of my own cousins grew up to be nice, conservative, over-groomed upper-middle-class felons.
Yep, I’m all too familiar with the JAP culture. My mother owned a store in White Plains, NY during the 80’s and early 90’s, and we’d get customers from places like Scarsdale and Bronxville.
I went back up and looked.
That poster actually makes me physically ill.
Thousand pound bombs. Yay. There’s some fun, huh?
Peace? How far down the rabbit hole do we have to go?
Let Peace Rain? Oh, fuck you with a rat-tail file, you piece of shit.
I heard arclight strikes from fifty miles away. I went in on post mission BDA ops.
Fucking bombers like that don’t leave dead people. They don’t leave broken communities. They leave devastation. Truly biblical.
You can’t imagine how pulverized the people, the buildings, the animals, the entire fucking WORLD is when those BUFFs go in.
You should have to walk in, through shin deep plowed earth, with the ammonia smell in your nose, and the body parts just laying about, meat and guts everywhere, the people and the livestock, just all hunks of pieces and meat, and the silence. The sick, dead silence that doesn’t exist in nature, and only can be created by man’s creative use of massive weapons. You should have to KNOW before you drop those fucking bombs.
And you should by gawd bloody well have to know what it fucking looks like before you start wishing it on whole communities…
That Mutually Assured Destruction thing was what me and Henry made up on a Mississippi steamboat after an afternoon of Margaritas. It’s not my fault if crazy people believe it.
In future we are all Monkey robots, sad but true.
mikey, I have to get to your picnic. I’ve no doubt that it rocks, like, totally, and it might be worth a visit. I have some days I can burn at work.
You’ll have to promise me food, liquor, music, sex, and drugs to get me to commit. I’m a commitophobe.
Plus, I’ve always wanted to shoot some serious guns, as you know. Plus you’re a Hemlock/Trevanian fan, so we’re automatically kindred souls in my head. Most people I know haven’t even heard of either. Will you treat me right? A place to crash, at least?
*Googling Angel Island*
Excellent! I have a pal in SF who has a pad near some bay nearby.
You may not even need to offer me a place to sleep, though I imagine the cab fare from the park to the condo a bit prohibitive. 🙂
But the food, liquor, music, sex and drugs is non-negotiable. I can sleep anywhere as long as I’m warm and alone. LOL.
Sad, but true.
You can’t imagine how pulverized the people, the buildings, the animals, the entire fucking WORLD is when those BUFFs go in.
And you should by gawd bloody well have to know what it fucking looks like before you start wishing it on whole communities…
I know. I flew BUFFs in Desert Storm. God forgive me.
I dunno how to rig it this year, John.
My man Jeff just up and died a couple weeks ago.
Fucker. I’m pissed.
The memorial is on the 28th. Whatever closure, whatever is left of my stupid, scared little world, well, I’ll try and figure that out next.
Will we try to go forward with the traditions?
Will we skip it? End it?
Fuck. I dunno. His wife (what a fucking surprise) didn’t much care for me.
A chapter closed.
A blank page. I need to figure out what to write on it.
It’s so unfair when your world falls apart, then you wake up and it’s still there.
Goddam it!!
Major Kong.
When it’s dark and late and they come?
Chances are I’m up.
Charley Mike, m’man…
When it’s dark and late and they come?
Sometimes. There have been nights when the dawn can’t come soon enough. It gets worse when I hear our leaders start talking about who we need to be bombing next.
I’ve never really had any regrets about bombing the Republican Guards. They were some seriously bad dudes. But I just don’t know what else I might have hit. Couldn’t see a darn thing from 40,000 feet, and we were six miles downrange before the bombs even hit the ground.
There was a time when I thought it would be cool to go to war. It wasn’t – at all.
There was a time when I thought it would be cool to go to war. It wasn’t – at all.
If only somebody had the foresight to paint this on the wall.
The fucked up part is there is a lot about it that is fun. And I use that word advisedly.
There’s a ton of uncomfortable, and plenty of horror, but maybe just enough “camp with killing” that it seems, oh, something you’d want to do.
Then you discover what you have to do to live in the clubhouse.
And a few years later you discover that there’s no way to stop the memories.
And very goddam few people will help you.
Shit, dude. It’s the 24 hour px. There’s a 24 hour generator, clean sheets and steaks. What the hell do you want?
And now? Now we got a million kids trying to process the shit we made them do. The things they saw. The crap they know.
Good luck, america. It’s going to get hard for you…
Maybe if the US wasn’t such a militant, aggressive, monstrosity of a nation, Iranians and North Koreans wouldn’t want nuclear weapons. If I was a small country that made Bush’s list of bad nations, I would want to arm every man, woman, and child in my country with a nuclear warhead. And a hammer to detonate it.
Calm down people. She meant to write: “I’d rather we blow up my implants some more than surrender it to Islam.”
But seriously, people like Pam and the sad little tits who reach for the special sock when they go to her website don’t worry me any more. I know they’ll never get their hands on the means to blow up the whole world, because they would have to join the military and mom wouldn’t be allowed to come along and make sure they have a constant supply of Cheetos.
I think we need to consider the extremely low threshold of what ‘surrendering to Islam’ might actually mean in the strange twilight world of deranged shrieking space-apes that inhabit what’s left of Pam’s brain.
Scarves! Ice-cream trucks! Barack Obama!
Remember people: “In the Pammyverse, No-one Can Hear You Scream OMFGWTF!!!”
But seriously, people like Pam and the sad little tits who reach for the special sock when they go to her website don’t worry me any more. I know they’ll never get their hands on the means to blow up the whole world, because they would have to join the military and mom wouldn’t be allowed to come along and make sure they have a constant supply of Cheetos.
Cheney. The sum of every man and woman’s pile of fearful, psychotic silicone.
I’m sorry for your loss, mikey. I get it, especially the wife part. 🙂
Let me know if you’re ever flying through O’Hare. I owe you and your fellow vets a drink or 20. God bless my birthdate. I remember well my uncle sweating his draft number.
Hang in there, mikey. I know that’s what you do, but still.
I’ve never been in war. Does that disqualify me to understand how much it has to suck?
I don’t know, but it seems you don’t have to be dead to be a mortician, either.
Shorter Pammy: We can’t let him in here! He’ll see the Big Board!
Call me crazy, but I don’t believe Pam knows “Let Peace Rain” is a pun.
Pammy is 31 flavors of crazy.
“Shorter Pammy: We can’t let him in here! He’ll see the Big Board!”
Mein Fuhrer! I can Valk!
I don’t understand paying any attention to Pam, but I’m sure glad someone does, so I can laugh and hide under the bed, when I’m not wishing for her life to be overturned by fucking the schvartze.
Which somehow I’m guessing she’s experienced. Perhaps I’m underestimating Pammy’s sincerity.
It would be impossible to underestimate her intellect.
doughy pantload sex tape
Creamed Dormouse with Perverse dried Avocados
1 tablespoon dormouse
6 pounds avocado
1 bag magnificent cauliflower, swirled
7 pints shattering monkey whisker
1 pinch rosemary
2 ounces cinnamon
Concurrently grease a cookie sheet. Separate dormouse lung from nose. Inflate nose. Mash the avocado with the cauliflower over high heat in a wok. Slather resulting goo over the dormouse. Dress – very triumphantly – the monkey whisker, rosemary, and the cinnamon. Knead everything together steeply. Bake for 110 minutes. Serves 6.
Three things.
First, seems like the avocado would overwhelm the mere tablespoon of dormouse.
Second, very few cauliflowers qualify as magnificent.
Third, Shattering Monkey Whisker is the band that’s playing while we’re making the creamed dormouse…
Maybe the dormouse is extra spicy.
Buck Turgidson said,
June 20, 2008 at 2:08
I’m not saying we won’t get our hair mussed! Fifteen..twenty million dead, tops.
Listen to him, men, he’s just crazy enough to do it!
Or even extra crispy!
Paul McCartney’s Baboon Punch
1 cup baboon plasma
1 part rice milk
Add the baboon plasma mellowly to the rice milk since it’s heavier. Serve in a medium fudgy snifter. Run.
Righteous Bubba’s Thoughtful Drinky
4 Transparent Sparkly Thimbles of Peruvian Vodka, Angrilly Shaken
2 Gallons Lemon Juice, Heroically Squeezed
1 Jigger Drano, Carefully Boiled
Add the Vodka Theoretically to the Lemon Juice. Discard the Jews. Stir in the Drano, and add to a friendly glass of crushed ice. Shake dejectedly. Serves 2 mentally disturbed fishermen…
[…] (via) This entry was posted on Thursday, June 19th, 2008 at 11:08 pm Categories: neoconservatives, sheer lunacy, war on terror. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. […]
OK, this is bullshit. Youtube never has anything. I need the Exit 57 clip where the girl apologizes and is grounded anyway, and launches into an extended tirade in which she quickly maxes out the capacity of language as a medium for the expression of hatred and ends up screaming “WORDS! I NEED MORE WORDS!” That’s basically Pam.
I tried to post at Pamela’s place. Who thinks she’ll let this go up?
(In response to her I will never be a slave. Never.):
Neither will all the people you kill when you blow up the whole world. Of course, they won’t be free either. Or alive.
I used to think that your misreading of Islam fueled your fantasies about killing nearly 1 billion Muslims. Now I know that it fuels your fantasies about killing 7 billion people without regard to their creed.
Thanks for setting the record straight Pamela.
terrible grammar. it’s either late or early here, depending on if those singing birds i hear are real
I hope the FBI is keeping tabs on crazy Pam…cuz she’s crazy with a capital C.
Hey John O, if you grab Mikey on a flyby through O’Hare, let me know. I’m close enough to make it into a Chicagoland Mini Sadlypalooza.
And Mikey, I am sorry for the loss of your friend.
They use B-52’s to drop dumb 1,0000 lb. bombs like those, btw.
The Stealth was photo shopped into the image, It in no way has the capacity shown in the poster.
Well, there’s one thing you can say in Pammy’s defense: At least she isn’t Bill Kristol. Yay, sexism!
Or I’d point out to SomeNYGuy that it’s not so much the pain of the augmentation, dermabrasion, et al that makes Pam wince… it’s the memory of what she had to do in order to *get* all that work done…
I thought it seemed off, olwbear1. It also seems kinda silly to use a $1 billion stealth aircraft to drop dumb bombs.
It did not require much imagination to work out what BUFF would stand for.
Do you have any fucking idea how much rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, dermabrasion, and Botox cost?
When I was a kid, we had much higher expectations of our augmented, cyborged, post-human descendants.
Paul McCartney’s Baboon Punch
Sir Paul turned 66 two days ago. Is this what he served at his birthday party?
I’d rather Pam Atlas blow me than surrender to Islam.
The fact is, few of you have the stomach to do what we must do to the Muslims, who showed us on 9-11 what they want to do to us. I guess it takes less stomach for the liberals to surrender as dhimmis. Here in the Heartland, we are made of sterner stuff.
Why do the leftists refuse to heed the Law of Economics?
I’d rather Pam Atlas blow me than surrender to Islam.
I’ll take Islam, please.
Well, fair point, MadClown. I really meant it more in the sense of “Pam Atlas can fuckin’ blow me”.
I doubt whether the shrieking harpy is aware of all internet traditions.
Not like John McCain.
O my. That would require heroics. On her best day sPamela only got a cup out of her readers.
I was part of a team working on a parabolic trainer. The testers were getting pretty beat up – every time they got up to speed it hurled them into the wall.
Some genius in Product Marketing suggested we just require them to be installed next to windows.
Well, he might have simply been evil, but we scrapped the project anyway.
I’ll take Islam, please.
I’ll take Manhattan.
He wasn’t serious, kenga, he was on the hyperbolic trainer at the time.
I’m not sure when the last time you were in the gym, but hyperbolic trainer is a bit of a redundancy.
“One more set! Do you wanna be flabby the rest of your life? My baby girl can lift more than that! No pain, no gain!”
It’s the non-Euclidean trainers that you’ve got to look out for – in several dimensions at once.
Always curious about the hatred and blame leftists have for the USA. They always cheer for the enemy. Sad. Why don’t they just leave, then?
I’d rather Pam Atlas blow me than surrender to Islam.
Yes, that lovely throat – smooth as sandpaper, generously lubricated with cheap vodka, guarded by three rows of carniverous teeth.
Now which way was Mecca, again?
Always curious about the hatred and blame leftists have for the USA. They always cheer for the enemy. Sad. Why don’t they just leave, then?
We tried that. It turns out that fifth columns have to be present to be very effective.
Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession?Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession?Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession?Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession?Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession?Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession?Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic! Dude, where’s my recession?
I think they are truly stuck in a developmental stage wherein they think:
If other people suffer, I will not.
As though there is a finite amount of suffering, and seeing others get it means less for them. Hooray!
OMG, Werebear, I think you might be right. I’ve long struggled with the whole “zero sum game” mindset of these people, but I’ve only considered it from the winning/benefiting side. Applying that same thought process to the losing/suffering side of the world suddenly makes most of their insane rantings almost consistent. (Fucked up and sick, sure, but consistent.)
Now if only there were some way to FIX it…
And as if on cue:
Always curious about the hatred and blame leftists have for the USA. They always cheer for the enemy. Sad. Why don’t they just leave, then?
Right there, is the perfect example of Werebear’s “zero loss” game: Millions of people must die a burtal death, and millions more must be crippled and broken beyond repair, and all we can do is decide whether it will be “us” or “them”. There is no other option, no other recourse, no way of escaping this horrible fate. And what’s worse, they don’t even recognize that premise itself sucks: they are happy to keep playing Global Thermonuclear War as long as they can mark one in the “win” column. It doesn’t once occur to them that nobody “wins” this game, ever, because war isn’t a fucking game!
In their bible, does Jesus say, “Do unto others on the off chance it might not be done unto you” or “Whatsoever you do to the least of your brothers, that I will not do unto you”?
What a sad, dark universe these people live in.
Remember folks — many of Pam’s “friends” back in the day were all about arming Iran. Has Iran/Contra gone down the memory hole already?
Anyway, it’s interesting that Pam realizes AQ Khan exists, considering how her political allies were generally happy to look the other way at his exploits.
I see SowellFan (note the wrong capitalization above) has been swallowed by Teh Sadly Borg. That is, unless he was a member already.
Always curious about the hatred and blame leftists have for the USA. They always cheer for the enemy. Sad. Why don’t they just leave, then?
Wanting us to pull our head out of the hornet’s nest we’ve poked it into does NOT constitute cheering for the hornets.
You know what is really ugly?
Pammy’s battery operated Rabbit has no choice in what she does with it.
Ehhhyuck….I lost my appetite.
Another thing the Geneva Convention doesn’t address.
Pam Atlas is hot! Which is central to my point.
Wanting us to pull our head out of the hornet’s nest we’ve poked it into does NOT constitute cheering for the hornets.
It does.
You forgot to say Shalom.
cheering against death means cheering against america?
erego america=death?
The Stealth was photo shopped into the image, It in no way has the capacity shown in the poster.
Actually it does. It can carry 80 500-lb bombs (MK82). They just never do it because it would be a total waste of a B-2 to use it to drop a load of dumb (unguided) bombs like that.
OK, I usually refuse to post comments when the post’s subject is Pamela. However, I’ve never placed any restrictions on myself regarding one of her regulars who uses the name “RISE_UP”, a total nutjob (and a rather mean one). This little turd is, well, speaking of the pseudonym “Retardo”…..RISE does tend to lash out by calling others incredibly stupid. End debate, if you oppose him/her/it, you’re simply stupid.
I do find it sad though that Pamela’s site has this moron as a regular feature in the comments, especially in this case when he/she/it is posting a link to a freakin’ Hal Lindsey video. OTOH, when you know everything like RISE_UP does, you might as well run the show:
The only way to stop these sobs is to attack them with great firepower and from above.No damm boots on the ground.They will not stop until they complete what they believe..and you should see this:(Hal Lindsey)
Posted by: Rise Up | Monday, June 16, 2008 at 05:52 PM
YEAH! NO boots on the ground. Great. Can’t wait for “geniuses” like this to prevail. Great. The “we care about the abuses against the people of Iran….except for right now, when we should blow them all up, dammit! NO SHARIA!”
Might as well had said “Nuke the site from orbit, only way to be sure”. He’s already in movie-land.
OK. I had to get that out. I just really hate this RISE_UP moron. Oh, and yeah, moron sums it up, but then that’s why I love Sadly, No!, you guys can see the idiocy in a bomb-happy freak throwing out Hal Lindsey video links.
Oh, that would be for Rise up, BTW, someone who once sent me this masterpiece in order to prove his intelligence. Um, yeah….:
“What do you know about bright bulbs? You are a stupid Obama fan. Everyone who reads your posts have your number. It’s too bad I can’t answer you on the site so others will see just what you are. In the meanwhile, kiss my bright bulb ass.”
Is it just me or are the commenters sometimes far funnier than the posts, etc., on right-wing sites (probably plenty of lefty sites too, I just don’t know)? I’m just saying, this has been sort of our focus over at LGFWatch for a week or so and we’re having more fun with comments left by people who’ve said things that have had us in cases literally ROFL. I find the same sort of humor with the comments on the post linked above.
/OK, end, dispatch from wingnuttia.
as of right now, this is pamela’s top post.
it’s about obama. i’ll let the the post’s URL say the rest.
Chuckles’ commenters are definitely funnier than he is these days; the ol’ racist isn’t showing much glee in this election. Johnson has adopted the Glenn Reynolds/Confederate Wankee “Obama’s a big dummy!” approach, and it’s more pathetic than amusing. Then you open up the comments and bam, a hundred people talking about how he’s a seeeeecret Muslim.
I wish Chuckles would talk about what he likes instead of what he doesn’t like. The guy was a fucking Duncan Hunter fan, for crying out loud.
bc- from that link:
Wow. She’s onto us.
I’ve pretty much decided there are some things I won’t do, no matter what, and that’s to go visit LGF. It’s just not worth getting my blood boiling like that.
similarly, I seldom visit Pammy – Lex, I’m in awe thatyou can stand it there long enough to become familiar with commenters.
From her comments board:
Wow. The woman has completely lost her sense of proportionality, if she ever had any. I wish I had something pithy and/or witty to say, but it is clear this woman needs to be put on some serious meds, lest she see the boogieman everywhere…
Sir Craig,
See my comment a little further upstream here. I tried to post there to point out that by bombing the whole world, she would ensure that no one else would live under sharia. Those billions of people she would so flippantly murder, how do they fit in? Are you considered a “sub-citizen” if you don’t get to have any say over Pamela Atlas Shrugs’s decision to bomb the living shit out of you?
What is certifiably insane is to live as a slave — to live under sharia, as a sub citizen …. as a slave.
I will never be a slave. Never.
Jeebus. This woman sitting in her suburban Long Island home, getting ready for her appointment at the nail salon, has about as much a chance of “living as a slave” as she does of being hit by a comet while she’s having a manicure.
Wow. The woman has completely lost her sense of proportionality, if she ever had any.
She’s a dalek.
Here’s pammy’s soul mate, Caroline Glick, at the Jerusalem Post.
If Pam doesn’t want to live as a slave then a bottle of vodka and a handful of valium should take care of her. As to the rest of the world, shouldn’t they get to decide for themselves if they want to be slaves?
Always curious about the hatred and blame leftists have for the USA. They always cheer for the enemy. Sad. Why don’t they just leave, then?
Actually my blame and hatred is for the current occupant of the White House and his cronies and the way they treat our military as a toy to make up for their cowardice during Vietnam. But since we have these funny things called “elections,” we will get the opportunity to dispose of those assholes.
I’d rather we blow up the whole world than surrender it to Islam.
Give the little lady a sex-change & a cute little toothbrush moustache, replace “Islam” with “the Jewish-Bolshevist conspiracy” & stick her in a bunker underneath Berlin. Voila! She’d feel perfectly normal – as long as some sweet young thing was serving her some nice knockwurst on a silver platter.
Always curious about the hatred and blame leftists have for the USA.
Maybe you need to stop starving, bombing & otherwise abusing other folks’ kids by the millions, decade after loathsome obscene decade, as if it was your natural birthright to be the ethical equivalent of the SS – then cheering & laughing while you do it, like it was a fucking ball-game. It’s not a game to their parents, siblings & friends, & they sure as hell won’t play nice in return. Would YOU?
When you’re knowingly complicit in nasty shit, you get blamed … & when you get some kind of sick-fuck ego thrill out of curb-stomping other peoples’ lives, you get hated – welcome to aduthood.
Let us know if or when you figure out that picking up a loaded gun is the moment your odds of being a real hero immediately drop to nil – the world is literally waiting with baited breath to see if enough of you can parse THAT enigma. We’d prefer that you do so NOW, before you get into that voting booth & hit a Pure Trifecta Of Clusterfuckery that makes the Roman Empire’s 3 civil wars in 69AD look like kintergarden nap-time.
The longer you keep ignoring your real history, the uglier it’s going to get.
History does not come with a “Refresh” button.
According to that there link bc posted, George Soros is a nazi collaborator? Who knew?
.snoitidart tenretni lla fo erawa ma I
Hmm, preferring to blow everything up rather than live under someone else’s system — where have I heard that before?
Seriously, it’s kind of odd that someone could agree with a sentiment like that when it’s expressed by some Bride of Frankenstein from Long Island and not understand that it’s the exact same thing as the self-justification of the Palestinian suicide bombers or the 9/11 hijackers.
I’ll take Islam, please.
I’ll take Manhattan.
I’ll take the black and tan!
First we will invade the New York capital of al-Bany, and then we will take Manhattan, the Bronx (and Staten Island too) but Long Island we want not so much. The people there, they are so orange. They are like the Oompa-Loompas but taller and their plastic claws frighten us. It is too strange and we cannot look at them. Be not afraid, beardless Pam Geller, for you and your orange wives and orange children shall live outside the Caliphate. Weirdos.
Pam’s not the only Jewish wingnut on Long Island of course but the real wingnut havens are the Catholic/WASP neighborhoods like Garden City and Manhasset. Those are the towns you live in when you have some money and don’t like Jews. They’re also the go to towns for Republican fund raisers. Places like the five towns where she lives and other villages up here on the North shore with large Jewish populations provide the swing voters that make sure Nassau county is blue on the electoral map. With the base for the Democratic party being the poorer villages and minority voters. Just like everywhere so thank FSM for them and the Jews. But no matter how they vote, what’s the deal with calling people JAPs? You think the hyper assertiveness, materialism and funny accents out here are limited to Jews?
One wonders what she thinks of the USA’s strategic alliance with Saudi Arabia?
Every time I think of just leaving the country to the right wingers to do with what they will, I get this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. It’d be like abandoning your child to a gang of pedophiles.
g–eh, I was commenting for a while trying to change the hyper-focusing and radicalization that was happening. That moron kept up and even wrote me that, what I posted above. LOVE that he wanted others on the site “to see just what” I am. Uh huh.
I can’t stand it, honestly, and Pamela knows it. It would lead me to just being very upset. I cannot fathom why she has these views, so I just don’t go. Same with LGF though, I couldn’t sift through the comment threads there to save my life. Just sucks life out of you really, and makes it a bit harder to post at The Watch for me, but I can’t stand reading hundreds of comments of pure tripe. On every post I’ve checked at Pamela’s though I’ve noticed that one person always commenting. And always saying something absurdly stupid. But then what do I know, I’m an Obama supporter and therefore “stupid”…ROFL.
g, at least with a post like this here you get to see a glimpse of a really sad circle of blogging.
sagra–yep, I feel the same way. If there really was a “jihad” here and some sort of attempt at Islamic conquest, these nutjob Jesus Camper types who seem to be taking over the suburbs and already hold much of the rest of the country would take them on, no doubt about it. But do I want THAT sort of theocratic rule either? I guess we’d just better stick around and be ornery as hell, eh?
Yeah but those aren’t 500 lb bombs.
Lawnguylander is correct. The town I live in was carved out of Peter King’s district because we were too Jewish Democratic. His voters are mostly along the south shore.
What is certifiably insane is to live as a slave — to live under sharia, as a sub citizen …. as a slave.
I will never be a slave. Never.
She’s already a slave to her hate.
What is certifiably insane is to live as a slave — to live under sharia, as a sub citizen …. as a slave.
I will never be a slave. Never.
Of course, she wouldn’t be averse to owning a few clean, compliant brown people to serve as household help.
You say materialist, but it’s an entirely undeserved reputation. They hate material, and convert it as swiftly as possible into mountains of crap. This is known as “economic activity”, another misnomer.
A whole thread without the word “Jew” or “Jewess.”
If Pameleh’s name were Ayisha, I’m sure the word Muslim would have popped up here.
You people are ver-fucked if persist in letting this “tribe” dictacte your discourse.
“Jew” actually appears a few times, along with “Jews” and “Jewish” and also JAP (saying “Jewess” really just makes you sound like you’re ninety years old). Not really sure what you’re getting at. Pam’s an object of derision because she’s a crazy person who bases her philosophy on a shitty, over-long sci-fi book, not because she grew up listening to desert nomad stories or whatever. The Long Island Jewish thing is just a bit of flavor, the lemon zest, if you will, to the vodka of self-absorption, gin of narcissism, rum of mean-spiritidness, tequila of violence, and the sour mix of … uh, sourness that make up the crazy iced tea that is her blog.
Oh and the cola represents cola.
a crazy person who bases her philosophy on a shitty, over-long sci-fi book
I am not up to speed with that part of the back-story. I demand details. “Shitty, over-long sci-fi book” does not narrow things down enough.
“Stranger in a Strange Land”?
Atlas Shrugged, ‘Beats the fuck out me what she is going on about’.
SMut–LOL…that was the name of my 1st blog and was about to change it back to my current one: “Strange Girl Without A Strange Land”.
Let me say that Pamela Geller has an IQ higher than most of the posters here combined. A.Q. KHAN should be assassinated along with a few others, including a non-muslim like Chavez. The war with Islam is real; but most are either just too naive or too stupid to realize it, including Bush. Islam is not the “Religion of Peace” that dhimmi nutjobs or even Bush would have you believe that it is. Read the Quran. I have. It makes Mein Kampf look like a love book when compared to the hate in the Quran. Look at the fruits of Islam. Look at it history. Examine their barbarian, violent, pedophile, false prophet Mohammad. He was a violent and vile man. When it comes to Christianity you’ll scream against it (protest) if it is even mention in schools, but when it comes to Islam many of you will bend over, grab your ankles, and do all you can to accomodate it. Even have people come in from C.A.I.R. to indoctrinate our children with their sick political and religious fascism called Islam.
By the way, a comment in response to another poster, I love LGF and the The Jawa Report. I get “sick” when I read the garbage at Daily Kos. At Daily Kos, I have read several comments from posters wanting a civil war. A part of me would like to see them get their wish.
And Thank God for John Bolton. One of the few, who has any common sense, in government. We need more people like him not less. I can understand why Geller likes him.
A Proud “Right-wing” attorney. 🙂
Educate yourselves people. Don’t remain ignorant all your lives.
Read accurate histories on Islam and Mohammad.
Read the Quran and the Hadith.
Check out also Jihad Watch at
Also: Prophet of Doom at
And: The Relgion of Peace at
Just to name a few good sites.
Let me say that Pamela Geller has an
IQcup size higher than most of the posters here combined.You know those are fake?
I get “sick” when I read the garbage at Daily Kos.
pamela geller/atlas shrugs is a true american hero. she is a great journalist who refuses to bow down to the politicallly correct suicidal left who insists on their totally warped and distorted vision of the world.
she does excellent research and writes with punch and humor. G-d bless pamela geller and her blog. and may G-d help all the lefties who still are unable or unwilling to see the truth: that we have an enemy. that enemy is global jihad. they want to destroy israel, america and the west. and their current main front is iraq. hellooooooo? is anybody thinking with any clarity??? or are you just “feeeeling” that war is “not the answer”. .
newsflash!!! sometimes war is the answer. look at ww2. try this quote from the talmud: those who are compassionate to the cruel end up being cruel to the compassionate.
try that one on.
it, unfortunately, perfectly describes the wacko left mentality.
VOICE SPEAKS TO ALL LIBTARDS..Hopefully,they are all here….
You are getting sleepy….sleepy….Now you are asleep. When you wake, you will remember my words, and your i.q. will drop twenty points,if your i.q. cannot afford the drop,then you shall become a robot, When you hear the words, racist,bigot,anti american,anti white,Rev.Wright,Jackson,Sharpton,HATE..slave blood. slave…Muslim..Islam…Gaza…birth certificate,white grandpaw..communist moma with loose morals,Arkansas white trash farm boys that stank, bible totin gun lovin whiteys…OJ Simpson,OIL,Bin laden,drill here,drill now, WELFARE, world trade centers,
and all the other words too many to include, When you hear those words, you shall become deaf,dumb,and BLAME WHITEY!! Blame GWB..Blame people like Pamela Geller who is worth more than all you libtards together and has more hits on her website than all you blank libtards have altogether..Who gets out there on the street bravely facing enemies of America……(oh,whats that moaning? not waking up are you? I doubt it)
and has more hits on her website than all you blank libtards have altogether
Hmmm…this has “trip to sitemeter” plus a big ol’ “Sadly, No!” written all over it.
Anyone care to fact check this?
you will remember my words, and your i.q. will drop twenty points,if your i.q. cannot afford the drop,then you shall become a robot, When you hear the words
Let’s see here…
Unique average daily vistors:
Crazy Pammy: 4,915
Sadly, No!: 13,546
Average Daily Page Loads/Views:
Titz-on-a-Blintz: 6,188
Sadly, No!: 22,137
(sources here and here)
So go fuck yourself, Rise_Up.
If I did, I would end up being like you, product of incest
This is for you simba…have a nice day and life
Oh good Lord.
Okay, who left the toilet seat up and the screen door open?
Why is it that leftie lunatic website postings are full of illiterate comments and a constant stream of obscenities? Interesting to say the least……and by the way, Pamela Geller is a brilliant commentator who does a wonderful job of annoying, what she calls, lefttards. She must be doing something right……….
what she calls, lefttards.
How very original of her! Or as you say, brilliant.
Lex!! It seems to me that you have a personal issue with Rise up. Did he reject you in some way? What good was it for you to put his email in this group? You are a low trash woman who has nothing better to do with her time except run from group to group in order to post what the others have to say. You are very sad and I do hope that Rise up turns you in for posting something that is personal per say.. his email address. I will avoid anything you post from now on.
Rise up! Do not waste your time on someone so low, and most likely someone who sits at home and steals from our system. These type of people make me laugh, but sick at the same time. Get a life and get a real job Lex..
SisterlyLuv said,
June 24, 2008 at 4:14 (kill)
Wait for it…
You are a low trash woman
There we go.
[…] to anything else you’ve ever said. Then again, this is a woman whose latest big idea was to nuke the entire world in order to keep Iran from, um, engaging in nuclear blackmail or something. Any gesture toward […]
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