
Now on sale at the Texas Republican Convention (seriously):



Comments: 311



It will be called the “Crack House.”


WOW! That’s a long walk off a short pier. Was the button “AH! Darkies!” taken?


We’ll call it the Fist-Jabbing Terrorist House. Duh.


Yeah. Wow.

Still trying to relieve the pressure to scream N*****R! I see.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Why wouldn’t it still be called the White House? Oh, you mean that Obama fellow’s black? I hadn’t noticed.


I see great things for the future of that party!


No, it’ll be called “Suck on it while you watch a mulatto and his Nubian wife rule that House for eight years with their little cornrowed girls frolicking in the Rose Garden, assholes”.

That’s what it’ll be called. Assholes.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Actually, since Obama’s the liberalest senator who has ever walked the Earth and that includes Ted Kennedy and Michael Moore, who I’m not sure is a senator, but is fat it’ll actually be repainted with every color known, to show the acceptance and tolerance he has for everyone and everything and then they’ll call it Rainbow House and then teh Ghey will take over and we’ll all have to marry box turtles and wear burkas and pray to the great Atheist God of Mohammed Darwin.


Maybe the Texas GOP are secret Parliament Funkadelic fans.


…will we still call it the White House?

Temporarily. Can you dig it, CC?


If Yale grad Bush lives there, can it still be called a Texas Ranch?


If Obama is elected president, will “Hail to the Chief” be replaced with “Damn, it Feels Good to Be a Gangsta”?

I sure hope so. That would be hella cool.


Wonder what genius thought that one up?


Bush’s base has spoken.


Well, it is the Texas Republicans. What else do you expect? Anyway, keep it up righties! This “Obama’s black and sorta Muslim-y and has a big penis and we’re SCAAARRREDD!” strategy is a real winner! And “Black House” and Gangsta jokes? Totally brings in the undecideds! Now if you could just work in some more references about Barry Hussein’s nappy headed baby mama…



Dragon-King Wangchuck

The source article mentions another sweet pin that demonstrates the enlightened state of the GOP faithful:
“Press 1 for English. Press 2 for Deportation”

On the plus side, here’s the text of the third button mentioned in the article:
“I will hold my nose when I vote for McCain”


Remember that douchebag Tom Maguire? Had I but dirt enough and lime I’d bury his blog six feet under and let it rot but that’s not possible so I recommend mocking him regularly instead. He’s going to be a go to wingnut for racist smears on Obama during the campaign. Check him out criticizing Obama for his “gun to a knife fight” comment the other day. Because when a black candidate makes any kind of reference to guns what choice does a reasonable conservative have but to start comparing him to gangsta rappers?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Also, kudos to Alvin, commenter on that source link:

I guess we know who’s getting the douchebag vote.


Teddy Roosevelt nicknamed the President’s residence “The White House,” because it is a house that is white. Unless Obama is planning on painting the building a different color- a proposition he has yet to make- it will continue being called “The White House.”

With that being said (in straightforward a tone as possible), the Texas Republican Party is apparently populated by racists who think their own farts smell awful pretty. Not surprising; the Texas GOP has been singled out on quite a few occasions for their ridiculousness. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this the same group of people who has “re-take the Panama Canal” on their party platform?


I drilled back through the links and found the apparent vendor, at They don’t show the button on their website – probably took it down after the story in the Dallas News. But they still have some pretty nasty stuff up – a button touting a Hillary chicken dinner special with 2 fat thights, 2 small breasts and a left wing. Ha.Ha.
Actually, the site looks a little sad – they’ve miscalculated so badly that they’ve overinvested in anti-Hillary merch, now they can’t sell it and it’s counter to their own party’s strategy.

Way to court those Hillary crossover voters, guys. Time for a 2-fer one sale.


Teddy Roosevelt nicknamed the President’s residence “The White House,” because it is a house that is white. Unless Obama is planning on painting the building a different color- a proposition he has yet to make- it will continue being called “The White House.”

Of course for the joke to resonate, one has to assume that The White House is defacto only for white people. I guess the Republicans are revealing that’s their inherent assumption.


Unless Obama is planning on painting the building a different color

Pink would settle everyone down.


I see a White House and I want to paint it black…

Southern Racist

Niggra House?


That’s it, let’s just go ahead and admit that McCain’s running mate will be William J. La Petamane.


In fairness, it is a good question.

Man. Would the fack would buy that?!


“a button touting a Hillary chicken dinner special with 2 fat thighs, 2 small breasts and a left wing.”

The Republican party is a party for women.

Principal Blackman

If Obama is elected president, will “Hail to the Chief” be replaced with “Damn, it Feels Good to Be a Gangsta”?

Well, either that or “Pimp of the Year” by Dru Down. Or maybe “Buck the Devil” by Da Lench Mob. Or “Fuck a War” by the Geto Boys. The posibilities are endless, really.


This is going to be ugly fun, watching the GOP mandarins freak out as the base itself forgets to code their message on an increasingly frequent basis.

As we get further into this fight, you can bet that the repug grassroots is going to start slipping the careful control of Rovian ‘southern strategy’ message control and just going off on ‘liquored-up septigenarian’ rants, which will reveal to all their true feelings about race relations — I think it be an educational experience for those who somehow think everything was fixed by the civil rights movement.

So Bush’s base; tell us what you really think. Go ahead and show us the monster.

Grand Moff Texan

Quoth the Gilliard: all conservatism boils down to “fear of a black dick.”


I don’t know. It could be irony. Then again, we are talking about Republicans, so probably not.

Anyway, I think it’ll be called “Whitey House.”

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Wow g,
there are some real winners there at the Truly a dazzling display of willful ignorance.
“My heroes have always been cowboys” referring to:
born in Conneticut, former head cheerleader for Phillips Academy in Andover, Yalie George W Bush, who lives on a ranch with no cows, and
Ronald grew up above the variety store, Hollywood actor, former president of the Screen Actors Guild Reagan, who lived in Bel-Air but visited a retreat which had no cows.

Summarizes the GOP quite nicely – all hat, no cattle.


Righteous Bubba said,

June 17, 2008 at 18:49

Unless Obama is planning on painting the building a different color

Pink would settle everyone down.

The presidential mansion in Argentina is called the Casa Rosasa, or “Pink House” in English, because its color is in fact pink.


…or Rosada, rather.


Quoth the Gilliard: all conservatism boils down to “fear of a black dick.”

GMT, I don’t think that’s fair. There’s more to conservatism than that.

There’s “fear that the womyn will steal your dick” and “fear that teh gays are going to steal your dick”. And let’s not forget “fear of those rotten kids playing on your lawn…and then stealing your dick…”

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Other buttons I don’t get:

“Abstinence is best…unless you’re screwing a liberal.” Does this mean that conservatives shouldn’t have sex with each other?

“A Woman’s Place is in The House The Senate and The Oval Office” Sure, I can get behind that, but it looks kinda weird amongst all the Hillary-hate wear they’ve got.


The White Mosque, maybe?


wait… I’m white… damn, fucked up again!


I’m sure the Texas GOP will have its 2008 party platform ready and available shortly, but for those who can’t wait, here’s the first paragraph of the preamble to the 2006 platform (pdf).

Throughout the world people dare to dream of freedom, of opportunity, of a beautiful country in which to grow, to raise their family, to worship God in their own way without fear. The embodiment of that dream is America. And within America, people dare to dream of achieving, of becoming somebody better, served and protected by, not encumbered by, government, constantly nourished by faith and family, thriving in a free market, and helping others through charity of giving and serving. The embodiment of the Conservative Dream in America is Texas. Our Texas. It is we who strive to protect our culture from destruction, our children from predators and drugs, and our dear country from those who would destroy it. It is we who defend the embattled traditions that made our nation the greatest in all recorded history.

Lots of quality crazy follows.


Throughout the world people dare to dream of freedom, of opportunity, of a beautiful country in which to grow, to raise their family, to worship God in their own way without fear.

so, without further ado, let’s enact legislation to suspend habeus corpus, deport undocumented workers, bust the unions, keep gay people from marrying and adopting kids, and force other people’s kids to say Baptist prayers in school.


No one fears the pink dick. PinkO dick, yes. But not pink ones.



wait… I’m white… damn, fucked up again!”

It’s never too early to start building your case to stay out of the Reparations workcamp.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Shorter Texas GOP Platform: All around the world, people love the idea and the ideals of America. Well it’s ours and we’ll fucking burn it to the ground before we let those foreigners have a taste.


It occurs that these morons might actually believe that a President Obama would allow The Flavor of Love to be filmed live from the Lincoln Bedroom. (That might be pretty awesome, actually.)


Black Dick said,

June 17, 2008 at 18:56


wins the thread.


Texas Repubublicans: Come join our party, it’s okay to be a jerk here.


wins the thread.

Once again J— loses the thread. Suck it up.


They didn’t even go for “Off-white House” ?


“We are so tired of the Democrats always claiming that the Republican Party is full of anti-Black racists. This button clearly shows that we are merely concerned with proper President / Paint matching issues.”


If I were the Obamas I’d fumigate the place before moving in to get rid of the Bush smell, and then I’d redecorate.




Here’s a story for a button

Guy kidnaps ex-girlfriend to get ironing done
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
ROME – An Italian man was arrested on suspicion of kidnapping his ex-girlfriend from a pub, taking her home and forcing her to iron his clothes and wash the dishes, police said Monday.

The 43-year-old man dragged the woman out of a pub in the port city of Genoa, shoved her into a car and took her to his home where he made her iron and wash dishes after threatening her, they said.

Police arrived at his house after being tipped off by a friend of the woman who watched the scene at the pub.

The man, who was apparently furious at his ex-girlfriend for leaving him, was arrested on charges of kidnapping, police said.

cuz women are so liberated.

Duros Hussein 62

“My heroes have always been cowboys” referring to:
born in Conneticut, former head cheerleader for Phillips Academy in Andover, Yalie George W Bush, who lives on a ranch with no cows,

Don’t forget, he’s afraid of horses.


Until the Bush family leaves it will be known as The Roach Motel.




Come on, the answer’s obvious!

If we didn’t change it to “Idjit House” last time, it’s just not gonna be changed.

Duros Hussein 62

They didn’t even go for “Off-white House” ?

Ecru House?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Da First Crib
Executive Hood
Barrio di Barack
Casa Presidento Motherfuckahs!


I like the T-shirt that reads “College Republicans: Best Party on Campus” and features martini glasses.

Pretty much sums those brave souls up. Hope they pack a few in their care packages to our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Duros Hussein 62

If I were the Obamas I’d fumigate the place before moving in to get rid of the Bush smell, and then I’d redecorate.

Allright, who wants to put money down on whether any of the “O” keys will be left on any of the computer keyboards come January 19?
Just the sort of frat boy bullshit I have come to expect from Dear Leader.


So… when can we expect the national Repub party to decry this?


Offered without comment:
“Obviously in any compromise there are compromises,”
– Condi Rice on the Lebanon deal


Well, since there is no problem with calling it Fox “News”, I don’t think white house matters.

Though, if Obama wanted to be more formal, he could call it white office. Would that be bad?


What do you expect? These are simple people. The common clay of the Republican Party. You know…morons.


Unless Obama is planning on painting the building a different color- a proposition he has yet to make- it will continue being called “The White House.”

He’s gonna paint it red, gold, black and green. The repub are most worried that when Obama takes office he’s gonna rename the Vermeil Room the Marcus Garvey Room.


“College Republicans: Best Party on Campus”

Sure, if by “best party” you mean “has the best rape drugs”. No question.


“What did he say?”

“He said the President of the United States is drawing near!”

Texas Republican

It’s the n***ers who are racists!!!


If I were the Obamas I’d fumigate the place before moving in to get rid of the Bush smell, and then I’d redecorate.

wonder if Bushi s going to want to keep his Ruggie?


So if McCane wins it becomes “The Old Peoples Home”?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Pimpstar’s Palace
The Player-Boy Mansion
Ghetto One
The Moor’s Castle


What a surprise! ‘Republicans in racism shocker!’


As an English teacher, I want to comment on the needless ellipsis on the button. The “dot-dot-dot” gets thrown in as haphazardly these days as do quotation marks.

That’s what’s really pissing me off, man.


The “dot-dot-dot” gets thrown in as haphazardly these days as do quotation marks.

I… don’t “get” what you’re trying to “say”…


Y’know Doc, their logic itself is markedly elliptical so…


I want to comment on the needless ellipsis on the button.

It allows you time to pause to think about your virgin daughter.


Damn! Forgot the “”””””””””””””

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Pigment reduced abode
Mosque Maryam 2: Executive Boogaloo
Empty Suit Tailorshop

and when the Democrats take a filibuster-proof majority in the House and Senate:

The Capitulation Building

You heard ’em here first. Personally I like Casa Presidento Motherfuckahs! best.

Dragon-King Wangchuck


Lakeesha Shaidle

I have it from the highest sources on supersecret probation that a DVD exists of Michelle Obama renaming the White House and calling it…..well, let’s just say, it’s shocking……..

And fear of a black dick? I thought Republicans LOVED black dick. Or is that only Republican politicians?


What did he say??

The President of the United States is drawing near!


The embodiment of the Conservative Dream in America is Texas.

…………Some “dream”, sounds more like a “nightmare”!!!!!!!!!!!………….

Ann Althouse's Slowly Tilting Wine Glass

Class out the ass, baby.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Okay, that’s way more than too many Blazing Saddles references without a link to this.


Once again J— loses the thread. Suck it up.

Such is my fate. Call it an internet tradition.


Conservapedia enters the fray!

“If elected, Obama would be the first Affirmative Action President.”

And the awesome continues…


Conservapedia enters the fray!

“If elected, Obama would be the first Affirmative Action President.”

They’re just pissed that John Quincy Adams beat Dubya to the “First Legacy President” title.


Such is my fate. Call it an internet tradition.

Losing it over there so we don’t lose it over here. Or “some,thing”


June 17, 2008 at 18:32 Todd said, Maybe the Texas GOP are secret Parliament Funkadelic fans.
I don’t get it.


Monkay: “They still call it the White House But that’s a temporary condition, too.” Parliament, “Chocolate City”


“If elected, Obama would be the first Affirmative Action President.”

Unlike teh Commander guy, who obviously got where he is entirely on his own merit.


If elected, Obama would be the first Affirmative Action President.
How would you characterize someone who can’t believe that an african american can succeed on his/her own merit?

My vote is for racist.


That’s why I wasn’t even playing in this thread.

I didn’t want to be the one to lose.

I hate it when I lose…



I thought Republicans LOVED black dick. Or is that only Republican politicians?

They do. That’s why I’ve been hiding in Ann Coulter’s pants.


Oh no they di’int!


If this were my college thesis, I might worry about excessive use of periods as a method of documenting my meandering thought processes. But this is the intertoobes, man….

That’s one of my signatures…. Lots of dots….

Yeah, I predict that by November, there are going to be LOTS of ex-closet racists that have exposed themselves to be exactly what everyone pretty much knew anyway. I think a lot of people, including people in Texas, are going to end up looking really stupid, at which point, I am hopeful that all people who have in their possession a modicum of sense will all agree that we should never, ever listen to anything that these morons have to say, ever again.

I also use run-on sentences when it suits me.


Thanks Djur!


“The embodiment of the Conservative Dream in America is Texas.”

Y’know, they’re right.

Texas is where the tax laws are backwards, where prisoners are abused, where the the income gap is the greatest, where social services are underfunded, where the citizens are armed to the teeth and where the dirty foreigners ought to be kept out by a fence.

Yup, that’s the Conservative dream. Far as I’m concerned, they can have it.


Oh Gundamhead, you silly person, you know it’s not the same when a white person gets unwarranted preferential treatment!

For one thing, it actually happens.


I don’t know if it’s fear of a black dick; it might instead be fear of Big Dick Blacque.

(C’mon, who doesn’t love a movie featuring George C. Scott as a Dutch Reformed businessman and father posing as a porn producer to find his daughter?)



What’d Chuckie say about incriminating information being on no tapes? That sucker just didn’t want you to hear him trying to cop on an ounce of that P-blow. Cause they’re funkin’ in the White House too.

Andrew A. Gill, SLS

Mister DNA said,

June 17, 2008 at 18:33

If Obama is elected president, will “Hail to the Chief” be replaced with “Damn, it Feels Good to Be a Gangsta”?

I sure hope so. That would be hella cool.

The macromolecule speaks the truth. If I were Obama, I’d have them perform it live, at the inauguration.

But this is probably why Obama is getting elected, not me.


when a prisoner gets unwarranted presidential treatment!

There ya go.

Oh, and, poop,”…


Not a single Black Texas Republican gunna complain?

Ha! Ha! Black….Tx…..Republican……I maded a funnaye!


Thanks to this thread, I can’t get various “Dolemite” scenes out of my head.

I have a hard enough time on normal days…


And dammit, that was a totally legal ellipsis!


Thanks to this thread, I can’t get various “Dolemite” scenes out of my head.

You should go look up the clips from Mandingo they have posted on youtube…


In addition to chewing off their tongues to avoid saying n****r, the rethugs have to contort to balance their obama is an effete liberal who can’t bowl with the obama is a scary black man with a big d**k. I don’t know if they can pull it off.


Maybe the Texas GOP are secret Parliament Funkadelic fans.

If anything, wouldn’t they be Unitary Executive Funkadelic fans?


Back in the bag with ye, Blackie D! Yer scarin’ the Texas dickless masses, yearnin’ to go pee! Begorah!


If McCain is elected, can we call it the White Home?


Totally love Da First Crib.

That makes the reporters based there Da First Crib Press Posse.

Oh, and: bear in mind that the Texas Republican Party includes, in its platform, the assertion that the U.S. “is a Christian nation.”

Laugh while you can. In ten years we’ll be importing that kind of high-quality stoopid from China *if we can find it.*


Although “the White Home” is splendid, too.


It’s a retirement community!


Look man, I was just trying to use the john and this fat dude came up to me and … no wait, that was Florida, not Texas.



Oooh, that doesn’t look so good. I wanted to make a joke about Obama liking pancakes…


From the comments of the original column,

Sounds like Democrat operatives invaded the convention for purposes of disaffection.

Sounds like Porky there feels like his He Man Woman Hater’s Club Convention ought to be off limits to anybody likely to point and laugh at his little wee-wee.


There’s “fear that the womyn will steal your dick” and “fear that teh gays are going to eat your dick”.

Fixed it for ya, Dorothy.

Tim (The Other One)

“The President of the United States is drawing near!”

new winner ! indeed, “methinks”……………….


They’ll call it “The Cotton Club”, won’t they?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Oooh, that doesn’t look so good. I wanted to make a joke about Obama liking pancakes…

Yo motherfucker, get me some OJ!

dim-witted badger

As long as it’s not The Pelican Club, I’m cool with it.


They call me PRESIDENT Tibbs!


“fear that teh gays are going to want more than twenty dollars to eat your dick”.

Somewhat more likely, considering recent history. Hey, they only carry so much “mad money”.

Gerard Vanderleun

I am aware of all internet traditions. Those traditions do not include the use of bags of dicks, or dim-witted badgers.


The black background on the button is a nice dogwhistley touch.


I am aware of very few internet traditions, and survive here only because of the charity of others. Thanks much, virtual world.

War-Mitzfah War is Tikkun Olam

Hell yeah.

Individual republicans are rising. If only the can break free and put behind their politically correct and zionist party. The GOP is the party of bullshit wars for Israel, and providing the getaway for greedy capitalist “holocaust survivors” like Sam Israel, not YT.

To the TRC: the GOP stands for things like gay rights in the face of the “bigot muslims” and other you-go-girlism. The GOP is as much a cancer in “embracing multiculturalism” as any “liberal” organization. Ron Paul was the candidate who took seriously the needs of America’s indigenous non-jews, catered to American’s first, Israeli-dual-citizens last. Did you support him?

Garrigus Carraig

It will be called teh Brick House.


I think this “vanderleun” may have spawned a new internet tradition.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Guess Who’s Coming to the State Dinner?


How do I like my coffee? Black, like my president.


HOT and black.

Come on, let’s face it – Obama’s a babe.


I am aware of all internet traditions.

I just wanted to say it. Still doesn’t touch the Shrine of the Mall Ninja, or Mykeru’s take-down of Lord Spatula.


Actually, after seeing him in his sunglasses, I’m thinking that he’s a baaaaaad…


Hell, no I didn’t support a barely veiled racist. Funny you would ask in this thread of all places.

Tikka Marsala? Barf Mitzfah?

Where’d you guys find that thing?


I think they should send Mr. Keyes and Ms. Rice and Mr. Watts a few of those buttons. I’m sure they’d appreciate the sentiment.

I just can’t believe even the fucking Texas Republicans could be so stupid as to openly promote this kind of thing. Granted, the Goofy Old Party isn’t going to get many black voters, anyway, but they’re fixing not to get any.

Their hopes of getting any Hispanic voters are circling the porcelain bowl as well. They’re down to the Miami Cuban right-wingers at this point.

To all of this I say: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHA!!!!eleven!!1111!


When Bush is done with it we’ll have to call it the shit house.




Aren’t GOPers actually affraid that teh gehys will trick them into touching and enjoying other fellas’ dicks?


It will be called teh Brick House.

It’s not built like a brick house, though.


If I recall correctly, even our Founding Fathers warned that calling it the White House was only a “temporary condition.”


Let’s be sure to encourage all of those “Holding my nose while voting for McCain” folks to take a serious look at Bob Barr or Ron Paul. I’m sure one of those guys could win if enough Republicans would just throw all their support out the window to one of the principled underdogs …………..,,,,…………….


When Bush is done with it we’ll have to call it the shit house.

To quote Marty Feldman, “Too late.


This is the kind of low brown entertainment for the masses that has become the trademark of the GOP. I hop ewe can reformit (this goes for democrats too) so that we are discussing issues and not partisan smears.


Remember, though: as the current wingnut meme reminds us, LIEberals are the real racists!



Teh winners keep coming in this thread.


Just wondering, but am I the only one who hears Clifton James with a mouthful of half chewed jelly donut when I read that button?


Hrrm, “when reading”. If any of you hear that when I read it, you are in deep, deep trouble.


The McCain camp is now accusing Obama of having a Sept 10 mindset.

In a conference call with reporters, McCain adviser Randy Scheunemann said Tuesday: “Senator Obama is a perfect manifestation of a September 10th mind-set. … He does not understand the nature of the enemies we face.


Remember, September 10th 2001 is the day before foreigners officially became lower on the scale than feeder mice.


But he probably does know the difference between Shia and Sunni.


The Texas GOP, being completely aware of all political traditions, is now denying they knew about the button. And if they had, natch, they’d have “done something about it.”

Texas GOP, the gift that keeps on giving.


Republiturds are scared scared scared because their elderly white jowl flappy paranoid sleezy (ditches his disabled wife for a rich) trophy-wife prizing Bush clone is going to lose.


Remember, September 10th 2001 is the day before foreigners those zany rightwing moonbats officially became lower on the scale than feeder mice dung beetles.


September 10th mentality!
Because the Republicans did such a good job watching out for terrorism before it put on such a spectacle that Tuesday morning.
A pot calling the kettle– uh I better stop there.



Teh winners keep coming in this thread.

Not to pee in your punch but John Stewart used “Baracknophobia” last night.

Then too, it says much about the snark quality here that Stewart and crew come up with the same.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Sept. 10 mentality.
Awesome. Not yet July and they’re already screaming 9-11! 9-11! 9-11! Waited longer than Rudy 9-11iani would have, so credit for that low expectation exceeded. I look forward to a whole summer of trying to whip up 9-11! 9-11! 9-11! Bush is going to have to go to that well for telecom immunity and who knows what else. Someone call and get them to swap out all the Hillary shit for Twin Towers shit.


Senator Obama is a perfect manifestation of a September 10th mind-set. … He does not understand the nature of the enemies we face.

But isn’t he a stealth Muslim? Wouldn’t he know ALL ABOUT the enemies we face? I’m pretty sure he had them all over for dinner at Ayers’ place.



Can you dig it. Right on.

nyarlathotep the crawling chaos

Why caps on “The”? And the tenses are a little weird: swap out “is” for “becomes.”
The crimes against grammar alone should be enough to send these fools to the Hague….. Or is it The Hague ?!?!?! AAAUUUGGHHH- THE INFECTION SPREADS!


I just can’t believe even the fucking Texas Republicans could be so stupid as to openly promote this kind of thing.

Oh, they can be that stupid, and so much more. Fortunately many of these people are afraid of all the brown people in the Big City and I don’t have to deal with them.


The Bush Sept 10th mindset was ignore the intelligence received about the flight school and Osama’s plan. Past Sept 11th the Bush mindset was “Osama who? Oh he doesn’t worry me anymore, couldn’t care less, let’s talk about Iraq.”


The White House is a 1/09 mentality. It’s the House of Get Down and Boogie, now.


I just can’t believe even the fucking Texas Republicans could be so stupid

You’re being facetious, right?


“They’re down to the Miami Cuban right-wingers at this point.”

And that’s just the old Cubans at that. Their kids and grandkids are sick to death of hearing about the plantation villa that abuelito lost to Pancho Villa Castro by now.


September 10th mindset, a.k.a. a post 1776 mindset.


also………… just who THE FUCK was in the White House on September 10th?????!!!111!1



In a conference call with reporters, McCain adviser Randy Scheunemann said Tuesday: “Senator Obama is a perfect manifestation of a September 10th mind-set. … He does not understand the nature of the enemies we face.

9/10? Oh yeah, the day that Rumsfeld and Dov Zackheim announced that 2.3 TRILLION bucks were missing from the Pentagon till? Tough luck about the plane crashing into the Pentagon’s bookkeeping department the next day, eh?

What in the hell does Obama have to do with that?

DR. Thomas Sowell

I find nothing offensive about this button; the fact is, it’s a valid question. It’s an absolute disgraceful and disgusting irony that the same whistleblowing leftists who whine about this button are the same ones who supported Stalin.

Now give me my damned wingnut welfare. I hate being me.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Oh yeah. Right on.

They say this cat Barack is a bad mother
I’m just talkin’ ’bout Obama.

He’s a complicated man
But no one understands him but his woman


Whose house ?


K. Ron Silkwood

‘bama’s crib. And he’ll pimp out all the presidential rides.

Yaoi Huntress Earth

And my ex-friend wonders why people assume he’s a racist just because he’s right-wing.


Tough luck about the plane crashing into the Pentagon’s bookkeeping department the next day, eh?

Fuck off you looney tunes bonehead.


“They say this cat Barack is a bad mother”

You forgot the “……”

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Racist Texas GOP threatening your partiy’s chances at the ballot box by alienating anyone offended by racism? The only solution is to bomb the crap out of Iran’s nuclear facilities. </Daniel “Crack” Pipes>


In a conference call with reporters, McCain adviser Randy Scheunemann said Tuesday: “Senator Obama is a perfect manifestation of a September 10th mind-set. … He does not understand the nature of the enemies we face.

But McCain’s Cold War mindset is another matter, by golly.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

You forgot the “……”
I’ thought’ I’ covered’ that’ “here”


9/10? Oh yeah, the day that Rumsfeld and Dov Zackheim announced that 2.3 TRILLION bucks were missing from the Pentagon till? Tough luck about the plane crashing into the Pentagon’s bookkeeping department the next day, eh?

Wanna know a really good way to cover up the Pentagon’s missing money if you’re Rumsfeld and Zackheim? You don’t fucking announce it at all! Hurrrr!


9/10? Oh yeah, the day that Rumsfeld and Dov Zackheim announced that 2.3 TRILLION bucks were missing from the Pentagon till? Tough luck about the plane crashing into the Pentagon’s bookkeeping department the next day, eh?

Hoo boy.


dov zackheim sounds suspiciously jewish, and maybe he stole the 2.3 trillion.

this proves robert’s point at Lawyers guns and money that everyone is an anti-semite, somehow.



As to “Baracknophobia”, I don’t care who said it first. I love it.

I think it has legs, even…


“I’ thought’ I’ covered’ that’ here”

You thought. YOU THOUGHT. Just go!
Three years of nursery school and you think you know it all!


Yeah? *I* know where the trillion bux went. But I’m not telling.


robert green said,
June 17, 2008 at 23:11

Aaaaaand everybody hates the Jews…


I agree witcha justme. Just think, TWO new internets traditions in one day! Baracknophobia and “I’m aware of all internet traditions.”

The Texas GOP is working (albeit unintentionally) to get our boy Barry elected.

Life is good.

Tonight, I’m gonna have ice cream.


Ha ha! Those idiot racists at the Republican convention show how stupid they are with their racist buttons! Now who will help me distribute this 9/11 conspiracy literature at the Democratic convention?


Next up from the seekrit files of teh esteemed whateverdude, Esq: How he was a close personal friend of John F. Kennedy and was on the sound stage where they filmed the moon landing and overheard Communist Mafia hitmen contracted by the CIA spying for Fidel Castro plotting to assassinate him.

Bet you didn’t know the moon landing was filmed six years in advance.


If Yale grad Bush lives there, can it still be called a Texas Ranch?
“Chicken Ranch” was already taken.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Three years of nursery school and you think you know it all!
It seemed like a good idea at the time…Now you know you got to go.


I think it has legs, even…



Some of Texas’ best friends are black. Go ahead, ask ’em – they’ll tell ya!


I just want to know how much whateverdude is being paid by his filthy Illuminatus overseers to spread these lies.


Did everyone know that Daffy Duck is black?!?

And to think that I used to like watching Looney Tunes.


Yes, it seemed like a good idea at the time……..

Ladies and Gentlemen.

Before this gets out of control, might I introduce Obama’s Sec. of Defense:


First I heard “baracknophobia” was on the Daily Show last night.

It definitely has legs tho. All 8 of ’em! Whoa! Heck yeah! Who wants a high five huh? HUh? Guys, where you going?


What the hell is that video??

Original, or really good splicing? I can’t even tell.


Did everyone know that Daffy Duck is black?!?

And how about that Mallard Fillmore? Trying to pass? It would be irresponsible not to speculate.

(I was going to put up a link to Mallard Fillmore to illustrate my point, but after looking at that crap, I just couldn’t bring myself to link it.)


I met a die hard Conservative yesterday who said she couldn’t wait for Obama to enter teh Whitehouse because “Bush is the worst president ever ever ever!”

She also thinks Cheney is diabolically evil.

I wonder how many conservatives agree.


Attention SN: Dennis Prager is again stealing pulled pork hot pockets in aisle 4; situation is in need of your attention.


Nah, it’s going to be called the Chocolate City Crib (aka Da MadHauz Featuring OX and Nappy MioB)

This is because Obama is black, right?*

(*Triple sarcasm)


“What the hell is that video??”

Awesome isn’t it?

I believe it’s from an Al Pacino movie called “Cruising.”

With all this talk of frightened, closeted republicans and their fear/love of a black dick, I thought it was appropriate.

Dick as in detective BTW.


Since we are the topic of hate speech and such. I was on holiday in Ireland and saw that Sadly No was classified as a “hate site” by but LGF was not. Amusing, yes?

An Illuminatus Overseer

I just want to know how much whateverdude is being paid by his filthy Illuminatus overseers to spread these lies.
Are you proposing to undercut his contract?



As a native Texan, I would like to go on the record to say that I am insulted to be connected in any way by virtue of my state of residence to these knuckle-dragging racist fucknuts.


“I was on holiday in Ireland and saw that Sadly No was classified as a “hate site” by but LGF was not.”

One who is aware of all internet traditions would know that there’s no hate like liberal hate.


Yes, “Cruising.” Notorious for, among other things, the subliminal frames of male-male penetration during the stabbing. I saw the film way back when and found it quite disturbing. ‘Course, I was a big ol’ fag even way back when.

Oddly, I do not recall that interrogation scene at all.


With all this talk of frightened, closeted republicans and their fear/love of a black dick, I thought it was appropriate.

Dick as in detective BTW.

There’s a private eye joke in here but I’m too classy to make it.


“As a native Texan, I would like to go on the record to say that I am insulted to be connected in any way by virtue of my state of residence to these knuckle-dragging racist fucknuts.”

As a native Okie, I would like to remind you that you’re allowed to pack your shit, drive north on I-35 until it meets I-40 and decide at that point whether to go forward, turn left, turn right or stay put.


(only if you’re in Austin or on the Gulf coast is any hesitation understandable – and then just barely)


There’s a private eye joke in here
The thread about myopic bowels was yesterday.


There’s a private eye joke in here but I’m too classy to make it.

This is SN!…seriously.

Class has nothing to do with it.


Myopic bowel threads?

Eating string again, are we?


Their hopes of getting any Hispanic voters are circling the porcelain bowl as well. They’re down to the Miami Cuban right-wingers at this point.

Oh, they’ve got my Puerto Rican uncle. He thinks — wait for it — that Obama is racist.


I just want to know how much whateverdude is being paid by his filthy Illuminatus overseers to spread these lies.

I can’t reveal the amount, but its whopping large, and tax free!


Where did I lie, dude? Was it the missing $2.3 Trillion, anounced the day before 9/11?

CBS Reports Pentagon
Cannot Account for $2.3 Trillion

“‘According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions,’ Rumsfeld admitted. $2.3 trillion — that’s $8,000 for every man, woman and child in America.”
— CBS, 1/29/02

Was it the damage to the Pentagon bookkeeping department on 9/11?

“The impact area included both the Navy operations center and the office complex of the National Guard and Army Reserve. It was also the end of the fiscal year and important budget information was in the damaged area.” -Arlington County After-Action Report

“Most of those killed in the office, called Resource Services Washington, were civilian accountants, bookkeepers and budget analysts. They were at their desks when American Airlines Flight 77 struck.” – South Coast Today/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (12/20/01)

I find it ironic that the GOPers, who were in control on 9/10 BTW, would claim that Obama has a mindset grounded in that day. But hey, line up and fuck me, right?


Myopic bowel threads?

Don’t it make your brown eye blue?


The answer is that it probably is not. With a few exceptions … when youth get involved in politics in large numbers, it is not a good thing.

-Dennis Prager, old fuck yellin’ get OFF MY LAWN!


What I want to know is when whateverdude will give us more illuminating insights into what famous dead people were really like. Because he totally has the inside story, you know.

The paranoid conspiracy stuff is just tedious.


Where did I lie, dude?

You whiffed on that one, as you do in life.


Also: your one and only link makes absolutely no mention of missing money, which I’m sure is central to your point.

Nice work, Sherlock.

slippy hussein toad

Well, if McCain is elected it’s gonna be “This Old House.”


Also: your one and only link makes absolutely no mention of missing money, which I’m sure is central to your point.

Try this:

Happy, sweetheart?

How is it that you aren’t even remotely aware of this?


How is it that you aren’t even remotely aware of this?

Genius, your ability to make a case is at issue, not the money.


CBS Reports Pentagon Cannot Account for $2.3 Trillion — CBS, 1/29/02
I for one am waiting for someone to compile and cross-reference scans from the arctic site with photos of glyphs from the Korean temple of Cyttorak.


Chocolate city!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The conspiracy is positively MYTHIC in scope!


Was it teh Queen who was behind 9-11?

I thought Freddie Mercury died almost 10 years before. Guess I’ll have to check the history thread.


Freddie Mercury had nothing to do with it! Dick Cheney gave the $2.3 trillion (in unmarked dimes) to Tim Osman to deliver to John Lennon, who’s been hiding out in the Bat Cave. Here’s proof!


truth is, non-truthers, that the conspiracy posited by “the truth about 9/11” would make a far better movie than oliver stone’s “world trade center”. it has action, excitement, and a classic Die Hard macguffin–it’s all about the gold! that’s why they blew up those buildings! to steal the gold.

it would be fiction, of course. but as is so often the case, truth is the enemy of drama.


$2.3 trillion (in unmarked dimes)

You’d need a pretty big zeppelin to move those dimes around.


People, people! Gonna get a Funky Prezident!

I forgot how to do the buried linky thing.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

truth is, non-truthers, that the conspiracy posited by “the truth about 9/11? would make a far better movie than oliver stone’s “world trade center”. it has action, excitement, and a classic Die Hard macguffin–it’s all about the gold! that’s why they blew up those buildings! to steal the gold.

ZOMG! Dick Cheney’s cameo in Die Hard 3 was a test run!


You’d need a pretty big zeppelin to move those dimes around.

Not if you used zaytor rays from the seventh dimension to shrink those dimes to the size of ultra-subatomic super-mini-particles. And Donald Rumsfeld is from the from the seventh dimension. Connect the dots, man, connect the dots.


I sure hope that Obama uses Funkadelic’s If You Got Funk, You Got Style as his inaugural theme. Either that or Let’s Take It To the Stage.


And Donald Rumsfeld is from the from the seventh dimension.

The grammatical space-time continuum is unraveling! God help us all!

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

I think he should rock his inaugural theme old-school, and whip out some Sugarhill Gang. It’s just old enough to comfort the white baby-boomer squares, but still says something about his history and future.

So goes the Sugarhill, so goes the nation, as my grandpappy said.


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I apologize to the malfunctioning robots who need all that space.


I was going to ask if there was some kind of limit in WordPress or Firefox or something about the number of nested blockquotes you could do, but then I realized someone would probably try to find it.


RB is determined to win the thread.

Hooray for RB!


I realized someone would probably try to find it.

Better me than some dork, huh? Huh?


Heh, good one!

Heh, good one!

Heh, good one!

Heh, good one!

Heh, good one!

Heh, good one!

Heh, good one!

Heh, good one!


Genius, your ability to make a case is at issue, not the money.

“Make a case”? On 9/10, Rummy announces that 2.3 trillion is missing. The next day, the Pentagon department that might’ve investigated that loss gets blasted by Flight 77. Its pure coincidence!

The fact that a huge percentage of Americans know nothing of this, including the presumably well-informed and sparkling intelligences that inhabit SadlyNo!, is a mere curiosity. I mean, its not as though $2.3 Trillion is a lot of money, at a time when Pentagon budgets have no throttle and Iraq War veterans are being left homeless.

The GOPers point to 9/10 and attempt to link Obama with that day, counting on all of us to forget that their Eternal War policy means abandoning social services in lieu of massive increases in Pentagon spending (which ends up in the hands of Republican insiders), in spite of the fact that its a black hole with little or no accountability. 9/10, if it suggests nothing else, ought to be a reminder that the Pentagon can’t be trusted with our money.

Lest there be some doubts about the looting that’s been going on, remember that 363 TONS of $100 bills were loaded onto C-140’s and *lost* in Iraq (no accounting of it). 484 pallets of $1000 bills (each pallet weighed 1500 pounds) was, again, delivered to Iraq by C-140 and……no one is “sure” of where that money went.

To my way of seeing it (and I’m certain you’ll disagree), the Bush administration has overseen the largest transfer of wealth from one class to another, in the history of humanity. There is no “case” to be made for the missing $2.3 Trillion, its just another chunk of change that was pulled out of your pocket…….and you weren’t even aware of it. Everytime these idiots try to link Obama with 9/10, 9/10 ought to be thrown right back at them.


Ask again later.


484 pallets of $1000 bills (each pallet weighed 1500 pounds) was, again, delivered to Iraq by C-140 and……no one is “sure” of where that money went.

FAIL. Oh wait – did they break into the secret underground vault for the $1K bills? Yeah, that’s it, they had this secret stash ellipsis


On 9/10, Rummy announces that 2.3 trillion is missing. The next day, the Pentagon department that might’ve investigated that loss gets blasted by Flight 77. Its pure coincidence!

Jews moved into the village. My goat miscarried. It’s pure coincidence!


Naw, fuck the Sugar Hill Gang. Derivative. I present the the masters.

And this shit kicks it, too.


i am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi (i will win this thread RB)am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditionsi am aware of all internet traditions.


There are no coincidences: this morning I dreamt I was hot-tubbing with Al Gore, today I read he endorsed Obama. I CAN SEE THE FUTURE.


Um, PeeJ,

You do know that there is such a thing as a thousand-dollar bill, right?


Next Republican button: “When Obama inevitably eats fried chicken, will he toss the white meat in the garbage?”


….and you weren’t even aware of it.

It’s not my fault. I haven’t been aware of anything since Doug Feith began broadcasting mind-control beams through my cheese grater.


That being said, do not take me for a supporter of whateverdude’s rickety case.


Umm snowwy, they haven’t been in circulation for, oh…50 or 60 years. Unless there’s a secret stash of them – a GInormous stash – they aint no way they flew 484 pallets of em to EyeRak. What’s more, you’d think they’d turn up in circulation and that would get, you know, noticed.


there are some real winners there at the Truly a dazzling display of willful ignorance.
“My heroes have always been cowboys” referring to:
born in Conneticut, former head cheerleader for Phillips Academy in Andover, Yalie George W Bush, who lives on a ranch with no cows, and
Ronald grew up above the variety store, Hollywood actor, former president of the Screen Actors Guild Reagan, who lived in Bel-Air but visited a retreat which had no cows.

Summarizes the GOP quite nicely – all hat, no cattle.


Oops, rest of post:

But there is one real cowboy in the bunch:



The fact that a huge percentage of Americans know nothing of this, including the presumably well-informed and sparkling intelligences that inhabit SadlyNo!…. …. ….



I got yer fuckin ellipsis right here ∙∙∙ pal


I give up. It’s the second clip down.


In a conference call with reporters, McCain adviser Randy Scheunemann said Tuesday: “Senator Obama is a perfect manifestation of a September 10th mind-set. … He does not understand the nature of the enemies we face kids on our lawn.


If I want any ellipsis outta youz, I’ll ask fer it.


Hey, do they offer those buttons in convenient purple band-aid format?


“According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions,” Rumsfeld admitted.

$2.3 trillion — that’s $8,000 for every man, woman and child in America. To understand how the Pentagon can lose track of trillions, consider the case of one military accountant who tried to find out what happened to a mere $300 million.

“We know it’s gone. But we don’t know what they spent it on,” said Jim Minnery, Defense Finance and Accounting Service.

And then Jim Minnery was killed under mysterious circumstances.

Oops, no he wasn’t. A strange oversight that is sure to be corrected sooner or later by the shadowy forces that hold sway over us all.


Still not as offensive as the “Sock Obama”, though. The shiny wonderbread Mormon cheerfulness at adds the final gloss coat of OB.NOX.IOUS that the sullen, yellow-eyed Texan pinbackers lack.


To be fair to whateverdipshit, there was a huge cash transfer to Iraq that was done rather shadily. Nearly nine billion bucks of that was completely undocumented as to where it ultimately went. The Brits recently counted another fourteen bil or so from other sources that went down the same road.

Duh. A war? Profiteers? I’m shocked! Shocked, I tell you!
I am so in the wrong line of work.

I’m trying to figure out how 2.3 trillion was somehow diverted by teh bushies inside of eight months when it was more like five years of the whole defense budget. That, and why Rummy was announcing something so huge that he and his alien gray buddies would need to blow up the Pentagon to hide it right after he oopsied and let it slip.

Is that a rabbit in a top hat?


tigrismus, thanks for sending your dream in, cobag.


Watching some Michelle O. clips I had the most wonderful revelation; when Obama becomes President…
we can say “First Lady got back!”
now has all directories link to this,

An Apology

We are very apologetic to all who were upset by our toy idea.

We will not be proceeding with the manufacturing of this toy.

Thank you.




And I hope the fuckers lost their shirts on the deal, too.


Crap, Pinko, I completely forgot. I don’t remember much more of the dream than that, though. Next time I have a celebrity dream cameo, you’ll be the second to know.


I got yer fuckin ellipsis right here ??? pal
I am concerned about the sudden proliferation of microdots upon my computer monitor.


Dadgum! Should’ve screen-captured while I could, if only I knew how to screen-capture. Y’all just take my word… the concept wuz preshus.


No, it’ll be called the Bright House, in contrast to the current occupant.


Have you folks seen the Obambi Blog?



That’s why I jumped in with that second comment. ‘Cause yeah, they were discontinued a month before I was born. I doub’t they’ve all been destroyed, but I also doubt there were ever enough of them to fill 484 fifteen-hundred-pound pallets.

That said, a fuck of a lot of cash did in fact disappear in Iraq. Cash that was palletized and flown in on C-141 and C-17 cargo planes.

I suspect a typo, but whateverdude can’t seem to be bothered to own up to it.


Looking at that blog’s tags, I just had to click on “gay”. And, yeeeah.


I just want to know what that post has to do with Obama besides the random picture and the poster’s obvious sexual fantasies involving a crossdressing Superman.


I read an article in ellipsis the Atlantic maybe? that tracked down some of the money. Some Colonel or something was in charge of distributing it. He said things like “So and so would walk in and say he needed $150,000. So I got it out of the box and gave it to him.”

I’d look it up if I weren’t so ellipsis fucking lazy.

Aside from that, a serious fuckload of cash did just evaporate, true.

Bonnie... Tyler...

Once upon a time I was falling in love
But now I’m only falling apart
There’s nothing I can do
A total ellipsis of the heart

Once upon a time there was light in my life
But now there’s only love in the dark
Nothing I can say
A total ellipsis of the heart


I don’t mind losing the thread. It happens quite a lot, actually, I’ll be typing a comment and.. then… what?


Actually, I think it isn’t a reference to the P-funk but rather MC Breed. Yeah, that’s an obscure reference for you oldschool rap fans out there.


Was this done by the same moron who made these?
And as an aside, why do people either where I live now or where I’m from (that exact suburb of Atlanta) strive to make us all look like a bunch of boogan morons? When a book actually comes out called “What’s Wrong With Kansas” you know that your very own contards have outdone all the others. Just sayin’.

That pin is so utterly heinous that I can hardly comment on it. WTF is wrong with people? WHY?!?! Here’s my favorite response to these fuckers. (And no, I’m not selling this, I just found it and thought it quite apt. End disclaimer;)


“You know how to whistle, don’t you Steve? You just put your ellipsis together and . . . blow.”

— Slim


justme said

>Hrrm, “when reading”. If any of you hear that when I read it, you are in deep, deep trouble.

My stomach hurts from laughing. You made me spit Japanese beer all over my laptop screen with that one…. thank you justme. You made my five hours in Narita Airport more enjoyable.


Bwa-ha…wait, they’re serious? They’re really concerned that Barack Obama hates whitey so much that he’s going to change the name of the building he might live in one day?

And I’ll bet this will embolden the terrorists, too.

“Praise be to Allah! Now that the Americans no longer have a pure, holy ‘White’ House to rally around, we may bomb the shit out of them!”

“Indeed you are correct Achmed, with a ‘Black’ House as their President’s home, they can only be weak and divided, so now is the time to strike!”


9/10? Oh yeah, the day that Rumsfeld and Dov Zackheim announced that 2.3 TRILLION bucks were missing from the Pentagon till?

I am ashamed to admit this, but I took the missing 2.3 TRILLION bucks, and spent them all on Pokemon cards for my 11 year old son. And he still doesn’t have the complete set, dammit!

484 pallets of $1000 bills

That’s the worst part, that bastard stuck me good. Ever try to get change for a $1000 bill? “Uh, yeah, can I get two 500’s for this?” Fuckin’ Dov Zackheim…


Hell yeah, I’m totally going to call it The Black House. I’ve been waiting my whole life for this.

Goldie Hussein Locks

Major Woody is correct. I sold him the Pokemon cards. Only a few were faked from the third and fourth pages of the Bill of Rights. I now know that this was wrong. In contrition, I will reveal the real location of Osama bin Laden using 6 degrees of freedom, beginning with…


Yeah, that’s some highfalutin’ classy-ass fashion-accessory right there.
They’re digging their own political graves.
Offer them a half-price deal on replacement shovels.
Theirs will be worn-out by August.

More like:
In 2009, Will They Still Call It The Republican Party?


That $8 Billion that went missing was technically Iraqs irc.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Goldie “this suicide bomber vest is too big” Locks,
six degrees? I can do it in four:
1. Osama bin Laden was in National Geographic’s The FBI with Martin Luther King Jr.
2. who was in Hair with Tricky Dick
3. who famously shook hands with Elvis
4. who as we all know is everywhere.

Thus ObL is Everywhere. QED


N’ that 2.3 trillion went “missing” over the course of 20 years or so.
Missing in the sense that they can’t account for it.
Dunno if they asked the NSA or CIA if it was OK to talk about the IOUs.


Lex, I like that response – I think I’m gonna get a couple, what with family birthdays coming up real soon.


Hell, it wouldn’t take my comment: here it is though

This is hysterical. Half the comments from non republicans condemn this button for what it is, utterly racist for implying that the color of the inhabitant of the white house determines and determined its exterior color. All our previous presidents are thus represented as somehow “for” white supremacy and Obama as a prospective president is mocked and attacked for, presumably, demanding that his race be memorialized in the color of the national house.

I had to break it down that way because some posters continue to play dumb about what the image “represents.”

Having said that the rest of the comments from self proclaimed republicans range from shock and horror (!) –I can’t believe its not a democratic plot to make us look bad! Honestly, we’re not all like this! It must be a tiny minority! Its a huge majority but the good conservatives are working to take their party back! After all, we used to be the “party of lincoln” even though no one can remember what that actually used to stand for or why we abandoned it in favor of being the party of raceism and segregation.–

to outright pride “I love it, I’d buy one!” “You guys have no sense of humor” “Its in poor taste but so what, once I’ve defined it as a matter of taste I’m sure its no worse than a whoopee cushion in church” and “I’m sure you’d be as racist as we are if you were in our party.” In fact the comment right above this one (if it gets posted) is “sad the liberals have no sense of humor and little sense of tolerance.” Of course the button isn’t funny and its far from clear why tolerance should be evoked. One tolerates a wide variety of non harmful things–but one actively points and laughs and makes fun of things that are harmful and stupid simultaneously.

Still, there you have it. Half the republicans on this thread are shocked to find out what the other half of the republicans on this thread are proud of . They are sharing their party with a bunch of frightened little racists. I’ve got a great idea–why don’t the two of you fight it out for the soul of your party and let the rest of america get on with electing a serious presidential candidate who happens to be black?



Yup! That texass hillbilly intellect sure is impressive. First they give us a coward to run the country for the last 7 yrs. Now we get to experience the their Klan-PAC in action. DEVOLUTION – A Texass State of mind.


Remember, September 10th 2001 is the day before foreigners those zany rightwing moonbats officially became lower on the scale than feeder mice dung beetles.

Hey, now! We’ve been performing a valuable service to the ecology for thousands of years!

These Republicans are merely full of poop. Johnny-come-latelys, the lot of them.


“But hey, line up and fuck me, right?”

Boy, you gotta pretty mouth…


Nerdy comment approaching:

Call it the House of Black and White.
Valar dohaeris!*

*(All men must serve)

Props to George R.R. Martin

zoe from pittsburgh

Here’s a simple test for deciding if the button is racist– what is the implied answer to the question that the button poses?

If anyone can figure out a way to answer that without sounding like you have a starched white hood folded neatly in your closet then you’re a pretty talented individual.


[…] last one, at least, there’s plenty of hope to be found in the lambasting comments sections here, here, here, and […]


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