Buttmissile Fizzles Out?

Well, here is something you don’t see everyday. John “Is that a corndog in your pants or are you just happy to see me?” Hinderaker is urging fellow wingnuts to restrain themselves from attacking (a certain aspect of the) Obama campaign. And Perfesser Corncob Hehindeeds! WTF?

Above: Intercontinental ballistic corndog enters one silo; tomorrow it will exit the other
as a post on Powerline


Holder is a legitimate target because of the Rich affair, I guess, but frankly I have little or no interest in who helps Obama choose a V-P. What bothers me most about these battles is the implicit assumption by some that just about any involvement in the business world is somehow suspect. . .

Yeah, because no matter how much Buttmissile would like to see Obama’s campaign torpedoed, if it means giving up corporate influence in politics in even the smallest way, then forget it.

The idea that there is something wrong with associations with companies like UBS, Exxon Mobil and Hewlitt Packard is absurd. If any connection with a top law firm or a large corporation is somehow taken as a black mark, pretty soon those who advise our Presidential candidates, or serve in their administrations, will be as inexperienced as, say, Barack Obama himself. That would be a sad outcome.

Sadder still is Buttmissile’s assumption, probably safe, that there’s no one out there with previous experience in VP-vetting for either party who isn’t a corporate whore.

Anyway, Buttmissile’s narrower, more immediate concern is that scrutiny of Obama’s vetting team will lead to scrutiny of McCain’s even more flamingly corrupt bunch of kleptocrats: McCain stands more to lose from this line of inquiry. So of course Buttmissile hasn’t fizzled out; he’s just, ummm, reset to a new trajectory.


Comments: 85


“That would be a sad outcome.”

Unlike the last 7 years of Administration staffed and run by corporate cronies and insiders. That’s turned our marvelous! So what all are you all doing with your magical happy machines that churn out kittens and rainbows and fat-free ice cream that takes exactly like regular ice cream, that we all have now?


I am curious. At what point was the phrase “legitimate target” — originally an IRA euphemism for “civilians we killed by mistake” — adopted by political pundits?


I wonder why Halliburton isn’t on his list of examples?


Some Guy: The Powerline boys have always been incredibly blatant shills for the Bush administration.

They usually sound like the hosts of an early-morning infomercial selling fake cowboy Presidents.

So… I don’t know, complaining that they’re ignoring what happened when Cheney got put in charge is a little like complaining about the fact that water is wet or the fact that I can’t come up with a less cliché phrase then “water is wet”.

Even with, say, Jonah Goldberg, there’s a shred of a pretense that his job is to think carefully about political issues and write in a thoughtful way. The Powerline boys have never even pretended to do anything but sell the Bush administration. That’s literally all there is to them, so why complain?


Holy shee-it, it’s a muthafreakin’ non-stop HTML Mencken posting marathon! Never seen this before.


At what point was the phrase “legitimate target” — originally an IRA euphemism for “civilians we killed by mistake” — adopted by political pundits?

Wow, good observation. Kinda puts a new spin on these guys doesn’t it?


I am curious. At what point was the phrase “legitimate target” — originally an IRA euphemism for “civilians we killed by mistake” — adopted by political pundits?

Don’t know, but I do remember a Celtic bar on the south side of Glasgow selling a ‘cocktail’ called “Legitimate Target”. Half a Buckfast, topped with a shot of Vodka & Blue Caraco, if memory serves. (and no, I never tried one).


OH, quite a while ago–remember Rove decreeing that Plame was “fair game?”



Even with, say, Jonah Goldberg, there’s a shred of a pretense

I’ll say…it’s a shred of a pretense, all right, wrapped in an eggroll and dipped in Cheeto-and-Jolt paste.


I remember the kid during the SCHIP-extension saga being described as a ‘legitimate target’. Apparently it is now a term of art.


Well, Hinderaker is most certainly a legitimate target, in the original sense.


This has been established. A “legitimate target” is anyone who offends the very delicate sensibilities of wingnuts.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Shorter Anal Exocet: We loves us those corporate moneys and lobby cocktail weiners even more that we hate the darkie running for Prez.


Hey all! Cristi Adkins of Clintons4McCain has been BUSTED as GOP tool! Hilarious!


Wow. He couldn’t find that Obama supporters use their power and influence to funnel money to the terrists while McCain supporters use their power and influence to feed hungry kittens?

Lazy bastard.

By the way, I assume you keep using that photo at part of some evil Menckenations to ruin everyone’s sex life.


Feed hungry kittens to what?


Dick Cheney, obviously.

Smiling Mortician

And speaking of Halliburton/Cheney, anybody seen “War Inc.” yet? Watching it felt sort of like hanging out here. My new favorite line: “Get me Katie Couric, Al Jazeera, and a hundred gallons of sheep shit.”


ooooh pretty kitties!!!



Cut it out. If you feed hungry, skinny kittehs to Cthcheney his anger will be roused.


I’m picturing Hineyraper’s inner turmoil, as the bloodlust inspired by a POTUS candidate of color collides head-on with the instinctive need to deliver a superior tongue-spanking to some corporate pole … the gerbil-wheel of his mind threatening to spin off its axis … forehead-vein threatening to hemhorrage from the sheer pressure of the insoluble no-win scenario he confronts … eyeballs diverging like a demented chameleon in full rut … & it makes me smile.


Now now Arky, plump round kitties may be a great snack, but nothing feeds the soul like the sad eyes of a weak mewling kitten on the verge of starvation. Ahh the irony! You want to eat, well prepare to be eaten!



nothing feeds the soul like the sad eyes of a weak mewling kitten on the verge of starvation.

Plus they’re crunchier.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Feed hungry kittens to what?

Reminds me of that classic line:
Jesus saves sinners, and redeems them for valuable prizes.


A ditty from way back in college (what I can remember of it anyway):

Jesus puts his money in the first national bank
Jesus saves, Jesus saves
Jesus shops at Kroger, he always gets his stamps
Jesus saves, Jesus saves
and so on


That’s odd. They normally save their most rabid, spittle-drenched outrage for Democrats who have some modicum of business success.

I think of it as the All Your Dollar Are Belong To Us syndrome.


The fact is, liberals hate freedom. They also hate Dr. Thomas Sowell, which makes sense, as Dr. Sowell is synonymous with freedom. Unlike Obama.

Stoned dude on Radio Dinner

Every day I’d go down to the park and feed the pigeons

…to my cat.


That’s odd. They normally save their most rabid, spittle-drenched outrage for Democrats who have some modicum of business success.
And George Soros. Who, by the way, recently made their heads ‘splode when he revealed that he made HUGE money shorting investment companies. Especially those heavily into CDO’s or whatever the hell they’re called.


A Hinderaker post! I always appreciate the opportunity to drag the following out of mothballs: Tuchus Tomahawk and Rectal Exocet!


Glutious Grenade. I’m on a roll.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

I hate to do this to ya Christopher, and with apologies ot our gracious hosts,

Even with, say, Jonah Goldberg, there’s a shred of a pretense that his job is to think carefully about political issues and write in a thoughtful way

Even disregarding his book, based on the latest evidence – Sadly, No!
Here’s what his careful thought has come up with:

ANWR is roughly the size of South Carolina, and it is spectacular. However, the area where, according to Department of Interior estimates, some 5.7 billion to 16 billion barrels of recoverable oil reside is much smaller and not necessarily as awe-inspiring. It would amount to the size of Dulles airport.
Question for McCain: Has South Carolina been ruined because it has an airport?

There’s a phrase for that type of reasoning, and I’m sure it’s not thoughtful. Indeed, the whole piece is arguing that
1. The ANWR – Grand Canyon analogy is totally false because the Grand Canyon is enjoyed by millions of visitors every year while ANWR is “one of the bleakest, most remote places on this continent”.
2. Since the Grand Canyon receives a lot of visitors every year, how can we consider it pristine.
3. Therefore the “pristine”-ness of ANWR is no excuse not to drill there.


. What bothers me most about these battles is the implicit assumption by some that just about any involvement in the business world is somehow suspect

And who might this “some” be? To use the “even the liberal Clenis was on board with [X], so you moonbats must be on board with [X]” mode of argumentation so popular in certain quarters of the right, I seem to remember even GOP nominee John McCain making a not-so-implicit assumption (in re. Romney) that “just about any involvement in the business world [other than marrying an heiress to a fortunate made in the business world — which is ok, as having sex with her is thus screwing over big business?] is somehow suspect”.

How quickly some on the right forget how much many of their neo-con/neo-feudalist colleagues, when push comes to shove, are actually quite anti-capitalist and, in the case of former commie neo-cons, only have a patina of pro-business conservatism (’cause shilling for big business pays their bills) over their core un-repentent Maoism.


Colonic Claymore


Sigmoid SAM


So these are the new politics the Democrat Party is hitching its donkey to? The politics of big money and corruption? The politics of insulting and meanness? Seems to me like these are the sort of politics that we want an antidote for, and I dare say that we’re getting it in the form of a maverick from Arizona. You can continue to pretend that Obama, with his big money ties and hypocritical tongue, is the candidate of change; those you’ve forced rudely out of your party will say otherwise. Don’t be surprised if McCain rolls in November because of this.


So these are the new politics the Democrat Party is hitching its donkey to? The politics of big money and corruption?

uh, Cluephone for Mr. Ambrose.

When has any political party NOT hitched itself to big money?

Don’t be surprised if McCain rolls in November because of this.

Uh, right. Because those who dislike big business in politics will naturally find a warmer welcome with the Republican Party.


Holy shee-it, it’s a muthafreakin’ non-stop HTML Mencken posting marathon! Never seen this before.

It’s rare I tell ya. I put a tarp out on the lawn, and buckets under the drainspouts.

The UBS bit is significant. I firmly believe it is the campaign equivalent of a Sunburn missile just waiting to be aimed directly at the SS POTUS-JiSM3.
“Phil Gramm is why you are underwater on your mortgage!”
“Why does John McCain agree?!?!?”


On another note… Almost 50% of us Merkins are getting our political news from teh Internets.

I’d love to see both candidates get asked “Any favorite blogs?” McCain would have a stoopid smile and say what…”what’s a blog?” I do believe our next President will be the first to know how to use the internet.

Yeah, Al was the first but….


It’s pretty naive–practically waif-like–to act surprised that people with money influence election. It’s nice to see people admit that conservativism is politics shaped by corruption and spite, however.

It also shouldn’t be a surprise that individuals vote based on the wallet too. The marginally interested voter already knows that gas and groceries cost more, and that’s all he’ll need to know. McCain thinks he’ll win on the war, but war is only fun for the rich.

All that noise is just to get the voters to forget two things–we’re still in Iraq and we’re poorer than we were eight years ago.


Shorter Ambrose: I vill wetuhrn and weak my revengay!


I’ve noticed something here in liberal OR and wonder what you’re seeing elsewhere. What I notice is LOTS of Obama signs, bumper stickies, etc. Everywhere. All over the place. On a motorcycle ride around Mt. Hood, through “the countryside” I saw Obama signs.

I have yet to see a single McCain sign or sticker. Not one. That’s very telling to me.

Whatsit like in yer neck of the woods?




Man…that picture Hindraker up top….it is screaming to be photoshopped into gay porn.



Dragon-King Wangchuck

The politics of insulting and meanness? Seems to me like these are the sort of politics that we want an antidote for, and I dare say that we’re getting it in the form of a maverick from Arizona.

Jason, stop plastering it on loke a trollop, you cunt. It’s obvious, even to us moonbats and hippies, where JiSM3 stands in terms of the politics of insulting and meanness.


PeeJ – I live in Brookline, MA. If anyone wore a McCain sticker or button they’d be drawn and quartered by hippies on bicycles.

There are a few conservatives, but they have to live like gay men in Alabama.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

From the wiki page

The starting point for the ASRAAM design was an experimental short-range missile designed by Hawker Siddeley in the 1970s, “Taildog”.

Not a great pedigree for a homing missile, dogging tails and ending up as an ASRAAM. Sure they’re pretty close together, but that’s one AIMing error that can get you in deep shit trouble.


My attempt at the “shorter” concept:

Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr. writes:
Is Your Baby Gay? What If You Could Know? What If You Could Do Something About It?

Even if science finds a genetic cause of Th3 Gay and you can find out before your baby is born, those rump rangers-to-be are still going to burn in Hell and you should embrace this like a Good Christian

Dragon-King Wangchuck

OT, via Instaputz.

Larry Johnson, a lesson in class.


It’s ok John, because you don’t need any of those pesky corporate ties.

Obama’s BLACK, fer crissakes.

That’s all you need to know.

That’s all you need to say…



OMFG. Al Mohler is a piece of work. Wow. Unbefuckenbelievable.


I vill wetuhrn and weak my revengay!

I would be not at all surprised to find that Ambrose was once known as Shorty Greasy Spot-spot.


I’m in Boise fucking Idaho. I have yet to see a single McCain sticker anywhere, but quite a few Obama stickers.

That could change if McCain picks Romney as his VP, thanks to the goddamn fucking Mormons.


Shorty Greasy Spot-spot

I had to consult teh Great Gazoogles on this phrase, but just let me say, Mr. SamFromUtah, that I’m glad I did.

Much funny to be had.


hmm…I just realized that Mohler’s initials could be written as:

Dr. RAM Jr.

Says it all pretty much…


I’m in Boise fucking Idaho. I have yet to see a single McCain sticker anywhere, but quite a few Obama stickers.

It’s like that here in Salt Lake City, too, but I don’t know how much of a good sign it is. Assuming Idaho is like Utah politically – not too much of a stretch – “no expressed preference” in the form of stickers / signs / etc. means voting Republican. It must mean something that I’m seeing more Obama campaignaphenalia here than I’ve ever seen for any other Democratic presidential candidate, but the lack of McCain stickers mostly just means that nobody feels the need to show support that is assumed.


Much funny to be had.

Oh yes. I don’t know how much you’ve seen of Hugh Laurie’s comedy stuff, but I always like showing things like his Blackadder work to people who have only ever seen him as “House”. Throws ’em for a loop – a happy loop.


Hey all! Cristi Adkins of Clintons4McCain has been BUSTED as GOP tool! Hilarious!

Man, I love it when I’m right. I figure 90% of this “Clinton for McCain” nonsense is simply GOP disinfo ops. I’ve been saying it for months now. And I keep getting it confirmed.

Hey, Hillary supporters: I’m one of you. I started out supporting Edwards, but then I supported Clinton, voted for her in Cali, and I’m disappointed she lost the nomination. But it’s over, and I like Obama just fine.

Don’t believe the hype, Clintonistas. Let’s get together and kick grandpa McCain’s ass. Hillary’s on board, so what’s your problem?

(I’m sure a deal was made between her and Obama – I’m betting on a SCOTUS nomination. And I’m perfectly happy with Associate Justice Hillary Rodham Clinton to replace Ginsberg.)


I figure 90% of this “Clinton for McCain” nonsense is simply GOP disinfo ops. I’ve been saying it for months now. And I keep getting it confirmed. … Don’t believe the hype, Clintonistas. Let’s get together and kick grandpa McCain’s ass. Hillary’s on board, so what’s your problem?

Agreed. If there are any actual Clinton-supporters-for-McCain outside of the ratfuckers’ ranks, I’d guess it’s because they got confused and equated “For Clinton” with “Against Obama”.


And I’m perfectly happy with Associate Justice Hillary Rodham Clinton to replace Ginsberg.

N-o-o-o-o-o … I don’t think so.
To replace Scalia, fine by me. Justice Ginsburg should keep her seat for a few more years.


SamFromUtah: As far as I can tell, Idaho is just North Deseret Utah.


To replace Scalia, fine by me. Justice Ginsburg should keep her seat for a few more years.

The nuts on the court are relatively youthful.


Here is Washington (the state with the apples and volcanoes, not that other, insane place), I think I see just about as many Kerry/Edwards stickers as I do McCain stickers. I don’t know if that indicates that Kerry Democrats in the Great Pacific Northwest are really just too lazy to remove outdated bumper stickers from battles lost, or what. Maybe it just is indicative of very good glue. Not too many McCain bumper stickers, tho. Just about as many “Ron Paul” signs as McCain.

An emerging trend, “Impeach Bush” bumper stickers….


I would be not at all surprised to find that Ambrose was once known as Shorty Greasy Spot-spot.

“But didn’t we …?”
“Yes! Lord Melchet. Baaaaa.”

True but sad facts: I’m doing this all from long-term memory.


Oh, yeah, I’ve seen quite a few Ron Paul stickers and hand-made signs. If a few clownballoons who would have voted Republican instead write-in Ron, that’s all to the good.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Dr. Albert, you’re not just the Mohler, you’re the Mohlester.

Observe the magic theocrat argumentationing technique

We can and must insist that no scientific finding can change the basic sinfulness of all homosexual behavior

Ta Da. You’re scientific proof is no threat to us, our shield of ignorance prevents your mere facts from affecting our opinions.

For instance, he calls Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis one of the greatest threats to human dignity in our times. He shortens it to PDG because his reading comprehension is very poor, but no amount of argument will get him to admit that he’s wrong. Also note that we’re talking about Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis. Sort of implies that it’s a technique whereby you choose the most viable fertilized egg for in-vitro or some other assissted reproductive technique. Well, as it turns out, it is. So he’s equating non-implantation of a fertilized egg to abortion.

I think that if Al thinks so highly of giving birth, he ought to – give birth that is.


If the Indian government had accepted my advice, “ASHRAM” would be the name for the missile carrying their nuclear warheads.

The politics of big money and corruption? The politics of insulting and meanness? Seems to me like these are the sort of politics that we want an antidote for

Ha! There is no antidote to the politics of insulting and meanness! The best recourse is to spend five years building up an immunity to it!
The politics of insulting and meanness comes from Australia, as everyone knows. And Australia is entirely peopled with criminals. And criminals are used to having people not trust them, as you are not trusted by me. So I can clearly not choose the wine in front of you.


… may you dream of large women.


I encourage John to eat more offal products and wash them down with buckets of black fizzy rust-removing liquids.


associations with companies like UBS, Exxon Mobil and Hewlitt Packard is absurd.
In his list of three corporations whose good name needs defending, he manages to mis-spell one, and to include a Swiss-based bank whose officials have been advised not to visit the US on account of possible sub-poenas awaiting them for corruption.


he manages to mis-spell

Flog that monkey butler!


Mohler. Now there’s a name that cries out for a Savaging. Perhaps it could be shorthand for “Needle dick the bug fucker.”


If Butt Missile has a summer home, would he call it “Hind Quarters?”


This line of questioning actually started to be downplayed on the O’Rielly factor, and then carried through to pundits like Russert (RIP) who pointed out that “vetting the vetter” isn’t the way to go because it would backfire the minute someone uttered the word “Cheney”.

Dick Cheney was GWB’s vetter in 2000 and approved of himself as the ideal candidate. Johnson might have done this for himself, no one knows now, but after his scandalous background, Obama’s the wiser for dropping him.

The problem with Barack Obama is that he seems to need to did this regularly.


As opposed to John McCain, who puts it off as long as possible.


Jason Ambrose said,

June 16, 2008 at 19:20

You sound like the kinda guy who’d have the hots for Debbie Schlussel.


What bothers me most about these battles is the implicit assumption by some that just about any involvement in the business world is somehow suspect



As opposed to John McCain, who puts it off as long as possible.

I’m rubber you’re glue? Please, McCain will pull his part members only if it’s confirmed. Of course both sides of the aisle are guilty in the real estate scam. It only makes sense to a centrist that both sides would consider themselves above scrutiny. I’m adding my commentary to hopefully provide the people supporting Obama a little bit of perspective.

Democrats are up to plenty of shenanigans, and just wait until the mudslinging begins. Obama will prove to not be above the frey, and that’s what I’d like to point out. He doesn’t even really have a voting record yet, and he’s already waist deep in the pig sty. His “teflon” status has more to do with not having a status to defend.

As for the popular votes, don’t expect the gallup to represent the way voting will go.


It must mean something that I’m seeing more Obama campaignaphenalia here than I’ve ever seen for any other Democratic presidential candidate, but the lack of McCain stickers mostly just means that nobody feels the need to show support that is assumed.

How are the “sockobamas” selling for that nice Mormon fella? Any feedback in the hometown media?


I haven’t seen anything about sockobamas here – I don’t pay much attention to the local media. I’m not surprised that a Utard would be dumb enough not to realize that selling them would bring down a shitstorm (though a little surprised the people responsible were from West Jordan, which is more or less part of Salt Lake City, instead of one of the more insular places like Provo). People here can be amazingly clueless about what the world outside is like.


Democrats are up to plenty of shenanigans, and just wait until the mudslinging begins. Obama will prove to not be above the frey, and that’s what I’d like to point out.

Yeah, that’s what Hillary Clinton is perfect for – everyone agrees that attacking is what she does so well, right? Great, she can be John McCain’s worst nightmare in this campaign. Hillary fires the shots, Barrack stays above the fray. IOW, get her to do the “traditional” campaign job of the VP candidate, which is to savage the opposition. This leaves the VP candidate (it won’t be her) free to stay above the fray as well.

(This scenario also provides an effective counter to the treacherous Lieberman, who will surely be stumping for McCain and attacking Obama. Clinton has every reason to want to kick Lieberman’s ass around, since he didn’t support her presidential bid after she stuck with him in his re-election. Clinton’s don’t get mad, they get even.)

He doesn’t even really have a voting record yet, and he’s already waist deep in the pig sty. His “teflon” status has more to do with not having a status to defend.

Yeah, kinda like Kennedy, in’nit?

I think you have a fairly broad definition of “pig sty”. Any “scandals” on Obama are nowhere near what was flying around Bill Clinton in 96. Certainly nothing as salacious – the moral busybodies haven’t got a thing on Obama, the once-married with two children family man. McCain, on the other hand…

I have two words to describe McCain’s fate in this election: Bob Dole. If he’s lucky.


Anyway, Buttmissile’s narrower, more immediate concern is that scrutiny of Obama’s vetting team will lead to scrutiny of McCain’s even more flamingly corrupt bunch of kleptocrats: McCain stands more to lose from this line of inquiry.

Hell yes. When McBush knocked off Johnson last week, I thought, “Yes, let’s do this all summer, shall we? By Labor Day, McBush will have no one working for him.”


(comments are closed)