Stoop!d Murray

Stoop!d Murray

ABOVE: Iain Murray demonstrates the
best way to heat Pop-Tarts.

Iain Murray, one of the Britwankers over at America’s Shittiest Website™, apparently had his bs-meter removed at the same time they carved out a large chunk of his cerebral cortex. The result, of course, is that if he sees a shiny little bauble of wingnuttery lying around somewhere on the web, he picks it up with glee and parades it around as if he had found the Hope diamond. To wit:

Latest from the U.N. Human Rights Commission [sic] [Iain Murray]

What’s the biggest human rights issue in the world?  The establishment of a military junta in Zimbabwe?  The callous indifference of the Burmese government to the suffering of their people after the cyclone?  The tyranny in Uzbekistan?  Of course not.  In a move that will gladden Lyndon LaRouche’s heart, they have decided that the British monarchy and unwritten constitution need to be challenged.

Oh, you mutter, there must be some mistake here (other than Murray’s fucking up the name of the Human Rights Council). And there is (in addition to Iain’s parents’ decision to bring him to full term).

And it’s a mistake that is readily apparent to anyone who can ask the Great Gazoogle to take him or her to the original source material, which is, in this case, the Report of the Working Group on Universal Periodic Review of the United Kingdom. Now go to page 17 of the Report and you will find this recommendation:

To consider holding a referendum on the desirability or otherwise of a written constitution, preferably republican, which includes a bill of rights (Sri Lanka)

You may wonder why “Sri Lanka” is in parenthesis at the end of that recommendation. That’s because Sri Lanka — and Sri Lanka alone — made the suggestion. Wander down a little further in the report and you’ll see this — in big, bold letters so that even wingnuts can’t miss them:

All conclusions and/or recommendations contained in this report reflect the position of the submitting State(s) and/or the State under review thereon. They should not be construed as endorsed by the Working Group as a whole.

Ah, so it’s not a recommendation of the Human Rights Council or even the Working Group but only a suggestion from the U.K.’s great friend and ally Sri Lanka. Actually, the former colony might have a little grudge to bear against the U.K. You see, after widespread criticism of the human rights record of Sri Lanka’s authoritarian regime, Sri Lanka recently lost its seat on the U.N Human Rights Council. And the U.K just won a seat on that council.

Does Iain remind anybody else of the kid you told in elementary school that bacon grease was really good for your hair, only to see him the next day at school, followed by all the neighborhood dogs, his hair all shiny and reeking of smoky pig fat?


Comments: 68


The problem with you leftists is that you refuse to recognize clear and present dangers just because some fact or two stand in the way.


Don’t be such a contrarian!
I’d say that Iain must be one of those decentists who are too stupid even for Harry’s Place, but that would imply such a thing is possible. So forget that.


Oh, by the way, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, and when I say bad news I mean pointing out the onrush of the apocalypse, last night at the moving picture show there was a trailer for…


God, I just can’t say it.

F*** it.

Glenn Beck is going on a live “comedy tour” which will be simulcast in movie theaters around the country, in what I’m sure will be just the biggest blockbuster sell-out show in this country since “Applications of Statistical Techniques to Epidemiological Studies of Progressive Kidney Deterioration 2006 World Tour 3D With Special Guest Stars The Old Dudes Who Sang ‘Macarena'”:

Glenn Beck live in HD – July 17th at a theater near you

On July 17th Beck ’08 will be simulcast LIVE to 350 theaters nationwide.

If you’ve been watching this campaign season and wishing that someone would tell it like it really is… your dream has come true. Glenn Beck has taken to the road with his live summer stage show–it’s the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the people and the politics running the country–from City Councils to Presidential candidates, Glenn got an opinion and he ain’t bashful about sharing it.

For two hours, Glenn comments on the state of our union through his unique brand of stories and stand up. You may have heard and seen him on radio and TV, but until you’ve seen his on stage, you’re yet to experience the real Glenn Beck. And if you’ve ever wondered what an honest stump speech would sound like, just wait until you hear “Candidate Beck” cut through the crap and right to the chase. It’ll make you laugh, it’ll make you think, and it’ll help you understand why Glenn (and anybody else who chooses truth over political correctness) is totally… Unelectable.

On the bright side, somewhere in the wreckage, some comedy will be found by the forensic examiners of the horror.

And those scientists studying interactions of subatomic particles too could benefit, because possibly doing those experiments during the show would reveal what would happen as seconds stretched into minutes, minutes stretched into years, and 2 hours became a hellishly unending forever.


It’s always craptastic when you follow the link to NRO. My favorite today: KLo quotes Darth Cheney going all Rudy! on the occassion of Tim Russert’s death by immediately bringing up…9/11! It’s like interviewing a one hit wonder who has to mention that one top 10 hit no matter what the question. It’s a good thing KLo and the boys had their irony lobes excised along with their cortices and bs meters, ’cause it ensures they’ll always highlight the conworld’s most embarrassing attributes.


Waitaminute here.

England doesn’t have a constitution?

Well, how do they know who to discriminate against then?



It’s not as though there wouldn’t be plenty to write about if they bothered to get the facts right in the first place; it seems that it is a goal to get the facts wrong while supporting the party line. A quick look at the site, and I read that stem-cell research is like alchemy, and has no medical value; OK, oppose supporting the research with tax money if you want to, but at least do a little research of one’s own and see that there is a lot of potential for the stem-cell research . . .


England doesn’t have a constitution?

Incorrect. We have an unwritten one.


Well, all I can say is that it is a good thing indeed that I haven’t experienced “the real Glenn Beck. The imitation one is way too much for me.



We didn’t know what kind of a journalist Tim would be — or even whether he was serious about being one. It didn’t take long to figure out that he would be one of the best — and most fearless — in the business.


As the Bush administration assessed how to respond to criticism of how the U.S. went to war in Iraq, Cheney’s then-chief press aide, Cathie Martin, listed their best option as putting Cheney on “Meet the Press.”

Martin wrote in a memo that the show “is our best format” because “we control the message a little bit more.”



Ooops, I seem to have mixed up Mary Matalin and Cathie Martin.

I don’t know how that could have happened.


England doesn’t have a constitution?

Incorrect. We have an unwritten one.

Interesting… We used to have one.


UN Human Rights Council = Wankery

Murray’s right about that. Not about anything else.


In Canada, we have a ‘notwithstanding clause’.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

England pre-dates constitutions by several centuries, however noticing the fact that all her citizens were dropping like flies due to a lack of constitution, it was constituted that they take morning constitutionals, possibly with a stop for tea and crumpets.

Pre-dating the constitution you exclaim. That’s ridiculous, Old Ironsides fought in the War of 1812! Be that as it may, you might remember that old saw there will always be an England. Well, clearly then it follows that there must have always been an England, making the nation possibly even older than Cher.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Would someone please explain what any of this has to do with Lyndon LaRouche.


It’s not a bad idea though, these constitution things. Getting rid of the monarchy once and for all would be a good idea too. So would elections, do they still have those? It may be too late though as the UK seems to me to be a fait accompli police state already. Maybe they will have the honor of a real shooting revolution in the UK because that is what it will take to dislodge the fascists now in charge.


Dragon-King Wangchuck said,

June 14, 2008 at 21:04

Would someone please explain what any of this has to do with Lyndon LaRouche.

Everybody knows Lyndon LaRouche is a crazy ass!


you might remember that old saw there will always be an England. Well, clearly then it follows that there must have always been an England
Logic can be fun!


David Frum pleads David Frum’s case against those who blame GW Bush in the National Post

David Frum: The world may hate America … but it’s not George Bush’s fault

the paragraph that stands out…it could be one of the wingnuttiest statements of the century.

…there is a larger defect, maybe best explained by an analogy.

Suppose we were studying anti-black hatred. Would we begin by trying to figure out what blacks had done to justify hatred — and then offer suggestions about how they might alter their behaviour so as to give less offense? Yet that is how the conversation about anti-Americanism often proceeds.

Critics of the Bush administration cite various grievances against American policy as the cause of anti-Americanism. But this is a naïve understanding of how the human mind works.


We got rid of the Monarchy one weekend in 1642. It didn’t take, Parliament didn’t have anyone to blame when things went tits-up as they so often do. Hence the current situation, where the Monarchy has power with the proviso that they would never use it, and Parliament governing on the understanding that they would never do so good a job as to make the public think that oversight, even if only theoretical, is unnecessary. I’d take perpetual political detant over an elected head of state any day.

England hasn’t done too badly with a system dependant on cynicism to keep it stable, with more and more freedoms being gradually recognised by Parliament. The only problem occurred during the last war, when the Monarchy had the bad taste to be useful.


Just, wow. So this is the liberal left fever swamp? You loons are laughable. McCain is gonna win. Nothing but hate and envy from you and your hero Osama.


Lesley, that is a fine example of the Chewbacca Defense.

With the additional bonus that the patently ridiculous strawman argument in question is in fact exactly what wingnuts do when they discuss race.


Just, wow. So this is the liberal left fever swamp? You loons are laughable. McCain is gonna win. Nothing but hate and envy from you and your hero Osama.

You’d better hope he does because I don’t think your bedsheets could survive a black President.


Simba just said it better than I could.


Lyndon La Rouche’s particular brand of nuttiness blamed the Queen of the UK for all the world;s problems: She was responsible for the international drug trade, all war and the temporary popularity of the Bay City Rollers.


Perhaps England could go with a written constitution and an Elected Monarchy. Think of the fun there would be in running for Queen or King!


Bush could enter Frum’s house, shoot him in the head and nuke his pets and Frum would find a reason to defend him.


Murray knows the power Sri Lanka wields over the United Kingdom, on or off the council. They have the tea, Ceylon black tea, and they who control the tea, control the ukverse.


Do trolls get those little magnetic kits in boxes, and put their talking points together on their refrigerator door?


the temporary popularity of the Bay City Rollers.

I always used to get the Bay City Rollers mixed up with REO Speedwagon. I dont know why.


Do trolls get those little magnetic kits in boxes, and put their talking points together on their refrigerator door?

That level of creativity and originality would be highly unpatriotic.

The Corner Quint

You have city hands, Mr. Murray. You been countin’ money all your life.


The S,N! InternetsTubular apparatus seems rather sluggish and weird today. Have anything to do with the downstairs threads that are teetering with hundreds and hundreds of comments each?

I blame The Fool, and of course Bush.


Yeah, dood. Sure, and there’s so much for an American to be proud of these days.



Ya gotta love the troll logic.

Wingnut: The Sun most definitely revolves around the Earth, because I’m pretty sure the Bible says so.

Us: Umm, that’s actually quite not true, hump.


In other news, I’m looking forward to the towering President Barack Obama Monument being erected between the Washington Monument and the Capital building, towering over the landscape a good few hundred meters taller then anything else in the city. So say we all.


Perhaps England could go with a written constitution and an Elected Monarchy. Think of the fun there would be in running for Queen or King!

Elect one person to rule with nearly limitless power and negligible oversight? Who do you think we are, American’s?


But this is a naïve understanding of how the human mind works.

“they hate us for our freedoms!” is a nuanced, complex geopolitical comprehension of both human psychology and social dynamics.

Fucking loser.


Off topic, the last scene of the season finale of BSG was filmed 10 minutes walk from my place. It brought tears to my eyes.


this is a naïve understanding of how the human mind works.

if I could hack into the Post I’d make this the title of Frum’s essay. This would also be a suitable tattoo for his forehead.


Applications of Statistical Techniques to Epidemiological Studies of Progressive Kidney Deterioration 2006 World Tour 3D
Meta-analysis is hawt. I would do it.


As it is, I have sworn a vow of monogamous commitment to multidimensional scaling.


Murray is far from stupid. He’s worse than that.

He won’t be smearing bacon grease in his own hair any time soon, but he spends his days urging koolaid drinkers to smear it in theirs. And why? Quite simple: for money. He has a family to feed and isn’t too scrupulous about how he feeds it.

Aside to Percyprune: actually, most of the UK constitution is written; it’s just that you won’t find it all between a single pair of covers. The glaring defect of the UK constitution is nothing to do with whether it is written down. It is that, for the most part, UK courts can’t strike down legislative acts as constitutionally repugnant.


In other news, I’m looking forward to the towering President Barack Obama Monument

Nude, on a unicorn.


At least Murray regards it as a serious human-rights issue when a government is oblivious to the suffering of some sector of its population in the wake of a storm. Isn’t this encouraging?


You can blame me for many things- Iris, Jason Ambrose, Matt McMahon- but you can never blame me for this troll. He’s on his own.


D.N. Nation said,

June 15, 2008 at 0:29

You can blame me for many things- Iris, Jason Ambrose, Matt McMahon- but you can never blame me for this troll. He’s on his own.

Can we blame you for shoelimpy and annie angle?


“Murray knows the power Sri Lanka wields over the United Kingdom, on or off the council. They have the tea, Ceylon black tea, and they who control the tea, control the ukverse.”

I think SL’s biggest tea customer is Russia. But it is that damn good. A whole cup will bring prescience and also enslavement to the mandates of the golden path. (Perhaps even convinced Ian Botham to drink less beer)


In Canada, we have a ‘notwithstanding clause’.

When I was a kid, we had a scratching post that suffered that fate.

Doctor Missus Marita

Hey Boston Area Sadlys –

I need e-mail addresses from you people (I’ve gotten some of you to respond, but am missing a bunch). If you don’t e-mail, you won’t be invited to the par-tay.

[e-mail me at marita at]


Some Guy,

You’d best watch out, or these folks are going to put a hurt on you.


In Canada, we have a ‘notwithstanding clause’.

or is that who brings presents to the poor kids?


I think the main problem with the US Constitution is that only 5 of our Supreme Court justices have read it.


And can somebody please relate to mister Murray just what an incredible hoot it is to defenestrate oneself from thirty or forty stories up?

Mehitabel the Abyssinian

It certainly works for me.


So this is the liberal left fever swamp? You loons are laughable. McCain is gonna win. Nothing but hate and envy from you and your hero Osama.
Those loveable trolls – they never let an annoying externality like reality besmirch the beauty of a juicy Talking Point. They’re like the modern-day versions of Bertrand Russell, that is, if he’d been drifted repeatedly in the back of the head with a 2-by-4 & fed lots of mescaline.

Any response to the proximity of malevolant asshats NOT involving a generous dose of weapons-grade fear & loathing is to be regarded with profound suspicion.

Mock them, whether they know not what they do or not.

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

It should be noted that Iain Murray’s accusation is fairly standard wingnut fare.

Ann Coulter harangues the New York Times for being outrageously liberal— but fails to mention that the outrageous quote she is screeching about came from somebody’s guest op-ed column.

Bill O’Reilly chides the Daily Kos for saying something outrageous— but fails to mention that the quote came from some anonymous commenter.

And now the wingnuts are screeching about some of the comments at Obama’s blog, which has a totally open policy for commenting.

I kind of suspect that a lot of the outrageous blog comments are actually made by rightwing trolls— remember how they used to plant comments supposedly by leftwingers which would call Bush “Chimpy McHitlerburton”?

Wingnuts are consumed by such zealotry that they see no reason why little things like truth and facts should cloud the horizon.


Meh, I’m drinking some Sri Lankan tea right now. It’s quite mediocre, really, but it keeps me out of the vodka.

The Tea Must Flow.


We got rid of the Monarchy one weekend in 1642. It didn’t take, Parliament didn’t have anyone to blame when things went tits-up as they so often do. Hence the current situation, where the Monarchy has power with the proviso that they would never use it, and Parliament governing on the understanding that they would never do so good a job as to make the public think that oversight, even if only theoretical, is unnecessary. I’d take perpetual political detant over an elected head of state any day.

A pedant writes:

Actually, it was 1649 when we did the monarch in. When the Civil Wars began in 1642 Parliament was careful to state that it was not fighting the King so much as as his ‘evil advisors’. Their propaganda announced that the Parliamentarians were Charles’s loyal subjects, fighting to protect the King and preserve the monarchy. And most Parliament men believed that, at least in part. The issue of regicide did not appear until much later in the wars, after Charles had escaped and tried to raise his standard again (and yet again). But then Charles, who could so easily have come to an accommodation, was largely the architect of his own downfall.

As for what came after, Cromwell was offered the crown and to his credit refused. He was the classic model of a godly and upright man of principle seduced by power. He was no liberal, of course, given as he was instrumental in quashing the proto-liberal movements such as the Levellers. He was a man of the ‘middling sort’, of what Gore Vidal would call the ‘Property Party’. He is a grand example of what happens when the Conservative propertied classes achieve unfettered power.

He held the country together exceedingly well until his death. Competent tyrants do that. However, the country did not have a tyrant of equivalent talent and stature to replace him, which is why the Republic went tits up at the end.

Perhaps England could go with a written constitution and an Elected Monarchy. Think of the fun there would be in running for Queen or King!

You mean, just like the planet Naboo? How did that work out for them?

(add smileys as appropriate)

Porlock Hussein Junior

Dragon King Wangchuck mentions that there will always be an England. Which brought on a reminiscence and a new and unpleasant thought.

There are still numerous fans of Flanders and Swann scattered through these colonies, who will strike up a chorus of “Glorious Mud” or “I won’t eat people” at — well, at the drop of a hat. And some may remember the new patriotic song they wrote for England. (Not for some “Britain”!)

With typical English reserve, the refrain was:

“The English, the English, the English are best!
I wouldn’t give tuppence for all of the rest.”

Their intro delved into existing songs, scorning “Jerusalem” and examining the logic of “There will always be an England”. Flanders questioned what was so remarkable about that: So what? — there will always be a North Pole, he said — unless some dangerous twit comes along and melts the thing!


Did he know he was a prophet? And should the English be worried about the omen?


Don’t forget that Flanders and Swann’s ‘Song of Patriotic Prejuduce’ ended with a rumination on the non-English world:

It’s not that they’re wicked,
Or naturally bad,
It’s knowing they’re foreign,
That makes them so mad!

Professor Illuminata


Percyprune said, “[Cromwell] was the classic model of a godly and upright man of principle seduced by power.” and later “He is a grand example of what happens when the Conservative propertied classes achieve unfettered power.”

Given Cromwell’s behavior in Ireland, I’ll happily grant the second point, but have grave reservations about the first…


Given Cromwell’s behavior in Ireland, I’ll happily grant the second point, but have grave reservations about the first…

Cromwell’s actions in Ireland are evidence of his Godliness. He was fighting a religious war against a foe he sincerely believed to be the Antichrist. The depredations of the Ulster Uprising were still fresh in the memory, and whatever the truth of stories about Papist atrocities, Cromwell and his army viewed the Irish much as modern conservatives view Jihadis–as barbarian monsters to be conquered and enchained. The term ‘Beyond the Pale’ was invented specifically to describe these people. It did not help the Catholic cause that the plundering army of Owen Roe O’Neill and the obdurate agitations of the Nuncio Extraordinary, Giovanni Rinucinni, served only to confirm in the minds of Godly that the Irish were a foe to whom no quarter could be given.


Damn, the things you learn here – my entire knowledge of Oliver Cromwell and the whole trashing of the monarchy comes from the old Monty Python bit.


I’m guessing that Petulant American has to sleep in a bag, because he wears his white sheets out.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

“The English, the English, the English are best!
I wouldn’t give tuppence for all of the rest.”

That reminds me of that Chris Rock movie where by some freaky accident, he ends up being a nominee for President. Only in the movies will you find crazy ideas like a black man running for President. Well, anyways, the chilling line in the movie, supposed to be funny but way too close to real, is how his opponent ends all his speeches:
“God bless America, and no place else.”


“T’was whispered Napoleon paid Josephine’s rent.
‘Nonsense,’ said Bonaparte, ‘She lives on her own apart.
In her own apart-ment.’


Such models of friendship are precious and rare,
Though the friendship of models is not!


I think the main problem with the US Constitution is that only 5 of our Supreme Court justices have read it.

The other 4 prefer it over both Charmin and the quilted brand.


(comments are closed)