The Washington McPost ❤s St. McBarbecue

The WaPo, still trying to defend the dignity it shredded by its breathless endorsement of Dick and George’s Most Excellent Adventure in Iraq, has apparently instructed Fred Hiatt’s merry band of morons to tout the many virtues of war monger and barbecue chef John McCain. Today, it’s Robert J. Samuelson’s turn to piddle all over himself like an over-excited cocker spaniel puppy at the prospect of McCain inheriting George Bush’s commander-in-chief codpiece.
Samuelson starts with a drive-by swipe at Obama:
[A]ny feel-good fallout from electing Obama would soon fade. He’d have to earn popular support, and this would be made harder by a problem of his own making: He’d have to disavow much of his campaign rhetoric. The reason is that his campaign is itself a contradiction.
Don’t tell me that Samuelson is now going to contrast this to the rock-solid, never-change-in-a-million-years convictions of McCain. Say it’s not so. It’s so, kid, it’s so:
By contrast, no one can claim that McCain lacks convictions. … He has a hard time changing his mind, even when the evidence overwhelmingly suggests he’s wrong.
Fuck me. Has Samuelson been vacationing on the outer ring of the Oort Cloud for the past decade? Or has he been sequestered in a Trappist monastery making fruit cakes? Or is he just a dishonest shill trying to kiss Fred Hiatt’s ass and hoping to merit a fling with Anne Applebaum?
McCain was against the Bush tax cuts before he was for them. He was against Jerry Falwell before he was for him. He was against overturning Roe v. Wade before he was for overturning it. Etc., etc.
What a putz.
He has a hard time changing his mind, even when the evidence overwhelmingly suggests he’s wrong.
Wait – to Samuelson this is a virtue?
Yes, but it was very hard for him to change his mind and run against himself. Every time. It was like passing a kidney stone. Really.
Spillover from last post, sorry–how the US media portrays Bush’s EU visit:
“Bush: No Regrets Over Iraq Invasion”
Don’t forget that he was for the Mexlamiscist hordes before he was agin’ em.
A note to David Brooks, and every columnist (including this one) who uses his tactics:
Cite something.
Cite anything.
But cite, jackasses. Elsewise, you’re making as valid a point as “McCain feeds off of the living in the tar pits of Neptune.”
Um, durr, President Putin of Germany!
Oh wow, such candor and grace from McCain.
More proof, if such is needed, of the Incredible Lightness of the Wingnut Mind.
They will believe anything, no matter how stupid, that is told to them by their Designated Overlords.
They will not believe anything, no matter how fact-based or sensible, that comes to them from a Scary Liberal Source.
How do they know what is a Scary Liberal Source? Why, their Designated Overlords tell them.
It’s like, in UNIX terms, all they have is a root directory, and all is says is, “Obey Wingnut Instruction File.”
I’m sure the system crashes frequently.
The fact is that here in the Heartland, we get off on warfare. We are fighting a battle to bring God back into public life for all. We are a Christian nation, and we are fighting the seculars, false Christians, Muslims, Jews, and all followers of false faiths. We are not afraid to use the sword, as God has said we should. We will fight for rights for the God-fearing, and take away the rights, and lives if we need to, of their enemies. Here in the Heartland. Now let’s see the Liberal Bias media take that out of context and call us haters.
A]ny feel-good fallout from electing Obama would soon fade. He’d have to earn popular support
Cuz, y’know, he was obviously elected without it.
Shorter entire career of Robert Samuelson:
“I hate Democrats for reasons I’m too stupid to cogently explain.”
I will veto every beer! Haha, that’s silly, I meant bill. I will veto every spending bill. That first one would have been crazy.
So McCain’s better on the issues because he’s a maverick. Hasn’t this already been looked into?
Oh wow. I mean wow.
I don’t know where to begin. It’s like a smorgasboard of the sky is actually lime green with pale blotchy spots in my world. Here’s my counter-argument:
The only important quality for a president is that he’s not a member of the Broodax Imperiate. Obama has consistently shown that he’s not the flesh shell of a murderous alien so I think you know what to do in November.
The things he says about McCain are totally incoherent. On the one hand, McCain “only” votes with his party 83 percent of the time, so, McCain good. On the other hand, every deviation by McCain from conservative Republican orthodoxy (global warming, campaign finance reform, tolerating wetbacks) is highly offensive to Samuelson, so, McCain bad.
Question, Robert: Since conservative policies are correct 100% of the time according to you, why do you pretend to desire a centrist president? More to the point, why do you pretend, yourself, to be a pragmatic centrist? It’s transparent to anyone reading you that you’re a conservative hack – so why not own it? Accusing Obama of being disingenuous sure smacks of projection to me.
Shorter Samuelson: Obama is a flip-flopper because he promises good things while disagreeing with me. McCain is also wrong, but could and would kick my ass, so I’ll vote for him anyway.
“The fact is that here in the Heartland, we get off on warfare. We are fighting a battle to bring God back into public life for all. We are a Christian nation, and we are fighting the seculars, false Christians, Muslims, Jews, and all followers of false faiths. We are not afraid to use the sword, as God has said we should. We will fight for rights for the God-fearing, and take away the rights, and lives if we need to, of their enemies. Here in the Heartland. Now let’s see the Liberal Bias media take that out of context and call us haters.”
why would we have to take this out of context to call you a hater?
Shorter Samuelson: If Obama gains enough popular support to get elected, he will have destroyed his chances of gaining enough popular support to govern.
I hate to blogwhore, no, well, I don’t, but I just wrote a blogpost on this whole “maverickly delicious” thing and two recent articles on how McCain is just so above this whole politics thing and I wish someone would come over and argue with me about it.
How very unmavericky:
* McCain pledged in February 2008 that he would not, under any circumstances, raise taxes. Specifically, McCain was asked if he is a “‘read my lips’ candidate, no new taxes, no matter what?” referring to George H.W. Bush’s 1988 pledge. “No new taxes,” McCain responded. Two weeks later, McCain said, “I’m not making a ‘read my lips’ statement, in that I will not raise taxes.”
* McCain claims to have considered and not considered joining John Kerry’s Democratic ticket in 2004.
* In 1998, he championed raising cigarette taxes to fund programs to cut underage smoking, insisting that it would prevent illnesses and provide resources for public health programs. Now, McCain opposes a $0.61-per-pack tax increase, won’t commit to supporting a regulation bill he’s co-sponsoring, and has hired Philip Morris’ former lobbyist as his senior campaign adviser.
* McCain’s first mortgage plan was premised on the notion that homeowners facing foreclosure shouldn’t be “rewarded” for acting “irresponsibly.” His second mortgage plan took largely the opposite position.
* McCain vowed, if elected, to balance the federal budget by the end of his first term. Soon after, he decided he would no longer even try to reach that goal.
* McCain’s campaign unveiled a Social Security policy that the senator would implement if elected, which did not include a Bush-like privatization scheme. In March 2008, McCain denounced his own campaign’s policy.
* In February 2008, McCain reversed course on prohibiting waterboarding.
* In November 2007, McCain reversed his previous position on a long-term presence for U.S. troops in Iraq, arguing that the “nature of the society in Iraq” and the “religious aspects” of the country make it inevitable that the United States “eventually withdraws.” Two months later, McCain reversed back, saying he’s prepared to leave U.S. troops in Iraq for 100 years.
* McCain used to champion the Law of the Sea convention, even volunteering to testify on the treaty’s behalf before a Senate committee. Now he opposes it.
* McCain was a co-sponsor of the DREAM Act, which would grant legal status to illegal immigrants’ kids who graduate from high school. Now he’s against it.
* On immigration policy in general, McCain announced in February 2008 that he would vote against his own legislation.
* In 2006, McCain sponsored legislation to require grassroots lobbying coalitions to reveal their financial donors. In 2007, after receiving “feedback” on the proposal, McCain told far-right activist groups that he opposes his own measure.
This was compiled prior to April 24, so there’s 8 more weeks of flip-flops, confusions and stumbles to add to this.
Wait just a second!
Neptune has tar pits?
Well, knock me down with a feather. That’s the most surprising thing I have heard so far today. Everything else is just about par for the course.
It certainly has been a boon these last 8 years. We can look forward to 4 more years of codpieces, shooting people in the face and hilarious fraternity pranks like Gitmo! I think I just pitched ABC’s next sitcom. No doubt it’ll give Fred Hiatt a woody.
Samuelson is right. Nobody can claim McCain lacks convictions — he’s got at least twice as many as anyone else, and that’s saying something.
For those of you who may not have seen this, you ought to go over to this post and comment thread at Balloon Juice.
That has got to be one of the funniest things I have seen in some time. Make sure you read the comments.
Samuelson must use that hat of his to practice sucking repub dick, when actual repub dick is not readily available.
As for Mad Jack’s remarkably consistent voice…
<i.Samuelson must use that hat of his to practice sucking repub dick, when actual repub dick is not readily available
The appendage on the hat is way too large.
And on that note, PENIS
“[A]ny feel-good fallout from electing Obama would soon fade. He’d have to earn popular support”
So, the person we had just elected would be unpopular. What? Maybe Gary Ruppert can clue me in to this kind of logic.
Off-topic, but I’ve just read a bizarre comment on wingnut site lambasting Obama for his stance on deregulation of government-regulated businesses. Seems typical line of attack… Except they claim he supports it. I can link it, but the site isn’t in english (yes, there are wingnuts in other countries). General message of the post is that Obama is creation of Soros who wants to use him to deregulate all businesses and cause Enron-style crashes all over the country. I mean, ok, I know they are crazy, but that was truly out of left field. Is that some wingnut meme I’m not aware of?
Ihre Ahnungen interessieren mich sehr, und ich möchte Ihre Mitteilungsblatt abonnieren.
It must be nice to work on wingnut welfare. No research, no facts. It’s as if the WaPo has hired their own fiction columnist.
That is not the Rev Wright I knew
That is not the Tony Rezko I knew
That is not the Bill Ayers I knew
That is not the Michelle Obama I knew Coming Soon!
These are the equivocations that Obama is going to have to deal with. Some bells you just can’t unring….
That is not the 100 year Iraq War
That is not The pulling troops home is unimportant I knew
That is not the Rev. Hagee I knew.
That is not the I never said that I knew.
That is not the lobbyists I knew.
That is not the Keating Five I knew.
These are the equivocations that McCain is going to have to deal with. Some bells you just can’t unring…
Concern trolling from the 25 percenters gets more laughable each day.
The thing is, even if Obama somehow loses his popular support after he gets elected, he wouldn’t need it anyway. This administration has spent the last eight years sharpening the axe of executive power to the point of rendering the system of checks and balances meaningless.
We’ll see what resonates with the electorate more. Your little echo chambers have deluded you; the shocker is coming on November 5.
Hey Truthy-boy,
Since us lie-bruls don’t know which Tony Rezko you’re talking about, is it the same one that served as a co-chair for a multimillion-dollar fundraiser for President George W. Bush in 2003?
That troll isn’t even trying.
Samuelson: “I have a visceral dislike of one-party government.
Uh-huh. Why didn’t you write this before a large Democratic majority was looming? Say 2001-2006?
We’ll see what resonates with the electorate more.
And on November 6th, Truthy will be back to whine that voters cheat.
the shocker is coming on November 5.
I don’t know if I can wait that long. Jenna can’t either.
These are the equivocations that McCain is going to have to deal with like a trollop you cunt.
Just tryin’ to fix that there bell…
..the Diebold is coming on November 5.
That bell rings better too.
GC – neither are you lot. Worried, eh?
And where’s teh funny?
Snort, it’s all a huge misunderstanding. What Samuelson meant to say was
I’m sure you’ll find plenty of evidence in his catscratches.
And where’s teh funny?
In my McCain golf sac, next to the balls. Why don’t you dig around for it in there after you get me a sandwich, bitch?
Worried? Not even remotely. See, unlike yourself, we’ve been paying attention to reality.
[A]ny feel-good fallout from electing Obama would soon fade. He’d have to earn popular support
He’s not so stoopid as to think that O would get elected without popular support.
He is stoopid enough to reveal how he thinks the last couple of elections were decided.
And where’s teh funny?
You keep asking that. Ever think that maybe you don’t have a sense of humor?
Okay, then, here goes:
Why did the ignorant festering-pustule-covered troll cross the street?
POOP poopie Poopie poo
POOP poopie Poopie poo
POOP poopie Poopie poo
POOP poopie Poopie poo
He’d have to earn popular support.
I wonder what they pay over at Wapo to be a concern troll? There’s the funnmy.
Pee pee?
Shorter conservative blogosphere:
Barack Obama isn’t qualified to be president because Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers and Michelle Obama aren’t politically correct enough for bed-wetting conservatives.
Hoosier, ‘patriocally correct’.
How about in russian?
McCain’s convictions revealed at the 5:45 mark.
McCain’s convictions revealed
He did not, in fact, go to jail for his Keating 5 involvement.
We’ll see what resonates with the electorate more. Your little echo chambers have deluded you; the shocker is coming on November 5.
Make sure you come back that day, no one will want to miss
your sorrowful response!Can someone tell me why we should all automatically assume that Michelle Obama, an Ivy League-educated attorney and mother of two smart little girls, is a raving anti-American nutjob? Just give me one answer.
I will, though, not be accepting the following answers:
1) Something related to the whole “proud” quote. I’m 25; been following politics since 1992 and only really since Election 1996. I’m younger than Michelle, yes, but I haven’t been real proud of my country for the bulk of that time period. I do, however, think it’s my American duty to change this course. As does Michelle. This doesn’t make her an extremist.
2) Something related to the color of her skin, only hidden by Reynolds/Hewitt-style concern trolling. Project your own racism on everyone if you must, but it doesn’t make your political points any valid. Nor does it serve as a reason to disavow the fact that her political experiences, by virtue of that color, are different than yours. And typically for the worse. It’s a fact of American nature.
3) Something related to whatever Larry Johnson has decided to pick out of his hindquarters. Because fuck that guy.
She’s married to a ni**er.
The Truth:
Yes, from where we stand now, a McCain victory would be a shocker. Peep this:
Now, do you think that McCain will win AND conservatives will retake Congress? Because there’s no momentum to that result. None whatsoever. Recent elections that have seen Republicans get their pants handed to them in predominantly red districts haven’t been in our “echo chambers,” chief. They actually happened. For realz.
As for McCain, well. He may make a summer-long comeback, but it would behoove him to avoid appearing in front of lime backgrounds or pontificatin’ on Vlad Putin, the Preznit of Germany. Just a little concern trolling on my end.
Actually, I have a confessionabout that whole shocker thing. I can wait, you see I don’t have a vagina so it’d be kinda pointless. Don’t know about Jenna though.
I don’t have a vagina so it’d be kinda pointless. Don’t know about Jenna though.
I won’t provide the link (cause I can’t stand actually seeing it again) but I can say pretty much for sure that Jenna does indeed have a vagina.
Oh hell, here it is.
NSFW Nor for sanity, gastric well-being or vision.
I think I’ve figured out why wingnuts are upset about President Obama.
He doesn’t have a ranch! Not even a play ranch, like the Crawford Corral. Where the fcuk is he gonna go to clear brush? Where will he take long, hand-holding strolls among the flowers with a handsome Arabian crown prince?
Do the Obamas have a compound of any sort? Along the coast of Maine maybe, or in the hills above Santa Barbara? Jackson Hole? The Eastern Shore? Sedona?
Maybe he’ll be able to solve this problem during the 100 day De-Honkification and Black Reparations campaign. I think Michelle Obama would look mighty fine sitting on what used to be McCain’s front porch.
Nah, I think the House and Senate will remain blue. But your Democratic heros have done so little thus far that we’ve little to fear from their continued bungling on the Hill.
As for Michelle Obama, you know as well as I do that her speeches to date have won a few liberal friends and scared off the vast center.
Anyway, you youngsters are vastly underestimating how well McCain is liked across the board. Unpopular war, economic travails, etc and the polls are very close – now why do you suppose that is?
now why do you suppose that is?
Gee, Truthy, wish I knew.
Thought I’d pass this along…
Can you say “filibuster-proof majority”? I thought you could.
Cite something or shuffle on. I should have included “4) ‘Boogity boogity boogity she’s a freaky leftist!’ without citation does not work, either. Mistaking passion for extremism is your problem, not hers.”
Wow, that’s a very nice assertion, David Brooks! I can make one, too: McCain’s continual blunders make everyone hate him across the board. Why is is true? Cuz I said it was!
Your MO is this: Keep saying that McCain’s going to fool us, hope like hell it’s true. And that’s it. You’re the equivalent of the quarterback of some peon little school who keeps spouting “We’re gonna shock the world!” before the game against a major-conference team. Yeah, there’s the chance that he’ll pull an App.State-vs-Michigan, but the odds are generally that he won’t. And he isn’t planning on explaning how he couldn’t back up his words. Instead, he’ll hit the showers, get on the team bus, and quietly go home.
Which is to say- Nut up, Truthy. Stick around here Election Night and be prepared to explain why you were wrong. If you can’t make that promise, you aren’t worth dealing with.
Oh NO!!
Bill Ayers is BACK, and this time he’s commie-er than ever.
Bombi-er than before.
And even more evil than satan!
Bill Ayers is going to break your stereo, eat your children, kill you lawn and make you drink decaf.
Bill Ayers is the greatest existential threat to our american way of life since kaiser wilhelm.
Can Bill Ayers be stopped?
Fear Bill Ayers….
There is a line, somewhere, when Wild Optimism crosses into Wildly Delusional. The actual truth behind some assertion is now dependent upon how many times it is repeated, and at what volume. Probability, history, facts, data, etc. have absolutely no bearing in these assertions at all. It’s like Karl Rove’s “The Math”. Math is no longer some structured process bounded by methods and rules. It is how firm your convictions are. Or else, how big your Bravado.
I like to think of this as a huge leap forward in our society. It frees us from all those pesky fossilized ways of thinking. Every single facet about society is now an abstraction, free to be manipulated by the force of personal will alone.
Isaac Newton sucks toads.
Has anyone outside of the flying-monkey-right ever even heard of Bill Ayers? It’ll kinda ruin the GOP’s plans to cruise to victory by screaming “Bill Ayers” constantly when 90% of the country says, “Bill Ayers? Isn’t he the guy who owns the garage downtown?”
Meanwhile, McCain’s BFF is Dubya, and everyone knows him. Knows and hates him…
I think the poll numbers are running just a bit closer than the App State – Wolverines line, but in any case, I promise you, I will absolutely be here (intermittently) on election night and beyond. Believe me, I wouldn’t miss it for the world.
So, Nelson, are you the designated Ayers dust-buster? ‘Cause if so, you are off to a craptacular start. Ayers is as nasty as they get but, more worrisome for you liberals, is the archetype of the privileged trust-fund bomb thrower turned professor. He’s everything that O’Reilly, Horowitz et al say about radical
bombersboomers on the college campus – not something you lot should be drawing attention to.Hey, can we get Gary Ruppert back? He’s more fun.
The feel-good fallout from an Obama victory would soon fade? Well, I guess he is a weak candidate. After all, the feel-bad fallout from a McCain win will last until the day he leaves office.
By the way, I can think of at least two convictions McCain lacks- the one for corruption in the Keating 5 business, and the one for treason for collaborating with the enemy in Vietnam.
The shorter version of why the Obama’s freak out wingnuts is that the very existence of intelligent, accomplished, and attractive African Americans destroys the slim semblance of self-respect they might have about their own accomplishments, which consists (they know in the little knotted hearts) of equal parts nepotism and ass kissing.
Obama knows a guy vs. McCain will continue the policy that made your gas $4 a gallon.
WereBear, you need to update your link thingy when posting.
Ayers is as nasty as they get, but more worrisome for you liberals, is the archetype of the privileged trust-fund bomb thrower turned professor.
Name one other one.
Is the Truth now claiming that it’s the left trying to draw attention to Ayers? That’s fresh thinking. Or fresh non-thinking. Anyway it’s a new one.
zeppo, you are right!
Corrected. Thanks.
two convictions McCain lacks- the one for corruption in the Keating 5 business, and the one for treason for collaborating with the enemy in Vietnam.
I find the silence on this subject quite disturbing, considering that it means:
a) he didn’t mean the stuff he said, and he was tortured into it, thus torture makes people say things they do not mean, and we have no basis for torturing our terrorism prisoners except for who is getting their jollies from it
b) he did mean it, thus he hates America
Pick one, Senator!
So … where’s the links?
Saying things over and over again may work for conservatives.
But honest decent people – real Americans – like examples to help them make decisions.
(Please note: “Bill O’Reilly said Michelle Obama is far-left extremist who hates America” does not count as an example.)
Though it must be admitted, since McCain is now the nominee, it is a handy-dandy rhetorical device to make winger’s brains lock up like a neglected 1938 Ford.
Sadly, McCain will simply point to his superior American resolve which allowed him to resist torture in a way inferior muslims cannot (ie with the help of Jesus).
Winger’s brains come pre-seized. This won’t make a dent.
It’s a little hard to sell “Ayers the bomber” to a population that has seen a lot more of Eric Rudolph, Timothy McVeigh and the Army of God than they ever saw of the Weather Underground or the SLA. But hey, go for it. There are people in Hayden Lake, Idaho pulling for ya, TheTruth!
HAS anyone ever said “McCain lacks conviction?”
Why is Newsweek and WaPo’s “serious” economics writer putting out Peggy Noonan marshmallow fluff? Do these people even try anymore? Does anybody even notice or care?
It’s probably a good idea you guys are documenting this stuff for future archeologists picking through the rubble of our late empire. I’d save a few hard copies, too, just in case.
Why is Newsweek and WaPo’s “serious” economics writer putting out Peggy Noonan marshmallow fluff?
Why? Look at his photo. He made a large down payment on Thomas Friedman’s mustache and now he’s having trouble meeting the monthlies.
He wouldn’t lack conviction if the prosecutors in the Keating case had some balls.
Bill Ayers, kiddies. Worried? Where’s teh funny? *wank wank wank*, youngsters.
I’ve been a fan of The BillAyres ever since their 1961 surf rock hit “Mr. Moto”.
I guess “truth” is yet another term we will have to ask conservatives to define in the course of discussion.
Most conservatives find some pretext to walk away from discussions with me before they even finish the first sentence because I’ve already tried to pin them down on “liberal media,” “far-left extremists,” “judicial activists,” and/or “war on terror.” They don’t realy want to have a discussion with anyone who doesn’t already agree with them.
It’s like, “I don’t have to give you any “examples” of liberal bias in the media! That’s just the way it is! And the fact that you can’t see it proves YOUR liberal bias independently of my own inability to come up with anything that stands up to even the most half-hearted scrutiny.”
And then they get mad when honest decent Americans point and laugh.
To a conservative, ridiculing ridiculous conservative talking points is not politically correct. They just prefer the euphemism “uncivil.”
You want me to cite Bill Ayer’s record?
You want me to cite the Obama connection to Bill Ayers?
You want me to cite Tony Rezko’s record?
You want me to cite the Obama connection to Tony Rezko?
You get the idea.
Obama has some nasty associates and asking for a citation is a bit much, although it can certainly be done. The question you liberals should be asking yourselves is, Do you think that people will ignore or be in ignorance of these associates when they go to the polls?
You want me to
Yes. Please do all of that.
Yes, actually, I’d love to hear that, Twooth. It should be educational.
LOL – OK maybe I’ll have down time tomorrow. I’m sure all of you liberals have no idea what Ayers or Rezko or MO or Rev Wright et al had to say or do; good thing I’m here to inform you, right?
This really is teh funny snark. “Prove it, rethuglican Bushit!” You’ve reached the height of arch humor…..
I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit! I’m a fucking dipshit!
to make winger’s brains lock up like a neglected 1938 Ford.
Bill Ayers will make you eat tomatoes!!
Bill Ayers will give your dog fleas!!
Bill Ayers will call your wife fat!!
Bill Ayers will fill your sugar bowl with salt!!
Bill Ayers will put sand in your lawn mower’s gas tank!!
Bill Ayers will stalk your children and tell them there’s no Santa Claus!!
Bill Ayers will leave a Flaming Bag of Poo™ on your porch!!
Bill Ayers will drink up the GOOD tequila….
Heh – imagine how angry you are going to be when McCain wins!
That fucking goddam Bill Ayers.
Him and those fucking Pelicans.
Oh yes, so very sad. Just be sure to come back and see for yourself, “truth”!
Bill Ayers will drink up the GOOD tequila….
Goddamnit, NOBODY drinks up the good tequila! Not without me getting involved.
And by “involved” I mean “very very drunk.”
Which is central to my point.
That was REAL impressive, Troof.
Every conservative I know can do that.
They often do.
(And I like the way that disagreeing with a conservative somehow indicates that you are angry.)
Hey, Truth,
Would you stop stealing my schtick?
Because Barack HUSSEIN Obama is such an elitist, he looks at a cup of coffee and calls it “latte without foam.” Ha ha ha!
And then he, get this, then he orders orange juice and makes gang signs with Michelle!
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Michelle Obama says “Whitey” a lot.*
Fuck. Shit. Damn. I missed the best part of The Truth cameo. Geez that was beautiful.
– Ayers! Rezko! Ayers! Rezko!
– linky please. put up or shut up.
– Ayers! Rezko! oh, um like references? you really want that? [ominous muzak]
– yes, please.
– BRB…
Fucking beautiful.
asking for a citation is a bit much,
Yeah, for Da Troof and all the other little trollies, including the ones in print like Doughboy Pantload.
Citations are too much work. Especially when there’s nothing to cite.
maybe I’ll have down time tomorrow
What are you doing now? You’ve been trolling for hours. I’d call it “down time” – unless it’s what you get paid for (although, even that…..)
Nobody can claim McCain lacks convictions — he’s got at least twice as many as anyone else
This is the McCain version of that recurring joke, “[Conservative politician #416] believes so strongly in The Family that he has two of his own”.
Eventually we will hear that McCain is leaving politics to spend more time with his convictions.
Teh tooth is coming back for election night?
When the goopers lose 8 Senate seats?
Sounds like a party.
McCain on Dick Cheney: “He and I have the same strengths.”
James Whistler: Right, Your Majesty is like stream of bats’ piss!
Omnes: Whuh!?
Prince of Wales: What!?
James Whistler: It was one of Wilde’s.
Oscar WIlde: It certainly was not! It was Shaw’s!
Prince of Wales: Well, Mr. Shaw?
Bernard Shaw: The Truth will be back shortly with citations!
Omnes: Ok, that’s alright then
I am far too busy memorizing the new talking points to make any effort to back up the old ones.
You youngsters just don’t know what it’s like to be old and feeble-minded like me and The Truth and John McCain. We can’t be expected to remember anything specific, like the difference between the Sunni and the Shiites, or what we said yesterday compared to what we said today, or not to call your wife a cunt.
Uh, but we have the life experiences, and that’s what counts. (Of course, it has to be the RIGHT kind of life experiences.)
Liberals. Hmf.
Since I’ve decided to enjoy humoring you people, I did a little poking around on four associates of Obama – Wright, MO, Ayers, and Rezko – , and got some more detailed references for the latter two since they may be a bit more obscure.
Rev Wright, I assume, needs no introduction here. Obama’s own words about him, where he compares Wright to his aged, infirm white grandmother, are damning enough for Obama’s character. Here is the text of Obama’s speech:
Michelle Obama’s statement about being proud of America for the first time is, by the same token, damning enough. That insight into here psyche should be enough to turn a lot of people off:,0,5061497.story
For Ayers and Rezko I did a little homework and picked out the most liberal-favorable references I could find.
On Ayers:
On Rezko:
The Ayers “connection” seems to be little more than guilt by association; unfortunately for Obama, though, people seem to have a visceral reaction to Bombing Bill. Ayers is a repulsive little psychopath but if you liberals want to defend him you can have him.
The Rezko connection definitely taints Obama, and gives the Republicans a chance to portray Obama as a typical sleazy Chicago politician, which, of course, he is. Obama can throw the Keating Five back in McCain’s face; my sense is that neither charge will stick very hard to either candidate.
Wright and MO are bigger liabilities to Obama, I think; while it is true no one wants to talk about Wright anymore, he is a bell that can’t be unrung. As for Michelle, I hope there is a microphone available for her every day, with the widest possible audience.
Oh yes, I’ll definitely be here on election night and beyond.
Oh yes, I’ll definitely be here on election night and beyond.
I know you and your chickenhawk pals won’t be in Iraq.
Sayonara, twinklemuffin.
If making good barbeque qualifies you to be president, then I’d be queen. I make FAN-TASTIC barbeque.
Since I’ve decided to enjoy humoring you people
Know what Truth? I just wanted to make you type a lot. Sorry.
LOL,RB – now there is the funny – well done.
Oh yes, I’ll definitely be here on election night and beyond.
Great. I’ll have the crow dressed and ready for the fricasee.
Since I’ve decided to enjoy humoring you people, I did a little poking around on four associates…
WAPO is a “liberal-favorable resource”?
Please tell me that’s meant as irony.
Do you even read the posts you comment on?
Obama got a house cheap, OMG!!!!11!
Oh, & his wife said she’s proud of America … must be secret coded messages to Bin Laden or something.
Yeah, she wasn’t proud of America before that – & just who in the hell in their right mind WOULD be? Screwing entire continents out of resources & capital while the atmosphere burns, jerry-rigging wars just for the sake of megabucks & field-testing nifty new ways to kill & maim, & stockpiling enough nukes to obliterate humanity in a matter of minutes – yeah, she must be NUTS not to feel a big SURGE of pride in her country, alright.
Your own sacred GOP openly admits they’re probably going to get their ass handed to them in November. Think they might have some information you don’t, “DUH Truth”?
There are REAL reasons to critique Barack Obama … & you & those of your ilk NEVER bring any of them up. Maybe because his REAL issues just aren’t 1/2 as much fun as being a trolling little attention-whore with talking-point spewage, as well as requiring a brain bigger than a hummingbird’s.
The tepid crap you keep coming back to, with Wright & Ayers? Dead like Elvis, babe. Noone gives a shit, or much did to begin with. Rezko? Sweet bleeding Jesus on a popsicle-stick, if this guy’s a crook, & he’s the ONLY one you can tie him to, given how many deals he has to’ve made to get this far in politics, he makes Honest Abe look like Spiro Agnew.
Notice you won’t even touch Iraq, even to parrot that malarkey about “Teh Surge Is Workin’ It’s Mojo!” Good move – everyone knows who’s made Iraq so peaceful lately – guy named al Sadr, maybe you’ve heard of him. If he calls off his truce or gets pushed into calling it off, the Mighty Surge will just mean loads more targets for his insurgents. Just don’t go there, girl.
Let’s see … what ELSE is verboten in your Truthiverse? OH yeah. Gas galloping past $4/gallon? Yeah, THAT gets people’s attention – & the guy responsible is joined at the hip to McCain in political terms … just read someone calling George W. Bush “the 300-pound anchor” that McCain will have to drag around all campaign long … & he’s in his 70s. A lot of the people he needs voting for his kind of campaign have a setback – they’re fucking DEAD & have been since the 1990s.
YOU are why McCain’s going to be whipped like rue in November – you & all the other hasbeens that never gave a flying rat’s ass about real issues. Foreign policy, the environment, the economy, oil prices – you’ve wiped your crack on them all. Now that neglect is going to rip you a new one. It’s too late in the day for any more high-school locker-room gossip bullshit like what you’re pimping – & everyone who isn’t totally out of it knows that.
Thanks – I almost missed having you around to spank.
Pleasant dreams.
Uh, Troof.
If that’s the best you can do, you should save your breathe.
ZOMG! She’s a little critical of America, and there’s just NO WAY you can be critical of America (unless you’re saying 9-11 was caused by our tolerance of fags, then it’s OK to be critical of America). EVAH!
THAT is the best you can do?
Conservative bed-wetters are upset about SOME of the things that SOME of the people that Barack knows have said?!?!?
That’s the best you can do?
Quoting concern trolls and bed-wetters?
You are even more lame than I thought.
And why are you so angry? Calm done and maybe you’l be able to start talking sesne at some point.
You can start by telling us the difference between Shia and Sunni. (No, no, no. You should start by telling your big hero McCain the difference between Shia and Sunni.)
OMFG. You didn’t just… Holy fuck shit damn.
A more perfect union. That’s the speech you want to use to demonstrate Obama’s racism. That’s your proof that the general public is going to react negatively towards Obama. Zoweeee. Easily the best political speech delivered this campaign. Wow Truthy, you really are good at this backing up your claims thing.
“You want me to cite Bill Ayer’s record?
You want me to cite the Obama connection to Bill Ayers?
You want me to cite Tony Rezko’s record?
You want me to cite the Obama connection to Tony Rezko?
Obama has some nasty associates and asking for a citation is a bit much, although it can certainly be done. The question you liberals should be asking yourselves is, Do you think that people will ignore or be in ignorance of these associates when they go to the polls?”
“Since I’ve decided to enjoy humoring you people, I did a little poking around … The Ayers “connection” seems to be little more than guilt by association … my sense is that neither charge [Rezko nor Keating 5 based corruption] will stick very hard to either candidate.”
Oh noes, Obama is DOOOOOMED! Thanks for the humoring!
Yeah, she wasn’t proud of America before that – & just who in the hell in their right mind WOULD be?
See, if you say that you are proud of the country that America has become, but are ashamed of many of the injustices of the past, you are being totally unpatriotic and spreading your legs for the terrorists.
If you say that you are ashamed of the country that we live in and it just keeps going further down the shitter, BUT you miss the days when white folks had all the power and rich folks didnt pay taxes, you are a super-patriot. In fact, the further in the past your allegience lies, the more patriotic you are.
[A]ny feel-good fallout from electing Obama would soon fade. He’d have to earn popular support, and this would be made harder by a problem of his own making: He’d have to disavow much of his campaign rhetoric.
Weeeeell, that’s some right interestin’ predictifyin’ there, Bobb-o, but before we stick you in a dress and start callin’ you Ms. Cleo, let’s take a peek at one of your previous predictions and see how it turned out:
The good news now is that history need not repeat itself. One plausible outcome of a war is that globalization gains. America’s victory is swift. Civilian casualties are low. Iraqis generally celebrate their liberation. Oil supplies aren’t disrupted. Economic and political modernization advance in the Middle East. The climate for radicalism fades.
Okay then.
So is this “The Truth” bozo related to the twits from those anti-tobacco TV commercials? Little pricks almost make me want to start smoking again, just to piss them off.