
The Shrieking Harpy, at the outset of making another of her impenetrable points about how the Muslimonazis will doom us all, offers this fascinating view of history:

Hitler also said he was doing the world a favor. Look, the world was loving Adolph until he lost the war.

To recap:

The people of Poland, Russia, Great Britain, Eastern Europe, France, and the Balkans, c. 1942: Boy, I really like the way this Hitler fellow is invading our countries, bombing us, killing us by the millions, destroying our countrysides, and forcing us into industrial slavery! He’s got spunk!

The people of Poland, Russia, Great Britain, Eastern Europe, France, and the Balkans, c. 1945: You know what? Fuck this guy.

Crazy Pammy also favors us with a link to a demented tirade about how Barack Obama is not, in fact, black at all, but secretly an Arab, and encourages us to “read it all”. Which I’d love to do, given that the excerpt is so completely unhinged and racist, but with typical Pamalamian thoroughness, she fails to provide us with a link. Well done!


Comments: 138

Emperor U.S.A. (the naked truth)

“The world” = “Henry Ford”. Come on, man, that’s obvious!


Is there a Pamalamian exemption from Godwin? Like, the longer Pam’s saline is near a keyboard the likelihood she will call someone a mulism arab fascist nazi hitler jew non-jew circular referential vodka!…um, approaches one but that’s totally cool since that’s what we love her for.


Henry Ford and Prescott Bush.

I actually clicked the link to see if Pam actually said something that stupid, or if you were just making it up. Yikes, is all I can say.


How does a person GET this crazy, seriously?


Jeebus. What is that fake-tanned figure at the top doing, playing with a beach ball?


How does a person GET this crazy, seriously, and then get to interview the (now former) US ambassador to the UN, John Bolton?

Fixed it for ya.


Look, the world was loving Adolph until he lost the war.

“Loving Adolph”…sounds like something Eva Braun might have written. If Mrs. Menjou didn’t already use that title.


She’s got the Read It All link now. While you’re there, check out Dr. Jack Wheeler’s bio page.


Look, the world was loving Adolph until he lost the war.

Can you blame ’em? Who could resist such a lovable little imp? And – as one of Pammie’s commenters points out – those Nazi uniforms were mighty snazzy.


She put up the link. The website claims to be “the oasis for R A T I O N A L conservatives.” Bio of the founder, editor, etc:

Why has sadly sadly ignored this font of wingnut insanity!


From the linked page:

The only Americans who owe reparations to the descendants of slaves are the descendants of slave owners. These people are one and the same, i.e., American blacks are a racial mix of white slave owner and black slave. Blacks owe reparations to themselves.

I think this site may be beyond parody.


I don’t know about the whole world, but Prescott Bush sure loved him until he lost the war.


What Obama’s really hiding is that he’s actually Luanda Magere, a legendary Luo warrior who parallels Achilles in that he is invincible until they learn that his only weakness is his shadow, and the jealous new wife who’s 7 months pregnant betrays his secret to the community, and after the next battle they stab his shadow, felling the warrior. Larry C. Johnson actually has the video.


Damn, I’m late to the party. Again.


How does a person GET this crazy, seriously, and then get to interview the (now former) US ambassador to the UN, John Bolton?

Hey, a blowjob’s a blowjob. Even if it is from an unhinged alcoholic.

Coleman Ruppert

The fact is, Teh Shrieking Harpy is obviously a Serious Person. You are all objectively anti-semitic for not taking Seriously her very Serious arguments, which have never been made before with such detail and care. I blame Bush derangement syndrome, sudden jihadist syndrome, and gay rage. Have fun getting thrown under the bus whiteys!


Hey I just learned this from Dr. Jack Wheeler:

“All forms of leftism and liberalism are based on an atavistic belief in Black Magic. All are based on the primitive fear of the envious Evil Eye.”

And for as little as 29 cents a day, I can have access to even more stunning insights like that! Maybe he’ll even tell us what “atavistic” means!


This is a minor point, but… why the hell do people keep spelling “Adolf” with a “ph”?


“All forms of leftism and liberalism are based on an atavistic belief in Black Magic. All are based on the primitive fear of the envious Evil Eye.”

So get with the program – medievalist monotheism FTW!

Principal Blackman

If I hadn’t seen Wheeler’s page/bio for myself, I would swear that you guys made him up as some sort of absurdist wingnut parody.


stringonastick said,

June 7, 2008 at 20:20

Hey I just learned this from Dr. Jack Wheeler:

“All forms of leftism and liberalism are based on an atavistic belief in Black Magic. All are based on the primitive fear of the envious Evil Eye.”

And for as little as 29 cents a day, I can have access to even more stunning insights like that! Maybe he’ll even tell us what “atavistic” means!

WTF?! How is the “Evil Eye” relevant to anything in liberalism?

As for atavistic, it’s one of those obscure, fancy sounding words that neocon pundits like to pull out of a thesaurus to make themselves sound more intellectual and serious than they actually are. He could’ve said “throwback” or “retrograde” and had a better chance of getting his point across.


More goodness from Dr. Jack Wheeler, the Indiana Jones of the Right:

Say goodbye and good riddance to crotch-grabbing it’s-cool-to-be-a-smartass sleaze. Say hello to music you can actually listen to (i.e., that’s actually music), TV shows you can let your kids watch, and baseball caps worn normally. Trust me on this… Our nightmare of degeneracy will soon be coming to an end.

Lawrence Welk will rise from the dead.

Dr. Jack Wheeler once defeated Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in arm wrestling, so the man knows what he’s talking about.

Johnny Coelacanth

Oh, man. Pammy’s current top story is is a long excerpt from Thomas Sowell, and it is the ne plus ultra of pants-pissing, “terrists gon’ kill us, what are we gonna do?” hyperventilating.

the biggest national sponsor of terrorism in the world– Iran– is moving step by step toward building a nuclear bomb.

The point when they get that bomb will be the point of no return. Iran’s nuclear bomb will be the terrorists’ nuclear bomb– and they can make 9/11 look like child’s play.

All the options that are on the table right now will be swept off the table forever. Our choices will be to give in to whatever the terrorists demand– however outrageous those demands might be– or to risk seeing American cities start disappearing in radioactive mushroom clouds.

That’s right, boys and goils, if Iran develops nuclear weapons, there’s nothing we can do to stop them from handing bombs out like candy to all the mean kids in the neighborhood! And if they get that nuclear candy, we will have to do whatever they tell us to, or they’re going to be mean to us, and stick our heads in the toilet, and other unspeakable humiliations, BEFORE THEY KILL US!

Just as the Nazis did not find it enough to simply kill people in their concentration camps, but had to humiliate and dehumanize them first, so we can expect terrorists with nuclear weapons to both humiliate us and force us to humiliate ourselves, before they finally start killing us.

See? But, wait, there’s more piss for your pants where that came from. Terrorists are -worse- than Nazis, because while Nazi Germany only had the strongest army in the world, did we mention the NUCLEAR WEAPONS?

the West’s lack of military preparedness and its political irresolution led to three solid years of devastating losses to Nazi Germany and imperial Japan, nevertheless when all the West’s industrial and military forces were finally mobilized, the democracies were able to turn the tide and win decisively.

But you cannot lose a nuclear war for three years and then come back. You cannot even sustain the will to resist for three years when you are first broken down morally by threats and then devastated by nuclear bombs.

Right. Because, obviously, Iran developing nuclear weapons capability means they’ll be squirting out H-Bombs like welfare queens squirt out babies, and it will mean NUCLEAR WAR. Oh, the terror; oh the piddling in the pants! Fortunately “Sage Sowell,” as Pammy calls him, has the only solution.

Senator John McCain has been criticized in this column many times. But, when all is said and done, Senator McCain has not spent decades aiding and abetting people who hate America.

On the contrary, he has paid a huge price for resisting our enemies, even when they held him prisoner and tortured him. The choice between him and Barack Obama should be a no-brainer.

Emphasis on “no-brainer,” to be sure.


“Leftism”. Say what?

Umm, just what the fuck exactly is “Leftism”?

Is there “Rightism”? How about “Centerism”?

And how to address the dual scourges of “Upism” and “Downism”?

Honestly, do these people ever go back and read what they write? I mean, sure, Pastor Swank doesn’t even try, but the rest of ’em – do they get embarrassed? Like “Holy crap, I got hellaciously fucked up and wrote THIS? Gawd, I gotta get back in AA”.



Chet Scoville said,

June 7, 2008 at 20:29

This is a minor point, but… why the hell do people keep spelling “Adolf” with a “ph”?

Because they’re too stupid to realize that the German language never adopted the Greek “ph” spelling of the “f” sound. And yes, “Adolf” is entirely of Germanic origin: it’s an abbreviation of Adalwolf, meaning “noble wolf”.


mikey said,

June 7, 2008 at 20:44

“Leftism”. Say what?

Umm, just what the fuck exactly is “Leftism”?

Is there “Rightism”? How about “Centerism”?

And how to address the dual scourges of “Upism” and “Downism”?

Personally, I like the “forwardism” and “backwardism” dichotomy. I’m sure you can guess which ones the cons will get assigned to.

commie atheist

the West’s lack of military preparedness and its political irresolution led to three solid years of devastating losses to Nazi Germany and imperial Japan, nevertheless when all the West’s industrial and military forces were finally mobilized, the democracies were able to turn the tide and win decisively.

But you cannot lose a nuclear war for three years and then come back. You cannot even sustain the will to resist for three years when you are first broken down morally by threats and then devastated by nuclear bombs.

Wait a minute – so we’ve got a missile gap with the terrorists? Did we get rid of all those nukes we’ve been stockpiling for the last fifty years? Was there a big garage sale or something?


The Shrieking Harpy, at the outset of making another of her impenetrable points about how the Muslimonazis will doom us all, offers this fascinating view of history:——–

Which tit was speaking?


All are based on the primitive fear of the envious Evil Eye.”

So I was scarfing chicken wings on a cafe patio, vaguely disturbed by a stray cat sitting and staring at me. It wasn’t until I bought the complete works of Enver Hoxha that I started feeling better.


This is a minor point, but… why the hell do people keep spelling “Adolf” with a “ph”?

Strong enough for a man, pH balanced for a woman.

Fake Barrack Obama

You know, I had to put up with so much crap from Whitey when I was playing tennis back in the day, it was ridiculous. Real bullshit stuff, too. Tennis racquets busted while I was in the shower, no towels, the worst locker, called nigger all the time, even by the help. I’m telling you, Clarence, if I get elected president, I’m gonna act the way I’m supposed to act in front of the camera. Smile and dance like a good black man, do what I’m expected to do like a good boy. But behind the scenes, I’ll fuck Whitey, and I’ll fuck him good, I really will.


Yep. Reckon so.

Those tens of thousands of Russian nukes, ICBMs, strategic bombers, submarines and 80 armored divisions were nothing, NOTHING I tell ya, compared to the Ayatollah’s crappy little untested first generation gun-type low-yield unreliable atomic bomb the size of a bus and his state-of-the-art delivery system comprised of uneducated teenagers.

It’s perfectly clear that the entire west would be helpless before this threat, that there would be nothing we could do to deter or retaliate this clanky, 1960’s era nuclear juggernaut and we would lie prostrate and humiliated before the terror.

I can’t decide if this guy is the bigger idiot, or if he thinks his readership is…



commie atheist said,

June 7, 2008 at 20:49

Wait a minute – so we’ve got a missile gap with the terrorists? Did we get rid of all those nukes we’ve been stockpiling for the last fifty years? Was there a big garage sale or something?

Well, weapons grade plutonium does have a shelf life. After about 20-30 years, it’s lost so many particles to nuclear decay that detonating it won’t sustain the critical mass necessary to start a fission reaction. No significant quantities of weapons grade plutonium has been produced since the late-80’s, so most of our nukes have gone past the expiration date.

However, this isn’t to say that we can easily restart the process, or purify fuel grade uranium to weapon grade uranium.


“vaguely disturbed by a stray cat sitting and staring at me”

I catch my cat staring at me a lot, and I gotta tell you, sometimes he don’t look real friendly.

I’m not sure he’s totally reconciled to that whole balls-one-day/NO-balls-the-next-day thing I did to him.

Tim (The Other One)

” Hitler; incredible painter. He could do two rooms in a day.”

(Mel Brooks/2000 Year Old Man)

Johnny Coelacanth

“weapons grade plutonium does have a shelf life. After about 20-30 years, it’s lost so many particles to nuclear decay that detonating it won’t sustain the critical mass necessary to start a fission reaction”

This does not apply to plutonium stored in TupperWare™ but may be a problem for users who have employed ZipLock™ technology to safeguard their nuclear weapons.


mikey said,

June 7, 2008 at 20:44

Is there “Rightism”? How about “Centerism”?

There is Broderism, which is central to my point.


What I love about the “O=Zero” bumper sticker that Pam’s loony is hawking is that an O looks so much like a zero that, on that bumper sticker, it basically is a zero. It looks like one of those esoteric bumper stickers that math teachers love to put on their cars.


The silicone has penetrated her brain. Pam is certifiable. Maybe we’ll all get lucky and she’ll relocate to Israel, if they’ll have her.

Johnny Coelacanth

“Maybe we’ll all get lucky and she’ll relocate to Israel”

Nah, Pammeh will stay in New York where she can most effectively fight Palestinian terrorists. She’s a citizen soldier, after all.


It’s pammalammadingdong and Huge Manboobs Hewitt, together against the world.

Of course they’re fighting from new yawk!


the world was loving Adolph until he lost the war.

I for one am grateful to the alien overlords who fought and defeated him, thereby exposing the Earth to his true nature.


World O’Crap has been mocking Jack Wheeler for years.


” Hitler; incredible painter. He could do two rooms in a day.”
(Mel Brooks/2000 Year Old Man)

Brooks also revealed that Adolf was a break-dancing fool.

So your boots ain’t black and your shirt ain’t brown?
Get back, Jack – you can’t get down!


The whole “everyone loved Hitler until he starting losing” thing, while obviously so false it’s practically true(1), I like it. Sort of sounds like someone else who got elected under dubious circumstances and consolidated power after a terrorist attack. I forget who, must’ve been like some ancient Roman guy or something. Also really most of the fans of Hitler (in like England and the US anyway) were not so much the people who liked to go to the farmer’s market for local organic vegetables — they were the sort of people who a decade later would be all into Atlas Shrugged.

(1) Sort of like “so bad it’s good” except it doesn’t make sense


Check out this comment:

It’s an OK bumper sticker. One flaw in it is “O” is a letter, so it seems to me it can’t equal the number zero. Maybe 15 because O is the fifteenth letter. (O=15)

I’d be sitting behind a car with that sticker wondereing.

How about this


I just made it up – and now see someone has already copied my idea.
Always the last to think of it..

How about this – Vote Obama!, and then after one rain, it washes off to say F*%^ Obama, and sell them out at Obama Rallie’s.

Imagine the horror in the libs mind when they see their cool Obama sticker has changed into the most vile and blasphmous insult to a ‘black’ man possible, and it’s on their car. Imagine the shame & guilt they will feel in what they have done. Imagine the crying as they hurridly try to scape it off their bumber before someone sees.,com_fireboard/Itemid,144/func,view/id,13201/catid,3/#13217


“Imagine the horror in the libs mind when they see their cool Obama sticker has changed into the most vile and blasphmous insult to a ‘black’ man possible, and it’s on their car. Imagine the shame & guilt they will feel in what they have done. Imagine the crying as they hurridly try to scape it off their bumber before someone sees.”

You go ahead and imagine what ever helps the old self esteem. Getting a spell checker might help with that to.

W. "Mr. Helpful" Kiernan

stringonastick: Maybe he’ll even tell us what “atavistic” means!

It means “with atavism.”


Wheeler evidently has a taste for unhinged conspiracy theories.

He’s recently been pissing off his fellow wingnuts by accusing McCain of collaborating with the commies in return for the services of a pair of Vietnamese love slaves. Wheeler learned this from the unidentified son of an unidentified Soviet military intelligence officer, who knew it because the Soviets were super-duper-secretly in direct control of all North Vietnamese POW camps, a fact so very secret that even the North Vietnamese were completely unaware of it. The Soviets subsequently gave the information to the CIA (of course, Soviet military intelligence was famous for handing over sensitive information to the CIA every chance it got). The CIA, which is actually an ultra-left-wing organization whose main goal is the destruction of American conservatism, passed the information to long-time CIA agent Bill Clinton, who will use it to destroy McCain when the time is ripe. And while Bill was busy with these evil schemes, Hillary was engaging in smoking hot sex with a beautiful lesbian Saudi intelligence operative.

Read the shocking story, if you dare.

Johnny Coelacanth

Wow, Snorg, I thought you were exaggerating but sadly, no you weren’t. Not even a little. If batshit were brains, this guy would still be batshit.


Well, weapons grade plutonium does have a shelf life. After about 20-30 years, it’s lost so many particles to nuclear decay that detonating it won’t sustain the critical mass necessary to start a fission reaction.

Plutonium 239, the isotope used in bomb cores, has a half-life of 24,000 years. After 20-30 years it has only lost one thousandth part to spontaneous fission. It may be that it gets poisoned by spontaneous fission products to the extent that plutonium bomb cores need to get reprocessed and chemically repurified after a long period. However this article indicates that the functional life of manufactured plutonium bomb cores is at least a number of decades.

Johnny Coelacanth

“However this article indicates that the functional life of manufactured plutonium bomb cores is at least a number of decades.”

Like I said, Tupperware makes all the difference.


Wheeler evidently has a taste for unhinged conspiracy theories.

No. It is not possible. No one could be that stupid. Please tell me that Wheeler actually works for The Onion!

not even an mba

Wow, Snorg, I thought you were exaggerating but sadly, no you weren’t. Not even a little. If batshit were brains, this guy would still be batshit.
That guy’s talents are wasted on blogging, he should be churning out Hollywood screenplays, or at least mass market paperbacks. Lesbian Muslim spies is the least of his powers of suspension of disbelief:

It has been noted many times here in To The Point that while most folks think the CIA is a right-wing outfit, it is not. The CIA has been dominated by left-wing hyper-liberals for years.

slippy hussein toad

Hey I just learned this from Dr. Jack Wheeler:

“All forms of leftism and liberalism are based on an atavistic belief in Black Magic. All are based on the primitive fear of the envious Evil Eye.”

And for as little as 29 cents a day, I can have access to even more stunning insights like that! Maybe he’ll even tell us what “atavistic” means!

So how does “Dr.” Wheeler square an Atheist leftist such as myself with his . . . erm . . . theory.

*Note, in the sentence above I used the word “theory” only for lack of a one-word English-language construction that means “fucked-up and wrong idea pulled steaming from one’s asshole.”

Satan's Dirty Underwear

To be fair, I used to do something similar bumper-sticker-wise. I made little stick on’s that said “at a time” and pasted them on “Marriage: One Man One Woman” stickies every chance I got.

not even an mba

Wouldn’t it have been easier to just Sharpie out the second “One”?


I just popped in to lament out loud that we’ve literally just started the election season in earnest and they’re already batshit insane with their allegations.

Come October they’ll be shrieking how Obama’s from the planet Zargg, sent here to steal our tile grout.


Crap, he’s on to us. Get Langley on the phone!


exxxcellent. The “tile grout” disinformation campaign proceeds apace.

Plan 9 cannot fail.


So how does “Dr.” Wheeler square an Atheist leftist such as myself with his . . . erm . . . theory.

I wonder if the words “self” and “hating” would be involved… or maybe “useful” and “idiot”. Those combos play a couple of their favorite tunes.


Why do people keep spelling Zargorf “Zargorph”?


square an Atheist leftist

Atheist leftist²


Just as the Nazis did not find it enough to simply kill people in their concentration camps, but had to humiliate and dehumanize them first, so we can expect terrorists with nuclear weapons to both humiliate us and force us to humiliate ourselves, before they finally start killing us.

You have caught Thomas Sowell in the middle of metamorphosing into a Kodak carousel slide projector. He will project just as much once the metamorphosis is complete, but at least the focus will be better.

Mehitabel the Abyssinian

I catch my cat staring at me a lot
And we would have got away with it, too, if it weren’t for that meddling Dr. Wheeler.


All the options that are on the table right now will be swept off the table forever.
That would cause me a great deal of grief. You know I bought that table specifically to put the options on? Marble-topped credenzas aren’t cheap, but it was worth it to see the options looking their best. If the options are swept off, what am I going to put on the table instead? Vases of flowers? I don’t think so.


Wow. Two posts by Zargorph and Doctorb and suddenly my faith in humanity has been restored. 🙂


I actually clicked the link to see if Pam actually said something that stupid, or if you were just making it up.

Yeah, it really is hard to distinguish the parody when something already is a parody of itself. Poor Pammy. When Obama is president and Hillary Clinton is on the Supreme Court, I think we’ll find her corpse swinging gently from a rafter in a locked basement, with her final rantings scrawled on the walls in her own shit.


This is a minor point, but… why the hell do people keep spelling “Adolf” with a “ph”?

It’s a throwback to the spelling in the bottle of Adolph’s Meat Tenderizer they had arouns the house as a kid. Pure monosodium glutamate (MSG), a staple of white rural cooking of the 1960s and 70s!


Did we mention that Jack Wheeler once defeated Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in arm wrestling – and Putin’s KGB bodyguard!

Between this and you guys, I’m laughing so hard I think I’m going to wet my pants!


we can expect terrorists with nuclear weapons to both humiliate us and force us to humiliate ourselves

How does he see this scenario playing out?


How does he see this scenario playing out?
The specialist literature comprising Sowell’s library can provide him with many possible scenarios.


Thanks, I really needed that laugh.


Anybody follow the Atlas advertising link to ?

The author of the blog there is hawking books with some rather entertaining theories about history.

if you ever wondered how the Atlanteans and Egyptians were able to measure and map the earth, during Ice Age times, when sea level was lower, and the deserts of the Middle East were lush forests and grasslands, see article #2 at

When you understand that many of the ancient gods (such as Posidon, Nereus, and Athena) were actually real biblical people (Sidon, Noah, and Naamah), who had been deified through the practice of ancestor worship (the worship of created beings rather than the Creator of all), you can see that many of the other gods were but character aspects of these gods who were real people (such as Athena’s aspects represented by Demeter, Aphrodite, and Minerva), and so, ancient mythologies are just overt augmentations of biblical history, created to obscure the role of the Creator God as described in the Bible, by the Spirit of the triune Creator himself, through human agents, on cuneiform tablets (see article #13 under

In fact, the ancients accurately mapped most of the world around 2000 B.C., and the evidences of their astro-navigational capabilities are found with the stone-circles and astronomically-aligned pyramids (both on land and sea-floor) that are located at strategic Base-Six-denominated longitudinal locations around the world, which established these megalithic sites as geographical reference points for the astronomical measurements and resultant mapping by the ancient seafarers.

Note: If the ancient Egyptians had subdivided the radius of the earth (and also therefore, one side of the earth hexagon) by 3,600 rather than 7,200, the royal mile would have been identical to the nautical mile, so it is obvious that our mapping and timekeeping systems are based upon the ancients’ measurements of the earth’s precession.

Could Obama be the descendant of Atlanteans? I’m suspicious until he proves otherwise.


We also need to know whether the Black Númenórean or the Elf-Friend side of his ancestry is dominant.

not even an mba

Well this proves it once again, the longer a thread goes on in the internets the more likely Zargorf and his tile groutenstaffel will be brought up. Another fruitful discussion of lesbian muslim superspies de-railed by Gzz’tbrylx’s Law.


“square an Atheist leftist

Atheist leftist²”

No – it’s (Atheist leftist)^2. Let’s be mathematically correct here.


(Atheist leftist)²

I’m willing to compromise.


Jeez, I try to make a joke about Wheeler explaining atavistic to us and everyone thinks I can’t use a dictionary. My GRE scores would have gotten me instant acceptance into Mensa, but screw that sittin’ around acting smart shit.


Atta-vistic: The condition named for its signature characteristic, seeing terrorists wherever one looks.

Also known as Lilek’s syndrome.


This the same Shrieking Harpy who was hyperventilating over Obama’s package a couple of weeks ago. I think she’s just trying to get his attention.

so we can expect terrorists with nuclear weapons to both humiliate us and force us to humiliate ourselves, before they finally start killing us.

That’s the Brown Squirts’ excuse for the doo-doo that constantly rolls out of their pants legs. If they stop crapping their pants the terrists will attack. It’s also how they hope to finally get laid. “No really, we have to dress like smurfs and do it doggie style in front of this camera. Our terrist overlords demand it and we must provide proof.”


WordPress ate my last attempt to post this, but I feel compelled to try again…

More goodness from Dr. Jack Wheeler:
It’s not widely recognized that the Wall Street Journal is a left-wing rag, a propaganda organ for the Democrat Party no less than the New York Times.


It’s not widely recognized that
Perhaps, for a change, Dr. Jack Wheeler could begin a statement with the phrase “It is widely known that…”
It would wake the class up, and show who wasn’t paying attention.


Okay, I call parody on Doctor Jack. I’m not surprised that Pam couldn’t tell the difference, but sheesh!

I mean, c’mon. That can’t be for really real, can it?

monkey knife fight

Come October they’ll be shrieking how Obama’s from the planet Zargg, sent here to steal our tile grout.

Huh, that’s too bad. I wish he were here to grout my tile.


That’s it. Really nice!


so we can expect terrorists with nuclear weapons to both humiliate us and force us to humiliate ourselves

The terrorists could obtain the same result more cheaply, by wearing fur coats.


But officer, I only offered to blow you because of the Iranian nukes.


Jack Wheeler
You never can tell what a psychologically unstable guy will do.

And he should know from unstable.


so we can expect terrorists with nuclear weapons to both humiliate us and force us to humiliate ourselves

But before we start we should really decide on the safe word. Oh, and we wrote down exactly how we want the scene to go… hello?


Thomas Sowell is soooooooo dreamy. Now that I’m not brain dead.

-David Mamet


seriously batshit crazy.

isn’t there some medicine for that?


“No significant quantities of weapons grade plutonium has been produced since the late-80’s, so most of our nukes have gone past the expiration date.”

They take the fissionables from the old nuclear weapons and reprocess it to produce new ones. The new weapon is less powerful (relatively speaking) than the old one but we have much greater accuracy now so it’s a wash.


The new weapon is less powerful (relatively speaking) than the old one but we have much greater accuracy now so it’s a wash.

More accurate than this???


Yeee! Haaaaa!


I really was a B-52 pilot 1989-1992.

I can tell you that it’s a very strange feeling to sign for an aircraft with sixteen of those accursed things loaded on it.


Do they count them when you come back home?


We never flew with them. We never even taxied the airplane when it was loaded with them. The plane would sit on the alert pad and once in a while they would have us run out and practice starting the engines as quickly as possible.


God damn that is scary. So, what do you think about the episode where they actually flew with one “unknowingly”? I’ve talked to a few retired Air Force folks and they are highly, highly unimpressed and aren’t buying the BS excuse for one minute.

Franz Liebkind

Look, the world was loving Adolph until he lost the war.

Not many people know it, but the Fuhrer was a terrific dancer.



stringonastick said,

June 8, 2008 at 20:11

God damn that is scary. So, what do you think about the episode where they actually flew with one “unknowingly”? I’ve talked to a few retired Air Force folks and they are highly, highly unimpressed and aren’t buying the BS excuse for one minute.

No BS required. People fuck up. Fuckups get compounded. And when it’s an armed fuckup, people die in large numbers. It’s almost certain to happen. I was on the REACT when an airborne battalion ran into an ARVN op south of Pleiku. They bumped into each other, lit up the lead elements, and called air and arty onto each other. By the time they figured out that everybody was not only on the same side, but using the same assets to kill each other, there were litterlly hundreds of casualties. We inserted late in the afternoon, and stood around smoking cigarettes and dusting off dead and wounded until it was too dark. Never took a hostile round.

These aren’t stupid people, not in general and not across the board, but they are big, dangerous organizations looking for something to kill. When that’s your business, you’re going to find weapons getting out of control and people getting killed.

Just the way it is…



“So, what do you think about the episode where they actually flew with one ‘unknowingly’?”

I don’t know what to think about that one. I find it very hard to believe that they were so lax in their nuclear surety procedures to let that happen.

I never flew a plane with even an inert cruise missile loaded on it. In training we normally just simulated a launch by sending an electronic tone to a radar site that scored whether we were within the correct parameters.


I mean, c’mon. That can’t be for really real, can it?

Read the comments to Wheeler’s post. Not only are they buying it, they’re conducting a bidding war with crazy dollars.


I’ve never seen Shickelgruber’s first name spelled that way.


so most of our nukes have gone past the expiration date.”

I hate when that happens. But my neighbor says it’s OK if you’re going to cook with it, you just need to make sure you bring it to a hard boil.


See Mikey, that’s what’s so fucking scary about that whole “oops, we didn’t mean to fly with THAT one” incident. If I recall this correctly, they had one nuke in with all the rest of the regular bombs, and there was all sorts of upsetness over how that could happen since the nukes and non-nukes are stored separately in very different areas with signficantly different chain of custody requirements, etc. It had the feel of a Cheney op to me, like a test to see if they could get one to a base and then immediately out of the US for future use elsewhere.

It makes me think about an ex-Marine I was talking to immediately after the Iraq invasion. His comment was how badly they’d planned it because they should have had some bioweapons flown in to be “discovered” later just in case they didn’t find any. I think he was quite serious in that opinion too.


That is a powerful woman who can fold reality onto itself as deftly as a Chinese laundry slave. Her hands must ache.


Is that Pam, in the Supergirl getup, coming out of the water rampant? Lemme tell ya – that is so deep into Drastically Fucked-Up County it can’t get out again, even with GPS.
Iran becoming the terror of the world when it gets one or two crusty old nukes? Uh HUH … we already got this song-&-dance in regard to North Korea … funny, must’ve missed the memo where Kim made Americans change their anthem to “The Chcken Dance” & wear panties as hats, etc., while blackmailing a helpless America into insolvency. Actually, NK has been literallly invisible in the news, from about the DAY they supposedly set off their nuke to now – I wonder why? Surely it has nothing to do with the claims of folks like Sibel Edmonds that top officials in the Bush Junta secretly sold top-secret nuke info to regimes like Pakistan & North Korea, right? Nah. You gotta be one of those Conspiracy Nuts to buy that hooey!

The real Achilles Heel of nukes is Tritium, which decays in a mere 9 or so years … & I doubt industrial production of the vital component of triggering-mechanisms has ever even so much as dipped slightly. Canada, by the way, could nut-kick the nuclear-weapon Russian Roulette game simply by banning Tritium exports (damn near 1/2 the world’s supply comes from Saskatchewan), but that sweet sweet lolly is just too much to resist. Yes indeed – BLAME CANADA.

“So, what do you think about the episode where they actually flew with one ‘unknowingly’?”

It wasn’t one – it was FIVE.
Rather a phenomenal rate of rapid mortality in the unit involved too, in the year after the “accident” – worse than many active combat units … along with an amazing reluctance to seriously investigate the sometimes surreal causes of death – while many of the higher-ups have gotten equally mysterious promotions, well ahead of schedule. Seems broken spears can also serve as a dandy career-move, if you rank high enough.


Why do people keep spelling Zargorf “Zargorph”?


This is the ultimate Godwin


Maybe they do define western civilization. And maybe not.


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[…] Sadly, No! links to the latest Pam Oshry masterpiece. If you dare watch it, remember — this is the woman to whom John Bolton granted an hour-long interview, and I don’t think his eyes ever strayed above her neckline the whole time. GA_googleAddAttr("AdOpt", "1"); GA_googleAddAttr("Origin", "other"); GA_googleAddAttr("theme_bg", "fafcff"); GA_googleAddAttr("theme_border", "f0f1f3"); GA_googleAddAttr("theme_text", "2a2a2a"); GA_googleAddAttr("theme_link", "c9740a"); GA_googleAddAttr("theme_url", "808080"); GA_googleAddAttr("LangId", "1"); GA_googleAddAttr("Autotag", "food"); GA_googleAddAttr("Tag", "republicans-acting-badly"); GA_googleAddAttr("Tag", "rightwing-moral-cripples"); GA_googleAddAttr("Tag", "wtf"); GA_googleFillSlot("wpcom_sharethrough"); Share this:TwitterDiggFacebookRedditPrintEmailMoreStumbleUponLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. […]


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