Meanwhile, Back In The Jungle

I’m peering through the tiniest Internet knothole you can imagine (the dialup out here comes with a proprietary browser that’s literally Wal-Mart branded). But I simply must say, given the events of the past couple of days:

1) It’s a damn shame that all the videos of the Hammersmith-era Motörhead performing ‘Bomber’ have been removed from YouTube, for I had long anticipated using that video once again on this occasion. The line, “it’s a bomber,” sounds precisely like “it’s Obama,” and there’s even a line about feeling the “black-death-rising moan.” It’s so perfect! It’s the best candidate-winning song ever!

But if it is not to be, indeed if my will is to be thwarted, I will not be responsible for my actions — i.e., it is not my fault, but your fault if I throw a tantrum and redirect my efforts toward, for instance, destroying Michelle Obama. Plus, ol’ McCain has been looking pretty good to me lately. I’m just saying. Thwarting my will is like thwarting millions of mes who are just like me. I have needs; why aren’t you gratifying them?

2) Serious now. Did Hillary’s non-concession make it seem to anyone that she might be inclining toward pulling a Lieberman? That is, did it seem to anyone that she might be planning to run as an independent, with all the horror that such a three-way race would entail?

She wouldn’t do that, would she?


Comments: 213


If Hillary ran as an independent, would she join the Connecticut for Lieberman Party, or would she create a new Americans for Hillary Party?


Third party? Why not? She got more votes than Obomba or McCain.
Clearly the DNC wants Obama,reguardless of what the MAJORITY voters want. Im a lifelong dem,but there is no way I will vote for Obama. He is simply not qualified.


I predict that the above troll will be successful enough to make the cover of Forbes next month.

not even an mba

Wait, Gavin is Iris?


3rd party- Thank you for doing a Shorter for us.

Hillary won’t run as an independent, unless she wants her house burned and her land salted, if you know what I mean.


…she might be planning to run as an independent…

Oh hell no.


She got more votes than Obomba or McCain.

Apparently not


I hear that there is a video. A VIDEO. Of Michelle Obama saying “whitey.” This proves something. It is also very telling.


I don’t know, Gavin. While I was waiting in the breakroom for my ride after class last night, I caught her in about the middle of her speech and as I listened I began to wonder if somehow she had won, if perhaps Obama had been dead girl/live boyed or some other awful thing had caused him to concede the nomination to her.

That was in no way a concession speech. It didn’t even sound like a pre-concession speech. I really don’t think she’s planning an independent run, though. I think she’s going to try to strong-arm Obama into giving her the VP slot. Bad enough, but certainly not as horrible as pulling a holy joe would be.

Thanks for giving me something new to worry about!


If Hillary draws this out one more day than sh will be on the ticket.

McCain’s ticket.


3rd party – You, like Senator Clinton, are ignoring all caucus votes.

Did your math teacher hate America?


She has to know, in the midst of even her deepest bouts of megalomanic psychosis, that pulling a Nader will get her Nader’s fate, a fast fade into total irrelevance.


She wouldn’t do that, would she?

No. She’ll drop out in a few days and support Barry. I don’t blame her for not conceding last night. It wasn’t the right setting for it and she’d be stupid not to try to maximize her current leverage before conceding. That might mean getting the VP slot or just having him put her in charge of health care reform. And if you heard his speech last night he’s clearly willing to do the latter at least. Last night’s plea for her supporters to come to her web site and tell her what she should do next was all about getting some more money out of them so she can pay off her debt to herself. I do blame her for that.


How dare you ask us fighting Americans, us real Reagan Democrats and true-blue American women, to put down are arms and simply root for the misogynistic Obama. This is exactly what we’re talking about when we say we’ll go in McCain’s camp. That’s a man who truly understands the plight of women in this country. I deserve to get exactly what I want, and always have. One time, in my youth, I was at a school dance. You won’t believe what happened: The misogynists and future Obots dumped blood on me when I was in the center of the stage. Because I’m a true Reagan Democrat, a salt-of-the-earth Appalachian voter, I showed my disgust by using my mental powers to kill everyone in the room, then some additional Obots who tried to run over me in their car. Let this be a lesson to all you Obama supporters. You must give me exactly what I want, or I’ll be really really mad.


There’s been chatter about Hillary negotiating for Obama to offer her the VP spot on the condition that she turn it down. Not only is deal a pathetic ego massage for our tender runner-up, I wouldn’t put it past Hillary’s people to pull a Michigan, reneg on the deal, accept the offer as recognition of her supremeness and lodge herself onto the ticket.

There doesn’t seem to be any polite way to tell her that she played and lost. GAME OVER.


Come to think of it though, investing in a Hillary independent bid would be a much better use of Republican money than giving it to McCain.

Just like Lieberman’s race.


She has to know, in the midst of even her deepest bouts of megalomanic psychosis, that pulling a Nader will get her Nader’s fate, a fast fade into total irrelevance.

Oh no. She won’t be irrelevant. See, in Nader’s case, most everyone (myself not included, of course) blames Gore for running a lousy campaign, or blames the Florida debacle.

But this year? Hillary would be Reason Number One for Obama losing. She’d be Reason Number One for a third term for Bush. She should wish she could fade into total irrelevance.


3rd party – You, like Senator Clinton, are ignoring all caucus votes.

“Counting every vote means ignoring four caucus states and hundreds of thousands of Michigan voters!”

It’s the new “We had to destroy the village in order to save it” but less catchy.


Hillary is like a more benign Karl Rove– every single thing she does is motivated by politics. If we’re expecting Hillary Rodham Clinton to do the “right thing” rather than the most politically advantageous thing then we’re being quite naive. Of course she’s going to squeeze this for everything she can get out of it– it’s her way, it’s what she does.

She’s had lots of chances to show some class and get out of this with some dignity but… Well, we all know what happened. This is why she MUST NOT be on the ticket with Obama. She’s the worst team player of all time.



Senator Clinton was asked whether she was open to the idea of running as Vice-President and repeated what she has said before: she will do whatever she can to ensure that Democrats take the White House back and defeat John McCain.

Clinton is not going to pull a Lieberman

Five of Diamonds

Nah, she’s just trying to bilk her die-hard supporters for more $$. Maybe some little kid will sell their bike for her DOA campaign again?


“See, in Nader’s case, most everyone (myself not included, of course) blames Gore for running a lousy campaign, or blames the Florida debacle.”

Now that is some funny shit.


If nothing else, this primary has given a lot of Democrats the chance to perfect the art of satire trolling.


““Let me be very clear. I know that Senator Obama will be a good friend to Israel,” she said to applause. ”

Sounds to me like Hillary is aware that Obama will be the nominee and that she intends to support him.

I think this campaign has driven a lot of people over the edge.


I just got off the train.

Did something happen?

Hang on, lemme turn on the news or something….



And no, I’m not doing the Nader debate today.


Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.

Hillary = Irrelevant.


She’s making a bald blackmail-based bid for the VP slot. I can’t read her speech any other way.

She’s a uniter in the full 21st century term of the word.


If the Michelle Obama video even exists, I – like all decent, sane people – can only say “So what?”

The Clintonistas – or the Repugs – will play the video, Obama will respond, and the conservative media (by which I mean, the media) can entertain us with another round of accusations that Obama is playing the race card.

Stupid people will get their panties in a twist and smart people wil shrug and vote for Obama.


I’d like to think Hillary wouldn’t be that cut off from reality, and, well, stupid.

I’ll just hope not.


Everything is slowly going to settle back to normal, Hillary has all but conceded, she will go back to the Senate. Obama and her will negotiate this VP thing, she’ll “politely decline” to sooth her ego, and McCain and Obama will launch the real Presidential battle. And then, after a few months, all of this bullshit will be forgotten, the TalkLeft’s of the world will throw their support behind Obama and us Obots will remember that we do like having someone like Hills on our side.

That, or she’ll do a 3rd party run and someone will kill her.


”I’m a Democrat by heritage, instinct and conviction.”

–Bill Clinton

“Make me an offer.”



“But this year? Hillary would be Reason Number One for Obama losing. She’d be Reason Number One for a third term for Bush. She should wish she could fade into total irrelevance.”

She’s going to get blamed if Obama loses anyways, so why not do it in style!

Seriously what has she done or said that would make you think she would run as an independent. But she’s so AMBITIOUS!!! She would do ANYTHING to be president!!! She would rather McCain win so she has a chance in 2012!!! On the flip side, she has said numerous times what she will do if Obama is the nominee, so my suggestion would be to just stick to that for the time being.


Here’s what Nancy Pelosi said this morning:

It’s pretty exciting, a great expansion of participation from young people, from women, from minorities, people in minority communities. And now we have a nominee, and that’s pretty exciting. The campaign of Sen. Clinton is one that will go down in the history books as a great one for our country, breaking what I call the marble ceiling, what they call the glass ceiling. Glass is easy compared to the ceiling that she broke. And I couldn’t be prouder of her eloquence, her knowledge, her judgment, the stamina that it took to have this campaign. And so I salute her and all of her supporters.

Doesn’t settle the VP stuff, but it pretty much takes the wiggle room out of everything else.


Hillary has her flaws, but she’s not stupid by a long shot. When it comes down to it, I think she’ll take things right to the edge – and then pull back, and take whatever she can get.

If she did a “3rd party” she’d pretty much ruin a lot of her political career. Doubtless she’d be relevant and a hero to a small amount of people, but she’d be remembered as the person who blew the presidency for petty politics – and that’s if the presidency ends up in the hands of McCain. As I expect a McCain presidency to be disastrous, it won’t go well for her – though most people will be busy blaming McCain and company.

If she pulls a “3rd party” and Obama wins, it could actually go worse for her. She’d have looked petty and irrelevant, and having not been able to affect the election significantly in people’s eyes, she’d just be ignored.

So 3rd party is a looser for her. She’ll do the math.


Gavin, like all filthy gynophobic pig-men and Kool-Aid besotted Obamatons, takes glee in the humiliating degradation and validation-nullification heaped on all Hillary supporters over the course of this collective anti-democratic act of in-your-face-bitch political bukkake.

As far as I’m concerned, you can take your fucking Y chromosomes, stuff them up your ass and weep because you’ll NEVER CONCEIVE A BABY in your saggy pink testo-sacs.

I’m voting for John McCain, because he bought me chocolate peanut truffles and thinks the SITC movie is just the nazz.

Flustered but unswerving,



Give her some time. The big ship U.S. Senator Clinton takes a while to change course.


That, or she’ll do a 3rd party run and someone will kill her.

“She actually said those words.

**Those** words, Senator?

You actually invoked the nightmare of political assassination.

You actually invoked the spectre of an inspirational leader, at the seeming moment of triumph, for himself and a battered nation yearning to breathe free, silenced forever.


Watching Hillary last night reminded me of a joke:

Q: What does a co-dependent say after sex?

A: “Was it good for me?”

All that whining about, “write to me at my WEBSITE, tell me what you WANT me to DO” was really sad. And I happen to like Hillary!

But really–just pathetic.


She’s going to get blamed if Obama loses anyways



We went to her web site last night and left comments: “Thank you for your service. Now please get off the stage.”

We can hope that she’s trying to let her side down gently and slowly. Did anybody notice how angry that gay guy behind her was? You can’t just turn that off like that[/snap].

Please please please let that be the case.


That, or she’ll do a 3rd party run and someone will kill her.

Why would you say something so fucking stupid?


While I have no insight into Clinton’s future actions, here are what some of her supporters think. I received at just past 10 o’clock PDT last night. So take it for what it’s worth, considering where I work, it could be a Republican front group for all I know.


Robin Carlson
Hillary Grassroots Campaign
Phone: 206-289-0005

Group Vows Half-Million Supporters Will Back Hillary in General Election

Organization cites surging membership and closeness of previous elections in their promise to impact ’08 elections

June 4, 2008 —, an organization with upwards of half-a-million supporters, announced today it is committed to breaking ranks with the Democratic Party and supporting Senator Hillary Clinton in the general election – regardless of her status as the party’s nominee. is not associated with the official Hillary Clinton campaign. However, the organization says it is filled with disaffected supporters who are ready to be “former” Democrats because of the contempt and disregard that has been shown to the many party faithful who support Sen. Clinton’s presidential candidacy.

“We’ve already registered more than half-a-million supporters and our numbers are growing daily,” said Robin Carlson,’s campaign representative. “The treatment from the Democratic Party and the media of this historic candidate has energized voters across our nation,” Carlson added. “To throw that support away with such contempt and disregard would be a huge mistake.” points to the closeness of presidential elections in 2000 and 2004 as examples of how large an impact its supporters could make in November.

Carlson added “Mark Twain said, ‘Loyalty to petrified opinion never broke a chain or freed a human soul.'”

“In what is perceived by many as a ‘petrified loyalty’ to a less qualified candidate, and a manipulative stance to dictate that Sen. Barack Obama become the Democratic presidential nominee by ‘decree,’ the Hillary Grassroots Campaign stands ready to mobilize its half-million member base to action. Given the results of the Democratic National Committee Rules & By-laws meeting on Sat., May 31, the Hillary Grassroots Campaign is pleased to re-affirm its commitment to supporting Hillary Rodham Clinton’s continued campaign all the way to the general election.”

Carlson also said that the calls for Clinton’s withdrawal from the race are “disgraceful” and “unprecedented in the history of the Democratic party.”

“If the DNC behaves like they don’t need the Hillary Clinton supporters, so be it. We will go elsewhere,” Carlson added. plans to move its mission forward whether by write-in votes or by supporting Sen. Clinton in becoming an Independent candidate.

Carlson also had harsh words for those calling for Democratic Party unity, in some instances months before all primary votes had been cast.

“Critics will say that we must preserve party ‘unity’ at any cost, but really it means only if we support Sen. Barack Obama. We are sick and tired, as Hillary supporters, of being basically told to shut up and get out. We are tired of being ‘careful’ in order to preserve party unity.”

“As one of the great heroes of democracy and enfranchising the women who made up half of the U.S. population, Susan B. Anthony, said, ‘Cautious, careful people, always casting about to preserve their reputation and social standing, never can bring about a reform. Those who are really in earnest must be willing to be anything or nothing in the world’s estimation.’ We are done with being careful, cautious and disenfranchised, whether in Michigan, Florida or in this primary process,” Carlson concluded.

“Hillary Rodham Clinton is our candidate and she can win without the Democratic Party. Can the Democratic Party win without her?”


Whoa, relax. Tongue-in-cheek and all that. She’s not going to make a 3rd party run, and no one’s going to kill anyone, least of all some middle-aged woman in a pantsuit.


One time, in my youth, I was at a school dance. You won’t believe what happened: The misogynists and future Obots dumped blood on me when I was in the center of the stage

Huh? Iris, you told me that happened one summer at Band Camp.


She’s going to get blamed if Obama loses anyways

This is what I am primarily worried about.

I think her not-quite-concession speech is just bargaining for either the VP slot (okay) or to be put in charge of a national healthcare plan (excellent.) It seems pretty paranoid to read it any other way.


D.N. Nation said,

June 4, 2008 at 20:23

She’s going to get blamed if Obama loses anyways


tbqh as an Edwards-turned-Obama voter I really don’t think I can forgive Hillary regardless of who wins the general


What was the name of that women’s cult that voluntarily cut out their tongues in ‘The World According To Garp’? That movie is starting to become as politically relevant as ‘Blazing Saddles’.


Oh yeah. Jenny somebody?


Reading comment threads at No Quarter is a truly saddening experience on an existential level…

In between the gushing, irrational feargasms of a country ruled by the iron pimp-stick of Barack Dolemite Obama and his whitey-hatin’, jive-talkin’ bottom bitch Michelle and his loyal army of zombified Obots (which I might add is simply the wittiest witticism in the history of wit), and the vigorous efforts to beatify Saint Hillary, Our Lady of the Perpetual Primary , every 3rd commentor or so makes sure to stop and give ol’ Larry a big sloppy blowjob and tell him how gosh-darned wonderful he is and how incomplete their lives would be without knowing that he alone stands guard over mom, freedom, and MacDonalds hot apple pies.

Object lesson: while one may assume that progressive politics is an indication of a more enlightened mindset, no party has the market locked up on teh stupid.


What was the name of that women’s cult that voluntarily cut out their tongues in ‘The World According To Garp’?

I have no idea, but there’s a similar group in Y: The Last Man called the Daughters of the Amazon.


Yeah I really couldnt stay at that site long, it was making me sad, frightened and disgusted all at once.

The Rude One had some quotes from some of the disappointend HIllary followers, and I swear to God they sounded just like the insane posters who were going on X-17 and TMZ back when Britney was tearing it up in her pink wig – invoking the angels and the highest power of the universe to bless her and guide her steps and nonsense like that.

These people are insane.


Object lesson: while one may assume that progressive politics is an indication of a more enlightened mindset, no party has the market locked up on teh stupid.

I still need someone to demonstrate to me one progressive thing Hillary has done since being elected to public office.


You know what’s some funny shit?



Stupid people will get their panties in a twist and smart people wil shrug and vote for Obama.

True, but we’ve seen many ballot boxes stuffed with twisted panties.


They’ll get over it eventually. Just like the McCain supporters voted for Bush in ’04, yadda yadda. Just give them a little time (and no ammunition, please) and they’ll fall in behind Obama within a month or so. Swear.


/Garp trivia

The Ellen Jamesians.

Ellen James was raped and the rapist cut off her tongue, so all Ellen Jamesians did the same.


The women who cut out their tongues in “Garp” were the Ellen James Society.

And I wouldn’t compare the Clinton supporters to the Ellen Jamesians.

The Ellen Jamesians were protesting a real outrage. The Clinton supporters are advocating one.


That HillaryGrassRoots group with half-a-million hyphens, er, members appears to be … a chimera. Really, see if you can find it.

I assume Carlson is this person. But it would suck if some asslimpet used her name.


As others have pointed out, she is negotiating for a position in the Obama administration. And as others have pointed out, she is negotiating by saying “That’s a nice family you’ve got there. It would be a shame is something were to happen to them.”

I can’t say that I approve of her tactics, but this is hard ball politics. Obama understands this and will make his decision accordingly. That said, I still think that both Obama and Clinton will do whatever they believe they have to do to insure a sweeping Democratic victory in November. There is no way she will run on a 3rd party ticket. It would be political suicide.


“Stupid people will get their panties in a twist and smart people wil shrug and vote for Obama.”

I guess you forgot: this is the United States of America in the year 2008. That works out to 10% shrugs, 90% twisted panties in the land of the free and the home of the Whopper.


Travis Disaster said,
June 4, 2008 at 20:47

Object lesson: while one may assume that progressive politics is an indication of a more enlightened mindset, no party has the market locked up on teh stupid.

I still need someone to demonstrate to me one progressive thing Hillary has done since being elected to public office.

Well, it is very obvious that his must determine what your definition of “progressive thing”. What “progressive things” has Obama done since he’s been elected to public office?


Oh no you don’t Travis. This election is not going to be about issues; it’s going to be about personalities.


Ehh… I think a significant percentage of Hillary supporters who say they’ll vote for McCain and Obama supporters telling Hillary fans to “shut up stupid bitches” and the like are Republican trolls. Not all, but more than zero. Limbaugh etc. said they’ll do it. Why doubt them?


“Ehh… I think a significant percentage of Hillary supporters who say they’ll vote for McCain and Obama supporters telling Hillary fans to “shut up stupid bitches” and the like are Republican trolls. Not all, but more than zero. Limbaugh etc. said they’ll do it. Why doubt them?”

I was thinking the same thing…

Did Limbaugh really say that? I don’t listen to that Viagra popping bag of hypocrisy so I wouldn’t know, but definitely wouldn’t surprise me.

Liberals are big hearted people and tend to be nice, all the meanness I’ve seen makes me think those people are actually republicans.


It will be interesting to see what happens to the die-hards who swear they’llvote for McCain….when/if Hillary starts campaigning for Obama. Do they support her so much they refuse to do what she says?


What “progressive things” has Obama done since he’s been elected to public office?

Voted against cluster bombs, while Hillary voted for them



Back when McCain first started to pull away from the field, and him winning the nomination became inevitable, the lunatic fringe on the right (Rush, Coulter, et al.) threatened to vote for/agitate for Hillary. They were spared the embarrassment of having to actually follow through when Obama pulled ahead, but some of their followers probably took them at face value. I have no doubt that a fairly large percentage of the Hillary crazies are actually Republicans looking to stir something and that something is “up trouble”.


As others have pointed out, she is negotiating for a position in the Obama administration.

This may be a stupid question, but what is so awful about being a powerful US Senator in the majority party? Having to work with 49 other Senators?


Ehh… I think a significant percentage […] are Republican trolls.

I agree. I generally reply to anyone who expresses a strongly hostile view toward Clinton or Obama with “Thanks for sharing your concerns Mr. Rove.”


This may be a stupid question, but what is so awful about being a powerful US Senator in the majority party? Having to work with 49 other Senators?

Senator’s a good gig, but as President, you get ice cream cake. Nobody can turn down Fudgie the Whale.


I love it when people agree with me. It gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside, like i’ve just eaten a teddy bear.


He is simply not qualified.

Oh, shut up. He’s got practically the same CV as Hillary — without the First Lady experience. They’re both accomplished lawyers. He’s worked with people on a community level. He’s won more elections. She’s got two years more in the Senate.

I don’t mind Hillary. Really.

But I hate intellectual dishonesty.


“I still need someone to demonstrate to me one progressive thing Hillary has done since being elected to public office”

She was instrumental in forcing the FDA to allow Plan B to be sold over the counter to women 18 and older.

There’s other stuff too, but you just asked for one thing.

I think it’s rather silly to say that Clinton hasn’t done anything progressive since being elected to office. You may not support her and from the sounds of it I gather you personally dislike her (and that’s all well and fine) but there’s no need to distort the truth.


Did Hillary’s non-concession make it seem to anyone that she might be inclining toward pulling a Lieberman?

Let’s be overly pessimistic and assume the answer is “yes”.

The answer is still “no”. Clinton cannot do this. By which I mean, it is not legally possible. The reason why Lieberman was able to pull a Lieberman was that Connecticut has no “sore loser” law. Other states do have sore loser laws. In particular, California. If Clinton runs as an independent, she cannot get on the ballot in, at the least, California, and surely other critical states. It doesn’t work.


like i’ve just eaten a teddy bear.

I like my teddy bear hot out of the dryer with a cold scoop of puppy noses on the side.


This help any?


Registrar: GODADDY.COM, INC.
Whois Server:
Referral URL:

seattle, Washington 98101
United States

Admin & Tech contact are same, with phone number of same area code as Robin Carlson’s

Registered through:, Inc. (
Created on: 26-May-08
Expires on: 26-May-10
Last Updated on: 26-May-08

Ohhkayyy…it’s 9 days week old and registered through GoDaddy, who are cheap to sign up with but sock it to you on the back end. There’ve been some pic FAILs on GOP websites but this is pretty bush-league.


Why’d Stripes (I hate that band)

not even an mba

Edwards supporters that went over to the Clinton camp stayed Clintonians despite Edwards 1. Endorsing Barack and 2. Calling for all Democrats to rally round the nominee. That was my original beef with Iris (and no that’s not one of RB’s recipes). So there’s no reason why they’d listen to their #2 choice telling them the same thing. It’s not about getting Hill in to the Oval Office, it’s about keeping the darkie out.


Speaking of websites…redirects to Hillary Clinton News so they get the benefit of a prefab blogging site, which is from Monday. The Gmail addres is also strictly from amateur hour.

So, executed and maybe even conceived between the second to last primary and the last one. Hmm…


It’s the new “We had to destroy the village in order to save it” but less catchy.

It takes a village to destroy a village?


Hey, I’m a Marxist too, or hadn’t you heard?


Ah yes, Hillary’s war mongering and then occasional tossing of a bone to the women’s rights movement (by voting along the Dem party line)…this reminds me of when people defend the Vatican’s holocaust and boy-touching scandals with “but they do stuff for poor people”.

Hillary getting on stage at YearlyKos and swearing allegiance to lobbyist money doesn’t strike me as the kind of thing an actual progressive would do.


Why’d stance, at least in Idaho.


Half million sockpuppets strong, that one.


“Ah yes, Hillary’s war mongering and then occasional tossing of a bone to the women’s rights movement (by voting along the Dem party line)…this reminds me of when people defend the Vatican’s holocaust and boy-touching scandals with “but they do stuff for poor people.

Hillary getting on stage at YearlyKos and swearing allegiance to lobbyist money doesn’t strike me as the kind of thing an actual progressive would do.”

heheh… well ok then.


Travis Disaster said,
June 4, 2008 at 21:12

What “progressive things” has Obama done since he’s been elected to public office?

Voted against cluster bombs, while Hillary voted for them


So voting for a bill that you consider “progessive” counts as a “progressive thing”. So Hillary has never voted for a bill that you consider “progressive”? Interesting.


Hillary won’t be the VP candidate. At least that’s what I gathered from Obama’s victory speech last night. At this point, he’s got the nomination clinched and he doesn’t have to make any bargains he’s not entirely comfortable making, and the reasons why he wouldn’t be comfortable making this particular bargain are legion. First, she really doesn’t bring anything that helps the ticket geographically. Most of her supporters are going to vote for Obama when the time comes, so it’s not as if he will lose all or even most of them without her on the ticket. Second, she would do more to energize Republicans to come out and vote than she would to energize Democrats to vote. Hillary hatred is an enduring aspect of the wacko right. Third, and most important, she will never be able to escape questions about her claims that only she and McCain have passed the “Commander in Chief threshold”. She would be asked on a daily basis why she would agree to serve as vice president for someone she considers unqualified. It would be an unending distraction and would hurt the ticket. By her own words she’s disqualified herself from the position.

Last, but not least, Hillary in the VP slot would allow the noxious influence of the DLC to continue, when the DLC needs to die a hasty death. There is no need to allow the architects of 20 years of Democratic failure to keep their foot in the door.


So voting for a bill that you consider “progessive” counts as a “progressive thing”. So Hillary has never voted for a bill that you consider “progressive”? Interesting.

Broken clock, twice a day, etc.


Stupid people will get their panties in a twist and smart people will shrug and vote for Obama.

Sadly, six plus years of NCLB and twelve years of Fox News have made the stupid people a majority.

Lakeesha Shaidle

Come join me in voting the Jonanist ticket! Pantload for the People!


Travis Disaster said,

June 4, 2008 at 21:33

Ah yes, Hillary’s war mongering and then occasional tossing of a bone to the women’s rights movement (by voting along the Dem party line)…this reminds me of when people defend the Vatican’s holocaust and boy-touching scandals with “but they do stuff for poor people”.

Hillary getting on stage at YearlyKos and swearing allegiance to lobbyist money doesn’t strike me as the kind of thing an actual progressive would do.

Well, you said you didn’t know of anything progressive that she had done.

And as far as taking lobbyist money, at least she is honest about it. She takes maybe 5% of her contributions directly from lobbyists and PACs. Obama plays his little game and says that he doesn’t take money from lobbyists or PACs, but meanwhile he has big-money bundlers and has more $2300+ donators than Clinton. But I forgot those are all just people that have been “inspired by his message of change”.


I totally agree with Jennifer. Perhaps Hillary shouldn’t have scorched all that earth.


Liberals are big hearted people and tend to be nice, all the meanness I’ve seen makes me think those people are actually republicans.

Now that’s a fun image – the big scrap between “Obots” and “Hillarhoids” being a fight between two groups of Republican ratfuckers, with no actual Democrats involved. I’m going to be grinning about that all day.

And if it’s not actually true now, it probably will be in a week or two.


U.S. deserters can stay in Canada: Commons

U.S. soldiers who fled to Canada to escape the war in Iraq won a symbolic victory in the House of Commons Tuesday when a majority of MPs voted that the deserters should be allowed to stay permanently in the country.

But the motion, put forward by the NDP, is non-binding on the minority Conservative government. Tory MPs voted against the motion but were outnumbered by the three opposition parties in a 137-110 vote.

“The Harper Conservatives must respect this and immediately implement this motion,” said Olivia Chow, the Toronto New Democrat who moved the motion. “Ordinary people want the Iraq war resisters to stay.”

The Toronto-based War Resisters Support Campaign estimates as many as 200 American soldiers escaped to Canada to avoid serving in Iraq.

“This is a great victory for the courageous men and women who have come to Canada because they refuse to take part in the illegal, immoral Iraq war,” said campaign co-ordinator Lee Zaslofsky, a Vietnam deserter who came to Canada in 1970.


Seems to me that the Klinton Kamp is able to put out a lot more deflection (“LOOK AT THIS SHIT BARRY DID AH MAH GAH”) than actual defense of their shitty candidate and her despicable record. Not to mention the shennanigans that have gone on during this long, stupid primary process.

not even an mba

What I got to say?
Pantload to the People, no delay.
Make everybody see
Liberals are the Fascii

Jonah/Lileks ’08


What “progressive things” has Obama done since he’s been elected to public office?

Let’s see — voted against the wretched Bankruptcy Bill, while certain others “refrained” from voting. Yeah, ’cause it was such a tough choice.

Or how about voting against giving the go-ahead on Iran — versus another Dem candidate who thought it might be swell to see Iraq II.


The cost of Clinton’s narcissism
From Wednesday’s Globe and Mail

Ms. Clinton, along with her husband and the loyal circle of advisers around her, succumbed to the form of hubris that has felled many a dynasty past: an overarching sense of entitlement to the trappings of power.


Entitlement is a dangerous and inexcusable characteristic in any candidate. No individual, even one as talented and as well-connected as Ms. Clinton, is entitled to lead his or her country; to do so is an enormous privilege and responsibility that must be earned. In democratic countries, few dynasties will be sustained in the absence of humility.


“Seems to me that the Klinton Kamp is able to put out a lot more deflection (”LOOK AT THIS SHIT BARRY DID AH MAH GAH”) than actual defense of their shitty candidate and her despicable record. Not to mention the shennanigans that have gone on during this long, stupid primary process”

See, only republicans have ever spelled the Clintons’ names that way… You sir, are a republican. Aren’t ya? Come on, admit it. You’re just here to stir up a ruckus between democrats right?

Well that’s what I’m walking away thinking anyways.

Have a nice day Mr. Rove.

Jonah Goldberg's GOP acceptance speech

I am certain that my fellow legacy wingnuts expect that on my induction into the Presidency I will address them with a candor and a decision which the present situation of our people impel. In fact, this is central to my point. This is preeminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly. Also to eat snacks out of vending machines. Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions over at America’s Shittiest Website today. This great wingnutosphere will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror, like when Olive Garden ran out of my endless breadsticks that one time, which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. In every dark hour of our wingnutty life a leadership of frankness and vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory. Also to find where I misplaced my Funyuns. I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days.


Funny enough, that is the second time a dopey centrist has painted me as a GOP operative. The first was in 2000 when I supported Nader.

You heard me.


Aww, Travis thinks I’m a Dopey Centrist…

my my, whatever will I do with myself now. I do declare.

Whatever, again… have a nice day.


We’re not having the Nader debate again. Not today.


Look, if Hillary ran as an “Independent Democrat” with Nader as her VP, we’d *have* to vote for her….right?

(Then again, if McCain were to pick Noam Chomsky as his VP, we’d be in a real pickle. Who to vote for???).


Nobody really addressed the whole YearlyKos thing in a substantive way. Or the “false hope thing”. Invoking 9/11 last night. Lieberman-Kyl. Clusterbombs. Taking tons of money from health insurance interests. Swearing bloody vengeance on Iran. Race baiting. 3 AM. Etc etc etc etc


Nader. Right.



Funniest thing to happen on the Senate floor since Cheney said “fuck”:


Travis – if you care an ounce about beating McCain, then just drop it. Ok? Enough, stop. Your candidate won. Yay. But beating a dead horse is only going to make people mad. Again, I say this as someone who has never been a Clinton supporter.

If you’re not a GOP operative, stop transparently trying to foment dissent.


“Nobody really addressed the whole YearlyKos thing in a substantive way. Or the “false hope thing”. Invoking 9/11 last night. Lieberman-Kyl. Clusterbombs. Taking tons of money from health insurance interests. Swearing bloody vengeance on Iran. Race baiting. 3 AM. Etc etc etc etc”

That’s exactly right. So you win!

Congratulations on your thrilling and overwhelming victory. Your enemies lay subdued at your feet and the sun is shining upon your conqueror’s visage. You’re a hero!

Awesome dude.


No Quarter makes TalkLeft look like dailyKos.


What I got to say?
Pantload to the People, no delay.
Make everybody see
Liberals are the Fascii

Fight the Kashi!


I’m just saying, I don’t get how people can be so seemingly devoted to such a conservative candidate while flying high the banner of the “true progressives”.


Hasn’t she already said that she wouldn’t accept the VP position, months ago when it was becoming obvious to the members of the “realty-based” community?


Funniest thing to happen on the Senate floor since Cheney said “fuck”:

It’s important, as always, that we recognize the real enemies: namely, Joe Lieberman and his stupid jowly face.


And I don’t see how anyone could have been fooled by Nader. Let’s just let both issues drop, eh?

not even an mba

I think that the who’s more progressive game is all a load of fucking malarkey, because neither Obama or Clinton is John fucking McCain.


Dobby said,

June 4, 2008 at 21:45
What “progressive things” has Obama done since he’s been elected to public office?

Let’s see — voted against the wretched Bankruptcy Bill, while certain others “refrained” from voting. Yeah, ’cause it was such a tough choice.

Or how about voting against giving the go-ahead on Iran — versus another Dem candidate who thought it might be swell to see Iraq II.

Sorry I was not trying to suggest that Obama has not done “progressive things”, just trying to figure out what that other guy meant by “progressive things”


“I’m just saying, I don’t get how people can be so seemingly devoted to such a conservative candidate while flying high the banner of the “true progressives””

Devotion to political candidates? What kind of person is actually devoted to a politician? I never have understood those kind of people.


Obama pulling Joe aside makes my vote feel like 10x more valuable now. One can only hope that this is a small sign that the days of the DLC’s surrender strategy are at an end.


“I think that the who’s more progressive game is all a load of fucking malarkey, because neither Obama or Clinton is John fucking McCain”

I’ll drink to that!


The fact is, Obama may be the nominee, but then he will be exposed as a white man hating biased person by the non MSM, because the liberal media worships him. Then McCain will win in a landslide. And you can only blame yourselves, liberals, for not supporting Hitlery.

Duros Hussein 62

Why’d stance!


“I think that the who’s more progressive game is all a load of fucking malarkey, because neither Obama or Clinton is John fucking McCain”

I didn’t see the “John” in that comment for a minute and had a horrible mental image.

the rest of us idiots

Travis. The 10 of you should go out and celebrate your superior insights. it’s probably happy hour right now somewhere near you (all of you).

not even an mba

I noticed the awkwardness of the sentence, but I had to leave the fucking in or RB’s going to tell us more about his obsequious pets that expired extravagantly and that’d make me sad.
Also, fuck.


Man people here are bad at lashing out. How dare I be a leftist.

P.S. here is the Motorhead song Gavin was talking about in the OP, and once you hear it, you can’t unhear it (IT’S OBAMA OBAMA)


I’m curious, are there blogs out there in the ‘sphere that are as anti-Hillary as No Quarters is anti-Obama? And I’m talking about decently trafficked sites, not some small backwater ones. Seriously, I keep thinking I am reading a rightwing blog when I read those comments.


And now i’m picturing Travis fucking McCain. Just for fun.

Duros Hussein 62

But if it is not to be, indeed if my will is to be thwarted, I will not be responsible for my actions

Gavin! Your will shall not be thwarted!

That’s a fun word to say.

Thwart,thwart, thwart.


dugmoor – Americablog was really disturbing for a while. And No Quarters is fake-fake-fake

Duros Hussein 62

I’m curious, are there blogs out there in the ’sphere that are as anti-Hillary as No Quarters is anti-Obama?

I’ve been looking, can’t find one with the same high level of venom.


FuriousGeorge said,

…no one’s going to kill anyone, least of all some middle-aged woman in a pantsuit.

Try telling that to Mrs. Menendez!


No Thwarter


Wow, a Menendez brothers reference. I’m going to have to go dig out REM’s Out of Time and watch an episode of In Living Color, because it’s early-90’s nostalgia time.


Excellent improvement.


Dean Booth said,

True, but we’ve seen many ballot boxes stuffed with twisted panties.

Ah, yes — I remember it now: the Tom Jones/Engelbert Humperdinck campaign of 1972.


I think that the who’s more progressive game is all a load of fucking malarkey, because neither Obama or Clinton is John fucking McCain

Yes. And we can all push President Obama in the progressive direction by electing appropriate congress critters. Your vote matters.


neither Obama or Clinton is John fucking McCain

Unlike lil’ Bush

NSFW, natch.


She’d have no money. I am sure most of her big backers don’t want to walk completely away from the Dem party.


The fact is, Obama may be the nominee, but then he will be exposed as a white man

For a minute there, I thought Gary was going to start going off on the “Obama isn’t really black!” thing. Gary, you really should try to work that angle into your trolling routine. That might be really funny, especially coming from you. Your old schtick is getting, well, old.

I apologize if I made anyone picture Gary’s old stick.


“(McCain is) a man who truly understands the plight of women in this country.”

Yeah, and he doesn’t plaster on makeup like a trollop, you cunt.


Pantload to the People
Pantload to the People – RIGHT ON

Say you want some revolution
But Lost is coming on tonight
Get off your feet
And eat some meat, singing

Pantload to the People
Pantload to the People – RIGHT ON

A million workers working for nothing
We’ll never give them what they really own
We’ve got to act like a clown
When we come to town, singing

Pantload to the People
Pantload to the People
Pantload to the People – RIGHT ON


Obama will beat McCain. Think about it – three syllables versus two.
Like Kennedy vs. Nixon. And isn’t OBama also Irish?


“When I say Pantload, you say Paste!”




The fact is that Obama has peaked, and his peak is not good enough to lead McCain.

Obama and Clinton are responsible for the economic downturn, due to the minimum wage hike that has crippled numerous businesses in this nation and the use of ethanol which led to higher food prices.

Republicans will win on the dinner table, because Obama has no economic ideas.


No, no, Gary – not “I like pie”, “Paste”.


Gary you are, quite possibly, the world’s saddest troll. You have no passion, no joie de vivre. Just post after post of mindless, mindless numbskullery. What are you doing with your life? There must be something you love doing, because trolling definitely isn’t it. It’s so phoned in, it’s just depressing.


How long until somebody turns the “Obama physically backing Lieberman into a corner” thing into a “scary black man” meme? Or did I already miss it?


Isn’t it a bit late to form a new political party and try to get on the ballot in 50 states, anyway? There’s already nominees for the Green Party, the Constitution Party, the Libertarian Party, the Prohibition Party, the Socialist Party USA and the Socialist Workers’ Party (do you think they have a sort of PFJ / JPF thing going on?).


Isn’t it a bit late to form a new political party and try to get on the ballot in 50 states, anyway?

You’d think so, and I’d think so, but if the Clinton primary campaign has taught us anything, it’s that electoral rules are not rules – they’re more sort of guidelines.


Obama trying to bully Lieberman around is a bit sad, though. If the media were unbiased, it would go over like when Harold Ford tried to boss Bob Corker around at the airport.

When the tape comes out of Michelle Obama launching racist attacks on white people, then Obama is finished.


Gary losess on the stupider-than-dirt table, because nobody–nobody else, that is–is stupid enough to believe that crap.

Nobody has even started on McCain yet. McCain betrayed his country by giving aid and comfort to the enemy. McCain cheated on his wife, then dumped her after she was crippled and disfigured. He’s a crook, part of the Keating 5. (Keating raised $112,000 for McCain’s campaigns and McCain’s wife invested $350,000 in a Keating business.)

Speaking of the wife, she was a drug addict who set up an employee to take the fall for her crimes. No, this election is going to be fun. Obama knows what his wife is in for, and Cindy McCain will be “fair game.”


Also, Obama’s political boss, Tony Rezko, was found guilty of 16 charges today including wire fraud, mail fraud, money laundering, and aiding and abetting bribery.

And the media will bury that story.


Some of the dKos commenters are wild-eyed Hillary haters, but they don’t exist in such a concentrated pool.

Check out this guy:


Then it won’t matter, will it?


Barack Obama knows better than to attack people due to drugs. Obama was a former marijuana and crack addict, who sold the drugs as a dealer.

Not to mention that

1) Obama is endorsed by anti-American terrorists, who are aided and comforted by Obama

2) McCain actually gave his first wife a very generous divorce deal, and that wife endorses him to this day. While Obama likely cheated on his wife with other women and men.


Gary, I must say that I am deeply afraid that the Republicans will start advocating eliminating the minimum wage, and thereby win every election from this point forward. So scared.


Obama cheated on McCain’s wife? Now that’s news!


Gary, do you often fantasize about Obama having sex? Is it mostly with women or men?


Oh, well, if McCain gave her money his new wife’s money to shut up after he dumped her, it’s okay! I’m sure every housewife in the country will be happy to know that after he dumped his faithful, injured wife who waited years for him to come back from Vietnam, she didn’t dare say anything against him.

Obama won’t attack anyone. Someone else will. You have no proof for your stupid libel. You are panicking, Gary. Take a breath and cool down. Eat a twinkie or something.


I’m gonna be SO interested to see how Obama will respond to shit like this:


If the mission is privatized and American troops come home, then what’s the big problem? the left can either argue for keeping troops in Iraq, or supporting the President on the way to stabilizing Iraq?

When Obama gets called for his nonsense, he will crumble. The guy is thinskinned and can’t handle criticism.

Obama pledged to personally heal the sick and make the oceans rise in his speech last night.

Then again, in his book Audacity of Hope, he said he would side with Islamofascists against America if the tide turned against America.


I get confused – is this the original Gary, the fake Gary, the fake-fake Gary? Whatever it is, slapping it around is like making fun of disabled people, y’know?


The last one is fake for sure. Real Gary doesn’t use metaphors, or logic.


I think from now on I’m going to call Hillary supporters by their true name; dittoheads.

The day Hillary acknowledges and disclaims “Operation Chaos” will be the day I begin to recover a small amount of respect for her.
She kept saying she knows how to beat the Repub noise machine, and now it’s time for her to start doing that. Breaking bread with them and accepting their endorsements doesn’t count.


Upon further reflection, it IS making fun of a disabled person.


I’m currently wrestling with this very problem. As a liberal I have a problem being mean to people. As an American, I’m tired of killing people to help Bush keep the Grim Reaper at bay in his nightmares, or enrich his friends.

Being mean to killers and their enablers isn’t improper, come to think of it.


But yeah, she’s not going to run as a third party candidate. Right now is all about using her rabid supporters for leverage against Obama for money to pay herself back and/or the VEEP slot, which of fucking course she’d take, she’s a politician.
And, if she has any hint of concern about the country she’s not going to lead, she’s trying to figure out how to defuse and shut up the Larry Johnson’s of the world, or at least minimize them.
Another thing Hillary could do to start regaining my respect would be to spend the next five months loudly saying in colorful language how fucking stupid it would be for anyone who supported her to vote for McCain, cuz of abortion, if nothing else.


As a liberal I have a problem being mean to people.

The fact is, this is a lie. You have been mean and nasty to me on a regyuler basis, like when you implied that I eat feces.


Susan of Texas said,
June 5, 2008 at 0:04 (kill)

I’m currently wrestling with this very problem. As a liberal I have a problem being mean to people.

Well Susan I gotta call bullshit on this one. Heh.


If the mission is privatized and American troops come home, then what’s the big problem? the left can either argue for keeping troops in Iraq, or supporting the President on the way to stabilizing Iraq?

Gary, I have no doubts that you’d be pleased as punch to see corporations and Blackwater running Iraq for their own profit, but it doesn’t jibe with the whole “we attacked them to free them” meme, now does it?

I’m curious how Obama will react to being set up this way, with contracts being signed that he’ll be expected to honor and impliment……..not that GOPers would honor ANYTHING.


I do have a problem being mean. I just don’t let it stop me. For instance, I said something very nasty about Jonah Goldberg on my blog, and I felt so bad about it I had to go read Jonah justify waterboarding until it went away.

Or I look at this picture of a tiny Iraq girl covered in her parents’ blood. It hurts horribly, and there’s nothing I can do about it, except insult Jonah Goldberg and K-Lo. It isn’t enough.


Speaking of disabled people, it seems the entire commentariat at C&L is incapable of understanding sarcasm. That croud has never impressed me as being too full of brains but man, 120 or comments and not a one of them gets it.


croud? Oh dear me.


Croud? Sure, like that antipodean band, Crouded Howse.


Gary Ruppert said,

June 5, 2008 at 0:10

As a liberal I have a problem being mean to people.

The fact is, this is a lie. You have been mean and nasty to me on a regyuler basis, like when you implied that I eat feces.

This explains your “regyuler” regurgitation of fecal matter in comment threads.


I have to say I’ve never seen sarcasm that dull and dry, but it is indeed too nutty to believe.

LA Confidential Pantload

Susan, I know that picture and I can’t stand to look at it either. It’s very hard to accept that nothing – absolutely nothing – that any of us do can ever undo these crimes. It would be a start to send many of the authors and enablers of this catastrophe to the Hague, but it would never, never be enough.

Gary, it isn’t mean or nasty to speak the truth. You DO eat feces. That doesn’t make you a bad person. It just means you should use Scope regularly.


I used to feel sick all the time. So much death, so much destruction. And so many people cheering it on, saying that the men and women and little kids deserved to die, calling us traitors for not wanting war. I finally decided to not be a Good German, and attack using the only weapon I have–my gift for being a smartass. It isn’t much, but it helps.


The fact is, Obama may be the nominee, but then he will be exposed as a white man

I can’t wait.


Yeah, that’ll show the world–tell them the scary black man is really a fluffly puppy white man.


Ratfucking is no basis for a system of government.

Now that this concept has finally sunk into enough of the electorate, I think there will be a lot of crying into wingnut beer when they discover their unhinged rantings are no longer supported by their masters, who are pivoting to suck up to the new Power Handler.

See, Gary-and-his-ilk, your Puppet Masters found your lack of logic and unreasoning hatred useful at the time, but they snickered at you behind your back and are ready to pick a new tie, slick up the combover, and pretend to be calm and sensible.

Because the winner of the GE is going to be calm and sensible, and they go with the winner.

Can you pivot, troll? Can you be calm and reasonable in the face of defeat? It was easy sledding there for a while, when you were one of the vicarious winners.

But it’s time for people to get thrown out of the sled to slow down the wolves.

And it’s never, ever, the people who own the sled.


I had to leave the fucking in or RB’s going to tell us more about his obsequious pets that expired extravagantly and that’d make me sad.

It’s so true, I’m still teary about Porkchop.


My pet rat died. He was dating a Republican and it gave him rabies.

not even an mba

Crivens! Waily, waily, waily! The pets are expiring and sadness will abound!


My Jonah Goldberg died. Nobody noticed.


But it’s time for people to get thrown out of the sled to slow down the wolves.
We no longer feel welcome.


Sure, like that antipodean band, Crouded Howse.

I prefer the Scottish band, Crooded Hoose.


Let the record show that Thunder was TOTALLY PWNED!!!11!! by my first dead pet.


My dead pet is a sad imitation of RB’s dead pets. In fact, if my rat is dead it’s probably because I killed it myself.


Edwards supporters that went over to the Clinton camp stayed Clintonians despite Edwards 1. Endorsing Barack and 2. Calling for all Democrats to rally round the nominee. That was my original beef with Iris (and no that’s not one of RB’s recipes). So there’s no reason why they’d listen to their #2 choice telling them the same thing. It’s not about getting Hill in to the Oval Office, it’s about keeping the darkie out.

Gee, thanks, Not Even. I was one of those Edwards supporters. I thought voting for Hillary in the primary was just about preferring HRC to a guy who seemed so eager for “reconciliation” that at one time his people were talking about him choosing a Republican VP, like Lindsay Graham or Joe Lieberman. As it stands, I’m going to vote for the Democratic candidate, same as I always was, and that candidate will not be HRC. But I am already godsdamned fed to the back teeth with certain of Obama’s supporters, and having it explained to me that only ignernt closet racists could possibly ever have supported anyone but the Magical Unity Pony is not going to improve my attitude towards you MUPpets, okay?


Anne Laurie can raise my pets from the dead.



Little over the top, there.
I’m sure Not Even didn’t mean people like you, but instead those who will continue to refuse to vote for Obama despite calling themselves Democrats.

Mind, perhaps your slap is advised, as people need to be calming right the frack down now that the primaries are “over” (sorry, I refuse to breathe until HRC concedes – yes I know I’m risking death by asphyxiation). A little gentleness here and there by the “victors” (you know, lefties, we *all* won by participating and choosing our candidate) would not be amiss.


The worst thing about commenting here? Having too much of a life to actually have conversations with people. Feh. Gotta jet.

not even an mba

Indeed, I apologize Anne Laurie. I meant Iris and other assholes who agree with her.


Righteous Bubba said,

June 5, 2008 at 1:42

Let the record show that Thunder was TOTALLY PWNED!!!11!! by my first dead pet.

I’m still sorry for your loss.


Not Even: Apology accepted. There are so major flaming arseholes in both HRC’s and BHO’s camps, I don’t think we really need to be adding to the numbers on either side, yes?

RB, irony aside, we recently adopted an 18-month-old “puppy” who very obviously spent his formative weeks living in a fiberglass petshop bin. Among other issues, he’s got no bite inhibition whatsoever, and when he wrestles with the two older dogs it usually ends in screams. This afternoon he was pestering our old girl, the one with congestive heart problems, and when I yelled at him to KNOCK IT OFF he growled. Not clear whether the growl was addressed to me or Buta-Hime-Sama, but either way, it earned him a 10-minute crate timeout despite his best “please don’t beat me any more” belly-flop. Sometimes I’m just not in the mood to put up with obnoxious teenage puppy backchat.


My pet wolf died after eating a toxic wingnut who got thrown out of some plutocrat’s sled.

New York Times

Anne Laurie,
Thanx. Although, I’m personally not a hardcore Obot, I am strongly of the not John McCain camp. Seriously, as long as it ain’t McCain. I think I’d prefer Mark Penn to John McCain, and as I may have mentioned earlier, I loath Mark Penn with the heat of a thousand suns.

not even an mba

Whoops, teh Gray Lady was me.


I too am antipodean.


I could have done without seeing “three-way” and “Hillary” in the same paragraph, actually.


Gary you are, quite possibly, the world’s saddest troll. You have no passion, no joie de vivre. Just post after post of mindless, mindless numbskullery. What are you doing with your life? There must be something you love doing, because trolling definitely isn’t it. It’s so phoned in, it’s just depressing.

All the things he loves doing, the judge made him stop…..


Hey, RB, please not with the dead pets again, okay? I’m still mourning the loss of Qetesh, even though there’s a new girl in the house now. Siusin sounds eerily like Qet at times, but looks nothing like her (Qet being an Abyssinian and Siusin a black tortoiseshell).

And she sometimes behaves like a fiend from hell. But then, she is a cat.

But please, as a favour to a pathetic antipodean, no making fun of dead pets. You don’t sleep and cuddle with a critter for 13 years and then forget them in a week.



The fact is, you can take your stupid elite coastal enclaves and shove them up your ass. We here in the Heartland are in search of truth and justice, and we have found it with Bush and Cheney. We beleive McCain would carry on the good work, but Bush and Cheney are the best at it, so we hope there is an emergency that renders elections suspended until the war on terror is over. We cannot trust our safety to demogogs who lie about our leaders and the threat and the war in iraq that it is keeping us safe well it is. US Power is shown awesome to the world and you blame USA first? Self hating liberal classwar elitists should be in camps, where they can indoctrinate no more youth in the academy and in the media, which is biased and tilted left, which is not fair.


First thing Obama should do as president is send Gary to reeducation camp.

not even an mba

For so it says in the Book of Ezekial:
“Son of man, set thy face against Gog, of the land of Demogog, the chief prince of Democrats and Lie-beral, and prophesy against him”
Amen well it is.

not even an mba

I went to camp one summer, and despite all the crazy movies that Hollywood’s made, very few of the youths got indoctrinated, if you know what I mean.


Why are Obama bloggers not more confident about their candidate? C’mon, Clinton wasting her time and power as a fourth party candidate (Barr is already the third party candidate)?
You won; enjoy it while you can! Then on to November!!


(comments are closed)