Thanks, DNCC

Hi there. I’m writing regarding your application to the 2008 Democratic National Convention’s General Blogger Pool.

As you may know, we’ve had overwhelming interest in the credentialed blogger program this year. Several hundred great blogs submitted applications. But we have very limited space. Unfortunately, your blog will not be credentialed at 2008 Democratic National Convention.

No problem!

See, I was gonna cut my hair, start pretending that Anne-Marie Slaughter is a Dirty Fucking Hippie, go back into my archive and change a few things (I believe the cachet thing is to have been for the Iraq War before one was against it), adopt a thoroughly Panglossian attitude about one or other of the Democratic candidates; I was gonna go the whole nine yards; I was gonna be a Sensible Liberal. And I totally would have pulled it off. People would have been saying, “My, who’s that handsome and informed fellow there? He could be the next Peter Beinart.” Sure, I would have had to stop fucking cussing, stop being occasionally funny, stop insulting wingnuts — and stop popping pills, too. But I was prepared to make the necessary sacrifices. And I could really use that extra 25 cents the establishment pays for a social democrat’s soul. I was gonna do it…

Until the DNCC murdered my embryonic career-change like.. well, rather like the partial-birth abortionists we all admire!

So now, I’ll have to go to Denver and blog from the “Big Tent” (I knew Armando’s ego was huge, but large enough to contain a whole media facility?) that the DNCC has kindly provided for the rejects from whose uncouth, Unserious opinions it wants maximum distance. I dunno where I’d stay, though; maybe some of my comrades in ANSWER have a spare cardboard box? (I do have an ex in Boulder but she’d probably shoot me if I knocked on her door. Not that she’d be wrong to do that.) Or how about you people from NORML? I mean, I’ll sleep on the street if I have to. I can pop enough tuinal, smoke enough crack, mainline enough meth, and down enough vodka to make it through — and being a dirty fucking hippie (a real one!), Lord knows I don’t need a place to bathe. I’m sure I’ll figure something out.

At any rate, fuck you thank you, DNCC. I’ll blog outside while others with half our traffic snack on your hors d’oeuvres. You could have had a Sensible Liberal. Now you’re gonna get Hunter S. Mailer Mencken.


Comments: 101


Now you’re gonna get Hunter S. Mailer Mencken.

I call that a win for everybody.


The Hunter S. part, sure. The Mailer part? Fuck that guy.


Not that I could ever be that good. What I’m saying is, I’m gonna embrace being an outsider.

I was a fool to ever think those jerkoffs would pick us. They ask you what your traffic is, your technorati rank, etc. But they don’t really give a fuck. Part of it is who you know. Part of it is quota. Part of it is their opinion of your tone.

Libertarius ShadowLord

I saw hunter s. thompson once at sid king’s crazy horse.
they are both gone now.

Libertarius ShadowLord

you haven’t picked an appropriate constituency cause.
tell them you work with retarded dolphins. that always gets you in.


Ugh, they picked TalkLeft over you guys? Jesus.


Who doesn’t have an ex in Boulder?

shorter HTML Mencken

looks like I picked the right week to not quit sniffing glue


“I was a fool to ever think those jerkoffs would pick us. They ask you what your traffic is, your technorati rank, etc. But they don’t really give a fuck. Part of it is who you know. Part of it is quota. Part of it is their opinion of your tone.”

Sadly, Yes!.


I’m in Longmont – you can either have the guest bed, the bunk bed, the futon, or the sleeper sofa. Or, if we end up with too many Dirty Fucking Hippies, I can pull out the air mattresses and we can even pop the tent in the back yard.

In other words, I have room, and you’re more than welcome if you need it. Pretty sure all the hotels within 100 miles are already booked.


I knew Armando’s ego was huge…

Armando = Puptent DINO

That’s right, I’m driving this one into the ground.


You’re a better man than I am — I almost completed the application three times before collapsing in apathy. Never sent it.


I first heard of Mencken because HST thanked his assistant for tracking down obscure HLM at odd hours or something.

Hunter (IF)Stone Mencken? Meh


Geez HTML, you sell yourself short, I always thought of you more as a Hunter S Moyers Menken, myself.


Part of it is their opinion of your tone.

I can hear them tsk-tsking about the tone.

Maybe you should have tried to bribe them with some of those morels you found.


Nothing spells “DANGER” as much as “Winner, Funniest Blog on the Web”…


Look on the bright side.

That is, look at it this way, they’re not locking you in a room with Taylor Marsh.


If the DNCC can’t even handle Sadly, No!, how can we expect them to handle Fox News and the terrorists?


I think this is what’s known as “getting dissed by the Man™”.


Take it as a compliment. Do you really want to be associated with a party that cultivates and rewards mediocrity?


Sounds like a “Bring it on!” 😉


Now you’re gonna get Hunter S. Mailer Mencken.

Definitely looking forward to that but shouldn’t you be blogging under HSM Mencken then?

Perhaps a contest is in order? Hunter Twain Mailer Larson?


They ask you what your traffic is, your technorati rank, etc. But they don’t really give a fuck. Part of it is who you know. Part of it is quota. Part of it is their opinion of your tone.

I believe ‘ascerbic’ is the new shunned. Well, to be honest, ‘ascerbic’ is never a popular flavor in the media, which prefers simple binary flavor choices… like horseshite (R) versus tapioca (D).

Also, you have obviously read a lot more books than any three members of the Credentialing Class combined, so they’re afraid you’ll quote something witty and they won’t know whether they can steal it without getting busted by one of those plagiarism sites that profs run to verify their students’ originality.

One assumes that you, like Mr. Leonard Pierce, will be attaching a dedicated PayPal button for those of us who admire your work and would like to assist your visit?


Effin’ effbags. Give ’em hell, HTML.


I do have an ex in Boulder but she’d probably shoot me if I knocked on her door. Not that she’d be wrong to do that.

I’d pay to read this story.


Good luck pedaling on that cycle of Alien Nation. No, wait, in general, I’d rather go to the DNC than the RNC. But there are better places to do field work.

Their excuse is stupid. There’s not enough room for bloggers? Just give bloggers whatever seats are available, even if it’s just a desk number in a trailer outside the hall with CNN monitors, wifi, and AC. They should invite bloggers from around the world. Set up a Persian blog section, group the blogs by region, invite Colbert to visit the blogger ghetto. Hire some translators. Give’em all free samwitches and set up a giant tray of cocktail wieners. There’s room for hundreds of bloggers and it’s way cheaper press than any ad buy. Very limited space? That’s like saying “There’s not enough room on our e-mail list.” Oh, wait.


Thanks, you guys. You’re sweet. It means a lot. But I honestly don’t know whether to seethe or feel relief. The 50 state blogger thing I completely understand and support. But in the general blogger pool, aside the giants who of course should be there, are some names that smack of tokenism and/or “friend of a friend”/personal quid-pro-quo type selections. Not that I have anything against any of the blogs picked, but… well, the irony here is that I’m pretty sure some were picked because they threatened to raise hell if they weren’t, but I’m a bigger asshole than all of these people combined and far more likely, and am better equipped, to shit in the DNCC’s picnic basket for being rejected. (OTOH, now I won’t have to stock-up on nicotine gum.) “Niche blogging.” Huh. Well, isn’t a humor blog a niche blog?

Squirrel & AL — Thanks much for the offer, and I may take you up on each offer/suggestion. It all depends on my, uh, connections there and how the wheat harvest goes (despite what you’ve been hearing and the prices on various boards of trade, I’m gonna be lucky to get 6$ a bushel out of my wheat before it’s all said and done: farmers are still getting fucked).

I’d pay to read this story.

Thanks for the interest, but she’d really shoot me if I told it. And besides, I’d be cheating you out of your money because I don’t think I could write it without it being maudlin — and who wants to read that shit?


The Google says as long as your in a state you have a shot. Also you’re right about no account dip-ships crappy ass blogs getting in, it looks like talkleft is in. Maybe the state Rep will disagree with her lunatic ravings about how unfair life really is and she will ban them from speaking to her! LOL
God forbid she hear anything that isn’t pro-Clinton….
Of course all those douche-bags are still all crying over what is left of that corporate friendly wanna be Hillary Clinton.
She sat on the board for WAL*MART. WAL*MART!!!! HELLO????
It’s pointless to even speak to them.


No big loss. even though I am a Democrat now, those fuckers smell like pachouli, I am sure of it.

Besides, everyone knows bloggers are fact checkers outside the mainstream. Don’t you read Dan Riehl or the Confederate Yankee? Being recognized just wrecks your street cred.

PS- McClellan has fancy counters.


Problem – How does one keep the little people in line and properly submissive?

Solution – Dispense favors to those who have learned how to properly kiss your ass. Just don’t be crass about it, pretend the dirty socialists had a chance in hell. This has the added benefit of sowing dissent and infighting among the people. Remember, your biggest fear is that they set aside their differences and come after you.


Perhaps covering the convention from outside the convention will give us the clearest picture of what’s going on inside the convention than being inside the convention ever could.


They’re just a bunch of scaredy cats wanting to play it safe. Sadly No is the Daily Show of the liberal blogosphere. Everybody watches but can it get any respect from mainstream? How often does Olbermann say “Sadly No!” on his show? He’s got to be lurking.

re cheating anyone out of their money. I don’t think that’s possible. (I really enjoyed the story you wrote about the woodpecker and would enjoy seeing more. Bedtime Tales from the Stead of HTML Mencken?)


The fact is, this blog was denied credentials at the Democrap convention because it mocks conservatives. Even the Democraps know that conservatives are seen as richus peoeople and you liberals are typically viewed as traitors. Especially in the Heartland.


Wait… you wanted to be taken seriously, Mencken?

I’m a bit disappointed, actually.


H(S)(T)ML Mencken?


Fuckit, lets do some html.

HSTML Mencken.


I think of S,N as the John Hodgman of the blogosphere. Mordant yet tweedy, like a guy wearing Serious Glasses saying “fuck you”.


HTLM, the phrase; ‘outside the tent, pissing in…’ keeps going round my head.

Nothing really bothers me about the choices instead of sadly no, but the readership level of some of the ones that did get accredited must be a lot lower than SN. For example, I have nothing against the blog, per say, but Pam’s House Blend only averages about 26-40 comments, and the pageview looks to be a lot less than SN. And ‘talkleft’, although it has similar numbers than SN, has seriously blotted its copybook recently IMHO.

Anyway, I suppose it stops you getting arrested with 5 g’s of coke, four hookers, and a naked Guam deligate on the opening night after a screaming incident in soem cheopo downtown motel!


No organised party, indeed.

And you’re going to find a fair few people who got magic passes who will be all too happy to help you subvert the jobsworths’ insiderism.


For example, I have nothing against the blog, per say, but Pam’s House Blend only averages about 26-40 comments, and the pageview looks to be a lot less than SN.

Pam Spaulding spends much of her time writing for Pandagon, though, and there’s no separate Pandagon credential, so I don’t have a problem with that.

Taylor Marsh, though? They’ll have to create a separate blogging cupboard for people who’ve shat in the party punchbowl.



One could sneak into the convention floor, and rig up a 5 gallon bucket of pigs bandwidth to dump on the MC. That’d learn ’em good.

I’m just saying. One could.


‘ascerbic’ is never a popular flavor in the media,
forcing me to visit S,N! for my daily recommended intake of ascerbic acid.


Maybe they did a focus group among Democrats and found that most Democrats hate parody and satiric news analysis (the so called fake news) and prefer to have their news delivered by Barbie doll wannabees.


Yeah Smut– I need my daily dose of acidity.

Sorry to hear about that HTML or HSTML or whoever you are now. Rahm Emanuel’s my congressman so I understand the feeling of not quite being able to get into the show.


Quick! Change the name of the blog to:

“Sadly, No….rth Carolina Blog!”

and re-submit the app.

Hurry! Schnell! SCHNELL!

Oh, and Taylor Fucking Marsh?! Are they out of their minds?


Oh, dear. I so wanted to see pictures of you in spats, top hat and white gloves, sipping tea with James Carville!

No, wait, that was the Ole’ Perfesser.


Taylor Marsh? TAYLOR MARSH? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me! What, is the DNC concerned about helping her “get back on the radio”?


>Now you’re gonna get Hunter S. Mailer Mencken.

Screw that, give them General Malkin Q. Stiffywoody Hindraker Spades DaffyHugh! That’ll larn ’em.

And wear a damned Keffiyeh or whateveritscalled.


Taylor Marsh could get herself back on radio the same way she got there in the first place: buying time.

not even an mba

While I totally agree that it’s a travesty that less popular blogs are included, think of all the fun you’ll have posting outside.
I guess we’ll have to rely on Oliver WIllis and the BagNewsNotes guy for credentialed snark.


They put Taylor Marsh in?

Well, that invalidates the process right there.

Humor gets no respect, anywhere.


Maybe in inviting Taylor Marsh they’re trying to reach out to the Crazee Clinton Camp? If so, I’m pretty sure it won’t work. Talk about nurturing a viper to the bosom.

Heeheehee . . . I said “bosom”!


Boo: Taylor Marsh & Talk Left is on the list.

Yay: Corrente isn’t on the list.


I won’t rest until the American Milk Solids Council gets their due.


Candy said,

May 30, 2008 at 15:06

Maybe in inviting Taylor Marsh they’re trying to reach out to the Crazee Clinton Camp? If so, I’m pretty sure it won’t work. Talk about nurturing a viper to the bosom.

Yeah, I know that quite a few of the other bloggers on that list would be more than happy to claw Marsh’s eyes out when they see her.


Not much to add here except to join the chorus of “this blows.”

You should see if Atrios will allow you to attach a spy camera to his lapel.


So uh, “Bitch Ph. D” is a serious journalist now? Also holy shit Sepia Mutiny.

Outside of Kos, Marshall and maybe MyDD there isn’t a blog worth reading on here (I’m firmly in the “shut up Digby” camp, these days).

It’s kind of clear by the list that the Dems really don’t want my vote, but instead want to pander to party diehards and status quo fans.

(p.s. everything already said about TalkLeft and stupidass Taylor Marsh)



What kind of party hat would James Carville wear, I wonder?


I think Carville is more of a hood person, myself.


I was gonna cut my hair

Madness! Madness!


Sweet! I can’t wait for “That Other Beast Is Blue”.

MileHi Hawkeye

Hmmm. I have a spare bedroom with a very nice futon and you have an ex in Boulder. Perhaps we could work out a trade of some sort…


LOL Taylor Fucking March is a credentialed “blogger”. I guess they have to try to make nice with the Hilbots, as if that is possible. How a fake radio host, whose credentials include being a fake published author gets into the convention is a great question. And one that leads down a path that forces you look at exactly what the hell is wrong with the DNC.


“Now you’re gonna get Hunter S. Mailer Mencken.”

You say this as though it were somehow an undesirable outcome.


Beliefnet is on the list.

Don’t they employ Crunchy Rod Dreher?

Also, I’ve never heard of at least half those blogs, and some of the ones I’ve checked out so far are, erm, less than impressive.


Seems like they’d want to exclude the bloggers who are most likely to set the convention building on fire if Hillary loses.


Sepia Mutiny gets 3 million visits a year, FYI


[…] been accepted as among those to cover the convention and some wonder (or think they know) why. Here’s one reaction (with some adult language similar to what a reader suggested I do this […]


[…] been accepted as among those to cover the convention and some wonder (or think they know) why. Here’s one reaction (with some adult language similar to what a reader suggested I do this […]


I was a fool to ever think those jerkoffs would pick us.

I was going to write something sarcastic agreeing with you – I mean you’re hostile to them and all so why should they subject themselves to the abuse – but then I thought about them inviting TV News networks in.

It’s pretty obvious that they expect a rah-rah from bloggers that they aren’t getting from other media.


Shut up about Digby and Bitch, PhD. Just shut up. I like them, and I like you all, so don’t make me pull over. I will give you something to cry about. I am old and impervious to personal attacks on moi.

Furthermore, I had no idea that they still make tuinol. If I send you a stamped, addressed envelope with a check for travel expenses to Denver, would ya share? When I was a youngster, we always shared our drugs.


One assumes that you, like Mr. Leonard Pierce, will be attaching a dedicated PayPal button for those of us who admire your work and would like to assist your visit?

I promise a click.


ah Digby, did she not turn comments off for a time so as to not offend the Democrats?

(which begs the question, would we commenters have to cut our hair, iron our t-shirts and comb our tongues to find acceptability?)


Lesley, grooming on the run is the reason I invented patchouli. Sprinkle some on your hair (it’ll drip down onto your t-shirt), gargle with it, and you’re good to go. It also acts as a flame-retardant, so when we revisit the scorched earth of our progressive hopes and dreams, we’ll know each other by our smell. Where is that damn tuinol.




Oh stop your whining.

Yeah, it must be really shocking that the system hates you HTML! The same system you regularly bitch about including “Obama is a Corporate Flunky” and shit to that effect.

Next, have you ever been to a Democratic convention? More boring than fuckall, unless you actually happen to like Democrats. Having seen no such evidence from you, you’d think you’d be happy to dodge the bullet. Walking around in a superior mode on the floor thinking, stupid sellouts for a weekend has a certain charm I’m sure, but ultimately it wears a bit thin.

Nor is this like the undercover black ops of Brother Pierce, which was destined for deft satire in the belly of the beast — if for no other reason than people in movement conservative are fucking crazy. WHICH MAKES IT FUNNY. People in the Democratic party run from earnest to engaged to dull to a little cynical. NOT FUNNY!

Finally, who fucking cares which bloggers were chosen and why? Seriously. Most of those folks are terribly earnest, some just suck. But did you really get into blogging to rub elbows with the Attorney General of Massachusetts in a hallway? Or to feel included in the Democratic Party? Is it really that important to your ego?


Because the tone of this post was 100% serious.


“Part of it is quota. Part of it is their opinion of your tone.”

just on a practical note, HTML Mencken, isn’t it impossible for them to review every single blog for tone before approving? I’m sure they had quite a few picked out already, but even then I wonder…

and were you referring to racial quotas? You know, so many black blogs…so many south asian blogs…so many…


No, it wasn’t serious. It was mock-hurt, but with just enough bathos and aggressive obtuseness that makes HTML the special figure he is.



what’s your beef with sepia mutiny? Too many uppity brown people who don’t toe the parody n’ vituperation line?


did she not turn comments off for a time so as to not offend the Democrats?

No, she turned them off because people thought it was a-okay to show up and call her a cunt. You can sort of understand her reluctance to let that kind of behavior set in.

It’s better not to point the finger and say ‘why the fuck did they get the credential’, excluding Taylor Marsh of course, for whom it’s entirely appropriate.


Ah, hell, here – have another silver lining: they probably just saved you from being served with a Restraining Order on one of their douchier supers anyway – the twatflaps.

Just remember what Groucho Marx said about joining any club that would have him for a member.



what’s your beef with sepia mutiny? Too many uppity brown people who don’t toe the parody n’ vituperation line?

How do you know that I’m not brown? That’s racist.


you included it without any reference as to what exact metric or quality sepia mutiny comes up short in or lacks–and SM haters have usually been of the “you don’t bash muslims often enough” or ‘you don’t bash christians enough” variety. just curious…and i couldn’t resist a smidgeon of snark on a blog that revels in it.

I am a regular reader of SM (contributing sparingly a while back) and I don’t think it merits this dismissive attitude.

you don’t have to be non-POC to accuse a identity-issues blog of being ‘uppity’ but i’m honored you thought this was a charge of racism.


You seem to be taking all of this very seriously. I just found Sepia Mutiny to be an odd choice is all, “uppity” had nothing to do with it. Sorry my comments lack the proper metrics and stats to back them up. A refund is in the mail.


” I just found Sepia Mutiny to be an odd choice is all”

yes, but i was curious as to why you thought this was an odd choice–apart from traffic (which someone above answered) there is a great deal of political coverage/commentary on the site.

the nature of the blogosphere (diffuse) means that there are a good deal of high-traffic blogs you’ll never see, because you are not a robot and don’t have the time.

no need for a refund. i am a stinking rich capitalist with a talon in every ‘sustainable’ development project in the 3rd world. I keep the honorable poor peoples safe from those other stinking rich capitalists who wish to actually give them the means to enrich themselves.

not even an mba

You catch strange fish with a parody n’ vituperation line, but it takes a lot less time than a ten pound test.


“I’m firmly in the Shut Up Digby camp these days”

there’s a surprise.


It appears that I have struck a nerve, somehow.


I so wanted to see pictures of you in spats, top hat and white gloves, sipping tea with James Carville!

Or a Coke, like Carville and Frist. I just saw that for the first time recently and found it really unsettling for some reason.

I really really don’t mean to open any wounds – but what’s with the “shut up Digby” stuff? I haven’t been by her blog in a long time – since Tristero joined, the comment section especially seemed to turn into a bunch of weird liberal-despair and cynicism – something about the tone of the place went way off, so I stopped reading.


I used to stop in at Sepia Mutiny every now and then. I liked it a lot, as it has an interesting and unusual perspective. I haven’t been over there in a while because there just aren’t enough hours in the day to get around to everything I like to read. My three faves, Sadly,No, Pharyngula, and Orcinus eat up too many hours as it is. I wish there was some sort of Leftwing Welfare job that would enable me to just read blogs all day while sitting on my butt eating Ben & Jerry’s. Um, Mr. Soros, sir? I can haz job?


Jay — You’re shitting me. You think the reason I don’t cheerlead for Obama or Hillary boils down to snobbery, which is also the reason why I don’t hi-five people whenever X Democrat does something stupid and wingnutty? WTF is wrong with you, man?

Travis, Nayagan, et al.: I wasn’t talking about Sepia Mutiny at all; I’ve never even seen that site and dunno what it’s about.


I’ll blog outside while others with half our traffic…

Numerically impossible.


I was going to write something sarcastic agreeing with you – I mean you’re hostile to them and all so why should they subject themselves to the abuse – but then I thought about them inviting TV News networks in.

Right, but not only that, some of the Clinton bloggers are gonna be batshit hostile by the time Denver rolls around.

And this isn’t really about me as far as the DNCC is concerned. They didn’t know specifically which author here was asking for (two) credentials. The example posts I sent them were by me, Brad, Gavin, Seb, Jillian, Travis, D.A., Leonard — all of us. Or most of us. I picked five, more or less at random. (Though they could by process of elimination narrow it down.) So their denying us credentials is really an insult to the whole blog (and readership, too).

I do know that when the 50 state bloggers were announced, some major armtwisting was done behind the scenes. And… well, I’ll just say for now that it worked all too well.

What matters to me right now is that some committee is effectively saying 65 lefty blogs are *better* than ours. 65 blogs have better writing, do better photoshops, take better positions, make smarter arguments than ours. I know the blogosphere isn’t a meritocracy (how could it be when the people who were for the war *because* hippies were against it are still in good graces with all the biggest traffic-pushers in the business?), but Gavin, Brad, Seb and I have been at this for about 5 years and, yes, ought to be taken seriously in this context.

We can win awards over and over when it’s a popularity contest, but when it comes to the DNCC…. grrr. Maybe I should move to fucking DC so I can drink with the in-crowd. Then, in 2011, after I’ve run a tiny group on MySpace and then start a blog (an equally “white” blog) that gets barely half of Sadly,No!’s traffic, I’ll move to the front of the line. (No, I’m not gonna name names because the particular blog editor I’m talking about seems like a perfectly nice guy.)

I was sort of relieved after I wrote this post, but now I’m more pissed than ever. I’m taking it personally because the only way to construe some of their choices is as an insult. Fuck them.


HAHAHAH!!!!! I have a whole fucking redweld filled with rejection letters from my faculty job search, many of which read just like that:

Dear Dr. PhysioProf:

Thank you for your application for a faculty position in our department. As you might imagine, there were many highly competitive applicants for this position, some of whom have been invited for interviews. Unfortunately, you were not among them.

Professor PQ Fuckwit



I could write it without it being maudlin — and who wants to read that shit?


Haven’t read all the comments yet but I agree with all who’ve said they are fuct and you are great, great, great. Yes it sucks, we who are ever marginalized want the airwaves baby, and saying so is plenty important in itself. Meanwhile, we have something the suits never will. Three cheers for community.


“I was sort of relieved after I wrote this post, but now I’m more pissed than ever. I’m taking it personally because the only way to construe some of their choices is as an insult. Fuck them.”

Worry ye not sir. If the Democrats happy joy joy shindig is anything like as boring and insurrection-free as recent New Labour party conferences the bigwigs have done you a favour. You might have had some fun by playing a sort of Jello Biafra provocateur role but you can still pick at the carcass from the sidelines. I’ll enjoy your reports regardless.

A word of advice to all Sadly No denizens. I find it best to re-read Joe McGinniss’ classic ‘The Selling of the President’ every time the conventions come around. Helps you keep a properly cynical outlook on the business.


Retardo, I really think you should post comment #615341 as a front-page post– it really gets a lot closer to your real complaint.

Allow me to quote:

. The example posts I sent them were by me, Brad, Gavin, Seb, Jillian, Travis, D.A., Leonard — all of us. Or most of us. I picked five, more or less at random.

Random, my ass. Five quotes picked not by the SN team, but by Retardo? Sorry, dude. Not random. Not by a long shot. How’s about you tell us which posts, exactly, you decided to send to the DNCC?

Jay B has a damned good point, though it seems you’re too fucking self-righteous to see it— why the hell are you putting on airs of hurt and exclusion for being left off of the invite list of a party you’ve openly despised from the get-go?

What the fuck is your problem, Retardo? Are you so self-absorbed that you can’t see you’re making a complete ass of yourself with this routine of “I’m so offended that I didn’t get invited to prom, even though I’ve been saying prom is bullshit for years, and this just proves prom is bullshit?”

Holy crap, dude. Have an iota of self-awareness, for spaghetti-monster’s sake.


Hmm, I know I sent them one of Travis’s Two-Minute Town Halls. I sent my “Fukuyama’s Gift”. That post Brad did not too long ago about Bush’s “accomplishments” and I honestly forget the other two, but I know they weren’t both by me.

Anyway, what are you doing here? Haven’t you heard they found an isolated tribe in the Amazon? Shouldn’t you be down there introducing them to the joys of privatization and sweatshop labor? Or have you been too busy masturbating to the news of union organizers being murdered in Columbia? Either way, you’re slacking. But then, you *are* in management.


Oh, sorry — it’s early — I see the bullshit more clearly now.

I sent them a random variety because at the time I didn’t know if anyone *else* here was going, and it seemed only fair to show the site’s variety. The application is a two-stage process. I applied for two press passes for two authors here.

Nice insinuation that I misrepresented myself and the site, though.

Anyway, since I’m far more generous than you, let me take this opportunity to wish you luck on your application to *your* party’s next major shindig, which I believe is being held in DC. Cheers!


Yeah, didn’t think you’d admit to which posts you (alone, not you and one other SN editor) submitted.

On reflection, though, this massive, embarrassing pout of yours reminds me of something:

Have fun with your aggrieved sense of superiority there, HTML Malkin.


(comments are closed)