Must not let down readers, must post witty commentary
Hi there, remember us? Sure, we left you all alone the last couple of days but that doesn’t mean we don’t care. Au contraire. Nor does it mean that Trying to Make Sense has succeeded in deleting not only our comments but our very existence as well.
We are, however, involved in a very secret operation that has forced us to relocate temporarily — so if Oskar told you that we’ve moved to Kaiserslautern for the next two months, we’re afraid he was telling the truth. It’s taking us a couple of days to settle in, but you have our personal guarantee that more nonsense will be posted in the very near future. Until that happens, just think of us as the poor man’s Dark Window.
Some random responses to comments left in the past few days:
Good luck (or something like that) in relocating, especially temporarily. That’s gotta suck.
My only possible response to that is this: Il y a une connexion singuli?re qui existe entre les barbarismes de prononciation et les fautes d’orthographe: on verra que tr?s-souvent ces fautes honteuses et qui influent avec une si d?plorable ?nergie sur la corruption de la langue, d?pendant de ce que des mots mal entendus ont ?t? depuis mal ?crits, comme de ce que des mots mal ?crits ont ?t? par suite mal prononc?s.
Shorter version: if you guys in Qu?bec would stop mispronouncing Qu?b?cois, we would stop misspelling it. 🙂
Be careful using the French-type quotation marks. They apparently have a dual function for inputting HTML commands and erasing French. Bug or feature?
You need to use the precise characters: ? and ?. If you use the greater than and less than symbols, HTML will interpret them as tags and hide everything after the first less than sign and before the last greater than sign. So, I suppose it’s a feature.
Try the Barbarossahof out of town East on B40. A bit pricey but pretty darn good.
But I already think of you as the poor man’s Dark Window!
Gone to K-town? Hey, I lost a mug I got when I was TDY there many years back. Any chance…
Good luck on the temp relocation business. I just went through it for 2 hurricanes.
There’s nothing like your own bed. Unless it’s Benicio Del Toro’s, so never mind.
I’ll be quiet now.
K-Town sucks.