I don’t want your business and from this moment you’re banned from the store, you’re banned!

Well, that is one torrid love affair that ended with a bang. Trying to Calculate Probabilities writes:

I can’t honestly believe that Seb has been reading my blog for an entire year, looking for things to nitpick. I get bored of his after five minutes. But you keep up the good fight, huh Seb? From now on, your comments are deleted here.

The post quoted here is rather long, so we’re happy to offer this shorter version:

I would rather be left to wallow in my statistical incompetence than have it pointed out to me by a heartless French Canadian bastard.

On an unrelated note, Shorter Michelle Malkin’s Remember 9/11: Stop sanitizing the killers:

We won’t be able to win the war on terror as long as the New York Times refuses to call Islam a cult.


Comments: 39


Isn’t it nice when they stop pussyfooting around and just put the pinheadedness right out there?

As a friend of mine calls it, “That moment when the smooth egg finally hatches and the grub crawls out.”


How many catholics and jews feel a little knot in their belly when they see this crap.

If we can decide to call such a large (in terms of inherants) religion a cult, where do the others stand?

Will we be worshiping elephants soon?


We won’t be able to win the war on terror as long as the New York Times refuses to call Islam a cult.

This from the party that has in the past few years decided that McCarthyism was good, internment was good and Nixon was a fine upstanding citizen.


Oh, believe me, Fr33d0m–I can’t speak for the Catholics, but Jews know damn well what the righties really think of us.


By ‘a whole year’ she seems to mean a few minutes here and there on scattered days when there was nothing much else to do.

A statistical sample. See, she’s learning!


You left three comments on that post, and she didn’t delete them. Liar!


Oh, Lordy, I see Little Lulu is at it again. She keeps complaining that the NYT won’t call people terrorists even though simple searches using the NYT’s own search engine prove otherwise. It really is time that Michelle be sent for a little rest and relaxation at an internment spa somewhere. . .


I shouldn’t be hanging out in comments sections, but Whatshername posted today that from now on, she’ll be deleting all comments that ‘prick her thin skin,’ or some such wording — i.e., those she doesn’t agree with.

And then the site seemed to go down, so maybe she went into a fury and deleted everything, and is now throwing dishes and furniture out the window.


You’re a French-Canadian Bastard? And -this- is how I find out? I’m sorry, but I have to stop reading your blog now.


I shouldn’t be hanging out in comments sections

If not here, then where?


You’re a French-Canadian Bastard? And -this- is how I find out?

Welcome to reality / bievenue a la realite.


If not here, then where?

I’m supposed to be writing media stories for people to laugh at in their blogs. Instead, I’m in people’s blogs laughing at people who write media stories. A similar, yet crucially distinct enterprise as far as ‘deadlines’ go.


We won’t be able to win the war on terror as long as the New York Times refuses to call Islam a cult.

Why stop there? As the bumper sticker wisdom has it, “Religions are just cults with more members.”


And better food. Matzoh-ball soup and hamentaschen beat out brown rice any day.


Someone should tell Malkin that actual living breathing Muslims were in the towers when they got hit. The cognitive dissonance would make her head explode.


Don’t forget, Michelle Malkin is the acclaimed author ™ of “In Defense of Internment: a case for racial profiling…

– if you want to help the war on terror, please, help googlebomb Michelle Malkin – just copy this:
<a href=”http://www.catch.com/comments/33410_0_17_0_C/”>Michelle Malkin</a>
Insert casually in your weblog post
Rinse, and repeat


Here’s TTG today:

If the MSM weren’t so gung-ho Kerry, . . . They would report that President Bush seems to have tried to get sent to Vietnam but was turned down, in contrast to Kerry, who tried to get out of going to Vietnam but was turned down.

A triple fantasy: (1) the mainstream media is “so gung-ho Kerry”; (2) Bush “seems to have tried to get sent to Vietnam but was turned down” (note, btw, that Bush has never claimed that; he told a newspaper reporter that he decided to go into the Guard because he wasn’t going to go to Canada or shoot out his eardrum — he plainly had no intention of ever going to Vietnam); (3) Kerry “tried to get out of going to Vietnam.”


Is Trying to Grok back up? I thought she’d attacked the server with an axe, and was spending the day rampaging through bookstores, rubbing at books and magazines with a rubber eraser.


Just let me know what you want to say and I’ll post ’em for ya.


I think the most shocking thing about that post is finding out you’re French Canadian.

I keed, I keed.

Just the fact you speak languages other than english is enough to send most wingers into a sputtering rage. I’m always sure to drop the statement “Paris is my favorite city!” into conversations with republicans whenever I can.

I’m hoping that one will actually spontaneously combust before my very eyes.


A hypothetical question. If the coming elections are stolen or fudged somehow, could you help a brother find work and home in so-called “French Canadia?” (En fait, moi, je parles un tout petit peu Francais.)

It’s that or political asylum in Cuba after Patriot III and the internment of the “liberals” and “moderates.”


It looks like she’s finally followed through on her threat to delete your posts. Unfortunately, she left her responses in there so she sounds like the guy on the street corner shouting at his invisible enemies.

Intern Malking Now!


Sorry about the typo in my last post. I’d just re-read the linked Malkin article and I find it hard to type when I’m shaking with suppressed rage.

Intern Malkin Now!


Bush seems to have tried to get sent to Vietnam but was turned down

Yep, he was just one small check-box away. Too bad for him that checking “Do Not Volunteer” resulted in his not getting to go.


I think someone is forging Seb’s comments in this thread because since Seb is Qu?becois, he would have written “bienvenue ? la r?alit?” and not “bienvenue a la realite” which is what the Seb forger posted. Has Pete got Seb locked up in a closet somewhere while he posts in Seb’s name??


Hmm. I wouldn’t put it past him. He’s capable of any scheme not involving rigorous proofreading.


“Has Pete got Seb locked up in a closet somewhere while he posts in Seb’s name??”

Since Pete used to live in Gen?ve, that probably wouldn’t be him posting sans accents, either. No, you would have known it was he had the accents been used incorrectly.

I think the forger is S.Z. Think about it…yesterday was her birthday and today she’s gone missing. She obviously got falling-down drunk, logged into Sadly, No, and decided to have a little fun at our expense.


The font is consistent with her capabilities, but what about the spacing?



I like it. Now we just need to get this word associated with something in the same way Fisking was.

Like maybe “Malking” can refer to when you debunk a racist screed.

Any other suggestions?


“… But you keep up the good fight, huh Seb? From now on, your comments are deleted here…”

No soup for you…FOR ONE YEAR!!!”


He’s capable of any scheme not involving rigorous proofreading.

Ah, McNett, you disappoint me with all your talk of rule-following and socially acceptable blog activity. You’ve forsaken the paths of Captain Sensible to embrace the staid ways of Frederick and Seb.

Come back to the dark side, man…


It’s true, so true. And worse, the piece I’m currently not finishing is on the Goth Box dvd set (Chrome video! Skeleton Family!).

Gah. I’m ashamed. I slink away ratlike.


the Goth Box dvd set

I call dibs on the one with the Chamelions UK and Switchblade Symphony! Come on, man…Put a little more Scabies in that rat slink!


They’re on it too. The Chameleons track rocks hard — I had the album with Swamp Thing, but never realized what a full-on great band they were.

You’re in the Bay Area, right? D’you know Rob from Secret-Secret?


Le TryingToCompareRelevantData femme est chouette quand elle est fachee! Non, actuellemt, elle est plutot stupid quand elle est fachee…


Il faut que ceux que peut ecrire Francais faire un [rr, i’m not so good at this] front populaire, et rendre les fucktardes tres malheureuses. On peut faire les > en ceux websites — en Francaise.

Nous sommes les > des…mmm, the liberal opposition, who makes Freepers ‘apoplectique’ entre la langue Francais.

Ca Plan Pour Moi, my fellow monkeys. Go forth and cause embolisms! [les embolismes…]


Hey, the double-greater-than sign becomes a ‘


…a [less-than sign, and erases text]. Lots of erasures.

Well, English was good enough for Jesus, so it should be good enough for Sadly, No!


D’you know Rob from Secret-Secret?

Sent you an e-mail, McNett. Seb says we’re not allowed to talk about cool things at his blog.


(comments are closed)