Memorial Day Greetings From The Axis Of Kagans

The American Enterprise Institute’s Thomas “Kagan” Donnelly and Frederick Kagan (i.e. the one who isn’t Robert, Kimberly, or Donald Kagan) have cooked up a Memorial Day Weekend surprise.

If the leftist naysayers and peaceniks are, in fact, onto something with their claim that US forces are overstretched in Iraq and Afghanistan, then how about turning their arguments for withdrawal upside-down? How about just making the US armed forces a whole lot bigger?


…For the ‘Long War,’ that is. That’s the generational-war-against-whatever that includes attacking whoever-we-feel-like over a period of however-long-we-feel-like-it. A force of draftees would be a bad idea; we’ll need volunteers.

Hey, where did all the warbloggers go?

Ach, but here are the patriots at Free Republic with some special Memorial Day commentary apropos the Kagan and Donnelly piece:

To: The_Republican

The more and more post-service “rights” we give “veterans”, the worse this will get. Every “vet” thirsty after special “rights” is another possible victim for the party of victimology.

6 posted on Sunday, May 25, 2008 4:00:14 PM by bvw

Or for the “party” of “victimology,” which is worse, even.

To: bvw

I totally agree. I can’t believe the number of vet who qualify for some sort of disability. I had a neighbor get 50 percent for a voluntary hysterectomy. I did my time and then did another quarter century. I was proud to serve and I didn’t try to pull anything over on the VA. All I ask for is a small plot of land and a headstone when my time is up.

14 posted on Sunday, May 25, 2008 5:00:06 PM by AlaskaErik (I served and protected my country for 31 years. Democrats spent that time trying to destroy it.)

As if adventure weren’t enough! It’s a good thing he isn’t in charge of recruiting for the million-man project. He’d make seductive promises about endless free cups of bad coffee and low prices on smokes at the PX, and wonder why the quality of the recruits seemed shaky.

But sense sometimes breaks through even at Free Republic:

To: AlaskaEric

On Memorial Day — we remember those who never became “veterans”. And every one of those remembered would have easily traded his plot of ground — no matter how famous and respected that plot — for life.

That’s the real service — to live in a way that honors the life of the honored — for they did not get that chance to continue it on their own. They left it for us to pick up the slack, and not for us to be slackers.

44 posted on Monday, May 26, 2008 11:42:32 AM by bvw



Comments: 36


Thank you bvw.


I’ve long been an advocated of a draft…exclusively for the fighting keyboarders.


Yikes. I didn’t see the first post was by bvw too. what happened in between post 6 and 44?


Well, the loss rates would not have been surprising to the defenders of Bastogne, the armies at Antietam, or the servicemen and women in any other major war, but it is true that US land forces have been asked to do too much with too little for too long.

I’m trying to remember a major US war that went more than 5 years.

By which I mean one that we WEREN’T the guerilla force in…


You guys are making my boring housework/lawn work Memorial Day a lot more interesting. Keep up the great work.



And it won’t be us. No siree bob. And no kw33rz allowed, neither!

That’s the real service — to live in a way that honors the life of the honored — for they did not get that chance to continue it on their own. They left it for us to pick up the slack, and not for us to be slackers.

Wow, I had no idea being a fighting keyboardist was such noble cause. How much you wanna bet these fucks think that tippy tapping at their keyboard is somehow more vital to preserving the Muricuhn Way?

No takers?

Smart little bastids ain’t ya.


So now they think veterans are becoming a “victim class”? None of this is surprising. For them, veterans exist to be trotted out (or wheeled out, as the case may be) for the Fourth of July Parade and photo ops for their president. The rest of the time they should keep their fucking mouths shut.

Typical Republican

Veterans exist to be trotted out (or wheeled out, as the case may be) for the Fourth of July Parade and photo ops for their president. The rest of the time they should keep their fucking mouths shut.


Liberals. Hmf.


Boy, I’d like those ‘veterans are a victim class’ comments to be promoted far and wide as evidence of how the right ‘supports’ our troops.

No wonder they don’t enlist. They don’t want to be disposable pawns either.


(kind of explains how they felt no remorse over the attacks on Kerry and Cleland)


Lousy vet victims with their victimal victimhood, indulging in victimized victimology all the time by demanding special rights like wheelchairs with both wheels, and free ointment for their burned-off faces. Get a job, you Marine Corps hippies, and quit victimating your victimacity in such a victimarious manner!


The compelling reason to reinvest in America’s Army and Marine Corps is… to build land forces (for) the so-called “Long War,” the effort to secure more legitimate governments… in vital regions like the Persian Gulf.

I see… we need an expanded military so we can ‘secure more legitimate governments’ in the Persian Gulf region. Translated into English from neo-connese, I think they’re saying we need to beef up the military so we can invade and occupy Iran. The Iraq War has been so much fun for these asswipes that they want to do it all over again, but bigger and nastier this time. Amazing… they’ve learned absolutely nothing.



As if adventure weren’t enough! It’s a good thing he isn’t in charge of recruiting for the million-man project. He’d make seductive promises about endless free cups of bad coffee and low prices on smokes at the PX, and wonder why the quality of the recruits seemed shaky.

What’s the old slogan? F! T! A! Or was it just FTA! Either way, man…


When is the Party of Victimology and how do I get an invitation?


If every adult Republican between 18 and 45 were put into the service, then we might be able to send over the needed 5 million Iraq occupation troops and 15 million logistical support troops needed to do something significant.

Plus, if a new law were announced in advance rather than taking effect immediately or retroactively, it would mean that suddenly there would be zero registered Republicans in the nation, since of course Republicans wouldn’t want to be selfish and keep such magnanimous opportunities for service to themselves.


Nothing legitimises a government like an occupying army to keep it propped up, after the carpet-bombing and invasion to remove the previous elected illegitimate regime.


“The more and more post-service “rights” we give “veterans”, the worse this will get. Every “vet” thirsty after special “rights” is another possible victim for the party of victimology.”

Yeah! Didn’t they teach these “veterans” how to say “THANK YOU SIR! MAY I HAVE ANOTHER?” What’s happening to this country when our soldiers think they deserve treatment for their injuries? Walk it off!


Support the Troops! Except when they ask to be treated like human beings and not livestock or an abstract concept!


“If every adult Republican between 18 and 45 were put into the service, then we might be able to send over the needed 5 million Iraq occupation troops and 15 million logistical support troops needed to do something significant.”

Meh. They’d all get deferments on the fact they’re actually “Libertarians” now.


“To: bvw I did my time and then did another quarter century. I was proud to serve and I didn’t try to pull anything over on the VA. All I ask for is a small plot of land and a headstone when my time is up.”
First, why do wingnuts insist upon copping the prose styling’s of Zane Grey? All I ask for is comment without purple prose upon which to lay my weary eyes.
But I digress. So all he asks for is a burial. That’s great – I really appreciate his refusing his monthly retirement check, free medical care for the rest of his life, PX/Commissary privileges, access to reduced gas and alcohol, educational benefits, all said benefits extending to spouses, kids and step-kids in many cases, etc.
Look, anyone who served 31 years in the armed forces has earned all those benefits. What they haven’t earned is the right to act all humble about how all they ask for is a cool, clear drink of water on one last moonlight night whist the ki-yots bay off in the distance….


Nothing legitimises a government like an occupying army to keep it propped up, after the carpet-bombing and invasion to remove the previous elected illegitimate regime.

Sometimes voters make an inappropriate choice. When that happens, we can’t allow elections to stand in the way of democracy.

Or something like that.


Smut Clyde asks:

“When is the Party of Victimology and how do I get an invitation?”

You don’t. Why not? Oh, maybe, just because. Or maybe because we don’t like you. Or maybe because you’re just not “right” for it. Get the message?


To these morons, “the troops” are a concept to be “supported.” By bumber stickers alone. If “the troops” don’t have the decency to get killed, the least they can do is come home and shut the fuck up about it.


I don’t get it.

I honestly don’t.

These asshats wanna have it BOTH ways.

And nobody but Sadly, No! and a few other bloggers ever CALLS them on it.

They’re either perfect heroes to be worshipped or slugs sucking off the teat of America.

Shouldn’t they have to pick? Why do they get to use either construct whenever it suits them?

Oh. And fuckhead. Ask me how much of my personal wealth I’ve spent on therapy in order to, um, not be dead today.

And then? Shove victim right up your ass….



Yo, holmes, the war’s going fine, and the surge is working. All this chatter is just that- chatter.

And you can BANK on it, ’cause the STUDMAN says so.


The more and more post-service “rights” we give “veterans”, the worse this will get. Every “vet” thirsty after special “rights” is another possible victim for the party of victimology.

Did Wal-Mart have a sale on scare quotes lately? Seems we’ve been seeing a lot more of them.

They’re either perfect heroes to be worshipped or slugs sucking off the teat of America.

Yup. They’re perfect heroes until they say anything the Kagans and the other warmongers disagree with, at which point they become traitorous slugs. One of the things that the wingnuts disagree with is that veterans should have benefits. You see how that works.

Dead soldiers never complain about benefits, so they’re always heroes. Their families may be another matter.

Wingnuts are perfectly at home with this kind of dichotomy. Like how the Republicans are an unstoppable force with the support of 119% of the electorate while at the same time being utterly at the mercy of a tiny evil band of liberal masterminds.


Bwa-ha-hah!! It’s working! Our master plan for the homosexualization of America proceeds on schedule. They used to denounce us queers for wanting the “special rights” to commit such civilization-destroying acts as getting married or joining the army. Now the insidious, seductive, mission creep of special rights has spread to veterans, for daring to want such things as prosthetic legs so they can try to walk again, the ingrates. So now they’re queers too!! Before long, all Americans will be queers demanding special rights, and our work will be done.

Def. “Special Rights:” noun, collective. Benefits and privileges which you don’t deserve, but which I will kill to keep.


“Amazing… they’ve learned absolutely nothing.”

No one they know or care about has been hurt, except Scooter Libby, but that was an indirect consequence, and has since been easily remedied. Blackwater, KBR, and other corporate entities have received huge amounts of taxpayer dollars; these are the kinds of companies which endow “think tanks” with that sweet, sweet wingnut welfare. Liberal and progressive energies, which could have gone to environmental, justice, or economic causes, instead have been diverted to anti-war and anti-spying efforts. None of this has cost any wingnut a direct dime; it’s been bought with taxpayer dollars and borrowed money.

Once you drop this foolish idea that America rises or falls as a nation, and instead see every issue as a brutal struggle over class and ideology, you’ll understand why wingnuts think Iraq has been such a raving success. Like their true mentor, Vladimir Lenin, they think in grand terms, and leave the suffering to the little people.


Please stop leaving the blame at the communist doorstep.

I mean, I understand that these assholes, great and small, all claimed to be communists back when they were rebelling against mom and dad for not getting them that coke farmer they wanted, but as is always the case with this sort of valueless, whore-hopping bastards of bastards, the real justification is power.

And I’m pretty sure assholes used that justification long before Karl Marx was a twinkle in his daddy’s eye.


I AM SpartaQueer!



The Neoconservatives bring out a different level of anger in me. When I consider their steady rise over the past thirty-five years or so, the damage they have already done and will continue to do, and their ruthless destruction of anyone who has gotten in their way, I begin to see the point of getting as much research on them as possible, and of looking at how I can put a wooden stake through the diseased heart of their movement. I am sorry to say this but I think that if we are to escape future calamity, we must find something permanent.

The problem is that I am not very good at revenge.


Next up from the Kegel Institute:

Soldiers who get killed or wounded are engaging in asymmetrical warfare.

Would you be surprised?

Not disgusted or saddened or angry enough to punch someone’s face right down their neck, but surprised.

Didn’t think so.

not even an mba

Imagine the guys from 300 all standing around Kirk Douglas, pointing and screaming “This is SPARTAcus!”


You know, Kagan was the name of the evil vampire king in that video game inspired movie “BloodRayne”. It was great! It was set during The Renaissance Festival, you see. But for some reason Ben Kingsley apologized publicly for the film and his taking the role of the evil “Kagan”. Hmm.

not even an mba

I don’t know why anyone would want to distance themselves from a movie with keywords like Nudity, Skull Crushing, Shot Through the Eye and Decapitation.


Hysterectomies on demand? What’s this country coming to???


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