Where did you get that preposterous hypothesis?

Did Steve Kevin tell you that?

Al Gore’s home has not been converted to solar power[.]

Hmm, not quite:

Here it is – the new rooftop of Al Gore’s house with spanking new solar panels

Anything else being done by the fat man who once sported a funny beard?

He is also upgrading the furnace, windows, and light switches, as well as installing new floor radiant heat and solar vents, to improve the home’s energy standards, said Kalee Kreider, a Gore spokeswoman.

Why hadn’t Al done this earlier?

Belle Meade had blocked [Gore’s] application until new rules were approved unanimously late Tuesday, said Gore spokesman Chris Song. The city located within metropolitan Nashville said the panels must be placed in areas where they can’t be seen by neighbors.

Hole. Shovel. Dig. Kevin goes for broke:

[T]he Alaskan wilderness, [would] give us domestic oil production that would rival the output of what we purchase abroad and thus cause those suppliers to drop their prices.

Kevin might as well have said the Alaskan wilderness would give the US the lion’s share of its oil needs. Either way, it wouldn’t rival much of anything:

If the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge oil reserves were used to supply 5% of the U.S. daily consumption — most is imported from Canada (19%), Mexico (15%), Saudi Arabia (11.5%), Nigeria (10.5%) and Venezuela (10.5%)[11] — the reserves, using the low figure of 4.3 billion barrels (680,000,000 m³), would last approximately 4300 days, or almost 12 years. Using the high estimate, the reserves would last approximately 11800 days, or 32 years.

Fortunately for us, Kevin is not done sharing the results of his, uh, research:

But finding the reserves is only part of the problem. Once the oil is in hand it must be refined, and since “crazy greenies” have prevented the construction of one single additional refinery in nearly a generation, the supply chain is unable to be processed and delivered effectively to help the prices stabilize at the pump.

Well, Sadly, No!:

Because they have not invested sufficiently in refineries to increase gasoline supplies, oil companies have been unable to meet the growing demand in recent years. That has forced them to rely on imports, which are more expensive than refining the fuel domestically.

Oil companies have rejected the idea of constructing new refineries as impractical and too expensive.

Until the mid-1990s, the United States had significant spare refining capacity. But because of consolidation in the industry, the number of refineries declined while unprofitable facilities were shuttered.

Significant spare refining capacity until the mid-1990s, followed by consolidation and the closing of old facilities. Sounds just like something Friends of the Earth would do. At no additional cost, we give you what passes for writing (and, presumably, editing, at America’s Shittiest Website):

When we realize that the amount of corn for example that has to be set aside for the minimum production of ethanol, and how that corn is no longer for food supplies there should exist outrage. When we discover the tons of corn required to make one tank of fuel, yet realize the same amount of corn could feed an African orphan who is presently dying of starvation for a full year that outrage should create a quake for justice that liberals can not escape. […] In places like Africa nuclear power would move villages that are barely surviving into healthy new conditions.


Comments: 36


your lyrics are bottomless.


The world needs more Conchords references.


When we realize that the amount of corn for example that has to be set aside for the minimum production of ethanol, and how that corn is no longer for food supplies there should exist outrage.

Oh, there’s editing alright. Someone told McCullough to avoid starting a sentence with “there.”

that outrage should create a quake for justice

Add JusticeQuake to the wingnut nom de plume list.

Five of Diamonds

I think all global warming deniers should be forced to buy waterfront property in Shanghai.


When we discover the tons of corn required to make one tank of fuel, yet realize the same amount of corn could feed an African orphan who is presently dying of starvation for a full year that outrage should create a quake for justice that liberals can not escape.

Right, because eco-liberals have been second to none in their support of subsidies for chemical-intensive monoculture farming and big agribusiness. Maybe while working to end corn subsidies he can consider why it is food producers might prefer to sell corn to soft-drink producers, beef factory farmers, and ethanol makers than to starving orphans. Hint, it has nothing to do with liberalism or environmentalism. Asshole.


“hypothesis” is too kind a word. I prefer to use the word “lie” to describe what they’re doing.


In places like Africa nuclear power would move villages that are barely surviving into healthy new conditions.
If it were not for the anti-life policies of the conservation lobby, impoverished African nations could transform themselves into nuclear-waste dumps and become a fully-functioning part of the world economy.
Evil greenies.


In places like Africa nuclear power would move villages that are barely surviving into healthy new conditions.

Like the American suburbs! Oh sorry, healthy conditions.


In places like Africa nuclear power would move villages that are barely surviving into healthy new conditions.
Depleted unranium: nutritious and tasty!


Soooo, maybe I’m not smart enough to figure this out, but how is a nuclear plant going to help the African village that’s ravaged by AIDs and/or un-drinkable water?
I mean, sure, they can plug in their room fans, but I’m really not seeing the benefit.

I’m convinced that conservatives simply cannot conceptualize the future outside of one week from now. Alaskan drilling would no provide any sort of immediate relief, and would probably actually raise the price dramatically as the oil companies (who are practically scrapping the “non-profit” definition line, poor souls) would certainly pass the cost of equipment and exploration drilling onto the customers. In addition, it would take years for the drilling to start supplying enough oil to make any sort of impact, by which time any price decreases will pretty much be irrelevant, as it would lower the price of a gallon from, “soul” to a mere, “arm and leg”. Beyond all of this, though, is that Alaskan drilling would only further serve to fuel (Ha! Get it? Contextual joke!) our reliance on an out-dated, finite resource at a time when we’re already decades behind where we should be on new energy resource developments.


Maybe we should support the friendly and well-behaved government of Sudan have as many nuclear reactors as they need. Also, people are starving in North Korea as well- they should light all the candles that they see fit.


but how is a nuclear plant going to help the African village that’s ravaged by AIDs and/or un-drinkable water?
My forensic reconstruction of the underlying reasoning looks like this:
Additional nuclear power-plants in the US will instantaneously lead to the abolition of the corn-to-biofuel rort subsidy. This will free up a vast tonnage of corn which instead of being converted to ethanol, will return to its previous function of being fed to cattle being shipped to Africa for distribution without charge to starving villagers.
Ponies are involved in some way.


tigrismus said,

May 25, 2008 at 22:32

Right, because eco-liberals have been second to none in their support of subsidies for chemical-intensive monoculture farming and big agribusiness. Maybe while working to end corn subsidies he can consider why it is food producers might prefer to sell corn to soft-drink producers, beef factory farmers, and ethanol makers than to starving orphans. Hint, it has nothing to do with liberalism or environmentalism. Asshole.

Exactly. The continued push for corn ethanol has been by large agribusiness, because it means kickbacks from the Fed government into their “research”. It has been demonstrated numerous times that there are far more efficient biofuels, such as Chinese yarrow, hemp and flax stocks, algae for biodiesel and sewage/landfill for biosource natural gas.


Smut Clyde said,

May 25, 2008 at 23:37

Additional nuclear power-plants in the US will instantaneously lead to the abolition of the corn-to-biofuel rort subsidy. This will free up a vast tonnage of corn which instead of being converted to ethanol, will return to its previous function of being fed to cattle being shipped to Africa for distribution without charge to starving villagers.
Ponies are involved in some way.

Hillary has the pony distribution part covered.


Yeah, suuurrre. Some combination of NGOs, governments and business interests decide for some reason to build a little 750MW nuke plant in Uganda. The bushies would FREAK out, screaming that there is NO way to safeguard the spent fuel, those dirty brown people would give it ALL to the evil muslims who will blow up new york and, and, um, fort worth with it….



My 22:49 comment was not entirely meant as snark. It is only a matter of time before you hear from one of the usual suspects that African nations would be prosperous by now, serving a role in the global plutonium economy, if it were not for the Leftist-imposed barriers that prevent them from importing nuclear waste for storage in their barren interiors.


From the International Herald Tribune:

Refineries are a choke point. Because they have not invested sufficiently in refineries to increase gasoline supplies, oil companies have been unable to meet the growing demand in recent years.

This only proves McCullough’s point. It’s well known that multinational oil companies are controlled by disciplined cadres of environmentalist Neo-Maoists.


Have the oil companies that own refineries near the Gulf of Mexico rebuilt one single fucking refinery since they got wrecked by Katrina?

This shit isn’t going to stop until we nationalize the oil companies with the express purpose of shuttering them permanently.


“In places like Africa nuclear power would move villages that are barely surviving into healthy new conditions.”

Dibs on using the phrase “move (/ing) into healthy new conditions” for the foreseeable future to mock wing-Gnutt sophistry and idiocity, thereby moving liberal discourse into healthy new conditions.

Now you try it!


The big thing that is rarely talked about in the MSM, that you have to find it on the back pages of the WSJ or 3AM show on CNBC is that there is actually a glut of oil on the global market. That’s right, the world is swimming in crude oil right now. However, it’s the sour, heavy crude, which is useless unless it is refined. And surprise, surprise, the oil companies haven’t done shit to increase refinery capacity, even though it has been obvious for the past 3-4 years that the bottleneck is at the refineries.


Wow! Reading Kevin McCullough totally expands my conciousness into higher levels of petrochemical awareness.

Some proponents of energy exploration have argued that we are running out of oil reserves. Yet any one who uses common sense wonders how that is so. Oil reserves are developed by the death and compression of carbon life-forms over the years. Forests, wildlife, marine life, and humans have not stopped dying – nor are they expected to anytime soon..

There you have it – as long as things are dropping dead we’ll have plenty of oil. America’s energy needs could be easily met by drilling in cemeteries, except for all those restrictive regulations pushed through by left-wing eco-terrorist morticians.


Snorghagen said,

May 26, 2008 at 0:32

Wow! Reading Kevin McCullough totally expands my conciousness into higher levels of petrochemical awareness.

Some proponents of energy exploration have argued that we are running out of oil reserves. Yet any one who uses common sense wonders how that is so. Oil reserves are developed by the death and compression of carbon life-forms over the years. Forests, wildlife, marine life, and humans have not stopped dying – nor are they expected to anytime soon..

There you have it – as long as things are dropping dead we’ll have plenty of oil. America’s energy needs could be easily met by drilling in cemeteries, except for all those restrictive regulations pushed through by left-wing eco-terrorist morticians.

…and of course, he leaves out that it takes millions of years for the process to work. Even if you subscribe to the abiogenic oil theory (which has shaky evidence), it still takes a few hundred years for oil to be produced.


Adding diethylene glycol to my green ginger wine would move my liver which is barely surviving into a healthy new condition.


…and of course, he leaves out that it takes millions of years for the process to work.

Kevin doesn’t concern himself with small details like that. He’s more of a big-picture kind of guy.


Soooo, maybe I’m not smart enough to figure this out, but how is a nuclear plant going to help the African village that’s ravaged by AIDs and/or un-drinkable water?

With new and improved Soylent Day-Glo Green: now with MORE people!


“Some proponents of energy exploration have argued that we are running out of oil reserves. Yet any one who uses common sense wonders how that is so. Oil reserves are developed by the death and compression of carbon life-forms over the years. Forests, wildlife, marine life, and humans have not stopped dying – nor are they expected to anytime soon..”

That’s kinda like wondering why diamonds are so rare when they’re just rocks and rocks are all over the dam place.

Or, “I don’t believe anyone who says that Kangaroos are only native to Australia. That doesn’t make any sense. They’re mammals with tails, and last I checked, there are plenty of mammals with tails elesewhere.”

Mind boggling.


“I think all global warming deniers should be forced to buy waterfront property in Shanghai.”

Better still, permanently exile them to a small Micronesian island. These are all low lying coral islands whose high points are only a few feet above sea level. All of them are expected to disappear within a generation.


With new and improved Soylent Day-Glo Green: now with MORE people!

tigrismus, you are Officially Brilliant. If you don’t stop it soon, I won’t have to use any words of my own: I’m still calling fetuses “Godberries”, fer crying out loud.



Oil reserves are developed by the death and compression of carbon life-forms over the years. Forests, wildlife, marine life, and humans have not stopped dying – nor are they expected to anytime soon.

Where’d all the trees go?!? We clearcut this place just last week, and there were tons of them around then!


See, I hate that term “global warming denier”. Branding someone a denier is sort of like disparaging them for not believing… in science. If you “believe” in science you’re sort of missing the point now aren’t you? You could instead, call them a stuffy stubborn asshole.


…and of course, he leaves out that it takes millions of years for the process to work.

Wrong! God only creaed the Univers 10,000 years ago, smart guy. Christian geologists have already calculated it to the day. Or do you believe in some sort of whacky magical time travel theory?


Sorry, Jeebus keeps taking my letters home to be with him.


The truly scary part of this all is that this is what passes for ‘thought’ and ‘analysis’ in actual, real parts of this country.

I’m beginning to think there is some crucial wiring missing from these people’s makeup. Like they’re broken or something.


It’s fine, really. Once we’ve used enough of the oil, releasing the carbon (as hydrocarbons) in to the atmosphere (as carbon dioxide), the resulting climate change should kill us en masse, after which our remains will eventually be compressed into oil and coal. So where’s the problem? LIBERALS want you to THINK there’s a problem, so that they can make MONEY:

Phase 1: Convince people to stop wasting so damn much energy and polluting so damn much.

Phase 2: …

Phase 3: PROFIT!


Because they have not invested sufficiently in refineries to increase gasoline supplies, oil companies have been unable to meet the growing demand in recent years. That has forced them to rely on imports, which are more expensive than refining the fuel domestically.

As I think has been said around here once or twice, Sadly No.

Oil companies have intentionally shut down refineries to increase demand. It isn’t a bug it’s a feature.

Quaker in a Basement

“In places like Africa nuclear power would move villages that are barely surviving into healthy new conditions.”

Added bonus: Once we find out they’re seeking nuclear capability, we get to bomb the crap out of them whenever our President’s approval ratings dip too low!


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