The Wingnuts Need Our Help
Gavin’s discovery that there is a person who calls himself the ‘Purple Avenger’ has left me wistful for those heady days of the first Bush term, when every other day a new warblogger with an appallingly stupid nom de blog would appear on the scene.
Back then, we had the good fortune to be regularly introduced to a brand new Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiller or Lt. Smash, to marvel at the misfiring synapses of anyone who would voluntarily refer to themselves as Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant, Sgt. Stryker or Steven den Beste. We scarcely knew how good we had it back then. These days, the fresh crop of wingnuts is far more likely to just use their real name to blog, and while ‘Don Surber’ may be sort of silly-sounding, it just can’t hold a candle to the various ‘Morgoth the Moonbat-Slayers’ of our not-so-distant past.
So when a Purple Avenger comes along, it’s worth a few chuckles but at a considerable price. You see, when the laughter subsides, we’re left with the depressing realization that it could be months before someone as ridiculous brightens our day again, and that the comedic oil boom of 2001-2004 may never come again.
I miss those days, I really do, and all this got me to thinking that it may just be that wingnut bloggers, never terribly imaginative to begin with, have simply run out of ideas for silly, cartoonishly violent pen names. Which is sad, but which also presents us with an opportunity. Maybe all that’s needed is for us to give the current batch of rightwing bloggers a wee nudge in the proper direction, to re-attach the training wheels on their propensity for the broadest possible self-aggrandizement.
I hereby propose we offer the wingnutosphere, free of charge, the finest, silliest, violentist and most egregiously phallic-sounding noms de blog the nimble readers of this blog can dream up. A few to get us started:
– Crimson Vindicator
– Rear Admiral
– Archduke Von Armchair, Battle Orderist
– Viscount Longrod McFuckrapekill
– Plumpcheeks Bill, Libtard’s Bane
– Flextor Warpling’s Liege
– Murdertron IV: The Reckoning
– Cap’n Nanopundit
– Corporal TacNukeSysConDef (r’tired)
– Dick ‘Cock’ Dickcockdickfuck
Have at it!
Nothing involving ‘Herr’ or ‘Doktor’, please.
Manny McDickslap
Purple Nurple Avengerer
Overcompensatus Maximus
Heterosexual McButtsecks
Superman Q. Batman
Dark Paladin Leonidas Rambo The Murdermaster, Worlds Deadliest Man (with a +20 soul devouring enchanted Claymore)
CRAFR EAHOU of the planet xanax!
(OK, back to the drawing board. Can I use Bimler, SC?)
Assman Smothers
Tudball Von Hugenstein
Jack Assblaster
Libertarius ShadowLord von BloodNGuts™
Studs McManly. No, wait, Herr Doktor Studs McManly…
It all kinda went downhill after “Hindrocket”, didn’t it?
Sgt. Poopindirt.
“There I was. KNEE deep in grenade pins. Had fifty caliber brass piled up around my thighs. And still the kept coming. At one point we had sappers in the wire. I picked up three claymores in each hand and triggered ’em with my feet like shotguns.
I couldn’t get good comms with TacAir, so when the F16s made their low nape run I jumped up on the wing and hollered into the cockpit. I guided the pilot on a half dozen bombing and strafing runs against the troops massed on the southwest wall.
Then I led a night sapper team of our own out to take out Col. Asahi and his Silver Soldiers, an al-Quaeda special ops unit. I’ll tell ya, it was a near run thing. But in the end, we killed eleven hundred of their best fighters and got two pretty bad owies ourselves…”
Ace of Sporks
Majestic Mr. Moneyshot
Blogger Gerald, Whose Girlfriend Is Totally Hot But is in Canada Right Now
The Wankeress
It all kinda went downhill after “Hindrocket”, didn’t it?
Yes, and I was really surprised there was any downhill to go to from there.
The Eradicator!
Col. Wetsuit Von Dildoinrectum, Defender of Family Values and Slayer of Libtards
It’s like City of Heroes.
Sgt. Mac Fists (and his Shrieking Guerrillas)
The Mighty Dan
Punchford McJesus
Captain America Times A Million
Rock Hardbuttock
Slab Bulkhead
Fridge Largemeat
Dick Hardpec
Buff Drinklots
Big McLargeHuge
Bob Johnson
or, Sir Nigel Fuck.
Baron von Cock n Balls
Staff Seargent Hemroid
Ricky Muscles
Homo Eroticus
and of course
Bigus Dickus and his wife Incontenentia Buttocks
Freedom Freedom Freedom Victoriator SupportTheTroops Traitorhater
The Public Bathroom Cassanova
Buttocks Unremarkable
Michelle Malkin
Pasty White Defender
Juan Hugh Jorgan
Pessimus Prime, Realitor
Liege Lord Lief N. Lawnbags
The Triumphette
Lord Excellento, He of the Magnus Terribilis
His Supremacy Hi N. Mightee Nee El Fancee-Pantz
Teh Devastatrix
Milton Friedman’s Sister
Angus McLibslayer, Dread Scot
Lord Spatula! I remember listening to his music when I was younger.
“Play dat ting mon!”
Lance Porkmaster
The Wrath of Lubbock
Captain Tightsphincter
Waldo Conelrad
Flint Redblood
Timmy Godzilla
The Gnarled Fist of Doom
Alfred Krupp
Cal Egula
Lord Manwad
Fuckyou F. Fuckyou
Eater of Poodles
Percy ‘Mad Dog’ Plumflute
Stabby McSlash?
That was my Paladin’s name from Daiblo II. I’m almost emabrassed at how much it sounds like a wingnut’s screen name.
Christian Fuckmuslims
Johnny Michelle’sDestiny
Can I use Bimler, SC?
Only if you want to create the impression of pedantic, pretentious wankery.
The Eradicator!
If that’s a doppelbock, I so want a bottle.
Skullfuck O’Property
Little Lord Fondleroy
Manifest Nexttome
Screaming Lord Putz
For the female wingnuts: Skanenstein.
Freudian Buttsexisbad?
Shit. SkanKenstein.
Gen. Buck Turgidson (with apologies to Kubrick, but it’s the perfect wingnut name)
Mort Darthur
The Executionizer
Professore Enormo Genitalia
The Tangerine Wet Dream
Vinnie Testosteroni
The Righteous Flaming Turgid Penis of God Almighty
Projectile Vomit
Liberty’s Bulging Codpiece
Tank McBlast
Santanica Pandemonium
Rory Wusspeen
Leopold the Magnificent
Sven Nukeson
The Paisley Sword of Vengeance
El Supremo Grande
Stubby Cheesewang, Lord of the Steppes
God damn, this is funny shit.
Tinky Winky
Johnny Codpiece, Patriot.
“foehammers anvil”
oh wait, that’s TOO silly, it would never go.
Ludwig von Missiles
K Y Patriot.
Blood The Hardon.
Large Hardon Collider.
(Maybe not anti-intellectual enough?)
Dolorous Weedeater.
Loved that one, RB.
In honor of Ann Coulter: Reluctant McCainacunt.
Charles Krathammer
Lord Belchenbarf
Money is God.
Apocalypse Now.
Maybe better: Apocalypse(k)now(s).
Fleck Spittle
Hank Husselhoff, Satan’s CPA
Shriek Psychowhack
Eric Bloodaxe, Foe of Poopheads
Ivan the Unmedicated
The Raging Hurricane of Enraged Rage
The Flying Loogie
Freedom’s Orgasm
Chomp Turdbiter
Eagle Fury
Rip Velcro, Nemesis of Evil
The Mighty DryHeave
The fact is, Lord Knobrammer.
Admiral Foreskin
Big Brown.
*it’s a play on “pacifist,” STUPID LIBWADS
Dr. Richard Stiff.
Miles Long.
Hetero Erectus.
Libwadian Nation.
Peace hates Jesus.
Captain Jack Splatterfist, American Ninja.
Colonel Colt Browning, Homeland Protector.
Major Damage, Counter Jihadist.
Sgt. Johnny Youngblood, Patriot.
Suggestion for an intern at Powerline:
Why is it that we never read about “peak wingnut”?
How did we miss it?
Ooh, Jennifer, how about Admiral Foeskin?
Ragevein Throbshaft.
Heywood Janotblowme, Esq.
Baron McCock
(get it? get it?)
Throbbing Member of the GOP.
Hughes Manhands
Jack Chick Hawke
Richard Perle Necklace
Yes, I did, SJohn, and I’m still laughing about it.
Ferdinand of Fucking Aragon Taking Back Granada You Filthy God-Damned Muslim Cocksuckers.
Thanks John. BTW, I’d say “K Y Patriot” is definitely a keeper, although I’m also disturbingly fond of “FistingForSatan”.
Mmm, fisting for Satan!
Ludwig von Missiles
Waaaaaahahahahaa! I was trying to think of some way of capturing the glibertarian laissez-faire and war fetish and you nailed it, nailed it, nailed it. Bravo!
It’s a goddamn funny thread. I’m overly multitasking, trying to stop laughing, keep reading, and watch “There Will Be Blood” on the Great Tube of Learning.
I think I’m going to have to watch it again.
This is frankly more fun.
Jesus Kalashnikov
Oleg the Fierce, Protector of Woodlawn Heights
Harry Chestmuscle
Pious Jackboot
Wank Anger
Genghis Blutarsky
Phallus Impudicas
Servile Henchman
Slash Smashknuckle
Little Bennie Mussolini
Der Uber-Pube
Rigidly Upstanding Citizen
Empowered Dumbfuck
Stag Held’s Truncheon
[Thread needs more Iron Dream references]
Guy Karate
Just for the record, SJohn, IMO PhistingforSatan woulda been funnier.
Or Ty Karate…
Wigginz the Ender Packer.
The fact is, Miss Maglawang.
Captain Klinefelter
It’s no Ludwig von Missles, but how about…
Murder Rothbard
Republicans for Malkin Hate.
An obvious one: Rich Whitey Is Better.
Glenn Reynolds Beckrocket
and, one more:
Werner von weiß
Rich Whitey is my name, bitches?
The Rabid Pug of Retribution
Global Thermonuclear Toughguy
Unhinged and Proud of It
Patriotic Zombie
Freedom’s Shit-Flinger
Groveling Loser for Bush
Crush the Weak
Mark Noonan Is My Lord
The Apostle of Fear
The Barking Earthworm
Manly Sniveler
Pol Pot-Head.
No, wait, that would be a murderous hippy.
I just thought I’d take this moment to fess up to having used the names:
Flint Ironstag
Slate Slabrock
Dirk Hardpecs
Big McLargehuge
Stud Beefpile
Doctorb Science
on this blog.
Ragevein Throbshaft
Oh hey, Nimrod. I should also fess up that those are all from MST3K, for those who don’t know. Which I guess means that some of them were probably personally thought up by an actual right-winger.
Except “Doctorb Science”, which is just the guy from “Ask Dr. Science” combined with Dr Nick Riviera’s phone number (the “b” stands for “bargain”).
I need a new name.
Bear Hunter
Here are many great names to choose from:
Something really phallic and violent like “Dick Armey” or even “Dick Lugar” might be hilarious.
Huh? They’re what?!?!?
The Odour of the Garter
Lord Poodle of Pudly
Gattling Gunns & Roses
Poop by Proxy
Torturous Logic
The War Monger
One Hand Clapping
Oath to Jonah
God’s Mighty Wanker
I’m way too tired to be attempting creativity, even of this limited sort.
Rear Admiral Cock Punch
Destroyer of Dhummicraps
Reagan R. McReagan
Obligate Carnivore
Darth Steyn
Achilles’ BFF Patroclus, Who Is Totally Hetero and Has, Like, Ten Girlfriends
(no wait, twenty)
Rod of Lordly Might
Charlemagne Krauthammer
Zorgonoxx the Night-Reaver (of Doom)
Lee Greenwood’s Boot
+5 Holy Avenger (Double Damage vs Liberals)
Strikebreaker Pinkerton Jr
Superbus Q. Classicus
I Didn’t Fight The Japs In Dubya-Dubya-Eye-Eye So a Bunch of Pansies Could Parade Around In Cutoffs And Aviator Sunglasses And Get the Hell Off My Lawn
Manley M. Mantooth
Rabbi Saul Reaganovitch
Sausage Lover’s Buffet
Real War Vet Who Was a Sniper in the Navy S.E.A.L.S And Shot, Like, A Hundred Dudes in the Face, Honest
Armchair Meatrammer
Foe-Crusher, Scourge of the Saracens
Blackwater Crusader
Michelle Malkin’s Army
Firm Truncheon of Justice
and my fave:
William B. Fuckley
William F. Buckskin
I swear I didn’t see yours Doctorb!
Operation Hindcrime
Penetrationist 1st Class
Thermonuclear Buttplug
Smegmatic Sock-Puppet
If it’s true-confessions time, I’ve been Abdul al-Hazmat once or twice.
Phrases of Death
I may use The Raging Hurricane of Enraged Rage.
Maple Surple Avenger
Killing Is My Business Interest
Prick O’Banion, which I stole from a Ron Goulart novel.
Also, you should know that Purple is from the side of the Avenger family where the children ride the short yellow bus……………..
Death from Above
Bardo Plane
Plateau Phase
Ivan the Unmedicated
I am SO stealing this one…
The Velociraptor Fucker
Best fucking thread ever.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
What? Damn! OK, then, how about “DEFCON Cheeto”
I thought mine was pretty witty, but I agree with Plutocrat:
Ragevein Throbshaft
has already won the internets.
H. R. Hacknslash
And I’m still convinced that Ross Douthat is a shout-out to Dudley Dooright.
And I’m still convinced that Ross Douthat is a shout-out to Dudley Dooright.
No, no, no, no, not Dudley Do-Right.
Dudley Laywicker
Dudley Laywicker: Tubby, doughy, wimpy, four-eyed, nerdy, asthmatic, virginal Momma’s boy in a high school band uniform.
The above description is perfect for Jonah Goldberg too. Or Steven den Beste. Or Ace of Spades. Or…can you see a pattern developing here?
I appreciate the appreciation. Unless it’s from liberal fascists. In which case I vow to defy you until the last cheese-enhanced corn-based snack.
Post-partum Abortifacient
Property Rights Trump Brown People’s Lives
Democrat Contingrat Slaughtercrat
Stabmaster arson
You killed more but mine are the deadest
Ass of Spades
Smith & Malthus, Fully Loaded
J– : Well played.
Thanks, El Cid. Malthus has been on my mind of late because I just finished reading his Essay. I was familiar with gist of his argument about demographics, but what I didn’t know, and learned from the essay, was what a jerk he was about poor relief policy.
J— : I think one important thing to take away from “Malthus”, once you depersonalize it from the man & his arguments to the use of “Malthus” today, is that we largely have learned the opposite. In fact, the better off you make the poor, and particularly the more you ’empower’ (educate, give job access & small business support, provide health care & birth control) poor people and especially women, the more birth rate declines.
You’d think we’d learn something from this demographic transition, but we don’t.
Ludwig von Misery
Bloodfist Hellsbane
Taupe Brawnson
Grimhelion’s Rapier
Fisticuffs McDougal
Hubert Stabbington, DDS
Torpedo Rider
Professor Pain
Rev. Jack Cox
Lord Thundercock
Dr. Killgood
Shiv Mohammed
Jesus’ Knuckleduster
Commodore Cockpunch
Hairy Reed
Well, I’m giving away the original of my handle but how about:
Jane Galt
The Blogger Formerly Known as Machiavelli’s Prince
I promise not sue over “Wank in London”!
The prototypical Warblogger…I especially dig how his band uniform would have been a nice Generalissimo of Teh Grand Warblogger Army Steven den Beste outfit.
“My puffer! My puffer!” Classic!
We surmise that was a typical Jonah Pantload asthmatic reaction to queries about why he wouldn’t enlist.
Retribution’s Registrar
The Scimitar of Truth
The Snowshovel of Bullshit
Lace Doilies
Wait…scratch that last one.
Generalissimo Spongebob
Second Horseman of the Apoopalypse
Lord HissyFit
The Cringing Paranoid
Flaming Marshmallow
Macho Flab
Power Groupie
Hyperventilate for Jesus
Napoleon Invertebrate
Buster Bloodvessel (with thanks to Ragevein Throbshaft)
Third-string Fascist
American Babbler
Proud to be Loud
Killfuck Soulshitter.
Ayn Rand’s poop shooter
i’m -a-libertarian-except-on-issues-of-personal-liberty and-i’ll-always-vote-for-a-republican-even-though-i-allege that i’m-not-a-doctrinaire-right-wing-tool-heh-indeedy.
Blood Equity.
Aint Not No Queer
The Iron Diaper
Be Still, Liberals
The Manufactured Outrage Clearinghouse
Little Green Snotballs
Spars and Swipes Forever
Tree Shrugger
Peed Republic
and finally, my favorite:
Bloody Bleeding Brainless Filthy Foul-smelling Rightwing Bastards
Oh, and I agree with plutocrat: Ragevein Throbshaft is brill.
Aw, maaaaaaan. I missed this? This game was such a blast when we did it in the Poorman’s comments.
I’ll leave you with aNaL qUaKe, Stryker Mancrush, and Lord Teabag Ballsonface.
And how about:
The Caped AWOLer
Flaccid Not Placid
I Support Our Droops
Shriveled Drivel
Peers For Fears
Bill of Reichs
This Glans is Our Glans
Miss Shinna Komplished
Major Kong’s Wild Ride
Major Scrotum
Carbide-tipped Nutgrinder
Hugh Joel Testes
ARRRRGH! I’m so damn pissed you went and did this post on my ONE day away from the computer, so I missed all this and now have to scroll down pages of this while trying not to piss my pants and all the good names are taken…oh, just Damn You All To HELL!!1!
…so, is Kernal Heartland taken?
Nuke U Later
islamic stalin
The Two Wang Clan
The Road to Smurfdom
One-eyed Willie
The Sycophant’s Tusk
I’m with OTB…this is great stuff.
How about:
McDonna Douglass
Lieutenant JG America (demoted from Captain after that unfortunate “tailhook” incident)
Bourboun Thrustmaster
Manful F. Whiskey
Nope, just can’t come up with anything even approaching the bulging awsomeosity that is Ragevein Throbshaft. That’s priceless.
Buster Bloodvessel (with thanks to Ragevein Throbshaft)
That calls for some linky goodness.
I didnot know that. Did you know that?
Girth Lengthy
Those were an absolute riot- sadly I think many would be chosen by rightards, irony notwithstanding…thanks people!
Hans von Spakovsky.
(Aww, damn, it’s taken.)
Charles Johnson and his Little Green Balls
and Pantload himself, Boner Goldjerk
(it’s a dick)
Charles Johnson and his Little Green Balls
The Cornhole
And Pantload himself, Boner Goldjerk
What about Capt. Trollypants?
Saddam bin Hitler Stephanopoulus
Yes, I did know that. I remembered the name from the Magical Mystery Tour movie, and flagrantly stole it. I have no shame.
Actually, that’s almost the only thing I do remember from that film.
The Fartin’ Spartan
Death By CtrlAltFuckYou
Hoagie van der Chexmix
Basement Crusader
Buttless Chaps of Death
Vein-laden Meatpipe of Democracy
Primatene the Eternally Winded
Heavin’ den Basted
Gonad Boldglurg, Lord of Snackbane
Melons of Doom (can’t overlook Boobarella bloggers like Atlas Juggs; they’d have to jerk off to Frank Frazetta illustrations without them)
Attila the Disgruntled Insurance Claims Adjuster
Douche Bigalow, Wizard of SOCOM
Cerberus von Cockslap
The Ambiguously Gay Islamohomofighter (+2½ codpiece)
Dafydd ap Mmm Floor-pie
Max Powder, General of the Gold Bond Brigade (The Swivel Chair of Doom causes much chafing in the heat of battle.)
Attila the Disgruntled Insurance Claims Adjuster
Attila the Stockbroker already exists (but you probably knew that).
He also does a great cover version of Ace of Spades, sung in an outrageous French accent, on the argument that the lyrics are quintessentially Existential.
Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged
Is The Blue Rajah taken?
Torquemada Was Right
Fuckwitius Superbus
The Non-Appeasing Anti-Appeasinator
Valor Minus Discretion
Chief of Defence Staff Sir Jock Stirrup
Neoconan The BombIranian
Apocalypse Faster, Please
The Fountainhead of Righteous Asskicking
Midshipman Hard
Cheeto Delenda Est
I can’t think of any stupid phallic-related names.
[…] ‘hawkeye54′ (whose moniker, incidentally, gives us hope) in comments on the See-Dubya thread informs us: And as [‘sideline Protestant’] congregations seem […]