Oh No She Didn’t…

You can’t make fun of this stuff fast enough, because it keeps coming true.

Of donuts and dumb celebrities
By Michelle Malkin
May 23, 2008 12:50 PM

Sigh. You all know I’ve been a fan of Dunkin Donuts for quite some time–and have touted their strong position in favor of immigration enforcement.

Charles Johnson notes, and many readers have e-mailed about, Dunkin Donuts’ spokeswoman Rachel Ray’s clueless sporting of a jihadi chic keffiyeh in a recent DD ad campaign. I’m hoping her hate couture choice was spurred more by ignorance than ideology.

Is Ray’s blunder worth boycotting DD over? I’ll be interested to hear the company’s take. At this point, I’m going to give the management the benefit of the doubt. They have braved boycott threats and attacks over their lonely, principled stance against illegal immigration. Given their pro-rule of law, America first position, I highly doubt the executive offices are filled with moonbats who endorse Ray’s keffiyeh chic.

A garment commonly worn in the Middle East is the keffiyeh. Arafat wore a particular style of keffiyeh as a symbol of Palestine. Thus, reason tells us that a keffiyeh is a magical talisman that weakens America, and those who wear one ignorantly supposing that it is merely a harmless shemagh — well, those people will be stopped.

I believe we have a new predictive model here. Let’s go over to Pam Atlas’s place again and see what flop-headed ishkabibble she’s howling today, for it promises to be the talk of the town tomorrow.



Today, on Capital Hill, two veterans of investigations into Communist influence on the U.S. political process will hold a briefing to release two new explosive reports on Barack Obama’s ties with extreme anti-American elements, including agents of the Moscow-controlled Communist Party USA. The reports will shed important new light on Barack Obama’s mysterious past.

…Um, wow, we just made fun of that.

William Kristol Nude In Cocaine Brawl

Ho ho ho, we can’t stop laughing about William Kristol, what with his being caught nude in that cocaine brawl.

I’m just sticking that in here quickly in case we’re experiencing some kind of bizarre, momentary inversion of cause and effect. Also, it’s hilarious how a million dollars has been credited to our PayPal account.


Comments: 161





Principal Blackman

You know what’s really bad about this? It forces me to defend Rachel Ray.

Christ, Malkin is fucking stupid.




It is the skin left over from her reptilian form, shed during her metamorphosis.


These guys have officially jumped the shark if they’re pitching a fit over RACHAEL FUCKING RAY’S FUCKING GODDAMN FUCKING SCARF.


kobie said,

May 24, 2008 at 2:55

These fucking guys fucking have fucking officially fucking jumped the fucking shark, fucking if they’re fucking pitching a fucking fit over fucking RACHAEL FUCKING RAY’S FUCKING GODDAMN FUCKING SCARF. FUCK!



her hate couture choice
“Hate cuisine” would be good, too.

A fucking-scarf is a useful fashion accessory. Fewer bite-marks, for a start.


Kristol’s doin’ Coke! With Kudlow! In the mens room!


A fucking-scarf is a useful fashion accessory.

When I was a kid, I just used Kleenex.


Dan Someone said,

May 24, 2008 at 3:02

A fucking-scarf is a useful fashion accessory.

When I was a kid, I just used Kleenex.

Pfft… you had it easy! When I was a kid, we used pages from the Sears catalog! And yeah, what is it with kids these days and their fucking scarves? I bet they’re made of silk or cashmere, too! That feels good on your privates, don’t it?

Kids these days… spoiled… rotten *mumble* *mumble*…


These guys have officially jumped the shark if they’re pitching a fit over RACHAEL FUCKING RAY’S FUCKING GODDAMN FUCKING SCARF.

Funny, isn’t it? To me it seems completely consistent with a crowd of loonies who have elevated symbolism – like flag lapel pins and “Support The Troops” magnets – far above reality.

Wotta buncha tools.

Duros Hussein 62


Well said.


So, scarves are the enemy now?


Why does CafePress not sell S,N! fucking-scarves?!


SamFromUtah said,

May 24, 2008 at 3:08

Funny, isn’t it? To me it seems completely consistent with a crowd of loonies who have elevated symbolism – like flag lapel pins and “Support The Troops” magnets – far above reality.

Having the wrong talismans and fetishes will bring about the bad juju, mon.


Malkin is still drunk with power over the Battle of Absolut Aztlan.


Having the wrong talismans and fetishes will bring about the bad juju, mon.


Mike in the H.....er,Shoulderland

Apparently the birds are hatin’ on us too . Damned liberal avian moonbats!


It’s not a keffiyeh anyway. She didn’t even take the time to look closely, but that’s no surprise.

I protest the pairing of a scarf with a cap-sleeve v-neck top. IS IT SUMMER? IS IT AUTUMN? I CAN’T DECIDE!

commie atheist

I’m hoping her hate couture choice was spurred more by ignorance than ideology.

Oh yeah, here’s hoping, Michelle. God, what a stupid fucking moron.


HPD, maybe the iced latte makes her throat cold, did you ever think about that?


No, the word ‘fetish’ is racist rather than antisemitic, on account of its colonial-Portuguese etymology.
Samuel Delany told me so.

Gabriel Ratchet

Dan Someone said,

May 24, 2008 at 3:02

A fucking-scarf is a useful fashion accessory.

When I was a kid, I just used Kleenex.

Pfft… you had it easy! When I was a kid, we used pages from the Sears catalog! And yeah, what is it with kids these days and their fucking scarves? I bet they’re made of silk or cashmere, too! That feels good on your privates, don’t it?

Kids these days… spoiled… rotten *mumble* *mumble*…

Sears catalogue? We used to dream of using the Sears catalogue. All we had were corncobs!

And we liked it too, goldurnit!


HPD, maybe the iced latte makes her throat cold
Or it conceals the tooth-marks left by her vampiric master…


Um…it’s an ivory and black paisley challis scarf with fringe, not even a keffiyeh.

Malkin is fucking batshit nuts.

commie atheist

I protest the pairing of a scarf with a cap-sleeve v-neck top. IS IT SUMMER? IS IT AUTUMN? I CAN’T DECIDE!

Yeah, it looked weird to me too, wearing a scarf with a v-neck. It must be some kind of coded message to her islamofascist overlords. And is that a gang sign she’s flashing?


This is just too good.

First, in the ad, Rachel Ray (who I wouldn’t let lick my dishes) is standing in front of the OREGON state house. Yes, OREGON the uncut arab cock loving, apostate, atheist infested, gay mayor electing OREGON. WOOHOO! YEAH for our team!

Second, that “jihadi chic keffiyeh” is i-fucking-dentical to one the ‘Ho bought in….Jerusalem. On a Xtian church tour with his minister father and Jeebus lovin mother.


We have our needs, too! (Not much pride to go with them, sadly, so.)

MileHi Hawkeye

“I protest the pairing of a scarf with a cap-sleeve v-neck top. IS IT SUMMER? IS IT AUTUMN? I CAN’T DECIDE!”



SC – that’s it. Anybody starts citing Sam Delany is …. my hero.


PS – WordPress sucks gigantic putty balls


‘fetish’ is racist rather than antisemitic

When I first came into the city. I had a racist fetish.


I hope Malkin and her Malkintents keep sending their sweet sweet cash to Massachusetts; we’ve got gay abortions to subsidize!


Delany is right about the etymology of fetish, of course. William Pietz has a series of essays on this in Res if you’re really interested.


Well, would you look at that.


J— said,

May 24, 2008 at 3:57

Well, would you look at that.

Throw in pelicans, and you’ve got a trifecta!


Why do you wear that iron collar?


Idols, Fetishes and Foreskins, oh my!

Anthony Bourdain

Leave my bitch alone!!!!


Mt. Ararat is a hate-categorie climb in this year’s Tour of Turkey bicycle race.

Mike in the H.....er,Shoulderland

Apparently 200,000 to 300,000 islamofacists gather to watch traffic , in America! , almost every weekend ! We should outlaw black and white , before all this creeping islamacism leads to shariah in San Diego…., er… something .


This left a worse taste in Tony B.’s mouth than that smoky laksa.


I have to admit I’m impressed by the phrase “hate couture.” Who came up with that one?

Of course, I’d use it to refer to stuff like Club Gitmo T-shirts, but the phrase is pretty clever.


Corncobs? You were lucky! We had to get up at 6 in the morning and lick the road clean with our tongues and then we were given a piece of sandpaper and not that smooth sandpaper but the highly abrasive kind.

Mike in the H.....er,Shoulderland

Apparently , 200,000 to 300,000 islamofacists gather to watch traffic , in America! , almost every weekend ! We should outlaw black and white , before all this creeping islamacism leads to shariah in San Diego …. er,…. something .

Mike in the H.....er,Shoulderland

Apparently , 200,000 to 300,000 islamofacists gather to watch traffic , in America! , almost every weekend ! We should outlaw black and white , before all this creeping islamacism leads to shariah in San Diego …. er,.. something .

Mike in the H.....er,Shoulderland

#%^&!!*&^! Word Press

Maybe in 2 parts ?

Apparently , 200,000 to 300,000 islamofacists gather to watch traffic , in America! , almost every weekend !


I can only assume that Malkin is on some kind of caffeine induced frenzy. But in any case, MM has reached the point where only xenophobic right-wing nut cases care what she has to say. If you are so right-wing that FoxNews doesn’t want you, you have officially reached the state of insanity. Anyway, I think I’ll get one of those cute scarves for my teenage daughter.


Tom said,

May 24, 2008 at 4:16

Corncobs? You were lucky! We had to get up at 6 in the morning and lick the road clean with our tongues and then we were given a piece of sandpaper and not that smooth sandpaper but the highly abrasive kind.

Sandpaper? Pfft… we were lucky to have the paper! We just grabbed a handful of sand and rubbed it in… but even that was a luxury to find! Usually, we only could find mud, and on the days it wasn’t raining, we had to break down pebbles ourselves into sand with our bare hands!


Maybe Rachel’s wearing the Blackhawk Tactical Shemagh, “Currently used by US, British, and Coalition Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.”


Okay, I’m going to need to do this real quick…

“They have braved boycott threats and attacks over their lonely, principled stance against illegal immigration. Given their pro-rule of law, America first position, I highly doubt the executive offices are filled with moonbats who endorse Ray’s keffiyeh chic.”

They sell donuts.

They sell DONUTS.


They are not the fucking “eye of the fishhook” at the Gettysburg of culture wars. It’s a fucking black and white neck wrap. Dunkin Donuts is not the goddamn Parthenon of American values.

They sell fucking donuts, you stupid inbred hicks.


If our Donuts fail to staunch the Muslimo-Latin wound-horde, who will?


Arrrrrghhh!!!!!! The stupid!!!!! It burns!!!!!


We must dunk donuts over here, so we don’t have to dunk donuts over there.
Okay – that was lame.
But still on a par with “Tale Of Two Cities” compared to Malkin.


I would buy Dunkin Donuts coffee just to spite Malkin, but they don’t offer soy milk as a choice, so I’m forced to stick with Starbucks and Cosi.


I, for one, welcome our keffiyeh clad toroidal masters.


Especially if they are uncut arab cock toroid masters. Who thrust thick, burbling man-sap down our throats.


Aber bitte mit Sahne!

Satan's Dirty Underwear



Sandpaper? Pfft… we were lucky to have the paper! We just grabbed a handful of sand and rubbed it in… but even that was a luxury to find! Usually, we only could find mud, and on the days it wasn’t raining, we had to break down pebbles ourselves into sand with our bare hands!

Oh, we wanted mud, and pebbles, and sand, but we had to use those to build our slovenly huts.

All we had was ashes. Ashes! Mostly from corncobs. Ever tried to rub corncob ashes on your privates? Yeah, they’re warm, but it still feels like brushing your tongue with battery acid.





Actually I’m pretty sure that inbred stupid hicks get their donuts from Krispy Kreme. Obnoxious douchebags get their donuts from DD. I’m sure that both places also have regular, non-horrible customers as well.

Anyway, it’s pretty sad in a way to see someone becoming more and more crazy and weird like that Malkin lady. Entertaining, but in a sad way.


All we had was ashes. Ashes! Mostly from corncobs. Ever tried to rub corncob ashes on your privates? Yeah, they’re warm, but it still feels like brushing your tongue with battery acid.

Ashes? Luxury! All we had was molten lava. Molten lava smarts when you rub it on your wang! And since lava isn’t absorbent we had to rub a lot of it. It was no damn fun, but we couldn’t complain or dad would beat us with spent plutonium reactor rods.


Edub, since Malkin really does not like Starbucks, I feel happier patronizing them instead!


My Slovak Grandma used to wear one. It’s a BABOOSHKA! Near east couture not Mid East.

Malkin you douche!



I can has link to malkin hating sbux?


One of the loons claiming Obama is an agent of Stalin is… Herbert Romerstein (who) served as an investigator for the much-feared U. S. House Committee on Un-American Activities.

An investigator for HUAC! Good God Almighty, he must be older than dirt. I wonder if he was assisted by anyone from the Spanish Inquisition.


From fucking scarves to masturbating with molten lava. In a thread about Michelle Malkin. This is why I want to marry Sadly, No! and bear its children. Now if I can just convince my wife to give me the OK.


I can has link to malkin hating sbux?



Yet another of my comments that Pam, Bam, Thank You Ma’am will never allow through:

“…including agents of the Moscow-controlled Communist Party USA.”

Wow! Does Obama also have ties to the Caesars of the Roman Empire or the Japanese Shogunate or any other extinct entities?


I fully support a boycott. The entire outfit is a major fashion faux pas.


Malkin really needs to take this guy to task for being an anti-American, A-rab-lovin’, Jew-hatin’ possible homosexual, cuz he’s wearin one-o-them Palace-toonian thingamabobs.

Of course, the next step would likely be locating the nearest emergency medical care, but you can’t make an omelet…

dim-witted badger


what is this world coming to?

fucking pelicans.


Snorghagen said,
May 24, 2008 at 5:49

I wonder if he was assisted by anyone from the Spanish Inquisition.

John McCain, perhaps?

And speaking of Saint BBQ…
It seems the guy can’t fill a room for a fundraiser. In his own State. With the President in tow.



Awwww, jeez. I am not going to repost that, because wordfuckingpress will get around to it, in, like, an hour. Right? Ugh.


Hey Michelle, you wanna know what’s more dangerous than a scarf to your “newly-minted preschool graduate”? A green donut dripping in transfats…

Johnny Coelacanth

Malkin’s current top story is actually human. It’s a very sad story, and nothing about politics. She even asks her readers to set politics aside. Coming from a woman who politicizes donut advertisements, this is remarkable. I wasn’t even sure she knew how to do that.

Consequently, I feel like a shit for wondering why she seems incapable of displaying similar empathy for immigrants and sundry foreigners.


Fucking-scarves are an essential bedroom accessory. If of proper length, they can double as a soft blindfold or as wrist restraints.



Her current top story isn’t particularly remarkable. If the dad didn’t fit Malkin’s definition of an appropriate father – conservative and Christian (which she emphasizes constantly) – he wouldn’t be sad.


uh, “she” wouldn’t be sad…not he.


It’s a crime alright – a fashion crime. Here’s the thing: if you’re wearing a t-shirt, you don’t need a scarf.

Johnny Coelacanth

“Her current top story isn’t particularly remarkable”

I didn’t say it was remarkable, I said it was very sad. As tragedies go, it’s all too common.


not to get all literal on you and shit, Johnny but you said
“Coming from a woman who politicizes donut advertisements, this is remarkable.”


some people wear scarves to hide hickeys…at least that’s what they did in high school.

Johnny Coelacanth

One of us seems to have a comprehension problem; I pray it isn’t me, but let me clarify for my own sake. Michelle Malkin says something is above politics: Fucking Remarkable.


no comprehension problem. we just disagree. I don’t find that post particularly remarkable for her. Neither is it “above her politics.”

I’m also not deeply touched by the story or her rendition of it. Sorry.


How long before Malkin realises that the Golden M stands for “Muslimo-commie-liberals-who-hate-freedom.”
Must have been one of those days at the office when the office sweepstakes has bummed you out.


Apropos of nothing, in McCain news…


The guy can’t fill his fundraiser’s seats.
In Arizona.
With the President.

It must kind of suck to be a Republican right about now.


Who is Rachel Ray?


Just because she manages to set aside politics once in awhile doesn’t mean she’s not a rotten human being.

Some more hate coture. Note the flag pin.


Hey, Michelle. I’m loving your latest piece where you use the ravings of a genocidal lush to determine who is or isn’t a sympathizer with our glorious Islamofascist masters. Surely you owe it to the public to make it known how clearly indebted to the global Arab conspiracy we elitist upper east Hollywood Dhimmicrats of high finance with our fancy cuisine are. (Also, eating stew and donuts instead of roadkill and sourdough evidently makes you some kind of communist, but never mind that for right now.)

Come on, put out some press releases. America needs to know that its finest conservative minds are on the case, and after a decade in the woods with retroactive Dubya (you know, the simpering liberal fascist who used time travel to take the place of the rock-ribbed conservative you voted for in 2000 and 2004, and who you just happened to realize existed after the midterms beat it into you that he was radioactive), the Republicans finally have a fresh, bold new vision.

Death to celebrity chefs in high-contrast scarves and their sinister Jewish Arab donut financiers! Death to suspicious fabrics! Read my lips: No new sashes!


What makes this even better is that that the Papa Bush and bin Laden-connected Carlyle Group is part-owner of Dunkin’ Donuts.



I shit you not….
Barack Obama, Gaffe Machine By Michelle Malkin, was read on C-SPAN this morning. What has the world come to some douche-bag rag of a paper printed this crap is funny yet sad.

Libertarius ShadowLord

You liberals are lying! You didn’t masturbate with molten lava, you masturbate with the placentae of unborn heroes! You make America sick.

Libertarius ShadowLord

testing the new nom de loonie, test test rhubarb rhubarb


They sell fucking donuts, you stupid inbred hicks.

Ahh, but the thing that gives donuts their donutness is the fact that there is a void at the center. A donut is defined by that central nothingness. If there was something there, it could not be a donut.
The zen aspects of having to accept this central and absolute nothingness as the core definition of the product either makes their heads explode or leads them to support John McCain.


Here in Atlanta, regional capital of the Southland (America’s Most Patriotic Region(tm), Suck It Heartland!), a major Krispy Kreme Doughnut (yes, Dough-Nut, not Do-Nut) store & factory is located in the parking lot of a Sam’s Club, and it is simply impossible to get any more Great American Patrioterer than that.


Oh no! Krispy Kreme is going all coastal creative class Prius elites on us. Espresso is a gateway to emasculation, appeasement, and defeatism!

Libertarius ShadowLord

Back in 1992, the desperate Bush One campaign tried to float the story that Bill Clinton might be a sleeper KGB agent from his visit to Moscow when he was in grad school. Poppy Bush even went on Larry King show to “express concern” during the week before the election. “Communist influences” in 2008 aren’t going to have traction, unless there’s a picture of Mao changing Barack’s diaper.


J— said, | May 24, 2008 at 15:16

Oh no! Krispy Kreme is going all coastal creative class Prius elites on us. Espresso is a gateway to emasculation, appeasement, and defeatism!

No, your un-patriotic attempt to remove our Southland consumer choices will fail.

Espresso drunk straight from a tiny cup is indeed European anti-American de-masculinization at its worst, but the Krispy Kreme Patriot Espresso Drinks have the kinds of added sugars, dairy fats, and flavorings which keep Great America Patriots properly fueled and heavy enough to properly drive the right kinds of SUV’s.


Good God, El Cid, you’re right. The drinks changes everything. Like the great American overstuffed omelette, which took something that was French and weak and turned it into something that was good and strong.


The fact is, here in the heartland we would never surrender to Islamic chic like you do on the latte and chablis sipping coastal eleite creative class enclaves. You can all go eat poo.


gbear said,

May 24, 2008 at 15:06

The zen aspects of having to accept this central and absolute nothingness as the core definition of the product either makes their heads explode or leads them to support John McCain.

“When you take away the donut where does the hole go? Say it, and you deny it’s reality! Don’t say it, and you deny it’s fact! If you can neither say it, nor not say it, you will thus become enlightened. Otherwise, it will sink down into your gullet and burn like a red hot iron ball.” — Blue Buddha


The Heartland has no idea how to be patriotic. Here in the Southland, we were willing to fight America’s Deadliest War in order to support our Completely American Secession and we still often fly the flag of our Patriotic Rebellion on many government buildings. We didn’t threaten to leave Our Country, Our Country threatened to leave us. That’s why to this day in American politics you’re not a real patriot unless all of your ancestors fought on the side of a treasonous military rebellion to show your love for America.


Folger’s and Coors Light?

Is that poo enough for ya Gary?


An excellent WSJ letters page headline:

Court Allows Gay Marriage: Tyranny or Its End?



I recently shopped at Target, hoping to find James Lileks and stuff his small frame into an Igloo Cooler before placing it atop a high shelf (with an employee’s assistance of course: I read the safety warnings on the top shelf.) Anyhow, I wanted to purchase a bandanna, but could only find paisley patterns. Would I be supporting Nazi-supporting terroristic assassinating pro-Hindi racists if I were to wear such a thing?

And should I quit yoga, too?


Would I be supporting Nazi-supporting terroristic assassinating pro-Hindi racists if I were to wear such a thing?

The key question here is whether or not they are hard-working.

Charles Giacometti

The scarf completes my fantasy of doing Rachel Ray. She’s wearing nothing but the scarf and a pair of Chuck Taylors (another fine Boston invention), and then the two of us sharing a “large regular” cup of that DD coffee and a couple of glazed donuts.

Oh, yeah, and Malkin is fucking nuts. Off the charts fucking nuts.


It is entirely inappropriate to mention Rachael Ray and DD’s at the same time. It brings to mind all sorts of illogical thoughts.


Would I be supporting Nazi-supporting terroristic assassinating pro-Hindi racists if I were to wear such a thing?

If you were to shop at Fleet Farm, this would not be an issue.


If you read down that long, self-indulgent and sentimental post, you will find that Malkin admits to driving a Subaru.

The queen of right-wing political correctness drives a Subaru? I did not even know heterosexuals were allowed to buy the damn things.

not even an mba



Are we sure global warming isn’t caused by hyperventilation?


Is her Subaru a Brat, perchance?


The fact is, here in the heartland we would never surrender to Islamic chic like you do on the latte and chablis sipping coastal eleite creative class enclaves. You can all go eat poo.

Shit with Chablis? Fucking philistine.


I just get my donuts from a local place. It’s better, plus I’m pretty sure the little Korean ladies who’ve run that place longer than I’ve been alive are funneling it all back to Kim Jong-Il.


I get my donuts from Tim Horton’s. Yes, THAT Tim Horton’s.


mdhatter said,

May 24, 2008 at 17:12

Are we sure global warming isn’t caused by hyperventilation?

Hmmm… you might be on to something. Maybe the government should issue a small paper sack to every US citizen.

Ghost of Joe Liebling's Dog

“Ahh, but the thing that gives donuts their donutness is the fact that there is a void at the center. A donut is defined by that central nothingness.”
Indeed, this is central to its point.

Ghost of Joe Liebling's Dog

It’s already 17:53 and I haven’t made coffee yet?


So, how high is this story going to rise? This is the wingnut equivalent of George Bush being called a Nazi sympathizer for wearing a brown shirt. It’s absolutely incomprehensible, and the only way one’s brain can begin to accept it is to have a bottomless “terrorsymp appeaser liberal outrage” groove worn in from years of propaganda.

Still, though, just how many right-wingers are going to be willing to square this circle? The evidence is right there. It’s a scarf. It’s black and white. It has a fringe. It has a pattern more or less completely unlike the Palestinian pattern. It’s a keffiyeh in the same way pita is lavash. Sheets of patterned cloth happen to be a basic staple of human clothing all over the globe. I guarantee you could find an example of a person of every major religion on every continent wearing a wrap or scarf just like that without any idea that they’re promoting terrorism.


Also, the little Korean ladies always give you a free donut with whatever you purchase. JUST LIKE COMMUNISM.


tigrismus said,

May 24, 2008 at 17:41

The fact is, here in the heartland we would never surrender to Islamic chic like you do on the latte and chablis sipping coastal eleite creative class enclaves. You can all go eat poo.

Shit with Chablis? Fucking philistine.

Well to be fair to Gary, I did have some Chablis that tasted like shit.


Too late on the commie thing. Cover story, National Review print edition, May 19, 2008: “The God of Black Power”. Heavy focus on James H. Cone and his praise of Marxism (especially in his book “Black Theology and Black Power”), who in turn Jeremiah Wright is apparently a fan and follower of, and therefore Obama’s worldview is obviously tainted by. Written by Stanley Kurtz.

Dang, there’s just too much weird stuff in here. Still trying to get my online access to work.

El Cid—ROFLMAO….I’m a Greek-A Billy you know, grew up down there. And yes, my white ancestors fought for the CSA just a few generations after fighting with the Continental Army. Then Ted Turner bought my hometown and my parents moved. Oh well. Glad to hear reports from home though, ones that aren’t from my Hispanic hating relatives (apparently the ones that aren’t “the good kind”, like us (I’m 1/4), are just swarming!). HAHAHA!


Speaking of gaffes, Sean Hannity actually said on his show last week while referring to a speech by McCain about what we’d have accomplished by 2012 (other than the end of the Mayan calendar and all that) that “we’d have the war won, we’ll have captured Obama….”etc.

At the top of the next hour, he apologized profusely, saying he meant “bin Laden”…not “Osama”, but the not even close last name. Yeah, they’re not obsessed. Not at all. But then he’s now calling his show “The Stop Obama Express” as well as “The Stop Hillary Express”. That’s pretty express, but it still takes 3 hours a day! Fuck!


The Ultimate Wingnut Dilemma:

Frito-Lay runs an ad in which Chester Cheeto sports a keffiyah.

Mo's Bike Shop

Molten Lava? We used to dream about the day when hadrons would finally condense.

We had to shoot our wads into degenerate singularities.


Please, please someone tell Pam over at Atlas Juggs that Stalkin’ Malkin is stealing her outrage.

Just think. They might get into a fight while they’re standing near a big vat of Jello (TM)…


Malkin really, really loves donuts, and really, really hates everything else. I understand where you’re coming from Gavin, but clearly this is a soul-shattering quandary for her. Perhaps some sympathy is in order.

Michelle Mockin

Fuckin Gonuts!


Wow, Sean “Chock Full of Ins” Hannity pretended to accidentally call Barack Obama “Osama”? That’s so fresh and timely. And original. It just goes to show that he’s the cleverest man in media today.


Forget the goddamned scarf. What I wanna know is…how can Ray seriously be considered a food authority if she is shilling for crap like DD?


Arafat wore a particular style of keffiyeh as a symbol of Palestine.
No. Arafat wore a kuffiyeh. Full stop. End of story.
But otherwise, your logic is flawless. Hey, you know who else wore a kuffiyeh, one that is very similar to the one Arafat wore? St. John of Damascus. And he was a hard-core jihadist, that one.


[…] More here. […]


Ruppert, speak for your own damned parcel of the “heartland”, ya fucker.


Arafat wore a particular style of keffiyeh as a symbol of Palestine.
No. Arafat wore a kuffiyeh. Full stop. End of story.

Yes. Different tribes and ethnicities are associated with particular patterns. The black and white pattern that Arafat used was meant to be a symbol of the Palestinians as a distinct Arab culture. Members of the House of Saud wear a different pattern, and so on. Arafat even folded his into a complicated triangle that was meant to represent the physical territory that was claimed by Palestine.


My new kitten has one. And I’ve only had him a week!

Kids today…


Yesterday my hog Joker died restrainingly. He took a loaf to the throat and died fraternally some minutes thereafter. He was pathological and amazing.

not even an mba

Is that a script writing all those obits for you or do you live in some sort of Bermuda Triangle for animals?


It’s JanusNode.

I wrote the dead pet module though, as I’m awful.

Have a drink!

Strained Hog Stool water with Hidden Swirled Buttermilks

3 cups bizarre hog stool water, absentmindedly iced
1 splash hidden buttermilk, appeasingly strained
1 can ambitious creme de banane

Stir all ingredients exhaustively with ice, strain contents uneasily into an outer drinking bowl and serve.



My Outer Drinking Bowl is dirty.

Gimme a minute here…



My Outer Drinking Bowl is dirty.

I’ve found that with hog-stool-based drinks, it doesn’t matter if the serving vessel is clean.


hog stool water without creme de banane is just crappy water.


The Dunkie jihad is more pervasive than our ladies of the implants and internment camps are letting on:


Even worse, certain extreme fringe sects are rumored to fill the little boxes with French!!!1!!! Vanilla ground for auto-drip (not honest ‘Merkin percolator grind).


So has anyone pointed out over there that Dunkin Brands is part of The Carlyle Group?

not even an mba

Wow, with a recipe like that I totally understand why you’re missing Joker (and his outrageous boners). If you’re looking for a new hog to provide some quality bizarre stool, you should check out some of the Hillary sites. They see pigs everywhere!


“Hmmm… you might be on to something. Maybe the government should issue a small paper sack to every US citizen.”

Stow it in the seat-back and call it a policy-sickness bag then light it on fire and ring the White-house doorbell.


Did Duncan Donuts fall prey to this right-wing smear attack and pull the Rachel Ray pro-Arab fashion ads from rotation?

Sadly, yes.


[…] I’ve been hanging onto this all weekend, because it’s a real Monday morning bit of hilarity. It’s also a good indicator of how the concept of the boycott, wielding so powerfully when used strategically by the civil rights movement, has really devolved into a temper tantrum that’s less about effecting change and more about the boycotter preening over her moral superiority. Observe Rachel Ray’s outfit in a new ad for Dunkin Donuts: […]


Holy Christ. That’s shockingly stupid even coming from someone as dumb as Michelle Malkin.


[…] A nutty campaign against Dunkin’ Donuts to drop a Rachael Ray ad, for the reason that Ray was wearing a scarf […]


[…] just won’t be deterred. Despite being roundly ridiculed by, like, everyone for her latest jihad against Rachel Ray’s scarf, Michelle Malkin has dedicated her entire […]


Never knew a scarf could hurt peoples feelings?


[…] Posted at 19:54 by Brad She just won?t be deterred. Despite being roundly ridiculed by, like, everyone for her latest jihad against Rachel Ray?s scarf, Michelle Malkin has dedicated her entire weekly […]


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