Stuff I really don’t want to write…
…but I gotta.
Lambert, you’ve officially reached warblogger levels of insanity:
About Obama’s largest crowd EVAH in Portland the other day
75K, right? Well, Kerry pulled 80K-100K in Philly in 2004. Man, that was a great feeling, wasn’t it?
Just sayin.
Well let’s see here. When Kerry was drawing those huge crowds, it was on October 26, 2004. You know, one whole week before the general presidential election occurred. When the entire party was energized behind him and eager to see him defeat Bush.
Obama, meanwhile, is drawing these crowds with the general election months away and with a Democratic voter base that is almost evenly split between himself and Clinton. This is not to say that drawing large crowds guarantees that Obama will be able to defeat McCain in the fall, but it’s foolish to dismiss the crowds entirely by comparing them to the ones that Kerry drew in the last frenzied week of the ’04 campaign. Here, I’ve put together this little chart to help you understand the concept:
I hope this primary doesn’t go on for too much longer, because it would be really sad to watch Lambert’s condition degenerate to the point where he’s writing 20,000-word essays describing how Barack Obama shot himself just to get out of serving in ‘Nam.
UPDATE: And yeah, I know it’s silly to use random blog comments as an indicator of anything, but this one was too good to pass up:
I have elderly friends who were young adolescents in Germany during WWII. Several weeks ago, they sheepishly offered the observation that, to them, Obama looks and sounds like the American version of Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Minister of Propaganda.
When you guys want help coming back through the looking glass, lemme know. I may be a sarcastic, smarmy bastard, but I have a fair amount of compassion as well.
UPDATE II: Oh dear:
75K is a large number. Supposedly it shows the strength of support for Obama or does it?
Obama rented a large enough space for at least 75K. Well, if you don’t get involved and only 4K show up. The place looks really bad. Thus, ahead of time the campaign devises a complicated plan to get the people. You do a small get out the vote (guys) to go to the polls (stadium). You probably rent enough buses the carry the guys back and forth.
Such operations are common in countries such as Iran (demonstrate against the US), Syria (same), Serbia, etc. They are all government run demonstrations.
Obama has the money for the buses and the need to orchestrate a spontaneous gathering.
I also hear that Obama has been taking money from the mole people who live in the Hollow Earth Cities and that upon being elected president he’ll sell us all as slaves to work in their underground caverns.
Kill me please.
Wasn’t the Big Dog at Kerry’s rally as well?
As do all other politicians giving stump speeches in front of large crowds.
Also, Philly is about three times the size of Portland, OR.
Wasn’t the Big Dog at Kerry’s rally as well?
Why yes. Yes he was. This only strengthens Lambert’s apples-are-the-same-as-oranges argument.
I am itching for the return of a real Iris.
What the FUCK?!?!
OK, I take all the statements about how Obama and Clinton supporters can be equally crazy back. No, apparently, lots of Clinton supporters really are starting to completely lose it.
Iris isn’t coming back. I have replaced her with a well-equipped pod equal.
I just don’t understand the corrente bs against obama. At worst Clinton and Obama are equal in calling the other out on potentially insignificant issues, and more likely Clinton was the bigger attack dog throughout this primary. At no point did Obama suggest that either he or McCain would be the better choice over Clinton as Clinton at one point inferred. Yet there’s so much wound licking going on over at the corrente site that it’s getting a little unsanitary to participate in the discussion.
As a native of North Carolina, I can’t wait to hear about how the mammoth state of Kentucky is about six thousand times more important than my old stomping ground.
Fuck these people. They belong on the other side of the looking glass, and I don’t want them back.
You know, when people have gone completely batshit fucking insane, as these people obviously have, there’s only one thing left to do – DANCE!
They belong on the other side of the looking glass, and I don’t want them back.
To be fair: Lambert used to be sane. This primary season has driven a lot of people insane, and I can think of quite a few Obama bloggers who would be pretty damn crazy right now if the situation were reversed.
The guy who called Obama a Nazi, though, is probably too far gone to help. But most Clinton supporters – I’m thinking Krugman, Somerby, most of the crew over at Shakesville – understand what’s up for the most part.
Yeah, what’s 75K in Oregon? Nuremberg had tons more people at their rallies. Shit, he’s only a piker Nazi in the pantheon of Nazis. That liberal fascist Kerry had more anyways. Me, I like a nice quiet rally for my Democrats. One over tea. With a handful of sleepy seniors. Not one that emphasizes participatory democracy or enthusiasm for my candidate. That’s just gauche.
Via Shakesville, now we have a “I will have a Unity Ticket or I’ll take my ball and go home.
Because Obama/Sebelius, Obama/Dodd, Obama/Napolitano, or Obama/Webb would suck so badly.
No more Clintons, no more Bushes. That’s where I’m at.
Yeah, I’m talking about the lukasiak’s and the Irises who think Obama should come begging for their vote hat in hand. The fucksticks who will vote for McCain or a third party or who won’t vote because their candidate won’t win, never mind that Obama and Hillary are pretty damn close on the issues. Those people can go eat a bag of dicks. I know the Krugmans and the Somerbys are rational enough to vote in their own best interests, not vote irrationally out of spite.
Re: Update II
Shit, this foolishness reminds of the silly crap that used to go back and forth between chavistas and anti-chavistas a few years back when they were putting together rival rallies in Caracas. Each side would come up with the craziest, most harebrained explanations for why their rallies were fucking huge and the other side’s were small and only looked big because of smoke and mirrors and free beer. We’ll know Corrente Wire has truly lost it when they start calculating how many Obots could fit in a defined public space through the speculative measurement of street lengths and widths, human body size, and the space between these bodies when they are marching versus standing at a rally.
Brad —
Somerby is not a Clinton supporter. I think he said he would have voted for Obama or did vote for Obama. He’s definitely been largely complimentary of Edwards, Clinton AND Obama as superior Democratic candidates.
He’s just a foe of idiotic journalism. And Clinton has been victimized from some of the worst journalism in the history of the written word. That’s pretty inescapable.
If someone compared me to Goebbels I don’t know which would offend me more – that he was a Nazi who incited Kristallnacht and murdered his own kids, or that he was one seriously ugly-looking dude.
I don’t know if you guys caught the two Hillary supporters on O’Rly.
Talk about bizarre. The Africa American lady looks drugged, or something.
And isn’t it interesting that the only states that these organizations are in are crucial swing states? (see crude ass hand written sign that the Drugged One holds up)
I calling Ratfuck.
You’re just saying all this because you’re an elitist who wants to deny poor kids their daily ration of ramen noodles.
The nazi thing is nothing new over there. And as stupid as lamebert is you have to give him points for agility. This doofus can turn on a fucking dime. Yesterday he was saying Obama is a bully because surely he was going have himself a coronation today. Today he’s saying Obama is a wimp, not a leader because of stories like this one in NYT describing his campaign’s intention to be careful not to needlessly to piss off Clinton’s supporters.
lamebert may want to take note that the Clinton campaign radically changed its tune last week and began turning its fire on McCain and away from Obama. McCauliffe and Begala were pushing for her as VP and you can bet that they weren’t freelancing. Neither was Carville when he said he’d be writing a check to the Obama campaign eventually. TalkLeft and Taylor Marsh both changed their focus to bashing McCain and pushing Clinton for VP last week too. I’d say it’s down to lambert and friends and this racist cesspool in the competition to be the Hiroo Onoda of this campaign. They’ll be complaining that the MSM is pushing Clinton out when they report on her concession speech.
Just so I’m clear…
Hillbot: Obama can’t win rural voters! Obama can’t win blue collar voters! Obama’s soft on foreign policy!
Obot: Perhaps. So maybe ushering in Jim Webb, a tough-as-nails vet from Virginia, will help his cause.
Hillbot: OMG SEXISM NOT UNITY!!!!!!!!!!!
That’s where we are now, right?
Anyway, no surprises tonight. Obama has an easy win in Oregon, Clinton with an easier win in Kentucky. Obama earns majority of pledged delegates. Usual Hillary suspects claim victory off of various nebulous tiebreakers, momentum factors, and whatever else. Then they all call Obama supporters delusional, anti-democratic, nazicommiemuslims for noting that Obama will most likely win the Democratic nomination based on the fact that, well, Obama will most likely win the Democratic nomination. Some threaten to support McCain because the DNC won’t give Hillary the nomination, ignoring, of course, what would happen to, say, the black vote should this occur. Those of us who remind these people that a McCain presidency would spell disaster for women’s rights are told that we’re not being sensitive enough to a big group of voters, or whatever.
Hillary will go on TV and boast of huge donations. This claim will later turn out to be untrue. Her inner handlers will claim that this particular speech is one of the greatest ones EVAR. I’ll go to bed annoyed. P_luk will troll Balloon Juice. Iris will continue to be fake.
That about cover it?
Shalom, gentlemen.
This can work both ways:
“Obama better be carefull, in the past Hillary has had some of her political enemies killed.”
Wheeee, making up shit is FUN!
Don’t you understand?
Michigan needs to be counted! For Democracy!
As for all those caucuses…they don’t count, they’re almost like flying cockises.
Such operations are common in countries such as Iran (demonstrate against the US), Syria (same), Serbia, etc. They are all government run demonstrations.
And common at US party-run election events. See: Bush, George W., Town Hall Meeting.
Hey, aren’t you guys supposed to be nice, now? Or didn’t you get the memo? Or maybe this is nice.
The point of the post, which I have now clarified for those to whom it was not clear, was very, very simple. Je repete:
Big crowds do not necessarily lead to electoral success.
That’s why I remarked on our good feelings after Philly. Those feelings have no relavance at all to the election outcome.
Thanks for the warblogger olive branch, though. We welcome your hatred.
Additionally, I’d be fine with a unity ticket, but it’s not the end-all. Obama/Webb would be just as sexxaay with a lot of voters as Obama/Clinton, I figure. The people who are now hinting at taking their ball and going home if they don’t get exactly this are just fucking pathetic.
Yes, Clinton’s loss will be relatively close. A lot of losses are close. You. Can’t. Always. Get. What. You Want. But if you try sometimes, you just might find, that an Obama presidency sans Hillary in any executive role would be a shitton better than anything we’ve got going on now, and that Hillary will have a chance once again in four years.
Know what? I wanted Gravel, dammit. Every questionnaire I filled out made him my candidate. I also think the DNC should officially repudiate the War on Drugs. Neither of these will happen…but I’m not sulking like a child because of it.
Lambert, dude, I’ve tried to be nice. I haven’t been out there completely trashing Clinton supporters, because I think it would be foolish to deny that the millions of voters who supported her are relevant and important to the success of Democrats in November.
What I’m against is stupid BS. And you just delivered a heapin’ helpin’ of it.
The real question here:
Why didn’t Obama draw 80,000? UNELECTABLE!!!!
“He’s just a foe of idiotic journalism. And Clinton has been victimized from some of the worst journalism in the history of the written word. That’s pretty inescapable.”
That’s pretty hyperbolic. Come on, there’s enough to go around.
Cheese on your the cheesesteak?
Bowling scores?
Did he actually give her the finger?
Is he Muslim?
Is the rumor that he’s Muslim hurting him?
What does he look like dressed up in another country’s traditional outfit?
What’s with Ayers?
What’s with his preacher?
both sides
The guy who called Obama a Nazi, though, is probably too far gone to help.
lambert has in fact already jumped that particular shark.
Wow. Lambert wrote his own bitterness-reduced shorter.
But then continued writing…
A valid point. So…what? Obama getting a football stadium’s worth of people may be overblown as a good thing, but it’s still…a good thing. And great for the Democratic Party, like it or not.
Holy crap.
Regarding Somerby, to add to what Jay B said, Somerby’s written he probably slightly favors Clinton, but he’ll vote for the Dem in November regardless, and felt that Clinton, Obama and Edwards were all very impressive. But your point, Brad, that he’s not part of the scorched earth crowd is completely accurate.
Speaking of flying cockises…
As long as you’re stopping by, Lambert, do you think following Karl Rove’s advice is a good path to Democratic electoral success?
Big crowds do not necessarily lead to electoral success.
I agree. The Rolling Stones have never won an election.
By, um, winning primaries?
It takes a special breed of naiveté to believe that Obama and Hillary are worlds separate on health care, or that either of them would be able to install their platform without serious editing that would render them both equal, and both de-fanged.
Also, why isn’t Hillary? Neener neener.
Also, we only have about 1,800 more posts to equal Irisgate I. So let’s get started.
More of this please. Seriously, we’re like, simpatico on this, Lammy.
Much, much less of this.
I think Herr Goldberg is commenting over at corrente now – what was it that I was supposed to apologize for again? hmm. oh yeah that’s it – the NAStiness of the obamaniacs:
“I think I’m brushing up on my German because…
Submitted by basement angel on Thu, 2008-05-15 14:55.
we may need to move there. This is scary as all hell. He’s moving to not only control money around his race, but around every other race as well. Is he going to go after non-profits next? We know he doesn’t like unions.
I know the blogger boyz see themselves as perhaps becoming richer than god as they ride herd over this develpment. Kos in the history books. But these are no uneducated young men. Do they really not realize how wrong this can go?
So Obama’s got a few IQ points on Bush. Smart fascists aren’t any more desirable than dumb ones and that’s what Obama’s lookin’ like to me.”
I’m calling ratfuck as well. When McCain clinched the GOP election, Hillary and Obama both had a decent chances of being the Dem nominee. Then all these neocon pundits (ie: Coulter) came out of the woodwork endorsing Hillary instead of McCain, because they didn’t like McCain. Mind you, these were the same exact pundits who for the past eight years have been writing entire pages of newspaper text and several books whining about Hillary is about to take over the country through the presidency… and now all of a sudden they like her?!
Yeah, definite ratfuck.
No, the beauty of Jonah’s book is that anyone can now be a Pantload.
Except that I posted it.
being a pantload is actually a movement of the dough
As I’ve said elsewhere, anyone playing the Corrente Godwin Violation Drinking Game runs the risk of severe liver damage. And for the love of god, don’t drive!
You are a pain in the Nation, aren’t you, D.N.
There are still people who think Iris was real.
You’re good, but a little perplexing.
The level of stupidity among the more intractable Clinton supporters just keeps going up. Here’s a a bit of fortune-telling over at HuffPo:
Flash forward to Election Day 08. Can you imagine the backpedaling going on when it comes to explaining how Barack Obama — the Democratic nominee by math not by sensibility — loses key states?
Votes, delegates, states, all “math” that means nothing compared to the paramount importance of the sensibility calculus!
Taylor Marsh and others are promoting this bullshit, naturally.
I’m still kinda baffled at:
Big crowds do not necessarily lead to electoral success.
I guess the thing that impresses me most about this is “so what?” Neither does whiskey-drinking or bowling or the ability to juggle or ratio of hairs-up-nose to hairs-on-head. It is, however, a nice thing when you get a bunch of people at your rally and a not-nice thing when you don’t.
See the Lileks thread for crannky dumbassery.
to them, Obama looks and sounds like the American version of Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Minister of Propaganda.
Wow, I learn new things at this site all the time.
I was not aware that Josef Goebbles was half black.
Obama looks and sounds like the American version of Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Minister of Propaganda.
No he does not look like that. I know what NAZI’s look like – they look like they’re dressed for a gay wedding (reception featuring forced gay abortions to follow at the Unitarian Hall). Where’s his fabulous iron cross and black leather storm trooper uniform?
Those stoopid fucks don’t know nuttin.
The comment section is sort of a goldmine of crazy.
And the headliner in Philly in 2004??
Bill Clinton.
So….Obama’s 75K is unimpressive because Kerry got 80K in 2004….which was entirely dependent on the fact that Bill was there headlining….and ZOMG BILL CLINTON BRINGS ALL LOGIC CIRCLES TOGETHER, HE IS THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!!!
I found the Goebbels comparison comments to be very apt and correct. And I would know, as I’ve done a lot of research on this.
Blue Buddha’s on the trail:
Exactly. Even stranger was Obama’s pandering, in the Wright brouhaha, to people who would never, ever vote for him
I think Hillary’s supporters have misplaced their anger. The woman on O’Reilly accused the DNC of running a “sexist campaign”. But wasn’t Hill the DNC anointed one until the MUP could no longer be denied? Or have we always been at war with Eastasia?
Obama’s 75K is unimpressive because Kerry got 80K in 2004…which was entirely dependent on the fact that Bill was there headlining…
Clearly Obama is 5000 less good than Bill Clinton.
7/1/2005 population estimates:
Philadelphia, Pa.: 1,463,281
Portland, Ore.: 533,427
Just sayin’
The nomination was stolen from Hillary. By…ummm, the voters! Yeah, that’s it!
So are the folks over at corrente or Taylor Marsh going to stay home when Hill and Bill campaign for Obama?
She was. Once.
Shit, which is it? Is Obama ruthlessly consolidating power so he can be the American Hitler and will rule America with an iron fist through Gleischaltung, or is he the puny weakling who cannot win against a doddering Republican candidate who has the albatross of Bush and Iraq wrapped tightly around his neck?
If you’re going to say totally crazy shit, at least stick to one narrative.
Clearly Obama is 5000 less good than Bill Clinton.
Meaning that Hillary should get 5,000 extra delegates for the WINZ! !
That is, unless you are telling her to sit down and shut up just because she’s a woman.
There are still people who think Iris was real.
The fact is, I’m also sometimes real.
To The Hillary Clinton Supporter:
I know how much this loss must grieve you
But here’s a thought I’d like to leave you
Although you’re sad, remember that
This thing was over months ago and yet you ratchet up the fratricide by evoking Hitler and government-run demonstrations while maintaining the delusion that when a few perceived procedural “errors” are cleared up, that when irrelevant uncontested election results are added to the voting tally and that when the planets align in the House of Zoroaster signaling the Coming Of The Rough Beast Hillary will win this thing–at.
That is, unless you are telling her to sit down and shut up just because she’s a woman.
No, it’s because she looks like a Nazi woman. Like…I don’t know, Leni Riefenstal, how the fuck am I supposed to know which one? (Godwin’s Law – activate!)
Let me begin by saying I thoroughly enjoy my daily visits to SN and the chuckles and guffaws you produce deep in my belly. But weeks back I recall a post on SN in which it was suggested (and still is here in the comment section) that there was an equivalence between the lunacy of the Obama and Hillary supporters. I do not believe this to be true. The key difference, I believe, is the extent to which the lunacy of the Hillary supporters is being driven by the “owners” of sites such as Taylor Marsh and Corrente, feeding the more delusional impulses of their readers.
I don’t read DKos (yawn), but I’ve been made aware (by Taylor Marsh, not suprisingly) of the stridency at least some of the bloggers posting there are adopting in their support of Obama. However, Marsh, especially, has been whipping her readers into a frenzy for months now so it’s little wonder that Hillary supporters who read Marsh who find it impossible to support Obama. Day after day after day of Reverend Wright and “how racist our country is” (true to an extent, but not the free fall of racial savagery being suggested) and how Obama can’t get white folks to vote for him, then back to Wright, then to Ayers, then to Rezko, back to Wright, and then to “white folks don’t like Obama and you don’t have to be racist to realize that whites aren’t gonna ever vote for Obama” (which kinda suggests that it’s ok if you are racist because it’s not like you’re gonna try to do anything to convince the racists that they are being, well, racist), blah, blah, blah, blah, ad infinitum. Dear God, you’d think we lived with the Sneetches and Obama and his supporters had no stars upon thars… Dr. Seuss, save us from this nightmare!
“This primary season has driven a lot of people insane, and I can think of quite a few Obama bloggers who would be pretty damn crazy right now if the situation were reversed.”
I disagree. I think they’d be thoroughly upset and disappointed, but no one has been telling them for months that they are going to win in the end despite all the evidence to the contrary. When someone tells you that you’re going to win and that the other candidate is actively disenfranchising the Florida and Michigan voters or that the “fix is in” with the superdelegates via the Democratic elites as represented by Pelosi, et. al., in order to make you lose (again, despite all evidence to the contrary), then you’re likely to move beyond mere disappointment into the frothing-mouth gaze of the sanity impaired. Shame on those who inculcate and prepetuate this garbage (including the campaigns (Wolfson, I’m looking at you) and bloggers).
And shame on others who have suggested that the dewy-eyed idealism of of youth is evidence of naive and cultish behavior. The young are the very last group the Democrats can afford to lose and I’d much rather have a few old farts vote for McCain than have young people be jaded before their jadening is due.
Whew, two “shames” in one day. I gotta watch it or I’m gonna pull something…
“Yeah, I’m talking about the lukasiak’s and the Irises who think Obama should come begging for their vote hat in hand.”
I’ve encountered this phenomena frequently. I’ll try to persuade anyone who might consider voting for Obama, but I’m not going to prostrate myself on the floor in abject shame and submission in order to convince one person to open their minds. It’s not reasonable for me to ask another person to do that for me, why on earth would I do it for them. I try to stay calm and congenial, but I’m not going to apologize for every misstep, every real or imagined slight, every policy difference (even when I support the other candidate’s position), every poor clothing choice made by the candidate I support. When, oh when did this rule come into play? I don’t recall the Edwards supporters doing this. Regardless, when it becomes clear that the person I’m trying to convince wants me down on the floor licking their boots, I say,”Okay, I tried. It’s all right, vote for McCain, but I think you’ll be disappointed.” (unless, of course, I wish to be on the floor, licking their boots, then the conversation goes a little different…).
Hey I got to this hours ago on the Zombie Thread That Would Not Die.
To be fair, Portland is a massively huge city almost half the size of Philadelphia.
Gotta say, I’m looking forward to watching the Zellary wing of the blogosphere bleed out slowly during the inevitable migration of super delegates. I can see the equally inevitable list of demands coming…
1) Obama must wash Hillary’s pick-up truck so that she can get her deposit back from the prop company.
2) All Obots MUST sign the petition to get Cagney And Lacey back on the air.
3) A shrubbery. Something nice but not too expensive…
Itchy Brother said,
May 20, 2008 at 20:20 (kill)
7/1/2005 population estimates:
Does this take into account the massive black community of Portland which is completely in the tank for Obama because they are racist against hard-working white folks?
[…] They just won’t stop. […]
Obama’s ability to draw large crowds will be turned into a negative in 5-4-3-2….
Duh, people. Like we didn’t see this one coming when the press turned on Howard Dean? Anytime a Democratic candidate appeals to large numbers of people, especially young people, this must be turned into a negative because the prevailing media wisdom hold that large numbers of young liberals are:
1) angry
2) dirty fucking hippies with no jobs
3) teh gai
4) tree-hugging peacenick appeasers..
….in other words, not the “real people” that Chris Matthews refers to when he’s talking about those “salt of th earth” types from the Midwest who may or may not be showing up at John McCain campaign events (we don’t know because the media never tells us).
Oh and someone remind me, where exactly is Illinois on the mao? Isn’t that somewhere kinda sorta in the middle-ish of the country?
Eh, never mind.
MAP not mao. Sorry.
Anyway, ever notice how the size of the crowd at a McCain event is never mentioned? I always wondered why that is. Guess it doesn’t matter when you’re talking about a Republican.
Ahh, nice of SOHHHHHOVERITTT!!!!!!! to check in. In short:
Sadly, No!: Some reasonable political commentary
Has Taylor Marsh gotten another radio show yet? [important]
They will never give up. By November, Obama will be compared to Hitler, Goebbels, Goering, Himmler, Speer, Rosenberg, Ribbentrop, Hess, Streicher, Dr. Mengele, Heydrich, Adolf Eichmann, Bormann, Eva Braun, and Hitler’s dog Blondi. Count on it.
Nuts, in my rush to claim first sighting of the most recent Lambert-psychosis I missed itchy brother’s population summary.
Go back to skool, noteven. Portland proper is about 1/3 Philly’s size. More importantly, I believe Philly is the 6th largest MSA in the whole frigging country. … Yep, roughly 6 Million people. Portland is #23 with about 2.25 million. And they include Salem in that – no one ever comes to Portland from Salem!
At Shakesville, one commenter was going on about how he didn’t buy that Obama was getting all his money from an unprecedented grassroots organization, but instead must be a Trojan Horse for Wall Street, because they want a candidate who opposes universal health care.
Sigh. I really, really don’t like being reminded that there are stupid people in my party.
PeeJ- Here in the 9th largest MSA (Atlanta), there’s Obama shit for sell by street vendors eeeeeverywhere. Elitist street vendors, I’m sure.
If I haven’t denounced and rejected my previous statements about the populations of verious Metropolitain areas enough, let me make this clear. The not even an mba who thought it was germane to muse about the population of Portland is not the not even an mba I didn’t get an mba with. not even an mba’s short-sighted view of the massiveness of Philadelphia, a city so large that Tom Hanks won an Oscar portraying it, without the help of a volleyball, is the opposite of everything that I, not even an mba, stand for.
Everyone knows that numbers at GOP events are irrelevant because Republicans have jobs and families and little time to even such silly events. On the other hand, of course Obama can draw 75,000 in Portland. HIppies, commies, anarchists, slackers, commies, gays, and commies don’t have jobs, and can therefore attend rallies whenever they like (even on work days!!).
Righteous Bubba stole my Rolling Stones comment. I’m calling shenanigans, contacting New York Law Firm, and demanding my fair share of flying cockises…
Anyway, ever notice how the size of the crowd at a McCain event is never mentioned? I always wondered why that is.
All the McCain supporters are at home gathered around the Philco.
& it’s fact, not spin–the caucus states like ID
and others had larger rallies and stadium attendance than they had actual caucus attendees. It’s the celebrity, looky-lou thing—many people go to see and hear him but it doesn’t correlate to state wins.
Obama draws 14,000 at Idaho rally
I had to stop reading Americablog because literally every post for days at a time was nonstop Hillary-hate, and it crossed the line into creepy and offputting. On the other hand, Hillary supporters (such as in this post) seem to also be batshit foaming-mouth loonies.
I don’t particularly mind either candidate and would be happy to vote for either. WTF is wrong with Democrats this year?
And now, for something completely different…
There’s been a leetle bit of further activity in the moonbats in PDX thread.
I’m thinking Ringlers would be an excellent choice. It’s got portland character, good downtown location, just across the street (almost) from Powell’s Books, two blocks from the streetcar (and in fareless square to boot!). I haven’t been there (though I walk by at least once a week and I have been to the Crystal Ballroom) so I don’t know where it rates on the McMenamin’s quality scale.
Whatcha tink?
Latest Gallup numbers (via TPM):
B-b-b-b-b-but Obama hasn’t reached out to Hillary supporters!
Shit, which is it? Is Obama ruthlessly consolidating power so he can be the American Hitler and will rule America with an iron fist through Gleischaltung, or is he the puny weakling who cannot win against a doddering Republican candidate who has the albatross of Bush and Iraq wrapped tightly around his neck?
That’s the beauty of the Paranoid Style. It allows for, or better, calls for both at the same time.
Oh looky!
“Has Taylor Marsh gotten another radio show yet? [important]”
I wasn’t aware she actually had one. Must have been on some other site that I ran across that if she wasn’t an actual fraud, then she’d done some SERIOUS resume padding (her “authorship” consists of one book about a brothel, I believe). I think I found that site via Instaputz.
If this is true, why do sites (including SN) link to her? I mean, I think it’s prefectly fine to be an amateur librul/progreasive writer/blogger. But something about making up a radio program and a fake “career” to give your siteand “persona” a sense of professionalism sounds, oh, I don’t know,…, Republican.
I just can’t get over the contempt shown by Clintonites (and concern-trolling wingers) over Obama’s record crowds. Yeah, the last the Democrats want to do is nominate a guy who can draw big crowds and get people excited. What are we thinking? Hey, there’s still time to bring Michael Dukakis out of retirement, isn’t there? To save us all from this plague of popular enthusiasm?
Perhaps we should tempt Iris back with offers of chocolates or liquor — or her drug of choice.
rapid said,
May 20, 2008 at 19:51
“He’s just a foe of idiotic journalism. And Clinton has been victimized from some of the worst journalism in the history of the written word. That’s pretty inescapable.”
That’s pretty hyperbolic. — then you go on to list stupid journmalism practiced against Obama.
A. I know that Obama’s gotten some bad press. I never said he didn’t. And it’s breathtakingly stupid.
B. I am an Obama supporter.
C. I think the quality of political journalism in this country is catastrophic.
D. Clinton has gotten awful press for almost 20 years.
A, B, C, AND D can all be true.
Maybe you weren’t alive during the 90’s, but I can assure you that if you look up the breathless mainstream reports on such pressing topics as: Rose Law Firm, Travelgate, Watergate, Susan McDougal, Vince Foster (this one alone would win the Worst Journalism in History awards) , or, more recently, Chris Matthews, David Schusters’ accusation of “pimping out” Chelsea, Clinton as a shrill evil bitch (See, Richard Cohen’s masterwork today in the Post), Clinton as a dyke (her assistant seems to spend a lot of time with the woman she works for!), etc.
The war waged against Hillary by the most mainstream of the media for almost 20 years doesn’t even take into account the Rush/Falwell/Hannity idiocy.
Again, I don’t support Clinton. I think her war vote was a terrible one. I worked on Capitol Hill when she submitted her Doorstop Health Care Reform Plan and it was worse than anything. Still, I think she’s been a good Senator for New York (and was very impressed with her constituent work when I lived there) and her campaign has also been pretty idiotic.
That still doesn’t excuse stupidity. The reality-based community has to face reality. Something Lambert and so many others are having extreme difficulty with.
“Watergate” should read “Whitewater”, but y’all knew that.
Uh-oh! Time to be on our best behaviour . Wouldn’t want word getting round that this place is fully of foul-mouthed snark worshippers.
Rihilism said,
May 20, 2008 at 21:01
I wasn’t aware she actually had one. Must have been on some other site that I ran across that if she wasn’t an actual fraud, then she’d done some SERIOUS resume padding (her “authorship” consists of one book about a brothel, I believe). I think I found that site via Instaputz.
She had a radio show in Vegas (briefly) and I think a thing on Air America. She got canned from both and posts a lot about how important she feels it is that she gets put back on the air. Because she deserves it, I guess?
Oddly enough, for such an important person, she doesn’t have a wikipedia page. So very tempting.
From Taylor Marsh’s bio:
Translation: She has been a frequent caller on every station nationwide that hasn’t figured out who she is yet. “Get Taylor back on the air” = make the switchboards stop screening her.
Clearly Obama is 5000 less good than Bill Clinton.
OVER 5000!!!!
also, lol at this
However, your comparison of Lambert to warbloggers (because he made an unfair comparison) is entirely fucked up wrong.
Warbloggers: advocating for the slaughter of innocent people.
Lambert: advocating for a Democratic nominee for President.
[insert picture of apple and orange here]
Y hallo thar
“I had to stop reading Americablog because literally every post for days at a time was nonstop Hillary-hate, and it crossed the line into creepy and offputting.”
Yes it has. Too bad. I think what’s-their-faces have had personal dealings with the Clintons that may have led them off this deep end. Not excusable, mid you, and does at least partially refute what I said earlier, but I don’t think the “loonies” have been happening as long as on Taylor Marsh (I stopped reading AmericaBlog regularly about 2-3 weeks ago when this phenomena became more prevalent. I believe that’s when I heard about how they were just a bit “afraid” of the Clintons because of actually working with the Clintons. Again, I’m not claiming this was a rational response of their part.).
WTF is wrong with Democrats this year?
Having a ridiculous government prone to lying about and politicizing every fucking thing under the sun rubs off.
What I want to know is: why does anyone even know who Taylor Marsh is? I’ve never thought of her as anything but an extremely overrated blowhard.
She had a radio show in Vegas (briefly)
I recall her radio show was one of those deals where you pay out of pocket for a block of time, and then try to make it up by selling advertisements. My local sports-talk station plays the weirdest shows at 4 in the morning on weekends (Mortgage Talk, Nutrition Supplements and Colonic Health, etc.) and I imagine it’s the same arrangement.
She’s a Famous Radio Talk Show Host in the same way that I’d be a Big Time TV News Personality by buying a half-hour block of informercial time on UHF channel 58 at 3am on Sunday morning.
Democracy scares the shit out of the Hillary people. After all, it’s what’s beating their ass, day after day.
They probably have nightmares about people voting.
Lambert is quite a piece of work. I love the way they hide behind registration and try to rebut our fairly mundane, sane points behind the wall.
Go ahead, Lambert. fight us over there so you don’t have to fight us over here!
FMguru said,
May 20, 2008 at 21:15
I recall her radio show was one of those deals where you pay out of pocket for a block of time
Oh wow, just like the GREASEMAN.
Jay B,
agreed, but she’s just been in it longer. Let’s face it, she came into prominence and the public eye right around the time that I think the political discourse in the country changed to a lot more vitriol and nonsense in the early 90s. She also has attracted the weirdest following of enemies that I’ve never understood – I can’t figure out what the animus is about. Give Obama twenty years and unless things change watch what he’ll have to put with. I also think she’s been a generally good senator for my state – maybe a little absent lately.
After Lambert and co. help elect John McCain in the fall, and in four years they come asking me and people like me to help avert another disastrous four year McCain sequel, would it be petty of me to slam the metaphorical door in their metaphorical faces? Because I have to say, as much as I don’t want to see a President McCain and as much as I believe in liberalism as a guiding philosophy, it gets to the point where I do not want to be in the same foxhole as these people anymore. If they’re going to enable a McCain presidency, then they’re not my ideological allies and I don’t know how they ever could be again.
Talk about “size” makes them uncomfortable.
Um, no. I was there and this is wrong on every possible count, not just the retarded invocations of Syria, Iran, and Serbia. The gathering place for the Portland Obama rally was not big enough for all 75K of us — right around 15K had to watch from outside, and many of us gave up and went home (speaking). Also, there were no buses — just long, long, snaking lines for blocks and blocks, loosely organized.
it gets to the point where I do not want to be in the same foxhole as these people anymore.
You will once again be in a voting booth all by your lonesome. Don’t worry about it.
This backpedaling is such sour grapes that it makes one pucker to read it. Drawing big adoring crowds is a good sign… whether one ultimately wins the election or not. The inverse is also true, where (not)drawing big adoring crowds is (not) a good sign.
And you can’t defeat those facts by pointing out big crowds, as a condition, is insufficient alone as an indicator. They’re still very, very necessary.
Also, there were no buses
I wasn’t there so no contradiction implied, but for a campaign not to try to get people to its own rally would be stupid. If there were buses, well, I’ve been on buses to rallies so good for me and good for the campaigns for chartering them.
If Obama was in Clinton’s shoes, we’d just say “Sheeeeit. We know the Man ain’t never gonna let a black man be president!” Then I for one would fire up the barbeque and cook some ribs.
Because apparently blogs such as S/N (and even Americablog, WTF???!!!) have links to Taylor Marsh. I don’t know why they do. Perhaps someone at S/N can tell us. I always assumed it was because the blogroll never gets updated (I find dead link all the time in blogrolls.).
Most of and co. are actually fighting for us over there. But when they do, they start feeding on their own, see Xan’s “triumphant return”.
If any corrente readers are still here, I have something to say, and not just because Lambert’s threatening to use comments in a counter.
I understand that you feel cheated. Hillary had this thing sewn up, and then the media with then intense hatred of all thing Clinton stole it from her. There’s lots of folks here who would laugh at that narrative, but it really isn’t too far from the truth. The media has been harsher on Clinton than anyone else running, and in some spectacularly stupid ways. But, and please try to understand this, Obama didn’t do this to her. It’s the stupid jackasses at NBC and CNN and whatever else that you should be mad at. Don’t take your disappointment and shape it into Obama-hate, use it for a more noble purpose, like making sure McCain doesn’t get any closer to the White House than he already is.
To paraphrase a great American,
Hillary Clinton screwed Hillary Clinton.
When it comes to unearned self-regard, “Lambert Strether” makes Jonah Goldberg look like a piker.
But, and please try to understand this, Obama didn’t do this to her.
The counter to this is “yes he did.”
Because apparently blogs such as S/N (and even Americablog, WTF???!!!) have links to Taylor Marsh. I don’t know why they do.
I recall reading some useful posts over there prior to recent hi-jinks although I’m not big on the self-promotion angle others have pointed out.
The de-linking game is also pretty annoying as anyone who knows about big fucking sandwiches can tell you.
Righteous Bubba — I didn’t see a single charter bus delivering anyone to the rally’s location. Then again, I never got very close to the center of the action. The location was at the city center where all the mass transit comes together, and was chosen for that reason. (I strongly suspect the organizers didn’t plan on ~75K people). There might have been charter buses somewhere in the mix, but if so, they didn’t carry very much of the net biomass in attendance that day.
RB – the campaign didn’t need to bother. They knew from their e-mail RSVP count they wouldn’t need to. They knew from prior experience – when he spoke at the coliseum the tickets (free) were gone in about three nanoseconds. PDX has excellent public transportation.
That said, even the campaign was surprised by the size of the turnout. I didn’t go, figuring it would be a zoo. I went for a motorcycle ride.
PS to Dale – you coming to the SN! bachelor party and flying penis convention?
Trying this for the third time. Maybe with 75% less linky goodness motherfucking wordpress will let it through.
The nazi thing is nothing new over there. And as stupid as lambert is you have to give him points for agility. This doofus can turn on a fucking dime. Yesterday he was saying Obama is a bully because surely he was going to coronate himself in his victory speech tonight. Today he read a NYT blog post saying Obama is going to be careful not to needlessly to piss off Clinton’s supporters tonight so now he’s a tiptoeing wimp. Not bold enough to lead.
lambert may want to take note that the Clinton campaign radically changed its tune last week and began turning its fire on McCain and away from Obama. McCauliffe and Begala were pushing for her as VP and you can bet that they weren’t freelancing. Neither was Carville when he said he’d be writing a check to the Obama campaign eventually. TalkLeft and Taylor Marsh both changed their focus to bashing McCain and pushing Clinton for VP last week too. I’d say it’s down to lambert and friends and this racist cesspool in the competition to be the Hiroo Onoda of this campaign. They’ll be complaining that the MSM is pushing Clinton out when they report on her concession speech.
“Uh-oh! Time to be on our best behaviour . Wouldn’t want word getting round that this place is fully of foul-mouthed snark worshippers.”
Well good. Been enough of the ole’ echo chamber this year. It’s important for other people to know what I think of them.
“… again, I seem to have hit a nerve of some kind.”
No, thanks, I’m flattered but I’m just not into you…
It gets woise and woise.
“Apparently, Obama’s made-for-TV self-coronation spectacular is on. He’ll be flying back to Iowa, first victory, means a lot, hunky bused-in Abercrombie & Fitch guys, yadda yadda yadda, to surround himself with appropriate trappings of splendor and triumphalism for a metric, ‘majority of the pledged delegates [as of May 20],’ that is totally without meaning according to The Rulez.”
Ah. I guess we’re all about the rules now.
Flying penises!? Sounds wreckless. Maybe. Probably?
“Sixty-thousand people packed into a park alongside the banks of the Willamette River to listen to Obama, with another 15,000 left standing outside the gates, according to city fire officials. Hundreds more anchored their motorboats, or floated in kayaks and canoes.”
NOTE: 15,000 OUTSIDE the gates…. so by UPDATE II’s own measure (the planning of the Obama campaign) the crowd was still surprisingly large (15k greater than planned) and therefore quite news worthy…
We have two wars going and we”re probably going to have a third and fourth one, the economy is in/near recession, the housing mess is nowhere near over, banks are being kept afloat by the skin of the Fed’s teeth, oil is over $129 and going up about a dollar a day, the stock market is ignoring fundamentals and see-sawing, and the dollar is dropping like crazy. We have a partisan, disfunctional government.
We need to stop advocating for Obama and Clinton and start advocating for us. They’re rich. We’re screwed. I don’t like hearing Obama joust with McCain over who can threaten Iran better.
Ah rules, like not campaigning in Michigan or Florida!!
Well if there’s going to be cameras on hunky A&F guys I’ll be watching. I loves me some eye candy.
If I drink enough, I just may become a flying dick!
And drawing tiny crowds of old people who won’t even clap for you is a sign that you’re Fred Thompson.
There are still people who think Iris was real.
Goddamnit, I believe in Bruce.
RB – the campaign didn’t need to bother.
He’ll be flying back to Iowa, first victory, means a lot, hunky bused-in Abercrombie & Fitch guys
*quizzical face*
So… I’m sorry….give me a minute…
Because Obama keeps an entourage of muscular white guys? How did I miss this? Or is it an Iowa cornfed thing? But then why are they bused in?
“yes he did” – I honestly believe that some of the Hillary folks aren’t saying that. I guess, it’s my own olive branch offering – to any Hillary supporters that are still reading this thread and still willing to talk things through. I guess I’ve taken all the olives off of the branch for martinis.
I dunno, I feel bad about all the Hillary misogyny crap in the media (and it is horrid), but I see no real reasons to greatly prefer her over Obama, and a huge turnout of non white people who don’t normally vote is, as far as I can see, the only way we’ll defeat the 5-7% cheat vote caging and such is going to give the GOP.
And I agree with Susan. I can’t stand how warmongering is somehow required of all candidates. It’s those times I start to despair.
There’s something Althousian about that “I seem to have hit a nerve of some kind” response. Pretty soon we’ll be said to have entered his vortex. I’ll take p_lukky’s rich correntean lather over lambert’s faux bemusement park ride any day.
‘Ho and I were watching teevee last night while working on dinner. The News Hour is about the only mainstream news we watch so it must have been on that show that some punidt said “If there’s a foreign policy crisis between now and November, that would cause people to question whether Obama has the experience and ….” I don’t recall exactly but you get the idea.
‘Ho and I simultaneously asked each other “Did we just hear advance notice of the October surprise?”
Really. THAT has me worried. Don’t doubt for a moment that the Shrub and the Dick would start a war for domestic political purpose.
But then why are they bused in?
Strictly for bussing.
A&F guys for bussing? I shall swoon! Kin I buss them too?? Can I Can I huh?
I could happily live the balance of my life and never see somebody write, “Just sayin'” ever again.
population of Philly, 1,448,394
population of Portland , 592,121
think the difference in population is related to the size of the crowd ???
repuglitards are SOOOO stupid
…And I’d say “unfairness” is a pretty slippery concept, especially with a headline “… EVAH…” that’s clearly snarky.
…Frankly, I don’t have time to go around attacking S!N, what with our famously free press and the A list to deal with.
So, implicitly, Sadly, No! is a B-lister or worse, and Lambert is very, very busy, possibly being frank. Frank as in earnest, not as in being a guy named Frank (and peripherally, earnest as in forthright, not as in a guy named Ernest), which is central to my point. But I digest.
So Sadly, No! is B-list or lower. I’ll choose to call it a C-lister, as I’m partial to lowered expectations and comfortable mediocrity. Hey, Sitemeter, how’s it hangin’?
Sadly, No! Average Visits per Day: 16,229
CorrenteWire Average Visits per Day: 6,112
So what am I saying here? That judging by this convenient comparative analysis of arguably meaningless data, CorrenteWire would have to be considered a F-minus-list blog at best?
No, of course not. I’m just being snarky.
We agree on that, PeeJ. My biggest
paranoid delusionfear is a false flag terrorist attack just prior to the election, suspending the Constitution and nixing the elections.It is the only way the entire Republican brand will be able to hold on to power.
I just can’t shake the feeling that they didn’t build the Unitary Executive up to where it is to hand it to the opposition. </tinfoil>
did you guys know that HTML interprets a R in parenthesis as a Registered symbol?
Just sayin’.
Thanks free patriot! I fell a lot better about my mistake earlier on, but please do go back and read my denunciation. I worked awful hard on it, I mean it’s poll tested and focused grouped so it should have some pretty good appeal.
Um… Quincy Adams won! Please make the scary populist go away.
Dammit! Let down by the Comment Love.
Which makes my joke pointed at the good Dr. not as funny.
Shorter t4toby:
Wrong thread 😛 doodley doo…
I think they’ll give the corrupt justice department and elections boards a chance to do their thing before staging a terrorist attack. If McCain loses, though, all bets are off. And either way i’m sure we’re going to bomb, bomb, bomb Iran this summer.
If this was the Rudy Giuliani Administration (and I apologize for even suggesting, in some crazy fantasy world, that that could ever happen) I would be right there with you with the tinfoil hat. Because that man is a terrifying fascist and he’d stop at nothing to hang on to power. But Bush is lazy, and there’s no way he wants to be Preznit anymore. It’s a job that requires all sorts of readin’ and talkin’ smart and stuff, and he just wanted the free house and kickass chef service.
There’s something Althousian about that “I seem to have hit a nerve of some kind” response.
I’m reminded of J. Goldberg’s triumphant “I must be over the target ’cause look at all this flak.”
Oh jeezus christ’s tits in a mason jar.
Fer cryin out loud, there were 75 thousand people there because we’re DESPERATE!! What part of this are you struggling with. The economy is broken, the wars and hatred and hunger and disease are spreading, there is no path to a sustainable future, we’re all angry and scared and frustrated and along comes a young, charismatic man who fucking well TALKS to us, tells us the truth, honestly recognizes that we’re in a bad pickle, but he’s the ONLY motherfucker on the national political scene that isn’t willing to just drive the car off the cliff!
Now, sure, is he willing to say things that are politically expedient? Of course. At this point, I’m willing to forgive him that because if he DOESN’T get elected that means one of the others will and, in a scene you’ll recall from “Thelma and Louise”, the entire U S of A will sail off the cliff taking your lifestyle, your family, your hopes and dreams and aspirations with it.
So, as we used to say as kids.
Sadly, No! Average Visits per Day: 16,229
CorrenteWire Average Visits per Day: 6,112
Sadly, No! buses in hits from illegal aliens working at a chicken-rendering plant.
I’m reminded of J. Goldberg’s triumphant “I must be over the target ’cause look at all this flak.”
Jonah’s prefers sugar-frosted corn flak. In lieu of Krispy Kreme, naturally.
RB — you are a god to me.
Sadly, No! has special black-ops chicken-rendering plants throughout the world to provide extraordinary rendition.
OT, but I will feel betrayed if Sadly doesn’t tear the right wing a new one for what they’re doubtlessly saying about Ted Kennedy’s brain tumour.
Sadly, No! Average Visits per Day: 16,229
CorrenteWire Average Visits per Day: 6,112
Ten percent of Sadly, No!’s hits come from Saul’s multiple personae. And remember, all of Gary Ruppert’s visits are done under threat of deportation. It’s in the contract.
According to Pandagon, a freeper thread was actually shut down because the comments were so vile.
I believe the Extraordinary Rendition plant is the one with the Mutant KFC chickens.
Because rendering a footless, beakless triple-breasted bird is very extraordinary.
Because rendering a footless, beakless triple-breasted bird is very extraordinary.
That’s nothing. McDonald’s has engineered a bird that lays boneless chicks with fried breading shells.
I’ve heard that Obama is so hopeful, that the citizens of Hope would crawl over the rusted remains of John McCain’s hip replacements to touch Barry’s hem.
That’s nothing. McDonald’s has engineered a bird that lays boneless chicks with fried breading shells.
I’ll take three!
Ted Kennedy’s brain tumour.
I have been unkind regarding the afflictions of people I dislike, but that’s really awful I guess and I should change my ways. Here’s hoping Hugh Hewitt does not get breast cancer.
CorrenteWire Average Visits per Day: 6,112
Something tells me they were doing better than that six months ago. Then, they went wrong.
Gravel is running Libertarian:
I’m voting for ‘im.
Oh logos, you cad!
That’s nothing. McDonald’s has engineered a bird that lays boneless chicks with fried breading shells.
If they put this on a biscuit I’m buying stock.
The biscuit comes out the other hole.
Just sayin’.
Wait, isn’t Bob Barr already running Libertarian?
This will make the Dem primaries look like puppies tussling over a chew toy. Like, if the chew toy is a lion’s tail. And the lion is Mike Gravel. Then he has to battle Bob Barr, who is a crocodile, over the baby buffalo, which is the American voter.
The analogy falls apart after that.
My biggest paranoid delusion fear is a false flag terrorist attack just prior to the election, suspending the Constitution and nixing the elections.
I have a twenty-dollar bet with Ed Brayton that this is exactly what will happen.
I really really hope I lose.
But BushCo has never failed to surpass my darkest expectations.
That video rulez, BTW, peddy.
I should just make a bet and be done with it. Then I can stop mentioning it every 20 threads.
We already defeated Russia.
[close zoom]
…or did we?
As one of the most liberal members of this blog, I demand an end to all animal-based analogies of American politics!!
I would also like to know how the flying bear fits in to all of this, however.
I think testing analogies on animals is the only sane way to go. Computer-modelling just isn’t up to speed yet. If it’s done humanely we should allow rhesus monkeys to smoke up to 30 analogies a day.
Glirit mortin hed sarma shinem
Te qifte arusha qorre
I don’t like hearing Obama joust with McCain over who can threaten Iran better.
What did I miss? I haven’t listened to or read every word Obama has said on the subject but that doesn’t sound like the debate I’ve been following the last few days.
My biggest paranoid delusion fear is a false flag terrorist attack just prior to the election, suspending the Constitution and nixing the elections.
It is the only way the entire Republican brand will be able to hold on to power.
I just can’t shake the feeling that they didn’t build the Unitary Executive up to where it is to hand it to the opposition.
…….Or, a absurdly rationalized attack on Iran, under the psychotic notion that the voters would line up behind the GOP “in a time of crisis”, allowing corporate media to claim that Obama is sinking in the polls and then they let their voting machines do the rest.
You’re right, they didn’t set up a virtual dictatorship to allow Democrats to reap the benefits of it (unlimited surveillance of criminal corporate contractors, the Justice Department working to destroy the GOP [aiding a “permanent Democratic majority”], using the “war on terror” to justify the disappearance of 36 tons of $100.00 bills [hmmm….would after school basketball programs sprout up everywhere?] and the thousands of other scams that the Bushies played in the interest of “national security”).
Think about it: not a soul in the Obama administration *ever* paying attention to a single Congressional subpoena! Or the press considering it their patriotic duty not to question President Obama “during a time of war” (heh). IOKIYAR!!
No, I heard that Hillary is a serious candidate because she isn’t afraid to “obliterate” Iran, and Obama is unserious because he doesn’t think they are as dangerous as the USSR.
Big rallies = Goebbels?
This implies that pols like Disraeli & Teddy Roosevelt ALSO were inspired by those wacky NSDAP boyz, c/o our old friend Mr. Time Paradox. Oh, yeah, & Ghandhi too – wowsers – who knew HE was a Nazi?
The population comparison is very telling between the Kerry rally & this one – good thing Corrente “forgot” to bring it up, much like he “neglected” to mention the timing of said rallies. Oh, & the theoretical buses are a nice touch too … after all, everybody knows how elitist buses are – just look at all the innocent victims that keep getting thrown under them … hey, who needs facts when you KNOW you’re right, right? If you’re sneering at GOOD turnout for a Dem rally, & it’s 2008, give your fucking head a shake: you are now officially campaigning for McCain. Period. Put as much make-up on that pig as you like, but I’m sorry – the stench will still give it away to anyone standing down-wind.
Yeah, he’s “boldly shrill” alright, & so are Coulter & Limbaugh when they’re shilling for Clinton. Thanks to the commenter who referenced “totally obliterate them” from her vis. Iran – sadly, yes, the warblog analogy is validated from the moment this Genghis-Khan-like spew left her mouth. Please recall that such obliteration would very likely trigger a full-blown nuclear war with both China & Russia, who’ve now officially pledged to defend Iran from ANY offensive attack. That’s not “talking tough” – it’s right out of Dr. Strangelove for Chrissakes, ovaries or no. Dean got crucified for a girlish yelp, yet she gets a free pass over a statement that truly IS right out of “Downfall” – hint: when your opponent has a rep for being inhumanly vicious, that is NOT a trait you need to emulate. How she maintains ANY support from anyone with a conscience after that is puzzling to me … do they just never interact with media of any kind whatsoever, or do they have a well-worn tape of “Faces Of Death” waiting for their rapt attention right after their “Vengeance Vote” for McCain, back at the compound?
Lambert & Co. have leapt into the Godwin’s Law bathtub … & that’s not too bright, considering who’s been using the bathwater before him.
That may be the Win of the primary season, jim.
Say what you will about the tenets of intelligent design, dude, at least it’s an ethos. I’ll take insane, unreasonable and consistent any day of the week over insane, unreasonable and inconsistent.
Right now Lambert is probably doing more damage to the cause of progressivism and reason right now than a thousand right-wing think tank flaks could do. That takes all the fun out of seeing a formerly great mind devolve into self-parody and embarrassment.
That, and the fact that there’s no way back when you’ve lost it to the degree Lambert has. If you realize your whole belief system is fundamentally flawed (but at least internally consistent), you can change. It rarely happens, but it can happen.
But when you’ve reached a point where you’re not even consistent from sentence to sentence with your wild-ass beliefs, you’re pretty much a lost cause. So I don’t think that Lambert will ever realize just how far he’s fallen, which is sad, because he can, and will, continue to debase the same principles he’s fought for for years to come.
“That may be the Win of the primary season, jim.”
… you mean … you mean … I can finally have my pony?
With the laser-cannon-eyes AND the rocket-launcher?
*sobs with joy*
I think Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama should go to California and have homo nups, then convert to Scientology and go to Will Smith’s Scientology Academy. This will bring the Democratic party together, and also silence the critics who say that Obama is a Gay Muslim. After he marries Hillary and converts to Scientology, this argument is defanged. For her part, Hillary can clinch the non-white vote by showing a brother some love, while simultaneously proving that she is not a gay dikey lesbo.
Don’t worry, jim. I’m sure your mecha pony will arrive shortly after my 1000th comment prize.
On a somewhat related topic, when I last saw Lukasiak, he was busy yelling at Fafnir, of all people. Apparently, Fafnir drank some sort of creative class version of Wylers fruit drink.
I think that’s an unspoken debate code violation there: If you find yourself yelling at Fafnir, you pretty much just need to smoke a joint and lay down for a while.
I have elderly friends who were young adolescents in Germany during WWII. Several weeks ago, they sheepishly offered the observation that, to them, Obama looks and sounds like the American version of Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Minister of Propaganda.
If they could read and understand the English language, perhaps they might not come to such a ridiculous conclusion.
Now why didn’t I see this coming?
Don’t bother clicking – Wendy Wright FINALLY says the polygamist-rapist-religious nut jobs are bad people. Of course, she FINALLY says something when she can equate it with….you guessed it – gay marriage!
My brain hurts. Please please please just make them go away.
Lambert & Co. have leapt into the Godwin’s Law bathtub … & that’s not too bright, considering who’s been using the bathwater before him.
I’m sorry, Jim, no-one is allowed to mention bathwater in a S,N! thread except in the context of throwing out babies. It’s one of those unwritten laws. Fail.
As consolation, here is a photograph of the Godwin’s Law bathtub.
Hitler cat is watching you bathe.
Forgot to order that Unwritten Law Handbook on Amazon!
Stupid mixed metaphor!
I would be willing to take one for the team and ‘re-educate’ the pictured Fräulein.
That is Lee Miller. She can solarise me any day.
Nothing like a good Schindler’s List joke.
Lawnguylander: I got this quote from the Swamp.
I get the point of saying it–to make McCain look bad. But Iran isn’t a grave threat. That’s a lie. And if Obama will lie to me for my own good, I don’t want him. I don’t care how good his policies are. I’ll vote for anyone but a Republican, but I do not expect Obama to be any better than any other presidential candidate. You don’t get to be in his position by being an idealist, or without compromises.
It made me sick to hear that. We need and want him so badly. We want to believe. But I’d rather know the god’s honest truth than be placated with a comforting lie, especially if it’s me lying to myself. And no matter what, he will still be better than McCain or any other Republican.
Dammit, Susan, stop making sense!
Aahhh Susan I feel for you. Though I don’t completely agree. “Grave” is a dicey term – Iran IS a threat, gravity of said threat is up for discussion.
More to the point, while you would rather hear the truth, it’s political suicide to actually say too much truth. I suspect he doesn’t like saying such things much better than you like hearing them.
The fact is, sssshshhhhhhhxsshshshs!! Be quiet Susan and Toby.
[Iran] denies the Holocaust
So stupid remarks from a country’s president can be used to condemn the entire country? Obama is in thin ice, saying that.
I don’t think that we should go all ‘Malkin’ or ‘O’Reilly’ on their asses over a few isolated comments but, holy fuck, it’s pretty disturbing to even see comments like that from our side.
My dear Clyde, I’m disappointed with you.
Ahmedwhatshisname is the President or Grand Wazoo or whatever of Iran the state. Hence he speaks for Iran the state.
Had Obama said “the Iranians” or “the Iranian people” then you’d be correct in your claim. As it is, you’re sounding like an American political pundit, finding fault with someone’s statement not for the gist of it but seemingly solely because you can find a quibble.
Not to quibble….
See what I mean? What I meant to say was, he states official state position. Or something like that. Aw fuck it.
Am I the only one who welcomes our mole overlords?
Iran IS a threat, gravity of said threat is up for discussion.
But this is akin to saying everyone’s a threat.
Iran is no threat to America, grave or otherwise.
Speaking of the Portland event, NTodd was there and managed to capture some nifty photos of the future Prez as well as the crowds and general festive atmosphere.
Gravity is a grave threat of great gravitas.
I might understand this if it was say, Paul Wellstone vs. Obama and Obama was about to be nominated.
But this is Hillary Clinton they’ve gone so far into the tank for. I don’t get it. It’s not like she’s some ultra progressive. She’s a center-right corporate DLC triangulator.
Given that I’ve spent the last four years thinking that a Hillary nomination was the only way the Democrats could lose in 2008, and thinking, shit, they’re going to hand her the nomination and we’re going to lose again, I’m quite frankly astonished that there is anyone aside from those in the DLC, those on her payroll, and those who wanted a woman nominee for the sake of having a woman nominee and, they hoped, a woman president, sticking their neck out this far for her. It simply doesn’t make sense. There’s not any legacy of principles there to pin it to. What makes it even crazier is that many of those who continue to cling to her candidacy as if it were America’s Only Hope™ have spent the past 8 years railing against the “me too!!!”-ism of the DLC…only to now become the staunchest defenders of their flag-bearer.
It Does. Not. Make. Sense.
If you look closely at the video you can see that the 70,000 or so in the interior of the crowd are blowup dolls. The 15,000 real people were bused from Canada.
They were photoshopped in. I blame Jamal Hussein.
he states official state position
See, that’s the other thing people keep forgetting. President Ahmadinejad doesn’t speak the official state position of Iran.
The Ayatollah Ali Khamenei does.
Iran is no threat to America, grave or otherwise.
Even if they did get a nuclear bomb, what the fuck would they do with it? The only thing they could reasonably do with it would be to deter Israel and/or the US from killing them- maybe.
There’s not any legacy of principles there to pin it to.
Err……I’m not a big Hillary fan (anymore) but…….Bill’s years in office were pretty fucking good, and a hellova legacy, to boot.
I’m jus’ sayin’…
The Flock of Seagulls was there??
Wait, sorry, they could never get 15,000.
I thought you said 150.
Just read the updates and can’t believe my eyes. Clearly, some people need to take a pill, preferably cyanide.
Those aren’t pillows!
See what I mean?
Let’s try this again. Iran is a threat to America’s interests in the region. Whether those interests are actually good ideas or stoopid bullshit is up for discussion. More broadly speaking, Iran can be seen as a threat in other ways. Their switching to Euros for oil payments, for example, threatens our economic interests.
Now, now, atheist, I didn’t “forget’. Nor did I “pull a McCain”. True, I don’t know enough about Iranian law to say whether he’s a head of state or whatever distinctions are to be made. But he is the President. There seems to be no firm consensus on just who in Iran is actually in charge of what. Given all the above, it’s fair to say he speaks for the state.
Is it worth mentioning that the gravest threat to America is America? I mean things are sucking and whose fault is that?
Ahmedwhatshisname is the President or Grand Wazoo or whatever of Iran the state. Hence he
speaks for Iran the statestates official state position.I can only hope that this guy Bush never says anything that could be used to condemn the entire US as ill-informed or aggressive.
Is there a word for “jackass” in Farsi?
Iran can be seen as a threat in other ways. Their switching to Euros for oil payments, for example, threatens our economic interests.
And NAFTA could go if the Mexicans or Canadians so chose. Threats!
I think Susan’s deal was that the language could be less nutty. Saying “threat” for all and sundry is not the best way to talk about issues. Who knows, maybe it wins elections and I suck.
Yet there’s so much wound licking going on over at the corrente site
That makes me miss Qetesh the Qaveat Qat and her frequent references to “playing the cello (lick, lick)”.
Iran is a threat to America’s interests in the region. Whether those interests are actually good ideas or stoopid bullshit is up for discussion. More broadly speaking, Iran can be seen as a threat in other ways. Their switching to Euros for oil payments, for example, threatens our economic interests.
Our economic system is threatened by the asinine policies of the Bush administration, not by Iran, and no amount of juggling is going to justify Obama’s (or anyone else’s) threats against them (which are, ultimately, threats against the American people).
whateverdude – Clinton was indeed a competent president. But legacy? What precisely is his legacy? I’m serious here – what did he do that was good that hasn’t been undone since? About all I can think of at the moment is Northern Ireland. What principles, put into policy, have survived, (other than welfare reform, which I wouldn’t really call a progressive/liberal policy)?
And beyond that, are we to credit Hillary for the achievements of her husband’s years in office?
The crux of the matter.
Criminy. Yes yes yes Bush and Cheney are the biggest fucking threat to us all. EVAH. That doesn’t mean there are no other threats. Don’t crucify me – I can’t take pain.
There’s where I had intended to follow up on my follow up to Susan’s comment. I hope and, in my atheist way, pray that Barry Obamalambingbang is in fact a man of integrity. That he knows much of what must be said is bullshit, it has to be said in order to get elected. [please don’t start the “so he’s a sellout” schtick] Imagine if he had said “Iran is not a threat.” Can you say media crucifixion?
And not all that sucks is necessarily a bad thing.
Also, the idea of saying “President Barry” is just too kewl.
What precisely is his legacy? I’m serious here – what did he do that was good that hasn’t been undone since?
Are we down to defining “legacy” as that which can’t be undone? Because if that’s the case, then the founding fathers left NO LEGACY. Imagine Jefferson contemplating this bullshit:
While we can’t credit Hillary for Bill’s successes, she *was* there in the midst of their making, probably adding a lot of her own thinking to them.
That’s better.
But legacy? What precisely is his legacy?
Legacy might be too strong a word, but a Clinton sourpuss such as myself can find things to clap for on this page full of propaganda:
Maybe it’s entirely undone by now.
Now, now, atheist, I didn’t “forget’. Nor did I “pull a McCain”. True, I don’t know enough about Iranian law to say whether he’s a head of state or whatever distinctions are to be made. But he is the President. There seems to be no firm consensus on just who in Iran is actually in charge of what. Given all the above, it’s fair to say he speaks for the state.
Sure. You are right to say that he does speak for Iran. I didn’t mean to get schoolmarmish on ya. But, do remember that really, Ahmadinejad isn’t #1, he’s #2. He doesn’t command the Iranian military, the Supreme Leader does. He also can be voted out of office, while the Supreme Leader’s in for life.
“…no amount of juggling is going to justify Obama’s (or anyone else’s) threats against them…”
Excuse me?
Obama didn’t offer any threats to Iran. He didn’t threaten to “obliterate” them, “bomb bomb bomb…” them or any other thing.
He made the point that Iran wouldn’t be an issue (of whatever gravity) if it weren’t for Bush / McCain / Clinton and that perhaps that might indicate some small difference between himself and them.
Now calling them a “threat” may have been overkill but jeepers folks, if you can’t see he’s the least aggressive candidate you really need to polish up your fashion eyewear.
Because if that’s the case, then the founding fathers left NO LEGACY.
There’s a nice piece of paper in Philadelphia.
The Lee Miller photograph above (see 23:46) is of her taking a bath in Hitler’s Munich residence after the city was occupied by American troops. Miller was a photojournalist at the time. Hitler’s stuff was still in the apartment.
Notice that Hitler put a picture of himself next to his own bathtub. Weird, eh? Though I suppose it would have been even weirder if he’d put up a picture of Winston Churchill in the nude.
Yes, talking shit wins elections.
No, you don’t suck.
atheist – I won’t argue that, not one bit.
OneMan – why do you want to go and bring a measure of sensibility into it? That ruins everything.
In fact, let’s think about it. what sucks and is also bad?
Defective pool filters?
I can’t come up with much. I think we need a new way to describe bad-ness. Because mostly, sucking is a relationship qualifier in my book.
mmm…Lee Miller.
I think the problem with the word threat is that in recent years it has—by and large thanks to the Bush Doctrine—become associated with necessitating only military action. Add to the part that somehow talking to our enemies = appeasement and, well, we have the recipes for a thousand Iraqs in the decline and fall of the American Empire.
Not a moment too soon, Clinton, Obama start to make peace. Apparently some Democrats are such dumbasses they’re threatening not to vote if they can’t have their candidate.
Being asleep at this wheel should be illegal. Hello! You really want four years of McBush? REALLY? Just because…
And to think this could have been prevented if Hillary hadn’t been such a divisive dumbass.
Texans say the Oklahoma suckage is what keeps Texas from sliding into the Gulf.
what sucks and is also bad?
Like the old joke.
Why is Kansas so windy?
Because Nebraska sucks and Oaklahoma blows.
1) The fact is, Obama is worse than 10 Hitlers, so Hillary backers will have no choice but to vote for McSame in November.
2) The fact is, Obama can’t possibly win in November, thus handing the presidency to the dreaded McSame.
Please pick only one choice from column A, Corrente peoples.
P.S. Only 250 comments? I expected to come home from teh Borg to a seething 800, at least.
whateverdude – ok, then don’t define legacy as that which can’t be undone. That leaves us with the fact that yes, he was a competent president, yes, he attempted good things in foreign policy and in the case of Northern Ireland succeeded, yes, his policies helped create a healthy economy, yes, he actually was serious about the terrorist threat and actually had some successes in stopping attacks. Then there’s the flip side of the coin: deregulation that proceeded full steam ahead during his two terms, energy policy more or less non-existent in terms of reducing dependency on foreign oil or on conservation measures…in economic terms, he had a saner tax policy, but that wasn’t what kept most people’s asses out of the fire – the economy did that, while minimum wage didn’t increase at all, worker’s rights didn’t make any gains aside from Family and Medical Leave act…I look back on it and see a lot not only left undone, but also unattempted. That’s not to say I’m knocking his presidency – it was definitely an oasis of sanity in the past 30 years and as I’ve said, he was a very comptetent president. I think what I find lacking was courage to press forward and do something more. I understand that he had packs of howler monkeys leaping all about the entire duration of his presidency, but I just don’t remember him as being willing to sacrifice a few popularity points for anything at all.
It Does. Not. Make. Sense.
There is one word to make it make sense, and it rhymes with “diggers”. Some people are just really, really not down with Obama’s melanin level.
Especially when you consider that damn near everything and everyone in the entire world is, actually, some kind of threat.
Obama didn’t offer any threats to Iran. He didn’t threaten to “obliterate” them, “bomb bomb bomb…” them or any other thing.
He’s joined in the neocon moronity about them being a nuclear threat, which is blatant assholery. Now, perhaps more practical minds than mine have decided that he *has* to say this shit in order not to irritate the military/industrial media too much, but if Cheney decides to nuke ’em in the next few months (to give McCain a boost….yeah, they’re that cynical), then Obama will be glued to his assertions and will be forced to back the newborn war. All of this is beyond my pay grade, but the “practicality” of campaign statements gives me the willies in light of what the Bushies are capable of.
Hey? How could we have been doing that when we were tasked with banging out Pantload’s book?
Which is really central to our point.
“The crux of the matter.”
I concede my 22 minutes of win to atheist.
Still holding out for the Mecha-Pony, though.
North Korea (so I’ve been told) set off a nuke, & instantly disappeared from Bush’s Axis-Of-Evil radar, apparently never to return. This may be the key to solving this thing, quickly & relatively cheaply. Can we just all chip in to get Iran one too? Or pay the McMedia to pretend it happened, & run it as a top story for a day or two? Just to see who the hell Bush then designates the new “Great Satan Who Threatens America Because They Hate Our Freedoms”?
Dibs on Lichtenstein.
Jennifer, you left out one pet peeve of mine: The rise of the DLC.
Stepping right with every rightward wingnut zig, while undermining people who actually had their hearts in the right place.
The epic failure of the DLC is central to my lefty point.
FMguru – well, I don’t believe that lambert is a racist, so I would discount that entirely in his case. And I think there are a lot of strident Hillary supporters whose preference for Hillary has nothing to do with race.
Which leaves me with no explanation at all.
Then there’s the flip side of the coin: deregulation that proceeded full steam ahead during his two terms, energy policy more or less non-existent in terms of reducing dependency on foreign oil or on conservation measures…
Hey, the guy was the greatest Republican president in history! That’s about as good as we’re gonna get, all things considered.
Given that the right wing is attacking him for under-rating Iran, this discussion is freaking bizarre. Iran has a nasty, right-wing, theocratic ruling party. It’s a terrible place for women, and our stupid policies in the Middle East have enabled their religious fanatics to extend their control. It takes an absolutely ferocious desire to utterly misread him to portray what Obama said as saber-rattling. He knows what he is doing, and he has made it absolutely clear that he repudiates the Bush approach root and branch. Not everything has to be a Chomskyite rant, y’know…
Especially when you consider that damn near everything and everyone in the entire world is, actually, some kind of threat.
Like muck and politics, all threats are local.
whateverdude –
Hey, the guy was the greatest Republican president in history! That’s about as good as we’re gonna get, all things considered.
sounds suspiciously like:
There’s not any legacy of principles there to pin it to.
In my mind, it doesn’t explain strident support of Hillary as Our Only Hope™ by avowed progressives; certainly no reason to stridently oppose a Democratic opponent who differs from her in terms of policy very little at all.
I see I owe some folks upthread a beverage or two:
Alex said,
May 20, 2008 at 20:24
Shit, which is it? Is Obama ruthlessly consolidating power so he can be the American Hitler and will rule America with an iron fist through Gleischaltung, or is he the puny weakling who cannot win against a doddering Republican candidate who has the albatross of Bush and Iraq wrapped tightly around his neck?
If you’re going to say totally crazy shit, at least stick to one narrative.
The fact that he fucking used the word “diplomacy” in regard to them is progress, honestly. Certainly more than Clinton’s “obliterate” statement was.
Iran has a nasty, right-wing, theocratic ruling party. It’s a terrible place for women, and our stupid policies in the Middle East have enabled their religious fanatics to extend their control.
Funny thing that we’re not discussing nuking Saudi Arabia, no?
It takes an absolutely ferocious desire to utterly misread him to portray what Obama said as saber-rattling
Interesting take on Obama’s, Clinton’s and McCain’a attempts to top each other in “seriousness” (read that “warmongering”) concerning Iran. I’ve read speeches of his that made me despair for our collective futures! I’ll vote for him (who else is there?) but the guy really depresses me with this shit…
Your win has been reinstated. Alas, the pony’s laser cannon eyes are malfunctioning so delivery will be delayed.
In my mind, it doesn’t explain strident support of Hillary as Our Only Hope™ by avowed progressives; certainly no reason to stridently oppose a Democratic opponent who differs from her in terms of policy very little at all.
Dude-ette, I couldn’t agree more but…… can’t completely trash her because her supporters have been dicks. Sometime, when this is over, we’re all gonna have to coexist and fight the GOP in a hellova lot more unified fashion than we are at the moment.
That’s more like it.
I think that has been the official Sadly, No! position all along.
And I think there are a lot of strident Hillary supporters whose preference for Hillary has nothing to do with race.
Some of it is “they were good ’til the totally sold out” argument common among Indie Rock Pete types – they see somebody suddenly develop an enthusiastic following, and their reaction is to be suspicious and dismissive (how can he be any good when all the people I don’t respect are flocking to him?). It’s also possible to be suspicious of Obama’s kumbaya let’s-all-reason-together-and-rise-above-partisanship shtick (I mean, the problem with our country is that Democrats are too obstinate and unwilling to compromise? Really?) But a lot of it really is about race – some is the more benign “I’m not racist, but I’m pretty sure that putting a black man on top of a ticket in 2008 is a recipe for disaster, no matter how polished a speaker he is”, but a lot of it is deep-seated (sometimes well-hidden) racism. I’m convinced of that.
If Obama had said Iran was not a threat, he could have said “like Iraq wasn’t a threat.” He could have rung Iraq like a bell every time the Republicans called themselves the party of the military or security.
Guys, I love ya, but you are believing what you want to believe. No presidential candidate gets where he is without acceptance from the power structure in America. Not Clinton, not McCain, not Obama. None, ever. Not at this level. There is a sword hanging over the White House, Wall Street, and the Pentagon called Inditements. All someone has to do is swing it, and that someone will not be the man or woman chosen by the power elite to serve the power elite.
And Gary? Eat my knickers.
I think that has been the official Sadly, No! position all along.
I’m thinkin’ some of the Sadly, Gnomes didn’t get the memo on it…
make that “indictment”
Susan of Texas brings us back to reality as usual.
Obama is kinda shitty.
Clinton is complete crap.
McCain is a repulsive, festering piece of diseased meat that wants to start World War III.
So vote for Obama, y’all
That’s largely because we don’t follow memos.
It’s a weird place like that. Official positions are released, and then enough of us go, “nah, fuck that and fuck you.” to keep things interesting.
RB said this in year 1 of the history thread.
I agree whole-heartedly Susan. But one question:
Do you really wear knickers?
t4toby: I’m in trouble if I answer either way.
Dude-ette, I couldn’t agree more but…… can’t completely trash her because her supporters have been dicks.
When did I completely trash her? I just said I don’t get the strident support of her. Me, I’ve supported Obama, and for what I consider to be completely legitimate reasons as I’ve stated before, but not in the way the really strident Hillary folks have. And I haven’t even said they’ve been dicks – I just said I don’t get it, because truthfully, it doesn’t make sense to go balls-to-the-wall for one vs. the other.
Susan’s knickers are none of your business.
My win, my win, my glorious win – oh how I’ve missed you, little winster!
Damn it, I TOLD them rubies make better combat-lasers than sapphires!
I even passed on the Gatling-Gun mounts.
Next time, I’m definitely going for the Mecha-Hello-Kitty.
Whew … I was THIS close to saying “throw them under the bus over THERE so you don’t have to throw them under the bus over HERE” too … but after that bathtub SNAFU, I’ve learned my lesson.
Metaphor segregation – do it for the children!
Terry’s New Goalposts
If I’m not mistaken Terrry McAuliffe just announced two new goalposts.
1. Hillary has gotten more votes and delegates since March 4th.
2. Hillary has gotten more votes in a nomination race than anyone in history. “Hillary Clinton has now received more votes than any candidate ever running for president in a primary.”
–Josh Marshall
Drop kick me Jeebus, through the new goal posts of life.
P.S. I’m hearing that exit polls show 14%-15% of Hillary voters in Kentucky would not vote for her in November against John McCain? Lambert, would you like to comment?
From CNN via TPM:
The vast majority of Hillary Clinton supporters in Kentucky are not willing to support Barack Obama should he win the party’s nomination, a sign of the continuing division in the Democratic Party as the primary race comes to a close.
Will somebody please make the wall stop hitting my head?
You really have to read it for yourself to believe it. If then.
It’s because they aren’t Democrats at all, people.
Which is a good reason not to let them (and Limbaugh, Rove, etc.) pick the Democratic nominee.
Those aren’t pillows!
That wasn’t my hand!
Jennifer: I’m perfectly willing to accept it as base tribalism. I think Clinton supporters are probably where Mac users were in 1996 when everyone declared that Apple was Doomed: Fanatically devoted to a failing product they spent a lot of time, money and emotional investment in.
I think there will still be a few die-hards once this is over with, lost Amiga users hoping for a comeback. The rest will vote Obama, and spend the next 4 years grumbling about what _could_ have been.
I can understand the disappointment when one’s favorite does not win.
(…over Howard Dean? No, I’ll never get over Howard Dean.)
But, you know, life goes on. I declared at the top of this thing, I don’t care if the Democratic nominee is a three-headed, one-eyed extraterrestrial from Triskelion who communicates by farting and tapdancing.
It will still be better than whatever the Republicans run.
If that makes me a three-headed, one-eyed extraterrestrial Democrat, so be it.
Ok, I’m gonna do this backwards, but you guys’ll forgive me.
I hope.
Iran is NOT a threat. They have a completely defensive military and it is clear they are not working on nuclear weapons, which they could not use offensively anyway.
Iran is the current artificial threat invented by the bush/cheney administration. All corrupt regimes need an external enemy who is an “existential threat” to our very way of life in order to justify policies that would otherwise get them thrown out of office. First it was china, then it was bin laden, then it was iraq, then it was iran. If the regime in DC could last long enough, they’d ultimately have to find another one. It is a tribute to the american population’s minuscule attention span that they don’t notice this endlessly shifting justification. We’re getting played by thugs with the IQ of a crescent wrench. Not just tragic, tragically embarrassing.
As to the “false flag terrorist op – martial law – no elections”, I personally don’t think so. The odds are that some dufus with a badge and a gun and a seventh grade education would end up stopping it and the whole house of cards would collapse. The risk is just not worth the reward. What does bush/cheney care about retaining power? What’s left for them to rape and kill?
But ultimately? It’s just not something worth worrying about. As long as you have some idea of what you are going to do in the first 96 hours after the utter collapse of society, then go ahead and plan for things to continue to muddle along, with elections and supermarkets and beer. If they do it, you will be entirely in react mode. You can’t address it proactively.
Take the mikey approach. Put decent contingencies in place then wander stupidly through life with a smile on your lips and a song in your heart…
“On the other hand, of course Obama can draw 75,000 in Portland. HIppies, commies, anarchists, slackers, commies, gays, and commies don’t have jobs, and can therefore attend rallies whenever they like (even on work days!!).”
We all know Obama just set up a soapbox in a well-known open-air drug market in Portland. The crowd wasn’t for him, they were all just there to score some weed.
As long as you have some idea of what you are going to do in the first 96 hours after the utter collapse of society, then go ahead and plan for things to continue to muddle along
It’s that 97th hour that’s the real killer….
not again.
Susan of Texas said,
May 21, 2008 at 0:02 (kill)
OK, I disagree with that statement about Iran being a grave threat but that’s just a snippet of what he said and saying that he’s jousting with McCain over who can threaten Iran better is not at all accurate. He’s in an argument with McCain right now where he’s being attacked for wanting to negotiate with them. If he’s in a saber rattling contest with McCain he’s getting his ass kicked.
I’m just glad whateverdude isn’t arguing the 9/11 conspiracy theory anymore…
and yes we all got the memo and think the artificial divide between Obama and Clinton was a lame strategic move that has not served the Democrats. Anyone arguing to the contrary is usually a troll, not a SN regular. With any luck, wounds will heal, idiots will grow some brains, and we can all move on in a united powerful force to defeat the neoconservatives.
He’s in an argument with McCain right now where he’s being attacked for wanting to negotiate with them.
Well, his approach to “negotiation” seems to be along the lines of “You’re not allowed to have a nuclear power plant”, which, according to the treaty that they (and we) signed, they ARE allowed…….and we’re supposed to help them build it! Admittedly, the GOPers don’t even want to discuss it with Iran but if the end result is the same (and it’s completely insane for SO many reasons), then Obama’s approach isn’t really all that different.
Such operations are common in countries such as Iran (demonstrate against the US), Syria (same), Serbia, etc. They are all government run demonstrations.
So essentially Portland is a Potemkin Village, but with better beer.
Hey, guess who said this:
The KY wild cards are the Edwards endorsement, which was supposed to appeal to the racists Obama can’t appeal to, and whether Obama’s grotesque yet theologically off-point pandering to the Christianists works out. As usual, Obama’s got more money than God.
I think we can all agree that that is a pretty incisive statement. Pretty aware of the situation, critical of Barack, but justifiably so.
It’s Lambert.
A lot of people read corrente before this primary, because the writing there was good. Ther but for the grace of Mark Penn’s staggering incompetence goes I. Well maybe not I, but the pack of nutjobs that are rightfully called Obots.
I’m just glad whateverdude isn’t arguing the 9/11 conspiracy theory anymore…
And I’m certainly just as glad you’re not arguing your anti-9/11 conspiracy bullshit anymore……..your point being?
Nice that we’re all working together, eh?
Noted, mikey.
We will discuss said contingencies in pdx.
That myiq2xu guy though, piece of shit.
Kids! Am I going to have to separate you?
Yeah, I went to his blog and ascertained that his IQ was actually not 2x mine.
You’d think that Malkin’s response is enough to make them think twice about their opposition to Barack. Waiting for Malkin to take aposition and then setting yourself up as far away from it as possible seems to be a winning bet. I mean, it’s almost as good as Cheney saying he’d be a bad choice for prez.
re: myiq2xamouse
In our defense, it really doesn’t take that much to get there.
Y-O-Y do they insist on calling anyone who acknowledges Barry’s lead and inevitable victory a zombie Obot? Aren’t we just calling as we see it?
Like this: Pittsburgh just won the NHL’s Eastern Conference.
That doesn’t make me a Penguins fan.
oh…and WordPress coached the Hanson brothers..
Y-O-Y do they insist on calling anyone who acknowledges Barry’s lead and inevitable victory a zombie Obot?
You will be assimilated into the Obamabot Army. Report for reprogramming now.
Such operations are common in countries such as Iran (demonstrate against the US), Syria (same), Serbia, etc. They are all government run demonstrations.
One thing I don’t understand: WTF is Serbia doing on that list? These days, who thinks of Serbia as an epitome of stage-managed demonstrations? Milosevic is dead; Serbia has spontaneous street politics and elections with unpredictable outcomes. We
are no longerhave never been at war with Serbia. I can only conclude that bombing Belgrade was such a highlight in the term of Clinton 42 that some people are unwilling to move on.Actually there are lots of other things I don’t understand, but you don’t want to know my personal life.
Re: the Clinton legacy. I take a rather provincial view of that legacy, being gay and all. So, let’s review, shall we?
Right out of the box, to throw a bone to all the mo’s who helped get him elected *cough* David Mixner *cough*, he takes on the gays in the military issue. At that time, that would have ranked about 26th on a list of items important to me and my GLBT friends. He totally gets his ass kicked –we’re talking losing a football game 82-0 “ass kicked”– and instead of pushing his agenda, he’s playing defense for the first 100 days. And he’s supposed to be a political genius? The fuck?
Then, the scumbag couldn’t sign the Defense of Marriage Act fast enough just before the election in 1996, that he was going to win in a cakewalk anyway.
I’m sick of the Bush crime family and I’m sick of the smarmy Clintons and their triangulating bullshit. I want them *all* gone come November so they can disappear on to the $50,000 a pop corporate lecture circuit. Who’s beating her is irrelevant to me, I just want her and her odious husband away from the levers of power and off my teevee and Interwebs.
Terry Mcauliffe gets paid to talk crazy… I get that –
but what is Lambert, Armando and Jeralyn Merritt’s excuse?
but what is Lambert, Armando and Jeralyn Merritt’s excuse?
Binky. Teh Clinton nomination is their binky. Take binky away, and universe ends. Therefore, any and all actions and (conflicting) arguments are justified. Because who wants the end of the universe? How can you obamabots justify ending the universe?
whateverdude claimed “I’ve read speeches of [Obama’s] that made me despair for our collective futures!”
Care to provide a cite?
‘Cause I’ve not seen anything despair-worthy, myself. Not from Obama.
The other two? Sure.
And I’m certainly just as glad you’re not arguing your anti-9/11 conspiracy bullshit anymore……..your point being?
She was just glad you weren’t being an imbecile.
She was just glad you weren’t being an imbecile.
Bubbles, considering how our last little conversation turned out for you, you might want to change the subject.
Just a thought.
Bubbles, considering how our last little conversation turned out for you, you might want to change the subject.
You got trolled for like a billion posts because you’re clueless. But anyway,
is “not even an mba” TAFKA Iris?
Haven’t there been a few Irises by now? I confess I like her more than Gary.
“Iran is NOT a threat.”
BULLSHIT…they’re threatening our access to preserved lemons with which to make the delicious Khoresht Ghormeh Sabzii…BOMB THEM!
p.s. I love you Gary.
I’m only Iris in the same sense that we are all Spartacus.
No really, I’m not Iris, and I’m not sure why you think I might be. I haven’t actually been a Fake Iris yet, but the night is young…
Oh snap I just got banned from Crooks and Liars for being pro-Hillary. I guess we can add Amato to the Jeralyn and Lambert column.
Also, weird freudian or something slip thar. I meant to say I got banned for being pro Obama.
[Fake Iris]
Hey Travis, maybe you got banned for being a misogynist, you ever think of that? Isn’t there some little girl somewhere that you can make fun of until she cries and then accuse her of faking tears for sympathy?
[/Fake Iris]
I don’t visit C&L much, but I never got the weird Hillary Rulez Obama Droolz vibe from there. Currently the majority of their front page posts are about Johnny Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran, although most of those are Steve Benen.
Amato keeps prefacing posts about Obama with sentences like “no matter how this ends” and “we have two great candidates”.
Also, this just in, it’s January again.
As mentioned previously, I don’t visit C&L much. I bow to your experience. Just please don’t call me Iris again. It made me feel dirty.