Everybody hates Michelle Malkin

One of the more entertaining aspects of the 2008 campaign season so far has been watching Michelle Malkin whine that the far-left Communists in the Republican Party aren’t inviting her to play in their reindeer games. The latest incarnation of this hilarity can be found here:

The Schwarze-fication of the GOP


President Bush moved to the “center” (LEFT) on illegal immigration (shamnesty), education (No Child Left Behind expansion), health care (Medicare prescription drug benefit expansion), and campaign finance–alienating the Republican base and doing little to assuage his opponents in the Democrat party or bolster his historically rock-bottom approval rating.

As for who’s getting heard, perhaps Schwarzenegger should be reminded of the 2004 GOP convention line-up.

The problem with the GOP isn’t the packaging. It’s the product.

The problem isn’t about public relations. It’s about principle.

Schwarzenegger wants to castrate the elephant.

The question is whether the party will have any conservative balls left when Schwarzenegger and company are through?

Michelle, let me break this down for you.

The biggest problem with the Republican Party is that they’ve spent far too much time associating themselves with sociopaths such as yourself. You make them look bad. Really, really bad. To recap some of your greatest hits:

  • Posting the numbers of UC Santa Cruz anti-war protesters on your website, even after you knew that your readers were calling them with death threats.

And so on and so forth. What it boils down to, Michelle, is that you’re a rotten human being. And I don’t mean that in a general, “Oh-you-disagree-with-me-on-policy-issues-so-I-don’t-like-you” sort of way: I mean that you go out of your way to hurt people on a very personal level, and you seem to get a big kick out of doing it. No political party, no matter how crazy it is, wants to be seen as the party of sadistic and vicious assholes. The fact that you have no one to vote for in this upcoming election is a major victory for the forces of decency and sanity in this country. May every election henceforth follow the same pattern.


Comments: 132


I think she needs to take some Effexor. “The change she deserves!”


Hopefully she’ll soon come to terms with being the female version of Michael Savage (neé Weiner). It’ll really cut down on her pecription-med bill.

On the other hand, if the dems get the presidency (something even a pessimist like myself sees as likely), I expect a huge empowerment of the loon-osphere, probably as something more divorced from the Republican party (because it’ll have ‘failed conservatism’).

Long story short, be prepared for a new party composed entirely of Bob Dornans, Glenn Becks and…that radio terrorist pal of Sean Hannity whose name I can’t be arsed to remember just now.


The problem isn’t about public relations. It’s about principle

When you don’t have principles, public relations tend to be a problem. Just sayin’.


Wait a sec–is she calling the expansion of NCLB a leftist swing? Then she’s even stupider than we all thought, since almost 100% of the teachers I know (and I am one) are completely against most of the provisions of NCLB and would happily see its strict provisions reduced or eased (or, at the very least, funded completely like Shrub promised it would be).

Most of these teachers are liberal, but many of them are conservative.


“Republican philosophy might be summerized thus: To hell with principles, what matters is power, that we have it and they do not.” – Pat Buchanan


Well, to be fair, everyone really DOES hate Michelle.


It’s probably significant that the main graphic one sees on her site is a concealed dagger.

Too obvious?

Trilateral Chairman

I might phrase it a little differently:

* Over the last 8 years, the Republicans have put forth any number of policies, most of which were enthusiastically supported by creatures like Malkin;

* With rare exceptions, those policies turned out to be disastrous;

* Someone has to be thrown under the bus, and it sure ain’t going to be the people at the top of the heap. That leaves you, Michelle!

I wonder if Michelle *really* thought that her staunch loyalty to conservative ideals would keep her safe when the shit hit the fan. If so, then she certainly doesn’t understand politics. It’s not about devotion to the party, it’s not about a long history as a vicious attack dog for the cause. If you’ve become an embarrassment or a liability–and she certainly has–you’re done. (Unless you’re at the level of Ollie North or G. Gordon Liddy, in which case you get wingnut welfare for life.) She doesn’t realize it yet, but it’s essentially all over for her. She’s already reduced herself to whining about her own ineffectiveness. Next comes rejection of the rejectors (You don’t like me? Well, I don’t like you either! In fact, I hated you before you hated me, so nyah!), followed by an abortive attempt to create a new and TRULY CONSERVATIVE political party. It’ll be torn apart by endless disagreement over policy details, after which her site will turn into an Internet backwater in which her only readers are a baker’s dozen of masturbators who are still hoping that she’ll show them her goodies if they hang around for long enough and agree with her every word.

I think we need that picture of Michelle going down in flames.


Oh and the fact is that the American people hate – HATE – those far right political positions and programs you endorse. You and the rest of the lunatic fringe of the right have driven the GOP so far into the swamps of insanity that it will take decades for them to dig themselves out.


When I read her title, I thought she was writing on the GOP’s schwartze-fixation.

Oh no you di’in! A racial slur and a a moment of clarity regarding the GOP? I mean do those two cancel each other out?

Then I read the story and realized she was just whining that the the GOP was too liberal (which makes it fascistic), and should be more fascistic (which would be more liberal) The whole mess makes my head spin.

Forced Gay Abortions for Everyone!!!


When you’ve lost O’Reilly…

She’s a bad person. She’s a bully, plain and simple. The real problem, though (at last imo), is that she so desperately wants to be a Player. Bush, as repulsive as he is, I think is more of a “laugh at the nerds” frat boy bully who wants to be a Player. Malkin seems to literally want to cause suffering and have a national stage to gloat about it. She expects bouquets and a limelight for making other people miserable, and doesn’t seem to have the slightest sense of shame or conscience in anything she does.

The sooner she drops out of the public sphere, the better.


Also, has she ever gotten a story right? Her track record is pretty dismal, iirc.


She should be pleased that the GOP is stepping up its “Ignore the Brown Folks & The Wimmins” pogram.


Brad, this is simply the best summation of The State of the Malkin I’ve seen. And yes, I include the pic in that distinction.

Oh, and totally: “Forced gay abortions for everyone!” Throw in some “intelligent design textbook porn” for me as well!


The problem with the GOP isn’t the packaging. It’s the product.

The problem isn’t about public relations. It’s about principle.

Actually, I can’t disagree with these statements. The motivation behind them and the proposed solutions, I totally disagree with, but if I saw these in isolation I’d think Malkin had had some wits grafted on.


Malkin seems to literally want to cause suffering and have a national stage to gloat about it. She expects bouquets and a limelight for making other people miserable, and doesn’t seem to have the slightest sense of shame or conscience in anything she does.

Well said, Ripley…the sad part is, Malkin really does represent the “heart and soul” of todays Reagan Republicans and Neocon party. Reagan ran on the platform of intolerance, petty authoritarianism, identity politics, culture war and the same despicable pro-ignorance, anti-tolerance values she (and the entirety of the current administration) espouses. Yes, she’s a rotten human being, but the Neocon-Republican Axis of Evil doesn’t *really* want to shun her; they realize it’s politically expedient for the moment, but they really believe Malkin is being “victimized” by the forces of rationality and tolerance, which she and her party despise. She would qualify for an assignment high within the McCain-Lieberman administration, and will continue to receive her “foundation” “grant” and “award”-based, CIA-laundered paychecks in the meanwhile.

Willem van Oranje

Why not mention the Elephant in the Room here? MM is Asian, McSame hates Asians, they tortured him.


Malkin is right. Sure, all these Bush Jr. Republican / Reagan II policies seem like disasters now after a mere 7.5 years, but the problem is that we haven’t implemented them strongly enough and over enough time. If we could double, triple, quintuple the Bush Jr / Tom Delay / Tom Coburn policies and hold onto them for 20 or 30 years, we will all see the rightness of her cause. Of, if not, we’ll finally be involved in some cool post-apocalyptic Mad Max style civil war future, and who wouldn’t want that?


Malkin is Teh Hawt.


Claiming that John Kerry shot himself to get out of Vietnam.

You forgot the most insane part: she insinuated that Kerry “arranged” to wound himself with a grenade launcher. Personally, I would have taken her outside and handed her a grenade launcher so she could demonstrate exactly how that would be done….

I love the fact that she’s fuming about NCLB and the Medicare perscription drug benefit as “left” and “not Republican”.

Have you listened to any of Shrub’s recent speeches, Michelle? Those two things–along with the Great and Glorious War on Terror in Iraq–are the ONLY ACCOMPLISHMENTS he has to talk about.

So the only accomplishments of this administration are “Not Rebuplican” enough for her? What, she wanted this administration to fuck up policies EVEN MORE than they actually did?



I love the fact that she’s fuming about NCLB and the Medicare perscription drug benefit as “left” and “not Republican”.

It makes a certain pretzely sense, in Wingnut-o-Vision™. Even though those things damaged public education and healthcare, their stated purpose was to aid those institutions. Anything even nominally supporting government aid like that must be horrible lefty Commieness, even if its real purpose is to line the pockets of a few rich cronies.


More of MIchelle’s greatest hits:

Jamil Hussein doesn’t exist.

Teh Tr00pz hate Kerrrrrry!!!!11

Baseball teams wearing Spanish language uniforms on May 5th signal the end of America.

Arugula-gate matters.

The Golden Dome is fine!!


Even Pam Geller thinks Michelle has jumped the shark.


Pam and Michelle could make an Olympic sport out of shark jumping….


Pam occupies that very special place half-way between insanity and incarceration. Malkin’s just a wolverine in a polyester twin set.


Schwarzenegger wants to castrate the elephant.

Orwell wrote insightfully on this in his essay “Castrating an Elephant.”


I’m still pessimistic enough to think that McCain has a pretty good shot at winning the election. But I gotta say, it’s really, really wonderful to watch the Loonosphere collapse. Malkin won’t stop whining about her complete ineffectiveness, O’Reilly howls that everyone who doesn’t worship Bush is a Nazi, Coulter can’t get headlines no matter how often she calls Democrats “fags,” and Rush probably has a pretty good idea that he won’t be able to skate on the pill-popping much longer.

So even if McCain makes it into office, he’ll have to face a veto-proof Democratic Congress, a Knee-Jerkosphere that’s evolved into slapstick morons with no impact on public opinion, and a public approval rating that will start out in the low-50s and drop rapidly from there.


Rush probably has a pretty good idea that he won’t be able to skate on the pill-popping much longer.

Have there been developments on the law enforcement side, or do you mean that the damaging effects of the pills themselves are catching up to him in a big way?


President Bush moved to the “center” (LEFT) on illegal immigration (shamnesty), education (No Child Left Behind expansion), health care (Medicare prescription drug benefit expansion), and campaign finance–alienating the Republican base and doing little to assuage his opponents in the Democrat party or bolster his historically rock-bottom approval rating.

For all that is good in this universe, stop saying “Democrat party.” It’s gramatically incorrect. It makes you sound like a dope.

I understand these clowns use it as a smear but…it doesn’t even work that way. Wingnut makes sense: Right-wing nut. Even Moonbat makes sense…sounds like a hippy-dippy name. The worst “Democrat party” does is put a vague emphasis on “rat,” which would be damaging if the word’s gramatical failure wasn’t front and friggin center.


“She’s a bully, plain and simple”

To a Republican, being called a bully is considered a compliment.


Have there been developments on the law enforcement side, or do you mean that the damaging effects of the pills themselves are catching up to him in a big way?

More along the lines of, the next time he gets caught, the D.A. is gonna have to indict. They’ve let him slide twice, and if they do it again, they’re (1) refusing to indict a guy who’s almost literally asking for it, (2) pissing off voters who don’t like rich Republicans, (3) opening himself up to electoral challengers who’ll accuse him of political favoritism, and (4) opening himself up to investigation to see why he refuses to indict a rich loudmouth drug addict who won’t shut his fucking mouth.

And if a Democrat makes it into the White House… well, they really ought to make sticking Rush in a Supermax a national priority.


Also, I have no idea what she thinks the word “assuage” means, but I’m pretty sure whatever it is, it doesn’t.


What you said, Brad. Beautifully put.


It is pretty good, though, watching the implosion, old Chukie over at LGF lost it about a month ago, and Hugh mantits Hewitt is reduced to banging on about polar bears. It can only get better over the next few months, as ‘the hidden Muslim’ pairs of against ‘the fake Republican’; I would like to see some heads explode, live on TV, but even some smouldering will satisfy me….


And if a Democrat makes it into the White House… well, they really ought to make sticking Rush in a Supermax a national priority.

On that very subject, how did he ever get away with the Cialis in his bag coming back from P. Rico? Anyone else would have just chucked it there and then, and disappeared from public life, but not Rush.


Also, I have no idea what she thinks the word “assuage” means, but I’m pretty sure whatever it is, it doesn’t.

Oddly, she has it right – and I think I know exactly how she arrived at that word. Merriam-Webster lists it as a synonym for “appease”, and La Malkin probably senses that “appease” is out of fashion after that Chris Matthews performance last week.


I said: Oddly, she has it right…

…that is, I think her narrative is that Bush is caving to Democrats’ insistence that he be Even! More! Liberal! and he’s helplessly trying to keep them off his back, and it isn’t working. If I understand it right, Bush is now a horrible commie appeaser because he’s too weak to just have the Democrats silenced and/or shot.


No political party, no matter how crazy it is, wants to be seen as the party of sadistic and vicious assholes.

Oh, really? Sometimes it seems that the GOP goes out of its way to be seen as just that.


Sometimes it seems that the GOP goes out of its way to be seen as just that.

That’s true, but I think they mainly did that when they were believing Rove that Democracy was Over and the Republicans Won™. They let the mask slip a bit when they don’t think they have to appeal to – sorry, appease – the voting public. And also when they just can’t help showing that they’re snarling psycho bullies, I guess.


It is pretty good, though, watching the implosion, old Chukie over at LGF lost it about a month ago, and Hugh mantits Hewitt is reduced to banging on about polar bears.

I loved Chuckes’ presidential choices go completely down the crapper. Rudy was a disaster once voters got to meeting him, and after he dropped out, Chuckles moved on and supported…Duncan Hunter!!!

Johnson has always been a political lightweight; it’s the bash-Muslims stuff that at least appears to give him an aura of authoritiy. W/R/T domestic issues, he’s a poorly-spoken moron and always has been. Before 9/11, he was a sniveling yousta-bee faux-centrist, and hasn’t really changed since. Even on the international sphere, where he could at least tie foreign policy into the grand fight against the non-existent caliphate, he flails all over the place. Witness his swing-and-a-miss on Obama’s “appeasement,” or his ubiquitous calls that Iran will still! have nukes in like two years, or his big scoop in Summer ’06 that Iran was a few months from attacking Washington, because humina humina Pajamas Media humina humina Daniel Pipes humina humina doop doo de doo.

If anything, Chuckles is bitter these days on Election ’08. He can barely tolerate McCain for all the usual reasons, but will half-assedly support him because he’ll “stare down Mahmoodle Ahmadiwhatshisface,” like that’s even right and/or matters. Then he’ll spend the rest of his time on LGFascists providing links to random Muslims-behaving-badly stories, accusing random lefty bloggers of “seething rage,” and counting down to when Europe will be replaced by a sultanate. What a strange, bitter man, this Charles Johnson.

As for Hooters Hewitt, well, two words: Romney Rising.


Orwell wrote insightfully on this in his essay “Castrating an Elephant.”

I still haven’t made it through “Those People There are Not Bright”.

commie atheist

The Schwarze-fication of the GOP

Black people are becoming Republican? Who knew?


After castrating that elephant, carefully remove the outer membrane, then slice across the testicles, making one-inch thick round slabs.

Preheat a large pan or griddle top until very hot, then sear the testicles in a little oil until browned on each side.

Serve with lemon butter and capers.


Black people are becoming Republican? Who knew?

Actually, “Schwarze-fication of the GOP” would literally mean that the GOP Is becoming black. Sort of an “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” type thing, I guess.


Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera. Heh. Verdaderamente. ¡Ganamos! Lea la cosa entera.


Michelle should have been able to figure this out. The Republicans are in trouble so they need to throw someone under the bus. Who better than a darkie? A female darkie! If you want to know why the Republicans hate you, Michelle, just look in the mirror.


Let’s try Schwartze-fixation

Mo better now.


she wants a domestic hyper-conservative surge carried out by whomever it is she thinks is “the real deal”–e.g. not mccain or schvartzi.

so, to sum up, she wants people to implement policies that have proven to be massively unpopular and non-functional, said people who would do the implementing being her version of feckless losers who don’t get it.

what a fucking head space that has to be for her. i’d feel sorry for her if she wasn’t such an awful terrible human being. instead, i find myself weeping tears of joy as i think of her predicament.

c’est la guerre.


I like this word. I shall call Republicans who try to convice blacks they care Schwartzenhumpen.

Jonah Goldberh

Coming in the revised edition of Liberal Fascism:

George W. Bush: Man of the Left


Serve with lemon butter and capers.

Add a few Brusselles sprouts to the dish. Then you’d have brassica balls.


No political party, no matter how crazy it is, wants to be seen as the party of sadistic and vicious assholes.

One quibble, Brad. The Republican party was happy to be seen that way, until it stopped working. And even that it’s stopped working has taken some time to set in.


She’s sure to start whining about “persecution” soon. That’s the usual mode of spiraling derangement. For MM et al., loss of hegemony equals persecution.

Then they start eating each other. That’s what I’m waiting for.

K. Ron Silkwood

I don’t understand the ostracism of Michelle. She was their token darky and hottie. She was no more insane than the rest of their asylum. The arguments people are offering for her being dumped would be true only if the Repukes were sane, logical, and principled. The Repukes have rejected no one because he is too bat-shit crazy – so why does Malkin now get the cold shoulder?



Then they start eating each other. That’s what I’m waiting for.

And as Roy Edroso so aptly puts it, they eat each other with the lifeboat in sight of land.


They’ve rejected Michelle not because they disagree with her or because she is more bat-shit, evil, rabid or stupid than them, but because they’ve realized that they can’t win unless they change the product – or more accurately, they think all they have to change is the packaging. They shun her because they know that being cowardly, craven, dishonest assholes in public isn’t working.

Michelle is still convinced that shit-baggery is exactly what teh people want.

Typical Republican

The Republicans are having a hard time right now because they stuck to their principles and they refused to pander to the voters just for political expediency.

We will soon turn the corner on Iraq and the economy just in time for McCain to beat Barack HUSSEIN Obama because (checks the Big Golden Book of Republican Talking Points, updated for Appeasementgate) Obama is a Chamberlainesque appeaser who will cede half of Czechoslovakia to the terrorists of Iran and Syria.

Also, he is a secret Muslim radical Christian black separatist America-hating elitist who is the same race as Louis Farrakhan, Jeremian Wright, Al Sharpton, Cynthia McKinney, Jesse Jackson and Willie Horton.

And Americans won’t vote for him. (Not because they are racist. They won’t vote for him because it is black people who are the racists.)

Liberals. Hmf.


It’s typical- so typical– of Sadly, No! to, when focusing on the evils of right-wing politics, to bring out the big guns on Michelle Malkin. Why? Because she’s a woman, of course! Brilliant move, Obots, channeling your inner misogyny into every nook and cranny of this website’s mission…very clever. Only true Democrats like me, Taylor, p_luk, and others remain disgusted at these divisive tactics, and will gladly throw our support to someone other than Saint Obama when November comes around. But we might not even have to; West Virginia, the home of true blue Democrats, the coalition of women and Reagan Democrats that has pushed this party for decades, went solidly for Hillary Clinton, and so too will Kentucky, Oregon, Puerto Rico, and elsewhere. Soon the superdelegates will break en masse from an unelectable candidate, and Hillary will win the nomination. This is the only way the Democrat party can win in November, and the only way progressive politics can be a cohesive force in American life. Fail to listen to me, and you’ll pay for it.


Michelle is still convinced that shit-baggery is exactly what teh people want.

That’s probably due to her only listening to her shit-baggy commenters. She probably thinks they’re representative of all Ammurcans.


Only true Democrats like me, Taylor, p_luk, and others remain disgusted at these divisive tactics, and will gladly throw our support to someone other than Saint Obama when November comes around.

The fact is, don’t let the door hit you on the ass on your way out.


Iris, you’re hysterical. Maybe you need to take a pill and lie down. Is it your time of the month?


This is the only way the Democrat party can win in November, and the only way progressive politics can be a cohesive force in American life.

Fake Iris? Or was Iris always a wingnut? “Democrat party” is a tell.



Hey, it’s Iris!!

Only true Democrats like me Only true Democrats like me
Only true Democrats like me Only true Democrats like me
Only true Democrats like me Only true Democrats like me
Only true Democrats like me Only true Democrats like me
Fail to listen to me, and you’ll pay for it.
Fail to listen to me, and you’ll pay for it.
Fail to listen to me, and you’ll pay for it.
Fail to listen to me, and you’ll pay for it.
Fail to listen to me, and you’ll pay for it.
Fail to listen to me, and you’ll pay for it.
Fail to listen to me, and you’ll pay for it.
Fail to listen to me, and you’ll pay for it.


Iris is a girl; you can’t expect them to understand things like politics and spelling.

Typical Republican

The fact is, black people are racist for voting for a black man.

Liberals. Hmf.


That’s a fake Iris.

Typical Republican

And liberals are misogynist for making fun of Michelle Malkin just because she’s a woman.

Liberals. Hmf.


Shoot. I was looking forward to crying.


The confusing part in all of this is that traditional conservative values seem to fade in and out of the Wingnutosphere’s whining like the focus-puller on an avant-garde student film. They show up for a second, and then just kind of blur out…

Ex: conservatives (allegedly) hate big gummint. So they point to the prescription drug benefit & all the earmark pork-barrel spending as examples of things they hated. Yet, at the time, they were all foursquare behind the guys proposing, passing and implementing these gigantic wastes of money, and produced great whooping “Yeah, baby! In yo’ face! We roolz, u droolz!” screeds about how Republicans controlled the country now and Democrats had best adjust themselves to bending over and taking it.

As someone else in the other Malkin thread said, there is a need for an opposition party in this country; it’d just be nice to have an opposition party that was in any way coherent about its beliefs and agenda.

Then again, looking at the way the spineless DLC wing of the Democrat party have been dancing around on Iraq, the Patriot Act, funding the war, voting for tax cuts, idiotic Big Agra subsidies/ethanol, etc. etc., I guess that’s a charge that could be leveled against both sides. (sigh)


Even Pam Geller thinks Michelle has jumped the shark.

Wait, is this for real and if so, link?


West Virginia, the home of true blue Democrats, the coalition of women and Reagan Democrats that has pushed this party for decades,

Oh, she’s a card, isn’t she?

Who knew that the Democratic Party’s base was a combination of feminazis, Appalachian rednecks, and “Reagan Democrats”?


Ahh yes, the old Sadly, No! chestnut…Iris is a fake! Iris is a fake!

I’m a real, red-blooded American. And I’m voting, like most of the Democrats should, for Hillary, because she’s the best candidate. How you like me now, Obots?


So, does McCain have any girls on his conference calls? I don’t think he likes them much.

Not to detract from the Malkin bashing. She deserves every last bit of it.


In hindsight, I think Iris was always a parody.


How do we know you’re a real red-blooded American? Can you prove it? Cutting is optional, but we definitely expect a genetic readout, to make sure you don’t have any foreign blood.


Re: “Reagan Democrats”

I, too, am fond of jumbo shrimp.


The problem with the GOP isn’t the packaging. It’s the product.

No, Michelle, the problem is performance.

Besides winning elections, conservatives aren’t very good at much of anything.


Iris, um, where do you live that you’re still able to vote for Hills?

Typical Republican

Iris has the talking points memorized and that makes her a good American.

Liberals. Hmf.


Kentucky, where her victory will put her over the top once the superdelegates realize that Obama isn’t electable. She’ll then win later in Oregon and sweep the remaining states to win the nomination, then the presidency.

Or you Obots can get your way, and watch as over 50% of the Democrats break away from the Annointed One and support McCain, who at least has never called a journalist “sweetie.”


Guys, Iris is a wicked fraud. There was once a pro-Hillary Iris, but she’s been overtaken by a parody troll doppleganger.

Typical Republican

Hillary will win the nomination because people at Sadly, No said Iris was fake and also made fun of Michelle Malkin.

But McCain will win in November because Americans hate gay marriage. But being afraid of gay marriage doesn’t mean Americans are a bunch of bed wetters. It just means they are doing God’s work and they have the authority to speak for Jesus.

Obama is unelectable because so many people are saying it over and over.

Liberals. Hmf.


I’m no doppleganger!


Preheat a large pan or griddle top until very hot, then sear the testicles in a little oil until browned on each side.

Serve with lemon butter and capers.

Funny, I always assumed that if you sliced open a testicle it would collapse like a pierced balloon. Then again, I always though the same about breasts.
I don’t know much about anatomy.


Are too!!


watch as over 50% of the Democrats break away from the Annointed One and support McCain

And, as an extra bonus, pigs will fly!


Then again, I always though the same about breasts.
I don’t know much about anatomy.

You know all you need to know about breasts. Trust me on this one.


Orwell wrote insightfully on this in his essay “Castrating an Elephant.”

I still haven’t made it through “Those People There are Not Bright”.

I still think “Politics and the Mexican Language” is her best.


Iris – your ramblings are leaving me a wee bit peckish.


Michele reminds me of someone I knew in college, who though a far more decent person than she, had a perspective issue.

He literally had trouble understanding political ideas based on helping other people. He was stuck in a mentality that couldn’t understand that as a goal, though I think he grew out of it.

Michele reminds me of that person taking it totally out the other side – she can’t comprehend something that does NOT hurt someone, does NOT deny something to someone, does NOT belittle someone. Politics to her IS about having An Enemy, A Target, and An Attack.

Now if the Republicans are throwing crazed commentators like her under the bus, they’ve also got an issue. Being attack oriented, they would tend to, well, attack. But also being authoritarian personalities, they’d be driven to submit.

What they’re going to do, of course, is something worth watching. My guess is if Michelle and her ilk can find someone to rally around they’ll do it and begin attacking Republicans as well that don’t fit their standards.


Oxymorons abound:

Reagan Democrat, jumbo shrimp, military intelligence, reasonable Republican, business ethics, Iowa City….

Grand Moff Texan

This NRO piece is getting some sock-puppeting:

The New Internationalism? [Yuval Levin]

It looks like Barack Obama has figured out how to get ‘them’ to like us:

“We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times … and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK,” Obama said.

We can’t? So at what temperature would other countries like me to keep my home, then, and how much should I eat?

Man, it’s too bad Yuval Levin didn’t have any parents, or anyone else for that matter, who could teach him how to set a thermostat and pick out a diet, or even wipe his own ass.

Can someone help the poor … erm, helpless little freak?


Can someone help the poor … erm, helpless little freak?

Depends. Where does he live?


Depends. Where does he live?

In a cardboard box under an overpass, eating sparrows skewered on a coathanger.


Since we buy quite a lot of oil and food from other countries, maybe they do have something to say about it.

Or maybe they think we can invade Chile, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Russia, and China (just to name a few) too.


Oxymorons abound:

Reagan Democrat, jumbo shrimp, military intelligence, reasonable Republican, business ethics, Iowa City….

President Bush!


“I always assumed that if you sliced open a testicle it would collapse like a pierced balloon.”

Testicles are a lot like Spam in texture and taste. Only the shape is different.


Iris said,
May 19, 2008 at 20:27

… support McCain, who at least has never called a journalist “sweetie.”

You’re right, Iris — McCain would go straight for “cunt,” which not only saves a whole syllable but accurately expresses his personal feelings about women.

Oh wait, that wasn’t a journalist he called “cunt,” it was his beloved one-and-only-forever-til-death-do-us-part second wife!


fardels bear said,
May 19, 2008 at 20:58

Oxymorons abound:

Reagan Democrat, jumbo shrimp, military intelligence, reasonable Republican, business ethics, Iowa City….

Don’t forget The Mind of Mencia. Or Avril Lavigne’s Greatest Hits.


Schwarzenegger wants to castrate the elephant.
I assume this is part of a long-term plan to reduce the number of elephants in the corner of the room by imposing birth-control. Personally I prefer my own plan, which involves genetic engineering to produce a new strain of miniature elephants which will take up less space. This avoids the danger of castrated elephants becoming effeminate.


Michelle, let me break this down for you….

The biggest problem with the Republican Party is that they’ve spent far too much time associating themselves with sociopaths such as yourself. You make them look bad. Really, really bad. To recap some of your greatest hits:

* Stalking the Frost family to prove that they’re really secret katrillionaires, and then crying like a child when sane people called you out for it.

* Posting the numbers of UC Santa Cruz anti-war protesters on your website, even after you knew that your readers were calling them with death threats.

* Sneeringly posting Cindy Sheehan’s divorce papers on your website, and then once again crying like a child when you took criticism for it.

* Claiming that John Kerry shot himself to get out of Vietnam.

* Writing a despicable revisionist history justifying the internment of the Japanese in World War II.

And so on and so forth. What it boils down to, Michelle, is that you’re a rotten human being. And I don’t mean that in a general, “Oh-you-disagree-with-me-on-policy-issues-so-I-don’t-like-you” sort of way: I mean that you go out of your way to hurt people on a very personal level, and you seem to get a big kick out of doing it. No political party, no matter how crazy it is, wants to be seen as the party of sadistic and vicious assholes. The fact that you have no one to vote for in this upcoming election is a major victory for the forces of decency and sanity in this country. May every election henceforth follow the same pattern.

Now if there was only some way to register and paste this on her web site…because she needs her face rubbed in it.


there are still people who believe that hillary is gonna win in Oregon ???

must be wimin

they always have trouble with math



For all that is good in this universe, stop saying “Democrat party.” It’s gramatically incorrect. It makes you sound like a dope.

I understand these clowns use it as a smear but…it doesn’t even work that way. Wingnut makes sense: Right-wing nut. Even Moonbat makes sense…sounds like a hippy-dippy name. The worst “Democrat party” does is put a vague emphasis on “rat,” which would be damaging if the word’s gramatical failure wasn’t front and friggin center.

When it was in vogue it worked as a dominance display, which is very attractive to the authoritarian personalities on the right. They liked that they could actually change the name of the opposition/minority party by fiat.

It also provoked complaints from the Democrats, which they could interpret as the delightful puling of a weak and defeated enemy.

Authoritarians are odd creatures.


Today’s lesson in the correct use of ‘assuage’ is brought to you by Ivor Cutler.

“I’m hungry for a balloon. That’s not going to assuage my hunger.”
“Assuage? Don’t you use those dirty words in my shop. Get out! Go on! Get out of my shop! Assuage indeed. I don’t know what the younger generation is coming to.”
“Mammy, look. A 3d. balloon. It’s the right shape, but look at the size!”
“That’s not going to assuage your hunger.”
“that’s what I said to the man and he got furious and drove me out of the shop and told me not to use these words. What’ll I do, Mammy?”


I don’t understand the ostracism of Michelle. She was their token darky and hottie.

Horror movie logic — the token always dies first.


When it was in vogue it worked as a dominance display

Yeah, that’s why a lot of our terms like “repuke” and “repug” and “rethug” party grate on me. Its like, aren’t they already bad enough?

Besides, you know what it all leads to. 8 years of Obama being portrayed as a monkey. But… but… we called Bush the Chimperor!


Funny, I always assumed that if you sliced open a testicle it would collapse like a pierced balloon. Then again, I always though the same about breasts.
I don’t know much about anatomy.

When you slice a testicle open, there’s a little tiny Mexican woman in there wearing gloves and an apron, laboring over a machine. She looks up from her work and says, “Who did you think was doing all the work down here?”

Secure the borders! Make sure spermatozoa are Made in America by Americans!


The GOP “rebranding” – better 30 years late than never!

What does it say about her journalistic integrity when I honestly have no idea whether that picture is real or shooped? With most regular humans it’d be a cinch, but this IS the talking plumber’s-snake Michelle Manson here, so I’m at a loss. Seeing her do the cheerleader video made me momentarily wish I was gay (while wondering how to persuade O’Reilly, Hannity & Limbaugh to join her in identical garb for some righteous rah-rah-war choreography, live on Network TeeVee) – & I think MOST Asian ladies are magnificent.
Internment-lover, hero-defamer, child-stalker, immigrant-hater, dissident-outer … might one humbly suggest that the relevant professionals be persuaded to maybe, just for fun, start digging up her basement for human remains? Or do they usually start with the garden?


I am unable to determine whether anyone is making prosthetic testicles for elephants. So much for your much-vaunted ‘intertubes’ and ‘search motor’.


Dear Mr. Clyde:

I do not know who you are, but you know who Ivor Cutler is, and so I love you.

Best home,


I think it’s starting to dawn on them just how fucked they are- the little piggies are reflexively screaming about having their balls “taken”, regardless of whether the context warrants it. The primal fear is starting to kick in.


The primal fear is starting to kick in.

Oh, I think they still have a few tricks up their snot-stripéd sleeves. They haven’t hauled out the really big guns yet, like “Obama looks French!!!!1”


Slightly OT; If, the Bad Guys over there in the Middle East hate us for our liberal alternative lifestyle, Then, is not any move to enforce “traditional values” (such as a protection of marriage amendment, or any other rightwing-type goal), Appeasement?


It’s not just Appeasement, it’s Emboldening!


The question is whether the party will have any conservative balls left
Is this a reference to “purity balls”? Malkin has nothing to worry about — they’re still happening.


Slightly OT; If, the Bad Guys over there in the Middle East hate us for our liberal alternative lifestyle, Then, is not any move to enforce “traditional values” (such as a protection of marriage amendment, or any other rightwing-type goal), Appeasement?

Your mistake is in applying logic. “Logic” is most definitely not a “traditional value” thingy for these folks.


Authoritarians are odd stupid creatures.

fixed that for you


“brassica balls”

PeeJ wins.

Adrian Lloyd-Webber

Do you think you’re what they say you are?


[…] all, protect the brand. (See Digby’s “Winning By Losing” and Sadly, No’s “Everybody Hates Michelle Malkin” for recent takes on this general […]


Listening to this “anchor baby” demand immigration reform always cracks me up.


Both fags. Al Gore loves the environment and Michael Moore paid a personal visit to Charlton Heston and didn’t even fellate him.

See how that works? A man NOT fellating another man is a fag. This is a perfect representation of wingnut logic.

And now really, who would ruin a perfectly good dish of elephant testicles by adding brussells sprouts?


Damn, what an image … neuticles for pachyderms!
If I’m not mistaken, we had those in High-School Gym class.
They’re called Medicine-Balls.

Buddy s Moleman


Sagra said,May 19, 2008 at 22:58

I don’t understand the ostracism of Michelle. She was their token darky and hottie.

Horror movie logic — the token always dies first.

Ha, ha, but absolutely correct. The criticism from cutting her loose from the Repelican lifeboat is minimal. If Michelle is the manque for Mr. Malkin, standing in front of the cameras so that his relative Mimeo-Pantloadness is hidden, then her isolation and territoriality puts her at odds with the psuedo-internationalist bad-attorney neocon cadre. (I sound like George Will with lactose intolerance…praise me, praise me!)


….[Y]ou go out of your way to hurt people on a very personal level, and you seem to get a big kick out of doing it. No political party, no matter how crazy it is, wants to be seen as the party of sadistic and vicious assholes.

And the wingnuts, despite their prediliction for craziness, have amazing instincts for self-preservation when it comes to lawsuits just waiting to happen.


Down here in Australia it’s a recognised psychological condition among failed politicians: Relevance Deprivation Syndrome.


She’s hilarious.


talking plumber’s-snake Michelle Manson

I’m stealing that one. Stomach-wrenching, yet also elegant.

Which, of course, is central to my point.

Duros Hussein 62

Maybe you need to take a pill and lie down. Is it your time of the month?

Perhaps she’s like my ex-wife. On for three weeks, off for one.


In the screen shot from Faux Spews,The caption reads: Michelle Malkin, Author of the book “Unhinged”.Am I correct in assuming that it is her Autobiography.


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