You are aware…
… that Pensky is interested in me, I’m sorry I gave you the wrong impression. What is was going to say was, now you are aware that our Board of Directors has been indicted, myself included, and we’re prohibited from doing business until the investigation is completed.
The Bush administration illegally withheld data from Congress on the cost of the new Medicare law, and as a penalty, the former head of the Medicare agency, Thomas A. Scully, must repay seven months of his salary to the government, federal investigators said today.
The investigators, from the Government Accountability Office, said that Mr. Scully had threatened to fire the chief Medicare actuary in violation of an explicit provision of federal appropriations law.
Another serving of honor and dignity for all the kids out there. (Thanks to Frederick.)
So he repays that money, but we still have the stupid Medicare changes, right? Piece of shit.
You’re not Penske material!
Amazing–that episode was on in NYC last night. One of my favorites.
Of course…