Whatever happened to the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen?

Much to our regret, it appears that Adam has shelved his previous plans for a super-duper alliance and replaced it with a boring substitute:

I’ve called for it for sometime, but I think that recent days have made the case all the clearer: there should be a formal alliance between Russia and the United States. Both nations are facing the same enemy: a horde of murderous barbarians determined to assault civilization itself. Both nations shame a common interest: the total annihilation of said enemy. It seems only logical to me that both should come together to achieve that end.

It seems only logical to me = I’m done masturbating to that video of Paris Hilton I downloaded from the internet

US and Russian Intelligence can jointly work against the scourge of weapons of mass destruction, especially the various nuclear materials scattered across the former Soviet Union. Where necessary, US and Russian units could go into battle together.

ok, but only, only, if they call themselves The Ambiguously Gay Duo. And let Adam be called the most fucked up bad ass motherfucker on earth:

How is Russia to do this? Certainly, it will not be easy. I can think of only a single plausible strategy at this point which does not involve the deliberate physical extermination of the entire population of the region. [Emphasis added, lunacy in original.]

Turn all of Chechnya into one giant internment camp.

This is where the American alliance becomes critical. First: the United States can do a great deal to shield Russia from international reproach that goes beyond words. Second, the United States can claim the moral high ground by becoming the foremost provider of aid to the Chechen people.

Adam, we think you may be mentally ill. No, seriously.

It is time to shake off old suspicions. The United States and Russia are natural allies: two great nations, standing side by side, to fight the forces of Hell.

“ADAM YOSHIDA is a Harvard blogger with some interesting observations on the war.” –Instapundit, November 20, 2003.


Comments: 20


Now THAT’S some mighty impressive moonbattery.


So Russia interns all of Chechnya and we feed them?


Adam Yoshida is a Harvard blogger?

What the hell is insta-crack smoking?

Adam is so out there that he’s not even amusing. And just where are these ” hordes of murderous barbarians determined to assault civilization itself.” that he speaks of?

This is even lunacy beyond the normal lunacy that adam spouts.


It seems only logical to me = I’m done masturbating to that video of Paris Hilton I downloaded from the internet

Ewwwwwww! Must. drink. image. away.


Adam makes genocide seem so simple but who will pay for the boxcars and ovens that’s what he can’t answer.

If you scroll down he also cheers on the famous RNC kick ‘er while she’s down guy.


Sweet Lordy-gordy, Adam has finally, once and for, gone completely, utterly, batshit crazy. He was, up to this point, only half-crazy, or, some people would say, half-sane. (It’s kinda like the “glass is half empty/half full” thing.)


We’ll call it… the CoDominion.


Turn all of Chechnya into one giant internment camp.

Ah yes, just like the Israelis have done to Gaza.

The United States and Russia are natural allies: two great nations, standing side by side, to fight the forces of Hell.

Sadly, Adam, Osama bin Laden is not actually the First Evil and you are not Buffy.


Apparently “put them in internment camps” has now become something that can be said with all the blithe indifference with which normal people say things like “I’d like a BLT on wheat toast, please” or “What time is ‘Raymond’ on?” Congratulations, Michelle.

This shit is rapidly becoming Not Funny Anymore.



Some of his supporting commenters are just as off-kilter in their own right. Always a fascinating read!


I’m not laughing anymore! This is about the 10th time I’ve heard a right winger argue that internment camps are now necessary. When do we stop laughing and start getting really scared?

For me, that happened a while back.


Before we become bestest buddies with the Russians and allies against the Chechens, don’t you think maybe Russia would want the US to quit negotiating with Chechen leaders and offering them asylum?
“Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that mid-level officials in the U.S. government were undermining his country’s war on terrorism by supporting Chechen separatists.”
“Putin’s comments came a few weeks after the U.S. granted asylum to Ilias Akhmadov, the ‘foreign minister’ of the Chechen separatist movement.”

Intern Malkin Now!


So little is being said about how life is for the people of Iraq. Read here to learn the truth.


You’ve got the name wrong. It can’t be the Ambiguously Gay Duo.

It’s the Superpower Rangers!

Phoenician in a time of Romans

Some of his supporting commenters are just as off-kilter in their own right. Always a fascinating read!

Hey! I resemble that remark!


lol… I guess taking a couple of classes on Harvard Online make you an authority on all issues…

At least The Virgin Ben has the decency to show up on campus…


I remember when Adam’s Chechnya plan was called “Escape From New York.”



I’m referring to the ‘Urban Cowboy’ types. I love your comments. They tend to rile up that ilk. 🙂

Phoenician in a time of Romans

Thanks for the compliment, Steve, but I’m still reminded that arguing on the Internet is like running in the Special Olympics – even if you win, you still look retarded.

But, what the hell, it beats watching TV.


Gee what a great idea. This is exactly what Britain should have done when those pesky colonists got all uppity.


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