Tricky Dick on The Faggotry of Appeasement

[In honor of Rick Perlstein’s Nixonland, I’m gonna try to post several Nixon-related things in the next few days. This is the first.]

One knows about Richard Nixon’s dislike of Jews and blacks, but what about homosexuals? Well, yeah. Of course Dick went for the trifecta. It’s not just that he thought gays were awful and icky, but that, like many a wingnut, he’d worked out a whole theory about how homosexuality is a unique danger because it saps the morale of society. Now this is considerably worse than garden-variety bigotry; it’s a belief that certain people, just by dint of their identity, should be enemies of the state.

You know what happened to the Greeks. Homosexuality destroyed them. Sure, Aristotle was a homo, we all know that, so was Socrates.”

Ehrlichman interrupts to reassure his boss. Socrates, he says, “never had the influence that television had.”

Precisely, precisely. Nixon is on a roll, lecturing like a history professor:

“Do you know what happened to the Romans? The last six Roman emperors were fags. . . . You know what happened to the popes? It’s all right that popes were laying the nuns.”

Someone laughs nervously. Nixon bulls on, not a hint of humor in his voice.

“That’s been going on for years, centuries, but when the popes, when the Catholic Church went to hell in, I don’t know, three or four centuries ago, it was homosexual. . . . Now, that’s what happened to Britain, it happened earlier to France. And let’s look at the strong societies. The Russians. Goddamn it, they root them out, they don’t let ’em hang around at all. You know what I mean? I don’t know what they do with them.”

“Dope? Do you think the Russians allow dope? Hell no. Not if they can catch it, they send them up. You see, homosexuality, dope, uh, immorality in general: These are the enemies of strong societies. That’s why the Communists and the left-wingers are pushing it. They’re trying to destroy us.”

Wow. First, there’s the old lie about how homosexuality destroyed the classical civilizations, a pretty common belief even now. But everything after that elevates his rant to Podhoretzian levels. The insistence that homosexuality is a vector by which treason and appeasement is transmitted into society. Then the probably inevitable (because of Nixon’s paranoia) conspiracy theory that everyone Nixon hates is working together to facilitate this transmission, for the purposes of destroying America. Then, the coup-de-grace of batshittery: the obvious envy Nixon has of authoritarian governments which are free to liquidate their “immoral” minorities (shades of James Burnham and the early National Review, there). He really was crazy.


Comments: 127


I think this is the way a hell of a lot of Americans think. The fact that it is politically incorrect to say it, doesn’t make it go away. Politicians are quite good at tapping into the collective ignorance and paranoia of the country.


Jesus BASE jumping Christ. Just a little more GOP SOP, eh?

Dick was glubbering about how teh ghey between bouts of wiping his ass on the Constitution.

Flash forward to 2004. The GOP runs on the Sm33r the Kw33r platform while GDubya wipes his ass on the Constitution.

Which leads me to conclude that homophobes are traitors.

I also suspect that Dick had a serious addiction to something harder than dope. How does he get from admiring the Russians for eliminating their ghey problems to blaming the Commies for spreading the ghey?


Good old Richard Whorehouse Nixon. Enjoy Hell, you bastard. Smileys!


How many of the “fag emperors” were actually gay, in the modern sense? I think that Hadrian probably was, and Elagabus may have been transgender, but most of them seem more like an example of what happens when the extreme upper crust becomes too rich and all-powerful.


Wow. First, there’s the old lie about how homosexuality destroyed the classical civilizations, a pretty common belief even now.

It’s a perfectly common belief, sir, held by all truly stupid people.


Good to see that rank paranoia passes down through every wingnut generation.


I’m not so sure that what we today view as homosexuality is exactly what “sapped” the ancient Greeks. Rather it was this idea that being manly-men being manly-manly together is somehow superior to, well, being with women: kinda like in grade school how some boys view girls as having cuties.

Now look at who has that sort of attitude in today’s society — of course, when it comes to being stuck with out-of-date attitudes, conservatives by definition are the people you’d look at. Consider G. Gordon Liddy’s remark to the effect of “GW Bush is more manly than Al Gore ’cause Al Gore does what makes women think he looks good”. If anyone is guilty of the same toevah that destroyed so many cultures in the ancient mediterranian (well, besides coming up with a word for their sea that is soo hard to spell), it is the man-crushing conservatives not us gay-friendly liberals.

Yep — yet again, we see another application of the universal law of conservative projection: if conservatives are concerned about something and claim liberals are supportive of that which concerns conservatives, you can bet that something is something in which conservatives are engaging more often than we liberals are.


Richard Nixon missed his true calling.

He really should have been a high school teacher – World Civilization for freshmen; sophomore American lit; American History for juniors; and a seminar for AP seniors on logic and rhetoric.

I can see myself sitting in the back of one of his classes. “What an asshole.”


Maybe if Dick had let gay people openly serve in the military he would have held a different opinion.


How many of the “fag emperors” were actually gay

Dunno about the latter empire much, but of the first 12, I think 9 or 10 were at least bi, though the only one I can think of who consistently preferred men to women was Galba. But it’s been a little while since I read all the way through Suetonius, so I may be off with all that.


of the first 12, I think 9 or 10 were at least bi

Yeah but… who isn’t, given the right conditions? 😉


“Dope? Do you think the Russians allow dope? Hell no. Not if they can catch it, they send them up. You see, homosexuality, dope, uh, immorality in general: These are the enemies of strong societies. That’s why the Communists and the left-wingers are pushing it. They’re trying to destroy us.”

Wait, so the Russians (who, uh, are Communists) simultaneously don’t allow dope, and yet are also big pushers of it? Does this make ANY sense?

Or is he somehow claiming that the Russians ruthlessly root out druggies at home while simultaneously acting as international dealers to weaken the rest of us?

So, so, so much crazy in that man.


we see another application of the universal law of conservative projection: if conservatives are concerned about something and claim liberals are supportive of that which concerns conservatives, you can bet that something is something in which conservatives are engaging more often than we liberals are.

I wonder if that has ever been experimentally verified. It could be a whole new frontier in social psychology.

Nim, ham hock of liberty

Or is he somehow claiming that the Russians ruthlessly root out druggies at home while simultaneously acting as international dealers to weaken the rest of us?

That’s exactly what he’s claiming, unless he is differentiating between Russian commies and domestic commies.

Apparently, Russian commies know how bad pot and teh ghey are, so they properly eradicate those evils. While simultaneously working the promote them in Merka. Americans, apparently, were too dumb to realize that the dope-promoting commies actually hate dope.

SO, in order to defeat the dope/ghey-hating and dope/ghey-pushing commies, we must emulate them in their clampdown on freedoms. In order to preserve American freedom.

What’s not to understand? Sheesh.


Hey man, Russians pushing dope? Everyone knows it was the negro jazz musician who is responsible for the spread of dope!


Dick served with distinction in the Navy.

I wonder if he met any ‘friends’ there….

If you like adventure
Don’t you wait to enter
The recruiting office fast
Don’t you hesitate
There is no need to wait
They’re signing up new seamen fast


Yeah well, we all know that Nixon was actually a Liberal (just like George Bush) so this is just central to Jonah’s point.


How many of the “fag emperors” were actually gay, in the modern sense? I think that Hadrian probably was, and Elagabus may have been transgender, but most of them seem more like an example of what happens when the extreme upper crust becomes too rich and all-powerful.

I don’t think anyone of that era was gay in the modern sense. They didn’t even have a word for it, just practical descriptions like ‘fellator’ (cocksucker). Greek-style pederasty was generally condemned by Romans and, in the Republic at least, sexual relations between male citizens was highly frowned upon. However, it was quite acceptable for a Roman to penetrate his slaves – be they male or female – but not to have them penetrate the citizen. Juvenal spends quite a bit of time condemning fellow Romans for catching rather than pitching and a popular slur against Julius Caesar was to call him “The Queen of Bithynia” implying that he was a catamite (bottom) of the King of Bythinia during a period of his youth spent in Bythinia. They also called him “Every woman’s husband and every man’s wife”. And they say Romans had no sense of humor…

In the imperial periods the increasing hellenic influence over Roman culture broke even those mores down as time passed. Both Trajan and Hadrian, for instance, took young Greek lovers and Gibbon maintained that out of the 1st twelve emperors only Claudius did not engage in homosexual acts. Only after the Christianization of the empire did any general laws forbidding homosexuality appear (it was always illegal for soldiers in the legions to have relations with each other).

And yes, Elagabalus was a superfreak.


Two things.

Umm, DAS, the girls in elementary school ARE cuties. They HAVE cooties. Important distinction.

Second, the long-term irony of all of this is that the destruction of the american ideal and the collapse of the american society can be said to follow directly from this national obsession with “manlyness” and it’s number one byproduct, warfare.

As manly men, we need wars to send our boys off to so they can be men. Wars require enemies. America in the late twentieth/early twentyfirst century HAS no enemies. So in an odd perversion, the manly men must become paranoid about a host of imagined existential threats that they can arm and gird themselves against, going off to end the threat and defend liberty.

Of course, the cost of those wars, and the associated paranoia, not just in economic capital, but in politcal capital and good will continues to grow unabated. And the killing and suffering the wars engender continue to create new enemies, who will need ever greater expenditures of blood and treasure to vanquish.

Ulltimately, america collapses from her inability to support the wars, the foreign debt, the high costs of energy that resulted from the wars and the devaluation of the imperial currency.

Historians will conclude that the only thing that could have saved america from her own worst insticts was the homosexual agenda.

And the world will laugh…



Well, it also looks like it’s time again, via Perlstein and those linking to him to once again start selling how everything all went to crap because of those damned extremist leftist hippies and why couldn’t everyone do magical stuff and be good Democrats and behave well and just let the Vietnam War and stuff, you know, take care of itself, because it so of course totally would have.


And we all know the Nixon’s had such a happy family life.

if conservatives are concerned about something and claim liberals are supportive of that which concerns conservatives, you can bet that something is something in which conservatives are engaging more often than we liberals are.

Nah. It’s the neo-con inability to bear the thought that someone, some where is happy. Happiness is bad and the happiness of non-neos is worst of all and must be twisted into something alarming (to the neos).

So, according to the rich fantasy world of the neo, so- & theo-cons we spend all our time parading around in chaps and tutus, threatening small children with our pierced balls of doom. (Lesbians favor yard long strap ons and biker boots.) We live on stipends from the NEA because we must divide our time between parades and orgies. If you try to tell the neo-con that the life of THE ENEMY is remarkably like his life (or that chaps and tutus are less harmful than forcing teenaged girls to marry) he’ll scream and run away because that would mean things that make him (a ‘normal’ person) happy make THE ENEMY happy and there’s no way to eradicate all the things they like.

I’m really surprised no one took a pot shot at Mary Cheney because she completely wrecks the narrative.


Julius Caesar was to call him “The Queen of Bithynia” implying that he was a catamite (bottom) of the King of Bythinia during a period of his youth spent in Bythinia.

Heh. I have heard that. They also said, “Caesar has conquered Gaul, but Nicomedes has conquered Caesar.” Some jokes never get old.

Pirelli's Purse

Best Nixon line ever wasn’t even said by him (probably). In “Where the Buffalo Roam” starring Bill Murray as Hunter S. Thompson, Nixon (at a urinal I believe) utters the immortal “Fuck the doomed”.


Hunter Thompson once dedicated a book “To Richard Nixon, who never let me down”

But the truly amazing thing, to those of us old enough to remember the old bastard, is that his successors are even worse …


You totally left off the part where he descibed how the gay Spartans shaved their pubes and that’s why the butch Persians had such an easy time defeating them.

Pirelli's Purse

Ben Stein praised Nixon as the Architect of the Framework of Lasting Peace or some such nonsense.


If you try to tell the neo-con that the life of THE ENEMY is remarkably like his life (or that chaps and tutus are less harmful than forcing teenaged girls to marry) he’ll scream and run away because that would mean things that make him (a ‘normal’ person) happy make THE ENEMY happy and there’s no way to eradicate all the things they like.

Interesting Arky. My picture of the neo-cons is different. To me, they look like some educated, priviledged people who have decided that they love power more than anything, and that the American people need to be lied to in order to make retain their (the Neo-cons’) power. The neo-cons seem like people who actually are very selfish and pleasure-loving, but have perfected a certain kind of hypocrisy meant to ensure that they, and they alone, keep the pleasure.

The attitudes that you are ascribing to the Neo-cons seem to me to more properly belong to the Theo-cons, or Christianists, who are the Neo-cons’s allies at this time, but are not truly of the same faction.

Does that analysis seem plausible to you, or do you think I’m missing something myself?


Well, it also looks like it’s time again, via Perlstein and those linking to him to once again start selling how everything all went to crap because of those damned extremist leftist hippies and why couldn’t everyone do magical stuff and be good Democrats and behave well and just let the Vietnam War and stuff, you know, take care of itself, because it so of course totally would have.

Indeedy and I had to double check the authorship of this post because even if Perlstein is going after Tricky Dick I expect some of HTML Mencken’s righteous vitriol whenever a sensible liberal is involved. I feel so disillusioned right now.


of the first 12, I think 9 or 10 were at least bi
Yeah but… who isn’t, given the right conditions? 😉

Yeah. We pretty much proved the point some twenty-five years ago with the infamous (among those who know of it) “After 6 Shots No One Has a Sexual Orientation Bar Tour.”

Of course, the Gay Mafia doesn’t want that kind of information to get out. Watch it pedestrian – we may revoke your gay card.


I didn’t know he was a Sensible Liberal. What am I missing?


“So, so, so much crazy in that man.”

Yes, but nu? It just struck me how often we say that about whatever Republican is in office. Is W any less crazy? Isn’t it true (as Perry Mason used to say) that to be a Republican, and not just a neo-con, requires some kind of insanity? Some kind of fundamental obliviousness of, not only the reality of others’ lives, but of one’s own?

It may be that there are two kinds of Republicans: those driven mainly by greed, who either don’t realize (delusional) or don’t care (sociopathic) what their actions bring about, and those who need to worship a strong Daddy, who either don’t realize or don’t care what their endorsement of the first kind makes them complicit in.

Yes, I’m ending a sentence with a preposition. That’s how you know I’m inspired on Onto Something!

You’ve got Nixon sitting there nattering on enviously about “a strong society.” Strong how? Strong for whom? Go peel THAT onion down to its inner core values. God, these ambitious mediocrities and conniving criminals. They make Eisenhower seem like a paragon of wisdom and insight.


Jeepers, yeah…after six shots I don’t have a sexual orientation. The room doesn’t appear to have an orientation either.


Watch it pedestrian – we may revoke your gay card.

NOOOOOOOO!!!! I could never live without the bennies!

Rugged in Montana

“You see, homosexuality, dope, uh, immorality in general: These are the enemies of strong societies. That’s why the Communists and the left-wingers are pushing it. They’re trying to destroy us.”

I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned it but………Islamosexuals keep trying to steal my manly essence. They lurk around outside of my basement lair, like shadows, vanishing whenever I go out there to chase them away. They’re trying to destroy me, because I’m a patriot of the heartland, unlike you deviant communist LIE-bruls. Last night they were laughing at the size of my fully erect M1 Battle Rifle™!!


Don’t be silly, Rogered. Those aren’t Islamosexuals, they’re only pelicans.


I didn’t know he was a Sensible Liberal. What am I missing?

Oops, sorry I fucked up and confused him with someone else. I’ll shut up now.


It’s a sad state of affairs indeed when people like Richard Nixon and Bush the Elder look good, if only in retrospect.

HST said it best:

If the right people had been in charge of Nixon’s funeral, his casket would have been launched into one of those open-sewage canals that empty into the ocean just south of Los Angeles. He was a swine of a man and a jabbering dupe of a president. Nixon was so crooked that he needed servants to help him screw his pants on every morning. Even his funeral was illegal. He was queer in the deepest way. His body should have been burned in a trash bin.


No catheter, use own toys to stop hospital bugs

That is one of the headlines on right now. What they mean to say is that children should bring their own toys to the hospital and patients should try to avoid catheters to minimize the risk of infection. Is there is a particular brand of bottle water that media types drink? I think we might want to check for mercury.


It’s not the water. It’s more like projection. Or Freudian association. Or something.

Oops. Now I’ve gone and made myself queasy.

MileHi Hawkeye

No catheters? Shall I bring a bendy straw with me the next time I need a tube put where it doesn’t belong?


Get one of those novelty straws that does loop-the-loops. It’ll be fun!


Not entirely OT, not really On Topic either…
Dan Savage:

[…] the one-man-and-one-woman crowd has been strangely silent about this polygamist sect […] which prompted me to go looking for some outrage at the reliably outraged website of Concerned Women for America ( There are more anti-gay-marriage press releases packed onto CWFA’s website than there is fudge packed into all the homos in all the Sodoms in all of North America. But there’s not one single word that I could find about these straight men in Texas violating the holy and sacred one-man-and-one-woman rule.

I’d never visited there before….. Looks like there’s some low hanging fruit at … Ripe fruit. Ripe for skewering. …. And I have to throw up now.


And no one mentions the Sacred Band of Thebes?

The Sacred Band was an elite unit of 300 men consisting of 150 pairs of homosexual lovers.

The theory was that no man would run when his lover was fighting next to him. First – he would be reluctant to abandon his lover to die. Second – there was the risk of having your lover survive and then hate and disown you for being such a damn coward who ran away and left him to his fate.

You know what? It worked. It worked too well. I’ll quote the wikipedia to save time:

“Defeat came at the Battle of Chaeronea (338 BC), the decisive contest in which Philip II of Macedon (with his son, Alexander the Great, as he would later be known) extinguished the authority of the Greek city-states. The traditional Greek hoplite infantry were no match for the novel long-speared Macedonian phalanx: the Theban army and its allies broke and fled, but the Sacred Band, though surrounded and overwhelmed, refused to surrender. They held their ground and fell where they stood. Plutarch records that upon encountering their corpses “heaped one upon another”, King Philip, understanding who they were, exclaimed:

“Perish any man who suspects that these men either did or suffered anything unseemly.”


No catheter, use own toys to stop hospital bugs

Huh? Is this from a Savage Love column?


The Sacred Band was an elite unit of 300 men consisting of 150 pairs of homosexual lovers.

Wait a minute r4d20… you mean that in reality, “300” was based on a band of ultra-tuff gay lovers?



Please gather up all of your shock, disgust and outrage, put in a big box and send it to Barbara Walters.


Damn right.

I found myself in some vicious firefights side by side with this guy from vermont, Al. And many’s the time I stood up under heavy incoming fire, at tremendous risk to myself, laying down accurate suppressing fire, advancing through the open to take out machine gun positions that threatened not just my brothers in arms, but Al. For Al was special to me – very special.


Lovers? Nah. Al knew where to get this AMAZING Cambode weed. He was NOT expendable. We’d do anything to protect him…



I think this is the way a hell of a lot of Americans think.

61%, if the Trickster’s winning percentage in the 1972 election is anything to go by.

Dick served with distinction in the Navy.

If “with distinction” you mean safely out of harm’s way in a rear echelon supply boat where he spent most of his time playing poker. (He was pretty good at it — making enough money off his boat-mates/suckers to help finance his run for Congress in 1946.)


What’s this I hear about gay cards being revoked?


Wow. First, there’s the old lie about how homosexuality destroyed the classical civilizations, a pretty common belief even now.

But hey, we can’t let a few reacharounds and some boy fucking get in the way of how bad ass 300 was, right?

LA Confidential Pantload

But were the Romans into cockslapping? Jeff Godlstein demands to know….


So umm,…mikey? Where’s Al now? As in, right this fucking moment. And does he have a source?


The fact is, liberals are always supportive of the gays and immigrants, even if they are bad for society. And the terrorists, and the left-leaning media. Here in the heartland, we prefer straight talk, fair and balanced sourcing, unbiased reasoned discourse and not the shrill bleating we associate with the Hate-USA left. We also think faggots are for burning.


Well, to be fair to the Crookedest Man in Washington, Russia inflicting homosexuals and dope on America is just a part of a long line of inflicting moral decay on a society while barring it from their own country.

The West used it to great effect with opium in China.


My father came up with a thought experiment once. Okay, so pass a law saying all gays have to be burned – but for every gay who burns, we burn ten homophobes. And let the first bigot light the first faggot.

It’s a thought experiment that ends with a pun. He’s like that.

Of course, that would probably backfire. Plenty of fuckholes would be happy to die and go to Hay-ven if they can take a fag with ’em.


And no one mentions the Sacred Band of Thebes?

pedestrian said,

May 1, 2008 at 20:57

Maybe if Dick had let gay people openly serve in the military he would have held a different opinion.

You mean you don’t click on my every linky with breathless anticipation, r4d20?
[dies a little]

slippy hussein toad


Pirelli’s Purse said,

May 1, 2008 at 21:47

Ben Stein praised Nixon as the Architect of the Framework of Lasting Peace or some such nonsense.

More proof (as if it was needed) that Ben Stein is a headcrushingly stupid fucktard.


But were the Romans into cockslapping?
I was hoping that someone would ask that question.

Barbara Walters


Brooke was the first African-American to be popularly elected to the Senate. Both he and Walters knew that public knowledge of their affair could have ruined his career as well as hers, Walters says.

It’s twoo! It’s TWOO!!!


He also directly stated that Clinton’s lie was worse than Nixon’s. Point fucking blank.

Thanks for ruining Duckman for me, you fucking house Jew dumbass.


Ahh. And once again, our friend Herr Clyde from the antipodes shares with us another of his favorite home decorations.

If there’s one thing I’ve GOT to do before I die, it’s arrange a visit to Chez Clyde. ‘Cause he not only has quantity of creepy, he’s got quality



Hmmmm … “long-speared Macedonian phalanx” … I think I dated him in college.


Gee, I’d take Baba Wawa’s confession as evidence that Sen. Brooke is gay. The woman’s been a professional “beard” all her adult life.


Interclue won’t preview Smut’s picture, it says “image too large.” Indeed it is, Interclue, indeed it is.


So, WordPress, my old nemesis. We meet at last, here on this windblown bluff. Alone and face to face.

You think I’m going to put away my copynpaster? You think I’ll just lay it down, ’cause you say you’ve gone straight? You think you can just offer peace, and I’ll trust you?


I’ll keep my copynpaster right here in my holster. To secure peace is to prepare for war. Just remember that, my old friend…


Shell Goddamnit

How does he get from admiring the Russians for eliminating their ghey problems to blaming the Commies for spreading the ghey?

This whole concept of the Rooskies always plotting and scheming and bent on subverting the American Way of Life…it’s narcissism, pure & simple. It’s like those people who think that the God On High spends all his time thinking about their little stupid sins. The idea that they are not the focus of all is alien to them.

A nation of Mary Sues…think of that for a moment.

slippy hussein toad

While you’re posting stuff about Tricky Dick, don’t forget his association with another racist preacher, who unlike Wright was actually giving advice from inside the White House — on how the Jews were going to destroy America.

Shell Goddamnit

Related to lack of empathy, I think; all they can think about is themselves, thus, all anyone can think of is them or their tribe or whatever.

They’re broken. Really, I do believe that is true. Nixon is a perfect specimen of the type.


[…] Nice quote, part two. […]


Nixon’s tactics lives on in the Bush administration.


Sure, Aristotle was a homo, we all know that, so was Socrates.”

Ehrlichman interrupts to reassure his boss. Socrates, he says, “never had the influence that television had.”

And thank Zeus for that! But wasn’t he ordered to drink hemlock for “corrupting the youth of Athens”? Gary, maybe you could give us some insight.


A nation of Mary Sues…think of that for a moment.

That is . . . perfect. Thanks, Shell


Of course, that would probably backfire. Plenty of fuckholes would be happy to die and go to Hay-ven if they can take a fag with ‘em.

No, no, no. How many bigots do you know who say “I’m a big old bigot”?

They say that they aren’t homophobes. They’d LOVE gays and lesbians … If God didn’t hate gays and gays weren’t a treat to civilization and gays would stop trying to have sex with little children.

Then they’d point out the rampant homophobia in the African-American/Latino/Asian/other brown dudes community and pick up their torches.


Grading final exams for Western Civ I, and I thought this student boner was apropos for the thread:

Men [in Ancient Greece] would have relationships with their teachers and generals and this was seen as the best kind of relationship to have on top of a wife.


Interesting how Nixon kind of ADMIRED teh Commies & their totalitarian ways … much like many a neocon & redneck has made happy noises of envious approval in regards to Saudi or Iranian mullahs condemning gays or adulterers to be stoned to death in public … or that remarkable blind-spot they have regarding how smoochy-smoochy Shrub gets (literally) anytime he’s within hugging-radius of the Houses of bin Laden or Saud.

The right needs a shovel with a MUCH deeper bucket.
Their spillage is showing.


Lucky for us godlovin merkans Nixon had J. Edgar Hoover keep’n an eye out for commie homos.


Even though its true I meant to type “… a threat to civilization.”


It parses well either way, Arky.

Hey. What’s Arky short for, anyway?




Hey, did you see this? Fox thinks Lincoln debated Fredereick Douglass

It’s freaking hilarious!

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

I’m not so sure that what we today view as homosexuality is exactly what “sapped” the ancient Greeks. Rather it was this idea that being manly-men being manly-manly together is somehow superior to, well, being with women….


White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

You see, homosexuality, dope, uh, immorality in general: These are the enemies of strong societies. That’s why the Communists and the left-wingers are pushing it. They’re trying to destroy us.”

Why are the League of Boogeymen always trying to destroy Wingnut World?


Because Wingnut World doesn’t have a blanket over their head, like all the other kids.


g, I did see that and nearly shit myself laughing.

suuuuure he’s read the transcripts.


Then the probably inevitable (because of Nixon’s paranoia) conspiracy theory that everyone Nixon hates is working together to facilitate this transmission, for the purposes of destroying America. Then, the coup-de-grace of batshittery: the obvious envy Nixon has of authoritarian governments which are free to liquidate their “immoral” minorities (shades of James Burnham and the early National Review, there). He really was crazy.

Yeah, but the people around Nixon — his enablers — were less crazy and more plain evil. We, and the world, are still suffering under the Unindicted Co-conspirators like Cheney, Rumsfeld, Perlman, and all their ideological & actual spawn because those criminals learned from Nixon’s tenure that there is an election-swinging percentage of American voters whose homophobia, xenophobia, gynophobia and general hebephobia can be manipulated. As Davis X. Machina so brilliantly phrased it, “*The* salient fact of American politics is that there are fifty to seventy million voters each of who will volunteer to live, with his family, in a cardboard box under an overpass, and cook sparrows on an old curtain rod, if someone would only guarantee that the black, gay, Hispanic, liberal, whatever, in the next box over doesn’t even have a curtain rod, or a sparrow to put on it.” The real danger to American democracy isn’t the raving paranoids like Nixon or the wet-brained figureheads like Dubya — it’s the Little Men Behind the Curtain, who don’t mind destroying their own country or their fellow citizens as long as such destruction nets them a few more dollars or a little more “power”.


hey you guys. I’m dealing with fucking idiots at work, and I am not good for blogging right now.

fucking idiots.


“Do you know what happened to the Romans? The last six Roman emperors were fags. . . .

He’s right you know. Just look at what’s happening to the American Empire since these fake Republicans took control.
And let’s not even get started on the jews, If we’d only listened to Ben Franklin!!!

Disclaimer: I had sex with both Dick and Bob, John was into younger boys,


Dunno about the latter empire much, but of the first 12, I think 9 or 10 were at least bi,

Back in those day, you had to say “bi”.


Wait, so the Russians (who, uh, are Communists) simultaneously don’t allow dope, and yet are also big pushers of it? Does this make ANY sense?

Gad the level of ignorance in the commentariat here has not improved.
Do you ever read the newspaper? Afghanistan? Oil?


Of course, the cost of those wars, and the associated paranoia, not just in economic capital, but in politcal capital and good will continues to grow unabated

As we rapidly slide into the next Great Depression, lets not forget what got us out of the first one.
War is sometimes good.


Interesting Arky. My picture of the neo-cons is different. To me, they look like some educated, priviledged people who have decided that they love power more than anything, and that the American people need to be lied to in order to make retain their (the Neo-cons’) power. The neo-cons seem like people who actually are very selfish and pleasure-loving, but have perfected a certain kind of hypocrisy meant to ensure that they, and they alone, keep the pleasure.

The attitudes that you are ascribing to the Neo-cons seem to me to more properly belong to the Theo-cons, or Christianists, who are the Neo-cons’s allies at this time, but are not truly of the same faction.

Does that analysis seem plausible to you, or do you think I’m missing something myself?

A person with your liberal views would not even be allowed to deliver pizza in my gated community. Go live in ancient Greece if you hate america so much, fag.


Yes, I’m ending a sentence with a preposition

Of course you are dear, you are a product of New Deal liberal education. Kudos for at least knowing better. Now get a job and some stock option.


pedestrian said,
May 1, 2008 at 22:30

Watch it pedestrian – we may revoke your gay card.

NOOOOOOOO!!!! I could never live without the bennies!

Bennies? You are so not gay. Everyone knows we’re into disco and poppers.


Rugged in Montana said,
May 1, 2008 at 22:36

I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned it but………Islamosexuals keep trying to steal my manly essence. They lurk around outside of my basement lair, like shadows, vanishing whenever I go out there to chase them away. They’re trying to destroy me, because I’m a patriot of the heartland, unlike you deviant communist LIE-bruls. Last night they were laughing at the size of my fully erect M1 Battle Rifle™!!

The heartland rules!!! I just got my corn check. I’m gonna go buy me a negro!


PeeJ said,
May 1, 2008 at 23:46

Looks like there’s some low hanging fruit at

You like that, the low hanging fruit? Text me, we’ll destroy an empire.


mikey said,
May 2, 2008 at 0:07

Damn right.

I found myself in some vicious firefights side by side with this guy from vermont, Al. And many’s the time I stood up under heavy incoming fire, at tremendous risk to myself, laying down accurate suppressing fire, advancing through the open to take out machine gun positions that threatened not just my brothers in arms, but Al. For Al was special to me – very special.


Lovers? Nah. Al knew where to get this AMAZING Cambode weed. He was NOT expendable. We’d do anything to protect him…


Like Senator McCain i so admire your service to this fine country. Only wish i could have been incountry roughing it hot and sweaty in the jungle with you and the Italian guy and the Jewish guy and the negro guy, Oh how my blood pressure rises just to imagine it, it must have been so grand all sweaty and dirty and nearly naked huddled together in those foxholes with big guns and the sweating and nakedness and the touching. Oh my god.
Unfortunately, I had to serve my country in other ways.


Welsh Person said,
May 2, 2008 at 2:09

My father came up with a thought experiment once. Okay, so pass a law saying all gays have to be burned – but for every gay who burns, we burn ten homophobes. And let the first bigot light the first faggot.

Will there be road flares involved? Cuz i like road flares and gasoline. And can we burn some jews and negroes too? And barbra walters?


slippy hussein toad said,
May 2, 2008 at 3:21

While you’re posting stuff about Tricky Dick, don’t forget his association with another racist preacher, who unlike Wright was actually giving advice from inside the White House — on how the Jews were going to destroy America.

Dont forget, God also hates the abortionists.


Arky H8r of VürdPress said,
the rampant homophobia in the African-American/Latino/Asian/ community

Tru dat. If it wasn’t for sensative left-leaning white people, the whole gay thing would have been killed off centuries ago. Seriously, think about it, who freed the slaves?


Fats Durston said,
May 2, 2008 at 4:30

Grading final exams for Western Civ I, and I thought this student boner was apropos for the thread:

Men [in Ancient Greece] would have relationships with their teachers and generals and this was seen as the best kind of relationship to have on top of a wife.

Nice work, teacher. I hear McDonalds is hiring.


Anne Laurie said,
May 2, 2008 at 6:36

Yeah, but the people around Nixon — his enablers — were less crazy and more plain evil.

I’d just like to say, “what sorta dreamworld do you live in, Honey?”
Just because you were born yesterday and only know evil as GWBush 2 and his handlers, doesn’t mean you can expound in depth on the evil of Dick.


Hi, Randall!

Can I piss in your mouthj?


Brandi said,
May 2, 2008 at 9:05

Hi, Randall!

Can I piss in your mouthj?

hello Brandi,
As you are probably aware I’m not into fat chicks. OTOH, I’m kind hooked on cranberry juice, so lets make a deal, you lose a hundred pounds and cure your yeast infection
and then text me. We’ll see where it goes from there.


Anne Laurie said,
May 2, 2008 at 6:36

Yeah, but the people around Nixon — his enablers — were less crazy and more plain evil.

I’d just like to say, “what sorta dreamworld do you live in, Honey?”
Just because you were born yesterday and only know evil as GWBush 2 and his handlers, doesn’t mean you can expound in depth on the evil of Dick.

To further explain my point, kids today see this currennt idiot-child president and his handlers “Unindicted Co-conspirators like Cheney, Rumsfeld, Perlman” and think that somehow compares to Dick. Comparing Dick to George Jr is like comparing an ’85 Yugo to a ’66 Pontiac GTO. Dick didn’t need no fucking handlers to explain evil to him, he invented evil. Dick had only to look at you and you would burn in hell for all time getting ass-raped by Jerry Fallwell. In fact, Dick fathered Jerry Fallwell. Dick didn’t need his daddy to buy him an election, he didn’t need Jerry’s old handlers to tell him how to be the evil, he knew it, it was in his heart from the beginning.

And his semen tasted of jasmine.

Teh Hamsters of S,N!

We would like to complain. Randall Byrd has been dipping into our amphetamine rations.


need Gerry’s old handlers to tell him how to be the evil


Teh Hamsters of S,N! said,
May 2, 2008 at 9:48

We would like to complain. Randall Byrd has been dipping into our amphetamine rations.

Someone is still reading this? Guess that american unemployment thing is true.
Text me, include a picture, maybe we’ll hook up.


Are you done yet?


Patkin said,
May 2, 2008 at 10:05

Are you done yet?

I’m gonna pop downstreet for somemore beer and fry up some food, but it is friday night, I can go more if the unemployed are interested. Always happy to oblige.
You got anything intelligent to say? Wanna discuss Nixon, or are you just a pup who hates bush?
Cmon, even retardo does some research-

Shorter Randall Byrd

“Wibble hamster telephone! Hey, everyone, look at me! I’m keeerrrrr-razy!”


Shorter Randall Byrd said,
May 2, 2008 at 11:41

“Wibble hamster telephone! Hey, everyone, look at me! I’m keeerrrrr-razy!”

Heh, always admire the strong silent types who don’t respond. Text me.


God, in His bounty and generosity, always creates more horses’ asses than there are horses to attach them to.


“Wibble hamster telephone! Hey, everyone, look at me! I’m keeerrrrr-razy!”

Also works:

“Fuck you all! I hate you! You’re horrible people!…. Sniff…. Why does no-one want to be my freind? Won’t someone be my freind?”


Coming back to the topic of the Civilization Destroying Powers of the Gay (appease us bitches!)

People say shit like that because they don’t want to admit the ugly truth: Empires End. Some might even say the same acts that allow you to create an empire sew the seeds of the destruction of that empire. Trying to maintain an army across half the known world ain’t cheap whereas two guys or two women having sex has no impact on your economy.

So, you can be striding around admiring all the pretty buildings you’ve created and kicking everyone’s ass one day and in a relatively brief period of time barbarians are sitting in your hot tub while your kids bring them drinks (your head is on a spike of course). Who you fucked over the course of your life will have nothing to do with the fall of your empire. Who you fucked with is the issue because fucking with people is expensive, creates ill will and eventually causes a bunch of little guys to get together and kick your ass.

Leaders like Nixie are too scared to admit the truth so they come up with a scapegoat: “If only we could get rid of the kw33rs, it would be USA 4evar!”


Oh BTW, now that we’ve destroyed marriage, we’re bringing down the Friday night meat market. That’s right. Nothing is sacred.


All UR bars R belong 2 we.


“It’s a lot of fun that they’re all here, but it kind of hurts my chances, you know? I don’t think the gay guys are that interested in me.”


Duros Hussein 62

Smut Clyde said,
May 2, 2008 at 2:23
But were the Romans into cockslapping?
I was hoping that someone would ask that question.

I work in a photo lab. I’ve seen that quite a few times. It is known as the “Oh My” room in Pompeii.

Duros Hussein 62

Unfortunately, I had to serve my country in other ways.

As in, “would you like fries with that?”

Homosexuals are aids monkeys

Richard Nixon was absolutely correct. Homosexualtiy is like a cancer that eats away at the moral fabric of a society. If the trend towards acceptance of homosexuality continues then modern Western Civilization will fall just as the Greeks and Romans have. Homosexual sex needs to be made illegal in all Western Nations so we can once again reap God’s blessings.


There’s a lot more in the Bible condemning political corruption and injustice than there is even obliquely mentioning homosexuality, but you just keep on thinking God hates gays and loves Republicans.


so we can once again reap God’s blessings.
Djur was talking about that on the Ben Shapiro thread, though he mentioned pruning shears rather than a sickle.


Furthermore, any comment about “reaping God’s blessings” really calls out for a joke about “using a pair of non-sequiturs”, but I can’t be arsed working out the details.


I thought that the basic problem with the Roman Empire is that its rule was based on brute force rather than the consent of the governed. This meant there was no real distinction betwen “legitimate ruler” and “usurper”. This made the Empire vulnerable to coups and civil wars, and forced Emperors to walk the tightrope between a too-small army (which would be unable to keep out the barbarians) and a too-large army (which would threaten the internal peace).


Now, c’mon. If we’re going to make gross overgeneralizations about meaningless correlations, it’s obvious that Christianity destroyed the Roman Empire. Observe: paganism=ascendency of the Roman Empire; Christianity=decline and fall of the Roman Empire. Hail Jupiter!


(comments are closed)