
I’m reading it right now, and shoot is it good.


I’ll have to finish the whole thing before I write up a review, but the first 200 pages alone are worth paying for. Ye gods, this is terrific stuff. Order your copy right now.

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Comments: 33

Homosexuals are aids monkeys

The left is in for a rude awakening come November. Barack Obama is going to face the wrath of the American people at the ballot box for his racism, lack of patriotism and support for weatherman terrorists. First his racist “pastor” and now his terrorist friends. This bum never ceases to amaze me with the kind of degenerate low lifes he associates with. News of his political extremism and less than admirable associations is only going to continue to spread and it will mean eventual political suicide for B. Hussien Obama.


Fuck off HAAD.


Wow was going to leave only my third comment here at Sn! but how can I follow up H.A.A.M.S up above.

Sigh now to wait for another 6 months unless some comic post about G’Nort is written


Oops, HAAM. I would have gotten it right if I gave a shit.

Homosexuals are aids monkeys

Barack Obama has insulted white working class Americans who make up the backbone of the American electorate. He insulted the very people whose support he needs to become President. He insulted their belief in God and their right to bear arms both of which are values shared by working class Americans. He will pay at the ballot box for his elitism and snobbery.


When you write your review, I would appreciate it if you would address any relevance between then and our current situation. Thank you.


Oh, and I meant the above seriously, just in case there’s any misunderstanding.


HAAMS likes pie, Me.


HAAMS likes pie, Me.

Oh. I was aiming that comment at Brad.


Me – Perlstein basically says that we’re still living in Nixonland. The dynamic that Nixon set up through the Southern Strategy is sadly still with us to this day.

Homosexuals are aids monkeys

The fact that Obama lost the Pennsylvania Democratic primary to Clinton is a sign of what is to come this November when he eventually becomes the nominee. He lost Pennsylvania to Clinton because he insulted white working class Americans who make up the majority of the electorate and not just in Pennslvania but in all of America. Pennsylvania will be safely in John McCain’s column this election partly thanks to Obama’s elitist rehtoric.


Nixon had a fracking huge head. Jesus. You could land ultra-lights on that.

CVN USS Barack Obama.

Obama Memorial National Park.

Obama on the $25 dollar bill.

Obama’s birthday being declared a national holiday.

Cities and towns across this nation being rename Obama in honor of the Best President Ever.

MMmmmmm… it shall be glorious.



Yes we get it. Republican strategy will be, and always has been, to rile up the Bigots and pander to the stupid.

Homosexuals are aids monkeys

Owlbear, its that kind of elitist attitude that will ensure that the left never gets any real power in America.


What, you don’t think Clinton will ride that wave of angry racist white people straight to the angry racist white people general election, troll?

You’re a defeatist, troll! Have confidence in your ugly, dumpy, fat, racist, bitter old white brothers and half-sisters. Let your ugly fetid swampgas vomit taint the air like the past 30 years have.


My overall favorite is pecan, but I’ve been eating lots of mixed berry lately.

I’ve also started using a crumble mix (butter, flour, salt, brown sugar, sometimes finely chopped nuts) instead of a top crust on fruit pies.

Can’t wait for them fresh stone fruits to come in season. Blueberry/peach. Mmmmmmmm


It will be a wonderful thing when Obama’s victory so distresses the top 1% that they jump out of their penthouses and office tower windows, freeing up billions of hoarded dollars to once again benefit the general population. Yes, it shall be glorious.


The trolls’ predictions have had a great record of success. I believe it was Gary who assured us that the Republicans would hold Congress in 2006.


Me – Perlstein basically says that we’re still living in Nixonland.

Damn, I was afraid of that. Oh well, still looking forward to your review.


Also, I guess it’s a good thing Obama isn’t actually on the left. Jesus, I’ve accepted that the left is an extinct species in this country (1910-1938), why can’t you, you racist, sexist, homophobic, pathetic man-boy beast-child wannabe.


g said,

April 29, 2008 at 4:28

The trolls’ predictions have had a great record of success. I believe it was Gary who assured us that the Republicans would hold Congress in 2006.

But which Gary was it, hhmmm?


Yep, I’m the elitest .


But which Gary was it, hhmmm?

It was actually the authentic one that made that prediction.


A timely book indeed as this administration has operated solely by the queries that answered the “What Nixon should have done” dilemmas.


the nixon problem was that he got away with it. period. anyone would have followed “the southern strategy”–it was a winner, and playing to people’s basest instincts has always been smart electoral strategy.

what led to all of our current problems was ford’s pardon. politicians getting away with criminal behavior redounds at every level of our society, and that kind of lawlessness breeds hopelessness. and it trains young thugs to go after things in a very specific way. there is a through-line from this to iran-contra to iraq that doesn’t need a “conspiracy theory”, merely the ability to track elliott abrams’ career, say, or g. gordon liddy (radio show!) or ollie north (tv star!) or fucking nixon himself (clinton’s praise at his funeral!).

this man should have lived out his days doing penance in a hovel in southern alabama. our country is fucked.

have a nice day.


Oh my yes.

Never mind the same party or the same ideology.
It’s the same bloody PEOPLE.
W, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Feith, & many others in the current Dirty Tricks Posse were all staffers or shills for Nixon. Learned their politcs from Mr. “I am not a crook” himself. They were honestly baffled when everyone was horrified at the choice of Kissinger to head the 9/11 Commission – a pseudo-intellectual with historical amnesia, no shame, & totally raging megalomania: just one of the Boys.

Weirdly enough, Nixon himself comes across like Nelson Mandela compared to these bastards; the idea of America legislating “Free Speech Zones” & the Executive Branch endorsing torture as policy, in public, likely would’ve made him vomit – & HE was carpet-bombing neutral countries in his spare time, when he wasn’t chugging Wild Turkey straight from the 26er & trying to wrestle the nuclear football from the Secret Service.
In a better America, the only things he’d be remembered for would be helping Joseph McCarthy frame patsies for HUAC, & his immortal “Checkers” speech.


Yes, it shall be glorious

And as the crowd of spectators slowly realizes what is happening, it will turn into a lawless mob. Not a particularly angry or violent mob, just people who have suddenly realized that they can get away with taking shit from stores. This will go on for a few weeks until all of the big box stores have been broken up into smaller specializations, depending on who got what. Their gutted and empty hulks will be too expensive to heat and cool, but they can be converted into barns, warehouses, and public gathering places. The oil economy will collapse as US troops abandon the Middle East, so local economies will shift their focus to local agriculture. Most people will keep their own organic gardens and some crops will be labored over collectively.

How does it sound so far, Gary?

The chaos will turn popular opinion against corporate government and organized religion, just as the Depression swept away laissez-faire. The military will be slashed 75% and universal healthcare, work, housing and education programs are rolled out. The two major parties will collapse and be replaced by the Liberal Democrats vs. the Green/Rainbow-PUSH/Social Justice Coalition. Inbred rednecks are discovered to only know how to use guns when hunting and are humiliated in a badly botched counter-revolution. All of the models on TV and on billboards are suddenly people of color. Or gay. Or both.

Gary? Gary??


I believe it was Gary who assured us that the Republicans would hold Congress in 2006.

Gary long ago promised me a Cheney-Bolton 2008 ticket.

He’s always breaking my heart.


Jesus, I’ve accepted that the left is an extinct species in this country (1910-1938), why can’t you, you racist, sexist, homophobic, pathetic man-boy beast-child wannabe.

Well… My father-in-law would quibble over the exact dates, but 1956 (Hungarian Revolution) or 1968 (the Prague Spring) would also do pretty well for end dates there… Admittedly, he himself hung on somewhat longer, but still…


When Alexander assumed power in Persia (Bitter envy much W ?) sweeping his way towards Afghanistan he opened up treasuries or hoard houses of bullion , gems , and currency that if memory serves promoted an economic boom that outlived Alexander . Take that Clinton !


Louise Erdich The Plague of Doves , When me check comes in Nixonland . If I remember the play , it had a bad ending .
Shudders ! They’re not just for weather !


“I’ll have to finish the whole thing before I write up a review”. Elitist prick!


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