Drinking Sadlyly Roars Closer

The following just in from Doodle Bean, via messenger puma:
East Coast Drinking Sadlyly-thon-festapalooza!
Where: People’s Republik, 876 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA, 02139, (617) 492-8632
When: Sunday, April 27, 2008, 5 pm to whenever
Who: Everybody who wants to meet up with S,N!. Everybody who wants to defile the Sabbath. Everybody.
Passphrases: “The fact is, the fact is,” OR “Shalom, gentlemen,” OR “The fact is, the Heartland…” OR “I like pie!” OR “I like that feller who writes them long, meandering, pointless comments the best!”
We’ll be in the usual DL spot, just to the left of the door when you come in.
Lost? Call (617) 492-8632 and let the paid professionals guide you to their door.
Lonely? Come Drink Sadlyly with us!
And actually, in keeping with the Russian theme, why not warm things up with a YOUTUBE WAR!1!!!one!
Above: Die, TRex, die die Balloon Juice (muaha die snort)…
I should probably get a non-Yankees hat to wear, shouldn’t I. Or a haircut.
On the other hand, last time I was in Cambridge it wasn’t an issue.
I wear a Yankees jersey around sometimes. Had a few people honk and yell but have yet to get jumped.
Haircut, I hear you there. Right now I look like Sonic the Hedgehog on a bad hair day.
I’ll be there. You can recognize me as the devastatingly handsome one that all the women are swooning over.
That video was either the greatest thing I have ever seen in my life, or the entirety of the Russian nation is insane. Note that this is an inclusive or – the one in no way precludes the other.
That video, in a word, totally fucking rocked.
The fact is, the Heartland is upset at being passed over for the drinking Sadlylythons.
OTB – I’ve offered to host a Sadly drinkathon here in Little Rock, but sadly, I’m the only one who would show up….
The Third Coasters were thinking of doing one in Madison or Chicago. Bonus points if they can get Ann Althouse (who lives in Madison) to show up.
When will there be a Heartland drinky thingy? Oh right, drinking doesn’t play in teh Heartland. 🙁
This is SO like you LIE-bruls! Here, the billion-man Iranian Army is impatiently waiting just offshore, ready to eat all of our rice, and the whole lot of you have surrendered to the demon cocktail, to the devil’s single-malt, to Satan’s flaming shot! You call yourselves Americans of the USA of America?? The Iranian navel general is just gonna wait until the whole bunch of you are falling-down tipsy and then he’ll give the go-ahead to the debarking of his troop ships. When you see the kevlar turbaned Iranian Special Forces heading your way to enforce Sharia law, you’ll probably just order another round. Those of us in the heartland will whip out our fully-erect M1 Battle Rifles™ to defend our beloved nation from these blood-crazed killers. Their first stop? Cambridge (fill-in-the-blank LIE-brul state name), land of incapacitated Communist hippies, a dream come true for the Arabian battle group set on making you all Muslins.
I went to DL last night to see if some of them could come, but sadly, it was one of those weeks where only two people showed up (besides me and DB). The weather was nice, so I guess everyone was hanging outside somewhere else. Shai (DL organizer) said he’ll try to make it on Sunday.
what the hell is that and where did it come from? I’m feeling like there is a rip in the fabric of the universe.
Since we exhausted almost all the bad videos from the 70s/80s in the last video war, I propose we do bad cover videos this time.
This one’s for the guys in the Heartland:
This one’s for the guys in the Heartland:
Those so-called “cowboys” are man-lovin’ types that don’t have songfests ’round the campfire. Real cowboys have their horses, their sheep, they don’t need sexual perversion in the heartland of the USA of America.
Sweet Home Alabama kind of ranks right up there with Smoke On The Water and Proud Mary as a song that makes bar band musicians want to slit their wrists, but that was the most amazingly ultracool video ever. Wow.
Legalize, I think we were too spread out to do a heartland SN drinkathon. We should have it on the Empire Builder. The Mpls folks can take the train to Chicago, make the return trip with all the Chicago folks, and then the Chicago folks can take the train back home.
Thanks for posting this, Gavin.
We should all hail the power of Gavin’s “Lovely and Intellectually Superior” Fianceé!
See you there on Sunday!
..I… I kinda liked that vid…. It’s stupid and random enough to be good. I never would have thought “Full Mens Chorus” and “Leonard Skynard” would go together, but ya know what? Frack me, they do.
Mmm., Orange roughies! You guys better not drink those, though, or there will be blood.
When are we going to have the Southern California Sadly Reunion?
except, people all over the place at PR are always saying ‘I like pie’ … how to tell which ones are the Elect?
I’m sadly, drinking right now.
Just preface it with, “The fact is,… ” and you’ll be recognized.
Also, just so everybody knows, my minion assures me that Ace has been invited!
Fun times are ahead!
Hmmm, should I see if my “sister” in Boston has a bed for me Sunday nite? I don’t have anything mandatory on Monday, so I’m in no rush, but Fung Wah does stop running at some point.
Oh man, the Roughy! I’d almost forgotten those wonderfully delightful days…
Diffbrad, I see no possible way for the answer to your question to be no.
I hope my wife let’s me come.
Wait a minute. That didn’t sound right….
I’m going to be a bit of a party pooper here I’m afraid. These constant posts (“constant” being defined as once a day) about your damn party remind me too much of when I worked in an office environment years ago, before I had the good sense to start my own business. Someone decides to have a party, and then it’s constant email updates, fliers posted in the break room, and if you’re really unlucky, in-your-face recruiting for the next several weeks. By the time the actual party rolls around, I’m so fucking sick of hearing about it that I actually start hoping for a catastrophic fire.
Not that I’m wishing that on you, you understand. I’m just bitter that I can’t attend. Yeah, that’s it.
Its nice to see Phil Collins back behind a trap set.
Go PHIL!!!
The songs, all somewhat influenced by polka and progressive rock, and performed in English, have themes such as ‘vodka’, ‘tractors’, ‘rockets’, and ‘Genghis Khan’
It’s the Soviet version of country music.
The fact is, if you are worried about food becoming more expensive, there is a cure:
That is not an insult, it is an encouragement, the kind that keeps our country great. If you do not think we have the greatest country in the world, I encourage you to either shut up or swim to Cuba.
They’re actually from Finland, did an amazing cover of “You’re the One That I Want” from Grease once upon a time when they were known as the Sleepy Sleepers, were featured in a great movie by Aki Kaurismaki, and also made this gem: http://youtube.com/watch?v=SFwMjHegqZM
So don’t mess, but do drink up. They also did an amazing “Pretty Fly for a White Guy”.
And after a few more bottles, this one will make perfect sense: http://youtube.com/watch?v=ItCyPqosOdk&feature=related
Me, they must miss the fuck out of you at that office you used to work in.
Rightwingsnarkle, you could always try and persuade your wife to come along. And I don’t say that just because I’m working on my own Spousal Unit, either.
I would be there, but I am saddled with another engagement for that time which I can’t con my way out of.
If they make tropical drinks you can ask for a Frothing Wingnut.
Pity I’m not in Boston (Vegas sucks, and my fiancee grew up there (well Swampscott, but whatever her mom wanted to think it was basically an exurb with pretentions); less pity I’ve got better drugs than booze. But nonetheless, godspeed. And also:
“I like that feller who writes them long, meandering, pointless comments the best!”
I resemble that remark!
Is that a Cheeto on your Orange Roughy glass?
I’d try improving it by rubbing the rim of the glass with Coke and then dusting (?) the glass with Cheeto dust to give it an extra fattening flavor. Cheeto dust should also be sprikled liberally on top of the drink.
Instant wingnut favorite!
I want a bass balalaika.
I gave up understandng what is going on as a rigorous Zen discipline in my continuing adventure . I miss occasionally rooting for the under dog truffle .
Lets see the commies Bowlderise this admitedly edited paean of forthsquareidnetz
Men are so honest, so thoroughly square;
Eternally noble, historic’ly fair;
Who, when you win, will always give your back a pat.
Men are so pleasant, so easy to please;
Whenever you are with them, you’re always at ease.
One man in a million may shout a bit.
Now and then there’s one with slight defects;
One, perhaps, whose truthfulness you doubt a bit.
But by and large we are a marvelous sex!
a different brad,
” try and persuade your wife to come along.
Well, she’s really not much of a drinker, and even less of a political/cultural snarkette, and even less of an enthusiast when it comes to socializing with complete strangers.
I’m hoping that she and I can work something out.
Me, they must miss the fuck out of you at that office you used to work in.
Yeah, they’re really bad shots.
Me, they must miss the fuck out of you at that office you used to work in.
They had his going away party the day after he left so as to spare him the agony.
They had his going away party the day after he left so as to spare him the agony.
LOL! How nice of them to spare him/her/it the knowledge of their nefarious plans for world domination wanton socializing!
D’oh! The strikeout was showing in Preview! That shoulda been:
How nice of them to spare him/her/it the knowledge of their nefarious plans for [strikeout]
world domination[end strikeout] wanton socializing!Oh Noes!! Now Me is going to get all upset over my constant comments about strikeouts!
It’s Cambridge, man! She can do all sorts of fun stuff while you politicize/snark away!
What is she interested in?
The fact is, that bar looks like it would appeal to the liberal communist set, who admire an ideology that has killed 100 million people. And you call us in the Heartland warmakers? No, we are going to fight them and not surrender without a shot they way you do. Here, we actually care about our families and our communities, we don’t burn them down the way radical blacks do when we don’t get enough welfare, when a black candidate loses, or when a black criminal is punished.
That’s right, Fake GArY. There might be girls there too. Gross, right?
ME and the SO are thinking of coming. Anybody know of anything interesting happening during the day so I can make a day trip of it?
Actually I can relate to Me’s dread of work parties. I worked for a medium sized architectural office for 14 months before I realized it was completely infested with dittoheads and homophobes, and promotions were based on the old boy network from hell . My last day party coincided with a monthly outdoor barbeque. While everyone else was out chowing down on weiners and burgers, I slipped back into the building, cleaned out the rest of my stuff, and slipped out the front door. That was such a satisfying day.
Depends on what you find interesting:
“It’s Cambridge, man! She can do all sorts of fun stuff…”
Ahh, yes. I can see that you are new to the ways of married old farts, young beanhopper.
We frequent Boston, Cambridge, and environs regularly, as we live but a short distance away, by either train or automobile. The wife was born in Dorchester (Uphams Corner), and we lived in Jamaica Plain when we were first married, back when Ronald Reagan was a new president and all of America was hopeful.
Well, some were looking forward to things at the time. Me, I had a bad feeling about the whole situation, but that’s another story for another time.
We even attended Brad’s widely-publicized stage debut last winter.
The point is not so much in doing fun stuff as it is in doing any kind of stuff, even miserable stuff, together.
We’ll figure something out, though, even if I have to ditch her at the Arsenal Mall.
Don’t laugh. It’s been done before.
Don’t laugh. It’s been done before.
What, pray tell, were the consequences of said ditching?
And thanks for calling me young. It’s a nice delusion to have from time to time!
But you’re right about unfamiliar with the ways of marrieds bit…
Depends on what you find interesting:
all of the above.
gbear, I’d totally be down for an Empire Builder Sadlython. It’s a hell of a cover charge, though, and the Eastbound/Westbound trains pass each other somewhere in WI, so there’s a whole day of Chicagoing in the middle. Which isn’t all bad…
Might see Travesties by Tom Stoppard.
stogoe, The more I though about it the more fun it sounded. I’ve been wanting to take that trip for a long time anyway.
We’d have to plan it WAY ahead of time because Amtrak fares get more expensive as the date gets nearer. If you book a couple months in advance, it’s not bad (although still really pricey for a greet and meet). The Empire Builder goes thru Milwaukee too. Closest place that IA folks could catch it is LaCrosse WI. Heck, there’s even a dozen stops in Montana if Rugged wanted to crawl out of his bunker and head east. He could ride on the roof and watch out for pelicans.
I’d go but I swore I’d never go in that shithole again. Next time pick a place that doesn’t smell like dirty mop water. The greater Boston area is full of great bars, this ain’t one of them.
I dunno… he might start to sing and dance if he gets up on the roof.
I worked for a medium sized architectural office for 14 months before I realized it was completely infested with dittoheads and homophobes
Actually, I figured it out in about 14 hours, but it took 14 months to quit. The guy who listened to Rush all day spelled the word ‘factory’ like this: facture. I spent about 15 minutes trying to figure out what a ‘facture finish’ looked like before I got it.
B.Buddha, I think the Sadlython should be on that train.
I took the Empire Builder out to Glacier Nat’l Park a few years ago, and I had a blast. Cheaper and safter and faster than driving out myself. The only problem I had was sleeping upright (and they’ve got rid of the power outlets in the cars, so laptop movies were right out).
No matter how jealous I am about missing the shindig, I am simply in awe at that video.
It is like the nuke of stupid/weird/crazy videos.
Sure you could take the Empire Builder, which goes through the most boring deserted, desolate parts of this great land. That works and all.
Or, you could take the California Zepher, which goes through some of the most scenic, awe-inspring parts of America. Considerably more populated parts as well.
Your choice. Just keep in mind that the CZ stops in Candy’s home town and I wouldn’t have to drive 2 or 3 days to get to the EB line.
Just sayin’…
Wow, M, you must be one of them their elitists the liberal media is always talkin’ ’bout!
What happened at the PR to make you so petulant? They didn’t have the correct vintage of wine or sumthin’ last time you were there?
Yeah, of all the places I would consider shitholes, the People’s Republik wouldn’t make the list. It’s not upscale, but it’s a perfectly good place.
Speaking of shitholes though, does anyone else really miss the Cambridgeport Saloon?
I don’t miss the Cambridgeport Saloon, having never been there, but I do miss that old blues dive in Inman Square with the number for a name.
Was it the 1369 (like that new place in Central Sq)? Can’t remember. It was such a dump and had such great bands.
IIRC, the hole in the ceiling gave the accoustics an extra oomph!
Oh, and I vote for Blue Buddha to organize a train party like that one in his link. Whooo-eeeeee!
Hmmm. Just for general NYCer awareness, Fung Wah has added a 2 am slot, on Mondays and Tuesdays, meaning it’s an option.
And now, the mandatory gripe about the T fucking shutting down.
The fact is, 1369 is the coffee house. Maybe you’re thinking Ryles’ or thereabouts?
I might as well make the schlep from Somerville.
Yeah, 1369 is a coffee house… and there is another 1369 near PR in Central. Ryles is a jazz/blues bar, but it’s nowhere near being a dive, as it’s owned by S&S. Maybe Ryles is where it used to be.
Now how to organize the coast to coast Bollywood train ride for the next Sadly event… =/
You are thinking of the place that was a few doors down I think, next to the Druid bar. I forget the name though.
Damn. My “sister” is out of town till monday, guess that fung wah option is a good thing.
Two doors down from the Druid was Zeitgeist, which is now called the Lillypad. It’s basically just a small performance space with a bunch of folding chairs.
The fact is, Trains kick ass.
I’ve ridden the Zephyr, the Coast Starlight, the Fun Train (debauchery and nameless, faceless drunken sex with strangers – YAY!) and the Skunk Train, among others. Great way to go.
One of the things that has been lost in modern air-centric travel is living for days in a generally intoxicated state in close proximity to many strangers of all sexes and genders with limited opportunities for hygiene and the like. You can go through every stage of a relationship with three women, two men and a teenage girl in three days.
I don’t know about the rest of you, but I still don’t trust wordpress.
I’m still doing the [ctrl] – A, [ctrl] – C thing.
It’s gonna have to do better than this to convince me it’s not just fuckin around.
Speaking of which, may I just say this about German porn?
The Germans do NOT fuck around when they fuck around…
One of the trips of a lifetime I want to take is the Trans-Siberian railroad. It takes about a week and a half to go from Moscow to Vladivostok.
living for days in a generally intoxicated state in close proximity to many strangers of all sexes and genders with limited opportunities for hygiene and the like.
Fortunately we still have student flats.
you have surrendered to … the devil’s single-malt
Ai Ardbeg! Ai ai Ardbeg!