I just complained to ABC

And you can too:

Main ABC switchboard: 212-456-7777

Please be polite. Let the people at the ABC switchboard know that you are not upset at them. Ask them politely if they would convey to someone in charge how deeply displeased you were with the questions in tonight’s debate. Let them know that you are distressed that it took the “reporters” moderating the debate a full 45 minutes to ask one single question about substance.

Seriously, folks, I’ve just about had it with our pathetic, petty “press corps.” The people who ran this debate deserve to be shamed and humiliated. Please help out.

(Thanks to Atrios for the number.)

UPDATE: A little bird has informed me that when you call, you should ask for News, and then press 2 then 199. Then you can leave a message for “Other News.” Also, this is the personal e-mail complaint form. I’ve lodged a complaint here as well, and I urge you to do the same.

UPDATE II: And yes, Jeralyn’s sorta right here:

The biggest joke of the night is to watch Keith Olbermann of NBC say this debate was some travesty, which it was, as if NBC did not run the most offensive, most ridiculous, most unfair debates ever held. There is no doubt that the ABC debate tonight was horrendous and extremely unfair to Obama. There is no doubt that NBC’s debates were all worse.

The reason I say “sorta” is I’m not sure that you can say how NBC’s debates were definitively worse than ABC’s tonight – to me, it’s like a battle of Manos the Hands of Fate v.s. Red Zone Cuba.

But she’s right that Keith has zero right to complain when his network moderated, at the very least, a similarly terrible debate.


Comments: 119


Your call to “ABC” will be received by some poor guy in India who makes a couple of bucks a day. These people will not reform themselves. Turn off your televisions!


Fuck yeah!


Reed, my lips. Know gnu taxes!


Will we be able to leave a message condemning Bill Ayers? This is apparently very important.


But I like my television. It has HBO.


Well, that was two hours I could have used more productively.

By sticking pins in my eyes.


For the non US based Sadly Noes, what was up with the debate?


lobbey – it sucked. For 45 minutes they only asked about personal attacks, bittergate, etc.

They asked the first policy question after 45 minutes. I wanted to barf.


lobbey, I haven’t even seen the thing yet, it’s on at 8 on the west coast. But here’s a live blogging:

IWill Bunch living blogging:


At best, you’ll get: “Some people think the debate moderators didn’t ask the right questions. Some think it was good. Tell us what you think on our unscientific poll and while you’re at it, pick the winner of .”

The biggest problem is television. Stop watching it. It’s the American addiction.


Why didn’t they ask about orange juice or Crown Royale? it’s what America is interested in!


Do it. It can’t hurt.

But this is the same “press” who still haven’t reported that the President of the United States of America admitted to war crimes on camera.

I’m not sure what results you’re expecting, and god DAMN it I hate the cynicism, but until there’s some sort of financial incentive (yep, that’s the word) for the press to do their job, they’ll just keep doing the status quo.

I still think that, to the extent that an Obama presidency is a loss for them, they’ll lose this year, but the larger narrative isn’t going to change.

Sweetpepper JEZUS, I hope I’m wrong.

Hell, I’ll make a call…



Yep, make the call. If you and the Atriots and the Big Orange Satan folk do it, it might actually make a difference.

People are pissed about this nonsense. Really pissed.


The biggest problem is television. Stop watching it. It’s the American addiction.

No, it’s really not. Stop watching shit, start watching good television. And again, no, it really is not our primary addiction.


Done. Fucking wankers (them, not you/us).


You just keep telling yourself that


arrrhh fuck WordPress

For 45 minutes they only asked about personal attacks, bittergate, etc.

They should have refused to answer such questions, although perhaps those topics helps Hils. The networks wouldn’t have liked 45 mins of static.


Show evidence it’s really our biggest addiction.

I think oil, money, xenophobia, actual drugs, racism, sexism, bigotry, classism, and a whole bunch of other bullshit are far bigger problems and far larger addictions than anything a stupid debate has to offer.


And again, no, it really is not our primary addiction.

Well, it ain’t mine, but I long ago got comfortable with the fact that I LIKE drugs.

TV? Compared to good Qaaludes? Compared to fifteen hundred mics of righteous acid? Compared to half a quarter gram of real china white? Compared to three hits of german X and a hot babe who wants to play? Compared to a quarter ounce of Sausalito ‘shrooms and a poker game? ‘Specially if said poker game has some serious green brownies?

Nah. TV is so three dimensional. Y’know?



Do you also have a number where I can call the Red Sox and demand that they bench Julio Lugo in favor of Jed Lowrie?


Turn off your TV for 1 month. I know – you can quit anytime, but you choose not to, right? If you do turn it off. See how crazy the rest of the people around you seem in no time at all. It will be like sitting at a party sober amongst a bunch of drunks.


I would be much happier if Americans spent their time taking righteous acid than watching TV.


I don’t really watch the shit. My spouse watches it; I sometimes watch The Daily Show with him, but for the most part, I don’t watch it. I listen to NPR, which sometimes enrages me anyway, but CNN, FOX, even the networks? No, I don’t watch it. I don’t even really know how to change channels.



And that smug satisfaction sounds like a problem. Maybe it’s *your* addiction, you teetotaling blowhard.


Lashing out is natural for addicts. It’s part of the process of recovery.


And furthermore, sober at a party? Who the fuck wants to do that?


Yes, Patkin, who indeed? Usually only those in recovery.


Somerby always says this kind of media behavior is how we ended up in Iraq.

They’ll do what they can get away with.



Number one, fuck you WordPress.

Number two. Let me put this to you, steve. You sound like an asshole. In fact, you sound like the smug, superior twat that goes to the A.A. meetings and just has to spread the Good News about how they’re free and clean. How *they* don’t need the drink anymore, and so *you* need to join them on their fun little journey to getting fucked in the head on a whole new thing.

People hate that man. Sober people hate that man. Drunk people hate that man.

Mind your own fucking business, stop watching garbage like a debate on fucking ABC, and leave me the fuck alone with your addiction bullshit.


Pfff. I long since kicked TV for my internet and WoW addiction. Now I barely ever watch it, except from BSG and Doctor Who.

Silly, Brad! Don’t you know that millions upon millions fo Americans worry about Obama’s New Deal policy for bowling scores, or Clinton’s initiative for college co-ed shoot tax breaks?


steve, what the fuck is your point here? You just want to grind one guy into the ground? You got to make sure he knows you’re better than him?

Really, what the fuck is your point?


Maybe it’s *your* addiction, you teetotaling blowhard.

Maybe, but I think pie’s gotta be right up there.



How anyone can say that the NBC debates were worse simply boggles the mind.

Perhaps it’s only because the stench is fresher in the memory, but Jeebus Cripes!

There hasn’t been a political event that inane and biased since the fall of the Soviet Union.


I’ve got the solution to the WordPress black hole.

First, kill all the lawyers.

Then, make sure you copy your comment before posting.

Third, go into your Tools options and disable then re-enable cookies and Javascript.

That should feed the beast for at least one comment.

I seem to have to do it every time.

Smiling Mortician

g, I think steve has the same problem he had a couple of threads down. Fancies himself a contrarian who somehow proves how right he is by behaving like a boor. It makes him all one-against-the-world, which he seems to like. FWIW, I haven’t had broadcast or cable TV in my house for nearly two decades. I occasionally watch it in hotels and watch snippets on the web, and I check out series on DVD if they sound interesting, and I still think Patkin’s right. TV isn’t the problem. Stupid, craven greedheads are the problem. Don’t blame the tool, especially since some people use it really well. If you have TV, I’d say don’t watch shit; watch the good stuff.


From MyDD, a militantly pro-Hillary blog:

I feel like taking a shower after that debate. It was tabloid hour on ABC, and certainly Obama did get the bulk of the more disgusting questions.

The verdict is well-nigh universal. Though it’ll be amusing to see what the wingnutosphere has to say. No doubt something like “At last! Somebody finally asked Obama the tough questions!”.

But who cares what they think?


Um, that’s not the way you wear Depends, Torgo.



Lotsa shit is bad for you.

War is bad for you.

TV is bad for you.

Incoming rounds are bad for you.

Heroin is bad for you.

Alcohol is bad for you.

Fried food is bad for you.

Candy and soft drinx, bad for you.

Politics, at least the mutant child we have today is bad for you.

Sex is bad for you.

Not having sex is bad for you.

Thinking, drinking and finking? Bad for you.

At the end of the day, pick your own poison. Accept the costs of your addictions. Enjoy your pleasures regardless of their inherent risks.

Draw a deep breath, look around you and ask, what are the fundamental changes I simply can’t accept.

Now. Reach out to that which gives you pleasure and hit the barricades.

A sea change moment is upon us. We’re way to close to the forest to talk to the trees.

But that weird feeling is the ground shifting beneath your feet.

It’s on….



steve evfuture at 3:46
Patkin at 3:53
steve evfuture at 4:04
Patkin at 4:09
steve evfuture at 4:10
Patkin at 4:15
steve evfuture at 4:18
steve evfuture at 4:20
Patkin at 4:21
steve evfuture at 4:22
Patkin at 4:23
steve evfuture at 4:23
Patkin at 4:28

…And you’re arguing whether television is an addiction?


Some years ago, Herr Smut, I knew a woman who sold cocaine for a living. She was extremely strung out, doing freebase, five foot seven and ninety five pounds, brittle blonde hair and sunken dark eyes. She was a good friend of a woman I was dating, and I spent a lot of time in her house.

She honestly, and without any irony, called sugar the “white death”.

People don’t see what’s too close to make out the form.



“But this is the same “press” who still haven’t reported that the President of the United States of America admitted to war crimes on camera.”

The fact is, this is lie and slander and sedition. PROVE IT, liberals scum.



If that which does not kill us makes us stronger, that which does not make us stronger kills us.


Gary Ruppert–

It’s published material so it’s actually libel, you dumbass.

And there is no such thing as sedition in a country with freedom of speech.

Advocating the peaceful overthrow of the executive government by judicial means is the right of every American.

And if it’s a lie, PROVE IT. Fascist scum.


PROVE IT, liberals scum.

Prove the president admitted to war crimes on camera?

Oh. Um, well, I guess you could WATCH THE FUCKING VIDEO.

If you wanted to.

If not? Who cares?



But she’s right that Keith has zero right to complain when his network moderated, at the very least, a similarly terrible debate.

Olbermann owns NBC?


Olbermann owns NBC?

Goddamn right. Watch Olbermann the next few days. He’ll have plenty to say about this. He lives for attacking the competition.

Fuck ABC. They’re gonna get a load of bad press out of this.


Further comment to the landlords: WordPress is gonna be the death of you. Please heed the warnings of your commenters. Yeah, the posts are really good, but the comments are why I keep coming back.

Again: you ignore these warnings at your peril. Fix the problem.



I reprint this comment as a public service.

I’ve got the solution to the WordPress black hole.

First thing, let’s kill all the lawyers.

Then, make sure you copy your comment before posting.

Third, go into your Tools options and disable then re-enable cookies and Javascript.

That should feed the beast for at least one comment.

I seem to have to do it every time.


That which does not kill me, usually gives me a heinous headache afterwards.


That which does not kill you immediately, is quite honestly just toying with you and will contribute to your later death anyway.


Why should we even bother to point it out? You’ll just deny it anyway, you miserable authoritarian bootlick. (Not like it matters if we tell you anyhow – you’re a known troll here and other places.)

Your addiction is that you’re a miserable, smug, self-righteous jacktard. Don’t point out the mote in the other man’s eye when you ignore the plank in yours.

If you miss MST3K, you could either go the crazy fandom route (reading MST-style dissections of things found online), or you could just get RiffTrax (movie commentaries done by some of the minds behind MST3K).

Finally, my point on the actual post: Did you expect otherwise? This whole campaign, like the last several, will be about everything but the issues. Issues are for them dumb smart people. Real people care about petty backstabbing.


Jesus fucking Christ. They actually had James-fucking-Lileks provide help provide the commentary on one of those RiffTrax things?!?! Mike Nelson’s officially dead to me.


That which does not kill me, prefers to lash me down to the bed with silk ties and drip hot candle-wax on my nipples.


Sadly, James Lileks used to be pretty funny (and arguably might still be, as long as you keep him talking about ’70s decor or ’50s cookbooks).


But who cares what they think?

That Armed Liberal dork who seems to think mean ol’ Roy Edroso’s given the election to John McCain because he made fun of Glenn Reynolds and Ann Althouse? That Bull Moose guy, if he’s still around? All those yowling FDL ninnies who totally didn’t get TBogg’s Sinatra/Obama mash-up? I’m often amazed at how many people seem to be terribly worried about what a bunch of myopic, knuckle-dragging assholes think.

And I still don’t understand the whole “Lileks was funny when he made fun of old shit” stuff. Mocking American kitsch is like shooting fish in a shoebox, for Christ’s sake. There’s not an era where we weren’t tacky as hell.


… it’s like a battle of Manos the Hands of Fate v.s. Red Zone Cuba.


That bad, huh?

Who would you rather listen to: John Carradine singing “Night Train to Mundo Fine” or Chris Matthews saying … anything?

(That’s a trick question. Chris Matthews would have to say something for it to be valid.)


Where is the link of Bush admitting to condoning torture. Me wanna see?


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

WordPress can suck a dick.


I hope that you can see the irony in your own, self-righteous, faux religious comment about me, but I’m guessing that you could read it 10 times and not figure it out.



You remind me of that time I was moving.

and in pain.

and on drugs.

and stressed out.

You’re being an asshole and everyone thinks so. STFU, apologize, or blow the fuck away.


If Gore had run again, one of the pillars of his campaign would have been calling twatfinks like Gibson and Snuffle for what they are in their rich bastard faces.

Because, after 2000, his supporters would demand it, and his campaign would require it.

Ah well.


Apologize for what exactly? Saying that Americans are addicted to TV? Or did I say that someone was “bitter”?


I think I already said you were being an asshole. Do you need me to define asshole?


I feel like taking a shower after that debate. It was tabloid hour on ABC, and certainly Obama did get the bulk of the more disgusting questions.

The verdict is well-nigh universal. Though it’ll be amusing to see what the wingnutosphere has to say. No doubt something like “At last! Somebody finally asked Obama the tough questions!”.

You don’t have to go to wingnutia for that, just check the talkleft comments. They are so besides themselves that Obama caught most of the retarded questions that they don’t notice the 50 IQ points that were permanently destroyed simply by being in the same room as a TV that aired the debate.


Jeez, Hillary Clinton voted to kill hundreds of thousands of people and she never apologized, but I guess I will: I’m sorry to Patkin, as I was not aware that I was upsetting him (or her) that much. Yes, I’m a bit of an asshole, but it’s my nature. I spent my 20’s trying to change that, my 30’s coming to terms with it and no longer particularly care in my 40’s.


Are steve evfuture and steve EVfuture the same person?

Just wondering…I never miscapitalize MY clever pseudomoniker…


As far as I know, we’re the same person. I was at work then at home, so it’s two different computers. I’m not all that picking about my pseudomoniker, really.


steve evEVfuture–

Good to know you’re not picking.

Picking at pseudomonikers leaves scars. Trust me–I’m a doctor.


steve, could you please find a few extra errands to run on your commute home? thanks.




steve, quit being a dick or stop coming here.

Or go watch some goddamn TV and chill out.


I think I figured wordpress out.

You make a post, copy it, and then clict “submit”. Of course it will fuck up with wordpress. Go back, and paste it, and then resubmit. Seems to always work for me.

Must include the obligatory “Fuck you, wordpress!” which guarantees it will post.



I reprint this comment as a public service.

I’ve got the solution to the WordPress black hole.

First thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.

Then, make sure you copy your comment before posting.

Third, go into your Tools options and disable then re-enable cookies and Javascript.

That should feed the beast for at least one comment.

I seem to have to do it every time.


I think they should dispense with the candidates speaking in debates, and allow the moderators to answer their own questions.


And I still don’t understand the whole “Lileks was funny when he made fun of old shit” stuff.

What’s to understand? Basically, he was actually entertaining when he didn’t talk politics, then his brain snapped on September 11th.


Just because television is a problem in America, or because it’s your own personal bugbear, does not make it “the biggest problem” nor “the American addiction”. We have others.

Many much bigger than a bad debate on ABC.

Many of greater seriousness, and of greater peril to the ideal America we could go towards.

Quite frankly, the reason you’re an asshole is because you don’t have a sense of perspective. If we don’t turn off our televisions in disgust, and in fact just change the channel and watch good stuff, then we’re addicts, because that’s not good enough for you.

All or nothing is a fool’s game and I hope you can understand that instead of acting like television is the root of all that’s evil and rotten in this nation.

Other countries have TV, and they’re not fucked up like us.


I don’t understand why people find Dane Cook or Carlos Mencia funny, either. Maybe there’s something wrong with me, but from the stuff I’ve read, ol’ Fivehead’s been teedjus and unneccessary from the get-go. And you know, 20 years from now, some self-described cultural critic with a weekly column in the South Boise Picayune will be writing pithy essays about the lame-os in the early 21st century and their silly little iPods and cell phones and lack of skin lesions.

Different strokes for different folks, I suppose, but it saddens me to think American written humor has gone from Robert Benchley and Dorothy Parker to Midwestern nerds making fun of old matchbooks.


All or nothing is a fool’s game

Shh! Don’t tell the libertarians.

Obligatory fuck you wordpress, which, BTW, really CAN suck a dick.


comsympinko: That’s the third time you’ve posted that, and as g pointed out, there seems to be a less complex solution that doesn’t involve Tools menus or homicide. Select your entire message and copy it. Then submit it and allow WordPress to berate you. Go back one page, paste in your copied message and submit. It works every time for me. Like this time. (Note: It does NOT work if you change your pasted message before submitting the second time.)


Well, speaking as a communist, those libtard guys can go fuck themselves.


The reason I say “sorta” is I’m not sure that you can say how NBC’s debates were definitively worse than ABC’s tonight – to me, it’s like a battle of Manos the Hands of Fate v.s. Red Zone Cuba.

I was thinking “Battlefield Earth” vs. “Highlander II”. But it was truly disgusting. I turned it off after 30 minutes or so, I couldn’t stand it any more.

Did we they actually ask anything of substance at all?


Yes! Yes, we can! And beautifully, too!

Yes, I’m a shameless plagiarist.

Tim (The Other One)

Red Zone Cuba, no contest.




I really like sucking little boy dicks. Really.

Tim (The Other One)

you know, wordpress is kind of saving my ass in a weird way.


Battlefield Earth is the best comedy John Travolta ever made.
Don’t let anyone ever tell you different.


1) Read (latest) comments
2) Compose new comment. Copy to wordpad.
3) Hit submit. Get snotty message from WordPress. Curse WordPress.
4) Hit back button.
5) Hit ‘refresh’.
6) Paste saved comment, hit submit again.

If WordPress could suck a (big bag of) dick, it might be less cranky and antisocial. Just sayin.

Andrew A. Gill, SLS

Sorry, but from what I’m hearing, this debate was Attack of the the Eye Creatures bad.

I’m waiting to Look at the Youblaarggag!


Dan Someone–

I’m terribly sorry I wanted to help.

I’m glad the copy and repaste formula works for you.

For whatever reason, it doesn’t for me.

It was the first thing I tried hours ago, and it didn’t work.

I just tried it again, and it still doesn’t work from where I’m sitting.

Perhaps it’s because I’m on Firefox, I don’t know.

More to the point, why would you even fucking care?

Tim (The Other One)

Well, as I was saying (or pasteing ), if you ever hear Dane Cook’s bit about having a fight with your girlfriend, you’ll feel like a dick the next time you have one. Dane Cook has some funny obvservations IMHO.

The Mind of Mencia on the other hand ? Check please….

Doctorb Science

While it’s easy to make fun of kitsch, I really think that Lileks does that very, very well. I remember reading his Regrettable Food stuff prior to 2001, and it was one of those things that made me laugh so much that it was like doing situps.


I was transferred by a bitchy switchboard operator to Disney Australia Luggage Handling.

No, really. The guy was very polite, and very unable to log my complaint.

I wrote something on their web site, which will promptly get ignored. I doubt they even insert the comments into a database – probably just concatenate them all into a text file, print it out on Friday afternoons, and cook cocktail weenies over a complaint fire after the Weakly News wrapup with Charlie “Aw, Shucks” Gibson.


“My father was a brilliant man!!”

Tim (The Other One)

“I don’t even care. I don’t even know what jam is”


I don’t have a TeeVee.

The topic of this post is a major part of the reason for that. I can go to a sleazy sports-bar if I want my intellect abused – & THEY have beer. How anyone can be shocked at Network Debates being shallow eludes me; the JFK/Nixon Debates were little better – Nixon ( the front-runner until the debates) actually WON in terms of the actual answers to the questions, but Kennedy understood the medium … smile a lot, have good hair & make-up, & speak in catchy sound-bites … so in real terms, Nixon got his ass handed to him.
Television makes you stupid & sickly … at least with a computer your pinkies get a workout, not to mention it’s a TWO-WAY medium … & the more you watch, the duller your brain will get. That’s irrespective of actual content, by the way – the thing puts you in an alpha state, & you get there almost instantly once you’ve watched it regularly for any length of time. One hemisphere is compromised by overstimulation, & the other is shut off. Just what corporations need in good little consumers’ skulls. Read “THE PERFECT MACHINE” by Joyce Nelson – it’ll scare the shit right down your pantleg.


Uh…Jeralyn didn’t say that. It’s pretty clearly identified in the text as from BTD (Big Tent Democrat – Armando), even though Jeralyn made the post.

I don’t know if it was a late edit to clarify authorship, but BTD has been ranting against Olbermann for quite some time now, so it’s not so unexpected coming from him.


I’m not blaming Keith Olbermann.

Olbermann is too left-wing for the rest of greater NBC news celebrities. That this puts him with the majority of Americans on many subjects carries no weight with the Beltway Inbreds.

I don’t know if he can say too much about Tweety and Pumpkinhead without suddenly disappearing from the air. And they’re not going to replace him with Rachel Maddow.

I’ve noticed it this entire election season and am concerned that any leftwing host on a major broadcast/cable/radio system would have the same issue with their own organizations. The real problem is that it’s taken this long to get a host left-wing enough on a major broadcast/cable/radio system to illustrate the issue that was easily anticipated.


This may be too late in the day for anyone to see, but Tom Shales (a self-professed two-time Reagan voter) had this to say (under the headline “In Pa. Debate, The Clear Loser is ABC”):

It was another step downward for network news — in particular ABC News, which hosted the debate from Philadelphia and whose usually dependable anchors, Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos, turned in shoddy, despicable performances

And this:

Gibson sat there peering down at the candidates over glasses perched on the end of his nose, looking prosecutorial and at times portraying himself as a spokesman for the working class.

And this:

The networks’ trick is covering an election with as little emphasis on issues as possible, then blaming everyone else for failing to focus on “the issues.”

And finally this:

At the end, Gibson pompously thanked the candidates — or was he really patting himself on the back? — for “what I think has been a fascinating debate.” He’s entitled to his opinion, but the most fascinating aspect was waiting to see how low he and Stephanopoulos would go, and then being appalled at the answer.

slippy hussein toad

I don’t have anything to say to ABC that I didn’t post on their website, which was this:

ABC continues to demonstrate the death-spiral of traditional media. I have a hint for you: just butt out of this election and go back to reporting about Britney Spears and Paris Hilton’s latest juvenile antics. That’s all any of you TV reporters & commentators are any good at anyway. You have shown a marked and shocking incompetence at talking about issues of concern to Americans, instead focusing with laserlike precision on the kinds of issues that we used to mock the National Enquirer for discussing. So runaway brides, fashion faux-pas, who’s diddling who, and how big their house is is what you can talk about. As for this election: shut your pieholes. You aren’t part of this conversation. YOU are the elitist snobs. You multi-millionaire news anchors and your cocktail parties. Talk about the job market, the value of the dollar, the trainwreck of our healthcare system, the price of gas. Or don’t talk at all.


“Every frame of this film looks like someone’s last known photograph.”

Manos… for the win!


Well, isn’t this interesting…

…neither candidate had the courage to ask the moderators to turn to those far more important issues. But some in the crowd did — booing Gibson as he exited.

This from the Minneapolis Post, quoting Greg Mitchell of Editor & Publisher.

I wonder if the idiots at ABC will get it.


More to the point, why would you even fucking care?

Because you posted the same exact thing three times. Er, sorry, I guess that should be “three fucking times.”


I think steve has the same problem he had a couple of threads down. Fancies himself a contrarian who somehow proves how right he is by behaving like a boor. It makes him all one-against-the-world, which he seems to like.

I was going to call him a self-righteous douchenozzle, but your words are so much more eloquent.

Duros Hussein 62

My first thought after it ended was “What the fuck was that?”
George Stephinfection? Former member of the Clinton White House staff?
Jake fucking Tapper for commentary?
It wasn’t as bad a train wreck as if it had been on Fox, but it was sure close.

Personally, I’d like to see a Democratic debate on HBO with Bill Maher. Then we could cut through the bullshit.


Dan Someone–

“Because you posted the same exact thing three times. Er, sorry, I guess that should be ‘three fucking times.’”

The horror. The horror.


Re Gibson: Can the working class really afford to pay their “spokesman” $40,000 per hour?

Duros Hussein 62

NutellaonToast said,
April 17, 2008 at 7:04



I like to call him George Stuffinenvelopes.

I miss Bruce.

What’s a wordpress?


My goodness, you kids are cranky today. Who’s ready for a sugar fix?


“The reason I say “sorta” is I’m not sure that you can say how NBC’s debates were definitively worse than ABC’s tonight – to me, it’s like a battle of Manos the Hands of Fate v.s. Red Zone Cuba.”

I vote McCain is Puma Man.


This is the same news media that doesn’t give Republicans and Conservatives a fair shake. The same media who lied about McCain being ineligable for the Presidency because he was born in the Panama Canal zone. The same media who lied about our President’s military service. The same media that says guns cause crime. And yet you foolish liberals still refuse to believe that the msm has a liberal bias. Either you’re all fucking stupid or your’re so far left that you should all be in a mental institution.


Yay! A new Gary!

Hi Matt!


Oregon Guy: It’s not nice to tease retarded people.


He’s just the same old Gary wearing a Nixon mask while he types.

Grand Moff Texan

The same media who lied about our President’s military service.

You’re right. They should never have pretended that George Bush served.


Thank you very much for the info. I emailed and sent out the link to my address book (short though it is)


Having discovered “Sadly, No!” our hero rejoices…


(comments are closed)