Robinson gets it (mostly) right

Eugene Robinson echoes a lot of what I said yesterday about this “bittergate” nonsense. My one caveat: he spends entirely too much time blaming Hillary Clinton for using this idiotic line of attack without mentioning that our national press corps just laps it right up. This is not to absolve Hillary, mind you. She of all people should know that the “LIE-brul elitist” charge is going to be lobbed at her repeatedly in the fall campaign if she wins the nomination. But there is no way on God’s green earth that she’d be using it if our press corps didn’t salivate over the mere prospect of writing about it. As Bob Somerby will no doubt say today, the press corps never discusses its own conduct.


Comments: 39


Meanwhile, George F. Marie Antoinette Will (commoner) joins the bunch who are comically wrong.


The fact is, you liberals can try to spin and backpedal on your contempt for The Heartland and the Real America, but we’ve found out, you’ve been exposed. We would be stupid to vote for wimpy faggy peacenik surrender monkeys, poverty pimps, classwarriors, godless commies, who would only impoverish us. Republicans, however, stand for self-reliance, God, defending freedom, hard work, and The Truth, not your weasley liberal bias.


So you stand for the truth, Gary? Well, then, you won’t mind this:

It is the truth, after all.


The fact is, you liberals should also try to spin and backpedal on your unicycles. That way you will be in demand for children’s parties.


Ceiling Gary is watching you.


I gotta call bullshit on this one. I don’t like HRC but if you suggest that she’s acting in a certain way because the MSM keeps stuffing dollar bills in her g-string then you have to apply the same reasoning to the Chimperor and his lackeys.

And I don’t want to think about Bush’s g-string, thankyeweversomuch.

WTF is wrong with the comments?


I just find it bizarre that in punditry land, their picture of an average American seems to be a thin-skinned gullible asshole. I’m won’t denying that a Presidential candidate who has the ability to “connect” to the common person over his or her opponent doesn’t have the advantage. But the media’s idea that somehow the kabuki of a staged photo op eating greasy food, going hunting, or bowling conveys that ability (or retracts it) is insane.


But the media’s idea that somehow the kabuki of a staged photo op eating greasy food, going hunting, or bowling conveys that ability (or retracts it) is insane.

D00d,. that is their religion. And as long as none of them calls BS, then the emperor’s new clothes match that cheese steak perfectly. Only non-serious people disagree.


Only non-serious people disagree.
*Sigh* Not gonna argue with you, just every single time I feel that I might not be living in a modern version of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire it becomes all too clear how well and truly fucked we are. Not absolutely hopeless mind you, just that on days such as these I’m afraid that even electing a majority of progressive democrats won’t stop it.


As Bob Somerby will no doubt say today, the press corps never discusses its own conduct.

Does it really take Somerby to tell us this? Digby and Greenwald have been telling us this for a while too. Even the decent ones like Robinson will never, ever criticize their own profession. God forbid they ever look in the mirror. If they did, they’d all have to resign in shame.

Jake Tapper, super journalist and awesome American

Um, sorry Sadly, No!, but the invisible hand determines our conduct. I chase down Obama while he smokes because the American people want me to. I interview the VP of the NRA about Obama’s elitism because the American people want me to. And I know exactly what the American people want, because I’m a super great journalist! Giggle!


Yeah, because if there are any people who can lay claim to the mantle of revolutionary proletarian vanguard leaders, it’s Hillary Clinton and her message mates Joe Lieberman and John McCain. Except that Lieberman just suggested Obama needs to be questioned about his possible Marxism — presumably in addition to his revolutionary madrassa jihadism, Black Panther radical black nationalism, and his Afro-Centric anti-whiteyism.


DJ said,

April 15, 2008 at 13:40

So you stand for the truth, Gary? Well, then, you won’t mind this:

It is the truth, after all.

Curious… I wouldn’t call SC the “Heartland”. When I think of “Heartland”, I think of the Great Plains (Nebraska, Dakotas, Iowa, etc.)


Gary’s skin color is MED? My goodness, he’s not nearly lily white enough to represent our Heartland!

But don’t mind me Gary. Don’t let me interrupt your boy-molesting.


presumably in addition to his revolutionary madrassa jihadism, Black Panther radical black nationalism, and his Afro-Centric anti-whiteyism.

As well as his lousy bowling.


As one of the most elitist members of this blog, I spend a lot of my precious time defending the little people, the real Americans who comment in small blog America.

Americans such as Gary Ruppert, whose brave crusade to enlighten the great unwashed sadlynauts from their pathetic and sycophantic blatherings, by showing them the true soul of our great country, the great Republican ethos of:

Self-reliance (like, say, being able to fulfill your needs alone)
God (The really-angry-at-you smiting-for-kicks kind of God)

Defending freedom (from the front lines of the culture wars, in my parent’s basement)

Hard work (You think enlightening your deranged Marxist asses is easy?)

And The Truth, of Da Truf, which is way beyond you rubes to understand.

Elitism will save this country from itself. You people need to be told what to do, or you’ll end up just doing it wrong


“the press corps never discusses its own conduct.”

It’s a code of silence that they have. It is considered beyond the pale for media to cover media (other than superficially). You could also call it class consciousness.


this shit is so depressing I actually can’t think of any snark to post.


“Afro-Centric anti-whiteyism”

Just the label alone sounds way cool. I am definitely converting.


Please, oh please let me be able to post today. I had such a fantastic comment yesterday and couldn’t post it. I swear you would have wet yourself laughing.


We would be stupid to vote for wimpy faggy peacenik surrender monkeys, poverty pimps, classwarriors, godless commies, who would only impoverish us.

No bitterness there, nuh uh.


I swear you would have wet yourself laughing.

I do that all the time anyway.


Stop the presses! Robopimp Glenn Reynolds defends…John Yoo:

What a disgrace.


DALE CARPENTER DEFENDS JOHN YOO from something that looks very much like a witch hunt. (Funny how those are increasingly carried out in the name of “human rights.”)

Yeah, it’s gotten so a fella can’t indulge in the occasional hate crime or conspire to commit crimes against humanity anymore without everyone getting all, “You can’t come to my party.”


this shit is so depressing I actually can’t think of any snark to post.

Is there a snark-generator somewhere on the innertoobs for such times as these.

Enter a few relevant keywords and then choose a setting from, say, “pithy rejoinder” all the way up to “scathing diatribe”.


Hey, guys…what do you think I should call my next column over at Clownhall? I’ve narrowed it down to these 10 options:

A perfect disgrace
Horrible living
Political patheticness
Pandering people
Lame liberals
A big fraud
Government badness
Shameful hatred
Progressive bad stuff
Find out how YOU can sell your kidneys for less! Call now!


The average, white guy, Republican is a thin-skinned, gullible asshole. Look at Gary (ok, don’t look at him; it’s not a pretty sight). I’ve never met one single Republican asshole who didn’t get all huffy crybaby when I throw ANY of their hypocrisy back in their faces. “Janet Reno and her jackbooted thugs? What about Yoo and his blackops disappearing of US Citizens?”. “Shut up, that’s why”.

“Shut up, that’s why”…the official motto of thin-skinned Gary Rupperts of this country. Face mullets, lousy lives, a google times more bitter and resentful than Obama could ever divulge.


He wouldn’t seem so elitist if they weren’t so fucking stupid.


“If she wins the nomination”? Huh? Why do we even go there? She is not going to win, there is no evidence she might win, indeed she is losing. Why even say ridiculous stuff like that?

Bitter Scribe, an accomplished, well-rounded writer,

If Howard Dean can be disqualified for yelling “YEEEEARGH!” at a rally, why can’t Obama be disqualified for telling the truth about a segment of the electorate? What do you want us to do, make sane, rational judgments about presidential candidates? We don’t roll like that in this country.


Of course, a lot of it is due to relentless flogging by the right-wing noise machine. We all know the vector: Freepers->ClownHall->Drudge->Limblow->FuxNews->CNN->Katie Couric->the water cooler.

But put it this way: if there wasn’t a demand, there wouldn’t be a supply.

I believe it was H.L. Mencken who said, “no one ever went broke by underestimating the taste of the common man”.

If the FACTS were as salable the as salacious bullshit and noise, CNN would be like Democracy Now and Glen Greenwald would be president of the Washington Post.

As much as I respect and admire Obama for wanting to be a politician who talks to his constituents like they were grownups, I despair that he can actually make it work. Because there are damn few “grownups” among the voting public.

Perhaps Obama should give another “major speech” over this one, like he did for the asinine “controversy” over Wright. And get used to having to do it a LOT.

But he should definitely lay off the “Annie Oakley” jokes about Clinton. He sounded as lame as she did.


Stop the presses! Robopimp Glenn Reynolds defends…John Yoo…

Perhaps Reynolds was partly motivated by imagining the pleasure he’d derive from a leather-clad John Yoo CyberGimp


By now my Grandfather’s English must be failing him entirely and he must just be repeating the word “cracker” over and over…..he keeps saying this stuff all the time, and about how he used to get called a “Cuban nigger” when living in Georgia. He is so thrilled that a non-white person is running (he’s 85) and has a chance he’s about to explode…he just can’t manage to keep it in English, so I don’t catch half of it.

The best part about this is the reporters reading supposedly snarky emails from viewers on CNN stating things like, “Oh really? I’m now “bitter” as well as “racist”? I can’t wait to find out what else I am!” PULEEZE! Think about what you are you morons! Why would anyone who’s not an elitist possibly feel these things about much of “small town America”? UGH…if these people try any harder to throw insults at Obama without actually hurling what they’re itching to throw it’ll be a miracle! Pardon my inability to see that such heavy criticism of Obama has nothing whatsoever to do with his ethnic heritage, I just don’t buy it from most people out there.

Gary–only real fags call people fags. Don’t you know any, you effing fuckshit? I am taking over the heartland. I’m just very small.

Duros Hussein 62

Republicans, however, stand for self-reliance, God, defending freedom, hard work, and The Truth…

Somebody else’s, of course. Never their own.


…if there wasn’t a demand, there wouldn’t be a supply.

If the FACTS were as salable the as salacious bullshit and noise, CNN would be like Democracy Now and Glen Greenwald would be president of the Washington Post.

This essentially rehashes Megan McArdle’s argument from this recent thread, right down to the-public-doesn’t-want-what-Glenn-Greenwald-is-selling comment.

I don’t buy it. I don’t see any indication that the endless reportage about minor verbal gaffes and other trivia is satisfying some irresistible public demand. Hell, I don’t see any indication that most people even remotely give a shit about this stuff. This is just another journalistic circle jerk, of the MSM, by the MSM, for the MSM.

Incidentally, the bad reporting we’ve been seeing is not ‘salacious’, unless you find low bowling scores sexually arousing.


As Bob Somerby will no doubt say today, the press corps never discusses its own conduct.

Actually, Brad, Somerby takes Robinson to task for his column. To wit:

But right beside [Richard] Cohen in the Post, Gene Robinson bungles this simple point too. You can’t be more clueless than these guys:

ROBINSON (4/15/08): Clinton bristled, though, when a reporter had the temerity to ask at a news conference when she last attended church or fired a gun. “That is not a relevant question for this debate,” she said. “We can answer that some other time. This is about what people feel is being said about them. I went to church on Easter. I mean, so?”

Um, so the issue isn’t whether you regularly sit in a church pew or even occasionally go hunting, but whether you can manage to seem like the sort of person who does? I think I need a shot and a beer, too. Just give me whatever the lady’s drinking.

That’s right, Dumb-*ss! The issue isn’t whether you go to church—the issue is whether you look down on those who do! We think Obama is being thrashed too hard for a single off-hand comment. But Cohen and Robinson show no sign of understanding the basic shape of this problem. But then, this is a typical failing of liberal elites—of people who have never given a thought to the feelings or views of the small-town rubes who keep screwing up our elections.

In fairness, Cohen and Robinson are hardly alone. All around the liberal world, we’ve seen “thinkers” in the past few days who seem to have no earthly idea what “elitism” even consists in. (Click here for Theda Skocpol. We think Josh’s own post makes basic sense, though we wouldn’t agree with every viewpoint.) Here is Robinson, making another characteristic error:

ROBINSON: Clinton spent the weekend bashing Barack Obama for not seeming to be enough of a regular guy—not for any actual deficit of regular-guyness, mind you, but for giving the impression that such a deficit might exist.

The former first lady, whose family has made $109 million since her husband left the White House, then made a show of demonstrating that she’s actually just a regular gal. The point wasn’t really to convince anyone that she, Bill and Chelsea commute between their two lavish mansions in a five-year-old Ford F-150 pickup with a gun rack and a “Jesus Rocks!” bumper sticker. Her aim was to prove to the nation—or at least to Democratic primary voters in Pennsylvania and Indiana—that she’s better at feigning regularness than Obama.

Little there comprehends the problem. But in the highlighted passage, Robinson does what a string of “liberal” “thinkers” have done in the past few days (including Cohen, in the passage we’ve quoted); he suggests that a person with a high net worth is somehow automatically part of this problem. This, of course, is very similar to the claim that John Edwards can’t possibly care about poverty since he lives in a very big house. In the highlighted passage, Robinson shows that he doesn’t have the first idea what “elitism” even consist in. Elitism isn’t a question of the how much money you have. It’s a question of how you behave toward others who may have less money.

Truly, it has been embarrassing to watch some liberals attempt to come to terms with this matter. Just as an obvious matter of fact, condescension toward average people has plagued progressive movements at least since the late 1960s, when Dr. King stopped being the public face of progressive change and various Middle America-trashers took his place in the public imagination. (Abbie Hoffman, for instance.) In his brilliant public ministry, Dr. King confronted people who turned dogs and hoses loose on children; blew up churches where children were praying; threw him in jail on tortured pretexts; and eventually chased him down and killed him. But quite aggressively, Dr. King refused to deny the soul of the Bull Connors—of those who behaved in such fallen ways. Within a few years, it became possible to tag progressivism with the face of those who loudly showed the world how much they hated the mores and life-styles of their horrible mommies and daddies. From that day to this, progressive politics has been damaged by a sometimes-accurate perception—the perception that progressives and liberals are a bunch of snooty snobs.

What do you think of what Somerby had to write, Brad?



Why won’t you post my comment I tried to publish for this thread? I tried to contact you through the Contact webform, but I can’t do it for some reason. What’s going on?


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