Kaus Unveils Game-Changing Blow-ware For Goat Vertical

The always-suspect Michael Lind nevertheless sends around a useful commentary on Obama’s gruesomely off-key condscension toward downscale Rustbelt voters:
According to Obama, working class (white) people “cling to guns” because they are bitter at losing their manufacturing jobs.
Excuse me? Hunting is part of working-class American culture. Does Obama really think that working-class whites in Pennsylvania were gun control liberals until their industries were downsized, whereas they all rushed to join the NRA …
I used to think working class voters had conservative values because they were bitter about their economic circumstances–welfare and immigrants were “scapegoats,” part of the false consciousness that would disappear when everyone was guaranteed a good job at good wages. Then I left college. …
P.S.: Because Obama’s comments are clearly a Category II Kinsley Gaffe–in which the candidate accidentally says what he really thinks–it will be hard for Obama to explain away. [He could say he was tired and it was late at night?–ed But he was similarly condescending in his big, heartfelt, well-prepared “race speech.” Better to embrace them. Let’s have a national dialogue about egghead condescension!]
Here is a big giant virtual cup of cyber shut-the-fuck-up, Mickey Kaus. Seriously. Let’s deconstruct your bullshit, one half-digested goat-nard at a time:
1. The always-suspect Michael Lind …
Ha ha ha you serial hedger. You totally love Michael Lind, whoever the fuck that is, and yet attempt to create weaselly distance from him, you know, just. in. case. Well, we’re on to your flacky game, Mick.
2. Obama’s gruesomely off-key condscension toward downscale Rustbelt voters …
When you condescend to ‘downscale Rustbelt voters’ at least do your highly-paid, sinecured baby-job and spell ‘condescension’ correctly. You know, try to act like you’ve been to spell-check before on your Slate-issued laptop with all the bells and whistles and the networked enterprise edition of Microsoft Office, you unprofessional first-moving bandwidth squatter. If ‘downscale Rustbelt voters’ were as lax about their tool-and-die calibrations as you are about the basic building blocks of your fucking job, they’d all be one-armed poster children for OSHA. Oh, and BTW, here is a nice piping cup of hot steaming STFU for you, you unconscionable upscale Beltway goat-pole-smoker!
3. I used to think working class voters had conservative values because they were bitter about their economic circumstances–welfare and immigrants were “scapegoats,” part of the false consciousness that would disappear when everyone was guaranteed a good job at good wages. Then I left college. …
Fuck you, college boy. Have a generous portion of shut-the-fuck-up and park your preppie ass in vocational school metal shop, where our version of STFU comes in the form of white-hot flying metal shavings in your goat-blowing piehole.
4. P.S.: Because Obama’s comments are clearly a Category II Kinsley Gaffe–in which the candidate accidentally says what he really thinks–it will be hard for Obama to explain away. …
Explain away a clearly extemporaneous comment about fucked-over steel towns in Pennsylvania and their denizens’ mistrust of the system that passed them by on the road to Web 2.0 goat-blowing flack-tastic riches? Try our STFU IPA, now with goat-scented Ultra Head, for that deep down goaty thirst.
5. [He could say he was tired and it was late at night?–ed But he was similarly condescending in his big, heartfelt, well-prepared “race speech.” Better to embrace them. Let’s have a national dialogue about egghead condescension!] …
Mickey, or ‘ed’ or whatever — just say ‘Adlai Stevenson’. Your cleverer apparatchik brethren are already making the comparison, so stop being un-Rust-Beltly vague about it all. And STFU. And goat-blowing. All of it, you douche.
My. That was as refreshing as…a big tall glass of STFU!
Oh, and may I add that your comments sometimes get completely fucked up for no good reason. I hope this isn’t posted twice.
wat the fuck is this
Kaus is just surly because he had his eye on this beautiful Brown Shorthair, but it got bought up by a goat farmer who was going to use it for breeding! The nerve!!
Is it even possible to NOT talk condescendingly to Rust Belt dwellers? Correct me if I’m wrong, but is that Larry the Cab;e Guy’s target demo? Wouldn’t that be like not talking down to a 16 month old? Or buying food at the stadium and not get ripped off?
So Klaus is high fiveing himself because his argument is that Obama is so damn smart and educated, and doesn’t get his kicks killing defenseless animals. The sad thing is that that argument is going to seem perfectly reasonable to about 30-40% of America.
How is it that he’s avoided the dreaded goaty genital wart face????
Oh, he hasn’t.
Wait, that was looksist.
Alternately I propose a theme song:
“Goat-blower’s Rhetor’cal Device”
To the tune of.
I sent this to Gavin once and suggested it for use in Kaus emergencies.
Obama hit the nail on the head. He said that working class people get so fed up with being lied to that they end up basing their vote on what the NRA says. This is true. My whole family does it. The NRA uses the political campaigns to enrich their own coffers. The NRA is a fucknut organization. In New England they are a racist organization. I know because I grew up in the Easton Rod & Gun Club in Easton, Mass. where women were not not allowed and nigger jokes were encouraged.
If Mickey Maus should ever decide to throw a pic of himself up on his column – though why would he ever do that? – this one is available.
Is it even possible to NOT talk condescendingly to Rust Belt dwellers? Correct me if I’m wrong, but is that Larry the Cab;e Guy’s target demo? Wouldn’t that be like not talking down to a 16 month old? Or buying food at the stadium and not get ripped off?
I hope you’re joking, because otherwise, you’re one incredibly lamacious dipshit.
I wonder when downscale Rustbelt voters will realize that the people feeding them their venomous treacly talking points are all six-figure earning chablis swilling dandified nancy boys with college educations who never worked a day in their lives.
Oh, and that goat leaves me feeling strangely aroused.
it’s not like McCain said anything… Oh, wait, he did say something just like this.
I hope we get lots to laugh about over the weekend, ’cause these numb-nuts know he’s talking about them, and they love to talk about being so heartland and getting them some conservative welfare.
You mean limaceous? Dude, that’s some high-end name calling right there.
If you contend that they are, in fact, NOT Larry the Cable Guy’s target demo, then by all means, state your case. If not, bugger off. Watching even just the trailer for Delta Farce* and that one where he’s protecting Washed Up Blonde Actress X, and one can feel their higher brain functions shutting down.
Also, $8 for a beer is highway robbery.
*They THOUGHT they were in Iraq, but they were REALLY in Mexico! Hijinks!
Racist knob gobbler.
I like the part where he calls Obama’s race speech condescending, because Obama said that his Grandmother was wrong to assume all black people were going to mug her.
Sorry, Obama, but I just want to womp on this guy with a tube sock filled with ball bearings.
I’d like somebody to make a count of all the mainstream and semi-mainstream commentators who have said that Obama’s race speech was a failure because Obama didn’t act like being afraid of every black guy on the street was a valid and rational response to the world.
Bonus points for people who, in the same breath, say it’s ridiculous for black people to feel like whitey is oppressing them.
Wow. If you read Obama’s remarks first, then Kaus, you’ll wonder what the fuck the goat-blower is talking about. His posts always read the same way: a dimwit who thinks he’s clever writing stream-of-consciousness crap about his target du jour, too lazy to do research, revise or even think before writing. He’s like Goldberg, but with even slighter self-awareness that he’s full of shit.
Oh, and he just approvingly linked his pal Coulter, who’s decided trashing Obama’s grandfather is the next low she’ll try.
His trashing of Obama’s speech is like Richard Cohen ranting against Stephen Colbert. It’s an attempted power move, but it gives up the game that he has no taste, no judgment, no mojo. Cohen showed he doesn’t understand comedy or speaking truth to power, and Kaus shows he’s as clueless about race as, hmm, Ann Coulter and Jonah Goldberg.
The fact is, you liberals are stupid and full of crap once again. Obama keeps insulting the hard working folks in the Heartland and is revealed as an out of touch eleitist. At least McCain is a straight talker who appeals to the Heartland and will be our next President, not as good as another term for Bush or Cheney but OK. There is no way the Condescending Mulatto or the Bitch will get elected.
Mickey Kaus just got served today’s special: a plateful of dicks, garnished with his own ass.
The important question might be, “What would John Galt think about this?”
“Important” meaning “maybe someone will pay me to ask the question” type of “important”:
Via the Krug-Man:
I sense a “softening of opposition” to my job, too, every time I notice I need a paycheck to keep working there.
Wow. I guess that is what they meant by “the marketplace of ideas”.
Pace Hitchens, from the old days when he was mostly sane, note that they felt the liberty of describing “objectivism” as a philosophy, which ordinarily wouldn’t be used to apply to descriptions of plot lines written as well as Land of the Lost.
Überhack seems to have changed the text from what you quote to something much worse:
This must be part of the “Obama is a Communist!” Goopism that’s all the rage now in the winger wards. I guess in Überhack’s strasbismic view, to even mention the word “wages” is give away your identity.
El Cid,
That’s some article. It’s ironic that these grants to promote free-market absolutism are dispensed from the charitable arm of this banking corporation, and are thus tax deductible, i.e., subsidized by the government. As is often the case, the charitable arm is the one they use to fist-fuck American taxpayers.
Well, that was easy. Bim bam boom, you’re a Commie. Never mind that nearly every politician that walks the fucking earth has said essentially the same thing.
Kaus is an idiot. Enough said.
Obama is actually addressing what so many of us have been complaining about for years– the way that the GOP uses things red herrings like gay marriage to get poor, working class people to vote against their economic interests. Better yet, when asked about it he blamed BOTH dems and republicans for making failing so many people.
Once again, Obama takes something that for others might be an embarassing gaffe and turns it into an opportunity to address long-standing problems. People are bitter and have every reason to be. How the hell is it condescending to acknowledge that!?!?? Oh, because no one else wants to talk about it.
Hold on, Obama used the word ‘bitter’ and the media is going to run with that as a scandal? [changing channels- yep, it’s the big news of the day] Bush said “yeah, I know we torture people and I approved” but that’s just a friday night news dump. The real scandal in America is Obama said folks is “bitter.”
Does nobody notice that folks are, in fact, extremely fucking bitter these days?
Speaking of bitter, 73% of the country think that Gary and other Bush-lovers like him are COMPLETE AND TOTAL DROOLING IDIOTS. No wonder he’s so angry and bitter.
This week is a perfect example of just how far gone the MSM coverage is of Dems v. Republicans. Bush and his cronies are officially exposed for being torture supporters and we now have evidence that Abu Grahib wasn’t the result of some rogue “bad apples.” It OFFICIAL policy and orders from the top down. But the 24-hour cable news channels haven’t talked about it AT ALL.
Eric Alterman has made the point very clearly:
If you’re relatively wealthy, Kaus et. al. say you can’t discuss the poor and working class. But since it’s impossible to be a viable presidential candidate unless you’re relatively wealthy, or really, straight-up rich-as-Croesus, then ipso facto goatse, by the powers of the Catch-22, the poor and working class can never have their issues discussed at the national level.
And thank god for that, because socialism! class warfare! etc.!
Kaus among the people:
That’s right, mister, Obama just INSULTED you.
Take my word for it – he insulted you real good.
Now let’s go have a look at these goats of yours.
I just wanna know if Kaus sucks donkey with the same mouth he blows goats?
Come back, Mickey. I miss those nights by the fire, when you snuggled up to me and tickled me in those special places. I’ll change, I promise. Anything you want, just to feel those warm lips on mine again.
BB&T? Aw shit, that’s my bank! Oh well, I don’t think you can find a bank that isn’t run by assholes.
Since it is Mickey Kaus, we’ll be needing sound effects.
I use Wainwright, a local bank. They are as progressive as a bank can be, but no ATMs. Also, if you call after business hours they have a cute little message that says, “If your card was lost or stolen, please leave a message with your name and number and we will get back to you as soon as possible.”
If there’s a “press” member I would like to punch in the face most, it’s Mickey Kaus. Maybe it’s because I’m angry and clinging to the old tradition of male violence and lashing out at The World’s Most Annoying “Democratic” Concern Troll ™ [phrasing courtesy of Kathy G. at G-Spot] fits the bill of assuaging my rage at anyone who attempts to preserve the class structure of the U.S., especially in such a fucking weaselly manner.
“But then I left college…” And moved in among the rustbelters, Mickey? Hangin’ with the shitkickers every night at the bar makin’ jokes about those fuckers on welfare? Why the ellipses, Mickey? Because what really happened gives you abso-fucking-lutely no credibility whatsoever about what the rustbelters think, eh?
And you quote Ann Coulter in your next post, Mickey? Ann “B. Hussein Obama” Coulter.
If you’re gonna go red-baiting*, and race-baiting, and egghead-baiting*, just to see what sort of shit sticks to Obama, Mickey, then I’m going to go to an even older tradition of destroying people.
Why, I wonder, does Mickey Kaus have such vehement hatred for Obama? Oh, I know, it’s because he’s a Jew, and as we all know, Jews were the leaders in the financing of the Atlantic Slave Trade. (Side note: Well, Mickey, you’re too ignorant to realize–I guess ’cause you left college–that Obama’s dad was from a part of East Africa that wasn’t enslaved for the Americas, with your people’s help, so you really shouldn’t be hating on him so.) And why do you hate welfare so much, Mickey? Oh right, you’re Jewish, and the thought of losing even a penny curls your Jewish soul. And why so spiteful of immigrants, seeing as how–unless you believe that American Indians were the lost tribe of Israel–Jews are immigrants to the U.S., Mickey? Is it because you’re afraid you’ll lose your post-WWII honorary whiteness if you don’t shill for the white and powerful?
Fuck you, and the goat that rode in on you, Mickey Kaus.
*Kaus isn’t in on the sammich subset of these, is he? No way I’m reading more of his fucking “blog” to find out.
Here’s the thing–
You don’t dis guns and religion if you’re looking to win in PA.
Pennsylvanians (of which I was one from birth to 18, and my family still is) don’t mind being called bitter.
But what Obama has said is a big shoot-self-in-foot moment. He can probably come back from it, but he will have to embrace religion and guns.
When did Ace start writing for S,N!?
I don’t see how Obama dissed guns or religion. He said that people were legitimately pissed off about not having their actual concerns addressed by Republicans or Democrats, and therefore that when they bother to vote they do so on some other basis that does get addressed. He didn’t say “It’s stupid to hunt” or “whatta bunch of rubes!” – he said that if people don’t get their real problems addressed, they’ll start voting on other issues.
I don’t see how that’s a slam of poor and middle-class rust-belt people, or a shoot-self-in-foot moment; I live in PA, they are fucking bitter, and that’s not gonna change until someone addresses the problem, which is that American manufacturing is a dying industry and these people need some help.
Also, Mickey Kaus is a total ass.
I guess Mick would say that, looked at in hindsight, all those condescending college snots insulted the workin’ class folkways of the downscale white voters in Mississippi is ’64.
I know Roger L. Simon would.