First Annual Daily Hourly SFly, No! Drink-a-thon

Where: Edinburgh Castle, 950 Geary St., San Francisco, CA 94109, (415) 885-4074

When: Friday, April 18, 2008

Who: Everybody who wants to meet up with S,N! and Three Bulls! regulars and their extensive, high-maintenance entourages

Password: The Gary Ruppert soars at dawn

Zeitgeist and the Starry Plough also got a lot of votes. Let’s keep the Starry Plough in mind for an East Bay S,N! drink-a-thon at a later date. And here’s the vote tally on meet-up locations as pulled interpretively out of comments on this thread:

10 votes: Edinburgh Castle, Zeitgeist (I tie-broke for the Castle, due to my mastery of alphabetical order)
6 votes: Starry Plough (Berkeley)
2 votes: Kilowatt
1 vote: Albatross, Half Moon Bay Brewing Co., Inner Mission, Jupiter, Mr. Bings, San Jose (the city), SF Brewing Co., Tommy’s Mexican, Toronado, Uptown, Zinc Bar


Comments: 154


The fact is, I will certainly be attending said event.


Don’t think of this as an RSVP, but rather, an ASAP. Barring unforeseen weirdness, I’ll see you there.


Dammit. I was in SF last week, but did you have a get together then? NoooooOooOOoooo.


What time does the bar open?


Gary Ruppert presents ‘The Big Reveal’ … catch it LIVE! at the first annual daily hourly SF Drinking Sadlyly event … Edinburgh Castle, SF, 4/18/08 … 6pm to whenever


Still no Boston get together? Come on people!


I have to work, so I’ll be getting there round about 6pm.


awesome. I’ll bring a photo of my kitchen countertops.


What time does the bar open?

The castle’s web site.


Grrrrr. Took you a couple days to set this up.
Over on the east coast? Sadly, never.


Toranado’s has better beer in SF.

Pacific Coast Brewery in downtown Oakland also has better beer than Starry Plow, but I do like the Starry Plow….if only Flints was as good a bar-b-que place as it once was.


The fact is, you liberals are being discrimigatory in not having a “fest” here in the Heartland where I could attend close to my favorite line-dancing warehouse bar.


Gary Ruppert presents ‘The Big Reveal’ … catch it LIVE!

When legless Gary knuckle-drags himself in on his rollerboard you’re all going to feel awful.

Plus he’s a frog.


Young Bull: Let’s go to all the bars and drink a little at each.

Old Bull: Hey let’s go to one of the bars and drink a lot. (Disclaimer: know when to say when.)

Of course the original joke that I heard involved two bulls, a fence, a pasture and some heffers (and I’m not talking Hefeweizens).

Any chance of getting John Yoo as featured tortu…uh, speaker? John Yoo, taking the tort out of torture since 2003.



Boston-area Sadlyfest is coming! Now if I could just get a member of the staff to post a planning post we could get down to brass tacks…

(looks hopefully at D. Aristophanes while drawing a little doodles in the dust with the tip of a highly polished oxford…)

In the meantime, here.


a different brad,

Same as above.


Grrrrr. Took you a couple days to set this up.
Over on the east coast? Sadly, never.

The good news is national trends start in California and then spread across the rest of the country. See, for example, Prop 13.


Sorry. This is a more direct route.


DB – I’ll let Brad or Gav handle the Boston posting for now … I’m sure something will happen soon.


I’m far away. Can you get a webcam? I’ll Paypal you money to show your nipples. If I don’t have too much Jergen’s on my fingers to work the mouse.


Righteous Bubba,

Gary is French?!?!?!


Well, if K is gonna be there, I guess I know what I’ll be wearing.


I wish I could play with the S,N! San Friskies [sniff].


Does Capt. Trollypants live in the Bay Area? Will Capt. Trollypants be in attendance? Does D. Aristophanes, Sadly, No! poster, dare to show his face if Sadly, No! has not responded to Capt. Trollypants’ battle rap by the evening of April 18?


5pm? But I do my best drinking before noon!


I for one would welcome a drinkathon at the Toronado or the Pacific Coast Brewing Company in the first few days of August.


We’re gonna have one of these in Seattle, whether or not any of you Fancy Dans live here.


J–, J–, J–. Normally I have such respect for your words, but pullleaze.
Everything starts in NYC.
The coming hipster explosion, and no, it hasn’t hit outside NYC yet in full, sorry folks, will be our revenge for your error.
If we have to live with these people, everyone does.


Sorry, adb. You haven’t seen Capital Hill in Seattle.

Its skinny jeans and white belts as far as the eye can see.

The hipsters are here, too. No one knows where they came from here, either.


Hell, we even had them in Pittsburgh. There are few things sadder than a hipster in Pittsburgh.


EC rocks. I love that place. Great bar and the best fish and chips in SF.

I wish I still lived in the City.


Um, stupid question from someone new to the internet but….

How are we gonna know each other.

and I’ll be there. You’ll know me cause I’m fucking SEXY.


It didn’t even start in NYC. Tokyo was plagued with hipsters before NY hipsters were born. You know Tokyo, that bigger, cooler, more expensive city that is everything that NYC used to be and thinks it still is?


Sounds great–hope to make it.

Meanwhile, the BARBarians (Bay Area Readers & Bloggers) are getting together tomorrow at Ben ‘n Nick’s in Oakland (College just south of Rockridge BART). We’re an affable bunch, if a trifle opinionated, and if you’re reading this you’re cordially invited to join us (no dues, except for maybe buying a round at some point).


No, we don’t think we’re all that anymore.
The Upper East Side, Sex and the City, and the fucking Strokes have won out, at least for the moment.
Roy Edroso speaks for many on this topic.


Um, stupid question from someone new to the internet but….

New to the internet? Is there an interesting backstory to that?


Doodle Bean said,

April 11, 2008 at 22:50

Sorry. This is a more direct route.

I’ve been to a few of the DL’s at the Republik, and it’s a great venue. Prices are really reasonable, but it’s cash only.


It looks as if the site’s World Press comments god has gone all Saturn again, eating its young.


I’m sorry brad, I didn’t mean to judge unfairly. I guess NY has taken some rough blows lately. If it helps, Boston may have an even bigger attitude problem and with significantly less cause. Which reminds me, I need to move.


New to the internet? Is there an interesting backstory to that?

Does sarcasm count as a backstory?

Seriously, how are we supposed to know each other?

A new window seems to be fixcing the comment problem


Does sarcasm count as a backstory?

Damn. I was hoping you were serious.

Seriously, how are we supposed to know each other?

I won’t be able to go, but I would imagine you could use the password DA provided. Or just announce that you’re looking for Gary. Then you’ll be collected into the group.

Smiling Mortician

Is this thing on?

Smiling Mortician

Oh, sure, it works when I’m not really saying anything. WordPress is objectively anti-Seattly-No-athon. I’m being oppressed.


Dammit, I could leave that, but not how sexy I am for a slightly disabled chick? Man, comments sections are all messed up these days all over the place. New-To-The-Web-Person, good luck leaving comments places!! Oh, and I am sexy. Verifiably. You can verify anything on the net. Even my sexiness. These peop[le are definitely NOT sexy, regardless of what Juggs says, but they are EXTREMELY drunk. And I mean totally sloshed. Shit, I need to steal this while it lasts….


Islamophobia is Islamorealism?

Hmm, does that mean I should go beat up or run from the next Muslim I see?

And is that Pam’s voice? That’s horrible. she could grate cheese with that voice


From the previous thread, which no one is probably following now…

What the hell happened to Talk Left? Christ in Crisper, their hatred of Obama is bigger than Chris Matthew’s hard-on for Hillary. OK, that’s pretty small, but you know what I mean. I get that they prefer Hillary. I just don’t understand why their brains stopped functioning on every other subject at the same time.

Wish I could attend the SF festivities, but alas I’m too far south. I hope none of those out of control gay people anally rape you while you sip Mojitos. We know what goes on in that crazy city!


Ahhh, guess you don’t know the libertine Drinking Liberally SF style….


t4t, Mort, say the word, I’m sooo there.


Well crap. It pays to check one’s handle in these circumstances.

Smiling Mortician

No worries, OneMan. You can’t really go wrong bringing a warm gopher with you to a pub in Seattle . . .


You’ll know me…I’ll be the one man with a warm gopher on his arm.


San Francisco!
Open your Golden Gate.
You let no strangers wait
Outside your door.

San Francisco!
Here is your wandering one,
Saying I’ll wander no more.

I’ll be there if I can manage it, but crossing the Bay Bridge is hell on earth at 5 PM.


You wanna be careful warming that gopher. If you overdo it, you could end up with charred gopher, and hey, nobody wants that.

Dammit. I’m going to be attending the fiftieth birthday party for a lovely young russian lady with long, shapely legs while y’all are doing the slap n tickle next friday.

If somebody’s going to be blogging a live thread, I’ll check in on you, and who knows? If you’re still going strong when I come back south I could stop in then.

Does this castle place have wifi?



Darn you west coasties with your relentless drive and crackerjack organizing skills. Darn you! Darn you all to Heck!


I’ll be there if I can manage it, but crossing the Bay Bridge is hell on earth at 5 PM.

That’s why God invented BART.


Let’s meet at Gary’s favorite bar, “The Fact Is”.

It’s right next to my favorite bar, “The Office”.


Damn, now it works.

I tried to post something unbelievably funny before, but ummm…I can’t remember what it was now


Plus he’s a frog.

That’s not funny, that’s sick.


They should tell you around here, but you just gotta make it automatic.



Submit Comment…

It’s fast and easy, and prevents heartache, indigestion and overuse of spittle – flecked invective….



I’m a control c, control v guy myself, mikey.

But sometimes, I get complacent.



I warm the gopher the proper way, by tucking it under my arm!

It tickles sometimes.


I don’t think that’s really where you tuck the gopher.


Don’t turn your back on this little commie bastard wordpress, thunder, and his evil, grinning hamster minions.

This is the digital virtual embodiment of all that’s foul and evil and rotten on the intert00bz and throughout the known galaxy.

Oh sure, he’ll give you smiles and sparkles, love and brilliant, instant efficient gratification, but it’s just sleeper comment code, waiting, drooling, biding his time (hey, didja ever wonder if joe biden bides his time? Yeah, me too) until he can spring his execrable javascript/cookies terrorism on fine, upstanding and most importantly WHITE young men like yourself.

Best just to lead it around the corner, get somebody to get the Ell Tee’s attention, and just shoot it when nobody’s lookin…



The good news is national trends start in California and then spread across the rest of the country.

We in the midwest refer to that as being on the cutting edge of the decline of western civilization. Wish I could be there. I heart SF.

How many of us are in or near the Twin Cities? We need a drinking party because it’s still snowing here.


I warm the gopher the proper way, by tucking it under my arm!

Hmmm, somehow, that seems kind of, oh, I dunno, unsat, y’know?

As a good liberal, shouldn’t you at LEAST put the gopher in your pants?

Or in the front lawn of the local cop shoppe?

I’m smelling a collaborator….


Dirty Fucking Hippie

I’m smelling a collaborator….

Sorry, I’d bathe but my chapter is pretty strict about these things…


We need a DC area drink-a-thon!


I’d put together a drinkathon here, but I’d be the only one attending. I live in the fricken’ boonies compared to the rest of you folks.


Jennifer, you could webblog a solo drinkathon ala Ann Althouse. That would be fun (for everyone else).

Gary Marvolo Ruppert

The fact is, I will be bringing my Heartland butt-plugs. The fact is you will thank me for them.


Jennifer, you could webblog a solo drinkathon

Umm, isn’t that pretty much what many of us do every night?



The fact is, I will be bringing my Heartland butt-plugs. The fact is you will thank me for them.

The fact is, you will not need to, because the godless liberals going to the “fest” will already have their own Baby Jesus Butt-Plugs to show how much they hate the Heartland and Confederate Yankee.

The fact of the matter is, stop impersonating me.


Bugger, the bloodybastard pet shop ripped me off. They swore that it was a gopher, the last one in the shop… “It’s been pining for the prairies,” they said, “that’s why its hair fell out.”
No way am I sticking a naked mole rat down my pants.


Umm, isn’t that pretty much what many of us do every night?

I may have used the wrong term. Hopefully noboby here makes a video of their solo rantings and then posts it on their blog. Anybody want to ‘fess up?


oops. forgot to block Mikey’s quote.

Well, acutally I did do it the first time, but that comment was eaten.


Since Gary is attending, there’ll be no need to burn him in effigy. You’ll have the real thing to play with, cat and mouse style; Gary being the rodent of course. Be gentle…remember, he’s mentally challenged due to home schooling in the heartland where zombies outnumber human beings.

I hope to see some t-shirts emerge from the event. Not sure what they’d say but I’m visualizing politically incorrect sammiches.


Smut Clyde said:
No way am I sticking a naked mole rat down my pants.

gbear said:
Umm, isn’t that pretty much what many of us do every night?

I love you guys! *sniff*


Dammit I tried to post the same thing tigrismus did, but word-depress f*xed wit me again.

Fuck you wordpress, you shittly little shitstain on the buttpimple of god-damned humanunkind!


Lemme go into the Spam filter and see what’s happening…


There’s nothing caught in there. What’s WordPress doing?


Um, Ok, Gavin, but if you don’t come back can I have your stereo?


Gary Marvolo Ruppert

The fact is, it is saying that I need to enable Java Scripts.


It’s the old “Enable Cookies and Javascript” error.

It needs a good old fashion reset.

Or a combat boot upside the “head” ….



Sorry, there was an error. Please enable JavaScript and Cookies in your browser and try again.


The interesting thing is that while it doesn’t ALWAYS fail on the first try, it pretty much ALWAYS works on the second try…


Gary Marvolo Ruppert

The fact is, it was only doing it when I was cutting and pasting bad Hong Kong cinema translations. The fact is, that is some finely tuned filter!


The interesting thing is that while it doesn’t ALWAYS fail on the first try, it pretty much ALWAYS works on the second try…


Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try.
— Homer Simpson


The fact is, it was only doing it while I was trying to smoke some of this incredibly shitty brown tar heroin.

The fact is, that is some finely toned filter…



WordPress ate my “Eat it, ITTDGY!” endzone victory dance!

I dance because I love.

FWIW, it always seems to fail on me the second time, too. If I keep that tab open, open another and change the color scheme or delete the scheme cookie, then reload the tab with the error it submits.


Hey, third time worked without the interpretive dance!


tigrismus said,

April 12, 2008 at 3:13

WordPress ate my “Eat it, ITTDGY!” endzone victory dance!



Here’s the error message that shows up when attempting to post comment for the first time.

Sorry, there was an error. Please enable JavaScript and Cookies in your browser and try again.

works on second try though.


There’s nothing caught in there. What’s WordPress doing?

It nixed my totally awesome comment about silly hats and meetups, bit my sister Nell, and put whitey on the moon.


My simplistic take on it?

One of the stored procedures has gone stupid.

The application server needs a reboot.

This has been another episode of “keep the server close, and the applications closer”.

Thank you. Cheers…



Then it kicked over my lego steam engine, spilled my listerine all over the hall and threw up beans and weenies on the dining room table…



What’s WordPress doing?
It ate all the food from the cats’ bowl and then pissed in the fireplace.


Ok, I found an old UHF scanner in a box in the closet.

If I can figure out how to program the damn thing, I’m gonna listen to the local cops.

I’ll report back on my success…



The fact is, WordPress blows Mickey Kaus while he blows goats. The fact is, it’s that bad.


Well in any case WordPress began to fooster around the house and inside the hour he has the stairs on fire. I ordered all hands to the pumps, so to speak. We got the fire out after about an hour, but in the meantime this program is inside in the kitchen with all the taps in the gas meter full on, full bore. In any case the wife goes in and offers him a cigarette to get him out of the way, and the next salute is the whole kitchen is blun up and the wife killed on the spot, without a scratch on your man. WordPress then gets a hold of a sledgehammer when I’m doing the needful about the wife and away up with him into an attic under the rafters.

Well in any case, when I got the wife’s body covered under blankets, WordPress was working on the ceiling with the sledgehammer, working from above, and didn’t the unfortunate piece of software knock a lump of plaster down on Nicky, the eldest boy. Killed him outright. There I was with the wife and the eldest dead, the half of the house in ruins — and I wouldn’t mind, only on the way out WordPress kicked the milk bottles to pieces and the young chisler Tomaus roaring his head off for his breakfast.


One of the stored procedures has gone stupid.

The application server needs a reboot.

This has been another episode of “keep the server close, and the applications closer”.

No, probably, and hell-yes. WP uses MySQL which didn’t support sprocs until recently. Inline SQL FTW, baby!

Which is another way of saying (as all programmers do when not laying blame at the feet of users, clients, dbas, managers, sunspots, or bitrot) – stupid network admins.


WordPress has wind and poor taste in end tables.


It nixed my totally awesome comment about silly hats and meetups, bit my sister Nell, and put whitey on the moon.



That’s it.

I’m leaving for New fucking Zealand in the morning.

Clearly, I am Herr Clyde’s long lost offspring.

He’ll have to adopt me?

Or go in the freezer.




Which is another way of saying (as all programmers do when not laying blame at the feet of users, clients, dbas, managers, sunspots, or bitrot) – stupid network admins.

You left out hangovers.

/former programmer (from back in the days before they had these newfangled things the kidz call innert00bz)

Gary Marvolo Ruppert

I feel obligated to say something about WordPress because, as the Talmud says, “Silence is akin to assent.” I would like to start by discussing WordPress’s indiscretions, mainly because they scare me. The thing I’m the most frightened about is that I challenge WordPress to point out any text in this letter that proposes that going through the motions of working is the same as working. It isn’t there. There’s neither a hint nor a suggestion of such a thing. To summarize my views: WordPress exhibits bad sportsmanship.


WordPress is HAL.

Gavin's Fiancée

Gary Marvolo Ruppert = Lavatory Romp Purger

Are you the one who ratted out Larry Craig?


Gavin’s Fiancée said,
April 12, 2008 at 3:49

Are you the one who ratted out Larry Craig?

Are you the one who rooted out Larry Craig?

Fixed yur typo.


WordPress has wind and poor taste in end tables.


So do I.




If SadlyNo was a dog it would be Bo (on the left teaching a young dog old trix).

Have you ever seen a cuter dog in your life?


Me and you and a dog named Bo
Travelin and a-livin off the fat
Me and you and a dog named Bo
How I love bein a bad cat….

I can still recall
That family we killed in St. Paul
And the morning we got caught
Burnin the bloody clothes
Old McDonald, he asked us why
Kinda sad that he had to die
He had thirty dollars in his pocket
And it’s back on the road again…



Oh, Mikey, my illusions are shattered. Please, at least tell me you are a polka master on the Onde Martenot. Let me have one intact dream in this world of despair and mismatched tablery.


The hipsters are here, too. No one knows where they came from here, either.

Portland. No, the other one. No, not that one, are you daft? The other other one. Yes, that one.

The infestation came without warning. We think they may have been hiding among the chefs and brewers that have similarly over-run the place. We’re doing our best to ship them out as quickly as possible. Hang in there folks, we’ll get them out to you just as quickly as possible, yessirree.

I’d ship a few now but, umm, some Fat Tire seems to be getting in my way.


I have flawless taste in endtables.
If my decor doesn’t pass, blame my neighbors.
They’re the ones who never throw out anything good.
And really, its time for them to buy a new couch already. Their old one is getting pretty shabby.


We are now in the End Tables.


I’ve got this really cool maple pedestal table.

It’s like being at a bar.

But without the annoying other people…



I’ll be there. I look foward to meeting y’all face to face. We’ll have a nice friendly chat about the issues over a few drinks. I’m a pretty down to earth guy. Who knows maybe we’ll become friends despite our political differences. I’m open to it.


Memo to the Edinburgh Castle management.

Please go to the bank on thursday.

You may get a surprising demand for rolls of nickels on friday.

It would be in everyone’s best interest if you didn’t run out of nickels…



Yo! Ped Xing! Bud! You can find some great decorating tips and mayve even a few good pieces right here.


btw, WordPress sux gigantic putty balls whether I’m using Firefox on Fedora, Firefox/Windoze, or Opera/Windoze.

It aint me, babe, it aint me.


Yo! Ped Xing! Bud! You can find some great decorating tips and maybe even a few good pieces right here.

WordPress, I’m on the verge of disliking you.


Hey, I only comment here occasionally, but I’m totally up for this. Should I wear a name tag or something?


commie atheist said,

April 12, 2008 at 4:53

Hey, I only comment here occasionally, but I’m totally up for this. Should I wear a name tag or something?

I can’t make it, but if I could, my nametag would say, “I’m Gary Ruppert, and the fact is…”



Gavin's Fiancée

Hey look! The mike is on!


So, a bike ride home, a shower, dinner of sorts and Daily/Colbert on the DVR and you people have gone completely apeshit here. Jeez.

Anyway, I was trying to protect y’all’s tender sensibilities when I mentioned putting that gopher “under my arm.” Whassamatter, you never heard of a euphamism before? Of course, “gopher” is a euphamism too.

When my gopher comes out of his hole, he never sees his shadow.

And it wasn’t a storm that sank the Edmund Fitzgerald. It was WordPress.


One question on the password: is it pronounced “RUPP-ert” or “ru-PERT”?


I’ve always thought it was RUPP-ert, like rupture. If one did ever meet Teh Real Gary in the flesh, however, it might be cool to pronounce it in a “French” fashion, Roo-pear. That ought to frost whatever passes for his balls.

gbear, I’d love to come to the Twinly Cities and have a fest. It’s only a four hour drive for me, or a 45 minute flight, but at this juncture someone else would have to pay for it, alas. I don’t have bus fare across town these days.

It’s not snowing here in Des Moines, although they say it might. There is light at the end of this tunnel, though, as they* say it will be 70 degrees and sunny on Tuesday. I’ve decided to go on living until Tuesday. They’d better keep their promise.

*”They” in this case being local weather prognosticators par excellence KCCI, where your own Jeanette Trompeter was once the goddess of the six and ten.


Matt McMahon said, “…maybe we’ll become friends despite our political differences. I’m open to it.”

Oh, just shut the fuck up.


It’s ru-pear, and if WP eats my thoughtful comment that has been made with so much care…


I just know you’ll have fun. mikey, will you be there?

I have been having a fuck of a week, and I think the zodiacal signs that govern computers are in some kind of retrograde. My computer at work is on the fritz, and my computer at home is getting….er…eccentric.

I will have to wait for the Sadly No gathering in LA – whenever that may be.


I always thought of it as “Rooo-pert”


WordPress can go fucking die that damn cocksucking moterfucking piece of shit!


In an earlier thread I had a very long elaborate comment about how Israel would be justified in exterminating the Palestinians but fucking wordpress ate it!


good thing

So, am I the only one who sees this pic, and can think of nothing except Brokeback Mountain?

“I wish I knew how to quit you, Oil.”

Bertrand Ruppert

The fact is either a simple particular exhibiting a quality, or multiple simple particulars standing in a specific relation to one another. The logical or ‘atomic’ fact cannot be broken down any further. Each atomic fact is metaphysically independent of every other, and any one could obtain or fail to obtain regardless of the obtaining (or not) of any other.


I’ve not read any comments, yet, because due to the fascist nature of my office which prohibits(in case I’ve not bitched enough about this) this website as a “personal page”. So no parties unless I get to be invited, but I live far from SF, so let’s get farther NE.


Awww…Crap! If only the shenanigans, tomfoolery, and monkeyshines were scheduled for a Saturday, then World O’ Crap could make the flight up north and represent. Alas…Perhaps next year.

You kids have fun, now!


WordPress is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful blogging provider I’ve ever known in my life.


You left out hangovers.

Not me! I’m working on the Ballmer Peak

Now, ’bout them rolls of nickels… Don’t we want quarters instead? Or do we just want to stuff soap in our socks?


I’m gonna be there! I know everybody’s gotta be pretty excited about that.


My latest WordPress just died libelously and with all the edible shit in this life a WordPress story would make my day. She took a metronome to the tentacle and died truculently some years thereafter. She used to cross those colons with that sense of concentration each time she used the litter-box.


Comments no workee?


Until I logged in all my comments over the last couple of days were eaten.


Isn’t that 1909 Earthquake Day? Wish I could go the Isle of Jura single malt is delicious and I’m missing the fish and chips reading about this…


Odd I didn’t know the Sadly, No! gang was in SF area. Or maybe I just didnt’ pay attention (most likely that is the case). Unfortunately I have plans that night (I’ll be in SF, but at the Great American Music Hall). So will have to miss the 1st annual. Perhaps the 2nd annual. 🙂


(comments are closed)