Shorter Star Parker

Will Racial Politics Ever End?

Above: If you talk too long to the hand, the hand talks also to you1

  • The Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. lived and died so that black people could quit complaining and look on the bright side — yet once again they are weakening America’s spirit with their special-interest pleadings.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.

1 Cf.


Comments: 48


Star Parker is, simply put, an ugly bigot. Some of the things she’s allowed herself to be filmed saying w/r/t gays can only be qualified as hate speech.

Anything she has to say about civil rights isn’t worth listening to. She’s a horrible, horrible person.


Is she that fat bitch from Teh View?


No, Simba — she’s what they cut off that fat bitch from The View.


“I got mine so could the rest of you shut up and play along?”

Johnny Coelacanth

We interrupt your regularly scheduled snark for this update: Ace of Spades HQ chosen as part of’s blog index. Described as “full of snarling, flat-out funny commentary…”


I used to walk in the shade with my blues on parade
But I’m not afraid cause my worries are over, the road’s crossed over
If I never have a cent I’ll be as rich as Rockefeller
With gold dust at my feet on the sunny sunny side of the street!

Like prosperity, the end of racism is just around the corner.


We interrupt your regularly scheduled snark for this update: Ace of Spades HQ chosen as part of’s blog index. Described as “full of snarling, flat-out where the funny goes to die commentary…”



Soon after they left Egypt, it was evident the generation of slaves was not ready to become a generation capable of the responsibilities of freedom.
Umm, okay. Why is it evident?

The Israelites’ great sin, which condemned them to wander for 40 years, was to say, despite having all that they needed, except for affordable housing, jobs, protection from further discrimination and class warfare and police oppression, “We’re not ready. We can’t do it. The challenge is too great.”

Ahh. I see. Makes perfect sense now.

[note: first time I’ve ever actually read Star; is it pure self-loathing or some bizarre form of Stockholm syndrome?]


Owlbear nails the shorter shorter.


[note: first time I’ve ever actually read Star; is it pure self-loathing or some bizarre form of Stockholm syndrome?]

Nope, owlbear1 nailed it.

Being a bigoted asshole is an equal opportunity occupation. Trust me, I was raised by one. But Ms. Barker knows that if people stop talking about how different races are treated and instead start talking about how different classes are treated, she will find out how a guillotine works. Hence the need to establish a difference between whiny (bad) colored folks v. happy (rich) negroes.


Shorter Star Parker:

“I’m a stupid, self-indulgent nitwit.”

This is actually a very useful “shorter” as it can be used for any conservative who expresses him or herself.


Is Ms. Parker well to do herself? Or is she, like the vast majority of the far right wing of the republican party, voting against her own best interests for some almost entirely inexplicable reason?


Whoops. Found her bio page there. She’s well to do alright. Really brings home Owlbear’s take on it.

The best part of the bio is the implication that “finding Christ” was what allowed her to go to college and get her bachelor’s degree…


Shorter Conservative Response: “See? A black person said there’s nothing for black people to complain about. So shut up, anyway.”

Typical Republican

See? A black person said there’s nothing for black people to complain about. So shut up, anyway.

Liberals. Hmf.


It seems to me that conservatives believe Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. materialized out of thin air, gave the “I Have A Dream” speech, and then got shot by James Earl Ray before he ever said anything else.


Hmmm. Can’t find their Form-999 anywhere. I’ll request from IRS.


Oops. By “their” I mean CURE, her 501c3.


I’ve heard that NASA has plans to send a black astronaut to the moon. That’s progress.
In time they’ll also work on plans to bring him back. That’s real progress.


I, for one, think that it is inspiring to see how an attractive black woman can acquire huge piles of money by travelling around to white churches and 24-hour news outlets to explain that racism has ended and any black people who say otherwise are evil satan-spawn.

C’mon black people! Follow Star’s example by publicly announcing that there is no more racism. You will all be paid handsomely and become millionaires overnight!

It’s so simple, and yet nobody is doing it.


I’m not surprised you libs just don’t get it. There’s a reason why Star Parker, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams and others have turned to the GOP: The politics of liberalism, of class-warfare and hatred and demagoguery, have failed black Americans. The politics of spirituality and freedom and economic liberty have succeeded wildly for blacks, and they should be eternally thankful. Star Parker gets it.


Sigh. So you’re like, Gary Ruppertbot 8.0, or something, Jason?

Wait. Don’t answer that. I don’t care.

Principal Blackman

Star Parker gets it.

And by “it” he means “wingnut welfare.”


So who wants to place bets on how long it takes Gary Jason to lose his focus and revert to the standard-form “the fact is” trolling?

Seeing as Ritalin is fairly short-acting, I’m guessing a few hours.


The Israelites great sin was to say “I’m not ready”?
I take it that God’ll be copacetic with that ginormous golden idol I just set up in the back yard, then.
WHEW. Close one.
Everyone’s invited over on Fridays for Sacrifice Nights.
Bring your own victims!


Yes, she does. She gets paid a lot of money by conservatives because she salves their conscience and props up their anti-American, anti-freedom rhetoric by repeating that “everything is just great for the black folks.”

Strange how she credits her conversion with turning her life around and becoming wealthy, but she never says anything about the conservatives who pay her to be a living whitewash of the ever-increasing classism in the U.S.

(And yes, I know that Jason Ambrose is a troll.)


The Israelites’ great sin, which condemned them to wander for 40 years
Was to follow Charleton Heston, who was a Real Man and therefore couldn’t stop and ask directions.


Jim, can we have an angry party after?


I’m no more of a troll than the way you liberals have trolled all the great foundations of our society and culture, from freedom and liberty to spirituality and respect. All of them eaten away, but yet thankfully propped up by people like Star Parker, who see over race baiting and class warfare to realize that there’s a better way. A conservative way. The way.


I don’t know why those black people are so angry, when the yellow brick road is right under their feet. It’s so obvious!
Except the price of yellow bricks has gone up lately. Hm.


So jim, I’m bringing over the freedom and liberty shish-kabobs, right? Who’s bringing the spirituality and respect chips to consume?

Liberal USA Lolcat sez

I had freedum and libertee and respek, but I eated it.


I can bring the wafers and wine but EVERYPLACE is completely sold out of sacrificial virgins


Ooh, I’ll bring the US flag firestarters and gen-u-wine Old Glory charcoal for the fiery pit. When we’re done with the regular victims(white males, natch) we can have a womb baby-cue!


Excellent, then we should plan the gay abortions between the sacrifices and the baby-que.

I’ll bring the tongs and the shop-vac.


I was all set to get mad, but Star was just talking such random mush that I calmed down. It would be like getting angry at a Mad Libs.

Still, though… I’m tired of this “We should be grateful for anything less then genocide” attitude conservatives have. It’s pretty clear that being black makes you more likely to get the death penalty. The fact that America has only kills a few black people for the crime of being black doesn’t make it okay.


I’m getting old. If I go to an Angry Party where I eat the bread of wickedness, and drink the wine of violence, then I usually need to go and lie down for a while.


I’m getting carpal tunnel moving Gary/Matt/Jason into the greasemonkey septic tank. Jason – you don’t even have enough brain to move the invertebrate meter off zero. Hope you like pie.


All of them eaten away, but yet thankfully propped up by people like Star Parker

I can’t evn figure out what he means here. Star Parker is propping up eaten-away foundations?

Smiling Mortician

Now that’s where we disagree, g. I think it makes perfect sense, especially the part about how the eaten-away foundations are thankful for Star’s proppitude.


Not only is Star Parker working as replacement foundations, she’s suitably thankful for the job opportunity.


There’s a reason why Star Parker, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams and others have turned to the GOP

I always thought it was due to the fact that all they can spout is talking points and that they don’t have to make sense while doing so.
Disclaimer – I make no claim to making sense when I write either but I ain’t paid for it.

OT – for all of you socal sadly, nosians – I am going to be in Carlsbad, CA at a conference in May and will have some play time. Any recommendations would be appreciated. njmemail(at)


I can’t tell by the photo whether Star Parker needs foundations, but you can be that if she doesn/ they shouldn’t be eaten away.


“I got mine so could the rest of you shut up and play along?”

Owlbear FTW. Do you suppose there’s a tshirt in the back of her closet with the inscription “Proud House Negro”? And is she required to wear it every time she goes to pick up her Wingnut Welfare paycheck, or only at the big annual fried chicken & filet mignon company picnic?


Do you suppose there’s a tshirt in the back of her closet with the inscription “Proud House Negro”?

You know, I really don’t get the whole thing about being in a particular party or holding a particular ideology because of color/gender/orientation/other uncontrollable factors. This is a free country. If people want to be selfish, greedy dickheads it’s great that the GOP is there for them.

Look at Star Parker or (if you can stomach it) Alan Keyes. I don’t want to go to a meeting or party hosted by the local Dems if something Mr. Keyes might attend because he’s a fucking nutcase and I don’t like fucking nutcases.

Look at that blue haired bitch Phyllis Schlafly. Or that disgusting putz Mark Foley. They’re all assholes, they belong with the other assholes.

Slightly more seriously, I know some African-Americans who are Republicans because the GOP is the party of Intense Interest in What Other People Do With Their Genitals. Maybe it’s a failing on my part, but I don’t look at these people and think “How sad, they’re voting against their own best interests.”

I think, “Eat shit and die, you fucking bigots.”

But again, that may be my problem.


Sounds like Jason Ambrose is a 19 year old who just discovered Charles Murray and Frederick Hayek, so now he thinks he knows everything that is wrong with America.

Michael Harrington

The best part of all of this is that the stupid woman actually thinks her “friends” over at Clowhall and all the other places she gets her checks from respect her and don’t snicker at her behind her back.

Currently in a tight competition with Roger L. (I Went To The Mat For Those People And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt) Simon for the hoinor of being the most ridiculous person in Wingnuttia.


There’s a reason why Star Parker, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams and three others have turned to the GOP.



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