Shorter Brent Bozell
- Hippies, whoa-whoa-whoa, hippies…
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.
Bonus Bozell:
Love was a “groovy” feeling, but it had to be “free,” which often meant it was best carried out in a long series of “random acts of kindness” with a string of strangers. The counter-culturalists professed to apostles of love, but counseled self-absorption in narcotic highs.
“Tea,” “gage,” “marihuana.” These were but some of the “recreational” substances the jazz-crazed counter-culturalists consumed to get their so-called “kicks.” But all too often, the deadly results were…
Okay, who made that noise? I’m not going to stand for any…
[spitball bounces off forehead]
..foolishness with the…
…I saw that spitball, smart guy, and if you think you…
[other, distinct raspberry]
…because the…
[Popeye ‘ag-ag-ag’ laugh]
I’ll never get sick of seeing this guy photosopped next to monkeys.
That’s a photoshop? Who knew?
What the fuck is wrong with me- I actually clicked the link and read some of his b.s. UGGGGH!
IT never ceases to amaze me how many ways wingnut blowhards can say “Hippies suck. Get off my damn lawn.”
My God he’s hideous. Like if Dr. Zaius raped John Huston.
This is what you write when you can’t admit that you don’t understand the snark. Cons are notoriously bad at understanding satire. Having to juggle two opposing concepts in real time is a big problem as well. So if you can’t create, criticize!
Only heaping helpings of gooey sentimentality and maudlin pap will provide us with the cultural nourishment we need to rebuild our depleted national moral fiber.
Now if only those damn hippies would stop snickering.
Old war movies and romantic dramas, taken seriously the first time around, were consumed by a younger generation as farce — as ‘camp.'”
Just imagine the depravity of mocking your parents as “corny”. What kind of monster would do such a thing? I mean apart from the approximately 99% of people who do it at some point in their lives.
You know, captain, every year I grow more and more convinced that wingnuts are all crotchety geriatrics trapped in younger bodies, who hate everything newer and more complex then a phonograph.
but in their endless attempts to persuade us through their “art,” they often suggest that nothing is authentic on its face, that no one can be trusted and everyone deep down is a phony, living a lie.
Gotta give him credit for almost getting to an understanding of post-modernism. But then, if he knew that he was approaching a well-established, now somewhat orthodox framework, his head would ‘splode.
And jeez, he’s nasty looking! Does he look himself in the mirror every day and say, “yeah man, *I* look good.” I’m da chix magnet, me.
Some Guy,
As a totally straight man trappped (trapped I say!) in a gay man’s body, I take umbrage at your callous treatment of the “others” in our midst.
Wait a minute. What the fuck am I saying? Trapped in the worng… they don’t even have that lame excuse.
“Tea,” “gage,” “marihuana.” These were but some of the “recreational” substances the jazz-crazed counter-culturalists consumed to get their so-called “kicks.”
Sure, it’s all groovy until a cat goes off on a bummer. But if you’re trippin’ off on some trip, who keeps it solid?
If you aren’t bringing me weed, get off my lawn.
[updated, btw]
Is that some of the Aquarian Age lingo of today’s hip new mod generation? Brent’s ‘totally tuned into’ that ‘cool scene’. His bow tie is tie-dyed.
What;s he trying to say here? Is it that the DFH’s, who are so into their feelings that they’re like, you know, FAGS, are not sincere enough?
It’s really such a shame that the hippies don’t respect the heartfelt sincerity and loving hearts of the corporate executives who weep bitter tears at the lack of human charity these days.
Yay, I got my power back!!!
Re: the snark, what the fuck did the assholes expect from a completely Disneyfied culture?
Leave it up to a Republican to suggest that the faux sentimentality of consumer culture is superior to an adult understanding of the use of sentimentality to manipulate spending habits.
I think they expected a completely Disneyfied citizenry.
Ah yes, clearly “love” is really supposed to mean “control of a woman’s sexuality by the responsible man, either her father or husband.”
… and birth control pills are a dangerous weapon undermining that control!
Yay, I got my power back!!!
This time use it only for good.
Is using it for snarky goodness good enough?
What shit he writes, and I say this as someone who fell for the whole short-lived “new sincerity” movement started by folks like Alejandro Escovedo with his True Believers and made me move to Austin in the 1980s. Does anybody remember this?! New Sincerity was an aesthetic of deadpan, artless sharing, ala Jim Jarmuch’s Stranger than Paradise, a sweet and disarming way to be in the world, which made it threatening to the status quo. There does seem to be a generation gap between old neo-Beats and the Gen-X demographic, and the replacing of sincerity with snark is a part of it, but no reason we can’t learn to do both I reckon. Have a nice day.
I watched High School Confidential last week and now I’m just “dyin’ for a blast from a stick !”
Is using it for snarky goodness good enough?
Does it involve Wonder Woman underwear?
“The revolt against sincerity — the Snark Ages, still upon us — began as a rebellion against corny, over-the-top displays of emotion in movies, songs, TV shows. But the rebellion spiraled out of control, and any public expression of emotion, no matter how sincere, was a target for mockery. Old war movies and romantic dramas, taken seriously the first time around, were consumed by a younger generation as farce — as ‘camp.'”
Yadda yadda…. By the way, is that Bozell’s real hair color, or did he just go swimming after having using Hair Color for Men?
is that Bozell’s real hair color
I guess he chose it to match his bow-tie.
What is the story with the pattern on that bow-tie, by the way? Is it some sort of urban camo pattern? It would blend in perfectly against some vomit I saw once on the Cowmarket footpath.
The pivotal point
Bozell wrote: “We have not lost the ability to love and revere and be sincere.” Agree, but we have cheapened our words and how we apply those things. We are in the age, or generation, of hugging – as in literally hugging trees. During my first 70 years, people didn’t hug unless they were relatives who hadn’t seen each other for some time. Now, the thing to do is hug nearly everyone. It is comparable to using the word “love,” as in “I love my car” or something similar. You love your car? Now lay back on the couch, close your eyes and tell me when it was that you first felt something warm and glowing about your car.
I may have missed that Alejandro Escovedo was going for sincere, actually. Love the hell out of him anyway.
I’m a bad woman.
But [since “Feelings”] the rebellion spiraled out of control…
And popular songcraft has been devoid of sentimentality ever since. Why, Michael Bolton, Bryan Adams, Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, Boys II Men, Aerosmith, Marc Anthony, R. Kelly*, and Akon hardly made a cent in the intervening years, the catcalls of mockery have been so unrelenting.
*Oops. He was wearing his dick on his sleeve. Different organ entirely. My bad.
My God he’s hideous. Like if Dr. Zaius raped John Huston.
“He’s my brother! He’s my son! He’s my brother! He’s my son!”
“I said I want the truth!”
“He’s my brother and my son and an Oorang-ootang!”
“Forget it Jake, it’s planet of the apes-town.”
I can see Bozell is right to go back to the 60s: after all in Planet of the Apes Chuck Heston said, “Back on Earth there were women. Lots of women. Lots of love-making but no love. You see, that was the kind of world we’d made. So I left, because there was no one to hold me there.”
I’m not inclined to be lectured by a man hailing from a family of Fascist apologists.
It’s a little quirk I have.
If Hollywood is under the control of hippies on a crusade against sentimentality, then why do they keep making Robin Williams movies?
I think Brent’s going to hard a really tough time getting people on board with the conservative program when they find out it involves liking the song “Feelings.”
Hippies are evil. War profiteers who advise an inept Chimp to keep the war going so that they can continue profiting are good.
Go figure.
Brent Boozer sure has nerve calling someone else a “cultural commissar.”
Could we create some kind of anti-TownHall? A TownHall antidote? I think the entire Internet is going to revolt if we don’t do something to stop it…
It’s too late! The internet is already revolting! Because of Townhall!
Sorry, I’m stoned on headache drugs. Ignore me.
Bad dye job.
He might be recycling the same dull sermon but Youppi is still the cuddliest of the Townhallers.
I like that the language they use is basically always the same. It’s always something about self-absorbtion and that stupid-ass old-man hip routine, even if they were born in the 70s.
If you read enough of these damn-hippies screeds you can pump them out in your sleep. And in a sense, that’s exactly what’s going on here; I don’t think I’d call Bozell conscious if he had a crank IV.
I think Brent’s going to hard a really tough time getting people on board with the conservative program when they find out it involves liking the song “Feelings.”
I second that emotion!
Actually, the hatred toward the DFH will always be with us. Because while the most overt and visible elements have faded, that outlook will become more shared and more embedded in the culture.
We will be dealing more and more with the environment, multi-culturalism, and the struggle against oppression, in part, because of the way they imposed rampant capitalistic globalization, and the screwups thereof.
The only way it could be more ironic is if they understood that.
Ask this guy.
If you take out “free” and replace it with “a paid transaction,” he’d be talking about Ted sHaggard.
Srsly, babbling about hippies in 2008 is a sure sign of demenita. Next he’ll tell us about the evils the Clovis people.
Flawedplan, on sincerity and snark:
Right on, daddy-oh.
Why exactly is snark inherently false and artificial? My desire to ridicule wingnuts is completely sincere.
Because if there’s one things conservatives have traditionally been known for, it’s sincerity.
Also, there’s this country we really got to [bomb / subvert / invade] immediately so that the [Communists and/or Arabs and/or Moozlims and/or Hippie Drug Fiends] don’t [kill and/or rape] us in our beds at night.
So 1963 was the high-water mark of American culture? Hmm. I wonder what happened that year, and in the years thereafter, to destroy the faith of so many young people in the Sincerity of Their Fathers. Funny, but when someone mentions the Sixties, the first ten or so things I think of are not Haight-Ashbury.
I love the end, when Bozo acts like he’s counter-culture because he likes middle of the road crap. Because he’s counter TO the counter-culture! Woah! So liking The Game Plan and various Walden films releases makes you a badass. Awesome.
OMG, I just had a vision of Brent Bozell IV or V forty years hence, railing against America’s loss of faith in the future military mis-adventures of President Walker Prescott Bush and blaming “Seinfeld” and “Queer Eye”.
He’ll be blaming American Idol.
I can’t get over the fact that he also rants against “random acts of kindness.”
I wish more conservatives would just come out and admit that they hate people who are nice to others.
Shorter Bozell: It’s “hip” to be “square.”
If I were paid the big bucks to rail against society, no matter how stupidly, I’d——–still refuse to be a mendacious dork.
Oscar Wilde said that,upon hearing of the death of Little Nell, one would have to have a heart of stone to keep from laughing. Plato had a famous rant about the disrespectful youth of Athens. GET OVER THE FUCKIN’ SIXTIES ALREADY!
He’s like the evil David Bowie and the evil Richard Branson SIMULTANEOUSLY.
This Bozell Bozo is further proof that American right-wing ding-a-lings are either cartoonishly disingenuous to promote such piffle, or they are, as we all suspect, fucking batshit crazy beyond hope if they really believe the tripe they peddle.
I think it’s hilarious that they can’t.
Back in the day, I myself was a hippie radical berserker. Now I see that after forty fucking years just the memory of us still has the power to induce apoplexy in jerks like Bozell. Quite truthfully, that makes me damn proud.
Ol’ BB just never really did get over the idea that somebody might be having a good time without him, did he?
hopefully, snorghagen, in ten years all the preppies from the 80s will feel the same way about us old punks.
But I’m not betting on it. yours was a revolutionary generation.
And what kind of person do you have to be inside to result in that permanent physical sneer?
It’s funny that they always make sure to publicly obsess over the great threat of the hippies and colored folks and teh gays and all, when the actual society is crumbling due to the Reagan generation and 30 years of its destructive, anti-societal anti-national warfare.
Well El Cid, you can’t expect the Bozo brigade go around screaming “Oppress me! Oppress me right now damn it!”*
*May not apply when Bozo is in the presence of prostitutes who specialize in B&D.
Also, at the risk of being lookist, someone should tell Bozell that strapping a ginger cat to the lower half of his face only accentuates the fact that he was behind the door when they handed out chins but went back for a second helping of neck.
From Bozo’s article: “Timothy Leary advised, “Tune out, turn on, drop out.”‘ No, you culturally illiterate ginger fuckstick, you can’t even get Leary’s most famous quote right. Tell me again why anyone, anywhere, has ever taken this guy seriously.
He’ll be blaming American Idol.
Well, at least that will be partially accurate. Let’s face it, American Idol has done more damage to the collective culture than anything that happened in the 60s. At least the 60s didn’t make anyone dumber.
And what kind of person do you have to be inside to result in that permanent physical sneer?
Heh. He reminds me of a guy I knew in college, who was once described by one of my friend’s sisters thusly: “Doug, who’s that boy you hang out with that looks like he’s always just smelled doo-doo?”
RE: the 60s in general – this may be the primary reason the GOP would rather run against Hillary – so they can have one last chance to shreik about the 60s. Running against Obama is like waking up to one of the worst dreams they had about the 60s – that one day, being a white man wouldn’t in and of itself be enough to qualify you to be king of the hill. Honestly, it’s one of the reasons I voted for Obama instead of Hillary – he’s just a few years older than me and people my age and younger are fucking sick and tired of fighting over what happened 40 years ago when we were very young children. Not that they won’t try to fight it all over again, but due to Obama’s age, the only basis they’ll have for fighting it this time around is his race. Which, as we’ve already discussed, they will do in very ugly ways before this is all over and done with.
I can’t get over the fact that he also rants against “random acts of kindness.”
I wish more conservatives would just come out and admit that they hate people who are nice to others.
—— —— —— —— —— ——
Scott @ 16:34 nails it.
For whatever it’s worth, the idea was “random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.” Being nice to others. Doing good things on purpose, without one eye on the reward or the glory — just because they’re there to be done. Anne Herbert, who first wrote those words, thought of a loosely-organized or totally un-organized group who would secretly break into decrepit school buildings at night and clean them up and paint them … “another senseless act of beauty last night at Dreary Middle School! Film at eleven …”
What is so horribly bad about being nice to other people? Why does the mere idea frighten and enrage right-wingers so greatly?
Hey…Bozell…Why’nt ya shave an’ gedda haircut, ya freak…
because the don’t understand it.
Why would anyone expend personal effort or money with no payoff? It’s beyond the comprehension of their tiny little self-concerned world.
Why would anyone expend personal effort or money with no payoff?
—– —– —–
Um … because it’s fun? It lightens the heart?
I don’t think the Brents of this world have much fun or lightness of heart, though. Reminds me of a third-grade bully I knew back when.
Insincerity is also rampant in Manhattan
and outbursts of snickering have been reported in Boston.
I swear, it’s like listening to my old grampaw grouse about the longhairs.
Next he’ll tell us about the evils the Clovis people.
Well they were always calling him a neanderthal.
Republicans were truely traumatized by the sixties, it seems. The realization that you can rebel against your parents and Authority in general without being struck dead by God was so traumatic that through themselves into utter denial. Everything their parents told them was false! Oh noes, I must reject anti-authoritarianism ,or admit my parents were just controlling freaks!!
As well they should be.
I hope nobody misinterprets my earlier comment. As I said, I’m amused to see wingnuts still getting enraged about hippies, and I’m delighted that we pissed them off so badly and so permanently. But this continuing obsession with the 60s is stunningly irrational. We’ve got immense frigging problems that we need to be dealing with right now, and reactionaries ranting about Timothy Leary are just wasting everyone’s time.
“was so traumatic that they threw themselves”
Quoting myself:
…reactionaries ranting about Timothy Leary are just wasting everyone’s time.
Although Bozell would be wasting everyone’s time no matter what he ranted about.
He’ll be blaming American Idol.
Well, so do I. Just in general.
Dear Dr. Edley,
I’m very impressed by your decision to hire former Justice Department official John Yoo to serve on your faculty. It was a very shrewd marketing move on your part. It allows Berkeley to finally get past its sordid history as the battleground for the expansion of our civil liberties and become the foremost advocate for that “shining interrogation center upon a hill” so many of us wish our nation to become.
General J.C. Christian, folks. Showing faux garries everywhere how it’s done.
Most of the 60s happened in the 70s anyway.
Ooh wanna say wanna say
Uh huh uh huh
Ooh love is a groovy feeling
Perfect love is free
A random act of kindness baby
That’s the way it’s got to be
Beloved, let us love one another
Though the Day of Judgment’s nigh
And if you love a stranger
It’ll surely get you high high high
Most of the 60s happened in the 70s anyway.
So true.
I’m almost exactly the same age as Obama (one day older). I can’t speak for Obama, but I know I spent most of my formative teen years wishing I’d experienced the 60s, not realizing I was experiencing the consequences and effects of the various movements all the while. My first political awareness was forged in the 60s: One of my earliest memories was of the JFK assassination, and I remember the T.V. images of Vietnam, the Chicago convention riots, and the MLK & RFK assassinations. But it was in the 70s, with Watergate, that I got the bug for politics, watching the hearings with my mom, who was glued to them.
Like Obama, I was raised by grandparents and a frequently absent hippie mom. I think a large part of my growing feeling of empathy with Obama is that we are the generation that was the natural outgrowth of the consciousness born in the 60s. Unlike Bozell and his ilk, I think that’s a very good thing. Respect for the earth, hope for a future, the elegant beauty that is science expanding into space and penetrating the mysteries of genetics, an antipathy to war and authoritarianism, a demand for accountability in government; what’s not to like?
But those problems are the fault of Bush and his faithful enablers. Focusing on those problems would require the fRighties to admit they were wrong 59 zillion times and worse yet, the nasty lieberuls were right 59 zillion times.
Their fragile little brains just aren’t up to the strain. So it is much easier to focus on something that happened thirty years ago, blow it all out of proportion (lie) by implying every corner of America was crammed with and controlled by DFHs, and harping on how that ruined everything 4evar. (See also fRightWing gibberish on the equal rights movements for African-Americans, women & gays and lesbians.)
Take for example the war in Vietnam. With all due respect to the DFHs, they did not stop the war. They certainly helped, they made the protests interesting but it took 1. Leaders who were willing to look reality in the face and admit that strategically, we couldn’t win this one. and 2. “Normal” Americans (my grandparents’ generation, i.e. “The Greatest Generation”) saying “You know what? I saw the point of WWII. I still haven’t quite figured out Korea, but I know this war is stupid and I don’t want my kid to get ground up in it, thank you very much.”
But people like Bozo don’t want to think that their parents or grand-parents weren’t 100% gung ho for the rumble in the jungle (that would change really quickly if there were ever another Draft), so they bleat about hippies (as seen on TV) ruining all the fun.
You are obviously a DFH, likely an evildoer, a potential traitor, definitely subversive, insufficiently ardent for the Great Cause, and otherwise unworthy of citizenship in the bestest, free-est, smarterest country EVAR, right or wrong, love it or etc.
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Fucking Bozell Bot.
Wow. I’ll never understand the power of the sixities. I think people were aware that something fundamental was shifting, that the basic structures and architectures were being questioned, but a day was pretty much like another day.
Sure, I saw some free concerts in Golden Gate Park, I sniffed up a little tear gas in berkeley and SF, but for every one of those days there were a hundred just hanging out at the beach, grilling free oysters on the bonfire, collecting enough change for a six pack, changing the oil on my old beater scoot in Limantour head parking lot, cutting school to hang at the Stinson break when the surf would come up, eating a handful of bennies and swimming naked all night at bass lake.
Nope. I’m sure it was all the things people imagine it to be forty years on, but it just seemed like my banal childhood. First kiss, first broken heart, first bike, first flopped bike, all the normal crap.
In spite of the vietnam coverage every night on the six o’clock news, the ’68 convention and the detroit riots, it didn’t seem to be the seminal moment in time that it seems to be viewed as today…
Love was a “groovy” feeling, but it had to be “free,” which often meant it was best carried out in a long series of “random acts of kindness” with a string of strangers
And even under those conditions, Bozell still couldn’t get any. Seriously, back in ’67, my hippie chick Asper Oggus used to say, “baby, I can love a string of strangers, ’cause people can you feel it, love is everywhere. But I’m not touching that weirdo Bozell guy with a stick.”
Where would Sadly, No! be without Simpsons references?
I don’t think he did.
I think he advised people to “Turn on, tune in, drop out.”
And what do you know? I’m right.
It’s amazing. what you can learn when you actually, you know, READ A FUCKING BOOK. This guy is a tool. And not a good tool, like a pipe threader, or a band saw, that actually does stuff and is, you know, cool … but an incredibly lame tool, like a an old hand crank drill that was poorly made when it was first manufactured, and then the handle rusted and froze so you can’t spin it easily without constantly shifting your hand position and the drill bit wore out years ago but it wasn’t made to accept interchangeable bits with a but key, so now it’s just this old, non-functioning waste of space that, when you try to use it, gives you blisters and doesn’t accomplish what it is supposed to. That’s what kind of tool he is.
Also, your hands get dirty when you use it.
Where would Sadly, No! be without Simpsons references?
It’s a Simpsons reference that references an entire different part of American pop culture. It’s like two-for-one.
People like Bozo treat others like shit, and in return are treated badly, which they think justifies their initial behavior. The noition of ‘being nice’ to people who are so mean to him is horrifying.
Also, your hands get dirty when you use it.
And it’s made of the kind of metal that makes them smell like pennies aged in dog piss.
I tried to read the whole column and immediately went into irony overload. Brent Bozill lecturing us DFH’s about “sincerity” is just too much.
Bozell’s problem is that he thinks sentimentality is a good thing. He approves of disaproportionate or inappropriate emotional reactions and attachments. It’s easy to manipulate people using sentimentality. And it’s easy to carry to extremes, to use as a weapon to bludgeon your opponet.
I wish more conservatives would just come out and admit that they hate people who are nice to others.
I wish more conservatives would just come out and admit that they hate people.
Some doofus schmaltzy newspaper columnist, whose name I don’t feel from plucking from its well-deserved obscurity, once protested against criticism of his work, “Sentiment alone could never explain such popular interest.” Philip Roth retorted, “The word is spelled sentimentality, and if it can’t explain popular interest, what can?”
“It’s amazing what you can learn when you actually, you know, READ A FUCKING BOOK” should be the title/tagline of a series of 30-second spots on cable.
Also, don’t people dislike “Feelings” because it’s a stupid and clumsily-worded song?
Rock me dr. zaius.
Woe, woe, woe, feelin-
[yanked off stage by guy with hook]
Seriously, folks…this asshole’s father was so terrified of The Negro Hordes and DFH’s that he dragged the whole family to Spain and crawled up Franco’s ass.
A little late, but did anyone else who actually read, or skimmed, or started to read this thing notice that he actually wrote this:
“Watch as the polluter looks out on his black oil spill of mockery and decides it isn’t all good.”
Uhhh…when the hell did wingnuts start getting disenchanted with, you know, non-metaphorical polluters and their oil spills????
I am new to this. Which one in the picture is Bozell?
Fats Durston, I’m calling you out — you’ve got the Celebrity Death Ray power. So what are your feelings on Tom Cruise and Dick Cheney driving too fast through narrow European streets?
Tongue — the oil spill comment is really weird too, because it is a response to the guy saying “If someone were to look at 2008 culture from 1963, I suppose it would look strangely unsentimental.” Not exactly “dear God, what has po-mo DONE!?!?” or “I wish I hadn’t contributed to the snark” or even “we lost something when we started overdoing irony”, just a comment that culture today would look odd to someone from 45 years ago. Basically the theme of Rip van Winkle, or Epimenides. Yeesh. And it’s certainly not the greatest irony that a guy from Spy magazine would note that, since THAT WAS THE POINT OF SPY MAGAZINE. It’s not ironic; it’s APT! APT!!!1!
“The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the Townhall blog to correlate all its contents… some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of their absurd position therein, that they shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the embarrassment into the peace and relative safety of a new Snark Age.”
Kill the pigs. Acid is groovy.