Nina May: “I Won The Sandbox”
In regard to the win-a-date-with-Ben-Shapiro contest (below)…well, it appears there are multiple winners, but there’s definitely enough Ben Shapiro to go around!
Above: Spent a lot of time at the gym whilst at Harvard Law
Redlegphi is one of several who identified the award won by Nina May’s ‘award-winning’ film, Black People Will Believe Anything: The Truth About How the Republican Party [cough cough] Is They True An’ Propa Homie Who Allus Gots They Bizzack, Word Emancipation Revelation Revolution:
It “won” the “Best Cutting Edge Film” Award at the 2006 Noir Film Festival, which is apparently now known as the San Diego Black Film Festival.
And indeed, yes it did.
Hey, but wait, that’s not what May says:
Nina May produced, directed, wrote and edited the award-winning documentary Emancipation Revelation Revolution, about the history of the civil rights movement in America, the role that both political parties have played in it, and what happens to conservative blacks who leave the liberal plantation. It won the Noir Film Festival in San Diego and was featured at the Liberty Film Festival in Hollywood.
Here’s May again:
It has been featured at the Liberty Film Festival in Hollywood, and came in first at the Noir Film Festival in San Diego in Feb. of 2006.
…Aside from all those black-people films by black people. Those ones didn’t count.
Oh sure. But did you know that Michael Moore is fat?
Yeah, and Al Gore is boring and wears earth tones! Bah! And he’s chubby too! Betcha didn’t know that!
Bob Parks has posted the film on YouTube in three parts: 1, 2, and 3.
Maybe I’ll watch it tonight; maybe I won’t. Such weighty decisions!
I’d have to have a pretty hefty chunk of wingnut welfare before I’d watch Ms. May-be’s little film.
“I Won The Sandbox”
I have to say I don’t wanna be the guy who 8s the sandbox.
Bob Parks has posted the film on YouTube in three parts: 1, 2, and 3.
Ugh, I did. It was just as crammed with stoopid as you might expect. Did you know that DemocRATS voted against ending slavery? And that the Voting Rights Act of 1965 wasn’t what gave blacks the vote (it was the 15th Amendment which was created by Republicans ZOMG! DEMOCRATS ARE RACIST!)
J – Ooooooor you could watch some Mystery Science Theater 3000 instead, and NOT gouge out your brain.
So, wait, did Ben really get horizontal boogied?
There was a funny “heated debate” a-brewin’ on my WoW server. I left when the 20%s started sayign that Democrats are “funny” and “want to pass laws to make it impossible to do anything you want”. No point in dueling a battle of wits with the unarmed.
Is there a single conservative anywhere that is the least bit concerned about being held in the utmost contempt by all honest and decent people in the world community?
Give me a little evidence that there is just one … or God may feel justified in destroying their little Sodom of ignorance with fire.
Don’t look back …
[updated a bit re: all the people who found the award]
[I feel a bit bad for not listing everyone separately — ought I to?]
Not only is she not black, she’s a freaking Aryan.
[I feel a bit bad for not listing everyone separately — ought I to?]
It’s understandable that amid all the sniper fire you may have forgotten some details.
It’s understandable that amid all the sniper fire you may have forgotten some details.
Yeah, especially with your racist pastor shouting anti american epithets while you’re trying to post…
Clearly Gavin didn’t receive the latest tips on personal conduct from George Soros.
Nina May should try some Feline Pine. You know, for her pussy.
You will, of course, notice that I made no mention of her saggy old gatita.
Watching Republicans court/demand minority votes is one of my favorite hobbies. The talking points typically go like this:
–You might want to sit down for this…brace yourselves…ready? OK…Abraham Lincoln…who FREED THE SLAVES…WAS A REPUBLICAN! Are you like totally floored? See, I knew you would be. See you at the polls!
–Hey aren’t you Mexicans like super-religious or something? Shouldn’t you be voting for us? Get back to me about it–I have to go wait by the Rio Grande with night vision goggles and a rifle to shoot at your cousin.
–Look, I know slavery was bad (it must have been or a Republican would never have ended it), but you gotta admit, you guys have it pretty awesome in America as compared to Africa, and that’s because of capitalism which was invented by the Republican Party, so, y’know…I’ll be collecting your vote later.
–What the fuck is the deal with you stupid Jews? Have we not killed enough ragheads for you?!? You can make your campaign contributions on the way out the door.
–The Democratic Party is a Plantation because the white people totally run everything, except for the black frontrunner for the party’s presidential nomination and the black guys who run the House Ways & Means and Judiciary committees. Meanwhile, the Republican party has hummnumblemumble black elected officials and Condi Rice! Give-those-votes-here-NOW!!!!
The common thread in all of these “arguments” of course is that minority voters don’t vote Republican because of their own deficiencies, but eventually they’ll see the light. There’s never any discussion of whether the Republican Party should DO anything to court these voters beyond hiring a mariachi band for the convention.
The fact is, I made an award-winning movie which you should watch, because it’s award-winning and this means that I made an award-winning movie which you should watch, because it’s award-winning and this means that I made an award-winning movie which you should watch, because it’s award-winning and this means that I made an award-winning movie which you should watch, because it’s award-winning and this means that I made an award-winning movie which you should watch, because it’s award-winning and this means that I made an award-winning movie which you should watch, because it’s award-winning and this means that I made an award-winning movie which you should watch, because it’s award-winning.
Yes. I’m going to be very upset if I let that website into my brain for nothing!
Jake- Don’t forget the ever-awesome “black people enslaved white people too” line, uttered by only the craziest (they get Sowell to say it from time to time).
I Won the Sandbox!
Uh, honey, you actually won the catbox…
Additionally, please note:
I’m ever-so-special.
Republicans are like teh awesum and in no way racist pigs EVAH…so why don’t y’all stepin’ fetchit over to our ticket?
I bet Nina May is sick of all your insults. Sick, indeed. She’s got a fever….jungle fever.
Where’s the “thermometer”?
Is there a single conservative anywhere that is the least bit concerned about being held in the utmost contempt by all honest and decent people in the world community?
Arne Carlson, the ex-governor of MN, is a pretty good republican. The only proof I can offer is that he openly trashes the stuff that our current shameless hack republican governor says and does. Unfortunately, Arne is retired.
“They say that Shaft is a mean mother****** !”
The fact is, Nina May is a beautiful young lass, and I will serenade her with my dulcet Creed tones. Well I just heaaaarrdduhh…the newyoos todaaaayyyuuhh…seems mah laaaaaahfffeeeuhhhh…is gollllhhhhnaa chaaaaayyyuuunngeeuuhhh…
I got mentioned by name! I’m pretty excited about that, though I do feel I should point out that there were at least two people who sullied their brains by going to the ERR site to look up the award ahead of me. I’m pretty sure DN Nation had it first, so he should definitely get his name up there.
What do you think Arne would be saying if he wasn’t retired?
“George W. Bush may have made a few mistakes, but, gosh golly gee! Look at how great the war is going now!
“Do you think John Kerry could have done better?”
Nina May is just her “slave” name.
She entered the film festival as Wingnutta X.
In case it’s not immediately fucking obvious (and it is), the whole Jeremiah Wright thing has nothing to do with Obama or Wright or his views or any of that – it’s simply an excuse for the right to bring race into the discussion. They can’t say, “don’t vote for Obama because he’s a n*gger” so they say, “look at what Obama’s n*gger pastor said”.
Tim (the other one),
“shut yo’ mouth!”
You know whose voice is missing from this national discussion about race?
Nina May’s black friend, that’s who.
I’m just saying it’s curious, that’s all…
Thank you KB. “Closure !”
“But I’m talkni’ ’bout Shaft !?”
Oh, how could I forget the “Welfare keeps black people in chains” line. It’s almost too obvious to forget. But I guess the narrative gets kind of lost there because then we Demoncraps could be all “Do you know who reformed welfare? BILL CLINTON!!!!!! This proves once and for all that Democrats invented the free market and personal responsibility and we deserve the votes of all rich white men in perpetuity. I think I’ll make a movie about it and show it at some white people festival and win the Blanc award or something.”
And the “Whitey” goes to….
Well, you can’t expect conservatives to actually expend any effort and try to *earn* the votes of black folk.
It’s not like they ever *earned* anything else in their lives.
Nina’s next project is a movie about how Republicans are REALLY the ones Teh Gays should be voting for, because Republicans don’t want to force marriage upon them and only want them to see the light of Christ’s love that will turn them straight, which Democrats are too lazy/evil/gay to do. The working title is “Homosexual Counterfactual Ultra-Practical Pterodactyl,” or something to that effect.
Matt T. – How could you? You saw what happened with Creed a couple of weeks. That said:
“Listen up everybody if you wanna take a chance.
Just get on the floor and do the new kids’ dance.”
Really quite catchy!
The fact is, where’s Gary?
Thanks to J I have learned such things several important things
1. If not for Welfare, there would be no income disparity in America.
2. That the democrats are craven opportunists with the black vote but the Republicans 150 years ago had purely noble intentions. And hey they did a lot of great things for African-Americans recently such as, ummm, mumble mumble.
3. The civil rights movement was not about decency and equality of your fellow man but more of a means of encouraging small business growth.
Please let there be secret footage of them getting their shit together again.
Central to my point. Indeed.
True story: during my fraternity hell week (August 1990), they played “Hangin’ Tough” on the house audio system for 12 straight hours every day while we did work around the house (painting, yard work, cleaning, prepping and loading for delivery the 300+ dorm refrigerators we rented to incoming first year students). Some sadistic upperclassman bought the single on cassette. The B side had an remix version with an extended keyboard solo. It just kept reversing fom A to B and back to A side over and over and over again. Every day. You could not escape it. It was 90+ degrees and sunny everyday too….
…what happens to conservative blacks who leave the liberal plantation.
They are set for life with wingnut welfare?
The fact is, the left are ruining this Great Nation with their support for abortion, gayness and socialism. Here in the Heartland we reject your failed ideologies. We will fight you tooth and nail to prevent you from imposing your gay socialist secular world view on America. We will fight and we will win. Be afraid.
You forgot “fascist”, faux gary.
…gay socialist fascist secular world view…
We’re going to open a gaybortion co-op in the Heartland.
Come to think of it, you left out “feminist” and “Islamic” as well.
…gay socialist fascist Islamo-feminist secular world view…
Now we’re getting somewhere!
The fact is, the homosexual agenda is bringing our Great Nation into the downward spiral of immorality that caused God to destroy the nations of Sodom and Gommorah over 4000 years ago. By unrighteously declaring as unconstitutional the State bans on sodomy the Supreme Court has established a precedent that will corrupt our Nation which was founded on Judeo Christian principles. The States should have the right to criminalize homosexual intercourse as they had until the Supreme Court interfered in the matter of State’s Rights.
Great, another video to watch or not to watch. Nina May (did you know her first name is pronounced “nine-uh”?) interviewed on Conservative Roundtable by Howard Phillips of the Conservative Caucus.
“I Won The Sandbox”
I have to say I don’t wanna be the guy who 8s the sandbox.
Would you prefer to be the guy who ‘ # ‘ the sandbox?
(did you know her first name is pronounced “nine-uh”?)
Yes, and my ghoti pronounces it “fish”.
Somebody tell Jeff Gannon that faux gary has a hard-on for him.
Note to the proprietors:
Alright, fresh fetus meat!
In my own state I cannot smoke in bars or anywhere but private residences.
That’s not because the Liberal Welfare Baby State is trying to protect you, Randall Hoven.
It’s because people like me shouldn’t have to suffer as a result of your stupidity.
P.S. Shit or get off the pot, already!
…they played “Hangin’ Tough”
Coulda been worse. Coulda been “In a Gadda da Vida.”
I just can’t take it anymore. I just reached my limit. Coming to this site is such a mixed experience– laughter at snark but severe nausea toward the miasma of delusion known as conservative punditry. They have so clearly failed that their mere continued presence saps my spirit.
Can we start a site that pretends to mock liberal opinion but actually exposes conservative to their errors. I don’t mean like Colbert, I mean something where you have an HTML Mencken style rundown of the person’s work (Galbraith, Stiglitz), and by the end smart people realize the snarky narrator is pathetic, but the mouthbreathers just keep commenting “Right on, brother!” and so it’s even more delicious.
I’m going to go take a nap.
So…by his own numbers there’s a 1 in 5000 chance that some random black person I encounter is a killer. But that is not an indication of the chance that that random black person will kill me. No, black-on-white murder is about 17% of black-on-anybody murder. Seventeen percent of 1:5000 is about 3, oh hell let’s be generous and say 4 in 100000.
Them’s pretty slim odds.
I’m guessing that Mr. Hoven plays the state lotto because “some lucky dog’s gonna win!”
Me, I think I’ll leave the flak jacket home next time I go downtown.
Sorry, cite for the numbers above. H/T Gavin.
Me, I think I’ll leave the flak jacket home next time I go downtown.
A felony conviction makes possession of Body Armor illegal under federal law and in many states.
It should also be illegal to carry a bar of soap in an inside pocket — or a bible — or a Zippo lighter, or anything else that can stop a bullet and save the life of the hero in an old war movie.
The fact is, I just sharted. Could someone please bring me some baby wipes and a fresh pair of underwear?
‘Sokay, mikey.
Connecticutians are still allowed to buy Tommy Armour.
1) A certain % of people are born “killers” and will randomly kill at least one person at any moment in their lives. This could be anyone, from a mother to a slurpee vendor, to some poor luckless fool who squealed on them to the police and therefore just happened to be there when the timer ran out. Should have stayed at home that day!
2) White people avoid black people as much as possible. He knows this because he is a white person. They do not work with black people, they do not live near black people, they do not dine in the same establishments as black people, they sure as HELL don’t have any n*ggers in their families! [pause to breathe.] The only reason that you would ever meet a black person is randomly on the street, in which case you don’t have to cross to the other side, but it’s your funeral. (you being a reader, and therefore white)
3) Mr. Hoven is not a racist.
The fact is, this dude pretending to be me can’t even spell the names of the places identified in our Holy Book:
the homosexual agenda is bringing our Great Nation into the downward spiral of immorality that caused God to destroy the nations of Sodom and Gommorah over 4000 years ago.
It’s Gomorrah, asshole. Check out Genesis some time. Shithead.
Fuckin Aye, ya prick.
Read the goodam motherfuckin sermon on the shit suckin MOUNT sometime, asswipin cockbreath!!
These secular cocksuckers really get me motherfuckin pissed off, y’know?
Can anyone remember the movie where Godzilla comes up against Gommorah?
I think it had the word “Godzilla” somewhere in the title.
This might help, Mr. Clyde.
It’s in Hebrew, Gar-dito, which has it’s very own alphabet and right-to-left writing system, which also happened to be vowelless back in the day. Any English spelling which matches the Hebrew pronunciation is as correct as any other. Bugwit.
“its very own.” I went apostrophe crazy.
Sure, but not one of you doctors is at all concerned about the horrible blood infection that the Virgin Ben has appeared to have contracted. His veins are green, people! That’s not right.
d00d, that’s camouflage. He’s got to kick some Predator behind!
Ummm, behind what?
It cracks me up to an unreasonable degree when I get my own name wrong.
But then, I’m certifiable.
Hell, babe, I have documents that prove it….
I didn’t win……. No mug for me…. 🙁
What’s the point in a contest nobody wants to win?
her bio also claims:
How does one become an ember of congress? Something to do with bugs in SDI targeting software, perhaps? And exactly what does one have to do to an ember to “lobby” it?
You can’t smoke in my private residence. Or next door, either.
Non-smoking apartments.
This might help, Mr. Clyde.
I think you want this one.
I just discovered where Gary gets his talking points—
*WARNING* do not enter without full biohazard protection!
Well would you admit to tying a movie called “The Making of Grits”?