Shorter Nina May

Democrats Have Kept Racism Alive

Above: Then again, she may not.

  • If Barack Obama knew anything at all about race in America, he’d know that, uh, [consults book] a hundred years ago, Democrats used to be racist, therefore, um, [consults book] today’s contemporary Republican Party is actually [consults book], uh, the most progressive on black-people things.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.

Bonus Nina May:

If [Barack Obama] watched the award-winning documentary, Emancipation Revelation Revolution (, he would learn…


Nina May is the Founder and Chairman of the Renaissance Foundation, an international leadership organization with offices in the US and the Republic of Korea. The Renaissance Foundation hosts international seminars, exchanges and events that bring business and political leaders of different countries and cultural backgrounds together.

Nina is the producer/director, and editor of the award winning documentary, “Emancipation Revelation Revolution.”(

Anyone who can find the specific name of an ‘award’ that the film has won will receive a fantasy dream date with Renaissance Foundation member Marie Jon’ — or, variously to taste, with Ben Hunka-Hunka Burnin’ Shapiro.


Comments: 148


It’s the argument that Will. Not. Die.


Did you know that MLK was a Republican?


So just so I’m with you, Nina: We must bellow loudly about the racist past of the Democratic party from 40 years ago, but completely ignore, say, the Republican party’s cozy dealings with Saddam and Iran from 20 years ago?


And Robert Byrd was in the Klan!


Then again, she may not… what?

Does that require a “CF” link for the clueless like me?


because her name is “Nina May”… get it?

badum bum.


Nina May is the Founder and Chairman of the Renaissance Foundation, an international leadership organization with offices in the US and the Republic of Korea.

Merely on Rev. Moon’s payroll, or a full-fledged Moonie?


Then again, she may not… what?

Shorter Immanuel Kant:

caption: “Then again, maybe he can”


Seriously folks, the day, I mean, the very minute that we come up with an effective strategy to win against projection, Republicans are complete toast.


the whole Wright thing is going to disappear in a flash now that Obama’s said that he is going to teach his daughters the things they’ll need to know in order to aviod unwanted pregnancy and STDs. This country just cannot seem to bear the idea of a man or woman who speaks honest plain truth.


Not just Democrats. Lets give credit to the true American racists, those darn black people. Especially the churchgoing ones.


OMG he’s pimping out his own daughters?


because her name is “Nina May”… get it?

Shorter Immanuel Kant:

caption: “Then again, maybe he can”

D’Oh! (Hits head with frying pan.)


Nina May, Holly Would, but (Scottish accent required) Walt Disney.


“Seriously folks, the day, I mean, the very minute that we come up with an effective strategy to win against projection, Republicans are complete toast.”

I fear this will never happen. One never knows under what collective delusion wingers will suffer from one moment to the next. Severe mental illness is very hard to predict.


[Added an update, btw]


Who is this Jeremiah White she speaks of in the first sentence?

And everyone knows in centuries passed the Democrats used to be the bad guys, white people were black and there were only 20 hours in the day.


That Nina’s got some pretty hefty logical ammunition backing up her arguments. And if you don’t believe her, just ask her.


there were only 20 hours in the day.

No, no, that was a “20 hour workday.” Part of the right-wing golden age.


NIna is the producer/director, and editor of the award winning documentary, “Emancipation Revelation Revolution.”(

I would love to see one single award this film won that didn’t have its feet firmly steeped in wingnut welfare. As in, no “best movie” award from some bogus think tank, no peace prize from some supply-side institute. One single friggin award from an objective source. C’mon. Let’s see it.


So just so I’m with you, Nina: We must bellow loudly about the racist past of the Democratic party from 40 years ago, but completely ignore, say, the Republican party’s cozy dealings with Saddam and Iran from 20 years ago?

Not to mention the racism of the GOP from the last 40 years.

But apparently she’s won an award and we should all watch her award winning movie that won an award so we must believe everything from her award winning mouth. (Did you know she won an award?)


OK, this movie won “Best Cutting Edge Film” from something called the Noir Film Festival. This certainly sounds legit.


” (Did you know she won an award?)”

Voted her, no doubt, by every Moonie operative in the Tri-County area…


…and, of course, it was featured in this:
which has all the usual suspects.


To advance the case of “Republicans are so cluelessly racist that they don’t even know they’re racists,” I humbly submit the following pieces of evidence:

So, conservatives. How many African-American officeholders have ya got in Congress now?

Uh huh. J. C. Watts, we hardly knew ye.

The True Heartland

Just another example of teh coastal elitists shoving their sick, demented values down our throats with their so-called “documentary” films.

Do. Not. Want.


If Barack Obama really knew the history of race in America, he’d be a Whig.

No! A Tory!

No! A Roundhead!


What is with the racist right and the word “Renaissance?” THere is the current anti-immigration, pro-segregation “American Renaissance” of course:

And there is the first post WWII, neo-Nazi organization, the National Renaissance Party:

And now this little Aryan bimbo’s “Rennaissance Foundation.” Hmmm….

Andrew A. Gill, SLS

Nina May is the Founder and Chairman of the Renaissance Foundation

Psh! The Poor Man Institute is a far superior think tank.

–Andrew A. Gill, Screaming Lord Sutch, Distinguished Chair of Sufficiently Advanced Technology at The Poor Man Institute for Freedom and Democracy and a Ponyto Defeat Liberal Fascism.

Andrew A. Gill, SLS

By the way, <s> works in preview, but not in comments,


The strikeout tag ought to be fixed soon — there’s a new comment system coming…


From the Noir Film Festival (Now the San Diego Black Film Festival) website:

Films/videos entered into competition must be directed, produced, or principally acted by an artist of African descent in the USA or any country, or person born in any country in Africa or whose subject matter relates to African American culture or any cultures of Africa

Sounds pretty racist if you ask me. Does Nina May hate white people?


This particular sentence:

This is one of the most powerful battles fought by whites, to end slavery, which has been mischaracterized as being racist.

is so mind-numbingly awful, stupid, and wrong – grammatically, historically, semiotically, morally – that I think she just retroactively failed out of high school.

Governor William J. Le Petomane

From the comments to her article (secnod comment down):

“Ethan S. writes: Wednesday, April, 02, 2008 12:27 PM
Great Article
I learned about the Democrat’s racist history a few months ago, since I come from a very liberal/left background. Since then, I have seen history in an entirely different light. Its just mind boggling. The fact that people associate Democrats with abolition and republicans with racism is the Big Lie of our time. Great article, and thanks.”

So there were TWO big lies. I am expecting another Magnum Doughpus, this time from Mr. Ethan S.

Jonah is going to be knocked off his lofty perch on the Times best seller list.


there’s a new comment system coming…



Ooh, I win Marie Jon’.


D’oh! pedestrian got there first. The award is listed on the site as the “Best Cutting Edge Film” selection at NOIR 2006.

NOIR is run by the Black Historical Society of San Diego. Their website is down, and the Sponsors link on the NOIR website says, in its entirety:


SEE YOU IN 2009.

Interesting, no?


Best comment of the day wins a scooby snack…


Yes, but it actually didn’t win anything at the Liberty Film Festival!

That’s like failing to place at the Special Olympics.


From Wikipedia:

From 1860 to 1912, the Republicans took advantage of the association of the Democrats with “Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion”. Rum stood for the liquor interests and the tavernkeepers, in contrast to the GOP, which had a strong dry element. “Romanism” meant Catholics, especially Irish Americans, who ran the Democratic Party in every big city, and whom the Republicans denounced for political corruption. “Rebellion” stood for the Confederates who tried to break the Union in 1861, and the Copperheads in the North who sympathized with them.

Demographic trends aided the Democrats, as the German and Irish Catholic immigrants were Democrats, and outnumbered the English and Scandinavian Republicans. During the 1880s and 1890s, the Republicans struggled against the Democrats’ efforts, winning several close elections and losing two to Grover Cleveland (in 1884 and 1892).

Do Catholics know that the GOP built itself as an Anti-Catholic Party? Also, the more things change, the more they stay the same.


Slave owners were the first integrationists!



Do they have extra think rubbers. I’d love to boink Nina.


Do Catholics know that the GOP built itself as an Anti-Catholic Party?

You know, I recall Diamond Bill Bennett, a Catholic, “questioning” John McCain about the Hagee endorsement. The conversation went something like this:

Bennett: John Hagee is anti-Catholic.
McCain: No he isn’t.
Bennett: Eh, whatever, I’m tired. Who cares, anyway.

And honestly, that’s the response I’ve gotten from various uber-Catholic conservative friends of mine w/r/t Hagee. The means are justified by the ends. They don’t really care about race, or discrimination, or hatred, or history…only if it could possibly be used for a banal talking point along the way. And if it’s against their side, snooze. As long as there’s a tax cut at the end of the tunnel, then who gives a crap. La la la, la la la.

I think Glenn Reynolds is probably Exhibit A when it comes to this selective bullshit. I recall a grand total of one post on InstaDoofus about Hagee, and yet the Jeremiah Wright nonsense flows and flows and flows.


Does Nina May hate white people?

She may not.


It’s a major award! You know, like a leg lamp.


If he saw our movie [Emancipation Revelation Revolution] he would be reminded of three young white men who worked with CORE who were murdered, just for doing the right thing. – Nina

That must be one swell movie. Imagine the surprise of the family of 21-year-old black Mississippian, James Chaney who was one of the three Congress on Racial Equality (CORE) workers killed in Mississippi in ‘64? But then maybe, like the illustrious Doughy One, she has less than a passing understanding of the work for which she takes credit.



Andrew A. Gill, SLS

Do Catholics know that the GOP built itself as an Anti-Catholic Party?

“Built itself” might be a bit much. The Catholics were a significant part of the abolitionist movement (look up the history of Texas, for example), but Republican Party since 1862, Catholics absolutely know.

Some just choose to shut their ears.


You know, I recall Diamond Bill Bennett, a Catholic, “questioning” John McCain about the Hagee endorsement. The conversation went something like this:

Bennett: John Hagee is anti-Catholic.
McCain: No he isn’t.
Bennett: Eh, whatever, I’m tired. Who cares, anyway.

See, you’re reading that as Catholic activist Big Bill doesn’t care about anti-Catholic stuff coming from politicians he wants to win. You should look at it from the larger perspective, which is that Heritage Foundation wingnut welfare queen Big Bill doesn’t care about anti-Catholic stuff coming from politicians he wants to win.

We knew that, though, because he managed to write nothing but glowing reviews of the pro-choice pro-gay rights serially-married currently-annulment-free (unlike Kerry, Giuliani is actually barred from receiving communion) Rudy Giuliani for years and years and years without bringing any of that awkward stuff up. He did find time to mention that Hillary was missing the St Patrick’s Day parade last year, which was a total slur, while Giuliani’s marching with his mistress while his wife and kids watched on TV sorta wasn’t.

Hell, he even gave the Catholic League seal of approval to Bob Jones University in time for primary season.


Seriously folks, the day, I mean, the very minute that we come up with an effective strategy to win against projection, Republicans are complete toast.

Well, we could always try the ancient incantation:

Yam rubbre.Yore gloo. What thou sayest sticks to you.

I am coming to the realization that treating these people like adults is a waste of time.


You gotta love this they made an award to give themselves! GRATZ you won a Libertas award!
Liberty Film Festival “A forum for conservative thought on film”
WOW now that is funny I thought they only watch get rich quick on VHS tapes and FNC maybe sports of some kind that doesn’t involve the ability to read.


I was curious, so I Gazoogled “Emancipation, Revelation, Revolution”. In the first seven pages there were references to the movie from a variety of right-wing sites, blogs, “news” outlets, etc. The DVD is available on Amazon, where it has received a grand total of one review.

Apparently it has largely been ignored by the mainstream media and the left.

For an “award winning” film, it appears to have disappeared without the slightest ripple.

As is only right and proper.


So there were TWO big lies. I am expecting another Magnum Doughpus, this time from Mr. Ethan S.

Jonah is going to be knocked off his lofty perch on the Times best seller list.

Melanal Fascism.


I found the award so do I get a Sadly, No! mug?


Since I already “won” the date with Todd Seavey, think I’ll sit this one out.


“He didn’t mention that in 1854, abolitionists left the Democratic Party and founded the Republican Party specifically for the purpose of ending slavery and giving equal rights to all those who had been in bondage. And when he does mention the 3/5ths clause in the Constitution, he totally got it wrong, the way most Americans do.”

AMAZING… truly a spectacle. Conveniently left out is Strom Thurmond’s racist purpose for leaving the Democratic party and forming the Republican party in the south among racist white supremacists and bigots. They were pissed because Truman integrated the military.

A privileged white racist woman telling a black man who preaches unity about American racial history.

This is great. No wonder I am not a republican. I’m too busy thinking properly!

Sadly, no, you stupid bitch!

They got 3/5ths because of northern influence, and the south didn’t want them to have ANY representation. It’s called a compromise, as most in the north wanted them to get on the train of one-man-one-vote.

Where did this bitch learn history? Sunday school?

She reminds me of Colbert – Lies becoming truth after you speak them. Except he knows he’s a joke. This poor soul probably believes her own idiocity.


Uh, she also misspelled “Aunt Jemima”. You’d think these racists could at least learn to spell their racial slurs correctly.

Gary's Limp Shoes

I’ll save Jonah a lot of blegging, and write his next book for him.

The Democratic Party used to be racist therefore it still is. The proof is affirmative action and welfare. By helping blacks, liberals were really hurting blacks because when the poor receive help they will want to remain poor, to get more help.

Therefore, liberals are fascists.

The end.


If I give this flim an award, can I win too?

How about “Film Most Likely Never to be Watched by Anyone with an IQ above 16”


I’m really sick and tired of threads about Barack Obama.

I don’t even like to think about that racist anti-American piece of garbage much less talk about hime.

However I will point out that he is completely unqualifeid to hold the office of President and is even unqualified to be a Senator.

If he does win the democrat nomination it will only be on the basis of skin color, thus he is the essential affirmative action candidate. He has no foreign policy experience and no executive experience whatsoever. Where as McCain was a Officer in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam war and served in the Senate for over 20 years. McCain is a Moderate Conservative Patriot who is highly qualified for the job and the American people know that which is why he leads B. Hussien Obama by large margins in almost every head to head poll taken.


Oh, It’s Matt McDouchebag. HI MATT! HOW YA BEEN?


To is human

But to is divine…

Chlamydia Champaigne

I’m really sick and tired of threads about Barack Obama.

We’re really sick and tired of you posting comments here. You’re always welcome to go the fuck away.


If I was an attractive whore of a female, I would start my own foundation too, because all those conservative little boys would make me a millionaire overnight.

It’s kinda like prostitution, except there’s a corporate entity involved.


I think the best solution here is doubling up on the Obama threads.


I foresee no backlash from that comment.


completely unqualified to hold the office of President

Born in the United States, been a resident for the last 14 years, over 35? Pretty sure he’s got all those down.

even unqualified to be a Senator.

Over 30, 9 years a citizen? Check.

Now, I see from your following comments that you really meant he’s under-experienced, to which I say that if John McCain is your benchmark for “experience” (not to mention “moderate*”) then I’ll take my “affirmative action candidate” any day of the week.



I don’t even like to think about that racist anti-American piece of garbage much less talk about hime.

But you’re willing to throw yourself on the grenade anyway. True bravery.

Also, “hime”? It’s a pretty elementary word and “e” is nowhere near “m” or “.” on the keyboard.
You should familiarize yourself with the preview function underneath the Submit Comment button. At the very least, it gives you an opportunity to think twice before posting a comment, an opportunity of which you would do well to avail yourself.


“Do they have extra think rubbers. I’d love to boink Nina.”

Yeah, you go ahead. Just lemme know if the carpet matches the drapes.


McCain suffered five years as a prisoner of war, two of them in solitary confinement, permantly disabling and disfuiguring beatings, the humiliation of being utterly broken by the Vietnamese and making radio broadcasts for them.

If you read his speeches, he has an utterly militarized view of the United States, and because of this view, his often-stated ideas of American exceptionalism, and the humiliation and pain he suffereed, he is an almost sure bet to engage the US in unending and ruinously expensive war.

We can’t afford his military experience and heroism.

Malfunctioning Michael O'Hanlon Robot

We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months. We’re winning! We just need six more months.


They all seem to get forget about everything between 1964 and 1980 . So , to review , for the Shorter Amnesiacs:

1964Dixiecrats+(Dixiepubs-1) =” No” votes
1964Everywhereelsecrats +Everywherelsepubs = “Yes” votes
1964Dixiecrats+(1964Dixiepubs-1)+1964 Everywhereelsecrats +1964Everywherelsepubs = passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act

1964 Dixiecrats = 4/5?1965+GOP
1965+GOP = 1964Dixiecrats + 1965+Dixiepubs+ (small% Everywhereelepubs)
1964 Everywhereelsepubs=1/5? (1965+ Democrats) +(1965+”RINOs”)
1964 Everywhereelsecrats = 4/5?1965+Democrats

(1965+Democrats) + (1965+RINOs) – (1965+”True”GOP) = passage
of Civil Rights Act of 1964

Learn something new every time I vist Shorter Marie.
“Feminist Movement Betty Friedan Led Has Its Roots In The Occult, Necromancy, Demonic Spiritualism.” )

So…… for Hillary, or you’ll be getting some mysteroius pains, black cats , and zombies?
Columnist and talk show host, Armstrong Williams, explains that the divisions in the nation today, are not along racial lines, but philosophical lines. He talks about why blacks, who have been silenced with pejorative and intimidated with threats, are not only leaving the plantation, but also are speaking up and speaking out. “They have nothing to show for supporting just one party for so long, they say, ‘why not support the Republican party?'”

Especially when you’re getting paid by the White House. Take that leftist welfare queens!


On my calendar, Nina May comes right before Je June.


Word. A McCain presidency will be geared towards making savage brown people pay for the pain and humilation his captors caused him when he was a POW. Blood-thirsty revenge is an unfortunately natural reaction, but McCain’s own issues don’t remotely qualify him to be president. He doesn’t understand ANY of the issues important to the public, and has demonstrated zero inclination to figure them out. He is incurious, ill-tempered, set in his ways, and absolutely unlearned in the ways of the world. The man should be checking out spring training in the Cactus League or puttering about on a golf course. He has no business addressing the very complext issues of the day. A McCain presidency will doom the U.S.


The Democratic Party used to be racist therefore it still is.

There can be no doubt!

Since Chief Justice Roger B. Taney was a Democrat, it’s clear that Obama actively supports the Dred Scott decision.


You know I think it is quite a testament to the level of civilization humanity has reached that a person such as Nina could actually survive to adulthood.

Its a stunning achievement.


“three young white men “

There was at least one other murdered, separately . He was a mailman from this area (Binghamton,NY) , so gets mentioned from time to time in the local paper . I’ve momentarily forgot his name, so haven’t found links. Nina’s technically correct, but I doubt that it’s on purpose.


“Since Chief Justice Roger B. Taney was a Democrat, it’s clear that Obama actively supports the Dred Scott decision.”

So which candidate(s) is responsible for The Alien and Sedition Act?


As for that award-winning film, Emancipation Revelation Revolution, it’s the video that’s inspiring a revolution. I know that to be true because it says so on the ERR website.

But don’t take my word for it, read what Mychal Massie (whoever the fuck that is) has to say about it:
Without question I believe ERR to be one of the most quintessential documentaries of factual historical relevance produced in my life time.

In a day and time when the overwhelming majority of Americans are blissfully ignorant of the factual history of Black involvement in our two party system; ERR reveals clearly and specifically that which the whitewashing of history has denied so many.

Massie is the winner of the J. Grant Swank, Jr. Award for Literary Excellence.


Err! Video? Perfect name.


“Where as McCain was a Officer in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam war and served in the Senate for over 20 years. McCain is a Moderate Conservative Patriot ”

Spoken like a true Democrat.


So which candidate(s) is responsible for The Alien and Sedition Act?

John Adam’s Alien and Sedition Act? Well, there are two ‘a’s and one ‘m’ in ‘Adam’ and there are two ‘a’s and one ‘m’ in ‘Obama’. Need I say more?

Another stalwart contributor to WorldNutDaily, FUXNews,RightTalk, and the Armstrong Willams show, among others .

Duros Hussein 62

But apparently she’s won an award and we should all watch her award winning movie that won an award so we must believe everything from her award winning mouth. (Did you know she won an award?)

Seen here.

Duros Hussein 62

The strikeout tag ought to be fixed soon — there’s a new comment system coming…

Oh shit.
Isn’t juicing hamsters with HGH illegal or something?


Need I say more?

Nope . Got it.

So Prohibition = o+b+[(b-1)x2] +(n-1) = obama

Repeal of Prohibition is even more clearly his legacy :

o+b+(ax2)+(n-1) =obama



Looking at that photo of el nina up top. I could almost swear I saw it on the side of a milk carton at some time in the past. Maybe the side of a bus?
In any case, I bet she makes a mean schnizengruben.

just sayin


In any case, I bet she makes a mean schnizengruben.

Huh! I thought they made the precursor chemicals illegal…



schnitzengruben – a large German sausage.

More Schnitzengruben?

No thank you, fifteen is my limit on Schnitzengruben!


Yet another branch of wingnut welfare

Damn! Why wasn’t I born with the entrepreneurial spirit to tap into that? Oh yeah, forgot . Reality + that pesky conscience gets in the way. 😉

Btw, is she related to Bob May?

Or the other Bob?

(Who I was thinking of when I found Bob May)


one of the most quintessential

Just wanted to see that again. It’s the very most superlativest.


Thers is picking on Paul Cella and it is funny.


The Demoncrats flip-flopped on racism, those bastards.


Get your red hot “Dr. Martin Luther King Was A Republican” gear here! The best is the black t-shirt that makes MLK look like a Black Panther.


The fact is, I spank you.


The muslim terrorists deserve to be brutally slaughtered for what they did to America on 9/11.

America is a peaceful nation and posed no threat to any nation. Until we were attacked. And now in righteous vengence the terrorists and the muslims who support them will be completely destroyed from the face of the earth.

Are you telling me they don’t deserve it? You and I both know what happened on 9/11. We just have different ideas of what justice is I suppose.


The muslim terrorists deserve to be brutally slaughtered for what they did to America on 9/11.

I don’t know if you’ve heard, but it turns out they didn’t survive the plane crashes. You could always kill their corpses ala Steven Seagal vs. Tommy Lee Jones in Under Seige.


first sentence “slaughter the infidels”
secodn sentence “america is a peacefyul nation”

nope, no contadiction there


Gavin M. said,

April 3, 2008 at 16:56

The strikeout tag ought to be fixed soon — there’s a new comment system coming…

This is central to my point.


1. Slaughter the people who were in charge of the hijackers that is Al Queda. ( you knew what I was referring to I’m sure but just decided to be a smart ass.).

2. America is a peaceful nation until attacked.


Y’all don’t understand. We have to kill all the people with the same religion. That’s, what, billions? And all the little sacred Muslim Fetuses will grow up to be juhadists cause Islam is so violent that you have to kill them too.

Hey, here’s an idea! Kill the Fetal-Jihadists in the womb, before their little fists can hold a gun. (I don’t care what the General says, they can’t fire a gun and that’s final.) You want them dead anyway. And dont’ forget: Dead American fetus are bad. Dead Iraqi ones are good. Memorize it, and then eat your computer.


What ever happend to that head hijacker guy, the one Bush vowed to get dead or alive?


Way to go, American president. You couldn’t even capture their leader in 7 years. Incompetant, lazy Bush.


I don’t even like to think about that racist anti-American piece of garbage much less talk about hime.

Yet you continue to come to this blog, read long comment threads about him, and post your own comments. Why would that be, do you suppose?

And how’s that working out for you?

And now in righteous vengence the terrorists and the muslims who support them will be completely destroyed from the face of the earth.

Sadly, No! Now, in ridiculous incompetence, we will ignore the terrorists and the muslims who support them and attempt to destroy the guy who seems to be the easiest target.

Being a vindictive bitch myself, I’m all in favor of righteous vengeance. Pointless macho posturing and Keystone-cops quality bullying? Eh. Not so much.


“We just have different ideas of what justice is I suppose.”


Yours is the paranoid, bed-wetter, anti-American kind made famous by Augusto Pinochet, Saddam Hussein, and Osama bin Laden. Ours is the rational, fair, and actually *just* kind made famous by James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and Robert Kennedy.

We got along pretty well following the latter model for about 225 years before mouth-breathers like you started fucking everything up.

Get used to saying it, knuckle-dragger:

“President Obama.”


( you knew what I was referring to I’m sure but just decided to be a smart ass.).

You’re right. I apologize for not taking your well-thought out comment more seriously.


Apr 03, 2008 (The Washington Times – McClatchy-Tribune Information Services
via COMTEX) —
News Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch said yesterday that acquiring Long Island’s Newsday from Tribune Co. would help his New York Post compete for advertising.

But Mr. Murdoch said that U.S. antitrust officials might block the acquisition. Tribune reportedly wants at least $500 million for the newspaper.

After an address to Georgetown University students, Mr. Murdoch said he regretted the disappearance of competitive newspapers in America.

Last year, News Corp. acquired Dow Jones & Co., publisher of the Wall Street Journal. He said he viewed the acquisition as a unique opportunity to create an alternative national newspaper, noting that “we’ve hardly started working on it.”

Mr. Murdoch said in response to a question that everything News Corp. had done was to create competition and give consumers more choice.

Newchoice™. Less confusing®.



“Terror” is a tactic, a methodology for asymmetrical warfare available to any and all occupied or oppressed peoples. It has been used for millennia, and will continue to be used forever. Indeed, as the imbalance between powerful nations and weak nations continues to grow, it will become more common, not less.

“Muslim” is the term used in western english to describe adherents of the Islamic faith tradition, currently estimated to be over a Billion people worldwide. Other than their religion, they have very little in common between their widely disparate nationalities.

So if you think about it, your overarching solution to a very specific geopolitical asymmetrical attack on the United States by one very specific militant organization is a combination of the elimination of a tactic, impossible by it’s very definition, and religious genocide.

I don’t know about you, but this makes me proud to be an american….


Chlamydia Champaigne

2. America is a peaceful nation until attacked.

Huh. So when exactly did Vietnam attack this country prior to us attacking them?

Move along, moron. You’re simply wasting your time here.


2. America is a peaceful nation until attacked.

During what period of our history, exactly, has that been true?



still didn’t explain your bloodlust



2) ????????



Obviously you’ve forgotten your American history. When the Native American armies sailed across the Atlantic Ocean, captured Spain and put the Spanish in concentration camps, the Spanish King and Queen, in exile, hired 4-star General Christopher Columbus to sail back across the ocean and extract vengeance. And that is why today, we celebrate Columbus Day by murdering a dirty red Injun.


Marie’ sez:

The American family needs to return to godly principals.

And if the American family gets caught one more time without a hall pass, it’ll be detention for a week.


Marie also sez:

It was truly regrettable and unsettling hearing black theologians try to twist the words of the Bible to fit their own misguided and fixed state of mind.

Marie, Irony. Irony, Marie. You two…have a lot of catching up to do. I’m going to go over to the bar, get a gin and tonic. You want anything? No? Okay.


It “won” the “Best Cutting Edge Film” Award at the 2006 Noir Film Festival, which is apparently now known as the San Diego Black Film Festival.


Oh, and I’d like to donate my fantasy dream date with Marie Jon’ to HTML Mencken, as my wife will not tolerate other women or conservatives in the house while she isn’t here.


“Marie, Irony. Irony, Marie. You two…have a lot of catching up to do. I’m going to go over to the bar, get a gin and tonic. You want anything? No? Okay.”

Might I suggest an Absolut and tonic? It seems the Malkin is barking at the moon about Absolut’s advertisements:


I see now that I’m well behind in the race to find the mystery award. Perhaps I should read the other comments first before posting in the future.


Oh, I’m going to buy some Absolut now, for goddamn sure. Michelle, you’re a peach.

Chlamydia Champaigne

So I was sitting around the other day, and it occurred to me: science is dead.

So the question then is: what killed science?


Anyone who can find the specific name of an ‘award’ that the film has won will receive a fantasy dream date with Renaissance Foundation member Marie Jon’

I hereby award that film the “Notorious P.A.T. Award for Outstanding Achievement in Starting on Time”. Now where is my date with Marie?


The strikeout tag ought to be fixed soon — there’s a new comment system coming…

Hopefully the egregious injustice of no blinking text in comments will be addressed.


[…] Redlegphi identifies the award won by Nina May’s ‘award-winning’ film, Black People Will Believe Anything: the Truth About How the Republican Party [cough cough] Is They True an’ Propa Homie Who Allus Gots They Bizzack, Word Emancipation Revelation Revolution. It “won” the “Best Cutting Edge Film” Award at the 2006 Noir Film Festival, which is apparently now known as the San Diego Black Film Festival. […]

Tim (the Other One)

Is that a Stratocaster in your pants or are you just glad to see me ?

(look, it was either that or another Blazing Saddles quote)


Is that a ten-gallon hat, or are you just enjoying the show?

Governor William J. Le Petomane

(pointing at shoelimpy)

“I didn’t get a harumph out of that guy!”


Absolutely Absolut. Just in time for vodka season. Say ahhhhh!

Incontinentia Buttocks

there’s a new comment system coming…

You wouldn’t dare take away our interrobangs, would you‽


Hopefully the egregious injustice of no blinking text in comments will be addressed.
If the text color tags are enabled, I promise not to misuse the possibilities of crimson lettering.


If the text color tags are enabled, I promise not to misuse the possibilities of crimson lettering.

I, on the other hand, make no such promise…



In a black and white world, I dream of rainbow text . . .

It is goddam fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck snowing here. And I have to leave for class.


Wow Candy that’s weird. I’m north of you and it’s over 50.

In regard to the guitar-in-pants story: That’s how I got my first drum set!


Yeah and I got a string bass that way too!



Would you believe, a Hammond B-3?


“However I will point out that he is completely unqualifeid to hold the office of President and is even unqualified to be a Senator.”

You must not be a strict constructionist… because I am not sure what constitution you are reading from, but I am sure it would find support in penumbra interpretation.

So you are either a SCOTUS liberal or a POTUS liberal… pick one please, your current statements conflict across the branches of government.

Sadly, no!


Actually, if anyone is unqualified to be President, it’s John McCain. He was born in Panama, so according to some readings of the Constitution, he can’t be President of the United States. (This is a minor technicality, given that he was born a US citizen still)


New tags to abuse? Cool.


Because we have finished abusing those m*th*rf*cking scumbag bastard buggerfuck strike tags.


*sniff* blink still doesn’t work…

Lord Gary Ruppert

The fact is, that Mr. McMahon is a Patriot who stands ready to answer the Trumpet’s call, just like my friend Saul, who lives in The Heartland, and is a Rabbi, as well as Jewish. We Patriots in The Heartland are ready to fight the forces of The Caliphate, just like President Bush used to fight the Vietcong in Texas.


“…a Patriot who stands ready to answer the Trumpet’s call”

Yeah, a trumpet. In his pants!


Personally, I am only ready to answer the call of the Wagnerian tuba. I mean, those things look hungry. You wouldn’t want to ignore its call. It might get angry.
There should be a special prize for anyone who manages to hide a tuba in his pants.


I hide a tuba in my pants every day!

Thank you, I’m here all the week. Be sure to tip your waitress.


A tuba toothpaste?

I’m holding out for a Steinway concert grand.


I smell Reverend Moon’s money.


(comments are closed)