Yoshi Lives Large
We were curious this morning as to whatever had happened to ol’ Justin Darr, with whom we had shared so many good times.
Above: What we found was depressing
But all is not dark, for Adam Yoshida, the self-proclaimed Most Right-Wing Person in All of Canada, is back with more of his illuminating commentary:
Thus, my response to Earth hour is as follows. When I finish this post, I am going to get into my car and drive first to Bellingham, WA, then to Lynnwood, WA, then possibly to Seattle. Before I leave, I am going to turn on every single light in my apartment (most of which, by the way) are incandescent 100w bulbs. I am also going to leave my television on (though with the volume muted, in a concession to my neighbours) and I am going to leave all three of my computers running, specifically encoding video files.
Yeah, it’ll cost me a few bucks. But, frankly, just for the pure joy of going against the grain – and of doing it while it’s still legal – I’m going to do it.
But truly the brightest realization — a veritable light-bulb moment, if we can overextend the metaphor like that — was from the series of photos that followed, showing the lamps defiantly ablaze, chez Yoshida. Because not only does his place look like this:
Above: Welcome to Bachelor Flats, population: 1
It also… Hey, wait one second here: ‘legal’ like encoding copyrighted videos is legal? Well, whatever; that’s nobody’s business. But along with the monogrammed hope chest from his childhood bedroom and the sparely-expressed Simpsons motif — a self-rebuke compounded by the telltale thrift-shop table and overintegrated home-entertainment components (forecast: occasionally hot and moist with a 75% chance of BitTorrented hentai) — the observant observer will notice the following:
Above: He apparently stands posing in front of that flag all the freaking time!
Also, while I’m in Washington, I’m going to purchase expensive clothes, doubtlessly produced by Asian child labourers. Needless to say, I feel good right now.
Forecast: Breezy with a likelihood of Polo by Ralph Lauren
Fuck me.
You can keep him.
That hope chest is really very sad. I fear his hopes will go unrealized for a long, long time.
I really think you should mention, though, that the rest of his post is pictures of his various light fixtures, all turned on. Take that, you dirty hippies!
Will Mr. Yoshida’s house be so ablaze with lighting that it looks like a Thomas Kinkade picture?
I suspect someone with Mad Photoshopping Skillz (aka Not Me) has a job to do.
Meanwhile, am I first?
Hey, knock yourself out, buddy. I ain’t paying your power bills.
OMG? Is he … naked?
Aaaaaargh! [Tears out eyes, just in case]
Oh, so sad, too. He has only 2 comments.
I keep wondering if the only way to actually achieve a reduction in cooling would be if we played the wingnuts for chumps using reverse psychology. I mean, their basic M.O. seems to be “just do anything that pisses off the liberals!”
So if we disguise our eco-consciousness in their swill-flooded bullshit, fabricate evidence that we’re actually creating even more of an energy crisis than them, and go out in public using their talking points all the time…
Could we get Adam Yoshida to do our work for us?
That dude is one cold-blooded mofo.
Wait, if he’s in Canada what’s with the American flag and why the hell is he driving all over our side of the border? Why oh why, does our government do nothing to protect us from the roaming menace of fRightWing losers?
I can’t help but notice that Mr. Hopeless Chest will be cruising the streets of Seattle without any particular goal. Not that I’m suggesting he’s on the prowl for a prostitute that looks like Ann Coulter or nuthin’.
Hah. What a cobag; and I get to share a country with him. I hope his computers burn out.
Were he in an unnattatched house, rather than an apartment, I’d wish his computers to burn down — that would suit him by causing more carbon emission in one defiant blaze of glory than this weak ‘leave the lights on’ act.
When I finish this post, I am going to get into my car and drive first to Bellingham, WA, then to Lynnwood, WA, then possibly to Seattle.
I thought the Green River Killer had been caught.
Are his documents in order to cross the border?
Yes, this is where much of the right’s energy is directed–toward harmless, adolescent rebellion against what they imagine to be their liberal nannies. And I say, why interrupt them?
Oh, and I notice he’s not so pro-American that he can resist a little shopping trip across the border. Not that I blame him–the exchange rate is very favorable towards Canadians right now.
I am going to leave all three of my computers running, specifically encoding video files.
Well Darth, I have to say that the Death Star was much more impressive.
Heh. Here I was thinking the stars of the american flag went on the left.
Is it custom for canadian americans to hang the flag up backwards?
What the fuck is with this guy? Let me guess, he’s some sort of pseudo gLibertarian, and he thinks this crap is some kind of rebellious, John Galt-esque “Statement.”
What a twerp.
Next week, tune in again when our perfectly rational friend Adam discovers that Liberals all seem to place an abundance of value on their genitalia, whereupon, as soon as he finishes his post, he repeatedly strikes his sex organs with a ball peen hammer.
Sure, it’s gonna hurt a little, but he’ll “feel good” about it too…
The fact is, environmentalism is hooey and liberal brainwashings. This is why I hate it, so does the heartland, and so does Yoshida, who is a shining example of how patriotism should be.
Adam: Perhaps it’s because he’s so gosh-darn rightwing he wanted to put all the stars in the more righteous direction or something? It sounds like the sort of cargo-cultish nonsense these people get into…
Seriously though, I just can’t get over the childish and dishonest assertion that this, and actions like this, are some kind of brave gesture of heroic defiance. The precise ratio of pants-pissing terror and blatant dishonesty these people live and communicate with could occupy debate halls for decades to come.
But, frankly, just for the pure joy of going against the grain…
Great example of conservative = do what annoys liberals. No deeper thought to it.
I bet macrowaves are pretty energy-intensive, Adam – why not shove a few turrists into one of those?
What a knob.
I wonder what Adam does during AIDS awareness week?
Hint, Adam: it’s the week when liberals say you should wear a condom during your buttsecks. You take it from there.
Great example of conservative = do what annoys liberals.
At a cost to yourself!
This post wins the world cup.
Personally, I wasn’t surprised he put 100W lightbulbs into every socket, such that there’s the threat that the light fixtures would catch on fire.
Fuckin’ pussy.
The fact is, environmentalism is hooey and liberal brainwashings. This is why I hate it, so does the heartland
How right you are, Gary! Here’s what I think you should do. Throw open all the windows and doors in your house, and then crank the thermostat up to 80.
what’s heating oil go for in the heartland?
Adam, it’s a reflection.
Nice piece of shit tv.
One wonder how long it will be before some wingtard comes up with something like this:
“And now, just because it annoys liberals, I’m going to take this licensed firearm use it to blow my own head off secure in the knowledge that moonbats will talk about me for days.”
Some observations:
a) he needs to clean the bugs out of his lights. Pretty much all of them.
b) he’s not that patriotic; he has a Union Jack on the wall too.
c) how did he differentiate his rebellious Earth Hour protest from people who just didn’t turn their lights off while they were home?
Bwahaha! Excellent catch.
I knew something was wrong with that picture but I couldn’t see past the big pudding threatening the world with his favorite booger pickin’ finger.
Furthermore, Gary – here’s what you can do that’ll REALLY show us liberals. Take out your wallet, and empty all the bills out. Then flush them down the toilet!
that’ll really piss us off.
Show everyone how much of a REAL MAN you are Adam! Don’t turn anything off for a year! In fact you should UP THE FUCKING WATTAGE!
If you don’t replace every bulb ,including the ‘fridge, with at least a 150w light bulb you’re a total PUSSY!.
(Adam Yosida: A screaming 85er)
As a liberal, I insist that everyone who is able to vote in the U.S. Presidential election of 2008 do so. I’ll be really annoyed with anyone who doesn’t. There oughta be a law forcing us to, in fact!
That’s what I think. As a liberal.
Is it custom for canadian americans to hang the flag up backwards?
Silly, He’s looking at the flag from the other side of the border. It would naturally look backwards to Canadians.
Actually, heating oil is only common in the Northeast. It’s more likely that he uses natural gas… or if he’s “really in the heartland”, propane.
Dear Adam,
The feeling you provoke in us is not annoyance, but rather pity. It’s a good thing that mental health services are so comparatively accessible north of the border, because we think you’ll be needing them.
I can’t decide if this makes me want to dwell on Bowling for Soup’s “High School Never Ends” or my roommate/BFF who enjoys being thrifty, and feels the quality of her life increase.
I understand that people can enjoy buying expensive clothing, especially when said clothing looks and feels good on you. But seriously, this guy enjoys paying needlessly high utility bills? This is his idea of a meaningful gesture? No sticking your right hand in a fire is a meaningful gesture. He shouldn’t have muted the TV, it would be public this way for people who don’t read is dumbass blog.
We need to get this guy on the Daily Show. Or Newsbusted.
If Gary’s a red-blooded Reichtard he sticks a hose up his ass and and heats his home with the by-product of all the Cheetos and Mountain Dew.
I think it was Tbogg who suggested that Al Gore’s next crusade should be warning people not to stick their tongues into electrical sockets.
You all bought into that whole Earth Hour scam? Suxx0rs to be you!
Well, he’d be a better comic then that shitty hostess they have now.
By the way, re: the apartment comment, I thought I would post this for Bradrocket. Thought it might bring back some memories.
just for the pure joy of going against the grain – and of doing it while it’s still legal – I’m going to do it.
Surely wasting power will be even more joyous in a few years’ time, when he’ll have the extra frisson of illegality!
This post brought out the Internet’s Greatest Troll?
This is officially the Best. Post. Ever.
can we liberal wackos have an hour of not shooting ourselves in the face next saturday?
you gotta love what passes for rebellion in these assholes minds.
I hope he never encounters any “Please No Public Defecation” signs he feels he must valiantly and libertarianly defy.
Someone really needs to magnify the lowe right hand corner of the Hope Chest PS3 picture, there’s a stack of what appears to be DVD’s right below his laptop.
I’d be very suprised if there wasn’t an Overfiend DVD in there.
Wow, that’s fucking weird to have your masculinity insulted by Trannie Angel.
The sad thing is, I can’t tell the difference between her blog and a typical article on Landover Baptist’s site.
Some disassembly required.
Shalom, eh.
What Gundamhead said. Another of the bile-filled glibertarian nyah-nyahs. Can someone explain to me the source of their gigantic sense of entitlement? What the hell has Adam Yoshida, or Megan McPrissy, or Ann Coulter, or any of those fucks, done to justify their own carbon use? What the hell happened to “do unto others….”
I LOOVVE the fact that in order to spite DFH’s, he is voluntarily racking up his own bills.
I think we should encourage the practice.
Although I am also chagrined to see he uses a Macbook. Maybe someone should let him know that Dells use more energy…
It’s patriotic to turn all your lights on and spend MORE money than you normally would?
That explains so much. well, not explains it so much as makes it all equally stupid.
Seriously, Gary, didn’t your parents teach you about thrift and saving? Why do you hate your parents? Why do you hate your grandparents?
Unrelated to anything, but irresistibly interesting:
I concur, pretty much the best post ever. It’s like the liger of sadly posts, rare and magic.
Plans to buy expensive clothes? Not likely, given his style: contemporary Goodwill.
What’s he gonna do with a $100 shirt anyway, aside from the obvious use as a cum rag?
The Max Mosely bit is awesome. If it had only been Bernie Ecclestone. Too.
I pity the fool who leaves all his lights on!
That’s just over $5,000. Hmmm… I can think of someone else who paid around five grand for whores.
Given the two accounts, I would say Mr. Mosley got a bit more for his money…
Did you flip the photo or does he actually have the flag displayed improperly backward on his wall? Because that would be teh awesome!
Just went to his site. Bwhahahaha! He does fly the flag improperly. What a moran. Gary’s kind of patriot might wrap himself in the flag, but he doesn’t know how to display it properly.
Damn. Talk about indecisive. But it makes for a great Shock! Horror! headline:
Max Mosely: Top to Bottom!!
I would commend him for getting into the mindset of the victim, if only he hadn’t been so wimpy with it. Lice inspection? He got off too easy! Umm…wait…
His antics stunned Jewish leaders and motorsport insiders.
This may be the best line on the Internets this weekend.
He does fly the flag improperly.
How many flags does the dude have on his walls? The one reflected (and inverted) in the monitor screen must be a separate one, hung the right way.
When I was his age, we made do with batik wall-hangings.
Speaking in German and brandishing a leather whip, he beat the women after allowing himself to be subjected to a humiliating inspection for lice and an interrogation in chains.
That’s not sex. That’s therapy.
More solid proof of our evolution from apes: this dude’s face.
As a liberal, and as a queer and a pagan and a feminist and a communist who supports universal healthcare which would cover abortions and needle exchanges and free condoms, I cannot more strongly condemn the practice of sticking one’s tongue into light bulb sockets. This is not a joke, nor is it simply good clean fun: light bulb sockets should never contain anything but CFLs, and to do otherwise is clearly immoral. Sticking tongues into them is even worse than filling them with wasteful incandescent bulbs. It causes pollution, energy surges in our aging infrastructure (neglected as it has been by decades of shoddy privatized management under the capitalist pig corporations and their corrupt republican toadies), and global warming. It is harmful to our mother earth who created us through the long, nurturing process of evolution and natural selection, and to whom we owe our respect. It endangers important species like the spotted owl, and it is typically greedy and wasteful as humans are. It’s also patriarchal, and displays a masculinist attitude that one has a right to go around sticking ones body parts into receptacles just because one feels one “owns” them, as though all property should not be held in common for the good of all personkind. Clearly, sticking one’s tongue into light bulb sockets should be outlawed, and I call upon a strong democratic Congress and our next democratic president to put forth the harshest possible penalties for persons caught doing so. I demand also that Hillary Clinton and her civil union partner Bill Clinton immediately be sent on a tax funded fifty state consciousness-raising trip to teach schoolchildren about the profoundly anti-environmental crime that is light bulb socket/tongue interaction, that printed materials to be sent home with schoolchildren in hopes their parents will also have their awareness raised be printed on recycled papers with soy ink in all six UN official languages, and insist that the Clinton partnership, and Congress and the White House, seek and achieve a United Nations statement of support for this cause, and a condemnation of persons who willfully continue to destroy the planet in this way.
Also, it makes Al Gore cry.
allowing himself to be subjected to a humiliating inspection for lice
I don’t think I’m making a terribly controversial statement when I say this is deeply weird.
I don’t know about you, but euphemistically speaking, my doctors appointments yield very few board feet of wood, if you know what I’m saying.
Of course, they don’t include delousing inspections. Maybe that’s the part I’m missing…
“Also, it makes Al Gore cry.”
Well, the current surging through my body made my muscles violently contract and caused me to bite my own tongue off, but I really stuck it to you feminized tree hunging surrender monkeys and your Goracle with this one!!! I’m bleeding all over your precious earth right now! HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT AL GORE!?!?!?!
Shalom gentlemen.
Mikey, practically any experience can become erotic if you are paying $5000 for it.
Hey liberals, You’re gonna be hearing a lot about me on this blog tommarrow. I just sent buddy Clif an email telling him what I think about him and people like him who are ruining this Country. On his blog it had a warning that emails that contain so called “monkey business” might be published. So tomarrow you’re probably gonna see an entire thread about your buddy Saul along with the email I sent Clif. You should ask him about it.
Mikey, practically any experience can become erotic if you are paying $5000 for it.
Yikes. This is going to come as somewhat of a surprise to my Nissan dealer…
He’s fucking Canadian. Why is he pimping the Stars and Stripes? What a loser. I think I’ll start a blog where I promote the ideas of the Australian center-right Labor party! Yeah. That’ll get me laid.
Poking around Yoshidagrad, I see why he had to drive around awhile . It takes a lot of mental sorting to understand all the implications of Obama’s citizenship. Geez Adam! Isn’t there enough politics in Canada to obsess over? Just in case you forgot , YOU’RE CANADIAN!. Butt out!
Nice try D. Sidhe, but you overdid it. 😉
If he really hated the environment, he wouldn’t use electricity at all, he would burn dried dung and peat to supply his energy needs.
So, where are all the ‘Pull My Finger’ jokes?
Besides Saul, I mean.
This is going to come as somewhat of a surprise to my Nissan dealer…
Is your Nissan dealer’s show-room decorated in Baroque Bordello style, with red velvet drapes and mirrors with gilded frames? If not, why not?
I Reject and Denounce any and all tongues in light sockets!
The bottom line is, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
The bottom line is. bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
Is your Nissan dealer’s show-room decorated in Baroque Bordello style, with red velvet drapes and mirrors with gilded frames?
Umm, no. But dammit. If it was, I would have bought the upgrade with the six cylinder engine and the navigation system.
Word to the wise….
The fact is, the left is going to down this November. Here in the Heartland we don’t buy that global warming is man made gonna kill us all nonsense. We believe in God, Country and Family in that order which is why the left will never take the Heartland.
Oh christ.
Bush is coming on with Jon and Joe on the Nats/Braves opener.
Fucking hell.
I’m gonna go ahead and hit mute and turn on the ipod now…
So tomarrow you’re probably gonna see an entire thread about your buddy Saul
Saul, I really think this is great. Here’s what you should do – go out to the store any buy a whole shitload of beer, some frozen pizzas, a couple steaks, four bags of different kinds of chips, and then email all your friends and have them come over.
then you can wait for the post.
Apparently Ms. Pollock and I are two very different people, because I assume that all people in positions of power everywhere routinely have depraved atrocity-based orgies with high-paid prostitutes.
Frankly, my only reaction is disappointed that I don’t have that kind of money to waste on my elaborate and depraved sexual fantasies.
which is why the left will never take the Heartland.
Hmm. Kind of a cheeky assumption that we’d even WANT the fucking heartland. Except for some good places to hike and camp, what do you fuckwads even have?
Nah. Stand down. You can keep it….
I HUNGER! For kosher Fat Burger… Or a nice MLT, you know a mutton lettuce and tomato, where the mutton is nice and lean…
The fact is, facts have a known right wing bias.
Hey liberals, You’re gonna be hearing a lot about me on this blog tommarrow. I just sent buddy Clif an email telling him what I think about him and people like him who are ruining this Country. On his blog it had a warning that emails that contain so called “monkey business” might be published. So tomarrow you’re probably gonna see an entire thread about your buddy Saul along with the email I sent Clif. You should ask him about it.
Poor Saul. All 300 LTE’s he wrote to newspapers around the nation last week failed to surface in print. Saul, the problem is that you aren’t thinking big enough. You need to send every Democrat in Congress a letter that tells them exactly what you think of their plans for the country. Be sure to include a stirring defense of the Second Ammendment and your Constitutional right to pop a cap in the ass of any tyrant. Don’t forget to include some talcum powder so the ink doesn’t smudge in the envelope.
See you on CNN.
wow, rational thought apparently has no relationship with Yoshi, does it. I keep expecting to see him on the news having gone nuts in a public place with several handguns.
Oh, right, Mr. Yoshida.
Isn’t it kind of weird for a conservative to do bad things for no reason other then the fact that he hates the moral authorities that tell him to do it?
Is he okay with, say, flag burning?
Has anyone ever noticed Yoshida’s striking resemblance to this guy?
The fact is, here in the Heartland we are gonna make you pay. We’re gonna make you pay BIG! We in the Heartland are sick and tired of coastal elitists forcing us to allow abortion in our God-fearing States. We’re sick and tired of the coastal elites forcing gay down our throats. We will fight you and we will win, be afraid.
We’re sick and tired of the coastal elites forcing gay down our throats
Why do these homosexuals keep sucking my cock?
Hanging the flag on the wall backwards… is that code for something? Like an asshole in distress? or maybe mentally ill please send straight-jacket and a ten thousand calorie frozen dinner?
D. Sidhe, that is beautiful. Now we just need to circulate it as a petition around Berkeley and get Code Pink in on it. With a little luck, and/or the slightest hint of toplessness, zombietime will have it all over the wingnutosphere within a week.
Okay, I read that. And I thought. No way. These guys are secret GOP agents sent to pick on weak GOP bloggers just to prove that GOP bloggers get picked on and generally cull the flock. Either that, or I dreamed that someone hacked Yoshi’s blog and replaced his pic with an animated one that included, once every twenty minutes, a giant green toungue that eats his headlines.I had, in short, a neo-Republican moment.
all people in positions of power everywhere routinely have depraved atrocity-based orgies with high-paid prostitutes.
And it is a source of boundless frustration that the hookers keep getting the fine points of history wrong.
No, no, Kennedy was NOT an important figure in 1943. That would be Roosevelt.
You telling me the man who try to put a rubber fist in my anus was a homosexual?
The fact is, when the trumpet is sounded, Patriots across the Heartland will answer the call to arms. We have taken the advice of our Founding Fathers in forming a well trained milita. We know how to fight, and we will once the trumpet sounds and the Second American Revolution begins.
The fact is, facts have a known right wing bias.
“Facts?” Nice try, pinko. There is only ONE fact, as in, “the fact is.” Juggling multiple “facts” simultaneously reeks of postmodern relativism. If you can hold more than one in your head at a time, you’re no conservative.
We’re sick and tired of the coastal elites forcing gay down our throats.
Dude, no one forced you to take that wide stance.
Fat, Right-Wing Nerds: providing no competition for worthwhile women since the 1960s.
a humiliating inspection for lice and an interrogation in chains.
This is by far the best part of flying into Heathrow Airport.
And they just showed Laura Bush in the stands.
Looking like she’d really rather be anyplace that wasn’t 40 degree National stadium.
These people are just running out the clock.
I think they’ll be almost as glad when it’s over as I will…
Thank goodness they weren’t inspecting for teeth, eh?
The fact is, mikey here in the Heartland people like you are considered vermin.
In reviewing the forgoing it may well be interpreted as casting aspersions upon my friend Herr Doktorr’s oral hygiene, when I meant instead to broadly insult all britains and their friends, relatives and relations in the UK and it’s territories.
Please forgive this thoughtless insult, and rather help me come up with more focused and effective insults of the pasty, inbred english instead…
Umm, not to mention the canadians…
The fact is, mikey here in the Heartland people like you are considered vermin.
I could not have HOPED for a more comforting judgement.
Thank you. For you to have considered me anything more like you would have caused me to rethink everything I believe.
As long as authoritarian racist thugs think of me as vermin, I’ll know I’m on the right path.
Oh, and y’all are invited to bring your “issues” to bear anytime.
Somehow, I’m thinking you’ll all stand around and look at each other.
That’s the way it usually works…
The Big Book of British Smiles…
Damn – forgot to change back…
Mikey, practically any experience can become erotic if you are paying $5000 for it.
Yikes. This is going to come as somewhat of a surprise to my Nissan dealer…
I think that meant human-based experience. Auto-eroticism can run a bit higher, although I suppose that tailpipe picture Gavin put up is proof that money is no obstacle to stupidity.
“The fact is, when the trumpet is sounded, Patriots across the Heartland will answer the call to arms.”
When I read that I started cracking up and couldn’t stop. In fact, I’m giggling about it right now. I don’t know why.
The fact is, The New England Patriots.
Yawn. This is what apparently passes for a night of excitement in Rhode Island, where “Saul” lives, other than driving to the 7-11 and revving your engines when girls walk by.
Pure genius. I can’t remember the last time I expelled such a dirty laugh in response to a wisecrack clean enough to share with the children.
Was that really DickLimpy in comments upstream? Oh frabjous day! Come back, I don’t have you in my pie filter yet!
Yoshida’s post makes me think of the article I read years ago, about a guy who who went into his back yard every Earth Day and sprayed a big can of hair spray into the air (this was at the height of the flourocarbon/ozone hole scare). Ignorant little men, afraid of their own insignificance.
“This is what apparently passes for a night of excitement in Rhode Island, where “Saul” lives”
Saul already told us that he lives in Falls Creek, Virginia. You know, “the heartland.”
Ignorant little men, afraid of their own insignificance.
sound and fury, signifying nothing.
help me come up with more focused and effective insults of the pasty, inbred english
Pasty? In-bread? You could call them “calzones”…
“We’re sick and tired of the coastal elites forcing gay down our throats
Why do these homosexuals keep letting me sucking my their cocks?
goddamn strikeout!!!
It always surprises me how *proud* rotten evil people are of the nastiness. As if it were something difficult and special, like winning the gold in ice skating.
His antics stunned Jewish leaders and motorsport insiders.
Have those two phrases ever appeared in the same sentence before? And what are the chances that they will ever appear in the same sentence again?
And just to show us how serious he is, tomorrow Yoshi’s gonna stick it to the anti-war movement by playing with his GI Joes.
And that one Jewish race car driver must be really stunned, like double-stunned, whereas anyone who has listened to Elvis Costello’s “Less than Zero” would say “how about that, huh”.
Mikey, did you have the sound turned off when Bush threw out the first pitch? He got booed big time. Here’s a link to the video:
Adam’s photos show many inexpensive light fixtures centrally-mounted on a popcorn-finished skim-coated ceiling.
In other words, a very sad and lonely place.
Although making fun of Yoshi is fun and all, hasn’t anyone else noticed that the “backwards flag” is common in the US Army?
The answer is that its displayed this way on moving objects. So, if he lives in a winnebego, this may just be the correct way to display it. Since driving your “house” around during earth hour would surely enrage us hippie freaks, he’d have mentioned it.
Also, I thought the wingers loved Australia for their involvement in Iraq? Don’t they know that Australia invented Earth hour?
“When I finish this post, I am going to get into my car and drive first to Bellingham, WA, then to Lynnwood, WA, then possibly to Seattle.”
I thought the Green River Killer had been caught.
Smut Clyde wins the post!
As for the retrograde troll, didn’t I warn you guys that if you kept encouraging the little pests, then the hardcore vermin was going to squirm its way into our presence again?!?
Hmph. Liberals…
How the hell old is Ray King fer crissakes.
Seems like he’s been giving up late inning runs since I was a kid.
His name is SO appropriate.
Heh heh…
Nice, gbear. It actually looked like his lower lip quivered a bit.
What an asshole.
The comments in that are more entertaining that the clip. One guy claims that Bush was cheered rather than booed. (It sounded like he was barely cheered at the point when he threw the ball… the rest was all boos).
OMG: Yoshida is the Doughboy!
Well, at least now we all know what happened to Speed Racer. Adam Yoshida swallowed him.
The fact is, chickens have a buffalo wing bias.
I’m surprised he didn’t go to Walmart to annoy the Libs. In his SUV.
’cause I know *I* would be enraged. My head might explode even. or something.
Reason No. 1,026,794,103 I will never leave this area.
Maybe Adam will turn on all the lights, hop in his H3 (5 mpg city, 8 mpg highway) and drive out so he can stand in front of the White House and cheer.
Just to annoy the liberals.
One guy claims that Bush was cheered rather than booed.
The clip I saw, the crowd was wildly booing and the announcer talked about what a good pitch Bush threw – of course, if you watch the tape it was way high and inside.
The fact is, the Heartland is onto you liberals. We know of your treason, your immorality and your blasphemies. Be warned liberals, “weep for yourselves and for your children, for the time will come when they will begin to say to the mountains fall on us, and the hills cover us. For when people do these things when the tree is green, what happens when it is dry?”
g, When Cheney threw out the first pitch a couple years ago, it landed in the dirt. He got booed big time too.
We were curious this morning as to whatever had happened to ol’ Justin Darr, with whom we had shared so many good times.
Can there be any doubt that the SadlyNo team is comprised of pure unadulterated masochists who insist on seeking out the wingnuts that drive them (and us) crazzzzzzy.
Gary, you sound like the guy who’s sitting in his apartment in the dark listening and thinking of all the ways to ruin the party next door that you didn’t get invited to. You’re going to poison yourself with bitterness. Get a life.
*adds “Yoshi” to the “Canadians are DEEPLY sorry” for inflicting wingnuts on you condolence card soon to be delivered to America.*
this cat really needs to get a life
The fact is, Conservatives in America and Canada should join forces and defeat the forces of secularism, liberalism and gayness that seek to destoy our Great Western Civilization.
The fact is, a big box of cocks.
Say, does anyone know where I can get a sexy ringtone for my mobile phone? Something like “whatever Lola wants, Lola gets” And can anyone recommend a website that will show me how to decorate using cheapass turned-wood student furniture? Also can anyone direct me to a neighborhood where the residents leave thousands of kilowatt hours burning constantly so my kitty can find its way home at night? Lastly, can someone direct me to a schlub who you just know has a replica of Oddjob’s knife-frisbie hat in the closet next to his Xena replica knife-frisbie and genuine authentic replica Highlander sword? “There can be only one schmoe !!!”
Buddy: I think a ringtone that has a sexy giggle might be fun. I have a question about Oddjob’s Hat: If it could take OFF the head of a stone statue, why DIDN’T it take OFF the head of “the girl”.
PS: One of my pet peeves is when the heroine, or any woman in a film is referred to as “The Girl”. Bleah.
. . . and another thing: in the AristoCATS, who was the kitten’s father? (My niece told me …”you’ll never know” but I still wonder at night when I can’t sleep)
Hey, it just occurred to me that the funniest thing about Yoshi leaving all his lights and teevee and shit on will be his hydro bill. He’s paying for that, and oh yeah, hydro rates are going up, by a lot.
Oh yeah, the last laugh will be his for sure.
The fact is, a big box of cocks.
I’m guessing the bag broke?
Young Master Ruppert, I have told you and told you that you do not speak for me! Keep it up and I’m going to make you spend the entire summer de-weeding beans and detassling corn. If you don’t work hard for at least ten hours a day all of your Hispanic coworkers are going to kick your flabby white ass. By the end of the summer you’ll be in much better shape and happy to whoop up support for farm workers’ unionizing efforts.
He’s paying for that, and oh yeah, hydro rates are going up, by a lot.
Those goddamned Saudis and their hydroelectricity.
Hey Fozzetti, in this case ‘the girl’ was Tilly Masterson. She’s the sister of the ‘golden girl’ Jill Masterson. I don’t know why the hat wouldn’t sever, unless it was just slightly off center! Speaking of just slightly off center…a ringtone with a guitar wah wah highball and chicka-boom back, that’s sexy.
The picture of the flag and the Yoshida reflected in the teevee is reminiscent of those snapshots you see on certain sites where the poster says something like, “We were just taking a picture of our teevee and look what showed up when we developed the film! There was not finger-pointing Canadian blowhard in the room when we took that shot!”
The fact is, Geert Wilders is a heroic statesman and a Patriotic defender of Western Civilization. It is my hope that Western Civilization will produce more statesmen like him.
Oh fuck.
It’s not like you Yanks don’t already have enough reasons to plan a tactical nuke-strike on Toronto: Jim Carrey, Celine Dion, & many many more … “most right-wing person in Canada” my ass. This joker isn’t worthy to qualify as a pimple on Conrad Black’s nutsack.
Tell fat-boy to try Googling “Brian Mulroney” sometime. That scumbag made his name in the corporate sector of Canada in the mining industry, by killing an entire TOWN. Leaving your damn lights & computers on doesn’t even budge the evil-o-meter, next to high-octane hardcore nasty like Mulroney’s.
This comment thread is jam-packed with delicious win. Formula One Nazi-Sex-Orgies uber alles! Bush being greeted with a delightful chorus of BOOOOOOOO! Not to mention the dark menacing portent of “Heartland Militias” soon to rise up – & blast each other to pieces over who gets dibs on the keg of Budweiser after the glorious Second Amurrikan Devolution. Your cunning plan will surely amaze & humble us all with its ingenious subtlety. Yep, I’m sure you good ol’ boys’ll be taking down attack helicopters & battle tanks like shootin’ quail, when The Trumpet Sounds – let us know how that works for you.
Oh sweet sweet Interwebs.
A bag is OK for bringing them back from the store, but you really want a large box if you’re going to keep them for a long period. You don’t want them pecking a hole in the paper and wandering around the house.
Gary, we libs WANT you in the Heartland to secede. Then, we won’t have to pay taxes for farm subsidies. And we can deny Adam here a passport, so he’ll have to drive past you with his lights ablaze. Enjoy.
You don’t want them pecking a hole in the paper and wandering around the house.
Smut Clyde, that mental image is going to be with me for a long time.
This is indeed the funniest thread I’ve seen in a long time.
I call fake teh heartland. In the real heartland, it’s called ‘walking the beans’, not de-weeding. Take note, Gary, you can use that one to fool someone someday.
The fact is, if B. Hussien Obama or Hitlery is elected President the Heartland will secede. We will reestablish the true American Republic as envisoned by our Founding Fathers. The one that existed until FDR’s totalitarian “New Deal.” There, in the True American Republic, abortion will be illegal, marriage will be recognized as solely between one man and one woman, homosexual sodomy will be a criminal offense under the laws of the individual states, there will be an absolute right for any law abiding citizen to own and carry what ever firearm he so chooses, the will be prayer in schools, the Bible and Creationism will be taught and evolution will be debunked, there will be no income tax and no irs, Private Property rights will be absolute, the state militas comprised of all able bodied male citizens ages 18-50 will be reformed, and the Flag will fly high and proud. That is the America envisoned by our Founding Fathers.
gbear, in Iowa it has always been de-weeding, at least in SE Iowa where I grew up, although my Mason City born ‘n bred partner agrees with you that the term is “walking”. But I can’t presume to speak for Teh Heartland, whom I am not, nor have I ever been.
I think I can help you with that.
I’m going to have to side with gbear on this one. Every true child of teh heartland knows it is walking teh bean.
*has walked many a bean in his day*
Candy, I got ‘walking’ from a Greg Brown record. shows how deep my heartland goes….I guess I’m no expert either. time for bed
If I’m going to trust anyone on teh heartland, it’s Greg Brown.
Buddy: well I guess it would have been pretty gross, a headless woman running a couple of steps before falling. Not quite the Bond image in the 60s.
Still, one of my favorite passtimes is arguing with movies and tv shows. Much more amusing than arguing with wingnuts.
Okay, okay, I concede. I do have to say that southeast Iowa is like a world apart in many ways. Altogether a strange place.
Gary, the fact is, STFU. You’re embarrassing yourself again.
Is Adam Yoshida the origin of all the Lisa/Bart slashfic? It would be irresponsible not to speculate.
Nope that would be south west iowa, MileHi. Steve King’s cretinous district, which I heartily wish would secede to join Nebraska.
Oh, so sad, too. He has only 2 comments.
He seems to have attracted a few more. I liked this one from someone who signed himself Amhlodi:
Not only are you the biggest douche in the universe; you may also be the largest douche in the universe.
Excellent point, Candy. Well played! I wish they would secede to join South Dakota myself. Nebraska has enough problems. Did you hear they have street gangs there?
Oh, and Greg Brown is a true child of teh heartland and a great American.
“We were just taking a picture of our teevee and look what showed up when we developed the film! There was not finger-pointing Canadian blowhard in the room when we took that shot!”
In the original Japanese version of “Yoshida” — before the inevitable US remake — the image turning up in the reflections of TV screens turns out to be that of a Korean blowhard.
Qetesh the Quantum Qat has probably written a review.
Not only are you the biggest douche in the universe; you may also be the largest douche in the universe.
It’s nice to see Yoshi getting the respect he deserves.
Well, gbear, I’ve never de-weeded nor walked a bean in my life, nor pulled a tassle of a corn plant. I’m what they call a town girl. I’ve only heard others talk about it. My first job was in a pizza parlor.
I’m off to bed too, to dream perhaps of escaped dicks wandering about chez Candy.
Heck, MileHi, I didn’t know Nebraska had streets, let alone street gangs.
(Pure meanness. I’ve actually had quite a few drunken, debauched parties in Omaha. But other than that . . . )
You can see that his heart is in it, but I’m not convinced that he has earned any superlatives. How much methane does he release into the atmosphere?
The fact is, here in the Heartland we shoot gang members dead.
…here in the Heartland we shoot
gang membersFuture Farmers of America dead.Fixed.
Answer me one question you self righteous liberals then I’ll leave you alone. Do you liberals think its okay to kill gang members?
The fact is, here in the Heartland we shoot
gang members dead.our toes off trying to pick our noses with the butts our our guns.Answer me one question you self righteous liberals then I’ll leave you alone. Do you liberals think its okay to kill gang members?
You planning on starting a gang, Gary?
The fact is, I am a member of a Right Wing Patriot Milita called the American National Front. We are Patriots as our Founding Fathers intended.
The difference being that gangs do more than get drunk in old barns and talk about what they will do if the n*gger-loving feds show up.
Yes, this is where much of the right’s energy is directed–toward harmless, adolescent rebellion against what they imagine to be their liberal nannies. And I say, why interrupt them?
Adam isn’t the only wingnut out there whose response to Earth Hour has been Let’s turn up all the lights, yeah, that’ll show ’em. He’s not even the dumbest (there’s something I never thought I’d say). This person is out of work, facing eviction and has been begging for PayPal donations to keep a roof over her head but she’s still willing to crank up the AC for the cause. Because what’s a utility bill that you’re too broke to pay when it comes to sticking it to those lefties?
“This person is out of work, facing eviction and has been begging for PayPal donations to keep a roof over her head but she’s still willing to crank up the AC for the cause.” Not entirely true- she might have a part time cashier job at the Wal Mart if she’s willing to work any shift, any day, and no one else applies. But she don’ need the nanny gubmint to tell her what to do. MaryC- do you actually read these blogs? How can you stand it and then walk among the other members of your species? I go out, and I’m always thinking “Are you the troll? Are you? How about you?”
Something like “whatever Lola wants, Lola gets”…
That would be teh awesum. I’m thinking of the Chiwetel Ejiofor version from Kinky Boots.
If we assume the first picture was taken using a mirror, then we only need one flag, hung as per usual.
Okay, I’ll go find something useful to do…
The fact is that Barack Obama marched with Farrakhan and the far left at the Million Man March.
But he was shocked shocked to hear his pastor bashing America!
“she might have a part time cashier job at the Wal Mart if she’s willing to work any shift, any day, and no one else applies.”
Yeah, I read through that thread. Here’s a bizarre juxtaposition of comments from the blog’s proprietor:
“The job market has definitely changed since the last time I was looking for a job. It was hard five years ago (that was about the last time) but I did get a job within a couple of months. Now it’s like a black hole.”
Then later…
“the Fed’s not our daddy, too many of us have simply lost the ability to control ourselves. No one forced the builders to build, the mortgage companies to loosen their restrictions and lend to everyone and their dog, or the buyers to get in over their heads…the problem wasn’t the Federal government, it was the people.“
This from a lady who says she worked for a big homebuilder (after working for a mortgage company).
Jesus, it’s like some people either don’t understand the meaning of the word irony, of they understand it too well.
Ok, I’m now convinced this Yoshida character has to be some sort of brilliant performance artist. Look at the lamps, people… Look. At. The. Lamps.
The building where those lamps live is definitely a rental.
Ironically, Mr. Yoshida lives in the heart of Vancouver’s gay community. I wonder how he copes.
I think the pic in his bio is flipped. It is clearly the same flag as the one in the reflection. Also, you wouldn’t catch AY pointing with his left hand, now would ya?
He does look a bit like Ollie, but that picture of him really made me think of this guy for some reason.
RWS, your assessment of the fixtures and general hideousness of the pad agrees with mine. The fact that there is no evidence of anything but the two flags on the walls only deepens the impression of what a sad, lonely, clad-in-1/4″sheetrock sort of flop house it must be.
MaryC- do you actually read these blogs?
Sometimes — for the same reason Gavin and his SN! buddies do, I suppose, to find out what people are thinking and have a laugh at their expense or roll my eyes in wonder. But I got caught up in this person’s story almost in spite of myself. When she first posted that she was facing eviction I thought of sending a few bucks her way – I know what it’s like to lose your job and have no-one to turn to. But the fact that she’s broke and yet willing to spend money on some pointless gesture that expresses nothing other than petulance and resentment .. well, to hell with it. I’m glad she got some kind of job though. May she and Wal-Mart be happy together.
Just out of curiosity…how come “able-bodied militias” are always advocated by those who are as far away from “able-bodied” as they can get?
Ironically, Mr. Yoshida lives in the heart of Vancouver’s gay community. I wonder how he copes.
Hey, he went out of his way to find an apartment there. I wonder how the rest of the gay community copes, actually…
MaryC, are you MaryC from World O’ Crap? Because that would give you an excellent excuse to read blogs like that.
Hey, I recognize that floorlamp! $10 at Wal-mart. I had 2.
BTW, love the Lord Gary Ruppert spoof. I can’t decide if it takes a lot of hard work or you just turn off all logic to achive it.
OK, I have this head-slapping moment here. Adam clearly claims he’s from Canada — and is posing in front of an American flag.
Damn right-wing foreigner! We’ve enough of your kind here.
The only thing more bizarre than that would be him posing in front of a Confederate flag.
The fact is, the Confederate Flag is a patriotic flag, and the liberals in smearing it with the taint of racism is so much baloney. The southern fiolks, like us in the Heartland, are sick of you eleitists telling us what to think and what to do.
We’ll tell YOU someday, and you will have no choice.
He deliberately wastes as much energy as humanly possible just for the sake of being a dick?
He goes straight to the front of the “getting kicked square in the nuts” line.
The fact is, Oddjob’s hat’s brim had a stone-slicing side and a blunt, breaking-fleeing-people’s-neck side. He simply threw it so that the blunt side hit Tilly Masterson.
The fact is, Geert Wilders looks like a troll doll and his movie’s only big response was a rent-a-mob in *Pakistan.*
What a brave, brave man, leaving his lights on in the face of Communist eco-fascism. I bet he ran around in his socks and underwear while doing it yelling “WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP” and playing air guitar. “YO I AM BAD ALL MAH LITEZ IS ON IN YER FACE ALGORE!”
Pitiful, really. What’s he going to do for an encore – purchase a copy of The Nation and draw a beard and blacked-out teeth on Hillary Clinton – while it’s still legal to do so?
Adam’s Hope(less) Chest is really a toy box,FYI. My daughter had one that was very similar when she was a kid. Today,her kids use it for their toys,even though it does have her name on it. Hey,it was a gift,I didn’t buy the damned thing.
I live in GA,down here,the wingnuts are all about this kind of “revenge”. Buy an SUV,just to piss off the liberals. I like giggling at them when it takes about 80+ bucks for them to fill the tank these days. Not to mention that 400+ dollar car payment,plus another 100-200 a month for insurance. Out here in the ‘burbs I’m seeing more than a few gas guzzlers sitting in front of homes for sale(by owner)with for sale signs on them. Brightens my day. What a bunch of buffoons.
The fact is, I am a member of a Right Wing Patriot Milita called the American National Front. We are Patriots as our Founding Fathers intended.
“We’re not a gang, we’re a club!”
In curly script.
Possibly the funniest four letters I’ve ever seen in my life.
Oh, and Gary said “taint”. “Smearing it with the taint”, no less. LOLZ.
Gary, you’re “the taint of racism”.
One guy claims that Bush was cheered rather than booed. (It sounded like he was barely cheered at the point when he threw the ball… the rest was all boos).
I was saying Boo-urns.
Poor Gary. What will he do when his “heartland” elects President Obama. Will he be a chickenhawk in his own Second American Revolution? I suspect so.
I live in GA,down here,the wingnuts are all about this kind of “revenge”. Buy an SUV,just to piss off the liberals.
*nods* They were in a frenzy a couple years back, buying SUVs specifically for this reason.
Makes me laugh too.
Gavin! Oh Gaaaavin! Your assistance has been requested.
Gavin! Oh Gaaaavin! Your assistance has been requested.
It must be nice to be so needed; to know that people depend on you for the things you do best. How wonderful.
Man, this guy isn’t even getting enough wingnut welfare to buy a nice TV, or a nice TV stand, or much of anything. Total failure.
It shouldn’t surprise me at all that someone who could muster up all of that tough talk a while back about “curb stomping” liberals would be such a soft, pathetic looking colon-dumpling. what a joke
Hey Adam,
Real patriots spell it “neighbors”. Douche.
That would explain the odor coming from I-5…
I stayed home and cleaned out the garage this weekend, Kevin can have all my old pron if he wants.
Obviously, the republicans are right.
We need better border security. Or at least higher standards.
Can we package him with Celine Dion and extradite?
Yawn. This is what apparently passes for a night of excitement in Rhode Island, where “Saul” lives, other than driving to the 7-11 and revving your engines when girls walk by.
Dude, I’m in RI. Say the word and I’ll put it right. Though I think we only have 2 7-11’s in the entire state.
Maybe Adam will turn on all the lights, hop in his H3 (5 mpg city, 8 mpg highway) and drive out so he can stand in front of the White House and cheer.
Oh yeah, like this. Playing Born in the USA.
Gary, we libs WANT you in the Heartland to secede. Then, we won’t have to pay taxes for farm subsidies.
Plus, it would give a whole new meaning to the term “fly-over states.”
Real patriots spell it “neighbors”. Douche.
You mean “Doche”?
Still, one of my favorite passtimes is arguing with movies and tv shows
Whereas wingnut pastimes include yelling at fire hydrants.
This person is out of work, facing eviction and has been begging for PayPal donations to keep a roof over her head but she’s still willing to crank up the AC for the cause. Because what’s a utility bill that you’re too broke to pay when it comes to sticking it to those lefties?
Fred Thompson’s campaign manager?
your assessment of the fixtures and general hideousness of the pad agrees with mine. The fact that there is no evidence of anything but the two flags on the walls only deepens the impression of what a sad, lonely, clad-in-1/4?sheetrock sort of flop house it must be
Why do I get the feeling he’s got t-shirts thumbtacked to the wall as “art?”
Apartment? Is the new name for room down by the furnace, just across from the kitty litter?
Leaves the power on…. when his mom gets that bill she is gonna be pissed, but not as upset as when the sheets are all crusty and stained orange.
I’ve said this before, maybe on this blog, maybe on some other, I don’t really recall…
Anyway, we’ve all heard the wisdom about how when you resort to ad hominem attacks, it means you’ve lost the argument. Well, as a rule, that may well be so, but I hold that there’s a point at which someone is so ridiculous, so pathetic and so awful in every way that if you don’t acknowledge it, then you lose all credibility with people if they think you haven’t noticed it.
With that in mind:
That dude’s a tool.
His mom is going to be pissed when the electric bill arrives.
It looks like he is pointing at your Paypal donation link which is freaking genius!
Is he stealing Fox licensed intellectual property? Way to support the Reich, Adam, by bankrupting chief financier and political officer Rupert Murdoch.
He’s got some powerful juju there. The flag is backwards in a photo, and it’s backwards in a reflection. No matter how you look at it, it’s backwards. Him too.
He’s even dressed like a fucking Republican. I’ll bet he’s wearing khakis with that blue blazer.
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[…] to be crude about it. Unlike Glenn Beck, who on his dismal CNN slot tonight actually restated the Earth Hour rant of Adam Yoshida in so many words, promising to idle his gas-guzzling SUV, eat tons of shitty food and blast his […]